A New Start
Part 52

For the second time in less then a week Liz came out of unconsciousness with a serious headache but this time she didn’t bolt upright remembering what had caused her unconsciousness. Instead she stayed in the same position with her eyes closed, giving the illusion she was still out. She was lying on her back and could feel heaviness on her ankles and wrists that she thought were chains. She tried to tell if anyone was around her, that was when she heard a deep cold voice, “Elizabeth, there’s no used pretending, I know you’re awake.”

Liz let her eyes flutter open and they adjusted to the bright light of the room. The room looked to be made of stone and nothing looked out of the ordinary until she saw the symbol on a banner, it was the same symbol that was the scar on Max’s hand. The one that stood for the breeding cult. She shifted her gaze and saw the face of Ames White. “Where’s Michael?”

“Your friend? He’s safe, still unconscious but safe, for now.” White answered coldly.

“Why should I believe you?” Liz asked. She could feel that Michael was close by but not how close or he was.

“Whether you believe me or not doesn’t matter because I don’t think you have much of a choice.” White stated. “You have no way out. Aside from your restraints, there are several cameras watching this room so your little tricks that got you into that warehouse undetected won’t work here. And if you do somehow manage to get out, you’ll be leaving your friend behind and I doubt you’ll do that.”

“So if I don’t try to escape you’ll leave Michael alone?”


“Okay, what do you want? Why did you take me?” Liz asked.

“Answers for one. What did 452 do with my son?” White asked hovering over her.

The look in his eyes made Liz shrink back slightly, “I don’t know.”

“Is he alive?’

“As far as I know, Max wouldn’t kill an innocent child.” Liz stated.

“I’ll find out soon enough.” White said menacingly.

“What do you mean?” Liz asked.

“Well you see in a few days I’m going use you as bait for another trap to capture 452 and the rest of her band of freaks.” White explained.

“What are you going to do to me until then?”

“Find out what exactly you are.” Liz saw his face change to an appearance of emotionless as he said, “At first I thought that you were some type of prototype for a new kind of transgenic or something else but your blood as well as your friend’s say different.”

“You took my blood?” Liz asked.

White grabbed her elbow showing her the bruised area where her blood had been withdrawn. He almost smiled when he saw her wince in pain. “It says your not human or transgenic, Elizabeth.”

Ignoring his question again Liz said, ““I have a question of my own, how do you know my name?”

“Your driver’s license. I found it in your back pocket along with a picture of you and 494.”

“His name is Alec.” Liz stated.

“You can call him whatever you want.” White stated. “I knew you were linked to the transgenics somehow but I didn’t expect you to be intimately involved with one. It’ll help my plan better.”

“Whatever I am to whoever is none of your business.” Liz snapped.

“Maybe sometime to mull things over will make you more forth coming. Just know this, no one knows where you are so don’t think you’ll be rescued.” White said before leaving.

Liz listened to the locks on the door click. She knew it wasn’t anything she couldn’t get by with her powers but being watched and knowing that she would risk Michael’s safety if she tried to escape. So she would have to wait for the others she knew that they would come after her, there was no doubt in her heart that Alec would come. But White hadn’t said that she had to stay chained up and he already knew she could manipulate locks so she wasn’t giving anymore information away. She concentrated and heard the locks on her chains click open. She sat up as she pulled her hands loose. She rubbed the soreness from her wrists and considered healing all of her scratches and bruises. She had a good size cut on her face from the pavement but decided not to. At least not yet. She might need the energy later, she would just deal. She pulled her feet loose as well and stood up to explore her cell.

She looked around trying to take in more of her surroundings than she’d been able to before. The room was pretty barren, the walls looked to be made of blocks of concrete, which meant she was probably in the basement. That could be useful to the others. She needed to project to them but first she wanted to check on Michael. White had said he was unconscious so she’d have to dreamwalk him. She laid back down and closed her eyes. She had never tried to dreamwalk someone without having a picture of them but she had to try. She was worried about him. She concentrated on Michael and did her best to dreamwalk him.


“Sir, I think you should take a look at this.” One of the security camera surveillance technicians said to White.

“What is it?” White asked.

“She got loose of her restraints.” The technician answered.

White walked over to study the monitor in front of him. The cameras in Elizabeth’s room fed it. She was standing in the middle of her room, looking around. “How did she do it?”

