
Posted By: Xserver
Posted On: Mar 19 2004

The newest Halo 2 ingame picture has been released. The first one drove people crazy, but take a look at the second release. Check it out, we have the previous released one as well below.

Halo Pic 1
Halo Pic 2

Posted By: Xserver
Posted On: Mar 16 2004

X-Server will be having its first online Halo 2v2 Tournament on XBC, we are working on a sched date, but when we have things all ready we will have you posted and a sign up form will be posted on the site. If you want to be emailed please sign up for our mail list and we will send you updates and info as it becomes available. First Prize in the tourny will be a free entry to XBC TOURNEYS 2v2 Tournament. and the grand prize for XBC Tourneys is some cold hard cash. Nows your chance to step up and show your skills, and the best part is, there is no entry fee for any X-Server events so we know you guys are smiling now :)

Posted By: Xserver
Posted On: Fed 27 2004

X-Server had its first private lan party last week. We all decided one day to just bring our pcs to a friends house and play, and that its what occured. We hope that this can be a start to somethin big in the future. Although it was a private lan party for mainly our friends and associates, we had a great time and we are hoping that next time it will be a well organized public lan party. We took many pictures of the event and is posted in the lan section on the navigation.

[ Yahoo! ]


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