Power Of Love
Part 29

On Sunday, Michael and Liz went to the church on the hill with the other wolves and set off to the side. Liz scanned the congregation through the services. She saw Luke with his father, mother, and got the first glimpse of Ruby Cates since she’d been back. She was sitting next to a man Liz didn’t recognize at all but Ruby was smiling so much at him that she assumed he was her mate. Tyler sat not far from them glaring the whole time. Liz wondered what that was all about.

After church, they headed home to change. Today was their first visit with their parents since they had arrived. Liz had just got downstairs when the doorbell rung. She opened it to reveal Willard Cates. “Hello Mr. Cates.”

“Hello Elizabeth. How are you?”

“Anxious to see my parents.” Liz answered.

“That’s why I’m here. To take you there.” Mr. Cates said. He noticed that she had a new bruise on her face but appeared to be healing. He had heard from his son that Liz had had a skirmish with one of the females at the lake and had come out the victor. The small little female pup had a lot of strength.

“Oh, my brother should be down soon. Would you like something to drink?” Liz asked trying to be polite.

“No thanks.” Mr. Cates then noticed her shirt. “So you’re a baseball fan?”

Liz looked at him strangely for a minute. “How did you know that?”

“Your shirt.”

Liz looked down and remembered she was wearing one of her Chicago Cubs shirts. The long sleeves were dark blue while the middle was white with blue writing on it. “Yeah, ever since Dad took me to Wrigley field six years ago.”

“That must have been a wonderful experience.” Willard stated. He was a big Chicago fan as well.

“I played softball back in Roswell.”

“Maybe you could here as well.” The Alpha stated.

“I don’t know.” Liz said shrugging her shoulders in indifference.

“How are you settling in?” Mr. Cates asked. He wanted to make sure that the kids wouldn’t do anything like try to escape again.

“Not bad. It’s different. Michael’s doing good too.”

“Yes, I’ve seen him at the house a few times.” Mr. Cates saying just as her brother came thumping down the stairs. He looked surprised by Mr. Cates being there. “Speak of the devil.”

“Hello Mr. Cates.” Michael greeted him.

“Shall we go?” The twins nodded and they set off.


As soon as they were inside, Liz hugged their father while Michael moved towards their mother. “I’ll leave you to visit, remember two hours.”

With that Mr. Cates and the guard who had led them inside left. Liz and Michael didn’t take any time rushing to hug their parents.

“I’m sorry we’ve put you through this.” Nancy said to Liz as she hugged her.

“It’s okay Mom. We know you were trying to do what was best for us.” Liz said. Her mom looked at her for a minute before grabbing her chin. “What happen to you?”

“It’s nothing Mom. Just a little disagreement with one of the girls at school.” Liz said.

“Michael, you’re supposed to watching after Liz.” Jeff scolded.

“I have.” Michael said. “I watched her beat the shit out of Presley.”

“Elizabeth!” Their parents said at the same time.

“Thanks, Michael.” Liz mumbled. “It wasn’t like that. Presley’s been terrorizing Sophia and when I heard her call her a half breed the other day I called her on it. Things kind of escalated from there and it ended up in a fight last night. It could have been worse, I kept Presley from flipping.”

Their parents looked torn at what to do, whereas they didn’t want their kids fighting they admired Liz for sticking up for her family. “Well how’s it been settling in?”

“We’ve made some friends, got settled into school and at Uncle Matt’s house. Oh, and Michael went out with someone.” Liz stated turning the subject away from herself. They tried to make the best of the short visit but two hours wasn’t long and shortly Mr. Cates was back and they went home.


Liz worked the dinner shift that night. She was there when her Uncle called in an order of food so she delivered it for him. She walked into the station with two large bags. Her Uncle saw her and came over. “Thank you so much Liz. I’ve got so much paperwork to do and didn’t want to leave since it was just Kanin and I here.”

“Kanin?” Liz asked eyebrow raised.

“John Kanin actually.” Liz heard a voice say. She turned to see a man in his twenties who had come up to them. He stuck out his hand in greeting, “Nice to meet you.”

Liz shook his hand, “Liz Donner.”

“Your Uncle told me about all about you so it’s good to finally see you.” John said.

“I saw you the other day at church with the Cates. Are you married to Ruby?” Liz asked. She noticed his scent was off slightly, it said wolf but also something else.

“Yep, for about a couple of weeks.” John answered.


