I'd like to say hello and welcome you to my Home. First and fore most this page is dedicated to all childhood sexual abuse victims/survivors. As you can probably guess I am a survivor of childhood abuse. It took me a very long time to understand why and how something so terrible can happen to a child. But, believe me I know only to well. I have written a poem and would like to dedicate it you, if you are a victim/survivor. I hope you enjoy it and I have many more poems that I will be adding later on. Please feel free to leave me a message on my message board!
" Free The Children "

I want you to know that, since that day, I've never been the same,
Through the years, I've felt frightened, lonely, and ashamed,
I've hidden behind a mask for so many years,
Afraid people wouldn't understand, and hiding my tears,

When you invade our bodies, it leaves a scar for life,
The pain it leaves is deep, and cuts through us like a knife,
I've hidden the truth for so very long,
And you've made everyday a struggle, just to go on,

NO child should have to experience a life time of pain,
It took many years to realize, that, I was not to blame,
It was YOU and YOU alone, who did this to me,
And now I must heal myself, and set myself free,

I am here to tell you that, I speak for us all,
That one day soon, we WILL break down the wall,
We will all unite and stand together,
To stop YOU and help the children, for now and forever!

So please help us end, ALL of the children's pain,So they can grow up happy, and never feel ashamed!

Written by: Yvonne Levely
A few of my favorite Links: including abuse information pages.
Please help support Holi with her  Ribbon Campaign. Click on the green ribbon!
Day Of The Child- please help us put a stop to child abuse!  See how you can help.
Toronto Child Abuse Centre
Health Canada-another good abuse infomation site to check out
Ribbon Campaign
The Bee Gees
Celine Dion
About.com knitting
A wonderful fan page on my favorite actor:
Al Pacino.
Thanks for the wonderful  graphics Elsa!
I am a proud member of Day Of The Child and also of Phenomenal Women !

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