By daviderl


  • Gabrielle
  • Ares
  • Meg
  • Abrias
  • S'uu Ma

Rating PG - Violence



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The Long Journey Begins


Chapter One

As Gabrielle watched the spot where Michael disappeared as he ascended to the heavens, his final words were burned into her memory.

"As you were meant to be." He said.

He said she and Xena were meant to be together. But there was something else he said. What was it? What were his exact words?

"Come on, Gabrielle, think. What did he say?" she said out loud. Then it came to her, his words were, "When you return to Japa, and when you find the way for her to be forgiven for the lost souls and she returns to her body, you two will still have many battles to fight for the redemption of her soul."

"He said when I return, and when I find the way for her to be forgiven, and when she returns to her body. . . ." Over and over she repeated those words, euphoric with the thought that she and Xena WOULD be together again, just like they used to be, just like they were meant to be.

Her hand went to the small glazed vial tied with the leather cord around her neck; the vial that carried a small amount of Xena's ashes. Gripping it tightly, she allowed one tear to fall. Then wiping it away she continued to pack the saddlebags and load them on her horse.

"Just one more thing," she thought as she went to the foot of a rotted tree where she had buried her sais and Xena's Chakram.

Taking them to the river, she washed and dried the sais then slipped them into the scabbards fastened to outsides of her calves. Then she washed and rinsed the Chakram.

"You know, Xena, I'm just holding this for you." She said. "I'm bringing it back to you."

Just before she mounted the horse she thought of yet another thing she had to do.

"Ares!" She shouted. "Ares! I need to talk to you!"

A few moments later Ares appeared in a flash of light.

"So what can I do for the -- New Warrior?"

"I need a favor."

"Go on."

"I'm heading back to Japa. . . ."

"Ah, yes, and you want me to transport you there so we can get Xena." Ares said smugly as he interrupted. "I knew you'd come to me."

"Wrong and wrong again. What I need for you to do is find Eve and Hercules and tell them I am going back to Japa after Xena. And tell them not to worry because I know for a fact that I am going to get Xena back into her body and we'll be coming home.

"You know for sure. And just how do you know?"

Gabrielle hesitated, not sure if she should mention Michael to Ares, but then decided it wouldn't hurt anything. "Michael told me."

Michael? What kind of name is Michael? And who is he anyway?"

"He is an Archangel."

"Okay, I'll bite. What's an Archangel?"

"He is one of the guardian angels at the entrance to the heaven of Eli's God."

"Eli AGAIN? Won't he ever go away? I'm really sick of hearing about Eli. I didn't kill him just to have you people keep bringing him up! Besides, what makes you so sure this Michael knows what he's talking about?"

"Because I believe the God of Eli has more power over this world than any of you Olympic gods ever did. And I believe what Michael told me came from Him."

Ares shook his head sadly. "One day you poor mortals will realize what fools you really are, believing in all this one-god nonsense."

"Well, I guess that remains to be seen. But back to my original request -- will you or won't you find them and give them the message?"

"Yes! I'll do it. But are you sure you don't want my help? It's going to take you months just to get back there."

"I realize that, but I think I need the time to prepare myself for what I'll be up against. Even though Michael told me I'd get Xena back, he also said we would face many hardships. And I need to try to think of a way to redeem her soul so she can return to her body."

"Well, you won't mind of I look in on you from time to time, just to make sure you're all right?"

"Ares, we've never gotten along, so why now are you trying to act like you care what happens to me?"

"Gabrielle, it's no secret I care a lot about Xena. More than I should, and certainly more than I want to. But since it's obvious I can't get her back, and maybe you can, then it's in my best interest to do what I can to help out occasionally. Yes, I'll tell Eve and Hercules what you are doing. But don't be surprised if I show up every once in a while."

Before Gabrielle could answer, Ares was gone.

As Gabrielle headed east, she went over in her mind once again what Michael had said, wondering just what kind of demons Xena still had locked away in her past.

"I'm sure there are still many things she's never told me." She said aloud, as much to the horse as to herself. "Maybe because she was ashamed of them. Or maybe she was worried I'd think she was some kind of monster. Or maybe she just really forgot. If I had past like hers, I'd probably want to forget some things too. I've probably forgotten a few things about myself along the way. Maybe I should start writing in my scrolls again. But just the good things that happen. There's just been too much unhappiness and pain these past few months."

