Crogatis Kinistis

Innate Abilities:  Crogatis (aka Crogo) has the ability to shift planes innately since he is by nature a demon of the Eritl order.  The Eritl demons were creatures of very powerful origin.  The Eritl were a species that were gifted by Xaitis, keeper of the void.  In the Eritl demon species, it was destined that Xaitis would pick three leaders, the most powerful the species.  One of them being Crogatis.  The moral of this story being that they can shift from this plane to temporarily remain in the void and shadow realm whenever they call upon it.  Crogatis also has the innate ability to soul steal.  If his claws slash an entity when they are dead, he gains not only their soul, but the powers that they possesed.  Crogatis's last innate abilities would be innate strenght and speed.  His strenght surpasses that of the strongest angels and archangels.  His speed can start off as well to the equivelent of Celerity 8.  This ends his innate traits.

Magick Abilities:  Lacking in the area of magick abilities, Crogatis has only two magick spells, but strong ones.  His first one is the Sphere of Collection.  This spell causes a field of void like energy to surround the opponent.  After it surrounds the oponent it closes inwards on them.  If the opponent does not block, or prematurely runs into the sphere, the opponent dies and his powers are then taken in by Crogatis.  His second spell is the Temporary Dispel.  This spell uses the powers of the void to shut off for, for four actions, magick use.  It is NOT a physical attack. 

Items and Weapons:  Recently was gifted a weapon of great power by Xaitis himself.  It was the Dernan Sword.  This sword is an enchanted item that gives Crogatis the power to manipulate the void easier than he already can.  If it cuts a creature, even a small scratch, and the power of the void would be inflicted upon the creature, sending a death spell though it.  This would probably cause a creature to die instantly.  If killed with this sword, Crogatis receives the power of their soul.  His item though grants him great power.  It is the Godly Crystal of Gravity.  It does two things:

#1- Allows him to manipulate gravity to his whims
#2- Makes him immune to any form of attack...

Though the crystal gives him great power, he can be killed.  I leave it up to you to figure out how...  The crystal starts out always as a light purple.  That only allows mild attacks with gravity though.  If it gets to a darker color or turns black, than it allows him to use full out force.  No matter what color the crystal is though, he is still immune to any form of attack.  It also allows him to read outward thoughts of those in the area.


#1- "Break it and you buy it"
#2- "No, you really DID loose"
#3- "I never knew you were immune to gravity..."
#4- "Yea, i know im cheap, but i look tooooo good."
#2- "I iz da ruler of Ayenee!"

PS.  just for a warning, never drink the red liquid, its poison.