Ahhh, beautiful Oroville.  Great one day, Perfect the next.  Many tourist attractions.  Wide, smooth roads, lots of greenery...

Then of course, 60 years passed.

Oroville is just one of the many independent frontier-like towns in FreeCal's wild interior.  Go-Gangs, wild ork tribes, and oppurtunitstic warlords roam the many miles of hiway out here, and Oroville has become a fortified town.  Many seek shelter here, but only a few many live within the relative sanctuary of the towns 'walls', makeshift barricades out of car bodies, sheet tin and iron, scrap, wood, and whatever else is lying around.  The council is as democratic as can be allowed, but the mini-sprawl slummers outside the walls dont get to vote.  Drugs are a neccisity here, and while supplies, power, food and clean water are all available, eternal vigilance against marauding bands and self-serving neighbouring towns is always neccessary.
A Map of the area around Oroville, Central FreeCal
A Map of Oroville and important Landmarks
A map of FreeCal and neighbouring Countries
Wild Wild West