Antarian Ranger

Xylia is an Antarian Ranger from Toprawa, making her an intrusion expert, particularly proficient in silent movement in difficult terrain. She is one of so few remaining of her clan of Rangers. She also is capable of flying a TIE fighter, an Incom T-65 X-wing, and shuttles; willing to learn more if she can find someone to train her. Xylia has her own X-wing painted red with a silver stripe, and has her own R2 unit she has dubbed Scrap.

The Antarian Rangers was an old order, founded centuries ago to aid Jedi Knights. A few of them, anyway; most of the Jedi tended to be pretty solitary. But some of them appreciated having loyal, reliable warriors to help them. Freedom's Sons were one such order, and the Rangers were another.
To be a Ranger meant knowing how to move in any environment. To blend in with the forest or grassland, to sail, to swim, to dive, to pilot. To be masters of their surroundings. Rangers were good spies, good warriors, very adept at intrusion and escape.
In the old days, there were communities of Rangers on several worlds, including Toprawa. There were some inter-marrying between the Jedi and the Rangers. Gradually, there were fewer and fewer Rangers around. The Clone Wars killed off whole clans, and then most of the rest were purged with the Jedi. The rest went underground. Some families remained hidden for decades, and then before they could emerge, Toprawa was bombed into barbarism by the Empire. That's when the last of the Antarian Rangers on Toprawa died. That is with the exception of a few...mainly children at the time, in their teens and using their skills that have been passed on for centuries to save them.

Now, Xylia wanders the galaxy, doing what she does best to make her cash, mainly intel jobs, and other odds and ends that seem ludicrous at the most, but it has gotten her the X-wing and R2 unit as well as pays for repairs and fuel too.

After having her baby boy, Benjamin Xavier Frakes, Xylia has registered with the New Republic in hopes of getting some sort of infiltration or intelligence job that will keep her busy.

Her son and fiancee soon became more important than a job with a government and Xylia dropped out to take more profitable jobs with pirates and weathly individuals to help support her family.

However, in the insuing years--Ben now being 2 years old--Xylia and Eugene again considered taking a job in the newest Republic. Already, they are set up on Coruscant, have a nice daycare to take Ben to, and are in the process of finding positions within the Republic Defense Force.

She's decided she will go into the Special Task Force teams and have squadrons that work in conjuntion with the Defense Fleet. Now she's only got to tell the Secretary of Defense and get started.

Xylia is now Commodore Xylia Frakes of the Republic's Special Forces and has rebuilt the Wraith Squadron and even put together a Wraith Squadron expert team to deal with information for simulations and actual situations.

Age: 26
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: brown
Marital Status: Married to Eugene Frakes