
i met mirra two years ago and we are becomming really great friends. i had tons of fun with her at loco bazooka it was a really great time. heh. remember the mosh pit? heh. and crowd surfing with your mom?? heh. blah. and that guy who broke his arm in the pit!!!!! blah. heh. the lemonade was expensive though. damn musicians buying out all the water. heh. and then that time when we went walking in the woods at 4am with paula and kelse. heh. good times. too bad we didnt go to the cemetary though. your mom never went to sleep!! blah. anyways, we should get together sometime.. heh. . maybe we can go to bay beach and find "uncle Jeff" again. ahhhhh. that was so fun.. exspecially since the guy played along and was like "hey, its me uncle jeff" and was waving to us and stuff. haha. call me, we have to do that again before summers over..
back to nothingness
sugar and blood