Many Skins

Title: A Bizzare Sleeping Beauty
Story: Akazukin Chacha
Character: Dorothy and Severy
Made by: Artemis
Les Bla-blas d'Artemis:
When I found this picture I knew I had to skin it. It's so much fun! I just recently got hooked on Chacha, but I'm sure there will be more Chacha skins on the way!

Title: Tiny Cat
Story: Black Cat
Character: Eve
Made by: Hecate
Les Bla-blas d'Hecate:
Gosh, isn't this nice. It was a real pain to make, though, let me tell you! But I rather like it...I'll just never edit a picture that much again. Famous last words, I know...

Title: Chi?
Story: Chobits
Character: Chi
Made by: Artemis
Les Bla-blas d'Hecate:
Chobits: Clamp Chanels Masakazu Katsura. Yessiree, folks, this is not your basic Clamp. But the art is pretty, as is the skin, even if Artemis WAS singuarly uncreative naming it. At least she didn't name hers after a My Little Pony. Not that I'd do that. Nope nope nope...

Title: Finger Paint
Story: Cutey Honey Flash
Character: Natsuko (Na-Chan)
Made by: Hecate
Les Bla-blas d'Hecate:
Na-chan is my favorite character in CHFlash. Not that you care. ^_^ Anyhow, I love the background and the bright colors on this one. Too many winamp skins are dark in color scheme. Not this one! Heh heh...I hope it's not too garish...

Title: Shy Psyche
Story: Da! Da! Da!
Characters: Miyu and Ruu
Made by: Hecate
Les Bla-blas d'Hecate:
You would not believe how much editing I had to do this picture, but I did it and it's pretty. Also I am dictating this to Artemis.

Title: Flight of Fancy
Story: Dream Saga
Character: Yuki
Made by: Artemis
Les Bla-blas d'Artemis:
Well here you have it. It took me months but I did it. It was a PAIN to make, but I'm pretty happy with it. Mene and Hecate both read Dream saga, but I haven't got a chance yet. That's why I have no clue who this is. Enjoy.

Title: Follow Me Home
Story: El-Hazard
Character: Ifurita
Made by: Hecate
Les Bla-blas d'Hecate:
Ifurita's great. I wish I could go to El Hazard...

Title: Chibi Wing
Story: Gundam Wing
Characters: Relena, Heero, Duo, Trowa, Quatre, Wufei
Made by: Artemis
Les Bla-blas de Mene:
Well this is probbably one of the cutest skins Artemis has done. I like Duo hiding on the bottom there. GW Dojinshis are so well drawn!

Title: Be With Me!
Story: Guru Guru Pon-Chan!
Characters: Ponta and Mirai
Made by: Hecate
Les Bla-blas d'Hecate:
What I love best about Guru Guru Pon-Chan pictures is the way dog Ponta looks so much like a lab. This is no exception - that could be MY dog. This skin doesn't have much in the way of buttons, but I don't think it needs it. I'm pretty proud of how well the pictures merged together too.

Title: Stepping Out
Story: Hana Yori Dango
Characters: Tsukushi and some rears
Made by: Hecate
Les Bla-blas d'Hecate:
I actually finished this a long while ago, but I didn't upload it because I was lazy. I rather like this skin, largely because I like Tsukushi's pose. She's a great character and I think it very appropriate to the early stages of the story that the F4 appear here as, well, asses. ^_^

Title: At the Fair
Story: Inu Yasha
Characters: Kagome and Inu Yasha
Made by: Artemis
Les Bla-blas d'Artemis:
A skin for Mene. I actaully really enjoyed working on this skin, and I it came out rather well. If I do say so myself.

Title: It's About Mii
Story: Jungle de Iko!
Character: Mii
Made by: Artemis
Les Bla-blas d'Artemis:
I'm rather proud of this skin... I don't have much else to say about it.

Title: Save Your Soul?
Story: Mariappoi No
Characters: Hinata, Paolo, Hajime
Made by: Hecate
Les Bla-blas d'Hecate:
I love this skin. The sheep are my favorite part. I wish I had something more profound to say. Oh well.

Title: Pretty Little Android
Story: Maico 2010
Character: Maico
Made by: Hecate
Les Bla-blas d'Hecate:
If I were in an analytical mood, I would mention how for all its hentainess, Maico 2010 brings up many of the same questions of humanity that Mary Shelley's Frankenstein does. If I were in a picky mood, I would point out that the shuffle button looks like a moustache. Aren't you glad I'm not inclined to either?

Title: Ruby Red
Story: Nieborhood Story
Characters: Mikako
Made by: Hecate
Edited by: Artemis
Les Bla-blas d'Artemis:
I hated the skin when Hecate made it. Now that I fixed it I still hate it. Oh well.

Title: Ashita no Door
Story: Niji no Densetsu
Characters: Finnie and Adrian
Made by: Hecate
Edited by: Hecate
Les Bla-blas d'Hecate:
Ah, doesn't the art just remind you of the seventies? Too bad the manga's from '91...Anyhow, I had issues deciding where to put it (English title? Japanese? Italian?), but as you can see, I settled for the title that seemed most likely to be known. Speaking of titles, the skin's is taken from Cutey Honey's image song in "Flash", and means "tomorrow's door". Seeing as the image is a big ol' spoiler for the happy ending, it seemed appropos. Once again, I'm not fond of the playlist, but heck, it can always be closed. Oh, and to end this babble, the actual series title means "legend of the rainbow". I'll shut up now.

Title: My Fair Lady
Story: Ranma 1/2
Character: Nabiki
Made by: Hecate
Les Bla-blas d'Hecate:
I used to like this skin. Now I'm not so sure, but I still think it came out well. I love the outfit Nabiki is wearing - it seems to suit her image. Overall a decent skin, although if I had it to do over, I'd change where I put the title...

Title: Caught you!
Story: Soul Caliber
Characters: Mina and Hwang
Made by: Artemis
Les Bla-blas d'Artemis:
Yay! I edited the picture myself. I really wanted to skin that pic of Mina, but I know so many others who have so I just changed it a bit and skinned it.

Title: Becoming
Story: Tenshi ni Naruman!
Character: Noelle
Made by: Hecate
Les Bla-blas d'Hecate:
Ooo, the colors are so soft and pretty...

Title: Confetti
Story: To Heart
Character: Shiho
Made by: Hecate
Les Bla-blas d'Hecate:
Ah, To Heart. Nothing happens, but I love it anyway. ^_^ I decided to skin Shiho for two reasons: 1) she's my favorite character and 2) I like her character design. ^_^

Title: Blue Chapter
Story: X
Character: Kanoe
Made by: Hecate
Les Bla-blas d'Mene:
I think this is just a gorgeous picture. Hecate didn't make a cap of the whole skin, because she was a afraid that Kanoe's generous and bare bosom might bother some people. I love the color scheme of the whole composition.