Gabrielle rode in silence the rest of the day, not really thinking about any one thing in particular. As she made camp for the night, she started thinking again about her scrolls, and some of the adventures she had written down that she and Xena'd had. It wasn't too long before her thoughts came to Callisto, the evil Callisto, the one who had sworn to destroy Xena. And from there she recalled, laughing, the first time she saw Joxer. He was trying to capture her for Callisto, hoping Callisto would let him join her army.

How EASY it had been to disarm him. No matter how hard he tried, whether with his sword, something resembling a knife, or that pitiful crossbow, he was no match for her staff. What an inept warrior. It was strange how he came to grow on them, and somehow became a good friend. It was so sad he had to die like he did, and at Eve's -- NO, not Eve! At Livia's hand! Poor Meg.

"Meg!" Gabrielle exclaimed out loud. "By the gods, how could I have forgotten about Meg, and Virgil! They must have heard the rumors if both Eve and Hercules did. I've got to visit them. They deserve to know the truth."

As Gabrielle started planning a route to take her to the small farm they were now living on, she realized she would be going five, maybe six days out of her way. "I guess I'll just have to lose the time, what's six days out of three months?"

On the afternoon of the fifth day Gabrielle rode up to the thatched house. There were a few goats in a small pen, some chickens and a couple of half-grown pigs.

"Hello!" She yelled out as she dismounted. "Anyone home?" After tying the horse's reins to one of the support timbers of the house, she walked to the front door, but before she could knock, Meg opened it and walked outside.

"Hi there, Gabs," Meg said as she looked past Gabrielle, looking to see if anyone was with her.

Not seeing who she was looking for, she turned to Gabrielle. And then noticed Xena's Chakram at Gabrielle's waist.

With her eyes beginning to water, she said. "Then it's true? What we heard about Xena?"

"I don't know what you've heard, but if you're asking, yes, Xena is gone. She was killed months ago in a land far to the east called Japa."

Meg could no longer control her tears, and fell into Gabrielle's arms sobbing. Suddenly, Gabrielle felt very uncomfortable. Between Meg looking so much like Xena, and then being held like Xena would sometimes hold her, Gabrielle's own eyes began tearing up.

For a long while they stood in the one spot, consoling each other.

When they broke apart, Gabrielle looked for Virgil, when she didn't see him, she asked where he was.

"He's gone two villages over, to the south." Meg answered, sniffing. "He's got this idea about buying some more goats. He thinks we can make a little extra money selling goat cheese. I know he'd like to see you, but he won't be back for a couple more days. You getting hungry?"

"I could eat."

As Meg fixed supper, Gabrielle gave an abbreviated version of the story, purposely leaving out any mention of Eve.

"So you think this Michael is on the level?" Meg asked. "What was it you said he was, a Harpy Angel?"

"No, an Ark - Angel. And yes, I believe him, completely."

Meg nodded as she continued fixing supper. While she did, Gabrielle was studying her. "So this is what Xena will look like in 25 years." she thought. "It's amazing how much they still look alike."

"You know," Meg continued. "For a time I really hated Xena after Virgil told me she stopped him from killing Livia. I couldn't believe she wouldn't let him avenge Joxer's murder." For a short time she was silent.

Then she said with fresh tears in her eyes. "I still miss him you know, Joxer I mean. There were only two men in my life who treated me like I was special - my daddy, and Joxer. I knew what I was, and Joxer did too, but he never mentioned it and he never held it against me."

Meg took a deep breath and wiped away the tears. "Anyway, like I was saying, I hated Xena, or I thought I did. And when Virgil came back from town and told me he had heard that Xena was dead I was so glad, until I realized I was crying like a baby. You know, Xena treated me good, better than she had to. And if it hadn't been for you and her I might never had met Joxer. I never was one for praying to the gods, but after we got married, I thanked them every day for him. And when Virgil came along. . . ." Meg broke down again, unable to stop the tears.

"Will you look at me!" She finally said as she shook the tears away. "Blubbering just like an old lady!" Then she forced a laugh. "What am I saying? I AM an old lady."

Gabrielle put one hand gently on Meg's arm. "Meg, on my way back here from Japa, there wasn't one night that I didn't cry myself to sleep. And every morning when I realized it wasn't all just a horrible nightmare, it was all I could do to keep from crying again."

Meg smiled a little, then blew her nose. Nether one spoke for a while.

Gabrielle was about to suggest they go to bed when Meg said, "You know, Gabs, Joxer never stopped loving you."

"Meg," Gabrielle started to protest, but Meg put her hand up and Gabrielle let her continue.

