{\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\froman\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\f2\fmodern Courier New;}}
\deflang1033\pard\plain\f2\fs20 Fluff Park\

\par You stand in a perfectly charming oasis of land, a clearing in the midst of a \

\par dense forest. The emerald-green grass is soft as a carpet under your paws. This \

\par place seems to welcome you, inviting you to flop down on the grass and relax.  \

\par In the center of the grass is a large obsidian column, jutting from the ground, \

\par which bears a grey marble sculpture of a lynx.  He stands on all fours, looking \

\par quite proud, tufted ears alert, serenely surveying the Land of Fluff. \

\par From this central location many paths are open to you. A teleporter 'pad' is \

\par here which will transport you to the Space Station Celeste. Feline Avenue leads \

\par away through the trees to the 'north'; to the 'east' is Lynx Lane.  The park \

\par continues to the 'west.' To the 'south', a narrow path through the vegetation \

\par leads to shimmering water.\

\par There is a medium-sized clock tower off to one side of the park. On it is a \

\par large, bright digital display, labelled "The Millenium Countdown". It currently \

\par reads "363 days, 5 hours, 41 minutes, and 10 seconds".\

\par There's a small hatchlike door set into the ground. A narrow opening cut into a \

\par treetrunk is marked 'Bulletin Board Reading Room' (to enter, type "board"). You \

\par see a large SIGN here.\

\par  Furs here: \

\par Yadyn, Qwert, Dark_G?[idle 16m0s], Diedra, Rico, Yoshi, Roseblade[sleeping], \

\par Brightfire, Akai and Ryu[idle 5m37s]\

\par  Things here: \

\par R2-Q1, Rico`s tail, Firebutt, Ryu2, Automatic Room Fluffer, Edward A. Murphy, \

\par Jr. plushie, Mewbox, ACME Matter Generator, SIGN: Warning: Lots of snow. Large \

\par padded paws recommended. and FluffHomesGuide\

\par You found a second till the Y2K bug hits Fluff!\

\par Lazarus bounces in behind Yadyn.\

\par .> Yadyn says a few words and disappears into another dimension.\

\par .> Yadyn has left.\

\par .> Lazarus bounces out behind Yadyn.\

\par Akai freaks Brightfire!\

\par Picki stumbles out of the cave, blinking at the light.\

\par Sorry, you can only withdraw once every 24 hours.\

\par 23007 seconds to go...\

\par Rayne emerges from a cloud of gently swirling, multicolored fluffs.\

\par Yoshi freaks Out!\

\par Rayne wanders toward West Park.\

\par Brightfire woos!\

\par Brightfire boinks Akai!\

\par Akai issa freak!  Or he's Freakazoid...\

\par Yadyn finishes building\

\par Kyra pages, "Sorry this year isn't going to good for you, me just getting over \

\par being sick other than that fine" to you.\

\par Yoshi grabs Yadyn, "The sunspots are coming! The sunspots are coming!"\

\par You consentrate and make yer face appear before Kyra and say, "oh.. nice to see \

\par ya feelin' better... heh...".\

\par Yadyn oks\

\par Dark_G? comes back from eating dinner\

\par Yoshi runs around bouncing off of trees.\

\par Dark_G? says, "Yo"\

\par Dark_G? concentrates then puts his flat palm on the ground and yells "STONE \

\par SPIKER!" The earth rumbles with the power of the spell and enormous spikes of \

\par pure stone erupt from the ground impaling the sleepers.\

\par Roseblade is sent home.\

\par Roseblade has left.\

\par Firebutt licks everyone who thinks he's kawaii, and runs out after Rosey at top \

\par speed.\

\par Firebutt has left.\

\par Yoshi digs a hole under Dark_G?, "Hide hide!"\

\par Dark_G? O.o\

\par Dark_G? falls I guess\

\par Akai carries Brightfire off, kicking and screaming.  Or moaning and squirming.  \

\par Whatever.\

\par Rayne comes in from West Park.\

\par Diedra chibbits.  Everyone, jump in the chibbit and be safe!\

\par Dark_G? says, "..."\

\par Brightfire >:>\

\par Brightfire frenches Akai!\

\par Rico mews?\

\par Picki opens a hidden hatch buried in the grass and climbs down into the \

\par Underground. The hatch snicks shut behind him.\

\par Dark_G? says, "Go head"\

\par Yoshi gleeeerps at Diedra!\

\par Dark_G? says, "You can yiff in the park I wont say anything"\

\par Dark_G? takes out the yiff cam\

\par Akai deepwetyiffykisses Brightfire!\

\par Dark_G? says, "Ooo"\

\par Diedra hrms..\

\par Diedra says, "No, Yadyn... NO!"\

\par Dark_G? searches for dynamic camra angles\

\par Diedra ptwoinks you!\

\par Dark_G? says, "Brightie can you lift your left leg a little higher"\

\par Brightfire rotfl!\

\par Akai spooges the camera blind, "That's better."\

\par Yoshi erps.\

\par Diedra ewws O_o\

\par Dark_G? says, "..."\

\par Dark_G? puts some rubber gloves on and whipes off his camera\

\par Dark_G? says, "SICK DUDE!"\

\par Akai giggles, "Just... couldn't help myself."\

\par You say, "heh"\

\par Brightfire snickers!\

\par Yoshi purrs, "This is more like the park I remember."\

\par Rayne yawnz\

\par Kitiara emerges from a cloud of gently swirling, multicolored fluffs.\

\par Diedra erghs at the gross display of human sexuality which is more like some \

\par sort of disease of the young.\

\par Kitiara blinks..\

\par Akai curls up against Brightfire, "Me no have a home, y'know."\

\par Qwert is getting tired of trying to beat Pokemon\

\par Dark_G? says, "Yoshi join in with Brightie and Akai"\

\par Brightfire glarks, "Who wants to play T|D at my place?"\

\par Brightfire lols!\

\par Yoshi isn't that sort of cat.\

\par Dark_G? films\

\par Diedra hehs.\

\par Yoshi purrs, "Asides, I'm not breaking any rating rules here."\

\par Akai beefs, "Uh... truth!  Wait, no..."\

\par Diedra hops naked on top of Yadyn's back, screaming, "Yadyn!! Yadyn!!"\

\par Dark_G? says, "Im going for triple X here. Brightie how flexable are you?"\

\par Brightfire glarks, "Ooh, very. >:>"\

\par Rayne LOL*\

\par You try to scramble up on Brightfire, but slip and fall off.\

\par Yadyn will.. and won't ;eave this time!\

\par Dark_G? says, "OH yea!"\

\par Brightfire glarks, "Oh, and if Zorin comes in in the middle of this...what \

\par happens?"\

\par Your call could not be completed as dialed. Please hang up and type "help". \}:)\

\par Akai beefs, "Enough to accomadate a marsupial reproductive system?"\

\par Yadyn try not to at least\

\par Dark_G? says, "we will all fly around the moon"\

\par Yoshi purrs, "He twinks you."\

\par Akai beefs, "We move in with you!"\

\par Brightfire glarks, "Ah. ;)"\

\par Yoshi purrs, "Zorin's just a cat. He's headwiz. but he doesn't take it near as \

\par serious as all of you do."\

\par Diedra looks around...and what she's doing...\

\par Dark_G? films\

\par Qwert chirps, "wohoo the last badge!"\

\par Qwert has left.\

\par R2-Q1 bounds after Qwert.\

\par R2-Q1 has left.\

\par Akai tries to scramble up on Brightfire, but slips and falls off.\

\par Akai beefs, "Ow."\

\par Diedra puts her clothes back on and starts smoking a joint or five.\

\par Dark_G? catches Diedra on film\

\par Yoshi purrs, "Or FIVE?"\

\par Rayne has disconnected.\

\par Dark_G? concentrates then puts his flat palm on the ground and yells "STONE \

\par SPIKER!" The earth rumbles with the power of the spell and enormous spikes of \

\par pure stone erupt from the ground impaling the sleepers.\

\par Rayne is sent home.\

\par Rayne has left.\

\par Akai hands Diedra some cheese.  With beef on the side.\

\par Brightfire sucks on Akai's chocolate salty balls. Oo, they're so tasty!\

\par Dark_G? FILMS\

\par Yoshi looks through his logs...and suddenly LOLS!\

\par Diedra has disconnected.\

\par Yoshi purrs, "I found it! The Math Orgy!"\

\par Dark_G? laughs\

\par Brightfire glarks, "Math orgy? I want it!"\

\par Dark_G? presses some buttons on the ACME Matter Generator, and Bananna comes \

\par out.\

\par Akai beefs, "Lick the cream filling!"\

\par Yoshi purrs, "This is something I wish I'd been around long enough to \

\par see...hehe..."\

\par Akai sowwies.\

\par Brightfire LOL!\

\par Yoshi sends it to Brightfire.\

\par Dark_G? cues the 70s retro music\

\par Diedra has connected.\

\par Akai beefs, "Math orgy... hunh?"\

\par Rayne emerges from a cloud of gently swirling, multicolored fluffs.\

\par Diedra chibbits.\

\par  DG? hands Bananna to The Beautiful Daemon.\

\par Dark_G? says, "Do something with that"\

\par Dark_G? films\

\par You say, "Let's go back to my place for some Math.. Diedra!  Add my bed, \

\par subtract our clothes, divide your legs, and multiply!"\

\par Diedra peels it like a banana.\

\par Akai suddenly wishes he hadn't deleted 70sporn.xm.\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra says, "spam time, You wish!"\

\par Diedra giggles.\

\par Dark_G? laughs at what Yadyn said\

\par Brightfire lols!\

\par Picki emerges from the UnderGround.\

\par Yadyn hmms.. seems I've chucked her chin too hard\

\par Dark_G? says, "Where ever you are the yiff cam CAN GO!"\

\par Diedra shoves the banana at the camera and smushes it all over the place.\

\par Picki opens a hidden hatch buried in the grass and climbs down into the \

\par Underground. The hatch snicks shut behind him.\

\par Dark_G? says, "Eew"\

\par Akai beefs, "And let me feel your paranthesis?"\

\par You say, "heh"\

\par Dark_G? whipes the camera off\

\par Dark_G? presses some buttons on the ACME Matter Generator, and Frozen Sausage \

