Description of a Glider Triathlon Event
Race 9 TODAY, Tuesday April 25.

Pilot’s Briefing at 1135 hrs in Walter Beech Hall

Event will be TRIATHLON: Speed, Accuracy, and Duration.  You must use the same aircraft for all 3 parts of the event.

Speed run
Accuracy – one pass down a line of approximately 5 hula hoops.  Fly through as many as you can.
Duration, within the confines of an area that will hopefully be slightly larger than our “Sumo” ring.

The three parts of the event will be flown consecutively, in one flight if possible.  There is no penalty for a crash during the speed run.  A crash in the accuracy run will cost you one point, but your score will not be reduced below 1.  A crash in the duration “box” ends your attempt.

Overall Score will be:  (Time in duration event) X (# of hoops) / (Time on speed course)

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