16th October 2004 | Saturday | 10.58pm

-brighter side of life

the past week has been quite a positive one, cleared all unhappy thoughts in my mind, thought happier thoughts, got enlightened in several subjects especially rpd. "ren zhi chu, xing ben shan" "Love your enemies just as you would love yourself", something i had learnt from sunday school classes. tried to apply it and well life seems better now! try to ignore the competition in class and do things at my own pace, these are just a few points i try to follow nowadays which definately helped alot!

came across a friend's blog, dunno if he knows i'm reading or not, if not then apologies! anyway he talked about issues which at one point of time i was seriously thinking about too but was just too lazy to write here. 1st was about being prepared for dentistry in the real world after just 4 years of dental education. i too have doubts whether if i can be a good dentist. everytime i put something into my lab partner's mouth, i have fear of causing her unneccessary pain due to my mistakes. hearing lecturers talk about dentists being sued by the public doesn't help either... time to get serious with work, esp lab and clinical stuff.

i do agree with him about the changing of group dynamics in our class this year... last year, group outings happened. this year outings were unheard of, not counting trifac bash and orientation of course. perhaps groups go out on their own now. but then i guess thats how human nature works... few times this year, i've been asking myself, where do i stand in the class or in the group? why they never jio me? where do i belong? who can i "clique" with? do i have a best friend other than xx? all these really gave me headaches. some so bad that i just couldn't concentrate on my work and required some linkin park therapy... dunno y last time never had all these thoughts. perhaps he is right, perhaps i was just trying to get a sense of security, to be included and not be an outcast, a sense of belonging. perhaps its the competitiveness of the class. i have left everything behind me now hopefully, not that i'm going to start acting like a hermit crab, but just to live life normally, dun think of unneccessary stuff, tried it and it works, life is bright and good! yeah! and if all else fails, in the worst case senario, if i were to be condemned in dentistry, if i were to be hated and ostracized by my classmates, i know i still have xx there beside me.

4th October 2004 | Monday | 4.58pm

-body language

caught the movie "wimbledon" with xx on saturday, have to say it was quite a good show, a typical british romantic comedy with predictable plot but this has always been the winning formula heh was quite touching near the ending when the male lead went into the spectator stand to look for kirsten dunst, had a surge of tingling sensation and somehow abit of liquid oozing through my lacrimal duct. reminded me of the time i was with xx the day before i went into tekong. well maybe i have been watching too many horror flicks and horny comedies... give it 4 oats for being such a feel-good romantic comedy!

but too bad this feel-good feeling didn't last... got irritated by someone's body language today. maybe i was invisible, maybe he didn't mean it, maybe i am biased, maybe we were enemies in our previous lives, some things u just can't describe in words... its the feeling you get. got to go cleanse my mind.

28th September 2004 | Tuesday | 11.38pm


phew! finally a little break between tests for me to do stuff like updating blog, reading and watching naruto, initial d arghh so much to do but so little time. just came back from mentor dinner, really inspired to study hard and do well.. for? to buy car haha i know some ppl have already planned far ahead... saving up to buy houses and set up families but well for now i only want my red integra, especially after seeing prof chew's impressive e240, zhiyuan's 320ci and the red integra at the clementi pasar malam! maybe my mum won't like it cause its 2 doors but hey u're only young once!

anyway, this 2 weeks have been quite sian, even xx and sr noticed that i look quite sian, that i'm vulnerable when i'm worn out... perhaps thats partly true... throughout my academic life, i've always been posted to my 2nd choice school, sji... sajc... i've come to realise that it is indeed a blessing in disguise, even though it may not be one of the top 5 schools, it provided a relaxed and less stressful environment, one which i really miss especially after coming to nus. remembered the times studying with jackson at world trade centre mac, bioing girls while studying and finding a "no studying" sign at the entrance the very next day... having lots of fun in volleyball sessions after school 3 times a week... being able to express your thoughts to anyone without thinking of any consequences... talking kok and having fun in study room... writing and passing messages during lectures (& bioing girls hehe)... all these and more really made studying enjoyable and fun...

things have gotten more competitive now and being such a small faculty, sometimes u really feel suffocated, views that u want to express, u have to keep it within yourself if not u may get a bad reputation and this kind of stuff spreads damn fast in dent fac... not a good idea to be condemned by everyone in such a small community... not much time for fun either, used to have badminton sessions once a week but now dun even have time for that, sometimes i tend to get paranoid, start to think about the past, friendships, and become pessimistic... i've never felt like this before, perhaps its the change in the environment that i've got to get used to. start to feel that i've got no best friend (other than xx of coz), being excluded, so i try to look around for one but everyone seems so busy. being slow in lab work doesn't help either... perhaps its because i stopped going to church, bad christian, bad thoughts flooding my mind... i dun know...

then i have to thank this special person, it is him, who without fail, organises outings and suppers though its quite an headache to do so... from an annual end-of-the-year countdown dinner cum gambling sessions till now an almost weekly supper outings (geylang and changi village hahaha not everytime of coz!), it is him who helped to maintain this special group of josephians... he is vincent aka yandao hahaha without him, we would have gone our own ways, getting busy with our own lives. looking at my jc class, perhaps we got too lazy along the way and so now we have became quite distant... really appreciate your efforts man, hope we'll still have outings even after you are attached heh also have to thank sr too for encouraging me yesterday after noticing my sianess. and to xx who spent time with me during the weekends studying with me and encouraging me throughout, will try to spend more time with you when i have the chance and watch the movie that u like! =)

really appreciate everything! thank u all my special friends!

