this is jessie. jessie says hi.

Alexander is a very small elf. He is about the size of a dry-erase marker, and he is dancing around on the edge of the whiteboard, where the markers go. He looks like one of those elves you see on television working in Santa Claus's workshop. Or, a character on "David the Gnome", this little kids' TV show from when I was small. He is wearing a cone on his head for a hat, and also a mischievous grin on his face. Mrs. Geiger picks up the dry-erase marker and begins to write a G clef on the board. Alexander grabs the end of the marker and swings back and forth, his feet dangling, pointy shoes close to falling off. He winks at me and then lets go of the marker, falling to the ground without any apparent damage.
    Alexander is going on a trek to my desk. He keeps tripping over the carpet - it is too big for his little feet. At the bottom of my desk, Alexander pulls out a climbing rope and harness and begins climbing up. I am impressed by his superior climbing skills.
      Alexander is watching me doodle intently. He jumps onto my paper and dances around, grinning mischievously. He jumps onto the tip of my pencil, balancing delicately like a pro ballerina.
     "So what sort of chord is this, Jessie?" my teacher asks. I shake my head and look up as Alexander slowly ceases to be.



bleh. go. there. hurry!