“Thanks, now I’m going to eat some of this food before it gets cold. See ya around.” John said as he headed back over to his desk. Her uncle came over and asked, “How much do I owe you?”

Liz handed him the order ticket and asked in a hushed voice, “Uncle Matt, I don’t know if I’m still not used to all the different wolf scents or what but is John’s scent off?”

“You’re right, it is. John was a human but was changed into one of the pack when a nut calling himself a scientist injecting him with ‘Skinwalker’ blood.” Matt explained.


“A lot of people were upset when Ruby married him since she was a white wolf and supposed to be with the Alpha or future one but since John was now pack, no one could argue.” Matt explained. “So how was the visit with you parents?”

Liz told him about the visit before heading back to the diner. After work she went home and got ready for her second week of school.

Part 30

Towards the end of the next week Liz was sitting in the cafeteria with Sean, Michael, Luke, and Maria after pack education waiting for Sophia when another wolf, Sara, came running up to them. “Sophia!”

Her one word caused Michael, Liz, and Luke to jump to their feet. “What happened to Sophia?” Liz asked.

“She had just gotten done at her locker when she started yelling in pain. I was close by and looked over at her, her eyes were glowing.” Sara explained. The whole group was moving by then Luke leading them towards Sophia’s locker.

“Is she still there?” Luke asked.

“Kind of. Randy was near by and pulled her into a nearby janitor closet so no one would see her. Then he told me to come get you.”

By now they were practically sprinting. Luke and Liz hit the door first and swung it open. They were almost toppled by Randy who had been leaning against it. They were about to ask him about Sophia when they saw her. She was against the back of the closet panting and obviously in the first stages of the change. She looked around wildly, like a caged animal.

Quick thinking Luke tossed his keys to Michael, “Go pull my car around front. Take Sean with you and send him in when you’re ready.”

Michael and Sean took off for the parking lot as Liz turned to Maria. “Go to Mr. Blackstone and tell him you need a pass to use the phone. Call my Uncle, he should be at the station tell him what’s going on.”

“Tell him we’ll meet him at Station 12.” Luke said interrupting. As Maria took off Liz asked Luke, “What’s station 12?”

“It’s the wolf part of the hospital. It’s in the basement far away from prying eyes. It’s where they take most of us when we change.” Luke said as he pushed past Randy and moved towards Sophia. He did his best to get close to her, he saw her relax when she recognized him. Luke and Liz had to do what they could to keep Sophia there until Michael was ready with the car. Five minutes later, Sean came running down the hall. “He’s outside, engine running.”

Luke effortlessly picked Sophia up, she whimpered a little in pain, “It’s okay, Baby. I’ve got you.”

Thankfully since it was lunch the halls were empty as they walked down them. They made their way out to the car and Luke slid himself and Sophia into the back seat while Liz took shotgun. She barely had the door shut before her brother floored it. Luke gave him directions and they were on their way to the hospital. Fifteen minutes later they pulled up at the backside of the hospital where a doctor was waiting. According to him Mr. Blackstone had called him. They moved Sophia to a gurney nearby and wheeled her in. Once inside the doctors told the three of them to wait while they got Sophia settled. Liz sat down and watched both of the boys pace. That was when they heard the noise coming from the entrance and Matt Donner appeared. He took one look at Luke with fury in his eyes before he had the young man pined to the wall. “This is your fault. You just had to keep pushing her until she flipped.”

Liz knew it was probably a bad idea to interfere but she couldn’t let her Uncle hurt Luke. If she survived Sophia would be very upset if Luke was maimed by her father. So she walked forward and with as much of her strength as she could she grabbed his arm and pulled, “Uncle Matt, it’s not Luke’s fault. He wasn’t anywhere near her until it was already started. He was the one who got her here to safety.”

Matt heard his niece’s words and released Luke. “I don’t want you anywhere near my daughter.”

“I can’t do that, I care about her.” Luke admitted waiting for the Sheriff to lunge at him again. He was surprised when Liz had jumped in but was grateful.

“No, you don’t.”

“Uncle Matt, Luke is telling you the truth. He cares about Sophia, I’ve seen it in time that they’ve been together..” Liz regretted her words as soon as they came out. They still hadn’t told her dad yet and Liz had just spilled the beans.

“Oh, shit.” Michael mumbled as he leaned his forehead against the wall and waited for the bloodbath to start. But it didn’t come. Instead Matt just stormed into the room where they had taken Sophia into leaving the three waiting.