“I don’t know sir. She was just lying there and then the cuffs popped off. But why would she do that and not attempt to escape?”

“Because she’s not stupid. She knows I meant my threat that I would kill her companion if she did. But all I said was that she had to stay in her cell, I didn’t say she couldn't get up.” White smiled. “She’s testing her limits. That’s my girl.”

He continued to watch the monitor as he asked, “What’s the status on the other one?”

“Still out.”

Elizabeth finished her search and laid back down on the cot she had been on before. He watched as she appeared to go to sleep. He had half expected her to break when he had been in with her earlier but had kept her ground. It would be interesting to find out what he wanted to know. “Give her a little time to sleep then we’re start figuring out what she is.”

Part 53

Alec paced the length of the main room in the headquarters building waiting for news. Too much time had passed with Liz and Michael not returning, so he had called Logan. Logan had told him that they had left sometime before so they knew something had happened. They sent out some X5 scouts to see if they could find out something. Max wouldn’t let Alec go out since her and him would be easily recognized. So now he was with Kyle, Ava, and Max who were waiting for news as well.

The door flew open revealing Maria with Logan trailing behind. “Ria, what the hell are you doing back here?” Alec exclaimed. He had started calling her Ria ever since Roswell.

“My best friend and my boyfriend are missing and you’re asking me what I’m doing here? I thought Liz said X5s brains worked faster than most people?” Maria asked.

Alec knew he was seeing what Liz had always called ‘Hurricane Deluca’ and not to mess with her. “Okay stupid question.”

Alec looked at Logan with raised eyebrows. Logan put up both hands in surrender; “I already heard it from her. She made me bring her back.”

“Liz always told me not to mess with her when she’s like this.” Alec whispered to him.

“Hello? I’m still here. Now have you guys heard anything?” Maria asked just as a few of the X5s they had set out came in wheeling Alec’s torn up bike.

“Report.” Alec ordered trying to keep his voice even and not showing the effect the wrecked bike had on him. His mind flickered to what could have happened to Liz. Was she hurt?

“We found this a few miles east of TC. According to some witnesses nearby there was an accident involving this bike when some FBI chased down and apprehended some fugitives.” The X5 explained as something on the bike caught his eye. He pulled a picture out from under one of the cracks in the bike. It was a picture of him and Liz.

“It’s not the FBI, it’s White.” Alec said showing them the picture. “He has Liz and Michael.”

Maria took the picture from Alec, “So what do we do?”

“We go in after them now.” Alec stated pulling out some weapons they had been preparing for the siege.

“No, we don’t.” Max stated. “We do the plan the same as we planned.”

Max’s words made Alec snap and he couldn’t contain his anger anymore. He grabbed the edge of the table and flung it across the room. Everything on top of it went flying making a horrendous noise. Max could see that how upset he was and knew he would trash the place if she didn’t stop him. She grabbed him and pinned him to the wall. “I know you’re upset, but we can’t just go in there with guns drawn and shoot up the place. If we do both Liz and Michael could get hurt, so right now we have to wait and think it through.”

Somewhere in Alec’s mind, he knew she was right. And the last thing he wanted to do was endanger Liz more. He breathed in deep trying to control himself. “Fine.” Alec said through clenched teeth.

Max could see that he had calmed down so she released him. “White probably took them to the cults’ headquarters. He doesn’t know that we know where it is and that gives us an advantage.”

“Not the only one.” Maria interrupted overcoming the shock she had felt when she saw Alec’s unleashed anger. She pulled another picture out of her purse this one of Michael. “Kyle, dreamwalk Michael and Liz, find out if they know where they are. Anything that could be useful.”

Everyone looked at Maria with surprise, not expecting her to be the one with the plan after her earlier tirade. She put her hands on her hips, “I might not have alien powers but I have the oldest membership to the ‘I know an alien club’ in this room besides Ava and I’ve been there when something like this has happened before.”

“It’s not my strongest power but I see what I can do.” Kyle said taking the pictures. “I’m going to need a quiet place to do this. And one not so public.”

“Come on.” Alec said quickly leading them to his room. He saw the few things of Liz’s there and it made his hatred of White increase. Kyle sat in a big recliner there and stretched out to get comfortable. He didn’t know why but he tried Michael’s first.

