Xotichawnfemale's Sexy Site
A single,lonely teardrop

Falls silently from eye

Gently rolling down my face

Just a painful silent cry

Trickles down my trembling chin

Dripping to the ground

Making pools of sadness

Yet never makes a sound

The silence of the teardrop

The breaking of the heart

Unite together 4 the utmost hurt

When two lovers have to part

May the lonley little teardrop

Help cleanse my hurting soul

Put back the broken pieces

And make my body whole

"Faith,Hope And Love"

They are threee treaseures

More priceless than gold

For if you possess them,

You've riches untold

For with Faith to believe

What your eyes cannot see

And Hope to look forward

To new joys to be

And Love to transform

The most common place

Into beauty and kindness

And Goodness and Grace

There's nothing to much

To accomplish or do

For Faith,Hope And Love

Will carry you through

You said it would be forever

You and I would be togther

You said I was your soulmate

I would never again have to wait

For a love that I so desired of a man I completely admired

You were my hopes,my fears, and my dreams

Every day with you was like a dream come true

You said you felt the same

We were suppose to be forever

You promised you and I would be together

Then one day it disappeared.

You walked out of my life

The love you promised me now had ended

There was no way for it to ever be mended

You did such hurtful things like you never had

That look in your eyes, as we parted

I cried and tried to figure out why

Why would you hurt me like this?

Why would you lie?

Why would you make me love a man who

Inactuality could never embrace it

Why does it take tears

For you to see how I feel

Why must I cry Before you can see whats real

To chase after you I wasted my time

Now that I've stopped running

Your changing your mind

But to pick up the pieces It can never be the same

You should have thought twice

Cause now everything has changed

To wipe away those wounds

It can never be done

The memories will always stay

But the damage can't be undone

I never told you the complete truth

Because I could see it in your eyes

I knew that it would come to this

That I would have to say goodbye

Go back to your busy life

Too busy to turn around

But when you truly need someone

I would have been there, but now I won't be found.

Each day a little piece of me slowly dies

No longer are you capable of the truth, only lies

Years of being bruised and battered can be no more

Blackened eyes hidden by the glasses I wore

Broken bones I've suffered some never to mend

Blood runs freely from my lips, myself I can't defend

A little piece of me you take each time you hit

Your fists of rage pound until my skull is split

Lying in blood I ask myself why do I stay?

Why am I not able to leave, to walk away?

You assure me this will be the last time

No more pain would you cause why am I so blind?

Each day a little piece of me suffers more than another

As your hands tighten around my neck thinking I'll smother

Where do I find the strength to free myself from this pain.

The tears streak across my face, forgive me if i cry a while

For even though I hurt inside, you still make me smile.

Maybe you don't realise how much I really care

I lie awake at night, wishing I was there.

I'm sorry that I love you, deep within my heart

I'm sorry that our circumstances are keeping us apart.

I'm sorry that we sometimes aren't true

And do things we aren't supposed to do

I close my eyes and see your face in my dreams

Bodies entwined but it's not how it seems.

Sometimes we'll talk of our secret desires

But then reality dampens our fires.

I'm sorry that i love you, I know it is wrong

I'm sorry that my feelings are so intensely strong.

I'm sorry that we can never be together

But I'm not sorry for loving you forever.

We both decided our friendship is too good to lose

But between love or friendship I wish i didn't have to choose.

You know that everything i say is real

Please never doubt just how I feel.

I'm sorry that I fell for you

In such a big way.

I'm sorry that I love you

More each passing day.

I'm sorry our love is forbidden

That we can never be

I'm sorry I never kept it hidden

It should have stayed in me

I'm sorry that i tried to tempt you

To lead you astray

I'm sorry that my love is true

I'm sorry there's not a way.

She is your love, your shining light

They are your sons, through day and night

I am your friend and that I will remain

You are strong to refuse again

You stood by your feelings I could not suceed

To tempt you away for one night of greed

I realise how much they mean to you

And i'm sorry I ever started loving you

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