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Voting Age Protests To be Held
in New York and California

All NYRA members are urged to participate in NYRA’s voting age protests, which will take place next Saturday, October 30th. NYRA has events planned in New York City and Sacramento, California. The New York event will begin at 1 PM in Union Square. NYRA members from three states will convene to hand out literature and recruit new members. The new recruits will in turn hand out flyers, and the event will grow exponentially. In this sense it will be much like a flash-mob. Members of the media have already been contacted, and NYRA hopes this event will bring more attention to our cause, it has already helped spawn an interview on Fox News. Read the news release here. If anyone has questions regarding directions or anything else, please email organizer Scott Davidson. The Sacramento protest will take place on the south side of the state capitol building. The Berkeley chapter is NYRA‘s largest and most vibrant, so this event will almost certainly be successful. About twenty people are expected to attend, including a few of the Senators who supported the ground breaking voting age legislation that was proposed a few months ago. Everyone is invited to participate, and any questions should be directed towards NYRA-Vice President, and NYRA-Berkeley President, Robert Reynolds. NYRA members in other cities should also visit ASFAR to see if they are hosting an event in your area.

National Media Appearances for NYRA

NYRA President Alex Koroknay-Palicz will appear on the Fox News Network tonight at 5:45 EST. Fox News is one of the most popular media outlets, and millions of people will be watching this broadcast. Host Greg Jarrett will talk with Alex about the voting age for about fifteen minutes, affording Alex ample time to make our case. This is a tremendous opportunity for us, and ranks among our most important media appearances. NYRA’s AIM chartroom will be full of people watching and discussing the voting age segment. To join your fellow NYRA members, just join the AIM chatroom ‘NYRA’ or send an instant message to "SciVille", and she will invite you. Also, Koroknay-Palicz may be making an appearance on the Larry Elder Show, more details will be posted as they become available.

NYRA Moves to New Server

One of NYRA’s most stunning accomplishments is its comprehensive and informative website. A while ago NYRA decided that its server, American Hosting, didn’t provide the kinds of features we wanted, so the switch was made to Milescape. While Milescape provided the necessary features, the service was deplorable, and many people said they were having trouble accessing the site. is vital to the success of our organization, and something had to be done. Yohiver from our web forums suggested UN Site Solutions. UN Site is an affordable Canadian company the provides the features we want with the quality service that we need, The switch was made seamlessly from Milescape to UN Site last night, the 22nd.

NYRA Forums Upgraded

After five years of continuous operation of our archaic 5.38a UBB forums, the good folks at NYRA have shelled out the cash and purchased a license for brand new vBulletin forums, version 3.0.3. The new forums have many more features than the old ones, and are a great leap forward for NYRA's increasingly active online community. In addition to lacking many needed features and perks that are now standard for online message boards, NYRA's old, UBB forums were never transferred from the organization's original host on This upgrade completes the switch, moving all of NYRAnia to The new address for NYRA's forums is all members and visitors are encouraged to check them out.

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