Max sat on his stool at the biology table but wasn’t listening to the teacher as she lectured. Advanced Biology wasn’t the same without Liz next to him. The teacher had asked him if he wanted to join another pair since he now didn’t have a lab partner but he refused. He would rather work by himself if he couldn’t have Liz as a partner. He missed the way she’d light up when they’d start something new or how she would chew on her lip when concentrating. She loved science and excelled in it. He had been surprised that she had only taken half of her science books when she left. Of course the ones she hadn’t taken were her favorite half.

Max had collected all of the stuff Liz and Michael had left behind and stored them in his parent’s attic. He had taken them at first thinking that they might give him some type of clue but they hadn’t told him anything. Now he kept them just to feel closer to his friend and love.

His dad and Sheriff Valenti were still trying to search for the Parkers but except for the false birth certificates they had found nothing. Until this had happened, Max had never known that someone could disappear so completely as the Parkers had. Now he knew it was possible. A person or people can completely disappear if they needed to.

But Max planned on finding them. He didn’t know how but he didn’t care. No matter how long it took him he was going to find Liz and Michael.

Part 31

Later that night they were still waiting for Sophia to flip. Since Liz and Michael were family they were allowed to go in and visit but there was no change. So Liz made sure that her Uncle was okay and returned to the outer room. After a quick trip to the cafeteria Liz came back with a cup of coffee, which she handed one to Luke. “Thanks.”

“Welcome. Thought you could use it if you’re going to fight sleeping.” Liz commented.

“I think Michael’s sleeping enough for the both of us.” Luke joked.

Liz looked over to where her brother was stretched out on a sofa, snoring soundly. “Michael’s been known to sleep anywhere. He fell asleep one night while we were playing pool.”

Luke laughed, “How’d he manage that?”

“He was leaning up against the wall and just dozed off.” Liz explained. “Kyle and Alex took it upon themselves to draw on him with the pool chalk. You should have seen how scared they were when he woke up.”

“Kyle and Alex?”

“Uh, friends of ours back where we used to live.” Liz explained just as a scream of pain erupted from Sophia’s room causing Liz and Luke to jump. Liz noticed how worried Luke looked. “She’ll be okay. She’s going to make it through.”

“I just can’t stop thinking about the ones who couldn’t make it. I mean one of my own sister’s didn’t even make it.”

“Luke, listen to me.” Liz said grabbing Luke’s face. “She is going to make it. She is going to flip and then me and her will really scare the piss out of Presley.”

Luke couldn’t help but smile at what Liz said. Liz smiled back and pulled back. “That’s better. You were starting to worry me.”


“Yeah, well like I said, she’ll be okay and then you two can be together.”

“Do you always have to be the eternal optimist?”

“No, but I believe that when two people want and should be together that no matter how bad it looks, love will always win.” Liz stated.

Luke was about to ask her about what she said when he saw his parents coming in. Only one thought was in his mind when he saw them. “No, it hasn’t been long enough. She can still flip.”

Luke almost was shouting caused Michael to wake up. Mrs. Cates moved over next to her son. “Calm down Luke. We just wanted to see how she was doing.”

“You can see for yourself.” They heard Matt’s voice from behind them. They looked to see him standing in the doorway, a solid white wolf standing next to him. The wolf looked at the waiting group for a moment before disappearing back into the room.

They just stood in silence for a minute thinking of how things had changed. The question of whether Sophia, the only half human, half wolf ever born, would flip or not was answered. She had flipped. She would now be considered to be a full member of the pack, finally accepted. Luke looked almost giddy over that while Liz couldn’t help but smile at the irony of the situation. Almost everyone in the pack looked down on Sophia and here she was a white wolf. The only one in her age group, only the second one of her generation. White wolves were destined to be the Alpha’s mate. Being a white wolf was important. And the fact that the one of the only white wolves in the pack was currently dating the Alpha’s son made Luke’s future even more certain.

Sophia emerged again but this time in human form dressed in a hospital gown. Before the Sheriff could stop him Luke had her in his arms. The Sheriff looked on until they broke apart. Sophia looked at her dad then back to Luke, “I need to talk to my dad and Liz and Michael. Call you later?”

Luke understood and as much as he didn’t want to, he agreed to go. He glanced at his parents who also were leaving but not before his father said, “Glad to see that you made it through Sophia.”

“Thank you Mr. Cates.” Sophia said. With that said the Cates left leaving the Donners to themselves.

