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學生時代的方皓玟,曾因為好玩把照片放在模特兒經紀公司,沒想到還真的得到了不少的拍廣告機會,除了一些雜誌服裝的介紹外,還曾經擔任香港新世界集團shopping mall的宣傳代言,荷蘭銀行在各大賣場及車站等地放的超大看板平面廣告代言,還有7-up(七喜)果汁的電視廣告…等等,其中7-up七喜的廣告到現在都還在香港地區的電視上播出。

暑期打工時,方皓玟偶爾會在shopping mall客串做DJ。在有線電視工作的朋友,還情商方皓玟替一個廣播劇的女主角配音,就在那時因緣際會的認識她現在的經紀人,為了替經紀人完成當時創作的理想,在沒人聽過方皓玟歌聲的狀況下,友情贊助的錄了一個demo,當時壓根沒想到會和歌唱發生關係,然而方皓玟卻因為這卷一鳴驚人的demo,香港正東、華納及BMG三大唱片公司紛紛找上門來,方皓玟也就在這樣的機緣之下邁向歌手之路。

Translation :

Model, DJ, 7-UP Ad Model, Singer From a Rough Diamond Transformed Into a Jewel.

Fang Hao Wen's Many-Faceted Experience

While still a student, Charmaine sent her photos to a model agency for the fun of it, and unexpectedly received quite a number of advertisement opportunites, not only for some fashion magazines, but also an offer to be the representative for Hong Kong's New Territories Organisation shopping mall. She also appeared in Holland Bank's huge ad posters in various exhibitions and carparks, and in a television ad for 7-up's juice drink, among others, and till now 7-up's television ad is still being screened on TV.

When working during her holidays, Charmaine would occasionally guest-DJ at a shopping mall. A friend working in a television company then invited Charmaine to dub the voice for the female lead of a television programme, and it was during that period, by fate she met her manager. Trying to fulfil her manager's dream of being a producer, when no one had ever heard Charmaine's voice before, she in friendship recorded a demo, which at the time she had not even dreamt of being a singer. The result being because of that knockout demo, attracted Hong Kong's Go-East, Warner and BMG, the 3 big record companies, to come knocking on her doors, and from this unexpected chance Charmaine walked down the path of a singer.

Source: Skyhigh (Charmaine's Taiwan record agency)



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