About Mei

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   Profiles I

   Profiles II

 The Female Language - Decoded

Bumper Stickers for Girls

Laugh at the Expense of Guys

Laugh at the Expense of Guys II

  Being Blonde

  Only In...

  A Simple Message

   Chiro / Uni  

  Make Your Own Springer Saga


  New Stuff


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Why hellos to my little net munchkins, how are you all today?

It's my new site, no more old site coz I don't remember my password / I'm locked out of it. So this site is the result. This is MY personal space online so therefore, in a very narcissitic fashion - things will be either about me or have something to do with me and my liking!

I know it has been a very long time since I updated this site, in fact, it was closed because somebody had a few hard feelings of some photos. Anyway, I will get around to updating it - slowly, but just be aware that my room is trashed at the moment as we are renovating.

You are guest number Counter to my site ^_^
(Since December 2001)