Paulshock Stats

Name: Pamela Paulshock
Hometown: Baltimore, Maryland
Height: 5'6
Weight: 130lbs
Finisher:Shock Therapy (torando ddt)
Theme Music: "Love In An Elevator" by Aerosmith
Best Friends: Tiffany Evans, Alyssa Mulvahill, Devon Townsend
Allies: None
Enemies: None
Alignment: Face
Accomplishments: former IC Champion, Roleplayer of the Week, Quote of the Week

UPW Stats


[W/D/L]-Tag Team

Role-play #: 20
Next Match: Diva Photoshoot
Stip: None
Event: None
Used: Pamela Paulshock, others

Felt the Shock

Beulah, Stephanie McMahon, Gail Kim, Sable, Joy Giovanni, Kim Page(2x's), Carmella, Daffney, Debra, Tracie Wright, Lita, Desire


This role-play was written by me, Keisha. No part of this role-play may be reproduced, used, or copied without my permission. Much effort was put into this and it is not to be degraded by a lazy punk who does not know how to get his or her own stuff. I made this role-play and graphics. Don't steal. I am not Pamela Paulshock. I do not know her nor am I affiliated with her. I have no connections to her. In closing, I would like to say one last thing. DON'T STEAL MY SHIZNIT! If you want something from this, contact me on AIM (xxHurrixBloomxx). Thank you for listening.

Pamela Paulshock's A Series of Unfortunate Events

You've seen the movie, now witness the horror. This week, Pamela Paulshock participates in a Diva's Videoshoot in Santo Domingo. As she sets off on her journey to the gorgeous island, a series of unfortunate events get in the way. Can she make it to Santo Domingo? Can she make it in one piece?

Scene One-You can't say bomb on an airplane.

The scene opens up in Miami International Airport. Pamela Paulshock and Tiffany Evans walk through a terminal, bags in their hand. Pamela places her Gucci shades on top of her head. They keep her long blonde hair away from her blue eyes. Her brown bag leans against a white spaghetti strapped shirt and a pair of blue jeans.  Tiffany Evans wore a strapless bohemian top that ran past her hips. It was topped off by white boots and blue jeans.  The shocking duo walk through the gates and onto the airplane. They sit down in their seats.

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::
Dude, why are we flying coach?

::Simply Shocking and Seductive::-Tiffany Evans::
Helllo....You. Wrestler. Not the president of the United States.

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::
Oh right. This sucks. I wanna sit in First Class and do what people in first!

Tiffany laughs out loud, causing people to look around and stare at her.

::Simply Shocking and Seductive::-Tiffany Evans::
We so do not belong in first class.

Pamela snorts.

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::
You're right. Who needs the..the champagne and the crabs and the caviar and the-

::Simply Shocking and Seductive::-Tiffany Evans::

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::
...and the stewards that wait on you hand and foot-

::Simply Shocking and Seductive::-Tiffany Evans::

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::
...with the clean bathrooms that don't stink-

::Simply Shocking and Seductive::-Tiffany Evans::

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::
What? I was getting to the point. Who needs all that when I have my best friend right here to suffer with me!

Tiffany rolls her eyes.

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::
Oh, let's get this plane going! I wanna go to Santo Domingo! ::turns to Tiffany:: It's gonna be so much fun. I'm gonna get to take some pictures, check out the hot guys while you- Why the hell are you coming? You're not a diva.

::Simply Shocking and Seductive::-Tiffany Evans::
Come on, Pam. You know I'm about as much as diva as you. Why else do I get paid? I've got my own fan base!

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::
That's totally weird but understandable. I mean, I bring you to a show and you just BLOW UP! It's like an EXPLOSION or something, ya know?

Passengers gasp and look around. An old woman with a bad heart faints in the aisle. A woman breast feeding turns, removes the nipple from the baby's mouth and causes it to cry. Chaos breaks out.

::Panicking Woman::-Who the hell cares?::

::Panicking Woman::-Some Titanic Extra::

A man walks up to her and taps her on the shoulder.

::Titanic Director::-James Cameron::
Wrong movie, lady. 

::Panicking Woman::-Some Titanic Extra::

She calmly walks off the plane. A steward arrives at the scene.

::Calm Steward::-Jiggy Boobiez::
What's going on here? 

::Witness Who Didn't See A Thing Because He Arrived Two Seconds Ago::-Michael Jackson's Accuser::
That blonde lady said that the plane was gonna explode! She said that and she touched me. 

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::
What?! That kid's totally lying! I DO NOT TOUCH LITTLE BOYS! And- and he's just mad because Michael Jackson was acquitted and he didn't get any money!

::Simply Shocking and Seductive::-Tiffany Evans::
Yeah! What she said!

