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New Site

Welcome everyone, this is the new DAX site because we rule and you all smell of cheese. Freewebs is blasphemous shite, so we've moved to Geocities because they give you a girl-on-girl strip show if you sign up for their premium accounts. Unfortunately, we only have a free ad-supported one, so we get a creepy old dude from Florida on a pole. Sorry.

DAX Radio

Don't want to give too much away right now, just sit tight, expect something to be arranged around Mid-July, listener discretion advised! A new show or "episode" will be posted every couple of weeks or so, just sit tight, news & surprises coming soon.

Album Projects

3 albums coming up this year. All 3 are as yet untitled, the first one to be released will be an album or EP full of our own shit, with various styles influencing it. Confirmed tracks include "Exodus", "Shattered" and "Ice Age." Don't bother buying if you're not into heavy stuff, there will be some slow songs on there, just don't get your hopes up if you think it will be anything like what you normally listen to. 

The second album is a covers album, possibly made up of a two disk set, expect many straight-up covers mixed in different versions, look out for 3 different versions of the CKY classic "To All of You" and possibly, a cover of the legendary KISS song "Black Diamond" with Katie Alder from Man Made Material doing guest vocal spots. Expect to see songs by CKY, KISS, Megadeth, Metallica, Foreign Objects, Tenacious D, and others.

The third album will be produced in very small quantities for those that actually want it, it will feature some live tracks probably, spoken word shit from the band, and possibly some freestyle raps about Chemistry teachers. Mr. Leighton is a div.