Kyle opened eyes and found himself in Michael’s hazy subconscious. He looked around, everything was cloudy and blurry, he knew from his lessons with Isabel that this wasn’t typical. Michael wasn’t sleeping, he was knocked out. “Michael! Where are you?”

“Kyle?!” He heard Michael ask.

“Yeah, it’s me. Where are you?” Kyle asked. Suddenly Michael was standing right in front of him and he wasn’t alone. “LIZ!”

The dreamwalking illusion of Liz smiled but before she could say anything Michael spoke, “I guess my head is the one every one comes to party in.”

Liz slapped him on the shoulder before addressing Kyle. “I don’t know how much time we have but you’ll save me the energy from projecting. Tell the others that I’m pretty sure we’re at the headquarters of the Familiars in the basement. They’ve got cameras on us, they had chains on me too but I got out of them. White threatened Michael’s safety if I try to escape.”

“I don’t know where I am, the last thing I remember seeing was us crashing Alec’s motorcycle.” Michael added.

“White’s just been asking questions about us. I haven’t given him any real answers but he took a sample of both our blood and knows we’re different.” Liz explained. She looked at Michael, “I don’t know if you can but you need to wake up. But when you do, don’t go all freak out and start blasting people. You’re going to have to control yourself for a little while. I know it’s against your nature but if the two of us escape then we loose the opportunity to get the information.”

Michael didn’t look pleased but he nodded. Liz knew more about this situation than he did and would have to trust her.

“I better get out of here. I’ll tell the others what’s going on. We should be there soon.” Kyle stated.

Kyle saw Liz and Michael nod. The last thing he heard before he faded away was Liz say, “Tell Alec I love him.”


Kyle woke up and found Maria sitting next to him, watching over him. “Did it work?”

Kyle nodded, “I talked to Michael, he appeared to be okay. Liz was dreamwalking him at the same time so I got a chance to check on her too.”

Alec perked up when he heard Kyle say Liz’s name. “What did she say? Is she okay?”

“She’s okay, she told me to tell Alec that she loved him. And she had some information for us. She said she thinks she in the basement of the building we’re going to hit. They’ve got her and Michael chained up and cameras on them so they can’t escape.”

Alec couldn’t help but picture Liz bound in chains and felt his anger rise again, “That son of a bitch.”

“She told me she got out of them but White threatened Michael’s life if she tried to escape. So they’re waiting for us.” Kyle finished explaining.

Alec took in what Kyle said and figured out a plan. Usually Max was the one to give orders but this mission was his to command. “We’ll park half mile away. Kyle, you’re going to be with me. We’re going to have to use your powers to get Michael and Liz out while the others get the information we need. Delta Team, that’s Wes and Lulu, are going to be located on the ground and second floor. Max and Biggs will cover on the third and top floor, Ava’s going with them. We’ll stay in radio contact the whole time. Whoever gets the information first radios the others and the two teams will meet back at the cars where Logan and Maria will be waiting along with Cece to provide cover if we need it. We don’t want our escape vehicles compromised. We move out at sunset.”

Everyone nodded and started getting ready for the night to come.

Part 54

Liz ignored the technicians that swarmed around her. They were giving her a headache, asking all kinds of questions. What abilities do you have? Were you born with them? She just ignored them feigning silence instead of answering. The ‘deal’ if you could call it that, which she had made with White had been that she wouldn’t try to escape and he wouldn’t hurt Michael. She had never said she would answer any questions. She wanted to check on Michael again but she couldn’t do that with these idiots in here. They freaked her out some too. They all had hard eyes like White, eyes that reminded somewhat of Tess.

She closed her eyes and concentrated on the three people in her cell with her. She knew she was taking a risk but she wanted them out, she didn’t think she could take another minute of them. She mind warped them into seeing White come into the room and order them out. She knew it would only buy her some time but she would take one minute of peace over an hour of the technicians. Like she figured the three hurried out of the room and shut the door behind them. Liz laid back and blew out a deep breath. She wished the team from Terminal City would hurry up and come. She missed Alec, she missed her friends. She knew Maria had to be driving everyone nuts by now worrying about her and Michael. Remembering she wanted to check on Michael she concentrated on him and projected to him. She wanted to be able to check on him plus the room he was in to make sure they weren’t doing anything to him.