::Witness Who Didn't See A Thing Because He Arrived Two Seconds Ago::-Michael Jackson's Accuser::

::Calm Steward::-Jiggy Boobiez::
Well, clearly you said something because these people are in a panic! 

She looks around to see passengers ripping seats from the floor. Some are huddle in a corner, burning cushions. A woman dressed in clothing from 1912 walks back on the plane.

::Panicking Woman::-Some Titanic Extra::
She clearly said EXPLOSION and BLEW UP! 

Everyone stares at her.

::Panicking Woman::-Some Titanic Extra::
Fine! I'm leaving... 

She walks off the plane as the instrumental version of "My Heart Will Go On" plays in the background. Pamela's voice interrupts it mid-chorus.

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::
I said explosion and blew up but it was in the context of-

Police officers come rushing onto the plane with their guns raised.

::Airport Security::-Eatz Downutz::

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::
But I-

::Airport Security::-Eatz Downutz::

The cop tazers Pamela. Tiffany tries to speak in her defense but gets tazered as well.

::Calm Steward::-Jiggy Boobiez::
Is that necessary? 

::Airport Security::-Eatz Downutz::
Ma'am, we're dealing with some very serious criminals.  I'm afraid these are....terrorists.

Everyone on the plane gasps. Several cops drag the unconscious bodies of Pamela Paulshock and Tiffany Evans off of the plane.

Scene Two-The Interrogation Room.

The scene opens up in a dark room. Well, it's not so much as dark as it is dimly lit. Anyway, water steadily drips from a broken pipe. Pamela Paulshock and Tiffany Evans in chairs at a cold, hard table. A tall, lanky man stands above them, leaning against the table. He stands up straight, fixing his bushy  mustache. He paces back and forth in front of them, their eyes following. He walks with his hands behind his back. Pamela Paulshock and Tiffany Evans roll their eyes at his stupidity.

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::
Look! We're not terrorists!

::Simply Shocking and Seductive::-Tiffany Evans::
Yeah! We don't even have turbans! We're not even Muslim!

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::
Dude! You're gonna get us shot...Not every terrorist is a Muslim.

::Simply Shocking and Seductive::-Tiffany Evans::
Oh whatever. Do we even look like terrorists?

::Idiot Detective::-Hermy Bigwort::
Terrorists come in all shapes in sizes....preferably tan with turbans and long beards..

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::
That is so stereotyping.

::Idiot Detective::-Hermy Bigwort::
Stereo-what? It doesn't matter! I'm the head honcho around here! I ask all the questions!

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::
But that wasn't a question.

::Idiot Detective::-Hermy Bigwort::
IRRELEVANT! You two are terrorists and I am gonna get you to admit it one way or another! Who are you? Who do you work for?

::Simply Shocking and Seductive::-Tiffany Evans::
Well, I'm Tiffany Evans..your resident slut. I help men have a good time. Oh yeah, I get paid to hang out with my best friend.

::Idiot Detective::-Hermy Bigwort::
Is this some kind of terrorist code?

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::
We're WRESTLERS! For the UPW? Well, I'm a wrestler and she...she hangs out. Anyway! We're on our way to Santo Domingo to shoot-

::Idiot Detective::-Hermy Bigwort::

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::
What the hell's in Santo Domingo worth blowing up?

The detective stares at them, silent. He blinks. Pamela blinks. Tiffany sighs and runs a hand over her breast. 

::Idiot Detective::-Hermy Bigwort::
Right. Well, if you're not going  there to blow something then why would a terrorist want to go to Santo Domingo?

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::
Well, I'm going to Santo Domingo for a Divas Photo shoot and- HEY! I am not a terrorist!

::Idiot Detective::-Hermy Bigwort::
Oh yeah? Then what about....this?!

He hands them a photo. Pamela and Tiffany look on in disbelief.

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::
That looks nothing like me! Maybe Tiffany if she doesn't shave for a month-

::Simply Shocking and Seductive::-Tiffany Evans::

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::
You do have that upper lip problem.

::Simply Shocking and Seductive::-Tiffany Evans::
You weren't supposed to tell anyone about that!

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::
Anyway it looks nothing like us! First of all, there are five people in that picture.

::Idiot Detective::-Hermy Bigwort::
Terrorists have friends.

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::
God you're annoying! That's not even a real picture! Is that....Osama Bin Laden with the...Teletubbies? DUDE! That is so not right! WI'm not even supposed to be here today!

::Simply Shocking and Seductive::-Tiffany Evans::
Shut up Dante!

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::
Screw you Randall! I have a Diva Shoot to get to!

::Idiot Detective::-Hermy Bigwort::
Is this some kind of terrorist code?

Both Pamela and Tiffany turn to look at him.

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::

::Simply Shocking and Seductive::-Tiffany Evans::
WE ARE NOT TERRORISTS!               

::Idiot Detective::-Hermy Bigwort::
Oh you're terrorists, all right. I'll prove it or my name isn't Mathew Paige Damon.

