The Journey Begins!!! 6-25-03
We’re doing it. I’m actually going to Cornerstone Festival. SO FLIPPING EXCITED! I could hardly sleep last night, I was just doing busy stuff, arranging things by my door. So I got to sleep about 2. Dad woke my up by yelling at me while going to the shower. Not the sight I wanted to see this morning. Ew.
It seemed to take SO LONG to get everything ready this morning. We took all the bags and boxes of junk outside, and Dad basically stared at it for an hour, trying to figure out how to put together the puzzle without picking up the pieces. Then, luck of luck, the Jehovah’s witnesses came driving up the road. What are they doing out on a Wednesday... Tyler and I laughed at my parents as we stayed in the van and let them answer the door. My parents kept criticizing my dressing style, telling me “Jenessa’s dad seems really straight lace and conservative, you shouldn’t freak them out any more than they already are.” So when we get close, I’ll be taking off my bracelets and covering up my dreadlocks. I love disguising myself, but I guess they’re right. I just don’t like it.
Ten miles to Jenessa’s house. I’m about to wet myself. I can’t imagine what it’ll be like when we’re almost to Bushnell. A yellow stream of happiness will be dripping out the door of the van, no doubt. I can’t wait to meet everyone! Noah, Sean, Airen, Gimpy Sean, Eric....AAAA! SO EXCITED!
It took us so long to figure out how to pump gas. Silly Oregonians. There was a vending machine in Boise that said “Live Bait” on the side of it, outside an Albertson’s. Heh.
Jenessa is taller than I thought. I feel kind of runty. When I went to the door, I was wearing my POSER shirt, so Jenessa’s dad said, “Hello...Poser, huh?” We all shook hands and then Jenessa’s dad said, “Well you two can hug each other or whatever.” So we did, which was kind of awkward with the grown-ups. We ate dinner with the Burroughs. I think my dad wanted to get on the road, and I kind of did too, but we ended up staying the night. Jenessa and I went to Wal Mart and ran around trying to find batteries. When I bought them, I was kind of mad because the cashier just didn’t CARE that my change was $1.09! He didn’t do it with FEELING! What a sad little man.
Spiritual Journal for Today

We woke up at the butt-crack of dawn to get on the road as soon as possible. I always feel like I take eons in the shower, but I can’t help it. A lot of driving. A lot. Jenessa and I played UNO for a while, but my parents had their windows down, so it was really difficult with cards flying everywhere. Along the way, Dad started making comments about the strata and geological rock formations, and I was afraid he was going to pull over and look at the rocks. My dad...
My parents fought about which roads to take, which was lovely indeed. We got to the campground at least. At first we were afraid that I’d left my sleeping bag at Jenessa’s, but we found it. Thank goodness!
Funny signs I saw today:
Kum & Go-a gas station
Whistle Pig Saloon, plus “Packaged Liquor Pick-up”...A drive thru window
Spiritual Journal for Today

Day Three, in two days and some hours, we’ll be at Cornerstone. Wait, no more hours, and not even two whole days. EEEEEE!
I want to record at the Camp Frenzy studio. I want to be a part of the FIF cover band. Then I’ll be a recording artist in a band, and I’ll have accomplished that. :)
We went though Nebraska today. I saw the biggest statue of the Virgin Mary that I’ve ever seen in my life. And lots of those oil drilling things. I wanted to get a picture of them, but the last ones I saw were too far to take a picture.
Funny signs today:
Holz Angus
Roper Auto Quest
Beef Improvement Center
Dix Exit 5
Spiritual Journal for Today

One day left, and we are gitty as little school girls. Mom’s in a “isn’t that interesting” mood. She’s obsessed with the Amana colonies or something like that, something built from a German religious sect. It’s just fantastic how her only interest in religion is not about truth or God, but the goony things that some people do. FANtastic.
Dad took Tyler to a baseball game while we went to the campground and set up. We finished our second Camp Frenzy sign: It’s creative but not very funny. Bugs kept flying in my eyes and nose. Infernal creatures. Jen and I sang songs in the dark while we waited for them to get back with our shower stuf. I miss Camp Hancock. Tomorrow’s the day! EEEEEE!

Day One of Camp Frenzy!