"It's all right. I learned to live with it. After you and Xena disappeared, Joxer took it pretty hard. He was always hanging around the tavern I worked at. I don't know where he got it, but he always had money to drink with. More than once I let him sleep it off in my bed. After a while he wasn't so bad. I guess he finally accepted it that you two were really gone. A couple of years after that we got married, and I was beginning to think that maybe he was over you, until Virgil was born. Joxer would put him to bed at night and would tell him stories about the adventures you three used to have. I guess he didn't think I was listening, but I was. I wasn't really spying, I just was interested. But after a while I noticed that he mentioned your name much more than he did Xena's. And even after Virgil was asleep, Joxer would sit by the bed for a long time. Sometimes I could see him wiping away a tear."

Gabrielle wanted to say something, but didn't know what.

Meg continued. "Joxer stopped telling him the stories when he realized Virgil wanted to be a warrior just like his dad. But Joxer didn't want him to end up dead, fighting in some war somewhere for no good reason."

Before Meg could say more, Gabrielle suggested they go to bed since she wanted an early start. Meg acted like she wanted to talk some more, even mentioned how quiet it had been the past two days with Virgil gone, but instead showed Gabrielle where to sleep.

The next morning when they got up frost was covering everything.

"Looks like an early winter this year." Meg noted. "You got any winter clothes with you?"

"Actually, I thought I would buy a good, heavy coat with some of the money I should get from selling my horse."

Meg went into another room and came out with a long deer skin coat with a woolen liner. "You take this. It's probably a little big for you, but it's warm enough. Virgil got it for me last winter."

"Meg, I can't take this. What would Virgil say? And besides, you said yourself it's going to be an early winter. You need it more than I do."

"Oh, Virgil won't mind. He'd want you to have it. You're the one who's gonna be out in the open. I got me this nice warm house to stay in."

"But, Meg...."

"But Meg nothing. I'm not giving it to you, it's just a loan. You can give it back to me when you bring Xena back."

Gabrielle slipped into the coat, and Meg was right, it was much too big for her - her fingertips barely showed past the ends of the sleeves, and it was almost to her ankles, but it WAS warm.

"Thank you, Meg. I'll - we'll, get it back to you before next winter."

"And while you're at it, I want you to take this smoked deer meat. It almost never spoils, and you gonna need lots of provisions it you're gonna be traveling for two or three months."

Knowing her protests would be ignored, Gabrielle graciously accepted the food, and an extra water skin Meg insisted she take. They hugged one last time, then Gabrielle climbed on her horse and with a final wave, rode toward the rising sun.

As the morning wore on and the sun climbed higher, the coat became too warm to wear, so Gabrielle took it off and tied it across the back of her saddle. While she rode along, she replayed the conversation she and Meg had the night before. She wondered how long Meg had kept her feelings inside, and why now would she talk about them. It sounded almost like.... Gabrielle suddenly felt a chill as the thought she didn't want to consider fought to be recognized. Then it came forth: It was almost sounded like a deathbed confession.

"No." Gabrielle said out loud. "It couldn't be. There's nothing wrong with Meg, except that she misses Joxer. But what if there is something wrong with her? What if instead of buying goats, Virgil was out looking for a Healer? Maybe even a specialist of some kind?"

Gabrielle thought back, trying to remember if there were any signs she should have noticed. "Her eyes were clear," She thought to herself. "She wasn't coughing; her voice wasn't raspy. She didn't feel or act feverish. I don't remember any unusual odors about her."

"Gabrielle," She said to herself, "You have to stop thinking so negatively. You didn't used to be like this. Meg is fine!"

Several days later the peak of Mt. Olympus came into view as she approached the foothills. Once again she thought of Meg. "I wonder if I should ask Ares, or maybe Aphrodite to check on her. No, there's no reason to."

Gabrielle was tempted to see if she could contact Aphrodite, just to see her, to talk to her, but thought better of it. She didn't know what frame of mind she was in. If she was as upset as Ares hinted, well. . . "I've cried enough tears." Gabrielle said. "I wonder if the gods cry. Probably not, especially not over the death of a mere mortal. But would Aphrodite cry over Xena? Or over me?"

A few days later Gabrielle looked over her shoulder at the peak of the mountain as she rode away from it, one last look. Her next destination was Amphipolis.

From Mt. Olympus it was just a short journey east to the coast, but instead she traveled north, then east, to Thrace. She knew she couldn't leave for Japa without one last visit to Xena, resting in the family vault. She could have easily made up the six days she lost visiting Meg, but this was something she just had to do.