She opened her eyes to see a room exactly like the one she had spent the last couple hours in. She might have thought projecting hadn’t worked if she didn’t see Michael lying in the middle of the room. He looked right at her eyes wide. Liz put a finger to her mouth to tell him not to speak. Because she was projecting solely to him, the cameras wouldn’t pick her up but it would record him talking back to her. If they saw him talking to thin air they would know something was up.

“You okay?” She asked. He nodded. “The others should be here soon so hang in there.”

Again Michael nodded slightly. Liz said good bye to him and she ended the projection. The whole thing had only taken a minute; she got up from where she was leaning and started to pace her room. She was still doing it when White came in, an evil smirk on his face. “Nice little trick Elizabeth.”

Liz froze at his words, he couldn’t know about her projecting, could he? “I don’t know what you mean.”

“Well the men assigned to you just informed me that I ordered them out of your room. So I have to ask can your friend do that as well or do you differ?”

Liz didn’t answer just stared at him. She wasn’t going to tell him anything. He saw this and continued, “You’re a quiet one aren’t you?”

“Only when I have nothing to say.”

“So still haven’t decided to tell me what you are?” White stated.

“Why don’t you tell me? You’re the one whose supposed to be the superior one with all the selective breeding behind you.” Liz snapped.

“I see you have the same mouth on you as 452 and 494.” White smirked, “Very well I do have a theory. After the incident at the warehouse I did some research. I found a FBI/New Mexico state police report that spoke of a shooting in the woods just outside of Roswell. The strange thing was when the bullets were found they weren’t marked in anyway to show that they had impacted into anything. Like they had been stopped in mid air, just like your little barrier did at the warehouse.”

Liz was surprised by his words. She knew he was talking about when Max, Mr. Valenti, and Isabel had rescued Laurie Dupree from when she had been buried in Frasier Woods. She knew that Max had used his shield to protect them while they dug Laurie up.

“After you were brought here, I checked into your background. And found that you were from Roswell. At first I thought you were out in those woods but none of the names mentioned were yours.” White stated. “I assume they were just more of you.”

“That’s a good story but you still haven’t told me your theory.”

“Well since Roswell is the site of the supposed alien crash, which by the way I know is not a hoax, I concluded that you are connected somehow to the survivors of that crash, an alien of some kind.” White finished.

Well Liz had to admit he was on the right track. “That’s a pretty wild theory.”

“The thing is, I think I’m right. And by your reaction I’m positive.” White said. “Care to elaborate and tell me the truth?”

Again Liz was silent, she could see that White was upset. His face-hardened and he moved towards her causing her to back up. “Eventually you will give me the answers I want. After all you wouldn’t want to have another accident.”

At White’s last statement Liz felt him stick his fingers directly on the cut on her face and pressed hard. The pain shot right to her temples and Liz fell to her knees. When it finally subsided she looked up and saw White looking down at her again smirking. She wanted to wipe it off his face so she raised her hand and flung him across the room. When he landed he had a complete look of shock but it was no where near the surprise he had when she brought her hand up to her face and healed the wound. “You don’t know everything so I suggest you don’t underestimate me or my friend.”

White was surprised by the new ability to heal herself and decided he would do just as she said he wouldn’t underestimate her. He didn’t doubt that if he didn’t threaten the life of the other one she could easily slip away. He picked himself up brushing off his suit and leaving.

Liz let out a deep breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. She couldn’t wait to get out of there.

Part 55

Maria sat watching Alec methodically cleaning a handgun. She could see it was comforting him in some way, it was probably better than just sitting around waiting. The others were getting ready leave shortly while Alec and Maria sat together. Her and Logan’s time in Terminal City was almost up but they would be gone again before they ran out completely. As she shifted around in her seat Alec looked up at her. “Getting antsy?”

“A little.”

“Considering all the alien stuff you’ve seen you should be used to this.” Alec stated.

Maria shrugged, “This is different. We’ve dealt with FBI, Skins, weird blue alien things, alien possessions and mind warping hoes but this whole thing is different. You seem awfully calm though.”

Alec shrugged, “This is what I was made to do. What I was trained since I was old enough to walk.”

“But this isn’t some normal mission, we’re rescuing Liz and Michael.”