\par comes out.\

\par  DG? hands Frozen Sausage to The Beautiful Daemon.\

\par Diedra says, "Hmmm... and get my greater than in your less than?"\

\par Dark_G? says, "You can think of something to do with that"\

\par You say, "lol"\

\par Dark_G? films\

\par Akai feels Brightie's parenthesis.\

\par Diedra chops the frozen sausage up.  Lorena Style.\

\par Dark_G? O.O\

\par Yadyn ew\

\par Qwert shouts "Die Stupid mystery guy die i want that last badge!"  \

\par (Public-shout)\

\par Dark_G? says, "OK OK THATS IT"\

\par Dark_G? packs it up\

\par Dark_G? says, "That was too much for the yiff cam to handle"\

\par Fluff Park\

\par You stand in a perfectly charming oasis of land, a clearing in the midst of a \

\par dense forest. The emerald-green grass is soft as a carpet under your paws. This \

\par place seems to welcome you, inviting you to flop down on the grass and relax.  \

\par In the center of the grass is a large obsidian column, jutting from the ground, \

\par which bears a grey marble sculpture of a lynx.  He stands on all fours, looking \

\par quite proud, tufted ears alert, serenely surveying the Land of Fluff. \

\par From this central location many paths are open to you. A teleporter 'pad' is \

\par here which will transport you to the Space Station Celeste. Feline Avenue leads \

\par away through the trees to the 'north'; to the 'east' is Lynx Lane.  The park \

\par continues to the 'west.' To the 'south', a narrow path through the vegetation \

\par leads to shimmering water.\

\par There is a medium-sized clock tower off to one side of the park. On it is a \

\par large, bright digital display, labelled "The Millenium Countdown". It currently \

\par reads "363 days, 5 hours, 30 minutes, and 7 seconds".\

\par There's a small hatchlike door set into the ground. A narrow opening cut into a \

\par treetrunk is marked 'Bulletin Board Reading Room' (to enter, type "board"). You \

\par see a large SIGN here.\

\par  Furs here: \

\par Rayne, Kitiara, Yadyn, Dark_G?, Diedra, Rico, Yoshi, Brightfire, Akai and \

\par Ryu[idle 16m41s]\

\par  Things here: \

\par Lazarus, Rico`s tail, Ryu2, Automatic Room Fluffer, Edward A. Murphy, Jr. \

\par plushie, Mewbox, ACME Matter Generator, SIGN: Warning: Lots of snow. Large \

\par padded paws recommended. and FluffHomesGuide\

\par Diedra shoves the pieces up Dark_G?'s posterior.  oOoo biology term.\

\par Akai beefs, "The yiff cam 'sploded!"\

\par Brightfire lol!\

\par Yadyn uhms\

\par Diedra giggles.\

\par Diedra shoves the saugsages in Dark_g?'s open equation.\

\par Dark_G? lables his taple Muck S.L.U.T. the adventures of Diedra\

\par Brightfire woos, we broke the Yiff Cam! >:>\

\par You say, "Diedra like.. roses are red.. violets are blue... i like spagheti.. \

\par let's go have........"\

\par Diedra says, "...wait, that doesn't rhyme, Yadyn."\

\par Akai beefs, "A Sea-Doo!"\

\par Dark_G? says, "..."\

\par Yadyn tries and tries but always fails\

\par You say, "Brightfire did it hurt?"\

\par Dark_G? says, "Try again Yadyn"\

\par Akai beefs, "Roses are red, Violets are blue, If you're real horny, Then let me \

\par yiff you?"\

\par Dark_G? claps\

\par Brightfire oos, ok. ;>\

\par Dark_G? says, "thats art"\

\par Ryu waves\

\par Dark_G? takes the yiff cam back out\

\par Ryu closes his eyes, and whispers some words. A strange blue light surrounds \

\par him. Soon all you can see is the light, which almost blinds you. He dissappears \

\par with a bright, blue flash.\

\par >> Ryu heads for the nearest exit, a red dot appears on his back. BANG! He \

\par falls to the ground.\

\par Ryu has left.\

\par Ryu2 follows Ryu out, mimicking his every move.\

\par Ryu2 has left.\

\par Dark_G? says, "now were were we?"\

\par Akai yarfs Brightfire!\

\par Yadyn awws\

\par Dark_G? 0.-\

\par Yadyn sucks at sucking up\

\par Dark_G? looks through the yiff cam\

\par Yadyn sucks at poetry\

\par Akai sucks at sucking.  Hopefully.\

\par Yadyn sucks at trying to be romantic\

\par Dark_G? says, "Diedra what do you suck on.. at"\

\par Brightfire cackles!\

\par Yadyn sucks at getting a girlfriend... ;P\

\par Akai suckles Brightfire!\

\par Dark_G? O.O\

\par Dark_G? films\

\par Yoshi purrs, "Yadyn sucks? O.o?"\

\par Akai beefs, "Hey, wait, so do I, and look.  This goddess hasn't even tried to \

\par kill me yet!"\

\par Rayne hehe\

\par Brightfire caresses Akai!\

\par Diedra takes out another frozen sausage and starts chopping cackling insanely.\

\par Akai fondles Brightfire!\

\par Yadyn takes in wind faster than a .. a... a..... aww.... well something that \

\par takes in wind fast...\

\par Akai beefs, "Rush Limbaugh on his morning jog?"\

\par Diedra says, "Yes, akai, Rush Limbaugh."\

\par Diedra says, "wait, he doesn't jog!"\

\par Akai reDLs 70sporn.xm and plays it.\

\par Dark_G? eew.. rush\

\par Dark_G? says, "Whats that Akai"\

\par Akai beefs, "An XM, obviously."\

\par Brightfire didn't get Math Orgy yet. o.O\

\par You say, "Yeah i suck, Yoshi... uhm..... o_O"\

\par Akai beefs, "Math Orgy?"\

\par Yoshi purrs, "I just sent it."\

\par Brightfire sucks. <:>\

\par Dark_G? FILMS\

\par Akai lets her.\

\par Dark_G? says, "Oooo"\

\par Diedra says, "Yadyn, let's go mess around and start relaizing our quadratic \

\par equation potential."\

\par Dark_G? says, "Ahhh"\

\par Akai ducks.\

\par Yoshi purrs, "Yup. The URL, is, in fact: \

\par http://www.apocalypse.org/pub/u/lpb/muddex/math-orgy.txt"\

\par Yadyn uhms.. ok\

\par Diedra muwhahahas.\

\par Diedra squeeks.\

\par Yadyn needs a new bath toy...\

\par Yadyn looks at Diedra...\

\par You say, "Eh eh?"\

\par Akai chuckles, "This guy sounds like Chef on acid..."\

\par Diedra is just a mouse.\

\par Brightfire glarks, "Hey, Akai. Want to go to my house and rock the casbah?"\

\par You say, "heh.. not just /any/ mouse.."\

\par Rico`s tail twich twiches about.....\

\par Diedra o.O\

\par Dark_G? says, "yiffing mice is just wrong"\

\par Diedra knows...that's why she has this morph.\

\par ( DIEDRA! the too loose mouse! )\

\par Zorin emerges from a cloud of gently swirling, multicolored fluffs.\

\par Zorin's Tail swishes in after him.\

\par Yadyn can be a mouse too.. and....\

\par Diedra says, "EHm, squeek, how can you be loose, and a virgin at the same time?"\

\par Brightfire eeks!\

\par Yadyn eeps ZoriN!\

\par Dark_G? 0.-\

\par Zorin eeks!!\

\par You say, "Brightiie clothes now!"\

\par Akai chuckles.\

\par Zorin Hides!\

\par Diedra says, "that's like...so squeek, impossible."\

\par Brightfire looks innocent, "Hi Zorin!"\

\par Emerald_Wolf emerges from a cloud of gently swirling, multicolored fluffs.\

\par Clover has arrived.\

\par Clover bounds in after Emerald_Wolf.\

\par Yadyn acackskkcaks\

\par Brightfire throws her clothes on. o.o\

\par Dark_G? pounces Zorin!\

\par Diedra hands Yadyn his underwear back.\

\par Dark_G? says, "WOA"\

\par Dark_G? puts away the yiff cam\

\par Akai beefs, "Oh my God, I'm not wearing pants!  ...oh right, I never do."\

\par Yoshi mrrrrps at Zorin.\

\par Dark_G? says, "heh... sorry Zorin"\

\par Dark_G? says, "We were filming"\

\par Diedra curls up in Zorin's lap, chittering happily.\

\par Yadyn dun wear underwear... only irl that is\

\par Brightfire ;>\

\par Akai beefs, "Uh, you know, if you didn't say anything, he wouldn't have even \