It was midday when Gabrielle rode into Amphipolis. Even though the day was cold, there was a bright sun shining and people were out, taking care of the business of the day.

As Gabrielle entered Xena's family vault, she expected to find everything covered with at least some dust, after all it had been more than two months since she and Eve had placed the small, unadorned urn with Xena's ashes here. But instead everything was spotless, as if it were cleaned only yesterday.

As she neared the urn Gabrielle saw that someone had painted a Chakram on the side of it. She carefully picked it up and studied the painting. Whoever had done it obviously had an artistic talent. It was accurate down to the finest detail.

"Well, Xena," Gabrielle said, "It looks as if you've had someone watching over you while I've been gone." Even though she carried the small vial of Xena's ashes around her neck, Gabrielle softly kissed the urn and gently put it back in its place. "It's nice to know someone else cares."

Gabrielle's next stop was the inn, not only to find a buyer for her horse, but to eat and to rent a room for the night. "This is a good time of day, it should be easy to find someone to buy the horse."

As she entered the inn she realized the dining hall was mostly full, but saw a table near the back. After she had ordered something to eat, she asked the innkeeper if he knew of anyone who might be interested in buying a good horse. She had barely gotten the words out of her mouth when a large man walked over and then sat down at her table.

"You must need a horse pretty bad to step up so quickly." Gabrielle said to him.

The man just shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, she's a good horse. Sturdy for long distant travel, but fast, too. And good teeth."

"I'll give you 200 dinars."

Gabrielle's mouth fell open, then recovering she said, "I said I have a horse, not a full team and wagon."

The man took out a large leather pouch and tossed it on the table, which made loud clanging thump.

Becoming suddenly suspicious, Gabrielle's eyes narrowed slightly as she asked, "Why such a generous offer? You haven't even seen my horse."

"You have a horse, I have 200 dinars. Where's the problem?"

"What's going on here? 200 dinars for one horse? Did Ares send you?"

"Ares? Nobody cares about him anymore. His cult of followers died out years ago."

Seeing that Gabrielle was still waiting for an explanation, the man ordered ale as Gabrielle's meal was brought to her.

He took a long drink then began. "Once upon a time, when I was barely in my 16th year, a beautiful, tall, dark-haired woman came home to Amphipolis. Her mother owned this very inn. But no one wanted her here, and they told her to leave. But I didn't want her to. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She held herself like a queen, so confident, so fearless. I fell as soon as I laid eyes on her."

Gabrielle smiled, "She does that to a lot of men."

"Then we got word her army was burning our fields. The men of our town confronted her and threatened to kill her on the spot. But she never wavered, never backed down, never even showed the first sign of fear. She even threw down her weapons to make it easier for them. Just then her companion showed up, a mere slip of a girl with strawberry blond hair. And with an amazing bit of strange logic, convinced the men to let this woman go free, unharmed."

"Yes, I've heard the story."

"But what you don't know is that as soon as this wonderful, brash young woman appeared my heart was captured. The Warrior woman was exciting and breathtaking, but her friend was the one I truly fell in love with. And for these many years, unbeknownst to her, she has carried a piece of my heart with her."

Gabrielle opened her mouth to speak, but didn't know what to say.

"So." The man said, "Do we have a deal? I suspect you have a long way to go yet, and 200 pieces of gold is nothing to turn your nose up at."

"Was it you who decorated the urn, and cleaned the vault?"

"Yes. I figured it was the least I could do."

The man pushed to pouch closer to Gabrielle. She hesitated, should she accept this overwhelmingly generous offer? Did this stranger have an ulterior motive? What was he going to expect in return?

"This is for Xena." Gabrielle thought to herself. "From now on everything is for Xena, and my quest to return her to life." She then pulled the heavy bag to her side of the table. "Thank you, and thank you for tending to Xena's remains. I won't forget this."

"I presume you'll be leaving tomorrow morning."

"At first light. I'll be heading south to the coast."

"If you don't mind, I'd like to go with you. I have a friend, someone I do business with, who owns a couple of sturdy ships. I'm sure we can arrange passage for the first leg of your journey to the east."

"You seem to know an awful lot about my business."

"Rumors, gossip, stories; they abound. So I will leave now and let you enjoy the rest of you meal, which is my treat, by the way. And I will see you at first light."

"Wait! What's your name?"

The man just smiled and said, "See you in the morning," as he left.