“Maria, I’m not taking this lightly. Far from it.” Alec said before moving to sit next to her. “I’ve loved two women in my life. I lost one because I couldn’t save her; I’m not going to let that happen again. Liz and Michael are going to be fine. We’re going to get them out and they’ll be with us tonight

Max and Logan walked up just then. “Time to move out.”

Alec nodded as he stood up. He grabbed up his weapons and strapped on their harnesses. Maria had to admit that right now Alec looked scary. And it wasn’t just the weapons he was carrying. He had a demeanor that showed he meant business. This guy White had taken something that was precious to him and Alec was going to make him pay. She had to remember not to piss him off. They walked out to the cars and headed out.


After making sure the cars were well-hidden everyone piled out and began to load up with the exception of Logan and Maria. Kyle and Ava were even armed not wanting to take the chance. Maria looked over and saw Logan working hard on his laptop and Maria couldn’t help but think of Alex. “What are you doing?”

“I honed in on a signal that I think is their computer feed. I hacked into it and was able to get into their security system. So now I’ve disarmed their alarms and looped their video cameras so they’ll continually feed the same image and won’t know we’ve gotten Michael and Liz out.” Logan explained.

“Wow.” Was all Maria was able to get out because she was stunned. She watched until she heard Alec.

“Okay people listen up. Break up into your teams and move out. Once you’ve reached your target sweep the entire area, check everything. Use your com to tell the other teams if you find anything. Everyone ready?”

“Yes, sir.” The other Xs except Max and Biggs stated slipping into old habits.

“Move out.” Alec ordered. Wes and Lulu were gone in a heartbeat disappearing into the trees with Max, Ava and Biggs right after them. “Let’s go Kyle. Just stick behind me.”

“Fine by me, I don’t feel like tripping over anything.” Kyle said following Alec. Kyle was in good shape and was able to follow Alec with ease so they made good time. It wasn’t long before they came to the large building that housed the headquarters. It was easy to tell that it had been added to. On one end it was four stories whereas at the far end it was only two.

“There’s the door to the basement. It’s the only way in without out going through the upper floor.” Alec said pointing to the door he was talking about. It was on the taller end of the building.

“Where will it drop us?” Kyle whispered as they clung to the shadows on their way to the door.

“To a hallway that runs the length of the basement. You said Liz told you that’s where they were. There are multiple rooms so we’re going to have to use that alien radar you and Liz have to find them.”

The two reached the door. Normally Alec would pick the lock but Kyle saved them time and just used his powers. He unlocked the door and quieted the hinges before making their way inside. They were lucky that it was illuminated and even luckier that it was clear. At least for that moment. They had made it about half way down the hall when some men appeared. Alec and Kyle ducked into a doorway and Kyle quickly mind warped them into not seeing the intruders. Once they were gone, Kyle whispered, “Either Michael or Liz are in the room across from us.”

Alec nodded and they moved over to the door, which Kyle unlocked again. They opened it carefully fully alert in case there were familiars inside. There were none only Michael.

“About time.” Michael grunted as he got up. He felt like crap, he hadn’t been able to able to heal any of his injuries and he had one hell of a headache. “I was about to just say stuff it and blow this popstand. These familiars are creepy.”

“Do you have any idea where Liz or White is?” Alec asked.

“No, White came in once not long after Kyle dreamwalked us. Liz projected to me not long ago but I don’t know where she is.” Michael answered.

“Let’s go.” Alec said.

“Hang on, let me heal Michael.” Kyle said.

Alec nodded and moved to the entrance of the door to keep watch. He looked down in the direction they still had to cover. His transgenic enhanced sight allowed him to catch slight movement at the end of the hall but he couldn’t make out what it was. “I’m going to go check out something.”

“Alec I’ll be done in just a minute.” Kyle stated.

“Then that gives me plenty of time to check it out.” Alec answered.

Part 56
As the others are making their way inside.

Liz didn’t get much peace away from the cult. White reappeared in her cell less than an hour after there last meeting. The strange thing was when he came in the door he left it wide open. White watched her stare at the door, “You and I are taking a walk.”

“Where?” Liz asked not liking what happening.

“You’ll see. And just so you know, there will still be cameras watching you.” White said as he picked up her chains. “I know you can get back out of these but they’ll slow you down if you decide to try and bolt.”

