
This is NOT:
...a politically correct site
...an instructional site
...a Wiccan site
...an exclusively pagan-oriented site
...a religious site

This IS:
...a resource
...a site developed in hopes of bringing those in between, together
...a place to gather, to learn, and to network

The spelling of the word "magick," [obviously "magic" with an added "k"], is used on Wyrd Haegtessa to distinguish it from the counterpart of the word which is associated with stage tricks and to remind readers that another meaning does exist. This choice was not made because of the popularity and trendiness of the spelling, but rather because the distinction seems to make good sense and is useful.

A word on the content of Wyrd Haegtessa:

Due to the content of this site and talk of mysticism, shamanism, spirit journeys, etc., in many ways the behaviors and experiences talked about on Wyrd Haegtessa are comparable to those associated with those suffering from mental illness, between which there can at times be a fine line drawn. There is a growing movement in the mental health and psychiatry field today that recognizes that experiences out of the "norm" and popularly described as "spiritual" are not necessarily connected to mental illness, but rather are simply a biproduct and result of interaction with things which are not yet understood.

By all practical definition, the difference between those with genuine spiritual experiences and those who are mentally ill is their ability to function in everyday society. There are people who hear voices, see visions, and sense things that the general person does and not and are not mentally ill. They live normal lives, they can hold a full time job, get married and have children. Those who are mentally ill are detached from the collective reality that we all inhabit and fail to distinguish what they see and its likelihood to be compatible with that reality and the appropriateness of such subject matter applied to the collective reality, and are at times a danger to themselves and others. This is the primary differences between those who are mentally ill and those who are not.

All that said, Wyrd Haegtessa takes no responsibility for the content therein of this site and the affects that it may or may not have on an individual's mental health or reaction to what is read. If you feel that you are in need of psychiatric help or may be mentally unstable, please contact a mental health professional as soon as possible.

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