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This booklet is simply a further abridge form of the book, “Angels, Let’s Talk,” which was collection of blog posts from the blog “Dew (due) From Heaven: Light 2 U Blog.” That book is lengthy in its self, over 400 printed pages with a round about margin of .25. So this book are 5 selected chapters from it with the introduction (of 2006 & 2007) so as to give clear description and expository on the real intent of that book, a route to salvation for angels. That book did that but had many other added information to read through to get to that point, so this get to that point and a quick reference for such. The latter is ironic, for after reading that book or posts then one would believe and give a damn. For as asked on the back cover of that book “Why are you angels here, where are you coming from and do you give a “damn” where you are going!” So those who believe give a damn and would declare “I Give A Damn.” Or, I believe, I care, I as an angel want to be saved. How? Where? Why? I believe and I want to receive. That sincere rhetoric of an angel is coined in this verses, "I believe; help thou mine unbelief" (Mark 9:24).

Obtain The Book Here: http://www.lulu.com/yahothniel

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This booklet intends to identify those key areas of that book and those posts, but that book is also a must read for development. So rather than buy this book buy the book with all the info, that is, “Angels, Let’s Talk,” found at:

Buy Here: http://www.lulu.com/content/1136884

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This booklet is simply a further abridge form of the book, “Angels, Let’s Talk,” which was a collection of blog posts from the blog “Dew (due) From Heaven: Light 2 U Blog.” That book is lengthy in its self, over 400 printed pages with a round about margin of .25. So this book are 5 selected chapters from it with the introduction (of 2006 & 2007) so as to give clear description and expository on the real intent of that book, a route to salvation for angels. That book did that but had many other added information to read through to get to that point, so this get to that point and a quick reference for such. The latter is ironic, for after reading that book or posts then one would believe and give a damn. For as asked on the back cover of that book “Why are you angels here, where are you coming from and do you give a “damn” where you are going!” So those who believe give a damn and would declare “I Give A Damn.” Or, I believe, I care, I as an angel want to be saved. How? Where? Why? I believe and I want to receive. That sincere rhetoric of an angel is coined in this verses, "I believe; help thou mine unbelief" (Mark 9:24).

This booklet intends to identify those key areas of that book and those posts, but that book is also a must read for development. Thanks and God bless.



For links to this blog/book and all links referred to in this blog/book. We are not responsible for web addresses re-directed to or show rude, lascivious, or malicious content. The ICI is real and not a theoretical essay.


This book might seems hard to read in terms of English (grammar, spellings, new words, sentence structure, dialect, colloquialism, lingo, inconsistencies, etc), though the spell and grammar check was done with a word processor. Reason being it comes from a blog or originally written via computer modern communications, for example, text messages or emails, which are usually short-hand or unstructured language for quick communication but essence is gained. Though instances like these have been taken care of this is an example of what computerized communications have dwindled the language structure to, “C U 2 night;” which means “See You Tonight.” And because everybody is hooked on some form of computerized communication or messaging (IM, blackberry, palm pilot, emails, blog, etc), such communicated language can or is fast becoming the lingua franca. Another drawn out example is this, “jogging, tie shoe & drink water, wallet ground, $100 so can go to club 2 night.” Which is saying, “I was jogging and I stopped to tie my shoe and drink some water, when on the ground I found a lost wallet with $100 inside, so rather than previous cancellation on going clubbing tonight with you because I didn’t have enough money, I now have $100 and so can go tonight?” Though written in computer short-hand arbitrary language, essence is gained. Likewise, this book is from a blog and written for a blog and might have instances of such unstructured sentences and paragraph but essence should be gained. The only thing that would have muddled this further is this blog is on the Bible and bible encodings (etc) is sort of written in short-hand to be decoded or relayed as the examples above; that with even deliberate tampering with this Bible short-hand to thwart the relay. All these were taken into consideration and when you read, essence should be gained. But read with your Bible prayerfully (John
5:39, Acts 17:11).



CHAPTER 1…………………………..…………..Introduction

CHAPTER 2…………………………..…………..You Are The Third Seed

CHAPTER 3…………………………..…………..You Have The Witness

CHAPTER 4…………………………..…………..You Are Consoled

CHAPTER 5…………………………..…………..You Have A Generation, Though…

CHAPTER 6…………………………..…………..You Must Believe!

CHAPTER 7…………………………..…………..You Have An Author





Chapter 1




This is the intro to Encoding and Revealing all thereof little by little and Must be Read before navigating any part of the blog and hence, any part of this book.

Unlike what is displayed in the allege Bible Codes on Christian Television or Dan Brown’s book, the Da Vinci code – which are mostly supposition errors and unlawful slurs, and sometimes deliberately, directly or indirectly – the bible has bible encodings and patterns to be revealed to them that seek it, graced and pulled by God. They are namely called Prophecies, directly or indirectly. Often times written that way though not obvious, as the Ethiopian Eunuch seeing a reference to a person but not knowing who, since the person and things surrounding the person hasn’t been as yet and would be unable to decipher at the time the things (prophecy are) given, until it is. For example, this quote from a book online called, “The Voice…”:


Something is key that many don’t know and because of that have produced endless errors. That is, the bible is an Encoded book and can only be Decoded by the one who Encoded it – GOD. I first learnt this procedure and terms in a Communication class at BCC and from the Text. We learnt that a person encodes a message then sends it and it is decoded by the receiver. For instance, I write an email and send it to you through a “secure” encryption engine. You open the email and read it. If an arbitrary citizen (most often computer illiterate) intercepts the email before it reaches the decoder, then what he will see is gibberish like some alien language that cannot be read, because it is scrambled by the encryption engine, only to be read by the receiver. The bible is somewhat like that, unless you get the decoded meanings from the Lord, you simply cannot see or understand it. Unfortunately what many do when they reach this bump of confusion, they apply their meanings to it, rather than say like the Ethiopian Eunuch, “Understandest thou what thou readest? And he said, How can I, except some man should guide me?” (Acts 8:30-31). Hence, the understanding of the bible cannot be figured out or deciphered by any means; it has to be decoded to you by God, through the Holy Spirit, to them that are baptized there with. For instance, let me give you one trillionth (1/1,000,000,000,000) of the encoding. One verse or chapter can have one, all, or any combination of the following:

1.        Contextual Meaning – Face value of what is read and that in itself is good; it also give factual meanings (e.g. “A man ran,” a man did run).

2.        Spiritual Meaning – Deeper contextual meaning, it usually looks like an abstract analogy but correct. (e.g. A fig tree dries up, so will you dry up if…).

3.        Personal Meaning – In that God uses it as a touch to your situation and it fits so perfectly, you think it was specifically written for you. In relation to you, it cannot necessarily be taught, because personal meanings will be different for everyone. Psalms 23 is one such verse, though it has contextual, spiritual, prophetic, dual and triple meanings.

4.        Prophetic Meaning – Encoded future event (e.g. “in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed” - Dan 2:44, which spoke of Christ’s Kingdom 2000 years ago.).

5.        Dual Prophetic Meaning – Same Encoded future events, but one thing speak of prophecy of two different things at different times (e.g. The prophet Ethan spoke the same thing of David that is spoken of Christ in Ps. 89:26-27).

6.        Triple Prophetic Meaning – Same Encoded future events, but one thing or chapter of prophecy speak of three different things that will occur at three different times (e.g. Isaiah 45 spoke of freedom. But we later found out that that freedom was the Jew’s actual exile from Babylon by the decree of King Cyrus; probably prophesied before his birth and his actual name was even mentioned. But then later we found out that that freedom was for the Gentiles and Jews through the crucifixion of the Messiah – verse 24. But there seems to be another freedom it speaks of, to be decoded publicly when it happens.)

That’s only 1,000,000,000,000th of how encoded the word is. For the true of the matter, in this small demonstration, is that all the above would be in a chapter several times over each other or even in a single verse. How can you then decipher what needs to be deciphered from the word, except it be given from above? Even worst, the rest of the trillion encoded method hasn’t even been brought into play and you have other things that make it even harder to decipher meanings of truth. Example, interpolations, multiple translations and interpretations, and many more deterrents in decoding the word. For instance, look at this mix up,

"To show at a glance the different ideas of the date of the creation, it may be interesting to note the following, that is, from Creation to 1894 we have these many years passed.

According to Ussher, 5,898; Hales, 7,305; Zunz (Hebrew reckoning), 5,882; Septuagint (Perowne), 7,305; Rabbinical, 5,654; Panodorus, 7,387; Anianus, 7,395; Constantinopolitan, 7,403; Eusebius, 7,093; Scaliger, 5,844; Dionysius (from whom we take our Christian era), 7,388; Maximus, 7,395; Syncellus and Theophanes, 7,395; Julius Africanus, 7,395; Jackson, 7,320" {Source: Sword Searcher 4.3, www.SwordSearcher.com, Easton Bible Dictionary}.

No wonder the scripture rightly tells us, “be not many masters [teachers]” (James 3:1). You cannot decode the word no matter how hard you try. Those that rightly do so, are gifted by God, though it sometimes seems like your own effort. For he is the one who encoded it, admitted in Isaiah 45:15 and Proverbs 25:2.

It is then almost impossible for anyone to garner these encoding if God doesn’t show. Not only that if you decide to do so outside of God he can confuse it, as seen with the children of Babel trying to build a tower (way to heaven) but God confused it. So if persons come to you with bible encodings and can’t even simple decipher the plan of salvation and are saved themselves, according to Acts 2:38 then what they are bringing forward is a lie, deliberately or fooled themselves.

Isaiah 45 said God purposely encode stuff, the book of Revelation is filled with it as well. But he said, it is the glory of Kings to find them, he leading them. For instance, notice this simply one that shows that all encoding or prophecy isn’t directly about Christ, though everything is about him.

Hannah (wife of a priest) gave birth to a forerunner – Samuel
Ana (wife of a priest) gave birth to a forerunner – John The Baptist

Samuel ushered in the Kings
John the Baptist ushered in THE King

Samuel pulled in a new dispensation in Israel – The Reign of the Kings
John The Baptist pulled in a new dispensation in Israel – The Reign of THE King (Grace over Law)

Such are obvious patterns and encoding, though much simpler to things already pass and the challenge would be to things now or to come. In dealing with the “fallen ones” and even things like the possibility of the Obeast, unknown to mankind, such interplay of encoding must be brought into play. For the word of God must be used in all things, but these latter things to deal with are also in it but not easily deciphered – hence a decoder. Not acclaiming myself to be then flop, but God has given grace and can withhold grace. And especially deter from laud for there is one the bible mentions called The "false prophet" who will display wisdom in all secret things and work with the anti-Christ. These revelations is not on the basis of how we run the market economy, demand and supply, but whenever the Lord chooses to shed light; so as you have been doing for “God knows when,” wait and be patient. And be this known, any revealed encoding cannot contradict plain bible revelations already established or else throw it out! “But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed” (Gal 1:8). “As we said before [AS I JUST SAID], so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed” (Gal 1:9). Be like the Bereans, “These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so” (Acts 17:11). You might say that this blog/site mentions speaking to angels, who gave you that right? We as saints are most often ignorant of the authority and position Christ gave us; though this authority is not only isolated to the New Testament, for prophets of the Old Testament spake and prophecy to angels too. Basically bluntly summed up in this verse to you, "Know ye not that we [HUMAN SAINTS] shall judge angels?" (1 Cor 6:3).

This blog might be laughable and should to the average human being, so if your mind is not open please do not read it; they are other articles, books and letters I write that I want you to have the benefit of and this might devalue their credence, but as Ezekiel was with “fire shot up in his bones” when he tried not to teach, so am I at times, even though, as Peter said, “some things hard to be understood” (2 Peter 3:16). I’m not the least bit afraid of disdain, I’m afraid of blocking you from receiving “lesser” truths by the knowledge of “greater” truths you are not yet able to understand; as Christ alluded to here, “through thy knowledge shall the weak brother perish, for whom Christ died? But when ye sin so against the brethren, and wound their weak conscience, ye sin against Christ” (1 Cor 8:11-12). So I wash my hands; desist from reading, if a simply revelation such as knowing that some persons you work with, associate with or even seen on television as stars or in authority are not humans but angels, most often fallen. If you can’t grasp that, then stop reading.

Aside from encoding in scriptures, there is something I refer to as circles which would further be deemed laughable and sometimes, unfortunately, there is encoding left by other beings that look like circles. This latter paragraph can be ignored unless I mention it in a writing; as it would seem foreign to scripture and should be avoided, just to mention it sometimes.

It's best to read a book called "Demonology Revealed," before reading this blog. Also, it is best to wait until all the Tid Bits are together sent out by a newsletter or more importantly finished books ("D.C: Strange New World" and "D.A: The Fallen Race") before utilizing the info thereof officially; most are often works-in-progress and can seem contradictory to the finished thing. Names, peoples, kingdoms, officials, dignities and other persons or things will be identified in this blog, however, I’m not responsible for such information being used in any malevolent or otherwise questionable ways, especially before it is verified. If there is a join option on this blog or site, joining is not necessary as it is not a discussion but blogging by me, however, I may allow some to manage the contents thereof. Things posted will fall under these categories and though one category is given it will sometimes have elements or instances of several other categories simultaneously:

(Numbers tell a lot and it's a known fact that God deals with numeric patterns; even of prophecy.)


(General questions not asked, yet not answered but need to be. Could be considered weird; the foremost here, can fallen angels be saved?)


(Just some general uncategorized knowledge, questions, bible, prophecy, encodings.)


(General announcements, like a book release or a period of absence, etc.)


(Like the example with Hanna and Ana, fallen ones have opt to leave their own trails; most often for evil.)


(General bible encodings that wasn't stated but obviously there and can be prophetic, like Hanna and Ana.)


(The same bible encodings, but this was deliberately done by God to prophecy/speak about something specific.)


(The same encoded prophetic but this time it was just personally speaking to me and might not have any relation to anyone or anything else. Just thought I might share.)


(The same encoded prophetic but one encoding speaks of two encoded prophecy.)


(The same encoded prophetic but one encoding speaks of three encoded prophecy.)


(Simple prophecy, clearly mentioned and written out plain. Like all those we know of Christ.)


(Simple prophecy, clearly mentioned and written out plain. Like all those we know of Christ, but has a dual prophetic meaning.)


(Simple prophecy, clearly mentioned and written out plain. Like all those we know of Christ, but has a triple prophetic meaning.)


(Just simple patterns in history note mentioning, like the several attempts of the fallen ones to build "The gate of God.")


(General fallenangelogy, dealings amongst humans, attributes, etc., - past, present and future.)


(General words of encouragement, preaching, teaching, caution or advice.)


(General statements or stance on something obscure or need to be stated.)


(Uncovering truths about things that were obscure. Things we attributed as evil but the parties were simply confused, cautious or afraid; or it being too deep for us to attain to it. Or things we consider good but is really underlined with evil; this shouldn't be confused with calling good evil and vice versa (Isa 5:20). To the former, Isaiah 45:3 said, "I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the LORD, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel." Not that darkness is treasure to us, but under some things we consider darkness is hidden treasures. For instance, a scoop of mud in your hand, you might toss it but if you put it in a strainer under running water you'll find that it has tid bits of gold in it or a rare coin worth millions. This might dually speak of the last freedom Isaiah 45 speaks of and the mediator of that.)


(This supersedes reason and too "wonderful" to even be taken seriously and questionable, but give some added ammo to something said. Basically, all things proceed from God and made of God so all things have God in it and nothing cannot be made by another except it is made within his patterns. For instance, someone trying to draw a square on a spinning flat fan nose. You can't. You can only draw circles if you put the marker to it moving. So is everything consisted in existence, and especially time. Filled with circular patterns, so, "if you know this you can know that" or "this is patterned in something that is a fore or a by product of it or with it." Basically, "Everything is in Everything." Or what the bible says, "The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun…That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been; and God requireth that which is past" (Ecc 1:9 and Ecc 3:15 ). This could also mean that everything that is to be is already set and you can't get out of the pre-settings or settings; even though if one could see, you might see multiple streams in the "Valley of Vision" that can be taken and even logic dictates that to us, yet all is set. Much like Proverbs 16, it started out saying "The preparations of the heart in man, and the answer of the tongue, is from the LORD." What you think to do and what you do God did it. Then the rest of the chapter goes in etiquettes on doing and formulas for doing etc.; yet what we think to do, and do, are all influenced by God. The last verse of the book solidifies this, "The lot is cast into the lap; but the whole disposing thereof is of the LORD." Your lot is given to you to do but what is done was done by God. This is a paradox and needs balancing and away from the point at hand, but shows the complexity of what we are dealing with.

The impossibility of what I'm trying to say concerning the circles would sound like this, me looking at a piece of something and it confirms by pattern something I did with the whole of that piece; because nothing is done isolated but all things connected. I have to be careful because this would draw it self close to things like astrology, tarot, tea leaf reading, star gazing, decoding dreams and other such abominations forbidden by God; though, not that those things aren't real but forbidden, for as God patterned things on earth he can pattern things in the skies, but that is not for us humans - which brings another paradox, for this blog/.site is mainly to angels - so we would have to factor in the essence of why it is forbidden and apply that to them, which might simply be God saying look to me only and not the things I have created; as for us and them letting us see it or be involve in it, it is forbidden. Yet God can work with that same thing, like a star in the sky the night Christ was born or Joseph and Daniel being able to decode dreams - you see how complicated the issue can get; with the latter I guess since nothing is isolated, do nothing isolated from God. He himself admits that they are secret things but reserved to him, "The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever" (Due 29:29 also, Gen 40:8). The circles can almost never be figured out and folly the result of such attempt. This might even seem philosophic, but not and why I said it should be avoided, as God advised. The words of one author kind of got it, "So, not only are we understandably skeptical, but also, we still possess a mindset of civilization which is linear rather than CYCLIC" [Malcolm Godwin, “Angels, An Endangered Species.” A book I recently borrowed at my local library in 2005]).