He made sure the chains were secure then grabbed her arm and pulled her out of her cell and down the hall. When they reached what Liz figured was their destination she was confused. It was a large room with computers.

“Everyone out.” White ordered. The men headed out quickly leaving Liz and White alone. White moved over to a large computer console with a large monitor. “I’ve tried to reason with you, something I’ve never done before. But you still refuse to tell me anything about what you are. So I’ve decided to take more drastic measures.”

White clicked a few keys and brought up Liz’s mug shot from Utah. “You know it never ceases to amaze me how deep the conclave is into everything. Even FBI records that are supposed to be buried.”

“So you plan on trying to blackmail into telling you with a case that I was acquitted? Go ahead, I don’t care.” Liz stated.

“Now who’s underestimating who?” White asked. “These are just the stepping stone I used to find out all about you. I was able to find out about your parents as well as your friends.”

White clicked another key and brought up her parents drivers’ license pictures then moved over so he was face to face with Liz. “From what I’ve seen of you, you protect the people close to you. We’re a lot alike in that way.”

“I am nothing like you.” Liz snapped.

“Yes, you are. And because of that, I know that you would do anything to keep your family and friends from harm.” White stated.

Liz saw the coldness in his eyes and knew he meant what he was implying. “So you would go after my family just to find out about me?”

“Elizabeth you should know by know I will do what ever it takes to get what I want.” White stated.

“How do you know you’ll be able to?” Liz asked. “You think I’m an alien so why wouldn’t my parents be as well?”

“That they may be. That would be something we would find out after we cut them open.” White said casually.

“What’s to say that you won’t do that to us anyway?” Liz asked.

“I need something to keep you in line while I see what you are capable of.” White stated. “You see you and your friend are young and healthy so you are worth more to me in testing than on some autopsy table but your parents are not.”

Liz looked at her parents’ pictures on the screen. If it took her telling White then that’s what it took to keep her parents safe. She knew Alec should be here soon but what if by chance they failed in getting her out? She couldn’t risk their lives to keep her secret.

“So how about it Elizabeth? Feel like telling me now exactly what you are?” White asked.

“I think the mysterious aura surrounding her is so much better, don’t you?” They heard someone ask from the hall. Liz smiled as she recognized it. She turned to see Alec appear in the doorway.


Max, Biggs, and Ava made their way to the third and fourth floors and started going through the offices but finding nothing. They moved out into the hallway and Max spotted a metal door at the end of the hallway. She could tell by the heavy locks on it that it was something important. She motioned to the others to follow her until they reached it. “Ava, do your thing.”

Ava waved her hand over the door lock and the red light went to green signaling they could enter. They opened the door and crept inside. It was empty and dark except for two large computers that emitted a glow. “Biggs, you that one and I’ll take this one.” Max stated.

Ava stood watch as the two X5s started working. Time was a big factor so the two moved as quickly as they could. It took a few minutes and some incorrect files but Max finally found what they were looking for. “Holy sh*t.”

“What?” Ava asked. “Did you find it?”

“You could say that.” Max said. Ava saw something in Max’s eyes that she hadn’t seen much before, fear.

“Hey, I found files on their other facilities. Everything is here, their history, their members, everything.” Biggs announced.

“Burn copies of all the files to a disk, we’ll need them.” Max stated still looking at the computer screen.

“Max, what is it?”

“Liz was right. They plan on wiping everyone out. They’ve come up with some type of toxin that they plan to release into the water supply. They have a dozen key points mapped out where they plan to release it.”

“Why the water supply?” Ava asked.

“Because it will hit everyone. Water is in everything, we add it to cooking, bathing, even soft drinks are water based. Everyone would ingest it somehow. Once it’s ingested, it affects the nervous system until it shuts down completely, killing the victim. It works quickly, a matter of days and there’s no cure for it.” Max explained.

Biggs finished his work and moved over to the other two. “How far have they gotten?”

“They’re just about to start production.” Max informed them. She grabbed some disks and put them in the drives. She started burning copies of all the files. She was able to see that this was the only database with the information. When
she was done she turned to Ava, “I know you can’t blast but can you use your powers to torch the computers?”

“I don’t think that would be such a good idea.” Biggs stated. “If all of the evidence is gone when this place is search they could turn it around on the transgenics and say we planted it.”