Gabrielle was awake before dawn. She lay in the bed, contemplating her forthcoming trip. She suspected it was going to be much harder than when she was coming home. There would be no accompanying soldiers to protect her from bandits. No one to share food and water with her. This time she would be on her own. But she had allies nonetheless -- the fabled Chakram, and her devotion to the mission. Nothing and no one would prevent her from reaching Japa. "And who knows," she thought, "Maybe Ares will be around, somewhere."

But the more she thought about it, the less unsure and the more uncomfotable she was with that thought. On the one hand, he could be a valuable protector and ally. But he always had his own agenda. Whatever was best for Ares wasn't always best for anyone else.

And Archangel Michael. What was his role in this? He and Xena'd had their share of problems. His obligations and methods didn't always coincide with hers. In fact, they almost never did.

Even though it was barely light outside Gabrielle decided to get up anyway. The earlier she got started, the sooner she would get to the coast.

When she left the inn, the stranger was waiting for her. He had gotten her horse, now his, from the stable, and was sitting on one of his own.

"Thought you'd sneak away from here, did you?" He asked with a smile. As she mounted up, he handed her a slab of cheese and smoked beef for breakfast.

For most of the morning neither spoke much. Gabrielle was still thinking about the trip ahead of her, while the stranger seemed content just to be in her company.

They stopped at midday to let the horses rest and graze, and to eat more of the cheese and meat.

"Are you going to tell me your name?" Gabrielle asked.

"Why do you need to know?" He countered.

"You know who I am. It just seems like common courtesy for you to tell me who you are."

"Not that it will mean anything to you, but my name is Abrias."

Gabrielle reached across to shake forearm to forearm.

"Abrias, it's a pleasure to meet you."

As they broke the hand shake, Abrias momentarily clasped Gabrielle's fingers, not wanting to completely lose contact with her.

"You're certainly not that impulsive, naive young girl I fell in love with." He said.

"No I'm not. She disappeared years ago. Although sometimes I miss her."

"But you're still as beautiful and as charming as she ever was."

Gabrielle blushed slightly, not only from the compliment, but also from the obvious look of love in his eyes.

"I guess we ought to be going. We should make the coast by sundown." Abrias suddenly said, trying to cover his embarassment from the unplanned confession.

By sunset they reached the sea. There was no real village here, only a small collection of huts used for storage and offices, several make-shift docks, and the ever-present tavern. Abrias made several inquiries as Gabrielle ordered supper for them.

"We should have some word by morning. My friend is away just now, but is expected back before daybreak."

"He travels at night? Isn't that kind of dangerous?"

"His business often requires him to take, umm - certain risks."

Becoming suspicious again, Gabrielle asked sharply, "He's not a slaver is he? Or a smuggler? Because if he is . . . ."

"Oh no. Nothing like that. He's an honest businessman and trader, mostly. But sometimes there is a need to keep the knowledge of certain select goods a secret, to protect against bandits, or pirates. I'm sure you understand."

Now not quite sure if either Abrias or his friend could be trusted, Gabrielle decided to wait until she met this friend to decide.

After paying for two rooms for the night Gabrielle and Abrias walked down to the docks. The evening air was becoming chilled, but Gabrielle welcomed the clean, fresh smell of the sea.

"I never expected to be coming back here." She said to Abrias. "Especially so soon."

"Was it bad?" Abrias asked, "We've all heard the tales." Then he added. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to."

Looking out at the sea, now more like a black mirror in the fading light, Gabrielle recalled the events leading up to Xena's death, and the horrible nightmare of the days that followed.

"Yes." she replied. "It was worse than you can imagine."

Nothing more was said until the chill turned into a biting cold. "Perhaps we should go in." Abrias suggested.

Gabrielle looked at Abrias with far-away, unfocused eyes, oblivious of the weather. Then she realized what he had said, and felt the sting of the cold wind.

Without a word she left the docks and slowly walked to the tavern.

The next morning Abrias' friend, Koliss, was sitting in the tavern as Gabrielle and Abrias left their rooms. Abrias and Koliss embraced briefly, then Abrias introduced Gabrielle.

"I have heard of you." He said to Gabrielle. "You and Xena have become legends in some parts. We were all saddened to hear of her death. Sources tell me you are returning to this faraway land to liberate her soul."

Gabrielle shook her head in irritation and amazement. "Is there anyone in Greece who doesn't know where I'm going, and why?"