\par caught on."\

\par Zorin fixed the webcam so it doesn't screw up after a few times\

\par Akai confuses Zorin!\

\par Yadyn damns\

\par Emerald_Wolf stares\

\par Emerald_Wolf glances at Rayne\

\par You say, "Wouldn't he have noticed? tho? i mean visualy?"\

\par Zorin gets all confused.\

\par Rayne blinks\

\par Somewhere on the muck, Guest2 has connected.\

\par Akai beefs, "My God!  That text is NEKKID!!!!!"\

\par Dark_G? lables the tape Park Yiff\

\par Rayne lagggggggggggggggggggggggs\

\par Emerald_Wolf backs away\

\par Yoshi fluffities Zorin, "Yer not alone in confusion."\

\par Akai beefs, "My God!  The word nekkid is... nekkid!"\

\par Dark_G? says, "Emerald Wolf you dont have to worry.. Its over"\

\par Zorin snuggles Yoshi. "Hey Yoshi, check out me web cam. \}:) \

\par http://hushpad.fluffmuck.org:8080\

\par Dark_G? says, "I wouldnt sit down on the ground near Brightie though"\

\par Akai tickles Brightfire!\

\par Rayne barkz, "brb"\

\par Rayne has disconnected.\

\par Rayne has connected.\

\par Diedra chrrs at Zorin?\

\par Zorin meows?\

\par Akai explodes!  No, I mean, he really explodes...\

\par Yoshi purrs, "It's kindy artifacty..."\

\par Zorin cuddles Diedra. \}:)\

\par Emerald_Wolf nods slowly\

\par Brightfire LOL at Math Orgy.\

\par Zorin mrrowrrs, "the jpeg compression is set high so the image is small"\

\par Diedra fluffles Zorin, "so about that dark setting..."\

\par Rayne still lagz...*kicks comp*\

\par Dark_G? says, "Yadyn where did you get this URL from?"\

\par Yoshi chuckles at Brightie. "Thought you'd be interested in that."\

\par Brightfire hees.\

\par Diedra says, "Zorin, would you *please* smile once inna while!!??"\

\par Rayne has disconnected.\

\par Diedra says, "Oh...that looks good..."\

\par Akai glances over it.\

\par Rayne has connected.\

\par Diedra says, "NOw, Pout..."\

\par Zorin usually smiles when there's something to smile about. LIke Yoshi's \

\par adorableness. \}:)\

\par Rayne blinks\

\par Diedra says, "Work it, work it.."\

\par Fluff Park\

\par You stand in a perfectly charming oasis of land, a clearing in the midst of a \

\par dense forest. The emerald-green grass is soft as a carpet under your paws. This \

\par place seems to welcome you, inviting you to flop down on the grass and relax.  \

\par In the center of the grass is a large obsidian column, jutting from the ground, \

\par which bears a grey marble sculpture of a lynx.  He stands on all fours, looking \

\par quite proud, tufted ears alert, serenely surveying the Land of Fluff. \

\par From this central location many paths are open to you. A teleporter 'pad' is \

\par here which will transport you to the Space Station Celeste. Feline Avenue leads \

\par away through the trees to the 'north'; to the 'east' is Lynx Lane.  The park \

\par continues to the 'west.' To the 'south', a narrow path through the vegetation \

\par leads to shimmering water.\

\par There is a medium-sized clock tower off to one side of the park. On it is a \

\par large, bright digital display, labelled "The Millenium Countdown". It currently \

\par reads "363 days, 5 hours, 17 minutes, and 3 seconds".\

\par There's a small hatchlike door set into the ground. A narrow opening cut into a \

\par treetrunk is marked 'Bulletin Board Reading Room' (to enter, type "board"). You \

\par see a large SIGN here.\

\par  Furs here: \

\par Emerald_Wolf, Zorin, Rayne, Kitiara[idle 17m51s], Yadyn, Dark_G?, Diedra, \

\par Rico[idle 6m2s], Yoshi, Brightfire and Akai\

\par  Things here: \

\par Clover, Zorin's Tail, Lazarus, Rico`s tail, Automatic Room Fluffer, Edward A. \

\par Murphy, Jr. plushie, Mewbox, ACME Matter Generator, SIGN: Warning: Lots of \

\par snow. Large padded paws recommended. and FluffHomesGuide\

\par Diedra isn't adorable??!!\

\par Rayne barkz, "NO LAGGG!!!!YAY!!!^_^"\

\par Nausicaa emerges from a cloud of gently swirling, multicolored fluffs.\

\par Brightfire is adorabler.\

\par Zorin giggles.\

\par Diedra says, "OH come on, I'm a adorable!"\

\par Nausicaa wavies\

\par Emerald_Wolf blinks\

\par Diedra says, "I'm so cuddly and cute!"\

\par Yadyn sighs and off and on reads the math orgy thing...\

\par Nausicaa chirrs, "okay......"\

\par Zorin smoochies Diedra!\

\par Akai adores Brightfire!\

\par Diedra giggles and fluffies Zorin.\

\par Somewhere on the muck, ProphetWolfe has connected.\

\par Zorin purrpurrpurpurrpurrRRRrpurrrpuRrRrpupURpuURUPRUPRuRRRs.\

\par Yoshi presses the yellow button on the Mewbox. Mewbox mews, "Madness takes it's \

\par toll, please have exact change."\

\par ProphetWolfe emerges from a cloud of gently swirling, multicolored fluffs.\

\par ProphetWolfe woofles, "Erf."\

\par Diedra presses the yellow button on the Mewbox. Mewbox mews, "If you can't see \

\par the fnords, they can't eat you."\

\par Yoshi scritchiescritchies Zorin's soft ears.\

\par Brightfire glarks, "Orgy at my place! Um, no?"\

\par Diedra mews.\

\par Diedra 's form suddenly melts into a silver liquid, pooling on the floor..It \

\par slowly rises becoming more and more solid....  Diedra's form and appearance has \

\par changed...\

\par Dark_G? O.o\

\par Rayne O.o\

\par Brightfire O.o\

\par Diedra hehs.\

\par Dark_G? nods\

\par Yoshi purrs, "If you'd caught me a year or two ago, Brightie, I'd have said \

\par yes."\

\par Dark_G? laughs\

\par Yoshi purrs, "How times change."\

\par Qwert barfs himself into the room.\

\par Qwert has arrived.\

\par R2-Q1 has arrived.\

\par R2-Q1 bounds in after Qwert.\

\par Rico dispers in a cloud of green smoke  as the clods cleers all that is left is \

\par a Strong, powerful odor...\

\par Rico has left.\

\par Rico`s tail Rico`s tail swoops out after Rico...\

\par Brightfire nods. ;>\

\par ProphetWolfe presses the chartruse button on the Mewbox. Mewbox mews, "You \

\par stupid &$*%^@%@# !@$&%^. I love you."\

\par Puntz emerges from the UnderGround.\

\par Yoshi Vulpix's Qwert!\

\par Dark_G? says, "Hey  Zorin she still has the Frozen Sausage and the Bananna from \

\par the moovie"\

\par Akai tries to scramble up on Brightfire, but slips and falls off.\

\par Qwert chirps, "the vulpix is a cool pokemon"\

\par Puntz rasps, "Howdy Naus"\

\par Brightfire grins.\

\par Fluff Park\

\par You stand in a perfectly charming oasis of land, a clearing in the midst of a \

\par dense forest. The emerald-green grass is soft as a carpet under your paws. This \

\par place seems to welcome you, inviting you to flop down on the grass and relax.  \

\par In the center of the grass is a large obsidian column, jutting from the ground, \

\par which bears a grey marble sculpture of a lynx.  He stands on all fours, looking \

\par quite proud, tufted ears alert, serenely surveying the Land of Fluff. \

\par From this central location many paths are open to you. A teleporter 'pad' is \

\par here which will transport you to the Space Station Celeste. Feline Avenue leads \

\par away through the trees to the 'north'; to the 'east' is Lynx Lane.  The park \

\par continues to the 'west.' To the 'south', a narrow path through the vegetation \

\par leads to shimmering water.\

\par There is a medium-sized clock tower off to one side of the park. On it is a \

\par large, bright digital display, labelled "The Millenium Countdown". It currently \

\par reads "363 days, 5 hours, 14 minutes, and 43 seconds".\

\par There's a small hatchlike door set into the ground. A narrow opening cut into a \

\par treetrunk is marked 'Bulletin Board Reading Room' (to enter, type "board"). You \

\par see a large SIGN here.\

\par  Furs here: \

\par Puntz, Qwert, ProphetWolfe, Nausicaa, Emerald_Wolf, Zorin, Rayne, Kitiara[idle \

\par 20m11s], Yadyn, Dark_G?, Diedra, Yoshi, Brightfire and Akai\

\par  Things here: \

\par R2-Q1, Clover, Zorin's Tail, Lazarus, Automatic Room Fluffer, Edward A. Murphy, \

\par Jr. plushie, Mewbox, ACME Matter Generator, SIGN: Warning: Lots of snow. Large \

\par padded paws recommended. and FluffHomesGuide\

\par Nausicaa chirrs, "heyas!"\

\par Yadyn hums\

\par Brightfire offers to carry Akai with her.\

\par Akai scrambles up on Brightfire.\

\par Qwert tries to scramble up on Qwert, but slips and falls off.\

\par Dark_G? gives Akai the Yiff cam\

\par Brightfire glarks, "Unrestricted T|D game at my place. >:>"\

\par Diedra hmms..\

\par Qwert chirps, "yiff cam!"\

\par Puntz rasps, "you say heyas, i say howdy, heyas, howdy"\

\par Akai takes a bite of Yiff Cam, savoring its flavor...\

\par Nausicaa doesn't know if she wants to see this.....\

\par Dark_G? says, "NOO!"\

\par Rayne pounces Emerald_Wolf!\

\par Brightfire cackles!!\

\par Dark_G? says, "FILM DONT EAT!"\

\par Diedra worries about Zorin and his facial expression...\

\par Dark_G? says, "Do I have to go with you two?"\

\par Qwert tries to scramble up on Qwert, but slips and falls off.\

\par Zorin giggles.\

\par Diedra tries to scramble up on Diedra, but slips and falls off.\

\par Diedra says, "erf."\

\par Dark_G? says, "Eew"\

\par Dark_G? says, "Thats just sick Diedra"\

\par Qwert tries to scramble up on Qwert, but slips and falls off.\

\par Zorin miaows, "what's my facial expression?"\

\par Diedra knows.\

\par Dark_G? O.O\

\par Your call could not be completed as dialed. Please hang up and type "help". \}:)\