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::
It isn't.

::Simply Shocking and Seductive::-Tiffany Evans::
Yeah. It's the name of that totally hott actor I tried to screw but he had a girlfriend and I think he's engaged to her anyway. Doesn't matter because I think he has a relationship with Ben Affleck and they're secretly- 

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::
Tiffany! This is not the time.

Tiffany shrugs. Just then, two officers come walking through the door. They hold two criminals that look exactly like Pamela Paulshock and Tiffany Evans with one exception......they have Osama beards.

::Weasley Twin::-Oliver Phelps::
Sir, I'm afraid we've made a mistake. 

::Weasley Twin::-James Phelps::
Yeah. These are the ones you were looking for. 

::Simply Shocking and Seductive::-Tiffany Evans::
Holy shit! Weren't you two in Harry Potter? 

::Weasley Twin::-James Phelps::
Yes were were but- 

::Weasley Twin::-Oliver Phelps::
After we left Hogwarts and failed in professional Quidditch, we decided to become police officers.  

::Weasley Twin::-James Phelps::
And here we are.

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::
Now do you believe me?

::Idiot Detective::-Hermy Bigwort::
No....but you may go.

::Simply Shocking and Seductive::-Tiffany Evans::
But what about  our luggage? 

::Idiot Detective::-Hermy Bigwort::
Oh that? Well, after we found out you were terrorists, we dismantled and torched them.

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::
Un-friggen-believable. Now how the hell are we supposed to get to Santo Domingo and what are we gonna wear?

::Simply Shocking and Seductive::-Tiffany Evans::
We'll improvise. 

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::

Hermy walks up to them and hands them two quarters.

::Idiot Detective::-Hermy Bigwort::
That should be enough for a cab.

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::

Before they can even get another word in, they are kicked out of the room. Pamela sighs and leans against the door.

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::
This sucks.

::Simply Shocking and Seductive::-Tiffany Evans::
Could be worse. We could be stranded with no money or clothes in the middle of Mexico.

Scene Three-We're gonna get there.

We are in a very hot area. Pamela Paulshock and Tiffany Evans have somehow made it from Miami to Santo Domingo. Now that they are on the Island, they need to find their way to the shooting location.  They have been walking for hours through the scorching sun and there has been no sign of life anywhere. They are practically dragging their feet.

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::
This sucks..

::Simply Shocking and Seductive::-Tiffany Evans::
Think positive, Pam.

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::
Okay, this positively sucks!

::Simply Shocking and Seductive::-Tiffany Evans::
That's better.

Pamela gives a sarcastic smile.

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::
Let's see, we got tazered, arrested, labeled terrorists, lost our luggage, and are now WALKING THROUGH THIS HOT FREAKING LAND WITH NO MEANS OF TRANSPORTATION WHATSOEVER!

::Simply Shocking and Seductive::-Tiffany Evans::
Look on the bright side. At least we're not in Mexico. 

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::
Meh, you have a point.

Just then, a beat up old cab comes huffing its way past them. Inside is some weird looking man. Actually, he's very creepy.

::Gross and Creepy::-Stinky Joe::
You ladies nee a ride?

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::
Uh...just a minute.

Pamela pulls Tiffany to the side.

::Simply Shocking and Seductive::-Tiffany Evans::
Dude! What are you doing? That's our ride! 

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::
Dude! It's a creepy old man driving! He's like eighty..I don't even think he'll make to to the location.

::Simply Shocking and Seductive::-Tiffany Evans::
Who cares? Anything's beter than walking through the hot sun...Come on! 

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::
Fine! But if we get murdered..I'm so gonna kill you!

::Simply Shocking and Seductive::-Tiffany Evans::
It won't matter to me. I'd already be dead! HA! 

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::

Pamela jokingly rolls her eyes. They get inside the cab and immediately cling to each other.

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::
Dude, it totally reeks in here.

::Simply Shocking and Seductive::-Tiffany Evans::
It does. What is that smell? 

::Gross and Creepy::-Stinky Joe::
Oh, don't worry about that. My second cousin who is also my wife and my sister died back there.

Pamela and Tiffany jump up, hitting their heads on the roof. They rub their foreheads.

::Simply Shocking and Seductive::-Tiffany Evans::

::Gross and Creepy::-Stinky Joe::
I'm just pullin' your hamstring. But she really is my cousin, sister, and wife. Anyway, where are you ladies going?

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::
Uh, there's this photo shoot with the divas of the UPW.

::Gross and Creepy::-Stinky Joe::
Oh I know about that! That shoot is only one minute away.

::Simply Shocking and Seductive::-Tiffany Evans::

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::
So we didn't need to get intot his GROSS cab that smells like something that crawled up Bobbi Billard's ass?