(One must first understand suckry, then after realize that even the things taken cannot escape the circles but be embedded with patterns and instances of the original, though trying to be avoided by the general suckerers; even details of the persons sucked, for the line is the person, as your purpose is you. This is a bit difficult as decoding dreams, which has to be given from God and shouldn't be attempted, as Joseph said, "We have dreamed a dream, and there is no interpreter of it. And Joseph said unto them, Do not interpretations belong to God? Tell me them, I pray you" (Gen 40:8). To understand suckry go here http://groups.msn.com/accommunity/articles.msnw).

These are not word for word or verse by verse decoding but bible stories that have accounts of present encodings in them. Mostly personal, like the Samson story or like Christ but applied also to the box as he said, "Lo, I come: in the volume of the book it is written of me." This might seems to dissuade the whole notion of encodings, for anyone would seem to can pick a story and say it means this or that to them or so on. Not only will the story-typical encodings be given with Bible paper-trail upon Bible paper-trail be irrefutable, but also the bible itself indirectly gives clues of it being a book of encodings, separate and apart from general prophecy. A sort of book within a book (
Rev 20:12), like the children pop up books. That is, within each bible book there is another reading, and another reading, etc; strait or encoded.

This is sort of the same as or mostly exemplified in story-typical decodings but in frames. The decoded story in one book is linked to another decoded story in another book. Hard to explain, but like crossword puzzle, all the letter are decoded stories, then circle a few letters (decoded story) to make a word (fuller decoded story).

Quckry I deem a type of suckry, but mostly benefit in my case and so deemed personal. That is, the angel’s ability to see the answer then don’t ask, and ask again but don’t ask and get the answer or entire conversation, but would have to project to ask and ask, then sees the answer and retracts asking but get the answer. I guess to even see the answer diving might take place, or present in the askers mind by foreknowledge within themselves. Quckry is derived from the words “question + suckry”. Asking the right questions with other tactics can drawn stuff as with suckry; which can lead to diving or suckry in the person’s mind to get the thought processes around that answer they gave. Humans cannot do this, but in several instances, the Lord shows a few quckry or instances of arguments persons are bringing and how I would answer them with him. Like, hey, Ar is trying to reach you, this is what she would say. Some others are presented, like with Trident, Ra, Ea, Pig, etc. As such, some are presented by the Lord for never to have some in dialogue or come near in conversation, like satan, “Neither give place to the devil” (Eph 4:27). Neither entertain quckry with an angel if you can recognize such; really is New Age and Soothsaying. For instance, one cannot be angry at me or make a decision of me or around me by quckry or said I said from quckry; not what is in the man defile the man but what comes out, "That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man. For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts" (Matt
7:20-21). It’s more than prejudging but charging someone guilty without evidences; innocent until proven guilty, no judging of ones words except one actually said it. As if I’m going to claim I said something I haven’t said, how can I know I said something, anybody can fabricate something with my style of talk and say that’s what you would have said. I’d be a fool to lay hold on it and likewise anyone else. Most often, “The preparations of the heart in man, and the answer of the tongue, is from the LORD” (Prov 16:1). Quite possibly what is attained in quckry is speech without being graced by God, which quite possibly cannot be seen with quckry only upon delivery.

Thanks for understanding and God bless.


2007 INDEX

This part of the post go into more uncomfortable stuff that is “hard to be understood” (2 Peter 3:16). As human saints, there are not necessary, but for the very aged and for angels, from a man’s point of view. More than ever pray before reading and re-read post 1 or front of this blog warning. The concerning and warning I have is explained in this verse, “I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ” (2 Cor 11:3). Some new terms (biblical and non-biblical) will be used, some more frequent than others. The following are some which will be explained with usage.

1) Box: - A referential to the last “mediator of anngels,” box from Ark of the Covenant. I wouldn’t throw this title on myself for the weight of it or to be found a false prophet claiming to be somebody. However, again, I find myself in the middle of the mess and personal encodings refers to the Lord speaking to me as if I be such a mediator; being careful nonetheless, I shy away from using “I” or “me” as such a person, but opt to use box. Also, investigating and in case not me I was used as an example to explain this mystery or prophecy. This mediator thing is high, something someone as low as me wouldn’t seem to attain to; as falling in the ranks of Moses, then Jesus and then a king (Rev 15:3); that three mediator of that verse was an encoding for it speaks of two contextually, but the king not name or have a referential known, like lamb, for it was a prophecy not something done yet like the previous 2. This person is the said person from the chapter before who was on a cloud and had a crown (Rev 14:14). Also, a strategy used by the enemy, possibly initiated now, is to lift me up or cause me to seem bigger than I am then use malicious, rude or even lascivious fabrications to undermine me to undermine the word or truths given already, which amounts to over 165 written publications since 1997.

2) Washing: -  From the temple of God statuette paper-trail, of twelve bulls, 2 pillars and on top that a bowl like of water, this represents the earth, “The two pillars, one sea, and twelve brazen bulls that were under the bases, which king Solomon had made in the house of the LORD” (Jer 52:12). The priest would wash in it before going into the temple. The earth is liken to this, all workings thereof is to make the intelligent inhabitants washed and become priest worthy to enter Gods presence, saved or in the commonwealth of the holy eternal people. All trials, releases, choices in life, etc, result in this washing; so once you’re born your in the bath tub or have the choice to wash and enter the holiest of this commonwealth of “gods” (Psalms 82:6, John 10:34), as 144,000 Jews (Rev 7:4) and many Christian saints as sand of the sea (Rev 7:9), etc. This washing is clear in the Jesus Christ soap washing, before Judaism was the prime soap, “These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb” (
Rev 7:14). Other soaps before Judaism was seen in Enoch and Noah individually and even Melchizedek priesthood had a soap factory superior to Judaism, as Christ came off that priesthood and not the priesthood of Judaism. Nonetheless, Christ salvation today is not only the prime soap for man that makes all others void; but no man can be washed without it and take part in the first resurrection even though died before Christ was born or Judaism. It’s hard to describe the washing but once you are born you are in it and basically you should “have [your] senses exercised to discern both good and evil” (Heb 5:14) and choose the good (clean). As such, choices of evil will present itself and even tribulation to choose either way, as “These … came out of great tribulation,” and hence some evil was allowed in the bathwater, the prime one was the yellow rubber ducky (satan) but that toy became a choking hazard to the babies and was removed. The Jesus Christ soap has anti-bacterial deposits in it and made us good (clean) or justified (forever clean). Thereafter, “ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God” (1 Cor 6:11).

3) Bulls: - one offset of nature can erode the earth. So what keeps it in check? Angels. The head angels of these in-check earth administration managements are referred to as bulls. They are 12 of them in all for 12 is the number of government. For instance, there is an earth Department of Water or water bull, there is an earth Department of Social Services of the Shepherd bull, there is a Department of Weather and there are 4 bulls for that and so on. All these departments or checks are in the earth and angels are assigned these Head of Department positions to uphold the washing or bath water which is the earth itself. Some easy to identify like someone must tend to the water of the earth, but others are not so easy, like one to Shepherd the earth and be in governments.

4) The Two Pillars: - Standing beside the 12 bulls to make sure the world don’t collapse are two angels, in the Jewish temple building they are the two pillars, “The two pillars, one sea, and twelve brazen bulls that were under the bases, which king Solomon had made in the house of the LORD” (Jer 52:12). They stand by the seven as well and so be the accountability for the 12 bulls and 7 spirits of God, hence very wise angels; standing by the 7 spirits of God is recorded here "And I said, I have looked, and behold a candlestick all of gold, with a bowl upon the top of it, and his seven lamps thereon, and seven pipes to the seven lamps, which are upon the top thereof...And two olive trees by it, one upon the right side of the bowl, and the other upon the left side thereof...These are the two anointed ones, that stand by the Lord of the whole earth" (Zech 4:2-3 & 14). They are the two witnesses of Revelation; and with box and one in his stead, help with the last day preaching and threshing.
5) Silver: - Angels from heaven or fallen that are employed or tolerated in the system of earth from heave for the purpose the earth was created, washing. You could say integral system files that cannot be erased, bulls seem to be. Even satan seems a silver, and why is said to be loosed a little after being bound at the end of the 1000 year reign. Probably the position is a silver and not the person, yet satan allowance in the 1000 year after being stripped of his position dissuades this. So he’s a specialist at being a silver by , that is, remaining a required system file; I guess by what was said of him and epitomized in attaining EA or the purple and blue coat, “he heap up silver” (Job 27:16). Another thing that remains in the earth as long as the earth is, are spirits, they cannot be destroyed and hence bound in the Abyss; hence having permanence, including those of humans. But spirits can be cut, melted, re-shaped, etc. As such spirits are referred to as silver and in the earth satan is also the foremost at manipulating these silvers (cut, melt, re-shape, merge, amalgamate, posses, etc).

6) Cleave Hinds: - This is hard to explain, but satan, a silver, has found a way to hack other silvers and spirits, then make them into himself, not a wheel of him, the normal entrance to such, but himself, like an eye. So he can be two or more bulls separately at once. As said, this is hard to explain, but spirits going into different flesh (coat) can be identified by other spirits but not human, who only see a different flesh or person. When satan cleave the hinds of a spirit, not even the spirits can identify that the spirit (angel) has changed and become satan because it reads as the former spirit. That spirit is no longer say Raphael, but satan-Raphael but it is still reading as Raphael. This is beyond wheels and eyes of seraphim but the actual former individual spirit is satan and yet showing as the former spirit. The hoof of a bull or buffalo was used to give the complexity of it. Saying, “canst thou mark when the hinds [hoof in this case] do calve [split in this case, like the nucleus of a fertilized egg]” (Job 39:1); hind the animal is deer or roe like creature and “hind’s feet” (2 Sam
22:34; Psalms 18:33) is the hoof of the animal. The hoof of the animal is really the example for this phenomenon but encodly reference hind in Job 39:1 for not only the complexity but how it has spread (Job 39:3-4) among the present Babylonians (America) to the point it is called Nicopolis (Titus 3:12). So, “canst thou mark when the hinds do calve?” That is, backing up the identification problem when it is done, no one knows that the spirit has changed to satan for it reads as the former spirit, hence, can you mark or pinpoint when this is done to a spirit. Do you know when the hoof of an animal breaks in two or calve or cleave, the animal is simple born with a hoof creased in two but unforeseen to the eyes it was one in the womb then cleave and function as one when the animal is walking on it. This same thing has plagued spirits. Satan being a seraph then spread himself on all top angels in earth, namely bulls, become them and takes over their wheels. The spirits he have access to by wheeling he then cleave-hind them which become him and the former spirit ceases to be yet register as it; regardless of whatever form or flesh it is in. A Wheelock can be broken but this cannot and in theory that person is forever satan. Hence he is a silver shaper, because it’s like melting silver and forming it to whatever shape; similar to how a potter deals in clay, he does to these spirits to work them out to himself, even while they be alive. The cleave Hinds of satan are called “Sons of Belial” in bible paper trail encodings; this distinction, for other angels have this rare silver shaping skill to cleave hinds, like the pig. I don’t know either if this has a direct relation to Bel. In my interpretation, Sons of Belial are “Sons of Belly,” his own self as his offspring, as if from his own womb. When a head seraph is removed from his wheels the wheels are automatically broken off, as an army commander dismissed from service so no longer the platoons leader and the platoons no longer take order from him. With cleave-hinds, if satan were the head seraphim, even through wheelock, of a set of wheels, even if the immediate head or bull he tricked to wheelock to him didn’t become a Son of Belial or cleave-hind, he can cleave-hind any and many wheels in that seraphim network. Those wheels remain Sons of Belial or him, in essence his wheels, after he or the head is broken off from that seraphim network. Hence, all he needs is access to the network from top and in that network after his removal, he is still in those platoons as cleave-hinds and can manipulate from within. When a head angel commander or bull is taken over or his hind cleave, they become what I learnt from Job of Ar exploits, he becomes a “Black Head.” For instance, Raphael would become satan-Raphael, if just Wheelock to satan, just as dangerous, it is written, Raphael-satan. With a Black Head they actually become satan or is literally satan, like an eye; when wheelock to him they are controlled by him like a dog on a leash but still sort of him, as a hand in a glove. Several posts in 2007 will deal with actuality of this, examples, consequences, possible breakage and a needed clean up. 

7) Seraphim: - A higher level angel with the ability to mass posses by built as God. Seraph is singular, while the word seraphim is plural, but the plural form is often used in either application. Hence, one angel, who is a seraph, can be in 5 persons at the same time. These persons are their wheels or eyes; and why God is referred to as a wheel in the middle of a wheel (Eze
1:16). This being is explained in the 2007 post, “Theory of the Seraphim.”

8) Wheels: - To be explained in the post “Theory of the Seraphim.” When a person is wheelocked, he is a wheel of a seraphim. That seraphim spirit is in them like a foot in a shoe. When this occurs with a bull, it is the same thing but referred to as a bullock.

9) Eyes: - To be explained in the post “Theory of the Seraphim.” One Seraphim being several separate persons at the same time (eye), as against that said person possessing several separate persons at the same time (wheel).

10) Horsemen: - This is explained in previous posts. Basically a creation from snakes that exists like a cloak on other creatures. When put on man it taps in the brain and psychic thereof. It seems to originate from ancient Egypt, possibly started to aid, but can take over man and become him; riding on the man, hence, a horseman. Later, a hybrid man, used as slaves and wheels of an angel seraph. This origin and usage is fully explained in “Bible and Technology Magazine: Volume 4.” The obeast has evolved to hybrid wheel of seraphim called, “frog spirits” or “miracle coat”, this occurs when an obeast is combined with a spirit, split spirit, mostly that of a seraphim or conjoined to that of a seraphim. When it spirate or cleave from a human spirit or an angel, even seraphim, most often unaware to them, this is called a spice; this is usually done with external interference by some skilled in this. The term was derived from the book Songs of Solomon, which gave the encodings of this, like growing flowers, which Ra, Pig and even EA has gardens of spices worldwide. The frog spirit or miracle coat can have split spirit of the dead and even furnished with smoked chi, that is, given a superb conscience to feed on; a king spirit as against a normal spirit to cloak. These evolved terms of a horseman are explained in the 2007 posts, but here are they again with in more details. Suspended Horseman = Same as Normal Horseman, below, but the person is still alive, yet with it around that person, others can tap into that person via the obeast and even automate their bodies, etc. The person is simply obeasted. A lock can be on that person that prevents them from becoming taken over by the creature, but a slave to persons like Ra and others that can manipulate it on them. The creature itself or via a snake handler as the above can awake and put the person in sleep, fully automating that person’s body as if another person and then resume suspension and the person awake, most often not knowing what went on. VERY VERY VERY EVIL! Yet that same evil seems to be doable by gloving of a seraphim; but seraphim can’t access persons at will, only legally by per say, a saint’s angel or commanders. Yet that would be unthinkable for them to do as arms of God, if so, VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY EVIL! Violators of both such eternally perish with that double death! FIRST UPGRADE Normal Horseman = Made by the Egyptians from the snake genes and simple takeover and automate a dead body, the spirit of that person gone; and should be in the Abyss. Yet can tap in the archaic man from the brain, with exploits that seems angel-like. SECOND UPGRADE Spirated Horseman = A Normal Horseman that simply grew around a spirit (still locked), yet can imitate spirit or angel like abilities. The spirit can be later loosed from it, if not by the obeast himself to fully take the body; as its normal progression, the next has be altered by an external source or person, the foremost of such is Pig. THIRD UPGRADE Spice = Horseman grew and planted in a spirit, by cutting the spirit-bottle cap and causing to go in and like a spice or caterpillar in a cocoon breaks forth in a butterfly or new creature with the former person’s spirit as its raw material. Like killing an alligator for its skin (person) that is used for making clothes (new person); as an alligator ceases to be from this, likewise the former person/angel turned into a spice. They are then networked in an already seraphim line. But are seemingly individual thinking beings. FOURTH UPGRADE Miracle Coat/ Frog Spirit = The same thing as spices, but the spirit with the cut spirit-bottle cap used for these are either eyes or tentacles of a seraphim, so they wear the spice on themselves than having it networked via wheel. Or, such cut-spirit-bottle caps spirits are from cleave-hinds of seraphim, which the cleave-hind is like an eye of seraphim, so it's similar to literally wearing the spice than having the spice worn via wheeling on a network. The latter seems the most potent and with a bag of spirit not guarded, that is quintillion upon quintillion upon quintillion times infinite amount of wheels a seraphim can make from cleave-hinds with horsemen. But the Miracle Coat/ Frog Spirit are instinctive (Scripts) and their consciousness is that of the head seraphim, hence simple made pseudo wheels or a Seraph stretching himself. The miracle coat / Frog Spirit as lacking consciousness, but that of the seraphim, can also be given consciousness, in this case, smoked chi. So they can be furnished with smoked chi, for instance, superb intelligence, war skills, kings, even economic trade skills, yet on scripts like eyes; likewise if on spices, on their networks. One can make all the wheels in their seraphim lines outfitted with a smoked chi of a king. These with or without smoke chi I term ‘Big Bugs.’ Especially if a horseman turns a spice, and not networked or is self-willed, with that spirit attained in turning a spice was, per say, the full composite of satan or Ra or EA, which that spice would be a really Big Bug. A FIFTH UPGRADE is liken to this, and comes from the prophetic miracle coat usage itself, "And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs [FROG SPIRITS] come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles [WHERE I GET THE TERM 'MIRACLE COAT', SEEMS AN OPTION MIGHT BE TO ENTICE THE MASSES TO USE THEM], which go forth unto the kings of the earth [HEAD OF STATES FIRST] and of the whole world [ALL PEOPLES NEXT], to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments [THIS PART, WHEN THEY ATTACK AND ATTACH TO A HEAD OF STATE, IT PUSHES THAT ANGEL FROM HIS BODY, AS IN CAN'T KEEP HIS GARMENT OR FLESH. BUT SUPPOSE, THE NEXT UPGRADE, IT TAP INTO THAT SPIRIT AND SPICE IT FROM A SPICE ITSELF, WEARING NOT ONLY THE HEAD OF STATE FLESH, BUT HIS SPIRIT? A SPICE WITHIN A SPICE]" (
Rev 16:15). This usage of the miracle coat is actually used now, as in today, but this encoded prophecy points that at time it will be widely released upon the earth, etc. May God have mercy on us!

