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              Welcome to Xoroq (Khorogh)
   by Tirdâd Gorgâni
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Xoroq Tajikistan
The mountainous region of Pamirs is known in Tajikistan as Bam-i-Jahon (the Roof of the World). The region is the node from which some of the world's highest mountain ranges radiate. To the south lie the Karakoram and Himalaya.
The city of Khorogh (Khoroq or Xoroq) is the administrative center of Badakhshan  Autonomous region of  Tajikistan. It is located in the southwestern region of the region, some 2000m (6560 ft) above sea level. Straddling the Gunt (Ghund, in Tajiki) River, where Gunt flows into the Panj river.
Even though the Pamirs are known as the home of the   world's largest glaciers, the climate of Khorog is warm in the summer months  (22 C in June) and mild in winter (-7C in January). The average annual rainfall in the region is 263 mm. More About the city
            ….and there's something fantastic about the place that leaves an indelible impression. "The sky is bluer there," insists Monica Whitlock, a BBC correspondent based in Dushanbe. "And the  sheep look whiter."
Facts at
a Glance


Dialing Codes

Domestic Flights


Guide Books

Silk Road

Tajikistan History


Trekking in Pamir

University of Xoroq


*Name of town : Khorog (Xoroq)

: Tajik (=Persian)
*Population of Khorog: c. 22,000
*Post Office: Ulitsa Lenina 45

: Click here
*Café: Ulitsa Lenina (opposite to the Post office) with a pleasaant Chai khane (tea house).
*Area code:
*Road  Map
: Click here.

*Tourist Information:
Badakhshans Khoroq office is at Ulitsa Lenina 7,on the 2:nd floor of the former communist party 'Abcomparti'-buildning). Tel: 6086

*Permission to go Trekking:
Address: Ulitsa Lenina 36 (the big government buildning), Tel 5068, Contact Azorabek Lailibekov

Travel agency:

*Mosalam Anvarov, at ulitsa Lenina 133/3, apartment 34. Tel: 3206 home and 4057 office
*Molo Abdul Shagarf, Tel: 3796 office and 5926 home    More about
Tajikistan map

Badakhshan Region : Along with its capital city of Kharoq in the Shughnan district, Badakhshan consists of the following districts: Vanj, Ishkashim, Murghab, Rushan, and Qal'a-i Khumb. The population of the region is 210 th.. The majority of the population (96.5%) is Tajik. There are also Russian and Kyrgiz communities in the region. See map.

Tajikistan, Pamirs


Tajikistan pamir
Khorog is linked by highway to Osh (470 Km) and Dushanbe (527 km) and by  air to Dushanbe. During the winter (October to March), the main road from  the capital and the southwest of the country (east to Khorog via Khalaikum)  is closed by snow. The road between Osh (in Kyrgyzstan) and Khorog is kept  open all year round and traverses one of the most beautiful and unspoilt regions in the world, the Pamir Mountains. Recent political and economic troubles have meant that road maintenance has been widely neglected. See Road map

The air trip, however, cannot be taken on any day. It requires a nice sunny day. To enter Khorog, the plane must negotiate a narrow valley. While crossing the valley, at times, it seems, the wings brush against the snow to the sides. Flight time is a little under an hour, and the view is spectacular.
In addition, the plane ride (45 minutes altogether) often becomes dangerous, especially when the Badakhshanis do not pay attention to capacity and fill the isles with cargo and passengers. More about


Accommodation is available in town. In addition   to the State Hotel, there are also several government 'dachas' in which one  can stay; their standards of comfort and cleanliness vary but their prices  are reasonable. Other accomodation are:

*Dostay Maimankhana - guest house
Address: Just off Ulitsa Lenin, by the river

guest house (comfortable)
(Mountain Society Development Support Programme)
Address: Ulitsa Lenin 54 (next to the museum)

*WFP-guest house (World Food Programme)
Address: Ulitsa Aini 9/1; top floor

What to

Khorog's main street continues to be called Lenin. It also has a university, radio and television station (1977), a number of theaters and movie houses, a library, and a regional museum (at Ulitsa Lenin). Two major Soviet-built scientific centers: the Pamirs Biological Station and the Pamirs Botanical Gardens are located within a short distance (5 km northern town) from the city center.