Once the Cates left Liz moved to hug her cousin. “I told Luke you’d be okay but you scared me.”

“I was scared too. You were right, it hurt like hell.” Sophia said.

Liz smiled, “It gets better. I promise.”

Michael pushed his way up to Sophia and hugged her. “If you wanted to skip school all you had to do was leave, you didn’t have to have all the drama.”

“I’ll remember that next time, Michael.” Sophia laughed at her cousin. Her laughter stopped when she saw the seriousness on her dad’s face. She could tell Liz did too when she pulled Michael away. “We’ll wait for you guys outside.”

As soon as Liz and Michael were gone Sophia started, “Daddy, this isn’t the way I wanted you to find out that I was with Luke.”

“Did you plan on telling me at all? Or were you going to keep it secret because you know I didn’t want you around him?” Matt asked.

“I hated keeping it from you but I know that if you knew you would try to keep us apart.”

“I only want what’s best for you. I wanted you to be able to get away from here.”

“I told you before Dad. It doesn’t matter who I’m around or with that would decide if I was going to flip. It was a matter of genetics. And my genetics said I would, which I did. There’s nothing you can do to change that now.”

Matt looked at his daughter and saw the seriousness on her face. He was her father and he knew that he could forbid her to be with Luke. But she would just keep sneaking around and when she turned eighteen she would go to him. Then Matt would probably loose her. That was the last thing he wanted. Sophia was right with her words. He couldn’t change the fact that she had flipped there was no going back. He had failed to keep her from that side of herself. But he also realized that he couldn’t do it. The wolf in her would have always been there right along side of the human in her. Realizing all this made Matt come to a decision, he would no longer stand in the way of his daughter and what she wanted. Now he wasn’t about to let her stay out all night or let Luke stay over but he wouldn’t forbid them to be together either. “You’re right. We can’t change it. So now we have to live with the way life is going to be now. You’re going to be looked on as pack now. And I can’t stand in your way.”

Sophia looked at her dad with surprise. She had figured it would take a lot more time and arguing before he would even consider anything she had said. “You mean it?”


“What about Luke and I?” Sophia couldn’t help but ask.

“Luke and you.” Matt said. “Is something I’m going to have to get used to.”

Sophia smiled as she threw herself into a hug with her father. He hugged her back before leading her outside to the waiting Liz and Michael and heading for home.

Part 32

The months that followed Sophia’s flip were ordinary ones. It had taken some time but the pack had grudgingly accepted Sophia. Of course the fact that she was a white wolf and the possible future mate of the Alpha’s son helped some. Liz could see the way that others looked at their little group. The combination of Luke, Sophia, Liz, Michael and Maria was formidable one. They stuck by each other and were constantly seen together. Michael, Maria, and Luke were always around the diner. Presley left them alone, Luke and Sophia got closer, her father having lightened up, and Michael and Maria also became closer. Liz was happy for her brother and cousin. She knew what it was like being with the one you wanted and it was wonderful. Every day Liz missed Max more and more. She wanted to try and contact him but knew that her and Michael were being watched to make sure they didn’t make any outside contact. So as much as she wanted to talk to him, she couldn’t.

Around her friends she acted normal although inside she felt empty. Her and Sean continued their weird little friendship, hanging out when Michael went off with Maria or Sophia with Luke. They talked and joked a little, Liz actually being able to come out of her funk a little to laugh. She thought she was handling the separation from him well until she saw that it was time for his senior prom. The prom she would have gone with him. That was when she felt like she sunk deeper into her depression. And Michael was trying his best to shake her from it.

“Michael, just leave me alone. You and Sophia go to the lake, I’ll stay here and guard the ice cream.” Liz stated. Michael was trying to talk her into going with them to the lake but she wasn’t giving in.

“I’m not leaving you here, Liz. You are going if I have to tie you up and drag you there.” Michael argued. “Come on, you’ve got to be able to have a little fun.”

Liz saw the stubbornness in her brother’s eyes and knew she wasn’t going to win. “Fine, let me go get dressed.”

Thirty minutes later, the three were at the lake. It had become a typical weekend past time for them. They grabbed a few beers, even Liz who didn’t usually drink and they made the rounds visiting until they came upon a group where Luke and Sean were sitting taking shots.

"You guys don't know how to have fun when you drink." Liz said "I'll show you. Luke, pour me a shot and set it down."

Luke took the bottle and poured Liz a shot wondering what she was up to.