\par Nausicaa chirrs, "you okie, die?"\

\par You try to scramble up on Brightfire, but slip and fall off.\

\par Diedra nods!\

\par Yadyn awws\

\par Brightfire offers to carry you. "HOPON Brightfire" to accept.\

\par Diedra tries to scramble up on Zorin, but slips and falls off.\

\par Dark_G? films\

\par You scramble up on Brightfire.\

\par Diedra hmms..\

\par Brightfire gets all the boys..and girls >:>\

\par Dark_G? says, "Lemmie come!"\

\par Brightfire offers to carry Dark_G? with her.\

\par Dark_G? scrambles up on Brightfire.\

\par Dark_G? checks the film in the tape\

\par Nausicaa ah ohs\

\par Emerald_Wolf softly barks, "I'll..just...be going now..."\

\par Diedra Hides.\

\par Dark_G? preps the yiff cam\

\par Akai beefs, "No, Dark_G?, you have to hold it."\

\par Dark_G? says, "Hold what?"\

\par Brightfire glarks, "Anyone else? ;>"\

\par Nausicaa chirrs, "i think we have a successful yiff under way....."\

\par Diedra o.O\

\par Puntz rasps, "uh oh"\

\par Diedra says, "no."\

\par ProphetWolfe shouts "Don't tell anybody this....but the penguins just arrived, \

\par and they're PISSED."  (Public-shout)\

\par Brightfire glarks, "'k, bye."\

\par Emerald_Wolf has disconnected.\

\par Clover falls asleep.\

\par Akai checks out the WebCam and falls backwards, laughing.  "I think he wants to \

\par come, Brightfire."\

\par ProphetWolfe whips out his green Fender Stratocaster Guitar and JINKIES! amp, \

\par and performs his version of "MMMBop", Motivating the sleepers to scoot out, \

\par before their brain cells deplete.\

\par Emerald_Wolf is sent home.\

\par Emerald_Wolf has left.\

\par Clover bounds after Emerald_Wolf.\

\par Clover has left.\

\par Brightfire screams.  (Public-pose)\

\par Brightfire clambers aboard a passing irridescent fluffcloud and is whisked away \

\par to her home.\

\par Akai has left.\

\par Brightfire carries you along with her.\

\par Lazarus> Yadyn has left.\

\par Deep Tropical Forest(#42830RLJ)\

\par You are further into Sandy Cove Island. You are actually in the damp, lush, \

\par tropical forest. The palm trees cross through, making some sort of natural \

\par roof. It's pretty dark here, but you can still see pretty well. A soft, warm \

\par rain occsasionaly falls through the cracks of the trees, making it wet and \

\par humid. The wildlife here is amazing. Tropical birds fly overhead, you even \

\par occasionaly see the piercing eyes of a leopard.\

\par Obvious Exits:\

\par     ut   andy ove hore  \

\par Contents:\

\par Akai\

\par Brightfire\

\par Desc Ball\

\par Lazarus bounces in behind Yadyn.\

\par Dark_G? has arrived.\

\par Brightfire carries Akai, Yadyn, and Dark_G? with her.\

\par Brightfire walks back to the shore.\

\par Brightfire has left.\

\par Akai has left.\

\par Brightfire carries you along with her.\

\par Lazarus> Yadyn has left.\

\par Sandy Cove Island(#51908RLJ)\

\par Ah. You've finally reached land. This is Sandy Cove Island. It looks like a \

\par miniature Cabbit Beach, except it'a much more lush and tropical. It's \

\par soothingly cool here, the waves lap onto the shore peacfully. The only sound \

\par you hear is the occasional sqwak of a bird.\

\par Obvious Exits:\

\par     eep ainforest     ck to the water     \

\par Contents:\

\par Akai\

\par Brightfire\

\par Lazarus bounces in behind Yadyn.\

\par Dark_G? has arrived.\

\par Brightfire carries Akai, Yadyn, and Dark_G? with her.\

\par Brightfire drops Akai off of her.\

\par Brightfire drops you off of her.\

\par Somewhere on the muck, Rayne has disconnected.\

\par Brightfire drops Dark_G? off of her.\

\par Brightfire woos.\

\par Akai oofs.\

\par Dark_G? says, "Ooooo"\

\par Yoshi shouts "Ah, but why did she scream?"  (Public-shout)\

\par Dark_G? says, "Ok"\

\par Yadyn damns.. Brightfire's the only chick.. i mean er.. thinking out loud \

\par again....\

\par Dark_G? says, "Exotic surroundings"\

\par Somewhere on the muck, Kyra has disconnected.\

\par Dark_G? sets up the yiff cam\

\par Akai nibbles Brightfire!\

\par Brightfire glarks, "Hey. We're playing X-rated T|D! :)"\

\par Dark_G? says, "TD?"\

\par Brightfire needs to summon more females. o.o\

\par You say, "truth or dare"\

\par Dark_G? says, "..."\

\par Dark_G? says, "Whatever"\

\par Dark_G? still sets up the yiff cam\

\par You nudge Dark_G?!\

\par Dark_G? O.o\

\par You say, "you get to see some good shit.."\

\par Yadyn winks\

\par Dark_G? says, "Hey Yadyn did you give us the URL to the Math Orgy?"\

\par Akai whispers in Brightfire's ear.  "5, 23, 42, 1134..."\

\par Brightfire points to 3who, "Who do you guys want me to summon. >:>\

\par Yadyn is reading it\

\par Dark_G? shrugs\

\par Please type "info wwf" for policy involving this command.\

\par --------------------\

\par There are 5 characters watching for you:\

\par *Maverick, *Brightfire, Qwert, *Diedra and *ProphetWolfe.\

\par --------------------\

\par Dark_G? says, "I dont know"\

\par Dark_G? says, "Get good looking females for my tape! :P"\

\par Yadyn only knows Brightfire and Diedra on atm that are females\

\par Dark_G? says, "Diedra will cramp my style"\

\par Akai only wants Brightfire.  All others are inferior.\

\par You say, "Dark_G?:  http://www.apocalypse.org/pub/u/lpb/muddex/math-orgy.txt"\

\par Yadyn doesn't get why it's the math orgy yet.. wait.. digits.. o_O\

\par Dark_G? says, "I know"\

\par Dark_G? says, "Im reading through it I just want to know where it took place"\

\par Brightfire waits for the chicks to come. :b\

\par Dark_G? laughs\

\par Dark_G? says, "Get Yadyns GF here"\

\par Yadyn hehs.. Cirdan is like DG?.. what with the camera\

\par Brightfire glarks, "She's not online. c.c"\

\par You say, "she isn't on"\

\par Yadyn sniffs\

\par Somewhere on the muck, Sweety has connected.\

\par Your call could not be completed as dialed. Please hang up and type "help". \}:)\

\par Dark_G? says, "I was just kidding"\

\par Akai reads Math Orgy while he waits.  It's like a Monty Python skit.\

\par Dark_G? says, "Where did it happen"\

\par Dark_G? says, "What muck?"\

\par From afar, Sweety hugs you! (p)\

\par Brightfire cackles.\

\par Brightfire glarks, "Oo! We have to get Buster over here!"\

\par Somewhere on the muck, BusterBunny has connected.\

\par You hug Sweety, afar! (p)\

\par Yadyn LOLs..\

\par Yadyn isn't even done yet and it's funny\

\par Dark_G? doesnt have a nude morph\

\par Miles shouts "I'm a little Ethernet-T plug... short and stout..  here is my \

\par coax.. here is my resistor."  (Public-shout)\

\par Brightfire glarks, "Buster's comin'!"\

\par BusterBunny has arrived.\

\par 9^infinity Moogles, Cabbits, Fewwets, Cheefoxes, Hedgehogs, Gronking Geckos, \

\par Cwunchyfwogs, and Compys!! bounds in after BusterBunny.\

\par Brightfire glarks, "Buster, ask your idly girlfriend if she wants to join us. \

\par ;>"\

\par Brightfire glarks, "Don't fight, men! You can _all_ marry me!"\

\par Akai sits cross-legged and recites Aphrodesiac mantras, "Ohm, \

\par spoogyspoogyspooge..."\

\par BusterBunny bunnypurrs, "she's probaby not at the computer"\

\par Brightfire damns.\

\par Akai beefs, "What about Rouge?"\

\par Dark_G? watches Akai soil his pants\

\par Dark_G? says, "eew"\

\par Brightfire glarks, "We have too many males. x.x"\

\par Dark_G? gets it on tape\

\par Dark_G? gets it alllll on tape\

\par Yadyn wows.. graphic\

\par Akai beefs, "And this bothers YOU, Brightfire?"\

\par Dark_G? says, "BusterBunney say hello to the yiff cam!"\

\par Brightfire glarks, "Well, no. But i'm sure it bothers the rest of you.."\

\par BusterBunny yiffs\

\par Brightfire issa voyeur. Someone yiff someone else!\

\par Sandy Cove Island(#51908RLJ)\

\par Ah. You've finally reached land. This is Sandy Cove Island. It looks like a \

\par miniature Cabbit Beach, except it'a much more lush and tropical. It's \

\par soothingly cool here, the waves lap onto the shore peacfully. The only sound \

\par you hear is the occasional sqwak of a bird.\

\par Obvious Exits:\

\par     eep ainforest     ck to the water     \

\par Contents:\

\par 9^infinity Moogles, Cabbits, Fewwets, Cheefoxes, Hedgehogs, Gronking Geckos, \

\par Cwunchyfwogs, and Compys!!\

\par BusterBunny\

\par Dark_G?\

\par Lazarus(#33540JXZ)\

\par Akai\

\par Brightfire\

\par BusterBunny yiffs Brightfire!\

\par Dark_G? Films\

\par Yadyn WANTS this tape when yer done.. Dark_G?\

\par Brightfire hees. :>\

\par Dark_G? laughs\

\par Yadyn oos and is logging/has been logging... o_O\

\par Dark_G? says, "oh its all nice and loged Yadyn dont you worry"\

\par Dark_G? waits for people to come so the X rated Truth or Dare will come to pass\

\par Akai sighs, and joins.\

\par Somewhere on the muck, Merlin has connected.\

\par Brightfire glarks, "Oh, well, let's start playing. Who wants to start first?"\

