
Here are a list of sources used for this site:

Culver, Henry B. The Book of Old Ships. Toronto: General Publishing Company, LTD., 1992. Origionally published in 1924.

Landstrom, Bjorn. Sailing Ships. Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc. 1969.

Cordingly, David. Pirates. JG Press, 1998.

Allen, Kenneth. Fighting Ships. London: Purnell & Sons Ltd, 1973.

Pope, Steve. Hornblower’s Navy. London: Orion Publishing Group, 1998.

Lambert, Andrew. War at Sea in the Age of Sail. London: Cassell & Co., 2000.

Black, Jeremy. Warfare in the Eighteenth Century. Great Britain: Cassel Publishing. 1999.

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