Koliss smiled and answered, "There is not much that goes on that one doesn't hear about if one keeps his ears open, and his sources well paid."

"Gabrielle is looking for passage to the desert lands south and east from here."

Koliss nodded his head, as if this was the first he had heard of it. "I, personally have no ships going in that direction, but I do know of a business acquaintance who may have a ship leaving for the Isle of Cyprus at midday. I'm sure from there you can find a ship to carry you the rest of the way."

"And what will this sea voyage cost me?" Gabrielle asked.

"That's hard to say. It depends on how much you have with you. It is my understanding that my acquaintance requires a fee of 50% of your assets."

"Fifty percent!" Gabrielle exclaimed. "That's pure piracy!"

"Perhaps. But nevertheless, that is his fee. You can take it or leave it."

"I think I'll just leave it. It cost me less than 20 dinars when I was coming from the deserts to Thrace."

"Yes, but now you are going in the opposite direction." Koliss said, as if that explained everything.

"Gabrielle," Abrias said, taking her aside. "Why don't you see about breakfast for us and let me speak to Koliss. Maybe he and I can come to some kind of uh -- arrangement."

"I don't want charity." Gabrielle said defiantly. "I'm willing to pay a fair price."

"Of course you are. Still, let me talk to him."

As Gabrielle ordered duck eggs, roast venison and black bread for their breakfast, she watched Abrias and Koliss talking together. She could hear their voices, but they were talking low enough that she couldn't make out what was being said. But it seemed to Gabrielle that Abrias was doing all the talking and Koliss was doing all the listening. Several times Koliss shook his head, and each time he did, Abrias' voice got a little louder and his tone was a little more insistent.

Then both men smiled and they shook hands, actually shook hands, not forearms. They walked to the table where breakfast was waiting for them, sat down and started eating. Gabrielle looked from one to the other, waiting for one of them to let her in on the results of their negotiating. Finally, she couldn't stand it any more.

"Well? Is anyone going to say anything?"

"Everything's been all arranged." Abrias said with a mouthful of soft-cooked eggs.

"And?" Gabrielle asked impatiently.

"It just so happens that I DO have a ship leaving this afternoon for the Isle of Cyprus." Koliss said.

"And how much is this going to cost me?" Gabrielle asked warily.

"Twenty-one dinars." Koliss replied. "But you will have to work along side the crew on the way. It is a cargo ship, not a pleasure ship. Everyone pulls his own weight."

"That sounds fair. I'm not afraid of work, in fact I welcome it. It will help pass the time."

"Don't get seasick do you?" Koliss asked.

"I used to, but Xena showed me some pressure point techniques that work quite well."

"Dig in!" Abrias said to Gabrielle, pointing to the diminishing pile of food. "Before it's all gone."

As Koliss went about whatever business he had, Gabrielle and Abrias spent the morning together, talking about Xena, about how little Amphipolis had changed, about the few memories he had of Cyrene. And before they realized it, the ship was ready to cast off.

Gabrielle stowed her belongings below decks in the hammock that was to be her sleeping berth. And paid the ship's captain the twenty-one dinars.

As they were saying their goodbyes, Abrias gave Gabrielle one last item.

"What is it?" She asked, turning the small but slightly heavy parchment-wrapped gift over and over. "Can I open it now?"

"If you'd like."

Gabrielle untied the leather string and unfolded the parchment.

"Abrias, I - I don't know what to say." Gabrielle stammered as she held up a smaller, lighter and more decorative version of Xena's double-edged breast knife. "It's beautiful."

"Well, you never know, it may come in handy some day. And I couldn't help but notice that it will have quite a comfortable resting place."

Gabrielle smiled a little bashful smile, then put one hand behind Abrias' neck and pull him down to her and kissed him. A kiss that lasted a little longer than she had intended.

"You have been good to me, and Xena." She said, "I expect to see you when we return. I think we should get to know each other a little better."

It was Abrias' face that redden this time. "There's nothing I'd like better."

The ship's captain yelled down into the hold to Abrias that it was time for the ship to be leaving. Gabrielle followed him up to the deck, and gave him one last hug before he jumped to the dock.

She only had time for one final wave, then she was ordered to help the deck hands raise the sail. As they pulled on the ropes to raise it, Gabrielle could feel the ship begin to move as the wind pushed against the sail. By the time it was fully deployed and secured, the ship was far enough away from the dock that it was hard to tell who was who. Gabrielle wasn't even sure if Abrias was still there, but she waved anyway.

Continued in Chapter Two


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