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  013101 --- Bunch of links added [A link with (gtts) means it will be featured or is featured in the gtts section of Compulsion, which is the homesite of this YnM guide.] [I will not be adding links to Japanese fansites unless their YnM content is considerable.] [Newest or recently modified links should appear on top.][Links are suppose to open new browser windows.][This guide is updated regularly. When this guide is updated, it doesn't mean that the home site is updated also. This guide can be updated remotely so it's easier to maintain.][I don't think any of the links here are broken, but if you do find one, please tell me. I want to keep this guide in good order.][This guide contains YnM (Descendant of Darkness)links. YnM is a manga & anime series by Youko Matsushita (Yoko Matushita). Anime was first aired on Wowow. Manga runs in Hanayume. Contains links to some of the YnM sites Anonym has visited. There is a focus on Japanese YnM fanart sites.]
   (still figuring out the name) Japanese fansite (gtts)
  ***la premiere porte***
   Japanese Fansite. (gtts) Very very nice.
   Known also as the "Hisoka Kurosaki Love Ling." Ling is Ring. Japanese YnM Webring. For sites having emphasis on Hisoka. (there should be a Watari love ring somewhere; also a Muraki love ring. I already found love rings for Tsuzuki and Tatsumi)
   Japanese Fansite.
   Japanese Fansite. (gtts) I saved and am saving the YnM fanart of this artist. Adorably cute.
  Deep Inside
   Japanese Fansite.
  Cube Sugar
   Japanese Fansite. (I'll add more descriptions later)
  Super Sonic Level
   Japanese Fansite. Impressive collection of YnM fanart. [gtts] Make that a very impressive collection of YnM art. Hisoka is the favorite character here.
  Compulsion: YnM Site
   English YnM website. Daily themes, links collection, images, fanfiction, fanart, media and so forth. The hardest to do in this site is the Comic section which contains flash comics of YnM parts. This is the home site of this YnM guide.
   Japanese Fansite. A very cute and colorful site with excellent YnM art. A must visit. The site layout is well thought out. I'm envious. Click on the link. I know you'll like what you see and hear.
  D.O.T.D Descendant of the Dark
   Japanese YnM Fansite. The artwork in this site is few, but I like the way it is drawn. There are comics in this site.
  Lambda's Room
   Japanese Fansite. The artstyle here is ephemeral. Can't find a better word to describe it. There is a lot to see in this site.
   Japanese Fansite. The art here is drawn with a style which I need time getting used to, but the themes here are interesting.
  Urex's Yami No Matsuei
   English YnM Fansite. Character section, Gallery and Fan Stuffs. Currently though, the last section seems to be missing. I like the way this website is designed. Good use of tables; I think tables and colors.
  Yugen's Site
   Japanese YnM Fansite. Site name still to be determined. The artwork in this site is cute. There are also YnM fanfics (in Japanese). This site is quite new. I look forward to seeing more artwork in this site.
  Muti-Muti Purin
   Japanese Fansite. I think that's the site name; I hope. When I went here, there were sections for YnM, Hikari no Go and YuGiOh. The art style here is good. The colored art is on the shiny side. I find myself preferring the monotone art on this site.
   Japanese site w/ exquisitely done YnM fanart. The artist seems to focus on Tatsumi, but other characters have also been drawn. Anonym's favorite area in this site is the Thanx section (Hits gallery). Add the Impressions Section as well. My recommendation is that every area of this site is explored. There is usually something good to see. Also, this site is going to close in February so visit now.
  zealot's jail
   Japanese Fansite. This site, I am going to explore thoroughly very soon. I can say now though that the art here makes characters look mean and lean. Still good. Still good. They just look thinner and meaner.
  Tatumi Seiichirou Love Love Ring
   Japanese YnM Webring. Sites focus on Tatsumi. I think this ring is also known as the "Secretary Love Ring."
  blue tears
   Japanese YnM Site. Focused on YnM and other series. The art here is very very good. Took me a long time to go through this site. There are a few unusual pieces; like the one of Tatsumi in school girl uniform. (maybe I just saw it wrong). There's also that wedding piece...
  Mana in Wonderland
   English Fansite. Many series here including YnM, Inuyasha, Pokemon and more. There are reviews, fanart, fanfiction, analysis. My favorite area in this site is the fanfiction section. There is a YnM fanfiction here that I am following.
   Publisher's YnM website. This is the official website for Yami no Matsuei. Currently, the only feature in it is the message board. In Japanese
  Hikami's Site
   Japanese Fansite. That's not the site's name. I haven't figured what's the site name yet. The artwork here is beautiful, simply beautiful. This site concentrates on YnM, but there are other interests. There's a Pokemon section. Just click on the link. Take a look at the index image (last time I went, it was Tsuzuki & Tatsumi), if you don't like it, that would be surprising.
  Star Moon Night
   Chinese YnM fansite. Huge site. Has fanworks, images and more. It's a must to visit even if you don't understand Chinese or even if your computer can't read Chinese.
   English Site. Hisoka Shrine. Well-designed site. The webmaster knows advance webdesign. Good use of layers or frames (not really sure what was used), and I like the automatic text scrolling. This site has images, info, images and more items related to Kurosaki Hisoka of YnM.
