Forrest Gump (1994)

I know it sounds silly, but something about the character of Forrest still inspires me. His innocence, fearlessness, and of course farfetchedly well-rounded accomplishments make me wish living an extraordinary life would come as easily as it does for him, even given his limitations. I figure in seeing this movie 3 times in the theater, I helped make up the young/adolescent market that the producers of the film didn't expect to reach as much as the Baby Boomers.

The film almost makes me wish I had the life-altering experience of having lived through a horrific war (easier said than done), and gone through firsthand, the uncertainties and angsts of growing up in the 60s and 70s. Somehow Zemeckis' attempt at a 2 hour review of recent American History doesn't seem too cheesy. Probably just because it's Forrest. And who would've thought "Run Forrest Run" would become the most quoted line from the movie.