For most of the day, I lounged at Camp Frenzy. For a short while, Matt and I went with Zoltan to the phones to call our mommies. Matt and I bummed a ride on golf carts there and back. We rocked. Our little friend Sebastian that the bubble brigade adopted came along, but I remembered how irritating he’d been the day before, so I sad we had to leave. We tripped through the merch tent...aaaand back to camp. We didn’t do a single thing, just sat around chillin. It was kind of nice. Noah played music on his MP3 reading CD player. Oh yeah, rockin. Except for the Bjork/Bright Eyes thing, he’s got pretty good taste in music. He sang along to Phantom Planet. Noah have pretty voice, mmhmm.
We had a real live n00b stop by Camp Frenzy today. NO ONE knew who he was. He just found our camp and hung out with us for a while. They like to say he talked in all caps the whole time he was there. “OMG, I GOT TO SEE FIVE IRON FRENZY I GOT LOTS OF PICTURES AND OMG JEFF THE GIRL IS HOTT!” Gotta love boardies though.
Eric, Sideburns, and Micah came and brought Eric’s stuff. I think I made a real burro of myself to Micah... We chilled some more under the canopy, and suddenly I felt really tired. Noah left his chair, so I put my head on the arm and drifted off. After some unknown amount of time, I awoke, dying of heat, and Noah was back in his chair. I was so confused, and said something like “When did you get here?” I moved to the shady area of the canopy and laid on the ground, sleeping there for quite a while as well. Apparently, while I was asleep, Eric and Kay put grass on me. I was wondering where that came from. Airen and a couple other random people showed up, and I got all uncomfortable and went to my tent and slept there for about half an hour with my feet hanging out. Ahh, sleeeeep...
Terry (JediPunk) came and invited us to see his band, Madison East. I thought they were really good. After they played, I dragged a bunch of people to the phones and called Sara, Mehl, Jen, and Mike. Sara we left a message for, and Mehl wasn’t answering her phone. When I called Jen, I had to cut it short because people were throwing ROCKS at my neck! Bad people. They made fun of my Asexual Reproduction Prohibited shirt, probably because Klif had taken duct tape and made it just “Sexual Reproduction”. So funny....indeed.
When we arrived back at Camp Frenzy, everyone had their instruments out, so, hating to be left out, I got my flute and tambourine and played FIF cover songs with Eric and Aaron. I love it, Krista and Jaysie both wanted to borrow my flute and play it. I asked if anyone wanted to go to the worship service at the beach, so Potatoe went with me. It was kind of twangy, but good times were had. I took my tambourine to play. And bawled like a baby. That happens a lot.
We left an hour early, and a good thing too, because they were getting ready to watch the Five Iron Frenzy DVD when we got back. Wireless Mike, sg, dripnote, and Kris(soundboard frenzy) did a FANtastic job. I thought the “spot the Chauncy” bit was hilarious! Oh hoho! And not for sale, either! NO! (Later Kris traded one of the ten copies to Sonny for one of the new CDs.)
We had our first poetry reading tonight. No one had anything except for Johnny. We tried to camp out in the Gathering Grounds tent, huddled in a muffin of 5 people, me, Noah, Johnny, Jodi, and Stretch. Noah laid his head on my lap and I rested on his head. After a while, I heard “My dog tapped the phone.” ....”Excuse me?” I asked. “My dog tapped the phone,” he said again. Heh, everyone sat up and laughed. Noah doesn’t have a dog. On the way back to camp, we had to pass by the porta-potties. There was a group of teenagers with a guitar serenading the potty-goers. I slipped in and out without being caught and sung to. I liked their song though: “Aaaare yoooou....pooping in theeeere?”
Spiritual Journal for Today

Day Three of Cornerstone