Welcome to the
Indigenous Nations Center

INC Purpose & Mission:
   The Indigenous Nations Center offers a variety of informative links and original material via the World Wide Web in order to foster and strengthen indigenous communities and in order to promote awareness of indigenous people. As such, this site is founded on the principle that further colonization can be fought and/or resisted through education and awareness. 

Hoops, Rings & Supports: Links to others in the community
Indian Circle (webring)
Nativeweb: http://nativeweb.org   Fairly global with good news updates.
Ancestor Page: http://www.sheps.com/ancestors/links/na.html   A little New-Age for me, but organized around ancient cultures. The site as a whole is not devoted exclusively to native Americans.
American Indian Cultural Resource Center: http://groups.hamptonroads.com/navakee   Serving the Hampton Roads, VA American indian Community.
American Indian Net: http://www.amaericanindian.net

List by Federally Recognized Name    While comprehensive, this list denies each tribe the right to be called by the name they call themselves. It's like saying "you're no longer named Bob. Instead you must be called 'The Individual Who Calls Themselves Bob.'" This is a real subtle and perverse way of stripping one's identity and is hardly in alignment with the ideals expressed in the Constitution of the U.S. or in democracy in general.
Official Government Site of listings by Federally Recognized Name. 
Healing Arts List

Noah's News - http://members.aol.com/newsbynoah  Really good website with more than just the news! Run by Phyllis Noah, administrator of the Native People's Ring. Has geneology, legends, events, legislation, artists and crafts people. 
Nunavut Network - http://www.nunanet.com  Talk with the first completely Native territory of Canada! They have a whole network connecting them across the forests, tundra and waters.

 Indian Law Resource Center - http://indianlaw.org 
National Indian Child Welfare Association - http;//www.nicwa.org
National Indian Justice Center - http://nijc.indian.com
Native American Rights Fund - http://www.narf.org
Native Elder Care Resource Center - http://www.uchsc.edu/sm/nehcrc

David M. Grant's Homepage: http://dana.ucc.nau.edu/~dmg9   I don't know how long this will be active. I created this site as a graduate student at Northern Arizona University. My thesis, "Hozho: A Navajo Cultural Concept for the Writing Classroom" provided lots of invaluable information about Navajo culture and this page reflects that. It is organized around four basic principles in Navajo philosophy.
Indigenous Nations Studies at University of Kansas: http://www.ukans.edu/~insp
California Indian Museum: http://cimcc.indian.com
Native American Literature: http://www.hanksville.org/NAresources/indices/NAbooks.html

Globally Indigenous
Center for World Indigenous Studies: http://www.cwis.org
Center for Indigenous Environmental Resources: http://cier.mb.ca
Village of First Nations: http://firstnations.com

Powhatan Renape Nation: http://powhatan.org  Home Page of the Powhatan Renape Nation in New Jersey. Nice list of books, updated events calendar.

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David M. Grant

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This page last modified 04 May 2000