"No hands." Liz smirked evilly and held her hands up for them. She placed them behind her back and all of them watched Liz lean forward and wraps her lips around the shot glass. Her mouth lifted the drink from the surface and she slowly tipped her head back. Every guy watched entranced, by the sight of her throat, her lips, and the way she swallowed the drink in one gulp. When it was drained Liz relaxed her lips and the glass fell but she easily caught it. "See? Fun."

Everyone started hooting and hollering. Michael just rolled his eyes, Ava had taught Liz that trick one night at a party. The girls always did that to get the guys attention. He couldn't believe how his sister was acting but he was the one who had told her to lighten up. Although he didn't mean for her to get drunk. She was on her third shot when he finally decided to stop her. "Liz, that's enough."

"I've only had three Michael." Liz reasoned slightly slurring her words.

"Plus two beers. That's enough." Michael said.

"Back off." Liz snapped. "You're the one who told me to have fun tonight, well that is what I'm doing. Now if you don't mind I'm going to go dance."

Before Michael could stop her she grabbed Sean and pulled him on to the dance floor. The two started dancing a little too close in Michael's opinion but he knew Liz was doing it to get a rise out of him.

Liz was having fun. She moved against Sean to the music. It was upbeat and they moved fast. It wasn't long before Liz was starting to feel light headed and dizzy. She stumbled slightly but Sean caught her and pulled her away. They walked away from the main hub of people and Liz sat down on a log.

"You okay?" Sean asked concerned.

"Yeah, I just haven't drank in awhile. Thanks for catching me." Liz said.

"No biggie." Sean said shrugging. "How about we go for a run? It'll clear your head."

"Okay." They walked farther into the woods and when they approached a small clearing Sean started stripping off his clothes. Liz averted her eyes and turned her back as she too striped. She was more used to nudity among the pack but it was still a little strange. The moment she had her last article of clothes off she flipped. She turned to see that Sean had as well and the two took off.



Liz knew Sean had been right about a run making her feel better. As they ran farther and farther away Liz noticed she really couldn’t hear the noise from the party. She looked to the side and saw Sean moving towards her. The next things she knew he was tackling her. The two rolled a little ways through the grass until finally stopping. Liz looked up into Sean’s now very human eyes; they had both changed while wrestling. As she looked at him they both busted out into laughter.

When they stopped laughing, Liz realized that he was lying on top of her and they were both very naked. In a brief instant she saw his blue eyes disappear into glowing yellow orbs before his lips descended on hers. The kiss was one of hunger, need, not love. Sean initiated the deepening of their kiss. Her mouth opened under his and the fight for dominance began. It was wrong, Liz knew that, but in the heat of the moment nothing seemed to matter much at all when compared to mouths, and skin. Liz allowed her head to fall back, feeling Sean's lips wind a slow trail across her collarbone and up to her pulse point. She twined her fingers through Sean's wheat-colored hair and all but purred. The mixture of her sensitive wolf hormones, the alcohol she had consumed and loneliness pushed the wrongs of what she was doing out of the way.

"We can't do this, " she said as he nipped her ear.

"Why can't we, " he asked tilting her head to give him better access to her neck. He took advantage and kissed up and down her neck. "I promise you won't be disappointed.” He said licking her neck.

The idea and image of Max floated into Liz’s mind in silent answer to Sean’s question. That snapped her out of the haze and she felt disgusted by what she had done. She started pushing Sean away. “No, I can’t do this.”

At first Sean didn’t move so she added more strength and he flew back. “What the hell?”

“I told you I couldn’t do it.” Liz said as she pulled her legs up to hide her nakedness.

“Liz, everyone is scared the first time they have sex.” Sean said trying to reason with her. He wanted Liz; he wanted her so badly he could taste it.

“It’s not my first time.” Liz admitted.

“Oh, so that’s it. That’s what you’ve been holding back. You were with a human.”

“It was more than that Sean.” Liz said turning away from him.

“Whatever.” Sean walked up behind her nuzzling her neck. “I know you want me Liz. I can smell it on you.”

Liz had to admit that her hormones and her treacherous body did want release but her heart wouldn’t let her. And she didn’t want to. She felt her body still heating up and reacting as Sean whispered in her ear, “Think about it…what else would be better than another of your kind to be able to do whatever…you…want…to. No holding back, just be the animal you want to be."

