The Customiser  1.15

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(From Cust dox)
The Customiser allows you to fully control windows in ways that normally only applications can. Using The Customiser allows you to interact with all applications running on your machine through The Customisers’screens or utilising the Windows Application Programming Interface (API). You can use The Customiser to move resources in dialogs in real time. All changes you make can apply just for this session or saved permanently.

API functions that are supported by The Customiser
A brief description accompanies many of the messages but you should find that most are self explanatory. For a more detailed discussion of the API consult your documentation on this. The messages following have been broadly grouped into their areas of concern.
API Messages (293)
Buttons, Radio Buttons and CheckBoxes
BM_CLICK Mimic the clicking of the checkbox BM_GETCHECK Retrieves the check state of a button BM_GETIMAGE BM_GETSTATE Retrieves the state of a button BM_SETCHECK Sets the check state of a button BM_SETIMAGE BM_SETSTATE Sets the highlight state of a button BM_SETSTYLE Changes the style of a button BST_CHECKED BST_FOCUS BST_INDETERMINATE BST_PUSHED BST_UNCHECKED
Combo Box Messages
CB_ADDSTRING Adds a string to the list box of a combo box CB_DELETESTRING Deletes a string in the list box of a combo box CB_DIR Adds filenames to the list box of a combo box CB_FINDSTRING Finds exact string in the list box of a combo box CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT Finds prefix string in the list box of a combo box CB_GETCOUNT Gets the number of list-box items in a combo box CB_GETCURSEL Gets index of selected list-box item in combo box CB_GETDROPPEDSTATE Determines if list box of combo box is visible CB_GETDROPPEDWIDTH CB_GETEDITSEL Gets position of a selection in an edit control CB_GETEXTENDEDUI Determines if combo box has extended interface CB_GETHORIZONTALEXTENT CB_GETITEMDATA Retrieves value associated with combo-box item CB_GETITEMHEIGHT Retrieves the height of list items in a combo box CB_GETLBTEXT Gets string from the list box of a combo box CB_GETLBTEXTLEN Gets length of string in list-box of combo box CB_GETLOCALE CB_GETTOPINDEX CB_INITSTORAGE CB_INSERTSTRING Inserts a string into the list box of a combo box CB_LIMITTEXT Limits amount of edit-control text in a combo box CB_MSGMAX CB_RESETCONTENT Removes all items from the list box of a combo box CB_SELECTSTRING Selects matching string in list box of combo box CB_SETCURSEL Selects indexed string in list box of combo box CB_SETDROPPEDWIDTH CB_SETEDITSEL Selects characters in edit control of combo box CB_SETEXTENDEDUI Sets the default or extended user interface CB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT CB_SETITEMDATA Associates a value with combo-box item CB_SETITEMHEIGHT Sets the height of list items in a combo box CB_SETLOCALE CB_SETTOPINDEX CB_SHOWDROPDOWN Shows or hides the list box of a combo box DM_GETDEFID Gets the identifier of the default push button DM_SETDEFID Sets the default push button of a dialog box DM_REPOSITION
Edit Boxes
EM_CANUNDO Determines if edit-control operation can be undone EM_CHARFROMPOS EM_EMPTYUNDOBUFFER Resets (clears) undo flag of edit control EM_FMTLINES Sets soft line break characters on or off EM_GETFIRSTVISIBLELINE Determines topmost line in an edit control EM_GETHANDLE Gets handle of memory for multiline edit control EM_GETLIMITTEXT EM_GETLINE Retrieves line from multiline edit control EM_GETLINECOUNT Retrieves number of lines in an MLE EM_GETMARGINS EM_GETMODIFY Checks whether edit-control contents have changed EM_GETPASSWORDCHAR Retrieves edit-control password character EM_GETSEL Gets position of current edit-control selection EM_GETTHUMB EM_GETWORDBREAKPROC Retrieves the edit-control wordwrap function EM_LIMITTEXT Limits the amount of text in an edit control EM_LINEFROMCHAR Retrieves a line number from a character index EM_LINEINDEX Retrieves character index of edit-control line EM_LINELENGTH Retrieves length of line in edit control EM_LINESCROLL Scrolls text of a multiline edit control EM_POSFROMCHAR EM_REPLACESEL Replaces the current selection in an edit control EM_SCROLL EM_SCROLLCARET EM_SETMARGINS EM_SETMODIFY Sets or clears edit-control modification flag EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR Sets or removes edit-control password character EM_SETREADONLY Sets the read-only state of an edit control EM_SETSEL Selects text in a multiline edit control EM_UNDO Undoes the last edit-control operation
List Box Messages