  Artistic Stuff
   English Media Site. There are colored and black & white YnM wallpaper here. I think this site's webmaster wants to be a magazine editor. Also, advanced website techniques are utilized. It also has that automatic scroll up feature I've seen in the Evergreen site.
  Watari's World - Anime Isle - Rodnoi Realm
   English YnM webpage. Shrine not only to Watari but also to Tatsumi. There are images, fanart, information, links and other goodies in this site. My favorite feature of this site is the many doujinshi scans (cover and inside) available. The only other place I've seen with that many YnM djs is Aesthetism.
  Pinku Hana Panda Page
   English art site. The number of YnM art is increasing in this site, much to my delight. The artist's style of drawing appeals to me greatly, and I recommend visiting this site.
  manga summaries ::Yami no Matsuei::
   English YnM webpage. Basic information and image gallery.
  DEEP into the Darkness
   Japanese Fansite. To find the YnM gallery section, pay close attention. Your browser has to be able to read Japanese characters. The style is not what I normally like, but the art is good. I'm redefining my preferences.
   Japanese Fansite. Features not only YnM. The drawing style of the artist concentrates on cuteness, but also resembles the art style of the Power site and Kira's Homepage.
   Japanese Fanart Site. The artist's drawing style reminds me of the art style in the Secret Dream site. Another note, this site has protection, meaning that it's not easy to save anything from this site. Can't right mouse click.
   Link leads directly to the YnM section in Starchild's extensive website. News about YnM anime releases is found here as well as music clips, anime images & episode guide. In Japanese.
  S-Takamiya's Site
   Japanese YnM site. That's not actually the site name, it's the webmaster's handle. I'm going to correct the site name as soon as I find out what it means in English. This site has great artwork. It compliments the Power website.
   Japanese Art Site. The YnM section is easily located. The artist's style is not my usual liking, but I am intrigued by the artwork I've seen. The YnM section also holds fanworks of other artists and writers.
   Japanese site w/ YnM fanart. This site is devoted to both YnM and Clamp. I really like the YnM fanart in this site. It's the type of drawing that I like, very nice to look at and not complicated. The Gallery is definitely my favorite area, and there is also an online YnM dj by the fanartist.
  Kira's Homepage
   Japanese art site. There is fanart for many series, and the quality of the YnM artwork here is excellent. I'm watching this site. Can never have too much of a good thing.
  Kei's Studio
   Japanese art site with sections on several series, one of which is YnM. I recognize another series in there, Hikari no Go. The YnM section is beautifully done. There are mono and colored art, and they are done superbly. A must see.
  The Dark Lands, Yami no Matsuei - When it is Time to Go
   YnM English site. This appears to be a shrine to Tsuzuki, Tatsumi or both. I'm not sure. Characters from other series also come in. There are also translations of the manga.
  The Genki Shinigami - A Shrine to Watari ^_^
 &nnbsp; English YnM site, and the name says it all. Watari's very own fanclub. I'm a member though currently, I haven't been listed in the site. If you like Watari, I hope you'll join.
  Chamber of Darkness
   English YnM site. Page layouts are graphic-intensified, and I have to say that I like the Greetings Chamber where you can send and receive YnM postcards. There's also a lot of official colored images in this site.
  The Gushoushin's Library
   English YnM site. If you want details and details about the characters and their worlds, this site is the one to go to. The whole site is my favorite area, and I keep going back to read again and again.
  The Giraffe's Sleeping Quarters
   English site which focuses on Multimedia such as wallpapers, cursors and so forth. When I visited this site, I found YnM wallpaper.
  Freeze Frames
   Anime screencaps site. Last I went here, screencaps for the YnM anime opening Eden were available. Hopefully, there will be more.
  tsuzuki love2 ring
   Japanese YnM Webring. Websites have a focus on Tsuzuki of course.
  darkness ring: Descendant of the Dark
   Japanese YnM Webring
  Yami no matsuei Navigator!!
   Japanese Yami no Matsuei Webring
  Yami No Matsuei Page
   English YnM site. One of the first links to be posted in Anipike. It contains colored official YnM images that I haven't seen elsewhere in other sites.
   This link leads directly to the YnM page in the Wowow website. There are images, seiyuu information and such. In Japanese.
  Within the Darkness : YnM
   English information site on YnM. Detailed character analysis and lots of images. For Anonym, the best feature of this site is the Anime section, which has a lot of screencaps from the YnM anime series and in-depth summaries of the episodes as well. | Yami no Matsuei
   The English site which I consider as the best source of information in English about YnM. Most if not all important pertinent information on the series is available in this site, and best of all, this site has translations. I would be surprise if you have not been to this site before. Favorite area, of course, is Translations.
  Paperthin Pleasures: Yami no Matsuei
   English site heavy on information and lots of official YnM images. Anonym likes the Drama CD and Character Book section. The webmaster is very kind to share information about and images from these items.
  Hakusensha Online
   This is YnM and Hana to Yume Publisher's Website. Huge site, and there are cover images of most if not all publications as well as ISBNs, prices in Yen, book availabililty, publication dates and more. There are also book reviews, online shopping, message boards, etc. In Japanese.
  Yami no Matsuei Manga Summaries by Amparo Bertram
   English site with in-depth summaries of current YnM manga. By volume, and Amparo Bertram has also included front cover and coverflap images.