11) Smoke Chi: - I use chi not to give attention to easterrn religion or utilize it, as R. Schuler, but it has become a common terminology recognizable by all as the individual’s energy, self, abilities or all. Smoked chi is the same thing as suckry, but of the dead, their “used” all or innate ability is sucked or smoked in hell’s fire and used on these worker of hell (locust) and head (Ab). Later one will see this is an evil as suckry and the potential, in not is already, for great iniquity.

12) Warp Chi: - This is likened to suckry and smoked chi but legally done, so to speak and only involves the saints. That is, when a person becomes saved, God gives them a purpose and manifest their ability, provision made for also. However, such provision and help to fulfill such destiny is aid by they angel assign to that person, to the point that if that person fail to carry out their destiny, it is defaulted to their angel; as God’s word will not return unto him void (Isa 55:11). His angel sort of act in that capacity to fulfill that purpose, encoded in Acts 12:1-16 or as said therein “It is his angel” when peter was locked up but someone with his voice proceeded; the notion held was if so, it would be his angel. This procedure is explained thus, "And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey...Then he which had received the one talent came and said, Lord, I knew thee that thou art an hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strawed...Take therefore the talent from him, and give it unto him which hath ten talents" (Matt 25:15-28). Now, what some angels has done, well the Head blue, EA (possible name Bel) which spawn such to other angels, is to create difficult circumstances and pressures on all sides to let that saint can bring their purpose to “accomplishment” and then by default take it. A VERY GREAT EVIL! Instead they are to make sure that saint fulfill their destiny. It’s like a babysitter, getting 12 ounce of baby food to feed a baby, but throws it away if the baby doesn’t eat it. So with his hand he squeeze the baby’s belly when the baby is about to eat so that the baby vomit the food just put in and don’t want to eat it, then that babysitter takes the baby food eat it while watching soap operas. When the parent asks why did you eat the baby food, the baby sitter reply, “O, she didn’t want it.” The parent then replied, “oh, good thing you eat it so it doesn’t goes to waste.” The baby later died. I experienced this first hand, mingled with suckry. This was played out in my struggle with encoded Erno Rubik, but later found it streamed from the head to steal the books given to write, simply because in my purpose is greatness, even about his jurisdiction. So the purpose and rewards is warped to the angel. This of EA is encoded in Rev 10, having my books, “Go and take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel which standeth upon the sea and upon the earth” (Rev 10:8). With that book and purpose “Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings” (
Rev 10:11). The rewards in that purpose is Kingship, A dispensation of Saints, 50 council, etc., so it was a nice bait to expose this evil within the blue network. This really couldn’t be seen of found out, as the parent (heavens) heed the words of the baby sitters always, especially when the baby cannot speak; but though the heavens rejoice over one sinner that repents (bud), fail to keep rejoicing when that sinner hasn’t blossom in his purpose. This is the depths of satan mentioned in Revelations, right beside the saints and not illegally but legally defrauding and stealing from them; EA encouraged, fostered, done himself and possible sharing of such Christ inherence with him in the 1000 year reign if they had gotten away with it. Even deeper, EA was so prideful and presumptuous to warp the chi of every saint, reason being, in the resurrection or 1000 year he would be the EA then but his position seemingly compromise as conquerer or God of nations, “Which commandeth the sun, and it riseth not; and sealeth up the stars” (Job 9:7), because his eyes rule the kingdoms of the world as kings, princes and Head of states with a large seraphim stretch of the world; but when Christ comes to reign, we the saint would rule the nations with him, as these Kings and Priest (Rev 20:6). So in order for that not to happen and he through eyes and wheels overthrow this plan of Christ for the saints, he would warp all the saints chi into himself and legally he would rule the nations with his seraphim network not Christ’s, in the 1000 year reign, seemingly legal because that ruler-ship is apart of the purposes done and rewarded that was defaulted to him; him being the head blue, means all angels assign to human saint he is, probably push out that ladder angel to his eyes, to do the purpose and get the reward then fill them back in, as the saint remain clueless. This is sort of mirrored in the first book quoted, Matthew 25, verse 31-34, "When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world." Hence, Christ sort of waver and not give out that much purposes and reward, “many as have not this doctrine, and which have not known the depths of Satan, as they speak; I will put upon you none other burden” (Rev 2:24). Rather what you as a saint have attained to do, hold to it and don’t let it go, even your angel want your baby food, “But that which ye have already hold fast till I come. And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations: And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father” (Rev 2:25-27). This the Lord gave to me when my angel was wrestling with me to steal my books, words, preaching, etc, “I will confess [plead your cause] his name before my Father, and before his angels [that, by legal requirements, is stealing your rewards, crown, by your purpose]” (Rev 3:5). Then he said, “hold…that no man take thy crown” (Rev 3:11). Another thing that I shouldn’t really mention but an anomaly to the situation, the thing put on me to kill me became the thing that aided me to finish my purpose, encoded in the first clause of Rev 3:5, “the same shall be clothed in white [was at peace with me] raiment [Ra-Garment, or an obeast].”

13) Karma: - As using chi above, when I started used this term in analogy I don’t use the term directly, but says something like “what easterners call Karma.” I refuse to acknowledge usage for it is borrowed from eastern religion, which has no mixture with Christianity. The term is only a popular identifier to those who use it and don’t even practice eastern religion. Because the meaning is cross-cultured or a common sentiment to all, for it means something like, “what goes around comes around” or “whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” (Gal 6:7) as the Bible taught. If you don’t like the referential to eastern religion like me, I’ve made my own from the bible. That is, the acronym of “Whatsoever A Man Soweth, That Shall He Also Reap” is WAMSTSHAR, the “T” being silent is WAMSSHAR or WAM for short, so the next time you do evil remember you just got WAM!

14) Abbreviate Names: - {a} EA – short for Eagle, the Shepherd bull, but his real name I don’t know, possibly Bel. In encoding he is referred to John for being the forerunner to the liberators; also as Peter, to contrast and highlight the conflict with Paul, who is encoded as box.  {b} RA – Fallen Raphael or creator of Egypt.  {c} EM – or Erno or Erno Rubik or Macky for my angel that attempted thiefy of books / purpose, etc and touched the hallow of my thighs.  {d} Jay – or blue Jay or JJ for the next in command of my assigned angels [60] that replaced EM in the interim. {e} Ab – or Abaddon or Apollyon for the angel of the pit, hell’s domain and even anti-Christ  {f} Sun – or satan.  {g} Pig – or Ma, Ra’s consort and one of the 4 pillars of Egypt; Kir or K higher self and supposedly birthed the box. {h} Barb – from or Barnabas, this be the staff`(obeast) that grew on me while in Florida. A decoding was given on her in that name. One, unaware to you while on the road, the creature helps prevent the bars from places of rest when evil comes to push me out on the street or wherever they will. The dynamics done I shouldn’t repeat. As “thy rod and thy staff they comfort me”, the name Barnabas means “”Son of consolation.” So I was inadvertently tied to a traveling companion in preaching and godly exploits. Several names with Bar have an encoding of them. One such is Barabbas, Me as a godly saint represent Jesus Christ and the creatures represent the outcast Barabbas who was set free, in one flesh. So, they are not necessarily legal, but “it happened” by God for certain purposes, awaiting to be loosed, but currently in one flesh is the holy and outcast; the dynamics unknown to me by the creatures can be liken to “magic,” yet only tapping into the antiquated, but haven’t spoiled my salvation or state before God because of Jesus justification. Hence, I guess the other encoded name of Bar-Jesus; and I guess allowed for the evil multitude that would actually Bar “Jesus.” The staff, when off, seems transplantable, is encoded Diana, from a valley of Vision. {i} Herod – or roddy or Prince Herod, the staff-obeast is different from the rod-obeast and the latter more potent to tap into the antiquated, hence more potent, to the point in the valley of vision successfully gained the head of John, which is EA. I also referred to him as E-ragon [or the Electric Dragon] your Era may come; seems also the antiquated of man can fabricate the digital. {j} Long John Silver – or the cold cut trio of Ma or Pig [Long seraphim stretch], EA [John, head policeman & forerunner] and Satan [foremost sliver specialist in earth]; remarkably these be the pigs of each team, “Egypt 4 pillars” [Its Pig - Ma], Rev 6:1-8 evil horse riders [Its Pig - Satan] and Rev 14:6&14-20 Fab 5 [Its Pig - EA]. {k} Pat – short for Pat-roy, John or EA wheel that is referenced several times in scripture, mainly in the case of the S.O.S or amber alert from heaven. This is encoded in the phrase, “John on the Isle of Patmos,” EA was in the household or seemingly on the Island where I grew up near me through his wheel Pat. {L} Dragon Ball – Satan is the dragon in scripture prophecies. So a dragon ball is an eye or another self of his (e.g. cleave-hinds), in a script form. That is, operate like an eye, but undetectable as his eye or self. It functions like a separate entity even for million of millenniums, even fight against him in ploy. But still can script it from a far or even retract it if needed. {M} Kir – or K or KP, for the Pig self that has violently and cunningly sought to wed box, which also led to rape, incest, etc. She had been amidst box childhood household as a runner or overt suckerer which Pig and Ra sells and also foster in the share-a-ton to EA, AB, etc. Very lewd, nasty and still an overt suckerer like Pig and is Pig on script via eye; which encoding dictates Pig opened that eye. Nonetheless, a famous angel that work with several networks in the earth, whereby with the EA pack mostly, foster the cutting of spirit bottles and spicing the world. The EA pack in further conspiracy forcing her wed box to get the two Pillars, to suck on them as well, pollute box and pollute them. {O} Ar – or Ariel, for the stalwart of hope in the sea civilization, amidst its filth. She being God fearing and full of piety, relative to her peers and sought to spread that there. An angel and also one of the four winds. Ariel meaning Lion of God, which is also a symbolic name for Jerusalem (Isaiah 29:1-2,7).

15) Valley of Vision: - From Isaiah 21:1, “The burden of the valley of vision.” A term suggesting multiple steams of life or reality. That is, seeing, as in a vision, different ways something could go or paths that can be taken; as this leads to this or that leads to that. Before the Lord, our lives are like this, all the ways, turns and paths we would or would have taken in life. As such, he can control our destinies by our choice. All possible ways or path we take are before him, seeing the good and bad, hence like a valley, wide and full (a bowl) of visions (of all paths and endings); we choose our destinies though and by the choice he foresees and help pattern our lives. Like seeing tomorrow you’ll be shot on Main Street, but stayed in that day and averted. He can see the evil choices we make as well or what our intents were. In the verse mentioned he used it to personally speak that he has my life covered and even gave some of the bad that he took care of; one as far as age 65 if live that long.

16) Leave Behind: - Like a paper trail in art, life, music, etc that encode a message by a fallen angel mostly. In essence, something to come is put in the “times” before it happens that when it happens a message was left of it, or when someone comes to an awareness, a message is left surrounding that increased understanding. I shouldn’t but give several examples throughout, like “Long John Silver.” Leave behind is liken to the category, “Secrets of the Obvious.”

17) The Fence: - Caught in the box fence. Basically, rather than rebuking or exorcising every devil every second in Yahoshua’s name through faith at every attack, I placed it on automate by decree, these decrees a sort of personal law. For instance, every time a spirit does this to me, this automatically will happen to them. The fence though not the original intent is of the Lord, “I will make thee unto this people a fenced brasen wall: and they shall fight against thee, but they shall not prevail against thee: for I am with thee to save thee and to deliver thee, saith the LORD” (Jer
15:20). The fence came to me from the Lord in 11 Chronicles 15 and 16, but long before that as a youth, the Lord used 11 Chron 15:3 to say I desire you to be a teaching priest. Then back in Kentucky, he mentions the many decrees of personal defense and me working on them is reference to Baasha, which is not necessarily becoming of his purpose/intent of me reference in Asa. Now in 11 Chronicles 15 and 16 Baasha built a fence/barricade around ASA, which signifies me building the fence around me in many prayer decrees. This fence was called Ramah, “Baasha…built Ramah” (11 Chron 16:1). In other words, ram into it. But where I was first staying after leaving Florida, he says, though good to protect you, satan can use the fence to make people ram on it and die. Though… So you shouldn’t be too busy with building this but be ASA a teaching priest. Though lately I made a decree that bar such usage by anyone, including satan, Ra, etc. Then an encoding paper trail of it was left in the word Bashan from Baasha. Example, Og (hog or ham, the pig) is king of Bashan, she is a dare (deer - dorcas) and chief one that keep running on the fence and dying with her continual evil. Another paper trail of the fence in action is on the road since 2006, “The Lord said, I will bring again from Bashan, I will bring my people again from the depths of the se” (Psalm 68:22), i.e., some sea people came up and some of them hopeful, but ran on the fence and died; here the Lord promises to raise up the innocent of them. So this can be bad itself if not known, but if not known, should evil be done, as clearly universally known “Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm” (Psalms 105:15). Nonetheless, some evils of angels have become or is their nature, such they should have adjusted around me, but no one seems to have told them. Verse 23 or Psalms 68, the dogs were there and know and should have, but I guess they couldn’t differentiate which sea people are evil revengeful or innocent hopefuls. Fortunately, those sea people who feel by the fence had their satan Wheelock broken. And on a lesser note, angels can fail, so the fence from Jer 15:20 is of the Lord. In the ASA story in 11 Chron even with the fence and angel falling (Psalms 22:29) encoded Asa can become weary and Benhadad (RA) came in the picture to help, though I wouldn’t ask his help, it was there in the encodings. Then 11 Chron 16:9 and last clause 14 states what help is given and more potent, e.g. Mike, an actual eye of God, as with wheel and eyes of a seraphim.  His presence is a fence too, especially breaking the Sons of Belial. 11 Chron 16:12, the obeast upholding my feet wasn’t a help of RA, just happened without my knowledge and his and others intent for evil on me; and I sought the Lord for my feet. Another verse that deals with this dual fence is Psalms 68:2, “As smoke is driven away [fence 1], so drive them away: as wax melteth before the fire [fence 2], so let the wicked perish at the presence of God.” The latter fence break the Sons of Belial, melting the spirits and reshaping them back to original state, another rare and impossible skill. The former fence is like fanning smoke, it cause those who run into the fence to fall into hell, as such their wheelock to any is broken, but can they get out from thence without God’s aid; another point I learnt from this was that when a person dies or be cast in hell, the cleave-hind is not broken, they are just bound in hell as a cleave-hind, in this I had concluded that a cleave-hind can be worst than death. Finally, Psalms 68:15, “The hill of God is as the hill of Bashan; an high hill as the hill of Bashan,” that is, the fence (hill of Bashan) is liken to God’s throne (hill of God), anything that offends die, as no man shall see God and live (Eze 1:22); and so while on the road in mobile resting places I first got this at the first one, “Kings of armies did flee apace: and she that tarried at home divided the spoil” (Psalms 68:12).

18) Bubble City: - Or, Bubble City Technology (BCT). It mainnly seems a RA invention, but utilized worldwide, even by the blue and purple in America. This verse gives a bit of the description before any explanation can be given, “Hast thou with him spread out the sky, which is strong, and as a molten looking glass” (Job 37:18). In encoding, a sort of mirrored imaged of the real thing or a sort of illusion; I guess real life example is the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle. That is, mostly in the sky but also the physical domain, the principality has put the domain in a bubble, whereby it is impenetrable from attacks or even gaining entrance thereto even though it is opened. A sort of mirage. This is somewhat touched on the post “Detail Encodings In Job.” From it, a bubble city is really like putting the domain in another dimension on the same axis. The building is at the same place but you walked right through it. You just drank some water from a pond that wasn’t there. Hence, as seen in that post, the wind bulls doing their duties to such a domain tending to the atmosphere that is an illusion and hence not tending to their jobs. In the bubble city, the principality can cause his own rain, sun, snow, etc and so omit the need for the 4 winds tending, somewhat. Also in the bubble city, is the added ability to flush, that is, when evil comes in to kill, steal or destroy (sometimes their jobs), they can be flushed out yet proceeding to attack. Hence, the term, “Bubble and Flush,” seemingly from Ra labs. As cited with the example of the winds, this artificiality can interfere with the scheme of things, atmosphere and world, yet would seem beneficial to the user; who mostly utilize such to hide and do evil. September 11, 2001 was an impossibility and only achieved by someone with overt expertises in Bubble City or even allowed from the heavens. Nonetheless, another impossibility from the heavens happened to the domain of the foremost expert on it, RA, in the hurricanes of 2005 in the Caribbean and south. So it be dangerous, in the literal sense that you can get lost in your own house backyard, but other variables are in place to off set such. One “circles” seems to suggest the 7 spirits of God and 2 pillars is above such and have a passport through any such, as in, if get in trouble dial 911; the 7 and 2. Nonetheless, it be a great tool of evil and hence illegal or should now be made illegal and the heavens, even destroyer, loose break up such worldwide.

