Society of Valor Roster

Order of Seasons:

Acolytes (1-10) |
Enlightenment (11-20) |
Passage (21-30) |
Attainment (31-39) |
Dawn (40-49) |
Eventide (50-54) -
Council (55-59) |
Champions (60+)
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"All members shall strive to improve their skills within our Guild."

You may notice that some of this information is incomplete! Please email me if you dont see yourself on the list or have attained the next Order, or have recieved the title of Officer - thx! Webmaster

Order of Champions (Level 60+)
Order of Council (Levels 55-59)
Order of Eventide (Levels 50-54) Aerinis ENC HIE Jentera RAN ELF
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Order of Dawn (Levels 40-49)
Metopu RAN ELF Andarwean PAL HIE Karrena DRU ELF
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Order of Attainment (Levels 31-39) Azaeryl SHA CAT Torgrimm ROG BAR
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Order of Passage (Levels 21-30) Estin CLR HUM Zagma PAL DWF
Luminye CLR HIE
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Order of Enlightenment (Levels 11-20) Itumna MAG ERU Anskiere RAN HEF
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Order of Acolytes (Levels 1-10)
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