12th September 2004 | Sunday | 11.38pm


met up with the sji guys yesteday together with xx, for the 1st time cinderalla dun have to go back before 12 haha and so the fun begins! was suppose to sing ktv at kbox but then price was abit steep, so we settled for a usual gambling session at vincents place followed by a horror movie at 2am. (not before spending a long long time on deciding haha thats what usually happens anyway) we proceeded to one tree hill where the gambling den was promptly set up. black jack was the game. lucky xx won about 4 bucks! as for me, no win no lose as usual, i'm not a person who would dare to place big bets, guess i'm scared of taking risks heh

at around 1.30, we left for cineleisure to catch the korean horror show - the ghost. was rushing for time so drove quite aggressively. then this merz cut out from his lane into mine quite late! so irritating horn and high beam him! feels quite gd haha anyway managed to get into the theatre in time. overall i thought that the show had met its objective as a horror show with an interesting twist to the plot at the back, something which i have not been seeing in the past few movies which i caught. to enhance the effects, cineleisure has done a good job in keeping the volumes high, high enough to scare a guy(like vincent) and xx hehe certain cinemas just have lower volumes which doesn't quite give the shocking effect. i'd give the show 7.5 oats haha went newton for supper after that and i finally got home at around 6 in the morning.

7th September 2004 | Tuesday | 11.38pm


Beef horfun... $5 Gong Bao Frog Legs... $8 seeing your girlfriend's expression when she kena birddroppings while eating them?... priceless! hehehe =P

this is an overdue entry dedicated to xx haha didn't mean to laugh at u but u know me ;)

31st August 2004 | Tuesday | 10.38pm


how time flies... was busy with foc, thinking how many chiobus going to come into dentistry, apdsa etc... now everything is over, people starting to camp in med library to mug.... haiz stress is coming back again, esp when i haven't been reading since april... lab rushing for signatures and stuff haiz only thing to look forward now is the 2 weeks break but then again have to use this time to catch up.

saturday was buffet night, an event to mark the end of foc where freshmen are now called year 1s. sure brings back memories when i won in the lucky draw, a hifi set and a huge thermometer as 2nd prize last year, this year got a electric facial scruber heh but this year pass down my luck to jacinta as she also won 2nd prize - $150 bucks! was eating with jacinta and kevin then i itchy backside decided to go get drinks for us. was pouring the lemonade when i heard my name being called. turned around and i saw prof loh, the most funky, happening and horny prof i've ever seen! haha before i knew it, i got shot by his arrow... to perform as agent 007 in the opening act of the 75 anniversary gala dinner argghhh the song last 1m 45s... sounds short but it seems forever to walk and pose for 1m45s! anyway rachel got arrowed to be the bond girl so i'm not alone haha

so met Q (prof loh) today did i and he passed me the equipment needed for the mission...


21st August 2004 | Saturday | 9.38pm


it has been an interesting week being able to spend a little time with dental students from all over asia pacific including japan, korea and taiwan. though its supposed to be a week of fun, most of the time had been spent on doing preparations for the events (aka sai gang) and as for me being the dj together with charles. as a result, very few friends have been made and few of us were upset at the fact that we paid 100 bucks and had to work... well at least we got to have good buffet style dinner on cultural night(interesting cultural costumes) as well as a not-too-bad 8-course gala dinner. and to sr! happy 20th birthday!!

10th August 2004 | Tuesday | 10.38pm

-1462 days

yup thats the number of days we've officially been together, thanks babe for being there for me for the past 4 years! really appreciate what u've done for me =) sorry gotta celebrate our special day squeezed among the crowd to watch the fireworks only to find that trees in front blocked most of it hee thanks for being understanding, u'll always be special to me even though you're "a jeans/shorts and t shrit ger" ;)

been busy for the past week with freshmen orientation... this batch of dentists-to-be sure have many interesting characters, from blur blur looking guy, to the complain-and-kena-ragged-like-siao, to the very handsome and pretty ppl, to the rich who drives bmw, to the 1.88 new zealander, and of coz the bubbly and chatty of whom includes my new councilee jacinta haha shes currently down with fever hopes she gets well soon!

8-11 for 2 consecutive weeks aint anyone's idea of orientation but that is what dental orientation is about. though tiring and slightly regimental, it does help bond the class together, both senior and junior classes. though we didn't win the float competition this year, we could still feel the pride in our masterpiece as the float went past the stadium and the juniors gave their best performance.

now that orientation is over, its time to mug again haizz... hopefully can get back the momentum =|

26th July 2004 | Monday | 11.58pm


foc came, and before we knew it, it was over... had a fun time being station master with diana, jingrong and zhixiang and interacting with the juniors getting to know them better. especially gathering the guys a side to find out who they thought were the prettiest girl in their batch heh overall it was a tiring but fun experience, being a senior for a camp. now got to choose a councilee so sian, why can't they just go by register number haiz...

caught i robot with xx today, quite an entertaining action-packed show with will smith's witty dialogues. boy is his car(anterior view) chio chio! futuristic audi car. give the show 7.9 oats, worth watching.