18) Lines: - I mention this only because I use the word several times to different things, and would want to make those different things known, as not to confuse the word. {a} From suckry, the suckerer taking the exploits of a suckeree I refer to as line, because of steam nature thereof of a person, most often will be composed of several exploits or lines, yet the same dough, hence shouldn’t be taken. For example, a person being a musician, tennis player, artist, etc., most often that suckeree is on the sucker system that took the line then thwarted the suckeree away from that budding line to generate the next line with trouble, turmoil, madness and even death, to get the next line. The exploits of the suckeree is referred to as a line also because it is like a well, from that line several exploits on the same stream, or that line can have different outcomes; as given in an example, a Michael Jordan (23) and then a Shaquille O’Neal (32) on the same sucked line, for example, not necessarily the case. Most often when that person dies from pressuring to generate another line, an obeast is used to takeover the person though they are dead, and even continue in that flesh in lesser deposits of the line; from this latter process, you see that the present Egyptians have mostly done so and why in times pass I referred to Ra them as the “master of the line.” For this, not only the dead suckeree “come to the end of the line” (pun intended) but any that have continue to do so; and regardless of, wont stop, that said sentiment is to be rewarded with withholding any mercy, grace or pardon both now and forever (Eze 3:20, 2 Peter 2:9)! This continuance with the leaders of that regime trying to justify their works and evil (Job 27:5), even prying to my mind to appease such. {b} From the theory of the Seraphim, a seraphim has several hierarchy of wheels, this system of wheels they motion I refer to as a line also; the seraphim line. Because, like on the original organizational charts, the hierarchy is joined together by lines with literally the spirit of the seraphim in every wheel of that seraphim line. For a better picture, like a woman walking all her dogs on a leash, from her hands a line or string to every dog; an even more real picture of that are the dog drawn sledges in Alaska. Hence, the network of wheels the seraphim has is connected by a line in the example of an organization chart. That line is likened to their spirit that connects every wheel. {c} Then from that latter explanation is a referential “to being on the line,” that is, we are all in God but he allowed us being accounted for by being streamed on the seraphim line of the 4 beasts. So in essence, all seraphim, all persons or all beings in existence are on the stream of the 4 beasts. They be the seraphim of that line, but those lines are the beings existing in God, but like accountants to a billionaire’s money, so these are like 4 accountants of the streams of God. All things came from God and cannot exist without him, so they are hooked over all these beings in existence as seraphim to their wheels, so once born you are on the line or accounted for in God, which these 4 beasts oversee.


Along with the 2007 index, some reference used is not in the former posts but used from other outlets from the same blogger and need to be read to have a full understanding of this blog and even the 2007 posts. Some are listed below:

1) FROM SEPT 2006 NEWSLETTER:- Just this part, “P.S.:  Erno Rubik, ‘Every invention has an official birth date. For the [Rubik] Cube this date is 1974 when the first working prototype came into being and a patent application was drafted. The place was Budapest, the capital of Hungary. The inventor's name is now a household word. At the time, Erno Rubik was a lecturer in the Department of Interior Design at the Academy of Applied Arts and Crafts in Budapest’ (www.rubiks.com). This reason I cited that source was that even leaving and leaving and leaving and even with the case of the McDonalds, only seen to my blog guest, this creature still persist; acclaiming the unthinkable - trying myself to claim down and apply what psychologist call the ‘fundamental attribution error or element,’ whereby you look over pass ill events done to you with laughter or a sense of peace, as if it wasn't blasphemous malicious thievery worthy of banishment in Hades forever - this attempted suckry, that is. So it seems someone left this behind or it be circles, where it is explained what he was doing, the inventor bearing the namesake thereof; though many have ravished my lines. That is, sucking all the pieces from the preacher, like all the colored square on the Rubik's cube, but he cannot put it together; so allow the preacher to redeem the times and then acclaim he is the one that did it, after the preacher is done, seeing he fondly with the colored pieces before the preacher redeemed his own thing; as said in another piece, ‘thieving all to cover all,’ but can't put it together. That is, it would be said, he is the first with this or that, so he is the source or real author; plus awaiting other books and things I've plan to do with the same intent, having sucked or seen it before. Sadly, the preacher, having no clue of suckry, would hand his own thing over to this suckerer; and sadly, so is the case with many human beings, hence, so help me God, Suckry must stop!! Given this scenario and many other exposition of truth, evil is always on the prowl to smear my credibility to stop the truth, so be on the look out. And I rebuke such in Yahoshua's (Jesus') name, especially given this technological advance age whereby photos, videos, DNA and other things can be easily fabricated to look real, and I should know, I'm a graphic technologists by profession. So regardless of, we are taught, ‘No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn’ (Isa 54:17).

2) FROM AN ARTICLE:- That article is entitled, “Understanding Suckry” and short appending to that is “Understanding Suckry – With Examples.” It can be found at (1) http://www.threeq.com, (2) http://www.mcquickenterprise.com/articles/index.html, (3) http://www.oocities.org/muchfood4u, (4) http://muchfood4u.100free.com,  (5) http://articles.95mb.com. It would be also good to browse these articles that can be found at those sites as well, “Silent Genocide” and “ With Me.”

3) FROM A BOOK:- A good book to read with pre-knowledge to this blog, if a human saint very aged trying to understand, is “DEMONOLOGY REVEALED.” The ISBN =1419642235 and ISBN-13 =978-1419642234. Search on http://www.amazon.com with title, ISBN or author’s name. Or try these other buy links, (1) http://www.lulu.com/content/188621, (2) http://www.lulu.com/content/188624, (3) http://www.cafepress.com/demonology.34266240. There is also a phone ordering from cafepress.com, simply call toll-free at 1-877-809-1659 & ask for the following number 34266240. There is also a phone ordering from booksurge.com, simply call toll-free at 1-866-308-6235 with ISBN, Title or author’s name. You can also find a free download in PDF to print out at (1) http://www.ThreeQ.com, (2) http://www.Lulu.com/godshop, (3) http://groups.msn.com/eachurch/eacbooks.msnw, (4) http://books.mcquickenterprise.com.

4) SIMPLY PREVIOUS ISSUE TO BE AROUSED:- The last conflict that was left to be dealt with was between red and blue or the North (heaven - blue) and South (Earth - reds). As said, after such, the true red would have the status of the blue being white or saints. This is similar to human saints who are higher than angels being second to God through Christ, but unlike innate angelic capabilities haven’t really tap into this grace; as said elsewhere, “white man can’t jump,” but possible white angels who are redeemed can. Sort of why this is left for last, those with an everlasting Christ-like stride after much waiting receive such. The 2007 posts touch on this but the full extent not cover but enough to push in a “refreshing” and walk with God. Tenets guidelines should be given to formulate ongoing doctrine, if and only if truly inspired by the Lord; as prayed of if in my absence. In these posts, one thing that should be highlighted is the struggle police (blue) have with hopefuls (red), a good reason for this is that the unthinkable happened, yellow hacked the blue network; that’s like giving the mafia control of the government and armory. Beside corollaries from this, other conflicts between them should be petty, like red would charge them of over use of power when you rightly sin. Another thing one might want to know since blaming satan for any blue conflicts that occur is how long has EA being sleeping with satan?

Other conflicts were sort of resolved and this left. As said in the last post of 2006, “In these last four posts I’ve attempted to clear up the controversies/divisions and bridge the gap between (1) Babylonians and Egyptian hopefuls, (2) Hopefuls on Earth and those in the Sea, (3) ‘Kiwanians,’ for K bride and ‘Lion Club’ for Ar bride, (4) North America and South America, (5) Old US civil war south and north, (6) and even one that might come up with the two pillars. The last division to clear up is between Reds (all hopefuls) and Blues (Police affectionately), having done so all will be considered blues, being white like the human saints, as all would be white; but all has to pass through the Jesus blood, red. This would mean the fallen can be saved and if saved, then apart of the body of Christ, which is one, with the same authority and sanctity. The only other angels left are yellows – these three colors and class of angels remain. Hopefully soon, two, – White (Saints/Police) and Yellows (outlaws), there is no in between (Lk 11:23).”

Another thing, the use of North and South seems to refer to three pairs, (1) Babylonian Hopefuls – North and Egyptian Hopefuls – South; simply because of the literal present location of the core of these groups, Babylonians are in America which is North of where the Egyptians are, in the south or Caribbean-Central/South America. (2) Because of such, etc, you have literal territory conflict of North Americans and South Americans. (3) Then previously in old civil war America, the country was divided in North and South, the conflict was also angel related as discussed and encoded in the first Petersburg in civil war South. (4) However, the first referential I used North and South for was to align with Biblical encoding, that is, North being Heaven or of the Blues and South being Earth or of the Hopefuls/Reds. Lastly, not really a conflict but something I didn’t realize and just to highlight it, there is probably another set of hopefuls in the Netherworlds, of the locusts, as such are usually on then off earth and no real conflict with the other set of hopefuls which they “seeminglessly” mingle with. I guess the conflict was not with hopeful issues but their coat present meant no shade to do evil and live, as they are hangmen, a sort of system “requirement;” this was not really overt for you had case of Tom (EA) and Jerry (AB) or John in the wilderness eating locusts. That is not a real conflict either, as sort of like petty issues with the police, but cleared in present delegates overseeing such in the earth, like Mike and a new EA. Then because Satan is removed from Ab, he is considered no longer yellow but still an evil; normally all evil is black, but like the other head of colors, have a people, dominance, separate own domain, a large seraphim network and seemingly heaven allowance, even crowns. So encoding seems to dictate a color of brown from an encoding in the word “HeBron,” he brown. It was in the times but I didn’t state it; from the times, he was attributed that color from the color of the ground, brown. Nonetheless, if the theory to end the 2007 post is not true, a good cause for brown was that he stood his ground with satan, being wheelock to him and was only brown and not black or a cleave-hind, as the mighty EA became. Ab here sort of the case with Trident, to be seen later, but unlike Trident he didn’t have an Ar heat but would have been his own heat. The colors are mainly to categories large influences and really, as said above from the 2006 post quote, only two colors of set should remain, “White (Saints/Police) and Black (Outlaws), there is no in between (Lk 11:23).

5) SIMPLY HOW HE IS:- In the “Detail Encodings In Job” I was warned of Satan-EA of what he’s doing, though you don’t see him about you from writing since 2000, he’s about and trying to make you contradict yourself. That is, by your own mouth refute the truth, especially the truth about him and his; if I say this then if I say that, but cannot get out saying this, then have said that and the truth is lost and I look foolish, like the “fool” himself, EA. Hence, fabricating, withholding, blocking reasoning of myself within my mind, suckry, gloving, interpolating, farseeing outcomes then fabricate the opposite in my recordings, and many other things, even in scripture. In his Job profile, Job 9, it was said here, "If I justify myself, mine own mouth shall condemn me: if I say, I am perfect, it shall also prove me perverse. Though I were perfect, yet would I not know my soul: I would despise my life. This is one thing" (Job 9:20-22). The last sentence in key, it was used in the encodings of Job, to say satan working with EA, one thing. Here, with this, he is doing the same thing as satan from long ago, even while being the Shepherd Bull. This same thing of satan is said in this verse, “that make a man an offender for a word, and lay a snare for him that reproveth in the gate, and turn aside the just for a thing of nought” (Isa 29:21). Quite possibly EA and Satan belongs to the same seraphim tree, another rendering of, “This is one thing;” that will be later discussed, which more than given (and that given enough alone), warrantee that seraphim tree being completely dried up!


I had said this in the last posts of 2006, "Didn't want to write anymore encodings and discipline myself not to until I'm well, eyes fixed, spiritually mature and learn allot more, hopefully intermingle with the flock, probably settle down and become "self-sufficient" (Though not a requirement), etc." I really shouldn't, not even rested after many sleepless nights and years of ministry and writing as one man doing a worldwide ministry; yet the 2007 posts are so many. I guess they came because the sickness continues, self-sufficiency not plausible, and years might not be allowed for human maturity/learning, eyes not correctible in this state and hence death might be forthcoming; yet doing such with the same tampering of my bible/literature so search the publication prayerfully for yourself and justified with God, your bible and your studies. So just in case I die and not resurrected I wanted to leave some literature for the angel fold and even try to enlighten the aged human fold as I am enlightened. The literature to the angels is abridged and not the years of studied, experience and searching to be put in the intended book "D.C: Strange New World" and "D.A: The Fallen Race," as said of the Lord this is not necessarily a quick shot as now, but "great searching of heart." Notwithstanding, the Abridge form should be enough bridge to such teachings, as the doors in heaven opens nonetheless and with salvation comes God's spirit and with God's spirit is God which teacheth you more than any other teacher, "But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him" (1 John 2:27).

Chapter 2


(The Third or Second Seed)

Now, of the first four scripture that I got concerning me, the last was Psalms 102:23 and I deemed only that verse in that chapter; it reads, “He weakened my strength in the way; he shortened my days.”

Some time later I received the decoding of Psalms 22, 23 and 24 which encodly had oodles of a possible purpose and myself. It was also timely because I was often contemplating the suckerer attempt of my purpose and things I had done by the Lord. Then verse 31 of Psalms 22 said plainly of the red fold in opposition to the suckerer attempt of my purpose thrown on another, “they shall come and declare that the Lord had done this through me.” I didn’t think much of this when first written but later encoding shows that this witness of me is vital. Verse 30 gave the identification of the “they”, “A seed shall serve him; it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation.” By now this is confusing for Psalms 22 had been also referenced to Christ and Psalms 23 is infamous. However, prophecy is encoded and can only be decoded by God to you at the time, so no matter what it cannot be figured out until the time. Plus God hinted that it was nothing for him to use his own Christ prophecies dually for something or someone else, as he did with Isaiah’s children and life. Now, verse 30 said, “A seed shall serve him; it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation.” A generation is often regarded as 40 years. The forty points to the time of my existence from this time forth (2005) given in the third scripture given to me of those 4 scripture personally given; this one being Daniel 12:11-12, which revealed the encoding on 45 years of box life (since 2000) revealed in the post, “Your 5 versus My 5 : The Pattern of 5.” The 40 years or generation couldn’t point to Christ because we had and always will serve him for all generations since AD 1 to present. It couldn’t point to Christ also, because he didn’t even live a generation or prophesied to live a generation – 30-33 years. Now verses 16 to 28 of Psalms 22 have overt elements of Christological prophecy, especially verse 18 (seen in Matt 27:35) and verse 28 (seen in Matt 2:6). But prophecy can be dual, especially when meant to be encoded. For instance, Ethan in Psalms 89:26-27 spoke clearly of David but the same thing was said of Christ also. Now, verse 18 of box, as I’d put it long before this, points to suckry, many stealing my stuff, purpose and redemptive outreach to all, a classic steal is the one that perpetrate red & purple, Pig. To which Psalm 23:3 said I would be restored. Verse 28 of Psalms 22 will be explained another time.

What I desire to explain is the seed that serve him in verse 30 of Psalms 22. Now, if “him” as in “seed shall serve him …generation” isn’t encoded Christ and points to after Christ or box, what seed could that be seeing any seed or the last seed in the line of Judeo-Christianity are the Christians? The speculation is that this seed is the fallen angels redeemed and if so, meant a justifying for them – “his righteousness” – this is sort of explained in Psalms 24 and from the opening line, Psalms 102:23.

Psalms 24:6 again mentioned a generation, “This is the generation of them that seek him, that seek thy face, O Jacob.” The implication of this are:

(1)     The word Jacob was used because he’s the father of Israel or the 12 children that became a nation and spawn Judaism. This is the first seed – Judaism. Then the second seed is the seed of Israel or seed of Judaism, which are the Christians (all other humans). What is there left to redeem that can make a third seed? Since men are saved through Jesus Christ, the only persons left to be redeemed by Christ are fallen angels. Which would make them the third seed or the seed that shall serve him in Psalms 22:30. The "him" there is crucial and why it was mentioned “that seek thy face Jacob.” This then bring us to the second implications.

(2)     Jacob was used because he started it in the true Abrahamic faiths, that is, one man produced a nation, Israel. Another man, Christ, produced a nation, Christians. Similarly, this “him” shall produce a new godly nation. Jacob by generation (sex) spawned the nation Israel and Judaism. Christ added to that nation the Gentiles by adoption and the encoded him in Psalms 22:30 will add to that group fallen angels by same adoption. Hence, the “him” there is box.

Psalms 102:18 back this up and again mention generation “This shall be written for the generation to come: and the people which shall be created shall praise the LORD.”  This would have pointed to the same salvation for the fallen angels which wasn’t apart of the godly common wealth but now “created” and shall serve God (Yah) again. This same chapter (Psalms 102) that I got one verse from the Lord about me – verse 22-23. But when I read it further I realized the entire chapter would seem to be about this, especially the last verse that said what was started will continue even when I die.

Now back to Psalms 24, what makes me further attribute this to fallen ones is verses 1-5, which states a return to heaven for them or entrance to God’s presence again, “hill of the LORD.” Remember, in the resurrection and after, we shall dwell on a new earth, so this instant return would be of the fallen one; verse 3 seems to hint heaven and that none of them can go there after their rebellion – even satan at one time walked up and down in the mount of God, this same place. Then verse 5 said “he,” redeemed, shall receive this access again by “righteousness from the God of his salvation.” When? “This is the generation,” which speaks of now. Notice that it said, “that seek thy face, O Jacob,” know of it and seek this third seed Jacob, which like the first Jacob that spawn a righteous nation, Israel, will spawn their righteousness. As Moses was to the Jews and Christ to Jews and Gentiles, so this man would be to them all (Rev 15:3) – spawning a third seed, by a third mediator, yet all from and of God (Isaiah 43:11). I had said this when first wrote this, “this might not be me, but I do speculate, especially with the OM scenario.” But since then, early 2000’s, much more such identification persist me, but I still use the referential box. If this is the time, then from the same Psalms 102, it might be hid under the contextual meaning of verse 13, “the time to favour her, yea, the set time is come;” verse 13, or 1/3 as in the 1/3 angels that fell with satan.