\par Dark_G? says, "Doesnt matter"\

\par Yadyn sighs\

\par BusterBunny hasn't ever played this.\

\par Dark_G? says, "Brightie Start off"\

\par Akai beefs, "Me neither, really."\

\par Dark_G?  knows but alas hes only the camera man\

\par Brightfire glarks, "Me?"\

\par Brightfire can't start. o.o\

\par Yadyn has played 2 version od TD\

\par Brightfire glarks, "Akai, you start!"\

\par Akai beefs, "Yes you, she of three openings."\

\par Merlin shouts "WHo's all on NIMHmuck or has a char for it?"  (Public-shout)\

\par You say, "the boring kind and the kind that ends in an orgy"\

\par Iris shouts "NIMH sucks o.o"  (Public-shout)\

\par Akai beefs, "Uh... I refuse to start.  Yeah."\

\par Dark_G? says, "Ok Ok"\

\par Akai sits there and acts all righteous for some reason.\

\par Dark_G? says, " somebody think of a question and ask somebody else and if they \

\par take the dare then dare them to do something X rated"\

\par Yadyn tries to entice you all to start.. "Whoever goes first can pick \

\par meeeee..." and fails miserably.....\

\par Brightfire is trying to think of a dare..o.o\

\par Akai beefs, "Great.  Yadyn, YOU first."\

\par Dark_G? says, "use your immaginations "\

\par Somewhere on the muck, Maverick has disconnected.\

\par Yadyn uhms no\

\par Yadyn will go second\

\par Akai beefs, "Fine.  Truth or Dare, Yadyn."\

\par Brightfire hees.\

\par You say, "uh... .. uhhm.... uhh.... truth.."\

\par Yadyn would do dare but is afraid you'll make him do something gay.. o_o\

\par -=-=- ^..^ =-=-=-=-=- Ultimate WhoSpe - Sandy Cove Island -=-=-=-=-= ^o.o^ -=-=\

\par -[Name]------------[Idle]----[Sex]-----[Species]-------------------------------\

\par BusterBunny         3m 16s    male      toon bunny                             \

\par Dark_G?             33s       male      2 tailed fox                           \

\par Lazarus             Puppet    Unknown   Zod-muf                                \

\par     Owner: Yadyn\

\par Yadyn               0s        Male      Cat                                    \

\par Akai                33s       Male      Opossum                                \

\par Brightfire          20s       female    Alley cat with purple hair             \

\par =-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ Players: 5 (Awake: 5) <*> Puppets: 1 (Awake: 1) ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=\

\par Done.\

\par Akai jumps up and grabs Yadyn by the neck, "Do you love her?  DO YOU LOVE HER?"\

\par You say, "love who?"\

\par Akai beefs, "Her!"\

\par You say, "uhm......."\

\par You say, "define 'Her!'"\

\par Akai beefs, "No, YOU define her!  And add it in with your answer!"\

\par A_lone shadowy figure stands atop a mountain. Lightning crackles... all is \

\par quiet.. he surveys the land.. peace, quiet.. it wasnt always this way. Only one \

\par person could have brought peace to this world, this universe. The Guardian of \

\par the Universe! Sworn to fight evil anywhere he finds it! DESTINED TO BECOME \


\par Brightfire oos.\

\par Akai shouts "Destined to be hit with a large anvil!"  (Public-shout)\

\par Dark_G? says, "...."\

\par ProphetWolfe FEHS at NIMH. "I didn't like the movie, either. How come people \

\par mave Mucks for dumb movies like the Secret of Nimh and Balto (Kevin Bacon Sux), \

\par and not for decent ones Like The Great Mouse Detective, or Oliver and Company? \

\par The only decent mucks I know of that are RP-Based are Road Rovers (Recently \

\par defunct due to system crash) and Sherwood MUCK (Which they kicked me off of. \

\par Sucks to them!)  (Public-pose)\

\par BusterBunny O.o\

\par Yadyn uhms.. yeah i love alleria.. o_o  i don't get this.. no one pick akai or \

\par somethin\

\par Diedra shouts "...Um, YEAH!! THE CROW!! THE CROW WILL ALWAYS BE KING OF \


\par CHAMPIONS... OF THE MOVIES *echoechoecho*"  (Public-shout)\

\par Yadyn ahuyucks!!  (Public-pose)\

\par SHOUT: 18 folks heard that.\

\par Akai beefs, "Okay.  That's good."\

\par Akai drops Yadyn and sits back down, cross-legged, closes his eyes and mumbles \

\par more mantras.\

\par You say, "Someone needs attention"\

\par Yadyn ;p\

\par Miles shouts "It can't rain all the time."  (Public-shout)\

\par Sandy Cove Island(#51908RLJ)\

\par Ah. You've finally reached land. This is Sandy Cove Island. It looks like a \

\par miniature Cabbit Beach, except it'a much more lush and tropical. It's \

\par soothingly cool here, the waves lap onto the shore peacfully. The only sound \

\par you hear is the occasional sqwak of a bird.\

\par Obvious Exits:\

\par     eep ainforest     ck to the water     \

\par Contents:\

\par 9^infinity Moogles, Cabbits, Fewwets, Cheefoxes, Hedgehogs, Gronking Geckos, \

\par Cwunchyfwogs, and Compys!!\

\par BusterBunny\

\par Dark_G?\

\par Lazarus(#33540JXZ)\

\par Akai\

\par Brightfire\

\par Dark_G? says, "... ask the question"\

\par Akai opens an eye and glares at Yadyn, "Your turn, dumbkopf."\

\par Dark_G? will never get any good footage\

\par Brightfire hars.\

\par Brightfire glarks, "I know. We need more females."\

\par Dark_G? sighs\

\par You say, "uhm i pick brightfire.. .. (Well hell she's the only chick what am i \

\par supposed to do in x-rated T/D???)"\

\par Dark_G? says, "Go ahead and msummon her"\

\par You say, "who?"\

\par You say, "hhuhuhhu??"\

\par Akai beefs, "Her!"\

\par Yadyn arg\

\par Dark_G? says, "Diedra"\

\par Dark_G? sighs\

\par You say, "Number fetish.. lol"\

\par Akai beefs, "Hell, Diedra cramps everyone's style."\

\par Brightfire glarks, "Dare. >:>"\

\par Dark_G?!!!!\

\par Yadyn oh bothers.. now i get to think of one\

\par Dark_G? FILMS\

\par Merlin shouts "I said it once and I'll say it again: YOU ALL NEED TO SEEK HELP< \

\par AND SEEK IT FAST!  God, why did I come here... Oh yeah, cause I was booted from \

\par everyother muck... o.o"  (Public-shout)\

\par Somewhere on the muck, Evo has connected.\

\par Dark_G? mindsends to you ((  make it good ))\

\par Sent to Dark_G?.\

\par Neb shouts "we only need help cos fer some inexplicable reason, we've all left \

\par @shout #pubon"  (Public-shout)\

\par Dark_G? mindsends to you ((  Think of something sexually orented and dare her \

\par to do it ))\

\par Somewhere on the muck, Diedra has disconnected.\

\par Sent to Dark_G?.\

\par Akai beefs, "Oh, Diedra got scared and commited Seppuku."\

\par Windwatcher shouts "Can I boot you from this one? Please?"  (Public-shout)\

\par Akai beefs, "And... reconnected."\

\par You say, "like.. become horny when you hear numbers for the rest of the game, \

\par Brightfire... heh...... ;)"\

\par Somewhere on the muck, Diedra has connected.\

\par Brightfire laughs, "Um...ok. ;>"\

\par ( 69 )\

\par Brightfire yiffs Akai!\

\par BusterBunny hehs\

\par Yadyn lol\

\par Brightfire glarks, "Ooh, yes!"\

\par Brightfire glarks, "You guys are cruel. x.x"\

\par ( 21 )\

\par Yadyn sorries...\

\par ( 42 )\

\par Brightfire pants and such.\

\par ( stop )\

\par ( 81 )\

\par ( You mean, 0? )\

\par ( 99 )\

\par Brightfire has disconnected.\

\par BusterBunny bunnypurrs, "42? ohhh baby!"\

\par Dark_G? says, "Too much for her"\

\par Akai beefs, "WAUGH!"\

\par You say, "uhm.. now look what you did!!"\

\par Akai beefs, "YOU did it."\

\par You say, "YOU SCARED HER OFF!!!"\

\par ( Sweety = Yep )\

\par Dark_G? O.O\

\par Brightfire has connected.\

\par Akai hugs Brightfire!\

\par Brightfire glarks, "Oops. ;>"\

\par Yadyn whews\

\par Akai beefs, "We were worried!  Or horny.  Not sure."\

\par Dark_G? hugs Brightfire!\

\par Brightfire meant to quit Netscape, not MacMUSH. ;B\

\par BusterBunny bunnypurrs, "Akai took advantage of you while you were unconcious."\

\par You say, "Yeah.. sick"\

\par Dark_G? laughs\

\par Dark_G? filmed that\

\par Yadyn pats Dark_G?'s yiff cam.. "Got it alllll on tape too!"\

\par Diedra shouts "Being chased round and round, down and down leaving a trail of \

\par irretrevable vital life juices behind us....."  (Public-shout)\

\par ( 99 )\

\par Brightfire glarks, "Is anyone logging this?"\

\par Yadyn is\

\par Dark_G? is\

\par Brightfire yiffs Dark_G?!  This shouldnt be happening someone call the police\

\par Dark_G? says, "...."\

\par Dark_G? says, "Wheee"\

\par Sammael shouts "Oh? Another sex-fantasy Diedra? ;) j/k"  (Public-shout)\

\par Brightfire wants a copy sent to her when we're done. ;>\

\par ( Dark_G?'s life long dream )\

\par Yadyn oks\

\par Dark_G? laughs\

\par Dark_G? says, "MORE CHICKS DAMMIT!"\

\par Yadyn has several x-rated logs now.. o_O\

\par You say, "YEAH!!"\

\par Brightfire glarks, "Yadyn, send me something x-rated. ;>"\

\par Dark_G? says, "Without Females this turns into a Sausage party and thats a bad \

\par thing"\

\par You say, "girls girls girls where's the girls girls girls gotta have the girls \