Visiting one of these beautiful, pleasant and calm teahouses (Chayxane) is a must.


Golden shrine Route

Sanatorium "Garmchashma"

*Mountaine Lakes & Springs
South of  Khorog, a side road loop traces the Tajik-Afghan border (north-east to Langer), before meeting the Pamir (M41) HighWay, you find the hot springs, mountain lakes and the ruines of  pre-islamic fortress.

*Views of Pik Karla Marxa (6723m)
South-east from Khorog, the 4WD road heads up the Shakhrdara valley and over to Turuntai-kul, offering fantastic views of
Pik Karla Marxa (6723m).

There are therapeutic hot springs in:

Garm Chashma (near Anderob, 30km from Xoroq on the road to Ishkashim)
Oudzh (30km from Ishakashim on the road from Xoroq)

*Gunt valley
The very attractive and friendly Gunt valley is along road from Khorog to Jelandy.Lush poplars amid arid mountains shelter traditional Pamiri villages with very friendly and curious people. There are countless spectacular views along the Gunt valley.



T rekking on the Roof of the World
The mountainous region of Pamirs is known in Tajikistan as Bam-i-Jahon (the Roof of the World). The region is the node from which some of the world's highest mountain ranges radiate. To the south lie the Karakoram and Himalaya. In the west is the Hindu Kush and along the Kyrgyz-Chinese border is the Tian Shan. Many peaks in Pamirs rise well over 7000 m (23,000 feet) and large part of the region is too high for human settlement, but Marco Polo sheep and snow leopard roam there.
Badakhshan region offer some of the best mountaineering and  trekking opportunities in the world. The remoteness, variety of mountains,  colourful and friendly  local communities, relative ease of access and stable weather make this one of your most highly exciting destinations.
The highest mountains of Central Asia: peak of Lenin (7134), Ismoil Somoni [Communism] (7495), Pobeda (7439), the ice-house of Fedchenko, Medveji, Fortambek and others are situated here.
More about.           

The 500m-deep Lake Sarez (Sareskoye), half the size of  Lake Geneva, in the heart of the Pamirs, was formed in 1911 when the side of a mountain was dislodged by an earthquake and fell into the path of a mountain river. In the north of the Pamirs, Lake Kara-Kul , formed by a meteor ten million years ago, is 3915m (12,844ft) above sea-level  and hence too high for any aquatic life. Pik Lenina and  Mount Garmo (formerly Pik Kommunizma) are to the northwest  and west respectively of Lake Kara-Kul. At well over 7000m (22,966ft), these two peaks tower over Tajikistan and the neighbouring republic of Kyrgyzstan to the north. Helicopter  flights are available for those wishing to climb  them. Many people are convinced that Yetis are alive and thriving in this remote wilderness. See Travel  Agencies


* Adventure on the Roof of the World

* Southern Blues
* Tours to the Pamir Mountains

World Travel Guide

* Pamirs in Peakware

*Pamirs; What to see?

*Pamir on bicycle
* Trekking in central Pamir - from Yashilkul lake to Sarez lake

*Pamir Reise (in German)

* Tajikistan, Travel

* Arctic Region and Satellite, Moon, Planet

*Tajikistan National Travel Company

* About Pamir region

More About

One of the oldest settlements in the Pamirs, Khorog was originally a complex of two villages which, in  1925, became the center of the region. Rapidly growing, by 1932,  Khorog had gained enough  prestige to be given city status. At the present,  the city has a population  of 22,000, a number of plants for the production  of milk, meat, and bread  and several factories for the manufacture of such  shoes, metal goods, building  materials, and processed food.
Note: Some of the pictures are taken by: Robert Middelton
Webmaster : Bandare_gaz at yahoo dot com
(Last update: May 2005)