I had noted and rightly so, that the mere fact that God didn’t kill Adam and stifle Eve showed that he had compassion on humanity; with multitudes of examples throughout history (Noah, Lot, etc). The quintessential of this human compassion is Jesus Christ, who redeemed us all. Now, could the same rhetoric be applied to fallen angels? When they had rebelled at first, why didn’t he bound them in utter torment as what will be done to “all” at the last? Could it be there was a hope, as in there was a hope for man when he rebelled. Hence, God, all knowing, could have planned their redemption before their rebellion, as he did with humans (Adam & Eve) before they rebelled. For he could have destroyed Adam and Eve and start over, and he could have destroyed the 1/3 and start over. He saw man’s fall and let man live to redeem him and incorporate it in his making of man. Could this also apply, in a sense, to the 1/3? And also, seeing that all men wont be ultimately save at the last, so all of the 1/3 wont be redeemed, but a  remnant, “the proud he [GOD] knoweth afar off” (Psalms 138:6). Even that verse makes it plain that he knew their state afar off (before they rebelled), and if he wanted to destroy them, he would have done it already. Like humans, the mere fact they remain could be a sign of God’s grace to redeem as many as would turn to him. One might say God allowed them to be exiled from heaven on earth to be an example to the holy ones. But couldn’t that be said of the Lake of Fire to come, for both angels and human – destruction to all rebellious. And if man being redeemed to God is also an example or great show of his mercy to men, wouldn’t fallen angels redemption be an even greater example of God’s grace to men and an example of his grace to angels. If in one case a thing is applicable to humans only and not applicable to another being under the same jurisdiction, method and similitude, then in a sense there might be “bias,” but is there bias with God? Can he not do as he pleases? He will work and who will let it (Isa. 43:13)? I laud him for this greatly. But given the outline above, there might be grounds for clemency to be granted to the fallen ones that want to be redeemed. He can choose not to and still be just, for he is God. But at least, if this is “fallen” into my lap, I have a case.

As one scripture has said, “Divers weights, and divers measures, both of them are alike abomination to the LORD” (Prov 20:10). From this, my rhetoric would be fallen man and fallen angel are alike and the same jurisdiction should be given to both. This could also be deemed another case of “Mary, Mary,” for if divers weight and divers measures are both dishonesty, both thieves, then in this case both creatures are fallen (man and angel) and hence both need redemption, not one. As with 'Mary Mary,' one might seem more sinful to us, but in God’s eyes, both were sinners needing redemption. In like manner, both fallen creatures are sinners needing redemption, not one, “Like as a father pitieth his children, so the LORD pitieth them that fear him” (Psalms 103:13) and all of Psalms 103.


If litigating the salvation of the fallen angels, a most important principle must come into play. That is, whatsoever is taught concerning them or this litigation cannot unbalance other established doctrines or any doctrines whatsoever. If it erode even one, throw it out!!! For example, it can’t change or erode any of these:

1.       The Godhead (one God not three or many).

2.       Salvation by faith, followed by Acts 2:38.

3.       Reverence only to God (Yah, Yahoshua) and be fellow brethren to the first, humans or Christians.

4.       Deity of Christ, Yahoshua, is ‘undefiable’ and undeniable (God came in flesh, termed the Son of God).

5.       Casting out of Devils (which are fallen angels, is still very much legitimate for possession is illegal across the board).

6.       Esteemed and inherent authenticity of the Word of God, though in a sense angels predate the Bible and rigorous interpolation therein.

7.       None reverence to angels now being made aware of. That is, because they are manifested with God’s glory humans are not to now give them reference, as if. We as humans are to treat them thus as under the Apostle Paul in Gal 1:8, “though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.” And angels are to shun such, as under the angel in revelation in Rev 22:8-9, “I John saw these things, and heard them. And when I had heard and seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel which shewed me these things. Then saith he unto me, See thou do it not: for I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren the prophets, and of them which keep the sayings of this book: worship God.” Both angel and man are to have a mutual respect for each other, esteeming the other higher than themselves in the Lord, as in, “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares” (Heb 13:2). And all humans are to be aware, “Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels” (Col 2:18); as doing such is the theme of the New Age, shun the new age philosophies and lies, yet there is a thin line between truth and lies, so that this truth can be used to forward the New Age, so be aware and heed the scriptures above to give God (Yah) alone voluntary humility and worship and fear.

Basically what is being dealt with in this new fold is what was dealt with in the previous fold and the ones before that, sin. Having it or charges thereof remove, makes one saved and joined continually to God. Jesus Christ or Yahoshua Ha Mashiah is the best soap to deal with this, but it proves more complex for angels yet plausible. Why? According to my text, diplomatic immunity means, “immune from the jurisdiction of the country in which they are based” (Geography Text). Meaning, while on earth, as a heaven rep., I’m free from earth’s jurisdiction, that of Jewry and inherently, by being saved; I become justified. To the hopeful angels, if achieved, the charges of earth’s sins are washed away, but, is their sin from the earth? No. It seems from the 1/3 rebellion from heaven and not earth and so that needs to be covered in their salvation plan, as diplomatic immunity doesn’t in this sense, as it does earth born saints in the analogy thereof. Yet this would cover a possible horseman flock, which originated here. But as argued, sin is sin whether it be of earth or elsewhere and if pardoned for man can be pardoned for angels. And if joined to Christ’s spirit then can be diplomats of heaven again, seeing Christ is in heaven at the right hand of God as chief in Heaven and his wheels on earth, saints, are the heaven reps. Then again, a person never in the force, then trained and join the force can be more accepted (humans) than a person that was previously in the force and kicked out for criminal activities (angels). Why would one allow a dirty cop back in the force? Such charges would have to be cleared and that be the purpose of salvation to fallen angels and forthcoming with the doors in heaven opening (Prov 26:14) already for such. Ultimately it be God that decides and acquit such by really knowing the true intents of the heart, for some persons that were kick out of the force have set their hearts to be contrary to God and what be said of humans is more so applicable to them “The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to RESERVE the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished” (2 Peter 2:9).

Christ didn’t necessarily came to save humans, but mankind or even more, any that is lost, he came to save that which was lost. (Matt 
18:11). Angels are lost too, even lost before humans were lost. So would come to save these that are lost too. For if a woman lost two children in the mall, would she put up a missing sign and announcement to find only one, even worse, leave the mall finding one and rejoicing, how much more God.

The Islam Suckry

This methodology is even harder to grasp with the presence of Islam, for as said in times pass, it be a suckry of this; and the tenets of suckry is that the dough is taken altogether, so one can’t make bread (angel salvation) with no dough, as in this case. From the piece/essay “Understanding Suckry,” it seems more potent that Islam is a suckry at the third seed especially that Muhammad “saw himself as the last in a line of prophets, and was the ‘seal of the prophets,’ for in him God’s revelation reached finality. The line stretched from Moses down to Jesus [and last him]” (Smart, “The Religious Experience,” 5th edition). If that line ends at him, then no salvation to fallen angels. Neo-Islam seems to be later crafted to dissuade this with the Imani dogma, which automatically makes it foreign to Islam itself and a different religion, for all follow “precept upon precept” and the foundation is the essence. When it was founded, the founder (satan, false prophet, etc) sent us an encoded warning, represented by the spirit to Muhammad, to discourage the potential or angel salvation; “we too will summon the guards of hell” (Smart, ibid). So Neo-Islam was created to mask this truth of the suckry and threat. The Abraham faith Muhammad claims and be the final prophet of, has the line or should be Jews (Moses), Humans (Jesus) and Angels (Box). Christ finished it for humanity (yet to a lesser extent, all, as the lamb slain before the foundation of the world). So you couldn’t have Jews (Moses), Humans (Jesus) and Humans (Muhammad). Other egg whites occur in his life, after taking the yoke (angel religion) in suckry of the possible angel salvation; which is displayed in the essay “Understanding Suckry-With Examples,” example, Gabriel confrontation, amongst many others. Moreover, there is not two salvation for man, Christianity (being born again) and Islam (being born again again); But this “man [CHRIST], after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God...For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified" (Heb 10:12&14). Though men in great religious piety are regarded by God, the heavens would not directly allow his influence to set off error, especially whilst Christianity was still young; this because the name Gabriel is tied to Islam. Example, Cornelius was man full of piety, yet unsaved. When he got the vision, it was clearly told him what to do – get the Christian man to come get you save, someone with the tenet correct. The same for Paul with Ananias. So it was in fact a suckry on the 3rd seed and even giving a warning to the box to desist from messing with the, or more perfectly forward, his 1\3. But seeing they cannot see and hearing cannot hear. In a sense, this help the cause than damage it for “Surely your turning of things upside down shall be esteemed as the potter's clay” (Isa 29:16).

Jesus, according to Muhammad, “did not die on the cross, but some kind of appearance was substituted for him during the crucifixion and he was raised up to heaven” (The Religious Experience, Smart). This erroneous notion completely overthrow the purpose of Christ, the Christian faith and salvation of mankind. For Christ was the sacrificial lamb slain for all our sins. If the lamb, in normal sacrifice, didn’t die there would be no sacrifice. So if Christ didn’t die literally, there wouldn’t have been remission of sins to all, which set us free and spoiled principalities. This single act is what got the Devil mad, for it loosed humanity from his hand, while he was trying to stop the savior from doing that by killing him. So, in essence, his own effort was used to free us; or his own sword was used to kill him. This error in Islam makes it nothing of or near Christianity or the Abrahamic faith and couldn’t be inspired by the ‘Holy’ true but by satan and his like. For this statement attempts to undo the single most deed that destroyed him and freed us. Now he’s after the box to repeat history (or a first time, for he failed with the cross) to try and stop the mediator with death to prevent the mediation or salvation (Zech 3:1-2).

Note: There is another such organization that fosters a similar dangerous lie, which seems to be built by the same evil that built Islam for this lie off-set the lie of Islam, pacified in Neo-Islam. This organization is even within the confines of the dogma of Christianity, that is, Jehovah Witness. Their lie is this, “The enthronement of Jesus Christ in 1914” (The , March 15, 2007). A very dangerous lie, because Christ enthronement was upon his ascension and was verified with the descent of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. Without this enthronement upon ascension then all saints before 1914 wouldn’t be saved, the day of Pentecost not real, including the lives of Peter, Paul, etc and all the miracles and demonstration of Christ’s power and spirit in the church. But those saints were saved and those miracles of Christ true. The enthronement is crucial to salvation that without it we cannot be saved, so for those before 1914 to be saved and us, Christ had to be enthroned; and it was after this enthronement that the Holy Spirit is even given and Jehovah Witness cannot deny that the Holy Spirit was given before 1914. This verse clears this up, "But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever [THE CROSS], sat down on the right hand of God [ENTHRONED IN HEAVEN UPON ASCENSION]; From henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool. For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified. Whereof the Holy Ghost also is a witness to us [THAT HE WAS ENTHRONED]" (Heb 10:12-15). That verse is very clear and makes the Jehovah Witness 1914 lie very dangerous to overthrow the Christian faith and salvation subtly. But putting it with Islam shows the same author of both religious group. That is, having foreseen the Islam lie exposed, he made the Jehovah Witness lie to mask it, along with Neo-Islam. That is, if before 1914 Christ wasn’t enthroned, he figure would later be seen from this, man wasn’t saved, so if man wasn’t saved Islam wouldn’t be a lie and would be permissible to save man, another soap, since Christians weren’t really until 1914; hence, this would be true, Jews (Humans), Christians (Humans) and Muslims (Humans). Then he would add Neo-Islam, which contradicts Islam, with the doctrine of an Imani (Messiah) to offset that Muhammad was the last prophet. So by the time Christ was supposedly enthroned in 1914, the Imani doctrine was fully established, so Islam continued being seemingly disintegrated and concurrent with Christianity; and Christian truth of no other salvation to man continues now that Christ is enthroned in 1914. With the Imani, he can also use that to perpetrate and destroy the angel mediator and hence, their mediation. In either case from either path each of these religious group he created (Islam and Jehovah Witness) would cover up each lie and forward their first lie at the same time, if any lie is found out. But Heb 10:12-15 breaks this apart, as Christ was enthroned upon ascension, not 1914, and Islam cannot hold true as another soap or salvation or religiosity for man, since that was completed and finished with Christ for all human race about AD 1; “For by ONE offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified” (Heb 10:14). And, “Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole...Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved" (Acts 4:10 & 12). If salvation is only by Christ after Judaism, then Islam couldn’t attest to concur with Christianity, since Christianity states that Islam is false; by Islam making another way or another salvation, other than Jesus Christ (Yahoshua Ha Mashiah), for man. “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6). That time scheme lie of 1914 also possible used to a lesser extent to offset his other lies in thwarting the 1000 years per washed being in preaching, etc; which he deliberately delayed with man to have none other come in. This is explained or from the endnote in the post “Possible EA Triple Threat Theory;” though this lie to offset that would be weak or pathetic for it be obvious but still can throw a bone in it or dim the lie further.

Conclusion on ‘Methodology of Such A Case 1’

When in Florida, I was told not to start this for it is more than seeing but a “great search of heart,” so finish the already books/work, go north, ‘build your house’ and settle down first. The latter statement proves futile by the obvious, so doing and releasing an abridge form, though with it the intent should be gained with faith. Nevertheless, the details is needed, as Jesus to Nicodemus saying one thing, “born again,” but it be two things, “born of water and then born of the spirit.” Over time than present, such more details should be revealed with his spirit. At present, the doors should be opening by faith. Better a route 66 journey given without a car, than no route at all.

Basically, concerning the tenets of salvation to angels, it should be synonymous to that of Christians and epitomize in this verse and encoded of the Christian faith after Judaism that engulf them both, “one law shall be to him that is homeborn, and unto the stranger that sojourneth among you” (Ex 12:49). All the details covered by salvation of Christ to humans are numerous beyond finding out (justification, no hell, no blackhead/cleave-hind, join to God and source again, peace, joy, hope, etc.), so instead of finding them out individually to apply them to angels who are redeemed, in the decree I would transfer all benefits applicable to human saints be applicable to angelic saints even proportionally; 100 pounds for humans is 10 pounds for angels, but commensurate to the same effect. For example, a saved angel can’t lift the empire state building (10 lbs to him) but with Christ can lift it. A save man with Christ can lift that same empire state building (100 lbs to him), so the benefits are commensurated according to the nature of the being, hence all have the same effect and intended output. Plus these new saints are joined to Christ’s seraphim line, cleave to him as human saints when to be raptured. This would mean they be born of the spirit as human saints are.

To be saved as an angel, you must first have the witness you already knowing the mediation/mediator on your behalf simply accept the acquittal verdict with the witness; if and when you believe this witness you will receive his spirit, becoming born of the spirit and from thence or prior, what hinder you to be water baptized in Christ’s name (Yahoshua) which is putting on his name or tangible work of faith. This of the witness is fully seen in post “New Testament Encodings 2” in the section and encoded expository on “1 John 2” to “Jude.” Though angels “infinite” in all knowledge of religions and wisdom of this world, to fully grasps this concept, you have to read and understand the true tenets of Christianity given in many books by many authors, the best and recommended compiled reference is a book called, “The Voice…” by Oneil McQuick (ISBN:
1419617303 and 978-1419617300).

However, having done such and receive God’s spirit by the witness, to identify such a new saint or their witness is harder to see. For human saints it is heavenly tongues Christ speaks in us. But they be from heaven and know tongues and so can fabricate such. So the greater witness is the universal application of love or the fruits of the spirit (Gal 5:22, Eph 5:9) or his; you as angels should more know this witness within yourself, being familiar with wheeling, as against a human saint who speaks tongues Christ is automating in their lips by wheeling but don’t know the background of what is happening.


If the following proves true, the 3rd seed would actually be the 2nd seed. And this new seed be 3rd in the dispensation of grace to 3 sets of being, [1] Jews and Christians (all humans), [2] Angels and [3] Them. As said, if this proves true, the angels would be the real second seed and them the 3rd.

Before writing the above I didn’t realize another intelligent being that might cry salvation is horsemen, as ludicrous as that sounds. Unfortunately they are millions of them, possible billions, as ordinary humans. God said who comes to him in no wise he’ll refuse. But these cannot be saved, even if they follow the above methodology for (1) for they to exist a human has to die, hence be a murderer forever (2) For they to continue living they seems to need blood, another little dirty secret fallen angels foster, hence far allusions in the vampire movies of late, e.g. blade. Bible said that the life is in the blood (Lev 17:11), so to drink blood is to take life, making them not only murderers, but serial killers even if gotten from a blood bank, another stinking dirty secret. (3) Those that worship him, be saved, must do so in spirit and truth, humans have spirits, angels have spirits but not horsemen. (4) No one comes to the Lord except his spirit pulls them, for this to foster you have to have a spirit, as word is void without spirit; being born again is not only a fleshly thing but of spirit and water. Moreover, when the earth was created it was to wash spirit beings in flesh, horsemen are an anomaly to this tenure and hence cannot even be considered to come near to God till those washed beings are done, at the resurrection. So what will happen and should foster would be a “Horseman Holocaust” for their existence not only erode the purpose of the earth, but would wipe out the human race. Nonetheless, scripture seems to encodly point that after Christ return in the “Mad Max” states of the nations, they’ll exist when the washing is completed and saints/priest are resurrected. Having no spirit and would press to God seems the ideal intent for priest and in a sense seems more potent, for you and I are pulled to God by his spirit on our spirit (John 6:44; 14:17), then choose. While if they draw near they did it of their own free will.