\par girls weee! OWEEE!"\

\par BusterBunny has connected.\

\par Brightfire waits for more females to connect..\

\par Akai has connected.\

\par Akai kicks himself in the butt.\

\par Akai has disconnected.\

\par Akai beefs, "Erg."\

\par Yadyn looks at his logs folder\

\par Brightfire glarks, "We need 3. x.x"\

\par BusterBunny bunnypurrs, "damn"\

\par Dark_G? mindsends to you ((  Send them to darkgibbon@yahoo.com with \

\par instructions on how to open them ))\

\par Akai beefs, "We need 3... what?"\

\par Merlin shouts "I still want to know why 1/6 of the muck likes me. o.o"  \

\par (Public-shout)\

\par Brightfire hms, does anyone know/like Sweety?\

\par Yadyn hmms.. and has ERF.txt (was during the party craze.. but ended \

\par up........) and now TDgame.txt (what we're doing here)\

\par Dark_G? nods\

\par Dark_G? says, "I do"\

\par Yadyn knows Sweety.. uhm\

\par BusterBunny shouts "We need three women for truth or dare. I'm not gonna be \

\par xxxxx-rated with guys... ewwww"  (Public-shout)\

\par Brightfire glarks, "Then summon her. ;)"\

\par Dark_G? looks at the 9 infinity thingie\

\par Dark_G? says, "Ooo kinda looks like a Moogle"\

\par BusterBunny kicks himself in the butt.\

\par BusterBunny has disconnected.\

\par Iris shouts "Because you're a sexy, cuddly, kawaii, hybrid immortal cat, who's \

\par really nice...'n stuff. ^_^"  (Public-shout)\

\par ProphetWolfe shouts "I'd like to know why This whole muck likes to dunk my \

\par underwear inchocolate."  (Public-shout)\

\par Neb doubts you'll find any girls to be xxxx rated either in a t-o-d game :P  \

\par (Public-pose)\

\par Yadyn shouts "i still wanna know why 5/6 of the muck hates me"  (Public-shout)\

\par SHOUT: 20 folks heard that.\

\par Akai beefs, "...maybe if you didn't tell 'em what it was FOR..."\

\par BusterBunny hehs\

\par Dark_G? says, "Babsys on"\

\par Ileah shouts "well, this is just a guess, yadyn, but maybe because yer freaking \

\par irritating?"  (Public-shout)\

\par Akai pounces Brightfire!\

\par BusterBunny bunnypurrs, "she woldn't play"\

\par Zorin doesn't hate anyone. He's just fuzzy.  (Public-pose)\

\par Dark_G? says, "nope"\

\par Brightfire shouts "Ileah, is that all you do? Insult people?"  (Public-shout)\

\par Dark_G? says, "she said no"\

\par Brightfire damns.\

\par Brightfire glarks, "These chicks are all no fun!"\

\par Akai shouts "No, sometimes she also insults inanimate objects."  (Public-shout)\

\par Brightfire burps, "Mmm, tasty."\

\par Sent to Dark_G?.\

\par Miles shouts "NO!  It isn't ALL she does!  ...  POOOPYHEAD! :)"  (Public-shout)\

\par Dark_G? nods to Yadyn \

\par Dark_G? mindsends to you ((  Thanks ))\

\par Dark_G? says, "Ok so scrap the T or D thing"\

\par Diedra chibbits.  That's all she does.  No xrated chibbit... no xxx rated \

\par chibbit.  just plain ol chibbit.  (Public-pose)\

\par Dark_G? says, "Yadyn Akai and Buster can violently yiff Brightie while I look \

\par on in horror and log it all"\

\par Akai beefs, "And... what?"\

\par You say, "Ooo"\

\par Yadyn uhms\

\par Brightfire glarks, "Ok!"\

\par Brightfire glarks, "Sounds good, DG? ;>"\

\par Yadyn O_o\

\par BusterBunny acks\

\par You say, "can we fit all three? ;)"\

\par Akai ravishes Brightfire!\

\par Brightfire smirks. ;>\

\par You say, "wait.. mouth.. ass.. and.. yeah.. we can"\

\par Dark_G? nods\

\par Dark_G? says, "I always  come up with good ideas"\

\par You say, "most of the time"\

\par Brightfire hees.\

\par You say, "but there are times"\

\par BusterBunny gonna go play with babsy.\

\par BusterBunny snickers\

\par Brightfire doesn't have a nude morph. x.x\

\par Dark_G? steaps out of the way of flying bodyly fluids\

\par BusterBunny clambers aboard a passing lemon yellow fluffcloud and is whisked \

\par away to his home.\

\par 9^infinity Moogles, Cabbits, Fewwets, Cheefoxes, Hedgehogs, Gronking Geckos, \

\par Cwunchyfwogs, and Compys!! bounds after BusterBunny.\

\par Akai beefs, "You needed to think about that?  That's, like, been instinct to \

\par me."\

\par You say, "like when you said to suck on Buster.. that was sick Dark_G?!!"\

\par Yadyn ers\

\par Sandy Cove Island(#51908RLJ)\

\par Ah. You've finally reached land. This is Sandy Cove Island. It looks like a \

\par miniature Cabbit Beach, except it'a much more lush and tropical. It's \

\par soothingly cool here, the waves lap onto the shore peacfully. The only sound \

\par you hear is the occasional sqwak of a bird.\

\par Obvious Exits:\

\par     eep ainforest     ck to the water     \

\par Contents:\

\par Dark_G?\

\par Lazarus(#33540JXZ)\

\par Akai\

\par Brightfire\

\par Dark_G? snickers\

\par Akai doesn't have a nude morph anymore...\

\par Yadyn never had one but does have a semi-erotic female morph!!\

\par Brightfire hassa goes! BBS!\

\par Brightfire has disconnected.\

\par Yadyn but ews.. no want guys on him.... rl interfiers yanno\

\par Akai beefs, "Wait, if you had a female morph all that time..."\

\par Dark_G? says, "There are a lot of numbers in this thing"\

\par Dark_G? O.O\

\par Dark_G? says, "Akai you can yiff Yadyns female morph"\

\par Yadyn nos.. it's recent.. i made it to poke fun at Zorin\

\par You say, "he complained about how there weren't many female lynxies.. so i made \

\par a female lynx morph.. :)"\

\par Akai beefs, "Erf.  Erf I says."\

\par Akai beefs, "No I can't.  I'd get sick and die."\

\par You say, "me to.. yuck"\

\par You say, "there you go again Dark_G?"\

\par You say, "bad ideas"\

\par Dark_G? falls down laughing\

\par Dark_G? was just kidding\

\par Yadyn HOPEs so\

\par Dark_G? says, "Should I log what I have and give up"\

\par Akai beefs, "I'm gonna go home and spooge all over pics of Brightfire."\

\par You say, "uhm"\

\par Yadyn O_O\

\par You say, "aww what the hell it's ok and not sick"\

\par You say, "hell i do it with penthhouse mags"\

\par You say, "er"\

\par ( SQUEGEE! )\

\par Akai beefs, "Hey, don't tell me you weren't thinking the same!"\

\par Yadyn hehs\

\par Yadyn will eventualy get someone  to remove the clothing on Brightfire's pic \

\par that Maui did and replace it with what's under neath.. .heh.....\

\par Dark_G? shakes his head\

\par Dark_G? says, "Diedra a good writeing yiffy female with a bad attitude"\

\par Dark_G? says, "Just sad"\

\par Dark_G? says, "All that talent"\

\par Yadyn nods\

\par You say, "doesn't she just turn you on?"\

\par Dark_G? says, "anybody ever saw Sweetys pic?"\

\par Yadyn purrrs\

\par Akai looks upwards. From above, a cascade of tiny fluffy objects in every color \

\par of the rainbow falls softly down around him. A sudden gust of wind blows them \

\par away, taking Akai with them.\

\par Yadyn did\

\par Sandy Cove Island(#51908RLJ)\

\par Ah. You've finally reached land. This is Sandy Cove Island. It looks like a \

\par miniature Cabbit Beach, except it'a much more lush and tropical. It's \

\par soothingly cool here, the waves lap onto the shore peacfully. The only sound \

\par you hear is the occasional sqwak of a bird.\

\par Obvious Exits:\

\par     eep ainforest     ck to the water     \

\par Contents:\

\par Dark_G?\

\par Lazarus(#33540JXZ)\

\par Brightfire\

\par Dark_G? laughs\

\par Dark_G? says, "She hates me"\

\par Yadyn \}:)\

\par You say, "I'm her friend"\

\par You say, "i'm nice"\

\par Dark_G? mounts Brightfire!\

\par Dark_G? says, "Realy"\

\par You say, "..but still 5/6 of the muck hates me.. heh"\

\par Yadyn lol\

\par Somewhere on the muck, Guest2 has disconnected.\

\par Dark_G? falls off\

\par You say, "satisfied? ;p"\

\par Dark_G? s eyes roll in the back of his head as a white pool forms around him\

\par Yadyn O_O\

\par You say, "wow.. that good eh?"\

\par Dark_G? says, "yea..... yep..... yea"\

\par Yadyn heh\

\par Dark_G? says, "satisfied"\

\par Dehydrated_Water shouts "I hate those damn Catholics."  (Public-shout)\

\par Yadyn's hands are cold..\

\par Yadyn looks at Brightie\

\par Yadyn LOL\

\par You say, "inside joke"\

\par Dark_G? laughs\

\par You say, "my friend and i found one of those pick-up lines.."\

\par You say, "My hands are cold.. can i warm them in your heaving breasts?"\

\par BusterBunny shouts "cat a holics?  hhhmm Zorin... Deh doesn't like you."  \

\par (Public-shout)\

\par You say, "and now we imagine ourselves asking that to a local chick at our \

\par school (nice nice rack)"\

\par Merlin shouts "Who here has seen Cat's Don't Dance?"  (Public-shout)\

\par Dark_G? laughs\

\par Dark_G? says, "Yea that will work well"\

\par Diedra shouts "damn catholics.... damn 'St Peter's Pinkies Cereal' Damdamdam!"  \