Again Liz managed to break out of the haze she was in from Sean’s seduction. She flipped into wolf form and took off. When she was about twenty feet away she turned to make sure Sean wasn’t following. He stood there staring at her, his eyes glowing gold.
(Don’t follow me Sean.)

Assured he wasn’t going to follow she took off for the area that they had left their clothes. She decided to grab her clothes and go home. She didn’t want to go back to the party. She knew Michael would look after Sophia and she wanted to be alone. She found her clothes easily and scooped them up in her mouth then headed for home. She remembered her uncle’s rule so when she was about ten feet from the house she flipped into human form and dressed quickly. She noticed her uncle wasn’t even home yet so she didn’t have to answer any questions as she headed up to the bathroom.

She could still smell Sean on her and wanted it gone. She stripped again quickly this time noticing a few scrapes from being in the woods and turned the shower on as hot as she could before getting in. She scratched her skin vigorously with the bar of soap until it was raw and red. Then she went to rinse it off. As the water sprayed forcefully onto her skin her mind played back to what had happened.

What that hell had just happened? What in the world had she just done? She needed to have her head examined. It obviously had something to do with their both being wolves. Sean had been right when he talked about the allure of being with one of her own. The wolf blood in her had been humming back in the woods. Naturally they would be attracted to one another it was the DNA had brought her there. That and the comfort the act would have brought her.

Life didn't seem to make sense, especially when it was her life. Another day facing all the stares of the pack, another day living a new life, another day without Max. Liz wasn't sure she could take much more of it.

The water ran cold long before she noticed, and her skin was cool to the touch. She felt dead. All she needed was for something to wake her up inside, something to give her the strength to go on. Turning off the water, she stepped onto the cold tiled floor, still shivering. Liz grabbed the towel from behind the door, and pressed it against herself, smelling the clean scent. It was fresh and soft, and felt so good against her battered skin. She dressed quickly, tossed her hair into a ponytail and left the bathroom. When she did she ran right into her uncle.

Part 33

After his argument with his sister, Michael had not been in a great mood. It had not improved when he saw Liz almost faint only to have Sean help her. He wanted to go up and tell her that he had been right. That she had had too much to drink but he knew it would only escalate the earlier argument and the situation would get worse. Then he thought about getting shit faced drunk but knew that would only lead to him waking up with a headache. So instead he turned his attention to Maria.

Maria was unlike any girl he had ever dated and it wasn’t only because she was a wolf. She was just different. She spoke her mind and didn’t care what others thought of her. She cared about her family especially. Michael had met her mother, a woman who deeply scared him, and could see how the two took care of each other. Also the way Maria had stuck by Liz and Sophia through the whole ordeal with Presley really had shown him her loyalty as well. It hadn’t been her fight but she had been willingly to jump in if the fight had become uneven against Liz.

He couldn’t help but realize he had fallen for her and fallen hard. Hell he hadn’t even slept with her yet, that had to be a record for him. He found it funny that with all the girls he dated back in Roswell and unable to find one who fit him he found one as soon as he got to Wolf Lake. Maybe Liz was the only one out of the two of them who could be happy with a normal human. Thinking of how Liz and Max were torn away from each other made Michael finally come to a decision he’d been mulling over. He was going to tell Maria how he felt. He reached over, grabbed her hand and towed her off into the woods.

“God Michael rude much? I was talking to Sophia until you just decide to drag me off like…” Maria got out before Michael clamped a hand over her mouth.

“I needed to tell you something.”

“And it couldn’t wait?” Maria asked.

“No, I had to do it now before I ended up stopping myself.” Michael answered.

“What is it?” Maria asked trying not to show the nervousness in her voice. Michael’s words sounded strange to her, could he be breaking up with her? Things had been going good, great even. Michael wasn’t like the other males who seemed to only want to have sex then go. That was how Randy had been. He just wanted to make her flip then leave, which was exactly what he had did. After that Maria made it appear as if she didn’t care about the guys, just had fun and went with the flow. Maybe she was wrong and Michael was like that. Maybe he figured that since they hadn’t had sex yet she wasn’t willingly and was going to leave her. But that didn’t seem right either.

Michael knew he was going about this the wrong way. He pulled her close and gave her a deep kiss before saying, “Don’t worry, it’s just something I want to get off my chest.”

Maria calmed at his words, “What?”

Now Michael was nervous, “I wanted to tell you that I think I’m falling for you.”

Maria felt her heart melt, “You think?”

