dead girls live forever

sitting in her corner. staring into nothingness. slipping away. falling into forever. what will happen? she does not know. will anyone save her? of course not. she does not want to be saved. so cannot be. try and try. never works. somone once told her she was everything, someone once told her she was nothing. who do you think she believes? the snow falls down onto her body. she is cold and dead. yet alive in others eyes. grey eyes. looking out for the answer. never found. a knife once used now lays at the bottom of her bed. what has she done. it does not matter. meaningless words fill her mind and the page. ink stains the paper. blood stains her life. people come and people go. no one stays long enough to know. truth is hidden and lies become real. "i tell my lies and i dispise every second i am with you, so i go away but you still stay so what the fuck is with you?" sometimes i wish i could live in a world full of pepople exactly like me.. but then i guess the whole world would commit suicide a on sunday night..

coorporate whore
directions to neenah
lies of love
knives can be damaging
a kiss is only worth so much
close minded
never here
shadows of life
too late for you
*control freak*
vanish me
falling into forever
creeping through life
Je Couer Tu
all you need is love
vanished girl