12th July 2004 | Monday | 11.58pm

-we came, we saw, we conquered

a red swift and a gold lancer stopped at 7-11 to stock up supplies for the mission. the supplies? batteries to load up 3 torches for the upcoming mission. the mission? to conquer old changi hospital. the daredevils? vincent, alex, chris, justin and i... the 2 vehicles sped off towards the highway on a long journey to the east... along the way, the torches were loaded and tested, but only 2 out of the 3 were working, we had to settle with the 2.

within 10mins, we reached our destination. there our target was, solitary, dark above the hill... the 2 cars parked side by side at the foot of the hill, after some discussion, the red swift led the way, inching up the slope. right beside was the commando camp. all the driver could see were the beams from the headlight and the road a few metres ahead... all else were dark... at the halfway mark, we met up with a merz... in there 2 guys and a girl or should i say a guy, a girl and a sissy. the sissy told us he wouldn't go up, he'd rather stay in the car, the last time he came with 2 girls, the 2 girls went into the place while he stayed in the car. what a loser... at this point of time, a commando rover came up asking us to leave the place as it was a restricted area... we went down the hill and came up with another plan.

this time, we decided to park the car somewhere and sneak up the hill... we walked up the hill and a corolla came by. in there were 4 guys, we asked them to check if the rover was still up there... the rover had left, they agreed to go up with us. so we went back to get the car and meet up with them but the 4 chickens left the place. we were by ourselves again... this time, we switched off the headlights and went up quietly... success! we found ourselves at the back entrance of the hospital... had another brief discussion and finally decided on doing it...

walking slowly towards the building, we saw a torch moving. we went up to see but no one was in sight. we step back to take a clear look and saw shadows moving behind the window... in the end, we found out that there was another group of ppl 11 of them exploring the place with us. now 17 ppl wasn't exactly a scary experience... the corridors were dark and wet, some rooms even smelt of dettol, especially the surgery room. in the dark, everything looked similar, at times i felt that we were walking in circles, and the water reminded me of the movie dark waters... after exploring the 3rd level, we decided to venture on our own, 5 of us down into the lower levels...

the staircase was narrow and dark, we went down level by level, exploring every part of the building, with the lesser numbers, everything seemed a little more eerie. as we got lower, the place got darker, and railings of the stairs were broken off. at the lowest level, we found ourself outside of the building. suddenly, barking dogs came running towards us... thoughts of kicking them to defend ourselves came up in my mind... vincent spoke up "stay still, dun run, slowly take a step backwards and squat down" we tried to stay as calm as possible and the dogs stopped barking... then a man appeared, "what are you guys doing here?" vincent gave an excuse but he knew what was going on... afterall he was the caretaker of the hospital.

we found ourselves at the main entrance of the hospital, near the carpark where we (dental ppl) once passed by and got chased by dogs. the dogs were the same ones who were barking at us... we had a chat with the caretaker and found out many things... he stayed there for 2 years in a room just at the entrance of the hospital, he earns about 1000+ a month. his job? to call the police if he finds anyone as many ppl have been coming to visit the place breaking windows and the staircase railings... throughout the 2 years, he has never seen a ghost, the only things he saw were curious ppl like us, exploring the building in the middle of the night.

after spending some time chatting, we took our leave. backtracking the 3 storeys of the hospital and reaching the back entrance where we parked our vehicle. we left the place with a feeling of accomplishment and went to changi village for our very late supper and of coz not forgetting touring the infamous transversite carpark heh...

-a frog landed on my car that night lol

5th July 2004 | Monday | 08.48pm


caught spiderman with xx yesterday, fantastic show, action sequences were superb, special effects brilliant! at times, i really felt for peter parker, its never easy lead 2 lives and the sacrifices he has to make... he was suffering in every aspect of his life, there was a very touching scene when peter told mary jane he could not be with her due to the risk of being with him...its quite sad not be be able to be with the one u love... well thats the thing that makes spiderman so unique unlike others, he is every bit human, faces what every other human beings have to face. oh yah have to work part time too as a delivery boy to get money hahaha the show deserves 4 oats out of 5!

-surprise surprise!

after the movie, xx and i went to ps to have dinner @ cafe cartel. there the surprise was... my sji buddies were there. i was quite taken aback, tot how come so qiao, seems like xx flew my kite on saturday to plan this gathering. thanks dear for all the arrangements u've made... sorry for being grouchy =| surprise no.2 was a chocolate cake from bakers' inn after the meal (from xx again). tastes wonderful though it was abit hard to cut up, made a mess of it heh. after that we moved on the k-box @ cineleisure where we sang from 10 to 2+. must say that its the wierdest session i've had... in terms of the selection of songs ahaha thanks to vincent. songs such as "miss, this is my name card" (direct translation, sung by jackie wu), hokkien songs and sam hui's songs... oh man... not forgetting to mention abba, beegees haha generation gap huh justin was very funny too with his performance using his "americanised chinese" haha we all had a good ab workout.

sang till around 2+ then went to the lounge to catch soccer. i was abit sleepy and i tot i was in dreamland when the screen showed security guards running all over the place. rubbed my eyes and looked again, oh my, i wasn't dreaming, a spectator had ran onto the pitch, threw a cloth at figo's face and ran straight into the goal net before being pinned down hahaha what a funny moment. left the place at 4+, went back to sleep for 2 hours before heading for school haiz... thanks guys for making this 4th july a special and hilarious one haha

-xie xie

2 hours of sleep aint exactly enough to keep u awake for lectures heh received presents today! hee weisong, dennis t and stanley got me a hmmm "dirty" teeshirt haha oh well thought it looked quite cool with the minis till i saw the words haha quite naughty ah. jonathan and cluster a & b ppl gave a comic adaptation of spiderman 2, looks very nice! thanks guys!!! oh yah thanks to peijun for initiating a birthday song for me after lesson haha i'm honoured to be part of her 1st task as assistant classrep.