But they are savages, murders, not real humans, serial killers and aliens if you will. But how did they come to this state and is it their fault, as sort of the case with a real human baby born into this world? Their creators must be blame, punished and stop!! It is only having experience Psalms 23 of thy rod and thy staff comfort me that such thoughts come into my head. Being grays they cannot live among humans and why would God create another planet civilization for them? Yet if any amount of pardon or exception is shown after the resurrection, the word grace would fully be realized, with its encode of gray-ce. That is not my point to argue or blasphemously look into, but things possible suggest a new bath water after the resurrection and why rubber ducky (yellow) would have been loosed a little in that 1000 year reign (Rev 20:3), as he was loosed from creation in that washing process. But more importantly why that final battle is called, “Gog and Magog.” May was the month I stepped from Florida, RA mat, obeast heaven in America, but more so the obeast grew up to my head and in a normal case should have killed me and taken over; whereby in one fasting that period the Lord seems to mention that it has reached up thy door or mouth. Each month of 2006 it came closer and closer, me getting sicker and more woven; each month meaning applied to each stage, March seem to suggest a March would have taken place of hopefuls to pull me from death by the creature and that south prison. April was the last stage before May and it was sure death, so I would have died but April signifies the Christ resurrection and hence would have been raised up. It seems to have tried in times pass with the evil ones pulling such. One point choking, and I said within, “this is it” and my neck was immediately swollen up and then retracted, this several times and then it ceased. To the point that at one point I fell exhausted on the couch, my heart stopped, within something beckoned to lay my hands on my heart and I did and no pulse whatsoever. Then something within from my abdomen physically moved up as on a wreath network up my belly, chest, neck, then lips like a kiss. I thought I was dead now and just closed my eyes and thinking I wont wake up again. Many such nights went to sleep thinking never to get up. Everything beckoning to me to get out I’m not going to make it; a T.V show at the time resonated this, the David Blain stunt in the water bubble in New York. But I didn’t die in April, but went out in May. By God’s grace I’m not consumed, but it didn’t kill me. May signifying, may I live and declare the wonderful works of God, may something that has never fostered be fostered to show forth a sign; and to my surprise, May Tricks? By this one incident in May being fully wrapped by the creature, like having my head in a lion’s mouth, we might have May-Gogs and Gogs. A separation of horsemen that exist in the resurrection, those willing to follow God as Magogs and the rest Gogs. By this act, it showed an intelligent choice not to be a murderer (but where will it get a body when Christ breaks it off); and surprisingly was divinely taught (Eze 4:7-17) to make its blood substitute from food I eat, in not being a serial killer. That clear some of the hurdles. Then one verse said, “And the Spirit and the bride say, Come [JEWS]. And let him that heareth say, Come [CHRISTIANS]. And let him that is athirst come [ANGELS]. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely [ANYONE ELSE]” (Rev 22:17). “All that the Father giveth me shall come to me [THOSE WITH A SPIRIT]; and him that cometh to me [THOSE WITHOUT A SPIRIT] I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37). However, no one can come to him without a spirit, “No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day” (John 6:44). And so a contradiction occurs of not having a spirit for salvation to begin with in the first place.

Nonetheless, this is only a thought and questioning and at best blasphemous folly Paul admonishes us to avoid; even if trying to “far see,” certain knowledge can impede the body as stated here “through thy knowledge [NOT BAD OF ITSELF] shall the weak brother perish, for whom Christ died? But when ye sin so against the brethren, and wound their weak conscience, ye sin against Christ” (1 Cor 8:11-12); and personally, I don’t want ‘my’ other works to come in contempt. Even worse, horsemen has become a great evil to men and need to be cleanse and eradicated completely, as said in BT Magazine 4, at the least, the entire west, that would prevent any refreshing; and at best, to come, the entire world resulting in what the Bible calls Armageddon, a sublet thereof is the Horseman Holocaust with wormwood also, though humans too are the main object of Armageddon and all other beings. As of now, with them, this is not my call to look into and even though psalms 23 is fostered with the creature in me, every animal is still governed by Instinct. Yikes!!! Don’t try this at home!

Note: From the May experience I use the term May-Den, in another encoding from Proverbs 27:27 it said if I persisted or lived after Satan-EA removal and refreshing then should have enough money even for May-Dens for the “family” (Job 31:34) or 60 replacement horsemen that was spawned from Barb and Herod, "The lambs [ANGEL FOLD] are for thy clothing [1 COR 9:13], and the goats [OUTCAST & TARRYING] are the price of the field. And thou shalt have goats' milk enough for thy food, for the food of thy household, and for the maintenance for thy maidens [MAY-DEN] (Prov 27:26-27).

Before Aaron’s Rod That Budded Was Removed From The Ark

Barnabas seems to ask me a question that is crucial to not attempt preaching to this horseman fold but for that mediator; it showcase the stumbling block and separation he has to deal with of and why he comes and plus I have my hands full already. That is, she asked, though seems doing such, if to eat the eggs is a bad or good thing; as she’s always breeding, as in the paper trail of Aaron’s rod that budded. Before answering, this shows two things, the capacity of consciousness, to then have the ability to discern and ultimately choose good or evil. Secondly, concerning the variation of frogs encoded in Jeremiah 10, it contrast her consciousness with that of these, these stocks with or awaiting a spirit have no consciousness of their own. It reads of them, “they cannot do evil, neither is it in them to do good” (Jer 10:5). That is, they are alive, even with a spirit but are instinctive like animals, cannot discern good or evil or choose either. Such is needed for any sort of redemptive process in the 1000 year reign. The reasons are from the notes below, without a spirit their brains are programmed, hence a built-in consciousness to follow and with a spirit that consciousness is further locked in. There might be possibility for re-program and exorcism, but how and probably near impossible difficult and to non-horsemen, why? They are harvested as slave series for the end time encoded burning (spirit) bush (horseman) or really hybrid wheels of sinister seraphim. As a hybrid wheel it is the personage and consciousness of the seraphim, so the horseman is like raw material of a seraphim himself; yet they seems to operate individually as with intelligence, but intelligence is not consciousness; for example, most computers have intelligence or smarter than most humans but are they conscious beings. So as in the end time frog spirit and the miracle coat, they are programmed to go to the head of states, then once obtain the Head of State garment (flesh and/or spirit), the seraphim the frog spirit belongs to use it as they will, it being now their wheel; though attaining it via the frog spirit. In essence, these frog spirit though alive and intelligent cannot think for themselves; their existence is a script and seemingly no existence without, like an eye of a seraphim (the alt spread of the miracle coat seems by sale, as in miracle or lying wonders this can do for you, i.e., here’s a new upgraded obeast). Now, one of Ra’s spread of himself is not necessarily in frog spirit/miracle coat, but can jack the obeast pigment on a flesh without spirit, hence an existence without spirit; so the natural horseman can have the former consciousness of the dead left and separately think for themselves or own consciousness. Nonetheless, some of Ra’s horsemen could be scripted and frog spirit too, as Egyptians (dogs) can do the same. So preaching to hybrid wheels would be futile, this and many more reasons a mediator have to deal with. Individuality versus program shows their consciousness, example in the verse the Lord said of them when infected in Florida and refuse to acknowledge for obviously someone would call the Mad Asylum on me, hearing voices, i.e., “Shall not they [Barb/Roddy] teach thee, and tell thee, and utter words out of their heart” (Job 8:10). I guess tenets of this conversation was foreseen, which would reveal EA hidden storage of horsemen slaves for satan’s army of hybrid wheels, and so wanted no “Solomon’s Porch” when moved North, or have the creature in, left to be taken out as time passes; or neither would have encoded Solomon even without the creature (Prov 26:13). “Solomon’s Porch,” for an encoding told me that it seems persons are not allowed to have obeasts in the North or present encoded Babylon (good for this human & angel flock) and even mine that can reproduce. So EA is after you about this and also justify his wrong dealings with you with this reason, when I’m dying and given whom the Lord graces me to be should have fostered “Solomon’s Porch” for such “conversation / interplay,” or me learning the tenets of the creature to factor it in or factor it out. But I guess once he’s satan, such reasoning toward the box is futile, but consumption of box, probably why he infected me with the rod; which with the intent that the rod would consume the staff that would foster such interplay and also consume me, as rods seem to be consuming and filling. This came after it was revealed to go up North and what would happen if stayed in Florida; the fold I pertain to is in the North, Obed-edom. This done to me yet in hypocrisy he has storage of horsemen, when mine is temporary as I die and one of the last ones to go in the west cleaning to den. The bad thing about the storage of horsemen for satan’s army and wheels is that it’s done in purple and blue. Then the nature of this burning bush is to put a split spirit or part-melted spirit on them then wait till it cleave, like an hour glass turned upside down; put spirit in then turn over hour glass till obeast fill spirit or spirate. The bad part is satan seems to fetch these spirits from the Abyss then shape them for his storage worldwide. An actual person re-melted for evil. The east (e.g. China) seems to have far more storage by comparison.

Kind of stray from the question of if Barb can eat eggs, but will stray again before answering it, because to us conscious men and the worry of Barb is if this act is cannibalism and wrong. Let me detail some more encodings on before the removal of the rod that budded or Samson’s Jawbone (mouth) of an ass (buttocks) from 1 Sam 5-6 and 10:27. Then I’ll answer the eat eggs from Ezekiel 4-5, however, the conclusion from this is like a “God said it,” as against waste/dung and menstrual cycle. Unknown, but possibly, the house of Dagon was the first place “housed” from Florida or just the entire North, don’t know.

1 Sam 5:2-3

When the Philistines took the ark of God, they brought it into the house of Dagon, and set it by Dagon. And when they of Ashdod arose early on the morrow, behold, Dagon was fallen upon his face to the earth before the ark of the LORD. And they took Dagon, and set him in his place again.”

Dagon for Dragon, which is satan. Here in the police man suit, personally could be at that place first stayed that was placarded with eagle emblems. Doubtful though. Though when leaving, overt tweety bird from a cleared room, possibly, ha, “I’m Sylvester too.” In this passage, it states, in the flesh Dagon fell before the ark (box), normally the presence of the Lord but this encoding was to highlight the obeasts in me. He fell down dead once, as encoded Peter in prison (the grave) and 7 thunders rescue him. Then he attempted something again, hopefully not the obvious of sodomy, and fell down again. This highlighted what took place in Florida unaware to me, as in the moving “Hill of Bashan,” people fell down by the fence or obeast, but people got up without my notice, now being a horseman. They know of the fence and present danger, but like Og proceeding to rape, dare to do blasphemous evil.

1 Sam 5:4

“And when they arose early on the morrow morning, behold, Dagon was fallen upon his face to the ground before the ark of the LORD; and the head of Dagon and both the palms of his hands were cut off upon the threshold; only the stump of Dagon was left to him.”

This highlights his dare, and the last sentence above. After he proceeded and proceeded then became a horseman or infected, only the stump left, suggest his body now a shell and locked out his spirit; similarly, what was said of Ra in encoded frame in Florida, it “rooted [him] out of his tabernacle [flesh]” (Job 18:14) by being infected then grew. Also, his immediate wheels about the place, “threshold.” So not that the creature on me is directly contagious but only persons that proceed to do evil to my person, as what happened to kir (Jer 46:11-12). Not that the 60 were absence but in the mix, as threshold there mentioned where they were encodly mentioned in Eze 9:2-5 “And, behold, six men came from the way of the higher gate, which lieth toward the north, and every man a slaughter weapon in his hand…the glory of the God of Israel was gone up from the cherub, whereupon he was, to the threshold of the house
Go ye after him through the city, and smite: let not your eye spare, neither have ye pity.” Verse 7 seems they took me out from that threshold places, so they did the rings thing (Eze 1:18) of pure orange in rings round about from floor up and wherever I go and also cleaning, as the Lord commanded them. This was seen and where the Leave-behind of the “Ringling Bros. Barnum and Bailey Circus” comes from, they be the ring brothers and Barnum for Barb them. These follow me where I be and Kir calling of troops in the valley of nut was ploy, hard to explain, to get into the times, moreover, to prevent dying for 23, etc., before attempted sitting again for pillar 2 or so.

1 Sam 5:6

“But the hand of the LORD was heavy upon them of Ashdod, and he destroyed them, and smote them with emerods, even Ashdod and the coasts thereof.”

Also, this indirect usage of becoming contagious upon attacks, being besieged, is not me or someone else purposely using it, but the Lord using thus to smite the persons attacking. Emerods seems being infected by close wrestling or attack. Ashdod is the first place from Florida. The coast is Florida. Notice verse 7 “Dagon our god.” They were satan sluts or pers that this infection of mine spread to, obvious for lack of fear of God to proceed in attacks and even sodomy; they be also “cleave-hind” or Sons of Belial who rouse the people against me, as box being the operation of God’s hand and their spiritual benefit, a possible refreshing. “The children of Belial said, How shall this man save us? And they despised him, and brought him no presents. But he held his peace” (1 Sam
10:27); though this spoke of Saul in the context encoded.

1 Sam 5:9

“And it was so, that, after they had carried it about, the hand of the LORD was against the city with a very great destruction: and he smote the men of the city, both small and great, and they had emerods in their secret parts.”

Another example of the infection to the evil here by God’s causation. As Trident said in his unspoken plea of EA indirectly in “Detail Encodings In Job” chapter 31, did “the men of my tabernacle [EA wheels, eyes, and some followers] said not, Oh that we had of his flesh [sodomy]! we cannot be satisfied.” As in these nasty low life want to be the first man on the moon, no fear of God whatsoever. These and many such things warrantee an omega option, but this and other affliction allowed instead; as stated in the amber section from the post “Box Blues Defense,” that is, "They have [ALREADY] blown the trumpet [FOR THE END], even to make all ready; but none goeth to the battle: for my wrath [SWORD, PESTILENCE, FAMINE] is upon all the multitude thereof [INSTEAD AND/OR TARRYING]. The sword is without, and the pestilence and the famine within: he that is in the field shall die with the sword; and he that is in the city, famine and pestilence shall devour him" (Eze
7:14-15). Because and until the “cry of the city went up to heaven” (1 Sam 5:12). The following encodly used but a frame encoding can tie in here, that is, Isaiah 49:19-21. The first he in verse 19 is the same last he in verse 21. Jordan swelling is the cleaning of the sea civilization, this he refers to Locusts; he didn’t take part directly but Jays and Mikes. However, from the swelling he eat a great many, now being loosed, satan removed. Now loosed and operational as chartered, with a belly full from cleaning since 2000, the last from the sea, he now looks to Edom (red) or America, pending cleaning or destruction. In these verses, the least of the flock should drive out the ungodly, or if the Locusts/Ab does it, “he shall make their habitation desolate with them.” The next verse, 21, shows such affliction as mass earthquakes.

1 Sam 6:4

“Then said they, What shall be the trespass offering which we shall return to him? They answered, Five golden emerods, and five golden mice, according to the number of the lords of the Philistines: for one plague was on you all, and on your lords.”

Five golden emerods suggest a direct infection like an egg (jaw bone). Five golden mice suggest infant, mobile, that can move from the box to the direct attacker that fall down also by God’s presence, and they get up a horseman (of an ass). As in the Samson case, Jaw bone (mouth or contact) of an ass (possible release area of the golden mice); and possibility of amassing a 1000 stretch seraphim like line of wheels. This also unknown to box. In the contextual, this was the trespass offering to appease this affliction, 5 golden emerods and 5 golden mice, 5+5=10. However, it shows the nature of the obeast, RA’s former strength and his loosing this on the north Babylonians and world at will, hence 10 or 2010 should seal up all his domains that harvested this (his wheels of all flesh), and cure all as the wormwood star is released.

1 Sam 6:6

“Wherefore then do ye harden your hearts, as the Egyptians and Pharaoh hardened their hearts? when he had wrought wonderfully among them, did they not let the people go, and they departed?”

Though I mention Ra’s usage and release upon the world, while in the coasts (his domain), with south Caribbean downward transferences, this affliction of the golden emerods and mice happened to him and his domain; and from it even rooted him from his flesh, the “master” of it and possible none of the Egyptian household left. This rooting out could dually suggest chased from his domain as the Horseman Rebellion and the horsemen took over. So I guess, with the golden mice and golden emerods and effects thereof, they got a taste of their own medicine.

1 Sam 6:7

“Now therefore make a new cart, and take two milch kine, on which there hath come no yoke, and tie the kine to the cart, and bring their calves home from them.”

A new cart is key. This infected me because Uzzah tried to catch the ark as it fell from the cart or he put it on to seemingly prevent death, as the ark falls. The ark referential I rendered the term box from. He shouldn’t have done it and died. However, when Uzzah, or King Uzziah really dies, his obeast train is broken and I see the Lord. Preventing death seems innocently caring, but so a farmer of his live stocks and now I cannot die, if to go up.

1 Sam 6:10

"And the men did so; and took two milch kine, and tied them to the cart, and shut up their calves at home."

The two milch kine suggest the two pillars to eventually carry the ark on the new cart and the calves their wheels, weaved about us at home or where I be, “shut up their calves at home.” The 60 do persevere and would be in that network weave, along with Mikes and the new incoming EA from heaven. This for the obvious dangerous reasons, “there are many adversaries” (1 Cor 16:9).

Now to if she can eat her own egg. Late 2006 I got Ezekiel 4 & 5 after leaving Florida, a console after leaving Florida. That is, remember Psalms 23, the creature won’t kill you or drink blood, possibly like the stocks here, I give it food daily. I muse on the food, thought how it was made, was my spittle residue of it? The answer of this blood substitute was decoded in Ezekiel 4. Eze 4:12, “dung that come out of a man.” I thought “Gucci” or literal dung, then Ezekiel’s plea not to eat man’s dung cleared it up. But rather, Ezekiel got to eat cow dung in Eze 4:15, “Lo, I have given thee cow's dung for man's dung, and thou shalt prepare thy bread therewith.” I thought of dung or dodo only from Florida, because in a dual encoding while there it states, “His roots are wrapped about the heap” (Job 8:17), that is, as Ra them tried to make it arise and snuff me out or more so lock my spirit in, by arising for blood. But rather it refused and wrapped itself about the dung as in heap [stool], and the next clause of Job 8:17 dually encodly showed that it already grew and tapped in several antiquated (stones, of darkness, of goodness, of word, etc) and by choice could have already killed me if wanted to, “and seeth the place of stones;” also possibly farseeing to this methodology 2. Such exploit in prying the creature to defile the temple of God, box, with blood shows Ra and his regime a very very very real evil. Back to it, Ezekiel got cow dung, reason being, the cow has three stomachs and in one stomach it brings back up food and always seem to be eating as always chewing. So it’s not necessarily the literal dung but the food I eat after digestion. Upon digestion it is actually processed by the stomach acid and probably more nutritious than the literal intake, with all its impurities. Concerning the 3 stomachs in a cow, this food is at the middle stage or middle stomach before becoming dung. Clause 1 of Ezekiel 4:12, “thou shalt eat it as barley cake…bake it with dung.” So it seems she mix the eggs in it and from verse 11 water. This mixture or food is referred to as barley cakes as encoded in the name Barnabas, hence Bar-Ley cakes, cake or blood substitute Barb makes.

