Andy, Chan, Chan Man, Chuckles, Andy C (Only dnb fans will get that 1 haha)....don't remember the rest....
15th day of the last month....year of the cock (81) haha Sagittarius for all those horoscope people
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada....CITY OF CHAMPIONS....well not so anymore but yeah haha
NAIT....2nd semester Telecommunications Eng. Tech.
DnB, JUNGLE, TURNTABLISM, BREAKS, HIP HOP (none of that top 40 shit though, underground all the way)....now for the stuff I listen to occasionally....Funky and Disco House, pop, R&B and alternative
Goin to raves for the music, chillin with friends, being "cracked" out in the middle of the night, muckin around on the computer, being the goofball I am and always will be, sports (hockey, football, baseball and basketball)....
Immaturity, dishonesty, indecisiveness, scrawny girls, hardcore wannabes, cocky people
A king without a queen....but my heart totally belongs to someone
People think I'm picky but I really don't ask for too much. These are just somethings that really stick out to me. Looks aren't very important to me. Cute is good though. Hmmmm a caring and understanding girl is basically all I want. She's gotta have strong head on her shoulders. I wanna be able to carry on a conversation with her. Goals are a must. It shows that u know what u want in life. Confidence is sexy. Not to the point of being cocky though. Dorkiness is a bonus cause I tend to muck around a lot. Of course, I can be serious too if need be. Now on to the "fetishes" if u wanna call them that haha I'm a total sucker for halfers and accents....especially Aussie but English is good too hehe Exotic beauty, dark hair, green or dark coloured eyes, hats/visors/touques, fruity body sprays or lip gloss, when girls where baby blue/pink/red/white/yellow, glasses, ahtletic/dance/vocal talent, pigtails and the strangest 1 of them all....braces....don't ask cause I can't explain it. All I know is that braces make girls look so much cuter :)
Right now, I'm gonna finish off the Telecom program I'm in (only 2.5 more semesters to go). As for what I plan on doin after telecom....I'm not totally sure what I'm gonna do but I wanna get into something else at NAIT. I'm looking at taking something at NAIT's Microcomputer Institute. Either that or take Engineering at U of A. The telecom job market isn't too good here in Canada right now but hopefully it picks up by the time I finish. If not, I'm gonna move to the States. San Diego is 1 of the places I'd like to relocate to. Florida and Texas are my other choices but I'm not too sure where in those states I'd go yet. Australia is where I really wanna go though. Hmmmm my friends and I have stumble across the topic of marriage on numerous occasions. I'd like to get married sometime before 30....but not too early or course. I've actually thought of names for my kids too....well daughters anyway, if they end up being girls haha But I won't get into that cause u probably think I'm weird enough as it is haha

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