4th July 2004 | Sunday | 01.28am

-thanks thanks thanks

was a loooooong wait outside Fish & Co for seats, finally we got in at around 8+. 7 of us, sr, clem, yh, sw, ken, di. had a variety of dishes from sting ray to swordfish and ken's virgin dish "passe dunno what fish". sw even asked her new crush andy for a fish & co bday cake (happened to be an icecream one), a sparkler and the staff to sing, aiyo so paiseh, make me stand up and wave the sparkler some more haha a big thank you to all of u guys to make this day a special one, really appreciate the thought and the gifts hee. to gf and fy, wish u guys a speedy recovery!

3rd July 2004 | Saturday | 02.38pm

-busy busy busy

have been busy busy busy these few days coz of foc, shopping around and stuff like that. thanks xx for helping me with the stuff i believe ur art is great even though they gave u lousy grades =) highlights of the past few days probably include getting trapped in my own home. i left my set of keys in the car and dad locked the door as he left for work. thanks to mum's quick thinking, she suggested(through the phone) going out by the back gate making one round to the car in front to get the keys. managed to get out but was abit late for canvassing heh went to music underground with mj, pj, ken and clem. 2 hot babes were doing a pole dance on the bar top! boy were they hot and seductive haha wearing a white spaghetti and black tube but somehow i feel that they were paid to do that hmm.... they were doing things like rubbing their faces on each other's boobs??? there was another girl who went up to dance beside the 2 of them but she wore skirt and somehow mj thought he saw something that he shouldn;t have seen haha managed to take a few snapshots at ntuc while shopping for foc stuff...

29th June 2004 | Tuesday | 07.58pm

-wet & wild

went to wild wild wet @ downtown east with xx on monday, ticket was abit ex at $12.50 for adult. anyway just went in to have some fun. yeah it was up to expectations though there were only 9 rides of which 2 were for kids. wah almost all the girls wear bikinis! i see also see until sian haha most thrilling was the sidewinder, where 2 ppl are seated face to face on a float and they slide down on a U-shaped structure which was like 3-4 storeys high, wah the falling feeling quite shiok though it was quite painful on the butt as the float bounced. the other one which was also quite shiok is the jacuzzi, the jet damn powerful can blow u away one haha just nice it helped massage my bruised butt. downtown east is also turning cashless! with the introduction of the funkey which is a hybrid of ezlink card and the visa mini, quite cute. shall give the place 6.5 out of 10 oats, coz u get abit sian after trying everything twice, cept for the sidewinder.

27th June 2004 | Sunday | 11.08pm


ass... nuisance in the public... well today xx said that i had changed. guess i really did change, i have become more impatient, abit attitude and the list goes on... somehow i feel that i have changed after learning how to drive. somehow i seem to become another person whenever i have control over the steering wheel, a more aggressive, a more competitive, an impatient me... guess i will try to change from today onwards... perhaps it would help if i drove a slow vehicle in the future oh well to xx, thanks for the feedback =)

24th June 2004 | Thursday | 1.28am

-explicit content...

as the steve meister would put it... FUCKER!! fuck that asshole who spat at me! fucking shithead with a blue cap, may his mouth get whatever fucking virus and flesh eating bacteria till it swells so badly till he can't even spit his shit out! fuckface better watch out coz the birds will come fucking SHIT at your fucking mouth whenever u open that damned gap of yours! fucker still want to spit at my friends when the monorail came back from the loop, should have just fucked u upside down u young punk rather than to stare at u, fucking disgrace to the society, fucking waste of the earths resources, bastard, what the hell, u fuckhead better not let me see u in the streets, no one has ever pissed me as well as u did, welldone shithead. u might as well better not exist in this world so more kids get to be supported u asshole... curse that fucking hole of yours! now that feels much better...

23rd June 2004 | Wednesday | 1.28am

-nu metal at its very best!

wooohoooo! 22nd june 2004!! another 1st experience for me, a solid wild rock concert!!! shiok sia! linkin park rocks!!! well, we were quite lucky, managed to get places right behind the inner circle which cost 150 bucks! coz there were 2 entrances for the $85 tix. everyone was queueing at entrance B as it was nearer the front. we took our chances and queued at entrance C which was at the back of the padang. Both gates opened at the same time and we rushed in beating the others at the entrance B yeahh met anqi and her friend too at the queue.