\par (Public-shout)\

\par You say, "and so i was reffering to that when i said that about brightie"\

\par Yadyn hehs\

\par Akai shouts "Pinkies... evil..."  (Public-shout)\

\par Dark_G? says, "you told her it?"\

\par Brightfire has connected.\

\par Dark_G? O.O\

\par Dark_G? says, "Awww we have to stop now Yadyn"\

\par Brightfire hms. Akai is gone.\

\par Yadyn would sooo like to walk up to her.. "My hands are cold.. can I warm them \

\par on your heaving breasts?" "Oh sure! I never turn down cold hands!" *ruffle \

\par ruffle* "YEAH!"\

\par Yadyn acks!!!!\

\par ProphetWolfe shouts "Oh boy, It's RACISM time! Woo-Hoo! Let's go kick some \

\par Irish Ass! Mr. Wolfe Sez: Portugese Stink! (Note:These jokes are not meant \

\par literally but in fact ridicule racists and facists.)"  (Public-shout)\

\par Yadyn o_o\

\par Yadyn hides\

\par Dark_G? o.o\

\par Dark_G? cleans himself up\

\par Brightfire ums.\

\par Dark_G? walks around\

\par Yadyn needs to start looking at the screen before he hits enter\

\par Brightfire glarks, "Were you two yiffing? ;>"\

\par You say, "he yiifed yo- i mean"\

\par Brightfire demands a log of when she was gone.\

\par Somewhere on the muck, Aphrodite has connected.\

\par Your call could not be completed as dialed. Please hang up and type "help". \}:)\

\par Dark_G? says, "nope"\

\par Yadyn oks\

\par Yadyn still logging\

\par Brightfire glarks, "brightie@hotmail.com"\

\par Dark_G? says, "Well it depends on who we are yiffing"\

\par Brightfire glarks, "Let's get Akai back here. ;>"\

\par Dark_G? says, "summon him"\

\par Dark_G? says, "You loggin Yadyn?"\

\par You say, "Akai went to spooge while looking at pics of you.. he said.. o_O"\

\par Yadyn yeps\

\par Akai has arrived.\

\par Brightfire slurps Akai!\

\par ( Com'on .. work withme!! OhhH!!! )\

\par Brightfire glarks, "Did you send the log, Yadie? :>"\

\par Yadyn is still logging..\

\par Akai beefs, "Too late.  I already spooged over a Brightie pic.  ;)"\

\par Akai licks Brightfire!\

\par Yadyn gonna send it when this stops.. heh and it gets boring.. heh\

\par Yadyn might have to edit some parts out from the begining.. o_O\

\par Brightfire aws.\

\par Akai watches the ongoing carnage with a clear mind.\

\par Brightfire glarks, "What pic?"\

\par You say, "the maui one"\

\par Brightfire glarks, "Ah. Oh course. ;>"\

\par Dark_G? says, "Wheres your pic Brightie?"\

\par Your call could not be completed as dialed. Please hang up and type "help". \}:)\

\par You say, "think ya can get maui to make an x-rated version of that one?? \

\par PLEASE??"\

\par You say, "I'll be yer friend"\

\par Akai beefs, "Uh.. actually..."\

\par Dark_G? says, "he wouldnt do that"\

\par Yadyn confounds!\

\par Dark_G? says, "Akai has already eraced all the clothes and replaced them with \

\par female organs"\

\par Yadyn just wants the same pic.. minus the clothing. . :)\

\par Dark_G? says, "Ask him to send you his modifyed pic"\

\par InterCom> ProphetWolfe woofles, "ooh, boy, I did it now."\

\par Somewhere on the muck, Guest1 has disconnected.\

\par Akai beefs, "Oh yeah, Maui.  Mrr."\

\par Akai beefs, "What are you talking about?  I don't draw!"\

\par InterCom> Sweety patpats ProphetWolfe!\

\par InterCom> Yadyn cat-talks, "Who? i mean what? heh"\

\par InterCom> Dark_G? says, "did who?"\

\par Akai beefs, "...much..."\

\par InterCom> ProphetWolfe smacks his stupid self.\

\par InterCom> Sweety wuffs softly, "Did what?"\

\par Brightfire o.o\

\par Brightfire wants to see. \

\par You say, "want to see what?"\

\par Brightfire glarks, "The X-rated pic of me."\

\par Yadyn ohs and does too er.....\

\par Akai beefs, "See what?"\

\par InterCom> ProphetWolfe woofles, "Said some off-color comments..."\

\par InterCom> Yadyn cat-talks, "mean collar?"\

\par Brightfire ;p\

\par Dark_G? says, "This Flexi guy is.... kinda excited"\

\par Yadyn yeps\

\par Windwatcher is a facist. Yup, he's prejudiced against faces. Damn you faced \

\par people.  (Public-pose)\

\par Akai does three.\

\par InterCom> Sweety is bored.. like usual. o.o\

\par InterCom> Yadyn sssllllllluuuuuurrrrrrps Sweety!!\

\par InterCom> Dark_G? says, "and what were they?"\

\par Brightfire glarks, "Lemme see! x.x"\

\par Yadyn wants to see x-rated art of Brightfire\

\par Akai beefs, "Brightfire, there isn't one.  There should be."\

\par Yadyn yeahss.. hentai Brightie! i like the sound of that\

\par InterCom> Sweety eeps! "Thanks, Yadie.." o.o\

\par InterCom> Yadyn glad to help.. heh...\

\par Akai shouts "Windwatcher must have gotten stuck in the Lost Woods."  \

\par (Public-shout)\

\par Diedra is prejudice against Windwatcher.  She luhs everyone.  Not Windwatcher.  \

\par No Winds... Or Watchers allowed.  They're just... on the level that the jews \

\par were with the Nazis.  No, i'm not a nazi, I'm an anti -Windwatcher. :> *she \

\par then fluffs Windwatcher varily*  (Public-pose)\

\par Miles starts an ethnic group for people with faces called 'SAVE FACE'  \

\par (Public-pose)\

\par You say, "good one Akai"\

\par Yadyn lol\

\par Somewhere on the muck, fEk has connected.\

\par Dark_G? says, "CRIPES"\

\par Dark_G? says, "Who loged this and where did they log it?"\

\par Brightfire glarks, "Hentai me. Cool. :>"\

\par Akai has had better.\

\par InterCom> ProphetWolfe woofles, "Save Ferris!"\

\par Yadyn logged his to his hard drive\

\par Windwatcher calls the ACLU.  (Public-pose)\

\par You say, "and if my hard drive is reading this"\

\par BusterBunny don't hate anyone.  (Public-pose)\

\par You say, "i bet it got even harder"\

\par You say, "wai tthat wasn't funny"\

\par Yadyn awwas\

\par Dark_G? says, "Yadyn did you log this number orgy?"\

\par Brightfire glarks, "Someone send me a log x.x"\

\par Akai stopped logging a long time ago.\

\par Yadyn yeahs.. cached it..\

\par Dark_G? says, "Who were you?"\

\par Yadyn huhs?\

\par Starion has teleported in.\

\par Starion has arrived.\

\par InterCom> Sweety wuffs softly, "Who's he? c.c"\

\par Dark_G? nods to Starion\

\par Brightfire waves!\

\par Starion waves.\

\par Yadyn was Cirdan.. uhm no... i just got it and to read\

\par ( Everyone hates buster, however. j/k )  (Public-spoof)\

\par Starion nickers, "Am I interrupting?"\

\par Akai slurps Starion!\

\par -=-=- ^..^ =-=-=-=-=- Ultimate WhoSpe - Sandy Cove Island -=-=-=-=-= ^o.o^ -=-=\

\par -[Name]------------[Idle]----[Sex]-----[Species]-------------------------------\

\par Starion             7s        Male      Werewolf Pup                           \

\par Akai                7s        Male      Opossum                                \

\par Dark_G?             19s       male      2 tailed fox                           \

\par Lazarus             Puppet    Unknown   Zod-muf                                \

\par     Owner: Yadyn\

\par Yadyn               0s        Male      Cat                                    \

\par Brightfire          25s       female    Alley cat with purple hair             \

\par =-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ Players: 5 (Awake: 5) <*> Puppets: 1 (Awake: 1) ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=\

\par Done.\

\par Brightfire glarks, "Nope. ;b"\

\par Your call could not be completed as dialed. Please hang up and type "help". \}:)\

\par Starion nickers, "K."\

\par You say, "said FE-mal.. not male!! Who's the wise guy???"\

\par Starion nuzzles Akai!\

\par Akai beefs, "Nothing to interrupt, sadly."\

\par Yadyn adds an 'e'\

\par Brightfire wants nachos. Yes.  (Public-pose)\

\par Brightfire glarks, "We...need...females!"\

\par Somewhere on the muck, fEk has disconnected.\

\par You hand nachos to  Thy Garlic Fiend!.\

\par You hand garlic to  Thy Garlic Fiend!.\

\par Brightfire glarks, "How 'bout we get Mav?"\

\par Yadyn mwahahahahas\

\par You say, "FEMALES!"\

\par Brightfire consumes some of garlic.\

\par Brightfire gobbles down a piece of garlic.\

\par Brightfire crunches on garlic, finishing it.\

\par You say, "Mav is.. a guy...."\

\par Akai beefs, "Right.  Mav."\

\par Brightfire consumes some of nachos.\

\par Brightfire munches away at nachos.\

\par Brightfire crunches on nachos, finishing it.\

\par Brightfire ;>\

\par Starion eats some spam.\


\par Yadyn ers....\

\par Yadyn controls himself\

\par ( "Someone likes buster?" Everyone watches a buster starts to sing the \

\par halejulah chorus. )  (Public-spoof)\

\par Starion is a mail.\

\par Brightfire glarks, "You have to shout that, Yadie."\

\par Akai beefs, "No, Mav is a gay."\

\par Akai ducks.\

\par Yadyn shouts "FEMALES! FEMALES!! MWAHAHHA!! YEAH!! CHICKS!!!"  (Public-shout)\