So from this the Lord allows the eating of eggs in proxy. I might contend, as she is concerned on that same sentiments, this is cannibalism, eating one’s own kind. Then she might cite the golden emerods and golden mice, emerods are the eggs not yet become a being and the mice an actual creature infant that if eaten then cannibalism can definitely be charged.  Then I would bring abortion arguments highlighted in an essay on the internet entitled, “Abortion is Murder and Wrong” (www.oocities.org/muchfood4u and www.threeQ.com/pages/articles.html) and apply it to this. When does life begin, infant (eyes, nose, etc) or eggs/fetus, the latter and she’ll loose the case and charged with cannibalism, foolishly speaking, as if. A break out she could use with eating eggs / dung is that human women pass out their eggs in a menstrual cycle each month, like waste, making it like dung. So if allowed to eat dung she can eat this dung, of unused eggs being passed out. Being troublesome, I might say this is not my dung but your dung. She then might contend two things, my dung is pass out at/with your dung, so it is your dung; secondly, Ezekiel was commanded to eat his own dung, how much more me. The first rebuttal of that last sentence can even be used to eat the golden mice that come out through my ass, hence dung. However, all this can be bypassed and a “God says so” sentiment is fostered, as what God says bypasses all jurisdiction (holding all things constant) and hence what he allows. This also seems normal rhetoric for animals, eating their young or eggs. But what makes this case different is that same animal stopping and thinking, hmmm, is this wrong or right? Imagine seeing a bird eating her eggs stop and say, hmmm, this is wrong, let me eat the leaf. It won’t happen, so what is cited here in this creature is that it is not like the other animals but an intelligent creature with the capacity of conscience to choose right from wrong, like humans and angels. Such will be the basis for any “redemptive” acceptance or washing to such a race. Even in the light of eating eggs, it possesses paternal instinct to provide for her 2 daughters and a rod, “the horseleach hath two daughters crying, give, give” (Pro 30:15). And at the same time, away from Florida where the siege was great and now with the armed men and mikes, hence less bodies and attacks, have enough intelligence to foster with any excess eggs. The four obeasts on me with seemingly different characters dissuade any argument that they derive their consciousness and character from my brain or that of humanity, for Barb is chief consoler, the two daughters cry for blood and to take my head, while Herod says “bring it on” to attackers. All different characters, as in the term Barabbas or Bar-Jesus, they being an evil and a seemingly good character with that of a Jesus character in me. Such ingredients make washing plausible for them; and with the program stocks this is cut off for them as programming their consciousness, which fosters a lack of choice but robots and even a further cutting that off with a spirit attachment.

Another reference drawn that might bring another paper trail for the encoded “lord of the sabbath” is this, cows have three stomachs making a great storage of food to bring up and eat, likewise camels with humps have a great storage of water to bring up for long journeys. For example, a very rare possibility, but an encoding left is that after several destruction to the Islands of the South, it can be a place for camels to graze, “And I will make Rabbah [THE ROBBERS PLACE, RA THEM IN CARIBBEAN] a stable for camels [HORSEMEN WITH THIS BLOOD SUBSTITUTE MECHANISM], and the Ammonites [FLORIDA] a couchingplace [WHERE WAS THE COUCH EXPERIENCE-AMOS 3:12, BE A RESTING PLACE AFTER CLEANING AND EVEN CLEARING OF HORSEMEN] for [THE ANGEL/HUMAN] flocks: and ye shall know that I am the LORD” (Eze 25:5).

I said only a possibility for all such horsemen is to be removed from the West, and even world in dens, so it was in the valley of vision. Nonetheless, this was brought up for the usage of camel, horsemen with this storage like Barb to have a blood substitute and not drink blood of flesh about them; yet even as such, some people buy Toyotas and some buy Lexus, so even if not needing it some person love luxury, blood, and personally I wouldn’t like to endanger the other flocks as thus. Nonetheless, for the horses to become camels means they have the ability to do what encoded Barnabas do, make food and blood substitute. This seems to be instated in them or the technique known, even void of eggs in the mix; as not to drink blood and be further defiled and marked for death. “Void of eggs in the mix” because if eggs are used in the blood substitute then sinister evils might use this to harvest more eggs and hence more horsemen and a further plague and make the cleaning thereof void (a.k.a horseman holocaust). So the blood substitute is either void of eggs or divinely blossom on the fearful. In BT Magazine 4, I contend every horseman makes eggs, but these ones, unlike Barb’s, are pseudo eggs that cannot become infants. So possible any eggs can do than real eggs, and so all have the capacity and only need the technique to be known with budget and discipline. Ezekiel 4:10 suggest Barb makes 20 eggs a day, so either technique was divinely imprinted or amount surpass average, though she would have 4 mouths to feed; also, jumping in my body to my mind for a possible technique or any reasons is not the way and cause for further destruction to annihilation of horsemen. They that wait on the Lord shall never be ashamed. To the present, in this hot dog age, blood substitute might be causally painful, as fasting often, as I do. Nonetheless, horseman is illegal worldwide for the contagious reaction and abundant blood drinkers that would make void other flocks (humanoids); so the horseman holocaust but with it, all the water can’t hold in the hand when scooped up from the tub and hence a possible refuge/escape with places mentioned in the post “Console To The World” in the section “Console to the Sea Civilization.” Such instances of the horseman holocaust is seen and felt, personally decoded from the next chapter below, Ezekiel 5:1-4.

Ezekiel 5:1

“And thou, son of man, take thee a sharp knife, take thee a barber's razor, and cause it to pass upon thine head and upon thy beard [ finally, a removing of the creatures, Barb, etc. ] : then take thee balances to weigh, and divide the hair [ the hair, i.e., from Barb on me a flock of them has been spawn, the hair; I guess why someone termed the rabbit as Hare, I guess in ploy for one’s own evil. As said in Songs 4:1, ‘thy hair is a flock.’ ].”

Ezekiel 5:2

“Thou shalt burn with fire a third part in the midst of the city [ a third of those hair, horseman flock from Barb, who tarry long in the city, the city being America, be threshed out. This is repeated in another encoded verse, “Gather up thy wares out of the land, O inhabitant of the fortress” (Jer 10:17). Reason being, not all the horseman flock remain faithful to the follow the piper to a may-den. That is, “thy hair is as a flock of goats” (Songs 6:5), but “Thy teeth are as a flock of sheep” (Songs 6:6). The ones that can be wheeled or join to the good-barb, teeth, and are non-violent, are sheep. ], when the days of the siege are fulfilled [ Burning of the spirit of the masses and removing the rebellious from the land takes places after what is mentioned in 1 Sam 5 previously is ended, a siege; all the evil are sling out of the land, including satan-EA, the sons of Belial, piglets and I’m not surrounded by bulls of Bashan with their calves for evil, s and a whole host confederate to take my life and part me. I would move into reality and not the present illusion. In describing the fence in the 2007 index from 2 Chron 16:1 it noted Baasha made a siege of King Asa; one noted point there was never to receive help of Ra, as I didn’t plan to, yet from this the creature acts in the capacity he would have fostered ]: and thou shalt take a third part, and smite about it with a knife [ In the burning of them, the knife here is contrasted with the fire. Those burnt with fire were those that cleave to a spirit and wear the spirit as a coat and only such can release the spirit or remove the obeast when it reaches this far. The ones cut with a knife are those that are fleshly and didn’t spirate and can relatively be easily removed. ]: and a third part thou shalt scatter in the wind [ Drive them out, also perhaps some might persist till their era if forth coming, being driven worldwide. Wind also is key, the place helped created by one wind that was a refugee haven might be a may-den; in contrast, another wind, Rain or Pig, was the one who scattered or cause such an escalation of the plague. ]; and I will draw out a sword after them [ Though scattered, there is the permanence, so follow up with the Horseman Holocaust and the reality to eradicate blood drinkers and human eaters and that which offends; because, of course, they are so many, some will escape. ].”

Ezekiel 5:3

“Thou shalt also take thereof a few in number, and bind them in thy skirts [ This is hard to understand but suggest some persons close to me with it, more so some of the encoded mighty men of David or helpers of war. For instance, while in Florida one of the encoded mighty man of David, box blues, stayed till he was infected, then inadvertently had to fight with it like a sword, until it cleave to him or his spirit; that is, it spirated and locked to his spirit like pillar one. This is encoded in 2 Sam 23:9-10, he is referred to as the son of dodo, hence an ass deposit, so one of the golden mice from the dodo area or buttocks. I guess these men, though can loose, stay this way around me tending to my garment or flesh until it first be broken off me. My contention is Jack (Ra), he can jack them or any wearing an obeast; though mine is resistive and theirs also could be resistive being a wheel of Barb and me, this is secondary reason it was a sword, golden mice with residue of encoded river Euphrates water. It was one of these mice or emerods that snuffed Jack form his flesh. Nonetheless, with the fire around there is someone on hand to easily break such, as seen in the next verse but delayed…huh. ].”

Ezekiel 5:4

“Then take of them again, and cast them into the midst of the fire, and burn them in the fire; for thereof shall a fire come forth into all the house of Israel [ Afterwards, of those in my skirt, burn them in the fire, that is, persons like Mikes who can re-melt a spirit or break a ‘cleave-hind’ at this level. This too all Israel or all hopefuls in America and possibly humans have to have done, for {1} this evolved level of the obeast Ra didn’t tell most, so when they cut it out, it was still on them spirated and hence he has access to them forever or as long as they unknowingly have it on their spirits. For example, in another decoding possibly in the post “Box Blue Defense,” Rizpah was used for the Pig, an indirect concubine of satan (Saul) which EA keep charging Ab for going into or having smoked Ham and so when she dies keeping raising her up on his network – 2 Sam 3:7-8. Her name in that encoding is key, Rizpah or Rise Pa in her, possibly while on the EA 7 thunder network. Now in 2 Sam 21:8-10 it shows a decoding that through Ma/Pig he spread the obeast on the 7 thunders and possible blue network and here, and why so easy to scatter a siege; they would utilize it temporarily, not knowing it remains forever if spirated. So “they fell all seven together and were put to <pseudo> death in the days of harvest, in the first days <when Ma first help with the network and> in the beginning of barley harvest <barley suggest the obeast in me, barb, as a time piece and so recently as well, possibly at the house of Dagon>” (2 Sam 21:9). Verse 10, through her RA spread it upon the rock, America from the beginning until wormwood star presently, “And Rizpah the daughter of Aiah took sackcloth, and spread it for her upon the rock <America network>, from the beginning of harvest <from the start> until water dropped upon them out of heaven <wormwood>, and suffered neither the birds of the air to rest on them by day, nor the beasts of the field by night” (2 Sam 21:10). Verse 8 of 2 Sam 21 is also key, 2 of the 7 were of Rizpah, either he rose in the blackhead of encoded Nicholas and Nicanor or even with it they were cleaved. Then the 5 others were accounted to Michal, or Mike here, that either burnt them free from both (obeasts & cleave-hind) or hold them in proxy. {2} And two, this was purposely done by EA and Pig to all to make spices of them. The point is, all encoded Israel, hopefuls in Babylon with the refugees need to pass through the fire to have their spirated obeast broken, that most are seemingly unaware of.].”

Other Tenets of Aaron’s Rod That Budded Before It Was Removed From The Ark

  Lamentation 3 outlines Prince Herod, the rod, with Barnabas (Diana), the staff. Some things are key towards a possibility for them in the 1000 year reign. Lam 3:7, the staff is liken to a “chain”, while the rod fills the body like bread stuffing, “He hath caused the arrows of his quiver to enter into my reins” (Lam 3:13). Normally, Barb or Diana is up and run the show, while when things get hectic/dangerous, Herod comes up. This is exemplified in Lam 3:10, “He was unto me as a bear lying in wait, and as a lion in secret places.” The rod being like a bear and the lion the staff. If there be an encoded “Lord of The Sabbath,” horseman mediator in the Sabbath or 1000 year reign, then he too would be a Lion of Judah referential. This lineage could be gain from being an offspring of such, as was on the last Lion. We saw or will see that such a horseman is a rod, even so, from Herod the typified bear of the both he and staff, Barb; even so, one of the rods spawn from box body. So Herod might not be this horseman but one from his seed/genes; as I don’t know if he persists, but the verse dually suggest again, a persisting of at least one of his to be such, “as a lion in wait.” Didn’t want to write this for it might point to him being such when I don’t know and rods are not necessarily transplantable. “Elam bare the quiver [BAG OF ARROWS OR ARMORY, THE MORE ATTACK THAN STAFF]…kir uncovered the shield [VALLEY OF VISION, THE SEX PART DIDN’T HAPPEN IN THIS TIME {22:5} BECAUSE OF FIRST CLAUSE OF THIS FIRST, ELAM]” (Isaiah 22:6). That is, E-Lamb or Electric Lamb from his referential as Eragon; E also a play thereupon with Euphrates, as in Euphrates Lamb. But more importantly, from Lamentation 3:13, what Herod did to my blood, “He hath caused the arrows of his quiver to enter into my reins [blood].” Though the “arrows of his quiver” could be a contagious substance that when people like kir attempt to rape me, they become infected and turn a rod type horseman. This is how other rods from Herod came to be, yet one of these is the E-Lamb or He “Lamb” of that race.

(2)  Though Holocaust and possible no sea “may-den” and Ra Habitations is not an option, if God said it or determine acceptance then it must materialize. With the horseman holocaust though not having God’s spirit, the true can still persist to the end, like the killing of the first born of each household, wildly killing by the beast but selective by God; who controls all, so God can preserve the “followers of that which is good.” “And who is he that will harm you, if ye be followers of that which is good?” (1 Peter 3:13), in this case follow Yahoshua or Judeo-Christian tenets. Whilst being orange, though one of the encoded might men of David, box blues, didn’t directly defend them (Horseman 60 replacement in Florida) he defended them by defending the ground and they survived when the philistines (EA Sons of Belial) came and the other angels fled, “And after him was Shammah the son of Agee the Hararite. And the Philistines were gathered together into a troop, where was a piece of ground full of lentiles: and the people fled from the Philistines. But he stood in the midst of the ground, and defended it, and slew the Philistines: and the LORD wrought a great victory” (11 Sam 23:11-12). The Horseman 60 replacement in Florida are encoded here as “Lentiles,” they seem to be encoded under a reworked word “Lintel” in Exodus 12:21-23 with the same process or rhetoric of indirect defense that would foster persistence until the time of the figs. It reads, “Then Moses called for all the elders of Israel, and said unto them, Draw out and take you a lamb according to your families, and kill the Passover. And ye shall take a bunch of hyssop, and dip it in the blood that is in the bason, and strike the lintel and the two side posts with the blood that is in the bason; and none of you shall go out at the door of his house until the morning [SEEM SATAN, SUN, AGAIN UP OR ANOTHER RUBBER DUCKY TOY FOR A LIMITED WASH WHEN WASHING IS OVER]. For the LORD will pass through to smite the Egyptians; and when he seeth the blood upon the lintel, and on the two side posts, the LORD will pass over the door, and will not suffer the destroyer to come in unto your houses to smite you” (Ex 12:21-23).  Likewise, Eleazar, another encoded mighty man of David, in Florida, slew the Philistine until what happened to Pat, Ma and “one” happened to him; like the cleave-hind, the obeast cleave with his spirit, recorded in 2 Sam 23:9-10. The last verse highlighted the company of some allege hopefuls (not Sons of Belial) continuance here and felt there, “the people returned after him only to spoil [the box, suckry].”  He was the son of Dodo, seems rather than eggs (golden emerods), infants (golden mice) were deposited of the creature, that is mobile, with genes of river Euphrates water; as in with the Jaw bone (mouth-saliva or close contact wrestling, emerods infection) of an Ass (buttocks-dodo or creature in growth infection) encoded unknowingly and sort of have a seraphim stretch of 1000, represented in slewing 1000 philistines. The top mighty man of David have a 800 stretch, however, this 60 horseman replacement accidentally sprang up when infected by the enemy (RA, EA, PIG) to control and kill me, that budded divinely when the 60 were out; yet not to be used as such but rather God angel provision, but inadvertently allowed toward the intent of such a fold to come. These ‘Lentiles’ were defended and so such a May-den in the Horseman Holocaust can house such a defense, by defending it, not necessarily the encoded lentils there. Such May-Dens I thought to release the four only, from scripture, yet scripture also speak of a company of them, ‘the family’, I coined that term because as those four was on with even intellectual aid in completing literary works for all fold, it seems the company of them was there about me preventing death and removal from finishing those works while in Florida, “did the contempt of families terrify me, that I [EA] kept silence, and [BOX] went not out of the door [TILL FINISH]?” (Job 31:34). The only place I had in mind and thought to release there was what was seen in scripture of the sea civilization, only if I could bring a “double bridle” to Trident, pondering also the time that may come for them in the 1000 year reign, as the Holocaust spree on. The double bridle to trident for in the civil strife a plague of obeasts was release there, and those in expert knowledge of it, used it as a bridle to manipulate him as a dog on a leash, after such an experience who can bring anything of obeast to him again. However, not exactly knowing what to become thereof and this sort of fall in the jurisdiction of the new in coming Shepherd (EA) of the earth, to Barb & Herod, if follow that which is good, “ye are not come unto the mount that...burned with fire [THAT MOUNT WHICH IS THE EPITOME OF THE HORSEMAN HOLOCAUST, HORSEMAN SUPER SOLDIERS AS HYBRID WHEELS OF SATAN, AB AND FALSE PROPHET, OR MOST OF THAT 200 MILLION, MARCH TO ISRAEL THEN THE HURRICANE FIRE CONSUMED ALL], ...And the sound of a trumpet [AS IN SEVEN TRUMPETS IN REV 8 OF THE LAST DAYS WHICH SOUNDED ALSO THE HORSEMAN HOLOCAUST], and the voice of words; which voice they that heard intreated that the word should not be spoken to them any more [WHEN THEY HEARD OF THE KILLING OF THEIR FELLOW KIND THEY, AS BEINGS WITH EMOTIONS, DIDN'T WANT TO HEAR ANY FURTHER, BUT.]...(For they could not endure that which was commanded, And if so much as a beast [SERAPHIM ARMIES OR ABYSS BULLS/CALVES] touch the mountain, it shall be stoned, or thrust through with a dart [DEFENDED ALSO BY THE PRESENCE OF FIRE, BECAUSE NOW IT BECOMES HOLY GROUND]...But ye are come unto mount Sion [ZION ENCODLY IS THE SEA PLACE], and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels [SEEMS SEA HOPEFULS THERE AGAIN]" (Heb 12:18-22). The only concern with such a den is what also seems to be attempted to that encoded mighty man of David, Shammah, he was “son of Agee the Hararite.” Or, whilst defending the ground and infected he was the son of Agee or the Hog, the pig attempted what she did to me, cut the spirit bottle so the creature can spirate him into a spice, as she done worldwide with EA and RA. So if in the sea May-Dens, sinister evil would want to spoil them to tie them to spirit prematurely or or use them as reserved stocks for hybrid wheels, however, the promise is that it would be defended as from heaven; by fire, presence of God by the presence of born again angels and being re-lined to the 4 beasts (accountants) or system. For those that rebel against the scheme of things, the lining is needed that God can give an account of you, this account is so precise that all the hairs on your head is literally number and why not one bird fall from the sky or animal dies except God knows or it is given account for. The 4 beasts are only accountants of that, not that they can manipulate the lines as they wish or take over like robots in the Matrix. You give your credit cards to company to process with personal info, actual people handle your account numbers there and your credit cards are not compromise, holding all things constant; but you wouldn’t give to any one. Likewise, actual angels tend to your souls and even handle your requests to heaven (vials of Rev 16, Rev 5:8 and Rev 8:3-5, when full a decision is made for the greater good, as by your vote in the matter, like EA removal doing evil to you as when he should be a Shepherd). So the fear of putting horsemen in the sea place as seen in the dare attempts on Shammah “son of Agee the Hararite,” might be quenched in this, that it is live and opened to the heavens. Also, notice “son of Agee the Hararite,” Ar-Ar-is-right, dually, this is a good reason they be for Ar as the pig/k being blasphemously evil to attempt such on even ‘horns of the altar’ and she also done such knowing they would be for Ar. What next, go to heaven bully and kill God because he appointed someone else, actually, that’s what she and EA them plotted and begun to do, my vial request is that this being cease to exist, completely cut off in all its form, cursed and destroyed forever, bound in hell’s forever and completed disintegrated! Especially that she knows the flock would be in those dens, “thou, O Solomon, must have a thousand, and those that keep the fruit thereof two hundred” (Songs 8:12). So it seems to cut the spirit caps, she doesn’t necessarily have to sit on the network, as when came to Trident men in the sea and saw that he fitted them against such, “comely as Jerusalem [ENCODED SEA CIVILIZATION OR HERE AS TRIDENT], terrible as an army with banners [SOMETHING ATOP THEIR HEADS OF SPIRIT BOTTLE CAPS TO PREVENT CUTTING IT]” (Songs 6:4) and she wasn’t necessarily on that network. Aside from the Sons of Belial being burnt up in the sea by Mike, one encodings later showed of a garrison of men there awaiting my arrival for an uproar; it states quenching this. However, some wordings might be give clue to their set on, "GARrison of men", possible from the pig "GARden" there of spices and cleave-hinds about the wall, now pressed in, in the civil strife. Psalms 60:4, the 60 be of the 4 horns, "Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth.” So it is not because of a vain reason they be around me, but to defend the truth and even defend an antiquated of days.