waited for quite some time and out came daniel ong and shiek hiekel warming up the audience cracking up jokes as usual. opening act was by this korean group which i didn't manage to catch their name. they sounded similar to linkin park with the usual 4-piece band and a disc spinner just like lp. but the bad thing about them was that the lead singer just screams, can't really make up what hes singing but the music was good yeah. the audience wasn't impress though as some shouted "WE WANT LINKIN PARK!!!", "COME BACK NEXT YEAR, IT WILL BE YOUR TURN!", ""YOUR MAMA ASK U TO GO HOME", "CAN'T YOU GET THE HINT!" the funny thing was that the lead singer kept thanking singaporeans for being so supportive haha hope this won't turn up on tomoro's paper, was abit ungraceful of singaporeans to do that...after playing song after song after song, they finally left the stage but we had to continue to wait...

time - 9.30. after 3 hours finally!! they came on stage and the audience went into a frenzy woooooooooo!! hit after hit they came out, chester was just awesome! i just jumped and threw my hands in the air and screamed along with chester and shinoda!!! it was totally wet and wild!! as staff at the front sprayed ice water over us wooooo!! shiok! relief to the heat. special performances include singing a cover of a nine-inch-nails song and inviting a guy on stage to sing along. never felt so shiok and wild! sadly, they ended the performance with the hit song that brought them to fame - one step closer! it was just totally awesome to be able to scream it out loud " SHUT UP!!! SHUT UP!!! WHEN I"M TALKING TO YOU!! SHUT UP!!! SHUT UPPPPPPPPP!!!!! I'M ABOUT TO BREAKK!!!!" hahahahaah released all stress inside sia the guitarist even threw his guitar at the end of the performance, wow he probably gets new guitars after every performance. 2nd sad thing was that they didn't perform figure.09, a song which i like alot and 3rd sad thing was that there wasn't any encore... but overall 10 oats out of 10! 1 and 1/2 hours of non-stop rock was more than enough to make this a perfect concert! better than jay's i must say though its of a different genre. hmmm quite tired and throat sore from all the screaming haha off to rest for now...

-waiting for the show to begin
-the party begins!!!
-tix and wrist band

18th June 2004 | Friday | 9.38pm


well, tried something new today, went to a kallang condo with vincent to have a taste of.... golf! oh well always thought it was some old ppl's game. the only golf i played was hmm wondergolf at sentosa haha totally different. well the balls are much harder and so is the club. got backache and fingers feel abit blisterish but its a new experience not as easy as it seems, posture and everything quite important, have to thank vin for the coaching tips heh not exactly a fun experience but should be better in the subsequent sessions...

13th June 2004 | Sunday | 11.38pm
bran may explode without warning

From Go-Quiz.com
10th June 2004 | Thursday | 10.58pm

-self confidence...

been scraping silky stone all day straining my eyes on the darn jaw which just wouldn't bite arghh after sendin xx home from walking around the pasar malam at toa payoh, drove home along pie. then came upon a jam, odd to have one at night along an expressway. an accident happened a distance away, a few people were directing traffic away from the outermost lane. as i drove past, i saw the fallen motorcycle and the rider was lying on the road still conscious with his helmet still on but bleeding on the inside. it appears that they were waiting for paramedics to arrive but no one attending to him. for a moment, i tot... hey i'm having lessons on first aid perhaps i could stop and help, but then i started to have other thoughts... how can i help? i got neither bandages nor any first aid equipment and he needs no cpr. but i believe the main reason was that i lack the self confidence to apply first aid, the fear of causing more damage, the fear of not knowing what to do... how? haiz feel so useless... wonder how i'm going to treat patients next time...

8th June 2004 | Tuesday | 06.28pm

-thats my way of the ninja!

yay finally, 3 more days of special term but darn stupid hrm exam at the end, how am i suppose to write down my thoughts for the exams when i seldom think about stuffs... haiz just have to smoke through i guess.

just read yh's blog and yeah totally agree with him, naruto fantastic stuff. previously read dragonball, flame of recca and a little of shaman king but none of them are as good as naruto, which actually made me shed a tear or two at certain scenes, that is quite a feat i must say especially for a person like me. he is this kid who really matures along the way but the thing i like about him is that he doesn't give up even if the odds are against him and he is always optimistic, something which i'd like to follow, to make it as my way of life! my way of the ninja! heh for those who are interested, u can get info or even the soundtrack of the anime here or d/l the anime.


Uchiha Itachi

Which Naruto character are you?! ((With pictures!))
brought to you by Quizilla

(not very accurate though cause i know their characters already anyway i think he is the coolest character woo!

3rd June 2004 | Thursday | 06.48pm

-the reason 2

was telling xx how sad the starting of the mtv of hoobastank's "the reason" was as i caught the starting part of it where a girl got knocked down by the car. the lyrics to this "favourite song of the month" was about someone apologising to another saying that he/she will change his/her ways. and so i thought the lead singer was regretting his actions after seeing his gf getting knocked down by a car. i was wrong!! and so the twist to the mtv is revealed as a group of guys entered a vault while everyone else was distracted by the accident. they begin to sweep the place and finally found a huge ruby. the chorus goes "I've found a reason for me...To change who I used to be... A reason to start over new...and the reason is You..." so the "you" in the song refers to the ruby ahhhhhh the girl who met with the accident stood up and sped off with another guy on a motorbike. xx and i laughed away

27th May 2004 | Thursday | 11.48pm


went to watch day after tomoro yesterday, well all i can say is that the lead looks like pierce brosnan aka mr. bond, his son looks like tobey macguire aka spiderman and the leads boss looks like the rock, a typical natural disaster movie except its not as touching as armageddon or deep impact. well really dunno what to write nowadays, as yh said, bur teeth yesterday, bur today, bur tomoro and tomoro tomorrow and tomoro tomoro tomorrow...

