Xpress Soccer Club News
The Xpress Soccer Club will like to
thanks all the people that help make
this season one of the best....

Click on the applet to continue.

Thanks Kids, for playing the game
with courage, and with your hearts.

Thanks Parents,for bring in the kids
in to the great world of soccer

Thanks Team Mom, for all your
unconditional help.

Thanks Coach, for your patience
and caring and for teaching the kids
to love and respect the game of 
soccer.    Thanks....

The Under 6 II and Under 8 II Teams
will represent the Xpress Soccer Club 
traveling to Austin, Texas
DEC. 2-3, 2000 to participate in the
USA 3v3 2000-2001 Funfest Tournament 
Where will be more then 500 Teams 
from all over the country......

Its that time of the season for the
WebPages to died (be deleted), and
like the phoenix,will raise from the
ashes and will come back next season
with new pictures, new stuff and new

If you like to get a Copy of the
Xpress 2000 WebPages with all the
pictures, stuff and applets on CD
contact the webmaster @ :


Click on the applet to run it

    Source: geocities.com/xpress_soccer_club