::Gross and Creepy::-Stinky Joe::
Righty you are!

The old man turns and smiles. It looks like his teeth are in jail. 

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::
Sick man! Close your mouth!

::Simply Shocking and Seductive::-Tiffany Evans::
Yeah, nobody wants to see that! 

::Gross and Creepy::-Stinky Joe::
Whatever you say, darlin.

The two shudder.  Minutes later, the car pulls to as top at the photo shoot location. They get out.

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::

::Simply Shocking and Seductive::-Tiffany Evans::

::Gross and Creepy::-Stinky Joe::
If you need anything else, I'll be waiting for your call!

He winks at them.

::Simply Shocking and Seductive::-Tiffany Evans::

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::

The second they start walking, a man stops them.

::Photo shoot Director::-Marty Hufferman::
Wait! You can't go there! 

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::
What now?

::Simply Shocking and Seductive::-Tiffany Evans::
Yeah. We've been through, like, hell already. 

::Photo shoot Director::-Marty Hufferman::
You need to cut  promo. It's standard procedure. Just look pretty and talk.

Pamela sighs. 

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::

They set up the cameras and Pamela sits down in a seat. As the cameras start rolling, she begins to talk.

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::
Well, what can I say? This is a photo shoot. This isn't a ring where the toughest girl wins. This is about beauty. Looks. What the hell am I talking about? I can still win this thing! I'm likable. People like me, right, Tiffany?

::Simply Shocking and Seductive::-Tiffany Evans::
Yeah, they do. 

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::
Yeah, I'm totally hot. Just the other day I had this guy-

::Photo shoot Director::-Marty Hufferman::

::Simply Electrifying::-Pamela Paukshock::
Do you need a cough drop or something? Anyway, how the hell do you campaign to become Miss UPW? I don't care if I win or lose. It's not like I fought through hell and back to get here. Although I did go through hell but that's beside the point. This photo shoot is pretty much my way of saying that I'm back. I don't care if I get the title or not. I'm just out here to have some fun and look hott while I'm doing this. Besides, who the hell wants to vote for someone like Molly Holly? Ha! Maybe at the Miss Krispy Kreme Pageant. She's carrying two loads there. If anything, you're gonna need a wider lens to shoot her. I know the movie King Kong is supposed to come out soon but is there any reason to start promoting now? Wow! That early, huh. Molly likes to call herself an Angel but Angels need to fly and with Molly's extra luggage, that is impossible. Well, unless she has another pair of wings for her ginormous ass. Man I'm on a roll today! But yeah, Molly has about as good of a chance as Clay Aiken to win this thing. God, Clay, he looks like a little boy in drag. He's gayer than..well...Carson Kressly and Jack McFarland if that's even possible. So does that mean I get to call Molly Holly Clay Aiken? Hehe, I think I will. So Clay, now that you've lost to American Idol, how will you cope with losing the title of Miss UPW? I know, it's hard. I'd tell you to let Ruben Studdard comfort you but judging by the size of your ass, you two have already spent some sleepless nights eating a bowl of ice cream and watching When Harry Met Sally. Oh! Too bad! I guess we'll have to look for someone else. Bobbi Billard perhaps? Or should I call her Busty Blue Balls? Ahh..Bobbi. Big Boobie. Whatever you wanna call her. Ha, another newbie who walks in with a big head. She got a title match on her first shot..Wooooooooow. *stares wide eyed* But what was the outcome, I must ask? Oh wait a minute. It was a loss! But that doesn't matter here, does it? It's about being hott. Well, you've got big boos. Blonde hair. A recipe for a winner? Maybe not. See, what makes a person attractive is totally not their looks..Well, not all, anyway. It's their personality. You lack that. All you are is a busty blonde who thinks that she owns the place. Who's gonna wanna vote for someone with the looks of a porn star but with a personality as attractive as...Al Gore? And believe me, nobody likes him. So, I guess that means you lose out Boobie. Unlike you, I'm actually likeable! Maybe I will win this Photo shoot thing. People will look at Kim Page and automatically vote her out. I mean, come on! She's like a drag queen. She's Huggo Weaving in a dress! It's not a pretty sight! And Trish Stratus? Stale. If we've seen her one..twice. okay, a million times, we've had ENOUGH. So, there's only one obvious choice for Miss UPW. It's not Torrie. It's not Twiggy Long Legs aka Stacy Keibler. Has she heard of something called a sandwich? It's worse than Lindsey Lohan and Renee Zellwegger. I beg you, Stacy, EAT SOMETHING BEFORE YOU DIE!! Anyway... It's not even that retarded rag doll Christy Hemme. Miss UPW is beautiful and someone the people actually like. It's me! Hey, Marty, ya like that one?

::Photo shoot Director::-Marty Hufferman::
Great! Let's go!

::Simply Shocking and Seductive::-Tiffany Evans::