22th May 2004 | Saturday | 08.48pm

-the reason

was out with the guys yesterday having jap food at bugis, started to talk about relationships and stuff like that, j (guy) said something like "in a relationship, its usually the girl who feels insecure while the guy remains confident of the relationship and will lead to..." i was struck by what he said and agreed with his point.

"when a girl feels insecure, it shows that she likes the guy alot..." -wl (girl)

well heard this during msn chat last night and thought about it for some time and hmm it does make some sense. things have now took a turn for the better, thanks wl, will keep this in mind in the future. and to the special person in my life, sorry... i will try to be more patient =)

Hoobastank - the reason

20th May 2004 | Thursday | 10.08pm

-is there no one else!!! is there no one else!!!

yeah caught tr0y yesterday, must say its quite a fascinating show, got me interested into greek mythology. orlando bloom played a useless character, paris, in the show haha starting the mess by bringing back helen, screwing up the mess by initiating the challenge to Menelaus and running away from it and finally messed up the ending by killing achilles such that he could not be with his loved one... oh man is there no one else!! paris should have stuck to the bow and arrow instead of wielding the sword at the first place...

today, went to west mall with siwen and yonghe to watch jacky cheung's sing/autograph session. amazing... the whole of westmall was packed! outside, there was a queue around the whole of westmall, waiting for him to sign. inside, every floor was packed, even the escalators were stopped so ppl could watch from there. well, beside us was this couple, girl infront, guy A behind with one arm on the railing the other on the pillar. then came a man B, his pregnant wife and his toddler. B stood behind the couple but the A's arm was blocking him. so B asked A to put down his hands but A refused. then started a series of quarrels which lasted throught jacky's performance. A even gave the reason that he was afraid B will touch A's girlfriend so he refused to put down his arm which was on the pillar. fortunately, there wasn't a fight as B's pregnant wife pulled him away several times. well, i believe that A was quite selfish and if he gave in, both parties could have enjoyed the performance. if only human beings gave in to one another and not be so selfish, the world would be a much better place, hopefully none of these rubbish will happen in the lab...

found tora in one of the snack store, something which was quite popular during my childhood days heh

16th May 2004 | Sunday | 11.28pm


sunday!! but last day of the weekend... going back to the lab tomoro haiz... anyway was driving along orchard when suddenly a glimpse of yellow appeared on the rear mirror. in the next second... vrooooooom! darn a blur of yellow flew past, no doubt about it, it was a yellow lamborghini flying pass and cut into my lane... could only see its 2 huge exhaust pipes, ahh no wonder it cost so much 800k? well... watched van helsing today, gd show, actionpacked with babes kate beckinsale and dracula's wives haha pity they died. but the thing that impressed me other than the special effects was the music, the soundtrack. it totally brought out the atmosphere of the scenes, made xx jumped a few times hehe. went to plaza sing hoping to take pictures of the race queens but then guess we went to late, only cars were there. so just took pictures with the cars... but hey i took a picture with one pretty babe hee ;)

15th May 2004 | Saturday | 08.48pm


went out with xx after first aid lesson today, didn't manage to get tics for van hellsing. anyway passed by this car dealer exhibition outside taka, saw the awesome rx8 but it was quite small inside dunno my long legs can fit or not heh anyway this salesman came up to me and asked if i drive and what i was driving and all the coe rubbish which i wasn't sure of. i told him suzuki and he asked me if it was suzuki ignis. i replied swift gti and he went "oh that 1.3l car eh" he then gave me his name card and asked me to call him when i wanted to trade it. wow i was quite surprised, looks like dad did make a gd buy for this car while everyone complained that it had only 2 doors. its quite a resellable car. anyway xx and i moved on and we found the busking percussion band that usually plays outside taka on weekends. they were AWESOME, this was not the first time we've seen them busking but they were still impressive compared to the other buskers. the crowd they attracted caused a jam outside taka. their music made some of the passerbys dance haha it was that gd, they are called wicked aura batucada got time can go take a look haha

13th May 2004 | Thursday | 10:28pm


its been a long time since i updated... why? coz special term has started and i 've been feeling real tired for the past few days, to the extent that i take naps after i reach home... something which i have not done before or perhaps maybe once in a while. i dunno whats happening to me... holiday withdrawal symptoms? haiz... well... past few days i did catch up with my sji classmates, 3 days in fact. 1st day i helped v to pack and bring back his stuff to his place from ntu hall, my first time in ntu but no babes to see coz school vacation heh it was fun coz he let me drive his van from orchard to ntu!! yeah was quite an exciting experience(though abit slow) quite sian to be overtaken by almost every other car haha but then shiok got experience with van, the other time i touched a van was a short test drive with the nussu van. 2nd day was having supper with them at geylang, tried the SUPERB ostrich and beef horfun wah that was really damn shiok, the beef was more tender than the ostrich though. frog porridge was also quite gd. we then proceeded to yonghe you tiao da wang and had the usual stuff. 3rd day was a special one as one of my sji classmate came back from usa for vacation, brought him around to eat and we could see that he missed local dishes as he gobbled up almost everything. for the first time, i tried the supposedly famous crispy prata at upper thomson near pl's place. it seems to me like the sji gang bond is stronger than the jc one, well maybe coz itz all-boys, or perhaps i've been going out with them more often than my jc classmates... hopefully i will get used to school term again and be less tired yeah thanks siwen for flooding my tag board!! and xx too! ;)

machine of the moment is currently xx's favourite! bmw 645ci

driving experience

Suzuki Swift GTi

Nissan Sunny VIP Ex Saloon (xx)