“I know I’ve fallen for you.” Michael stated. He waited for Maria to say something, anything. He just didn’t expect what she ended up doing. She pulled him close for a passionate kiss. But that kiss led to much more.
They attacked each other, hands fumbling and pulling each other closer until there was no space between them. Then Maria was falling backwards and Michael was on top, pushing her further down onto the ground as he covered her body with his. Maria yanked on his shirt, pulling it up, telling him what she wanted and he happily obliged her by lifting his arms and allowing her to remove it. Her hands immediately shot out to his chest, slowly moving all over him, not allowing a single space of the revealed flesh to go untouched as his mouth descended on hers once again. It wasn't enough for her though, she needed to feel the heat radiating from his body pressed directly onto hers so she reached down and pulled off her shirt. He looked down at her breathing heavily. He had seen her naked before when they had gone on runs but it was different now, he couldn’t help but whisper almost inaudibly, "Beautiful."

Maria reached up and kissed him as her hands fumbled with the zipper of his jeans. She pulled them down as far as she could using her powerful legs before Michael kicked both them and his shoes off. He kissed her again lightly before trailing kisses down her jaw, neck and finally settling on his destination. Maria inhaled sharply at the first flick of his tongue on her very hard nipples and arched into him, begging for more of his extremely skilled torture. He alternated between her two breasts, using his hand to make sure not to leave the other neglected. He then kissed his way further down, stopping at her abdomen to dip into the sensitive part of her navel. Making it to the waistband of her jeans he quickly undid the button and zipper and pulled them as well as her panties off.

As she lay beneath him, a sudden beam of moonlight entered through the trees, illuminating her entire physique as the clouds finally passed over the sky. She had never looked more beautiful than she did at that exact moment and time seemed to stand still as he memorized the image before him and stored it away in the back of his mind with countless other one's he had of her. He moved his mouth back down and began to kiss his way up her leg, traveling to her inner thigh and then stopping to watch her writhe in anticipation for what was to come as she spread her legs further apart.

Maria was breathing heavily as she watched Michael watch her. His face was flushed and there was so much emotion in the way he looked at her that she felt tears prick at the back of her eyes. It felt so right to be there and she wondered why in the world she had waited so long for it. His mouth returned back to her inner thigh but did not stop this time and reached it's initial destination.

Maria' head fell back and her eyes closed as he lavished her with his tongue and lips and teeth. Quiet whimpers turned into boisterous moaning as Michael drove her closer and closer to completion. Bringing one hand to rest on her hip to keep her still, the other came to the area his mouth had momentarily left and he inserted one finger into her warm depths. Maria cried out as she felt another finger and then another join the first one and his mouth returned to tease her clitoris as his fingers moved in circular motions inside her then retreated only to be pushed back in.

With one final thrust of his fingers, Maria fell off the edge and her muscles contracted wildly around him. He kept them there, slowly bringing her back down only to build her back up again. He moved them out of her so that he could reach down and remove his boxers, which he still had on. Quickly grabbing a condom he sheathed it on himself. As soon as that was done he positioned himself between her legs, propped up on his arms above her.

Her hand grasped him and guided him to her center and with one swift thrust he was inside her, filling her completely. They both closed their eyes and stilled, reveling in the feeling they had created together. Michael opened his eyes to look down at Maria and when she opened her eyes to look back up at him he said the first thing that came to his mind at that moment, "I love you."

As what he had just said registered in Maria' mind, a tear trailed down her cheek. He reached out to wipe it away which just caused more to fall from her eyes. He kissed her softly and began to move in and out of her. His thrusts were slow and deliberate, and her arms came up to wrap around his shoulders as if she were clinging to him for dear life. He would have stayed that way forever if he could have. He was building her up so high she thought that she could fly and as he pumped into her one last time and they both came together, she almost thought she was indeed flying.

Michael collapsed against her, settling his head in the crook of neck, both their breathing labored. Maria moved her hand up and through his hair and whispered, "I love you too." He turned to her and grinned before kissing her deeply again. They laid there for several minutes enjoying the feel of each other until they knew they needed to head back. They dressed quickly and made their way back to the others.

Part 34

“Liz, what are you doing home? I thought you guys went out.” Matt asked.

“Um, we did. I didn’t feel like staying so I left. Don’t worry, Michael will watch after Sophia.” Liz explained.
Matt looked over Liz and saw that her eyes looked slightly puffy and the skin on her arms looked raw. He could tell the way she didn’t look right at him that something had happened. “I don’t doubt he will. I was just about to go make some tea, would you like to join me?”