LB_ADDFILE LB_ADDSTRING Adds a string to a list box LB_DELETESTRING Deletes a string in a list box LB_DIR Adds a list of filenames to a list box LB_FINDSTRING Finds a prefix string in a list box LB_FINDSTRINGEXACT Finds an exact string in a list box LB_GETANCHORINDEX LB_GETCARETINDEX Gets index of list-box item with focus rectangle LB_GETCOUNT Retrieves the number of items in a list box LB_GETCURSEL Retrieves index of selected item in a list box LB_GETHORIZONTALEXTENT Retrieves the horizontal extent of a list box LB_GETITEMDATA Retrieves the value associated with list-box item LB_GETITEMHEIGHT Determines the height of items in a list box LB_GETLOCALE LB_GETSEL Retrieves the selection state of an item LB_GETSELCOUNT Retrieves the count of selected list-box items LB_GETSELITEMS Lists item numbers of selected list-box items LB_GETTEXT Retrieves a string from a list box LB_GETTEXTLEN Retrieves the length of a string in a list box LB_GETTOPINDEX Retrieves index of first visible list-box item LB_INITSTORAGE LB_INSERTSTRING Inserts a string into a list box LB_ITEMFROMPOINT LB_MSGMAX LB_RESETCONTENT Removes all items from a list box LB_SELECTSTRING Selects a matching string in a list box LB_SELITEMRANGE Selects consecutive items in a list box LB_SELITEMRANGEEX LB_SETANCHORINDEX LB_SETCARETINDEX Sets the focus rectangle in a list box LB_SETCOLUMNWIDTH Sets the width of columns in a list box LB_SETCOUNT LB_SETCURSEL Selects an indexed string in a list box LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT Sets the horizontal extent of a list box LB_SETITEMDATA Associates a value with a list-box item LB_SETITEMHEIGHT Sets the height of items in a list box LB_SETLOCALE LB_SETSEL Selects a string in a multiple-selection list box LB_SETTOPINDEX Ensures that a list-box item is visible
Icon Resources
STM_GETICON Gets icon handle associated with icon resource STM_GETIMAGE STM_MSGMAX STM_SETICON Associates icon handle with icon resource STM_SETIMAGE
General Windows Messages
WM_ACTIVATE Indicates a change in the activation state WM_ACTIVATEAPP Notifies applications when a new task is activated WM_AFXFIRST WM_AFXLAST WM_APP WM_ASKCBFORMATNAME Retrieves the name of the clipboard format WM_CANCELJOURNAL WM_CANCELMODE Notifies a window to cancel internal modes WM_CHANGECBCHAIN Notifies clipboard viewer of removal from chain WM_CHAR Passes keyboard events to focus window WM_CHARTOITEM Provides list-box keystrokes to owner window WM_CHILDACTIVATE Notifies a child window of activation WM_CLEAR Clears an edit control or combo box WM_CLOSE Signals a window or application to terminate WM_COMMAND Specifies a command message WM_COMMNOTIFY Notifies a window about the status of its queues WM_COMPACTING Indicates a low memory condition WM_COMPAREITEM Determines position of combo-box or list-box item WM_CONTEXTMENU WM_COPY Copies a selection to the clipboard WM_COPYDATA WM_CTLCOLOR Indicates that a control is about to be drawn WM_CTLCOLORBTN WM_CTLCOLORDLG WM_CTLCOLOREDIT WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX WM_CTLCOLORMSGBOX WM_CTLCOLORSCROLLBAR WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC WM_CUT Deletes a selection and copies it to the clipboard WM_DDE_ACK Acknowledges the receipt of a DDE transaction WM_DDE_ADVISE Starts an advise loop with a DDE server WM_DDE_DATA Passes a data item to a DDE client WM_DDE_EXECUTE Passes a command to a DDE server WM_DDE_INITIATE Initiates a DDE conversation WM_DDE_POKE Sends an unsolicited data item to a server WM_DDE_REQUEST Requests value of a data item from a DDE server WM_DDE_TERMINATE Terminates a DDE conversation WM_DDE_UNADVISE Ends a DDE advise loop WM_DEADCHAR Indicates when a dead key is pressed WM_DESTROY Indicates window is about to be destroyed WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD Notifies owner when clipboard is emptied WM_DEVMODECHANGE Indicates when device-mode settings are changed WM_DISPLAYCHANGE WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD Indicates when clipboard contents are changed WM_DROPFILES Indicates when a file is dropped WM_ENABLE Indicates when enable state of window is changing WM_ENDSESSION Indicates whether the Windows session is ending WM_ENTERIDLE Indicates a modal dialog box or menu is idle WM_ENTERMENULOOP WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE WM_ERASEBKGND Indicates when background of window needs erasing WM_EXITMENULOOP WM_EXITSIZEMOVE WM_FONTCHANGE Indicates a change in the font-resource pool WM_GETDLGCODE Allows processing of control input WM_GETFONT Retrieves the font that a control is using WM_GETHOTKEY WM_GETICON WM_GETTEXT Copies the text that corresponds to a window WM_GETTEXTLENGTH Determines length of text associated with a window WM_HANDHELDFIRST WM_HANDHELDLAST WM_HOTKEY WM_HSCROLL Indicates a click in a horizontal scroll bar WM_HSCROLLCLIPBOARD Prompts owner to scroll clipboard contents WM_ICONERASEBKGND Notifies minimized window to fill icon background WM_IME_COMPOSITION WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION WM_IME_KEYLAST WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION WM_INITDIALOG Initializes a dialog box WM_INITMENU Indicates when a menu is about to become active WM_INITMENUPOPUP Indicates when a pop-up menu is being created WM_KEYDOWN Indicates when a nonsystem key is pressed WM_KEYFIRST WM_KEYLAST WM_KEYLAST WM_KEYUP Indicates when a nonsystem key is released WM_KILLFOCUS