Mercedes E200 (v)

Toyota LiteAce (v)

2nd May 2004 | Sunday | 11:48pm

-chao ji ming xing lian.. super!!

yay!! finally got my first pair of teva sandals for 49 bucks, uploaded some photos from my handphone too. and now for the segment called "chao ji ming xing lian!!" for this week, we have not one but 2!! maojie being spotted by xx and siwen by me hee hee hee here we can see the uncanny resemblance of maojie to the character in one piece and siwen to the main hero of ong bak!


2nd May 2004 | Sunday | 01:38pm

-red bean, big red bean, yu tou

was out shopping with xx today, found quite a good deal at world of sports, its the annual salvation army - trade in teva deal! u can trade in your old sandals to get teva sandals at a discounted price. well, was wearing shoes so have to go buy another day. met up with army mates at 7, was celebrating andrew's birthday at kenny rogers. had a good time catching up with them. seated beside us was this bunch of vjc kids, really felt quite old, especially when they were making so much noise and having fun while we were just eating and talking. guess age is catching up with us, the oldest of the group is 25 yrs old! haha i'm the youngest there. anyway, after much discusssion, they decided to go to karaoke at serangoon gardens. i wasn't really keen on the idea especially having a sorethroat and well i suck at singing... anyway just went along so won't be so sao xing. we came to this place where a cute girl came to serve us, so we just went in and started singing. halfway through we cut cake and sang andrew his bday song and keepang and yaozu gave a rendition of the 933 birthday song, andrew was quite paiseh haha think this is my 2nd time singing karaoke and seems like i'm always associated with english songs arghh, therefore! i decided to take on both english and chinese songs. i actually sang 5566's wo nan guo arghhh mayday's wenrou and zhou chuan xiong's huanghun were some of the better songs hee though i can't really read the fan ti zi, needed some help from them.think i'm quite monotonous too arghhh i suck... and my was i quite surprised at some of the selections of songs, these included songs of my mums era - dancing queen, top of the world... and the old andy lau, sammi and dunno who's songs (u can see how old it is from the quality of the mtv). hahah but the BEST song goes to ah ya's red bean and yu tou song and keepang could actually sing it! oh my...

29th April 2004 | Thursday | 05:18pm


what a wonderful trip it has been, an overseas trip since taking starcruise in j2. 12 of us in all including me and xx, our first overseas trip together. the journey was full of fun and laughter, the only pity was that i fell ill on the 2nd day and didn't get to buy many things... on the other hand, i did 3 things i had never done before, parasailing, bananaboat and jetski, damn shiok, will definitely go for it again maybe in places such as thailand where the waters are clearer and the sands whiter, hopefully...

photos taken from the trip can be found on the "photos" link on the right column.

here are some things i've learnt from the trip...

Day 1

->foreign customs are rude and got ap

->theres no such thing as free rides, just as we thought that chiobu ailing wanted to give us a lift, she mentioned the price. ailing is a real lobang queen with connections ranging from room rentals to food.

->some waterfalls no longer had water

->taxi drivers will soon go bust coz of ailing's syndicate

->penang ppl dun really like to eat rice, most of the stalls sell noodles and kuay teow

->soup in hokkien is spelt thng

->food may be cheap but it is servings are small, prawns are given generously.

->road junctions are no longer limited to cross and Ts. arrow, triangular and all sorts of fuuny shaped junctions exist.

->the most popular cars are proton and perdua costing only RM30,000, driving a toyota will make u prince/princess as the toyota showroom showed the price tag of RM250,000+. Driving a bmw or merz probably makes u king/queen of penang.

->normal cars have exhaust as huge as sewage pipes and loud reving engines.

->temples do have high-tech air conditioned reclining lifts.

->siwen's priceless pose infront of guan yin(kek lok si temple) resembles the guy in ong bak.

->monkeys in the botanical gardens have moodswings, one moment they are horny scratching their balls, the next moment they jump at u with fury.

->path up the penang hill is steep, requires a 4-wheel drive and not 2-leg drive(only up to 0.5km).

->penang has bluish tap water.

Day 2

->parasailing is shiok, dangling few storeys above sea is a wonderful experience with breathtaking view

->i look like a hanging dead cockroach during parasailing

->last seat on the bananaboat entitles u to effortless bouncing as well as sea water in your face with compliments from mj.

->jetskiiing is as exciting as speeding on land with little traffic.

->the horse's penis is able to retract and extend when it is peeing, does not involve erection... i think.

->douhua comes in agar agar form with longans, cost only RM1.20

->movie tickets cost RM8 with certain days going at RM5.

->heaven for piracy! even official looking shops sell well packaged dvds

->pirated cds cost as low as 4 to 5 ringgit but the one i bought cannot even be read!

->coffeestall owners dun even know that they sell luo han guo when the posters on the wall said so. straws are washed and reused.

