This website is the home of the ~ Imperial Dragon ~ clan, which is a organziation of online players using "Xbox Live" or "XBconnect" to go online. We test our xbox gaming skills as a individual and/or as a team that may challange other online gaming "clans". The ~ Imperial Dragon ~ members or this website does not in anyway represent or is a part of, xbox live, xbconnect, or any other clan. We are not responseable for any misuse of the content within our website.

We are not directly affiliated with any video game development agency, included, but not limited to the Microsoft corporation and it's subsideries. All in-game images, including those featured in our logo are copyright to their respected owners.

Most art and content was designed is made by Redkaven Kinkeui at Bebberman Studios. All art is embedded with code with a statement of this ownership. Theft of content and art within this site is prohibited...

Go to if the launch does not work.

-Redkaven Kinkeui, founder.