Max knew he was right. They grabbed everything and radioed the others that they had what they came for before heading back out.

Part 57

“So what do you want with Liz?” Alec asked making his way inside. He saw Liz give a relieved smile and he winked at her. He noticed that she had been chained up again and his blood heated up. White was going to have to pay for that.

“Her abilities intrigued me,” White said as he moved between 494 and Elizabeth. He knew that 494 was here to take Elizabeth away and he wasn’t going to allow that to happen.

“Well what you’ve seen is going to have to be enough because I’m leaving and I’m taking her with me,” Alec stated as he and White circled each other waiting for the other to move. White made the first move and tried to punch Alec. Alec blocked the punch and kicked White in the stomach. White bent forward but managed to punch Alec in the stomach. He kicked Alec in the face and went to kick him again but Alec grabbed his foot and tossed him aside. Alec got up and ran into White sending them both crashing to the floor. They got up and Alec gave White a roundhouse kick to the head in which he barely ducked. White punched Alec in the stomach again. Alec felt the pain of the hit but ignored it and thought of Liz, the pain went away immediately. Alec tried to sweep White's feet from under him but he jumped and tried to give Alec a kick in the back but Alec grabbed his foot and twisted it sending White spinning to the ground.

As Liz watched Alec and White fighting she used her powers to undo her arm chains again. She then did her ankle cuffs. She would use her powers on White but she didn’t want to risk hurting Alec. The two were moving so fast that she couldn’t get an accurate shot. She looked over and saw the computer was still on. She hurried over to it and pulled up the file that White had on her. She deleted it from the hard drive just as she heard Alec yell for her to get out. She placed her hand over it and used her powers to fry it before heading for the door. But she didn’t leave, not without Alec.

Alec stood over White’s figure and began punching him in the face as the anger of what White had done to Liz came to the surface. White tried to block the punches but he couldn't. He saw a sheet of metal nearby and grabbed it, slamming it into Alec's side. Alec fell over to the floor. But they both got up at the same time. Alec ran to him and tried to kick him in the stomach but White caught it and smirked. "What's the matter 494? Pissed that I took your sweet little girlfriend?"

Alec jumped up in the air and kicked White in the face. Alec flipped back down to the ground in time to see White on the floor. Alec ran to him, picked him up off the floor, and hit him in the face as hard as he could, making blood spurt out White's nose.

White wiped the blood off his face before he kneed Alec in the stomach. Alec saw the next kick that White was about to give him and blocked it. He stood up and he punched White in the stomach and gave him a sidekick in the face. White fell flying back a few feet but got up in time to see Alec charging at him. White prepared himself and kicked Alec in the chest, sending him to the floor. White went over and grabbed him and punched him twice. "I don’t see why you’re risking yourself for a woman. Of course she’s a freak like you and that probably gets you going. You sure know how to pick 'em."

Alec got pissed again. Very pissed. He grabbed White and flipped him over to the floor. Alec got up to see White standing up too. He went at White with all he had. Alec went and gave White a hard right to the face and only winced at the kick that White had given him to the face. He grabbed White gave him a hard left uppercut. White tried to block Alec's uppercut but he couldn't with Alec's transgenic speed. He kneed Alec in the stomach as he tipped to the side. White went to give him an elbow to the back but Alec beat him to it and elbowed him, and twisted his arm behind his back. Alec pushed White down but he couldn't get him to the floor completely. White slammed his fist into Alec's side and Alec went down to the ground. White stood up and kicked him in the other side. Alec blocked his next kick and rolled over to the side and flipped himself up off the ground.

White saw Alec get up and had to put on a brave face as he saw the look of pure and utter rage on Alec's face, directed at him. Alec ran over with his transgenic speed and kicked White in the knee causing him to cry out in pain.

"That's for taking Liz!" Alec started to say and then punched him in the face with all his strength.

"And this, this is for all the pain you caused to all of us!" Alec finished as he thought of all the pain that White caused his friends and most importantly Liz and gave White a spin kick to the face that sent him flying back, crashing him into a nearby column in the middle of the room.

Alec saw White crash through the support pillar causing the roof above to fall and collapse on top of him. He was sure that even that would kill him. He turned and saw Liz standing over by the door and smiled at her. He saw her smile back just before he heard a large creak. He looked up just in time to see a part of the roof fall on top of him.