Day 3

->i'm the bear

->phong pneah is also known as lao puo bing

->komtar has 65 storeys of shops my foot!

->mj's canon can hold up to 4 persons or more

->gama is the best shopping centre u will ever find, with the ever popular brands such as cheetah and O'reef

->the green man is animated and "walks" allowing pedestrians to cross the road. with 6 seconds remaining, the green man starts to run asking u to get out of the road and run for your life!

->cream puffs may or may not be stuffed with custard

->macdonalds have their own version of curly fries as well as milkshake!!!


22th April 2004 | Thursday | 09:58pm


went to visit a good old friend today at alexandra hospital, hes been there for the past week for pneumothorax. he has always been the joker of the gang playing pranks and stuff and so when he msged ppl that hes in hospital, everyone thinks hes joking, including me heh but it turns out that its real this time. must be quite a shocking event for him, he went to hospital for a checkup but got pushed into e.r. and had an immediate surgery instead haha but as usual when xx and i visited him he was still the same old joker i knew, never changed abit. he has always been a super fit guy playing rugby, soccer and anything physical but kena pneumothorax by a sudden cough during his chemistry test... lifes still fragile no matter what, do take care and treasure ppl around us... hope u have a speedy recovery! =)

19th April 2004 | Monday | 11:08pm


times have really changed... was having family dinner yesterday when a challenge was set... a file was passed to my bro and i, we begin to analyze...

3 boys, Ali, Bala and Jimmy were playing with marbles. Ali gave some marbles to Bala and Bala's marbles increased by 50%. Bala gave some marbles to Jimmy and Jimmy's marbles increased by 40%. Jimmy then gave marbles to Ali and Ali's marbles increased by 20% All 3 boys ended up with an equal number of marbles. If the total number of marbles they had was 432, how many marbles does each of them have at first?

shitz, what a long question, sounds quite messy too. haiz, "mian zi" at stake, do or die must solve it haha, after 15mins of intensive brain usage, finally got the answer. oh boy, what has the education system evolved into, the above question is set for a primary school kid! ah back at my time, we only did up to multiplication or at most division but percentage?? hmm well maybe we did but i forgot, oh well... no wonder kids now are so stressed and all starting to wear specs...

Doctor Unheimlich has diagnosed me with
Bran's Lurgy
Cause: a significant alignment of the stars
Symptoms: sudden gills, occasional chills, loss of libido, embarrassing noises
Cure: Kryptonite
Enter your name, for your own diagnosis:

loss of libido!!?????

15th April 2004 | Thursday | 10:08pm


its an unorganised day, hmmm firstly, i would like to apologise to the guys for not turning up. haiz but trust me ppl, i dun fly aeroplane, even if i do, i must have a good reason for doing so. went back to look for the guys @ sushi place but they left, so i just went home and waited till 7 to go pick xx up. at the 1st traffic light, the tachometer went below 1k rpm and sploot... the engine died. hmmm maybe i released the clutch too early, well i was wrong. the engined continued stalling like birds shitting down from trees, like traffic wardens issuing summons... anyway, decided to drive back to my place first then take bus with her back to serangoon. at first, i tot the car ran out of battery, but i soon realised the temperature meter hit max, oh shit! fortunately, managed to reach home without the car blowing up, could smell some burning smell though...

14th April 2004 | Wednesday | 11:38am


"oei blackout leh how ah oei oei", this i heard coming outside from my neighbours. my com was still working fine and lights were still on, so i just continued chatting thinking it was just a isolated incident. the next moment, all i could see is the glow-in-the-dark flying pig that xx gave me. it was totally dark, 1st thing i did was to pick up my phone and use it as a torch(quite useful eh?) then i called xx and told her about it. after searching, finally found a torch and i remained in the darkness and HEAT for the next 1 hr waiting for the power supply to come back. My mum was quite funny too, she took taxi back. she was playing mahjong in bukit panjang when the lights went off too! haha they had to take the stairs down from 14 storeys in total darkness, guess the lift wasn't working. back at gold banana street, u could see candle light in every household haha feels like lantern festival again. guess the worse hit will be students preparing for the exams rite pearl? haha reminds me of the ancient times when ppl use candle light to study. good luck to those having papers today after yesterdays incident, man electricity is really important and we've probably taken it for granted

10th April 2004 | Saturday | 11:20pm


haiz... so irritating today, was shopping with nijam and zhixiang at the adidas store. walking around then 2 girls approached me... "excuse me got larger size or not ah" *%^%&^%&^% oh man so paiseh just smiled and walkoff. was wearing adidas tee lah but i look like sales assistant meh haha oh well... but it was quite funny thinking back

5th April 2004 | Monday | 8:50pm


exams are over!!! trying to think of what to do now, decided to give my homepage a new facelift with the recent liking for the colour red! yeahh!! testing testing 1, 2, 3...

9th Febuary 2003 | sunday |

a day to remember where almost half my jc class turned up for a reunion lunch with a surprise turn up by our form tutor mrs chew! had a great time that day getting to know how the rest had been. updated with a few photos @ sajc section.

31st January 2003 | friday |

its 2003!! year of ORD haha now time really FLIES!, its been a long time since i updated this and i just found out that the provider coolconnect.com collapse so now have to rely on trusty geocities, counters down too, so are the mp3s and games. changed the pages totally so feel free to look around =) happy chinese new year