Welcome to Xenophil's web site
Voyages:               Chart                                         Speed
Island Time,
June 11th 2006
Excel Files resident on this web site:
low res harbor and waypoints (1Mb)
High Res inner inner harbor (1Mb)
Harbor Waypoints Only (18K)
Harbor Waypoints Only scaled for chart n13270f.jpg (18K)

Charles River Waypoints (16K)
Charles River Waypoints with sat photo fill (116K)
Cumulative Charles River Waypoints with sat photo fill (116K)

Sailing Trips:
Date:            Vessel                File size         No chart File size
June 7 2005  Island Time         1Mb             14K
June 8 2005  C&C34               242K
August 21-25 Island Time        4Mb            285K
Sept. 13 2005 Yellow Jacket    2Mb

June 11th 2006 Island Time (photo montage)
August 20th 2006 Adios (photos of British Columbia)
September 16th 2006 CBI Rhodes 19 #3 (photos)
June 10th 2007 CBI Rhodes #2 (Chart&Track)

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Copyright Phil Rossoni