Liz just felt like going into her room to go to sleep but decided to go with her uncle so she nodded. The two headed down to the kitchen. Liz sat at the counter watching him make the tea. Matt didn’t say anything until he placed a steaming cup in front of her and sat across from her.

“What was it like when you figured out you were in love with Aunt Marie, a human?” Liz asked out of the blue.

Matt was thrown by her question. He didn’t talk about his dead wife much but he was intrigued to know why Liz asked. He had an idea why. “At first I tried to stay away from her to protect her from the scrutiny of the pack but I couldn’t. You see when I was with Marie; I didn’t think what either one of us were. I just concentrated on her. When I knew I wanted to marry her, I didn’t care what the rest of the pack had to say anymore.”

“Dad always said you could have been alpha if you hadn’t married Aunt Marie.”

“Probably, but all I wanted was Marie. My status was probably why no one really challenged me.” Matt added. “You’re in love with someone back in Roswell aren’t you?”

“Yeah,” Liz answered. “My parents, Michael and Sophia are the only ones who know about him. Maria does a little. He was both Michael and I’s best friend. I thought we’d get married. Mom and Dad told us that our kind finds their life mate early and I wanted Max to be mine. I didn’t even get to say goodbye, he probably hates me.” Liz said taking a long drink of her tea.

“He’s probably worried, and confused but I don’t think he’d hate you.” Matt stated.

The two sat in silence for a few minutes until Liz asked, “How do you resist it?”


Liz felt a little strange about it but her uncle was the only one who really knew what she was going through. “Tonight Sean and I went on a run and we were joking around. Then suddenly he was kissing me and I was kissing him back. It was like total animal magnetism. And at first I felt like I couldn’t resist the temptation.Then I thought about Max and I pushed Sean away. He figured out that I had been with a human before and brought up how different it would be being with another wolf.”

“But you resisted.” Matt interrupted.

“I should have stopped him as soon as his lips touched mine.” Liz said.

“Liz, everyone makes mistakes and you realized what you did. You’re still young.” Matt said. He hoped he was helping her. He was surprised he had got her to open up as much as she did.

“I think I’m going to go to bed. Thanks for listening.” Liz said smiling at him.

“Well I understand what it’s like to be in love with someone different from us.” Matt said smiling back.

Liz headed up to her and Sophia’s room and laid down. She was almost asleep when she hear Sophia and Michael get home. Sophia crept into the room. “Liz? You awake?”

“Barely. Did you guys have fun?”

“Yeah, but we were worried about you. We saw you and Sean leave then Sean came back later.”

“What did Sean tell you?” Liz asked.

“Just that you felt like going home.” Sophia answered.

“Yeah, I’m tired. Good night.”



The next morning Liz was up early. She headed out to sit on the porch with a cup of coffee and was surprise to find her brother sitting there, "Michael? What are you doing up:"

"I wanted to talk to you. About last night." Michael explained.

"I'm sorry I snapped at you." Liz apologized.

"I was going to say the same thing. You have the right to cut loose when you want to." Michael said. "You can take care of yourself."

"Thanks, I hate it when we fight." Liz said as she hugged him. She plopped down next to him, "But I should have listened to you."

"What happened?" Michael asked concerned.

"Sean and I went for a run and we ended up kissing. Then things got carried away." Liz explained.


"Nothing happened." Liz emphasized. "I mean yeah we kissed and things started to get heated but I stopped him."

"Are you okay?" Michael asked knowing his sister would be feeling guilty over what happened.

"I guess. I was really upset when it happened and came home. Uncle Matt knew something was wrong and I was able to talk to him. He understands." Liz explained.

"And I don't." Michael stated.

"I didn't mean it in a bad way. But you don't understand. To me Max is it, whether he's here or not, whether I'll see him again or not. In my heart he is and always will be my mate."

"I know you love him, Liz. I just don't like the thought of you being alone." Michael said.

"I have you, our family, and our friends." Liz said shrugging. "I think I'm going to go out into the woods."

Michael knew that the woods calmed Liz as it did him. "Going for a run?"

"Nope, just a simple walk." Liz said. He nodded and she headed off into the woods. She half walked half-hiked through the woods enjoying the serenity around her. It was disturbed when Liz heard someone yelling for help and hurried off in the direction the voice was coming from. When she reached the source of the call for help Liz's blood ran cold and the silence of the woods was shattered by a gunshot.