\par SHOUT: 21 folks heard that.\

\par Yadyn oks\

\par Brightfire cackles.\

\par Dark_G? says, "OH GOD THIS THING IS FUNNEY"\

\par Dehydrated_Water shouts "Saying you know "Multi User Forth" is more impressive \

\par than saying you know "MUF"."  (Public-shout)\

\par ( No.. Mav is just BI )\

\par Akai shouts "I am not like these people.  Seriously.  I just hang out with \

\par them."  (Public-shout)\

\par Starion is a Werewolf pup.\

\par Diedra squelches you from useless conversation.  (Public-pose)\

\par Somewhere on the muck, Kyra has connected.\

\par Brightfire hms.\

\par Dark_G? demands to know what muck this number orgy was loged at\

\par Brightfire glarks, "Math Orgy? Oo."\

\par Haven cast an evil spell over all of you!  You are all now traped in a Pauly \

\par Shore Movie! ha ha ha ha!  (Public-pose)\

\par Starion nickers, "Orgy?"\

\par Somewhere on the muck, Kyra has disconnected.\

\par Sandy Cove Island(#51908RLJ)\

\par Ah. You've finally reached land. This is Sandy Cove Island. It looks like a \

\par miniature Cabbit Beach, except it'a much more lush and tropical. It's \

\par soothingly cool here, the waves lap onto the shore peacfully. The only sound \

\par you hear is the occasional sqwak of a bird.\

\par Obvious Exits:\

\par     eep ainforest     ck to the water     \

\par Contents:\

\par Starion\

\par Akai\

\par Dark_G?\

\par Lazarus(#33540JXZ)\

\par Brightfire\

\par Brightfire sends Celtic to the park to recruit some females. x.X\

\par Yadyn yays! CHICKS\

\par Yadyn -_-\

\par Starion looks for some baby chickens.\

\par Yadyn isn't normaly like this\

\par Yadyn is having withdrawl\

\par BusterBunny's words of wisdom #334 Always act like you know exactly what you're \

\par doing... even if you haven't a clue.  (Public-pose)\

\par You say, "female companionship withdrawl"\

\par Starion walks further, to the lush tropical rainforest.\

\par Starion has left.\

\par Somewhere on the muck, Merlin has disconnected.\

\par Starion has teleported in.\

\par Starion has arrived.\

\par Brightfire can't seem to get anyone..\

\par Starion nickers, "I'm here."\

\par Akai kisses Brightfire!\

\par Celtic Tribble has arrived.\

\par Celtic Tribble bounds in after Brightfire.\

\par Brightfire glarks, "No one would come. - -"\

\par Dark_G? reads the math thingie\

\par Starion kisses Starion!  Starion blushes and timidy returns Starion's kiss.\

\par Akai beefs, "Well, rub 'em a little more!"\

\par You say, "and you know it doesn't matter if we have different color skin... \

\par different personalities, big, tall, or thin.. it doesn't mean i can't lay you \

\par dooown woman.. and caress you're skin.. with love in our hearts were no man has \

\par ever beeeen... massage you're legs caress you're thiiighs.. -erup.. Huh??"\

\par Brightfire glarks, "Someone sucked all the life out of these chicks!"\

\par Brightfire oos.\

\par You say, "wasn't me"\

\par Starion eeps.\

\par Yadyn burps\

\par Akai beefs, "I don't believe anybody has sucked anyting out of these chicks."\

\par You say, "they suck stuff outta us"\

\par Yadyn >:)\

\par Dark_G? grins\

\par Akai beefs, "Well, it's easier for them, sure..."\

\par Brightfire yiffs Akai!\

\par Dark_G? should have loged the party where Jerry springer cums on Jadie\

\par Brightfire passes out suddenly.\

\par Starion eeps and covers his eyes.\

\par Brightfire o.o\

\par Akai makes a huge mess, "Hey, this was clean underwear!"\

\par Starion clambers aboard a passing pure white fluffcloud and is whisked away to \

\par his home.\

\par Dark_G? says, "oh Dont tell me you wernt at that party"\

\par Dark_G? says, "THAT PARTY WAS THE SHIT"\

\par Brightfire wasn't. x.x\

\par You say, "what party?"\

\par Akai beefs, "Er..."\

\par Somewhere on the muck, Kyra has connected.\

\par Dark_G? says, "It was one of ProphetWolfes late night partys"\

\par Yadyn uhms\

\par Dark_G? says, "Jadie was showing us how the sluts act"\

\par Dark_G? says, "Jerry Springer was there"\

\par Yadyn lol\

\par Akai beefs, "Yech.  ProphetWolfe."\

\par Brightfire grins.\

\par Dark_G? says, "not ProphetWolfe Pinball"\

\par Dark_G? says, "Sorry"\

\par Akai beefs, "That's better."\

\par Dark_G? mounts Brightfire!\

\par Yadyn OHS\

\par Brightfire laughs!\

\par Akai puts the flight bag away.\

\par Somewhere on the muck, Maverick has connected.\

\par Akai O.O at DG? and takes it out again.\

\par Dark_G? says, "What Flight bag"\

\par Brightfire heys, no barfing here.\

\par Dark_G? says, "Wheres your pic brightie?"\

\par Akai frenches Brightfire!\

\par Dark_G? falls off backwards\

\par Brightfire glarks, "www.wans.net/~hajh/bright.jpg"\

\par Dark_G? s eyes roll in the back of his head as white pool forms around his pants\

\par Yadyn not agains\

\par Brightfire o.O\

\par Dark_G? says, "A... 1 grade A!"\

\par Dark_G? says, "Woa"\

\par Akai beefs, "White pool?"\

\par Brightfire erfs at DG?, "Is he ok?"\

\par Akai sniffs Birghtfire for pool.\

\par Yadyn thought it was milky clear\

\par Yadyn is just clearly misunderstood..  (Public-pose)\

\par SHOUT: 22 folks heard that.\

\par Diedra says, "No Yadyn, /not/ now."\

\par Dark_G? gives the thumbs up sign\

\par Akai beefs, "Depends on how healthy you are."\

\par Sandy Cove Island(#51908RLJ)\

\par Ah. You've finally reached land. This is Sandy Cove Island. It looks like a \

\par miniature Cabbit Beach, except it'a much more lush and tropical. It's \

\par soothingly cool here, the waves lap onto the shore peacfully. The only sound \

\par you hear is the occasional sqwak of a bird.\

\par Obvious Exits:\

\par     eep ainforest     ck to the water     \

\par Contents:\

\par Celtic Tribble\

\par Akai\

\par Dark_G?\

\par Lazarus(#33540JXZ)\

\par Brightfire\

\par Dark_G? says, "I gotta go real quick Ill be back"\

\par Dark_G? is healthy\

\par Dark_G? has left.\

\par Name         OnTime Idle  Name         OnTime Idle  Name         Ontime Idle\

\par Big_White     00:01  0s   Sorin         00:29 29m   Yar           01:53  1m\

\par Milgrove      00:01  1m   Jaiden        00:32  6m   Sammael       02:08  1m\

\par Jaquel        00:03 37s   Praetorian    00:33  7m   Erastmus      02:16 31m\

\par Maverick      00:03 51s   Akai          00:38 25s   Windwatcher   02:21  8m\

\par Diedra        00:03 27s   BusterBunny   00:38 12s   Yoshi         02:38 15m\

\par Kyra          00:04 33s   Tara          00:38 38m   Iris          02:45  1m\

\par Chris         00:09 53s   Evo           00:45 13s   Silaren       03:03  2h\

\par Tirr          00:10 10m   Greebo        00:45 43m   Tanabi        03:17  8m\

\par SilverWolf    00:11 37s   Earthtide     00:49  9s   Miles         03:37 15m\

\par Mav           00:12 12m   Neb           00:58 36m   Randa         04:01 30m\

\par Starion       00:14 16s   Sweety        00:59 27s   Yadyn         04:22  0s\

\par Caer          00:17  4m   ProphetWolfe  01:08 15s   Dark_G?       04:57  4s\

\par Ileah         00:20  4m   Zorin         01:13  1m   Babsy         08:07  2h\

\par Aphrodite     00:23 24s   Qwert         01:39  1m   Dehydrated_Wat08:15  1m\

\par Brightfire    00:23  1m   Kitiara       01:45 11s   NeoDaemon     09:07  3m\

\par 45 players are connected.\

\par Akai mutters, "Not at that rate..."\

\par Brightfire sighs. Need...females. x.x\

\par Akai beefs, "Why?"\

\par You say, "Why? cause one chick can't satisfy 3 guys"\

\par Akai beefs, "Depends on who the chick is."\

\par Akai licks Brightfire!\

\par Brightfire can only satisy Akai. ;>\

\par Yadyn LOL\

\par You say, "Don't forget the failed merger between Yahoo and Netscape: \

\par Net'n'Yahoo.  It didn't work out because they were afraid they would have to \

\par relocate the headquarters to Tel Aviv."\

\par Somewhere on the muck, BusterBunny has disconnected.\

\par Brightfire aw damns, the pizza is here.\

\par Akai beefs, "You haffa go?"\

\par Brightfire glarks, "Be good, and Yadyn, send me the log!"\

\par Akai hugs Brightfire!\

\par Yadyn oks!\

\par Brightfire nods.\

\par Yadyn will be goods\

\par Brightfire snuggles Akai!\

\par Akai will be faithful.  Ish.  =)\

\par Brightfire :>\

\par Brightfire has disconnected.\

\par Celtic Tribble falls asleep.\

\par You say, "what's yer e-mail again??"\

\par You say, "ok crap"\

\par Akai beefs, "Wait a sec, it's probably on her page..."\

\par Akai beefs, "brightie@hotmail.com, if it's a current link.  Which I hope it \

\par isn't.  Hotmail... ugh..."\

\par You say, "hotmail for hotchicks"\

\par Somewhere on the muck, BusterBunny has connected.\

\par \

\par }

    Source: geocities.com/yadyn