Indicates window is about to lose input focus WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK Indicates double-click of left mouse button WM_LBUTTONDOWN Indicates when left mouse button is pressed WM_LBUTTONUP Indicates when left mouse button is released WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK Indicates double-click of middle mouse button WM_MBUTTONDOWN Indicates when middle mouse button is pressed WM_MBUTTONUP Indicates when middle mouse button is released WM_MDIACTIVATE Activates a new MDI child window WM_MDICASCADE Arranges MDI child windows in a cascade format WM_MDIDESTROY Closes an MDI child window WM_MDIGETACTIVE Retrieves data about the active MDI child window WM_MDIICONARRANGE Arranges minimized MDI child windows WM_MDIMAXIMIZE Maximizes an MDI child window WM_MDINEXT Activates the next MDI child window WM_MDIREFRESHMENU WM_MDIRESTORE Prompts an MDI client to restore a child window WM_MDITILE Arranges MDI child windows in a tiled format WM_MENUCHAR Indicates when unknown menu mnemonic is pressed WM_MENUSELECT Indicates when a menu item is selected WM_MOUSEACTIVATE Indicates a mouse click in an inactive window WM_MOUSEFIRST WM_MOUSELAST WM_MOUSEMOVE Indicates mouse-cursor movement WM_MOVE Indicates the position of a window has changed WM_NCACTIVATE Changes the active state of a nonclient area WM_NCCALCSIZE Calculates the size of a window's client area WM_NCCREATE Indicates a nonclient area is being created WM_NCDESTROY Indicates when nonclient area is being destroyed WM_NCHITTEST Indicates mouse-cursor movement WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK Indicates non-client left button double-click WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN Indicates left button pressed in nonclient area WM_NCLBUTTONUP Indicates left button released in nonclient area WM_NCMBUTTONDBLCLK Indicates middle button nonclient double-click WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN Indicates middle button pressed in nonclient area WM_NCMBUTTONUP Indicates middle button released in nonclient area WM_NCMOUSEMOVE Indicates mouse-cursor movement in nonclient area WM_NCPAINT Indicates a window's frame needs painting WM_NCRBUTTONDBLCLK Indicates right button nonclient double-click WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN Indicates right button pressed in nonclient area WM_NCRBUTTONUP Indicates right button released in nonclient area WM_NEXTDLGCTL Sets the focus to a different dialog box control WM_NEXTMENU WM_PAINT Indicates a window frame needs painting WM_PAINTICON WM_PALETTECHANGED Indicates focus-window has realized its palette WM_PALETTEISCHANGING Informs windows about change to palette WM_PARENTNOTIFY Notifies parent of child-window activity WM_PASTE Inserts clipboard data into an edit control WM_PENWINFIRST WM_PENWINLAST WM_POWER Indicates the system is entering suspended mode WM_PRINT WM_PRINTCLIENT WM_QUERYDRAGICON Requests a cursor handle for a minimized window WM_QUERYENDSESSION Requests that the Windows session be ended WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE Allows a window to realize its logical palette WM_QUERYOPEN Requests that a minimized window be restored WM_QUEUESYNC Delimits CBT messages WM_QUIT Requests that an application be terminated WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK Indicates a double-click of right mouse button WM_RBUTTONDOWN Indicates when the right mouse button is pressed WM_RBUTTONUP Indicates when the right mouse button is released WM_RENDERALLFORMATS Notifies owner to render all clipboard formats WM_RENDERFORMAT Notifies owner to render particular clipboard data WM_SETCURSOR Displays the appropriate mouse cursor shape WM_SETFOCUS Indicates when a window has gained input focus WM_SETFONT Sets the font for a control WM_SETHOTKEY WM_SETICON WM_SETREDRAW Allows or prevents redrawing in a window WM_SETTEXT Sets the text of a window WM_SHOWWINDOW Indicates a window is about to be hidden or shown WM_SIZE Indicates a change in window size WM_SIZECLIPBOARD Indicates a change in clipboard size WM_SPOOLERSTATUS Indicates when a print job is added or removed WM_STYLECHANGED WM_STYLECHANGING WM_SYSCHAR Indicates when a System-menu key is pressed WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE Indicates when a system color setting is changed WM_SYSCOMMAND Indicates when a System-command is requested WM_SYSDEADCHAR Indicates when a system dead key is pressed WM_SYSKEYDOWN Indicates that ALT plus another key was pressed WM_SYSKEYUP Indicates that ALT plus another key was released WM_SYSTEMERROR Indicates that a system error has occurred WM_TIMECHANGE Indicates that the system time has been set WM_UNDO Undoes the last operation in an edit control WM_USER Indicates a range of message values WM_VKEYTOITEM Provides list-box keystrokes to owner window WM_VSCROLL Indicates a click in a vertical scroll bar WM_VSCROLLCLIPBOARD Prompts the owner to scroll clipboard contents WM_WININICHANGE Notifies applications of change to WIN.INI