1 7-3-03
My God, what a day. Today, the first thing we did was go to Johnny and Sandy’s show for their band Arkansaw Paint Project. We all sang along to “Swamp Man” and “John’s Brother Wants a Waffle”-including the dance. Our n00b was there, and Potatoe went and got his name and autograph. Outside after the show, there was a man in a kilt with a bagpipe, who played a sample for us of the Celtic rock band that would soon be playing. John danced around. He likes to dance. We would have stayed, but we wanted to get to the merch tent. We stopped and talked to sg, wearing her “Far From Gorgeous” shirt. That girl definitely has style. I envy her.
Fans in the merch tent are definitely a blessing, and we reveled under them for minutes on end. We were so hot by then, the situation demanded slushies. Noah, Stretch, and I chilled out under the Hawaiian Ice trailer by a garbage can. We were hobos. We talked about food we got tired of as kids, and Waffle Houses. We went to see Starflyer 59, but I was so tired, I could hardly stand it. We picked up a copy of the Relevant Magazine and headed back to camp.
When we got there, Jordan was showing off her mad skillz by threading a twizzler through her nose and down into her throat. It was really nasty and I almost threw up. I was really feeling the heat now. I turned around to walk behind Matt’s chair, took one step and said, “Oh hello ground, why are you rushing up toward my face?” I laid there for a long time, afraid to get up. A girl that was there that I didn’t know got me water and Kool Aid. I hated being such a wuss.
Nic continued to entertain us all. He pulled out The End Is Near, sniffed it all over, opened it, sniffed the CD, breathed in the liner notes, and played it on his headphones, rocking out like the grunge-core r0xx0r he is.
I was starting to feel a little smothered at camp, and I wanted to get out. I announced that I was walking to the midway, and Stretch came with me. We went to the art gallery and to the Prayer Tent, then to the merch tent again. It was kind of fun to go girl shopping without Noah. We looked and bracelets and jewelry and dresses, and things like that. I saw some cool hippie dresses and talked to a lady about ear stretching.
After our camp meeting, I didn’t feel like going much of anywhere, so I just stayed at camp for people. I’m glad I did. I had been planning on going to see MxPx, but then I heard a very familiar female voice, “I’m finally here!” It was Jeff The Girl. Wow. She was so awesome. She just sat down with us and said, “OK, we’re going to play a game, go around the circle, tell me your screen name, real name, and one blessing you experienced today.” It was generally agreed that all of us pulling together as a family this afternoon was the greatest blessing we could have experienced. Leanor told us a little bit about the show tomorrow. She was talking to Dave, and all of a sudden shouted, “OK, we’ll play Combat Chuck, just for you, who came all the way from England!” The camp erupted in cheers as she hugged Dave. We asked what songs she didn’t like to play (Amalgamate and So Far, So Bad). I had to know what the corn tattoo on her arm meant. She said it stood for Mexico and how the Mexicans were the first to pioneer corn growing. I think it’s pretty cool how proud she is of her heritage. Before she left, Leanor prayed with us and Rudy’s mom ended. It was fantastic. She’s so nice. Kris (soundboardfrenzy) played a recording of the song that Relient K made up for them. She said “I’d like to thank Relient K for teaching me G..C..D..F...” Heh.
The bugs were starting to get to me, so I broke open one of the mosquito coils that I brought, but it wasn’t working. Not only that, the stuff I got on my hands made me itch so bad, I had to leave the Zao show. I wasn’t really enjoying the “music” that much, but I was scratching liek crazy and about to fall asleep on my feet, so I went to the porta-potty and then back to camp. I grabbed a jug of water to wash my hands and feet, dropping my glasses on the ground. I forgot who was there besides Dave, who said, “Hey you’ve got a piece of toilet paper hanging out of your bum.” It was true, after I’d used the porta-potty, on of the pieces I’d used on the seat was hanging like a tail out of the back of my sorts. I was so embarrassed, I crawled into my tent in shame and fell asleep. Some hours later, I crawled out to find my glasses, which were bent on the ground, then stumbled back, and the next thing I knew it was 8:00 in the morning. I’d missed the poetry reading and the whole night. I guess they tried to wake me up for it, but I couldn't be moved, nor could Jen get her sleeping bag out from under me.
Spiritual Journal for today

Day Six, Frenzy Day!