(3)  Jeremiah 51:37-40 encodes the mad max America, which at the end of Armageddon the horsemen shall overflow in. As with the Last Lion and his whelps, they cry as young lions for redemption with/for the encoded “Lord of the Sabbath.”

(4)  It seems satan’s hybrid wheel (horsemen with split spirit) was a custom of the people and from the ten plagues (rod-to-snake, blood and frog) it seems Ra and Egyptians can do this as well, frog spirits or “spirits like frogs” (Rev 16:13). So horsemen seeking refugee in God would be told by evils, “salvation is in me, I give you what you desire, a soul, a spirit.” Flee this abomination or abnormality and look to the “father or spirits” (Heb 12:9) than forsake anything that might be coming; even if, why be an axle of evil!

(5)  The “Lord of the Sabbath” is Christ directly, coming back in the millennium reign. However, the encoded “lord of the sabbath” is a mediator in the time of rest after Christ return, which is suppose to be this 7th millennium; a sort of savior/arbiter to horsemen. He is not only a rod, than a staff, but still from the ‘root of Jesse’ or RA, still after RA demise and he be cut off. This rod is still of the root of Jesse (Ra, here) by virtue of being a stem of the branch or the last mediator in work time, box. There be many rods spawned from that incident, but one to persist as such in such a time, “there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots” (Isa 11:1). The branch [box] comes from the roots of Christ, but the stem [rod] comes from that branch. Under the post “Egypt - So Intentionally Good It Is Blatantly Bad” we had seen that the 3 major saviors came from Egypt, including the Last Lion from the literal south under Bozrah (south boss-man-ra); hence his term as Jesse for a lack of Bible papertrail. That post had read, “notice what Hoshea 11:1 states and how it is written, it has encoding in it. It said that God called his son out of Egypt. But we see in the New Testament that this spoke of Christ. ‘When he arose, he took the young child and his mother by night, and departed into Egypt: And was there until the death of Herod: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Out of Egypt have I called my son.’ So the savior came out of Egypt, that is, Jesus Christ the savior, not born there but that it should be said or fulfill prophecy that he came out of Egypt - Hoshea means savior, so the savior came out of Egypt. However, he was not the only savior that came out of Egypt, for Moses more came out of Egypt. Then the verse that says it is Hoshea 11:1 or 1+1+1 saviors came out of Egypt. But Israel had many saviors? This would speak of dispensational saviors, which they are two and possibly one pending. Jews, humanity and Angels.” Jeremiah 10:16 seems to have had his name or name meaning encoded but they covered over a name with a familiar title, so that name or name meaning lost forever. Jeremiah 10:16 reads, “[IN THE PRESENT HORSEMAN PLAGUE AND BRIDLING OF THOSE WHO HAVE SUCH EXPERTISE TO THOSE ENGULF IN THE OBEAST] The portion of Jacob [BOX] is not like them: for he is the former of all things [BEING AN ANTIQUATED OF DAYS]; and Israel is the rod [THE ROD HAS TAPPED INTO THIS AND RESISTIVE TO MANIPULATION] of his inheritance: The LORD of hosts is his name [OF THE ENCODED ‘LORD OF THE SABBATH’ TO COME FROM THIS ROD, SUCH MERCY SHOWN TO SUCH A FOLD ALSO BECAUSE THEY SHOWED THIS GRACE TO ME; ALSO COULD HAVE DIED BY IT, BUT WAS AT PEACE AND INADVERTENT AID].” Jer 10:16 reads without the encoded insertions, “The portion of Jacob is not like them: for he is the former of all things; and Israel is the rod of his inheritance: The LORD of hosts is his name.” This verse has 4 parts, the subsets are divided by the colon (:) and the two major parts are divided by the semi-colon (;), comprising 4 parts with two major parts of 2 subsets. Part (1a) has the subject of encoded Jacob here, box. Part (1b) has the description of the subject, “former of all things,” as explained in the post, “The Four Rivers.” Part (2a) has the subject as rod, or the rod in me. Part (2b) gave the name or name meaning of the rod mediator from one of the rods from me. But the names was bundled under titles and lost forever.

(6)  Israel escape Egypt at midnight, likewise a cure seems to come at midnight (sun or satan gone); EA seems this last strand to be removed for the moonlighting, “who [SATAN] lay on a bed [EA SERAPHIM NETWORK, WHICH ARE BLUES] at noon [WHEN THE SUN OR SATAN WAS HOTTEST]” (2 Sam 4:5). Hence, the heaven’s Engel curve quits out. That’s between now, 2007 and 2010, any time between. Hopefully not like, 400 years in Egypt but it was actually 430 or 40 days in the ark but then almost 100, etc. This cure would help the human flock, as horsemen would agree this has been a terrible plague, yet at the same time not thoroughly their fault. Also, man is not an ass cloth and respect given, though to you they seems pathetic, that with so much antiquated abilities in their brains they are so weak and fragile and far beneath “our” abilities.

(7)  I was cautioned not to venture into this as to factor and finalize it, whilst it still be only a possibility. It is also a complexity for another to factor in, in a life time of its own. Not that I intended to, but just in case with hinting of one or another King sent; in the 1000 year reign, hence, a “lord of the Sabbath” (dual usage of that term, here for preaching in that time). Me trying to ascertain or figure it out would be like what happened to my Mr. Erno Rubik. For of mediators (Neh 9:27, Isa 43:11) sent, acclaimed Kings or not, this verse sums up their mediation and them, “the heart of kings is unsearchable” (Pro 25:3). For instance, I perceive there is a fourth level encoding in the bible specifically for such, as books of the bible are books within a book or encoded. For instance, all dispensational mediators would be likened to Jacob, spawn a new breed of saints, so I perceive this verse would speak to him, “I am a worm [horseman], and no man; a reproach of men, and despised of the people” (Prov 22:6); that is, literally not a real man but like a worm or the snake that spawned them. Then having gotten that I would look for each instance of worm to man referential and see what it says of him. For instance, “Fear not, thou worm Jacob” (Isa 41:14). From this pattern I would probably get his life, exploits and endeavor to redeem. Though patterns are presented in bible, except it pertains to you, you most often cannot figure them out; many come close to pass ones and hence fabricate them, false prophet, and then fall in my Erno Rubik trap, having pieces and they’re not together or in sync and cannot put them together. For instance, in that pattern I could say this speak of him, "I have said...to the worm, Thou art my mother, and my sister" (Job 17:14). Yet that didn’t appertain to him, but the Lord had used it to speak of the recent literal south silent plague of what happened to some family members. For instance, again, pertaining to “CSI:Horsemen” post and “A bullock & Wheeling Decree” post I would preach to the horsemen in the stocks in America and state to flee receiving the soul (a split spirit of satan, etc) and then state in addition, “why do you need a spirit to be alive, being alive is consciousness, are you not conscious and intelligent, remember the prophecy (of his abominable horseman army joined with split-spirits or cleave-hind to him), it’s only a trick.” First, I not remembering that the first preaching is to flee as the west is to be cleared of such. But then it dawned on me that the consciousness they have is derived from and in the brain they have, then it dawned on me, the stocks here are programmed in the brain and so their consciousness is their masters or programmers. Hence, preaching to them is futile, except un-programmed or re-programmed brains. This and many other things the encoded “Lord Of The Sabbath” would work out in his era. This is a reason it states that one from this bunch would arise as such, of the bunch from my obeast that presently seek box in the north, that they wont or can’t be gathered by the snake charmers to program and spirate them. Jeremiah 10 had revealed the blasphemy of the “purple and blue” preparing horsemen amongst us for satan’s end time army, satan himself as a silversmith (spirit-smith), prepare the split spirits elsewhere, “Silver spread into plates” (Jer 10:9). And with him is EA, “the hands of the founder: blue and purple is their clothing: they are all the work of cunning” (Jer 10:9). This in bible should culminate at a latter time to march on the world and heaven. Because the horsemen in the stock minds are like this, preaching to them is also a “doctrine of vanities” (Jer 10:8); being a witnessing machine, one would want to preach to everything that moves, even the grass. If a horseman acceptance is plausible or forthcoming, one of the end of such a faith would be to actually receive a spirit from heaven, as in the classic case of Pinocchio. However, musing the merger of spirit with obeast so far (frog spirit, miracle coat, spice, etc) and the bible paper trail of fig is used for obeast as seen in BT Magazine V4, one would say we jumped the gun in tying spirits to obeast, which would forfeit it. Revelation 6:13 was given as a time piece of the end, and it follows after Armageddon and reads, “And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind;” saying by this prophecy you’ll know the end. It then gave two encodings. [1] A support to a blue print decree and the verse that says can you “stay the bottles of heaven” (Job 38:37). That is, angels love to jump down eagerly and untimely without blue print, to their detriment. As such, they often attempt re-entry into heaven with a spirated obeast in their bottles of heaven or spirit bodies, unknown to them. Then this clause of the verse takes place, “the stars of heaven fell unto the earth,” they with the obeast or it alone blasted on re-entering. Because they went to earth not knowing this danger or the covering that a blue print provides. [2] And as it relates to horsemen, their purposeful merger with spirits are likened to being untimely, as in “untimely figs.” They got a spirit before it was given from God and hence in danger of the acceptance. Will these untimely encoded figs be accepted or destroyed or recoverable if burnt from a spirit or if still an individual entity with choice that can be washed? This and more their mediator has to sort out when he comes. As this procedure spoiled my seed with pillar one (Jer 10:20) through Kir, this could spoil theirs.

(8)  In the 2007 index we cited this third meaning of line:

Then from that latter explanation is a referential “to being on the line,” that is, we are all in God but he allowed us being accounted for by being streamed on the seraphim line of the 4 beasts. So in essence, all seraphim, all persons or all beings in existence are on the stream of the 4 beasts. They be the seraphim of that line, but those lines are the beings existing in God, but like accountants to a billionaire’s money, so these are like 4 accountants of the streams of God. All things came from God and cannot exist without him, so they are hooked over all these beings in existence as seraphim to their wheels, so once born you are on the line.

However, it seems only things with a soul are hooked to the 4 beasts; and something that might be new to me, learning the tenets of the horsemen in the 1000 year reign, animals seem to have deposits of a soul (encoded 1 Cor 15:39-47), and hence they too are accounted for; this same sentiments might also be applicable to plants and even though seems unlikely, the plant “The Venus Fly Trap” makes it plausible for the plant kingdom. Didn’t want to write that, because I said of such on the contrary wise, and an even worse thing came to mind was that satan as a silver shaper could access and manipulate these deposits of souls; as I thought he only and could only cleave-hind angels, as they are made hook-able and often hooked to a seraphim but found out he seems to do such to humans too (Zech 3:1-4). So from this also it seems things hooked to the 4 beasts not only have a soul, but all intelligent and/or instinctive beings and creatures directly created by God (Isa 45:9-12); yet all things in existence, even dirt, is in and hooked to God. With the horsemen case, this might be apart of “the acceptance,” being in the books (Rev 20:12) or on the system, to benefit from the system (Rev 7:16). With the Trident sea civilization case, it seems beings can get off-line, yet still in the confines of existence, so still in the confines of God and cannot hide. Hence, horsemen are a new phenomenon and anomaly to the system and creations of God, comparable to the spirit itself. Horsemen are not a creation of God in that scientist can cross breed animals, insects, etc, but the outcome is still an animal with instinct or online. The horseman creation comes from creation itself, but took on a life of its own, being and having intelligence not given from above or not necessarily of the host, as if something like the spirit itself, which they can possess. Typically, they can be considered somewhat “offline,” but spirits can also possess them and use such in a pseudo seraphim network even in the fleshly states. But as animals have their own deposits of a soul, something like this would have to be created for them, as such, for the first time from God the father of spirits, to be online (soul-cup) and to even receive God’s spirit (holy ghost-drink in cup). Not only for the first time, but the first kind of this glass “bottle of earth” as from the term “bottle of heaven” (Job 38:37). Each angel, each person, each animal or each being is created with a soul or glass bottle, “There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another” (1 Cor 15:40). But each bottle in heaven and earth is different for each other “There is one glory of the sun [USED HERE FOR ANGELS], and another glory of the moon [USED HERE FOR HUMANS], and another glory of the stars [USED HERE FOR ANIMALS]: for one star differeth from another star in glory [AND EACH SOUL DEPOSIT OR GLASS BOTTLES IN EACH ANIMAL DIFFERS, AS AGAINST ALL THE SAME IN ALL HUMANS]” (1 Cor 15:41); and I suppose those of the animals are just to make them accountable or be on the system. Though a soul then spirit comes from God the father of spirits, such bottles (souls) for different animals in heaven and earth are usually blown by the 9, and the 2 are considered the ‘purple and silver’ or master of glass blowing, that is, silver or spirit shaping. So what EA and the rest in this conspiracy has done was prematurely hook horsemen to bottles not of their own, as spices, which from the beginning would make any such for horsemen void. Notice how the spices are created, sown in the spirits of men and angels then bursts into a new creature, the former person ceases to exist as merely a cocoon, as when we leave our dead bodies upon death and it returns to dust; we humans would become a new glorified spirit beings like the angels, “when they shall rise from the dead…are as the angels which are in heaven” (Mark 12:25). Saying that to say, the same process probably was intended for horsemen, if acceptance is plausible, but with the spices someone jumped the gun for evil and sow them in a spirit to raise in a spiritual body as we are to be and at 1000 year end probably they would have been also or still will be, “It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body” (1 Cor 15:44). If EA is of one of those 7 of the 9, he would know such be plausible and would also have knowledge to blow such a specific glass bottle, so it seems ultimately that only God would foster such a new bottle, which he went ahead and perpetrated in leadership with the rest of the conspirators. This and other knowledge a horseman mediator is to sort out.

(9)  One last pattern encoding that the encoded "lord of the Sabbath" might find useful and expound on, and further give grounds to horsemen to abstain from blood and iniquities, hoping for a horseman acceptance. That is, the juxtaposition of man with son of man in a few verses has a potent horseman encodings, man versus horseman, in redemptive terms. Holding the contextual meaning constant, whereby the contextual is that son of man merely means humans created by God. For instance, this verse and others that follows:

Numbers 23:19, “God is not a man [HUMANS], that he should lie; neither the son of man [HORSEMEN], that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?” Here and rest of verses, son of man is used for horseman; as horsemen, though seemingly stronger by tapping into the antiquated of man, is still an off-spring of man and have their existence as such, hence a sort of son of mankind. This frame encoding juxtapose them with man and this one is most key than them all. That is, man lie by choice and choose not to by choice, but it notes that horsemen have this capacity and though set on evil from its creation, can repent. That is the basic ingredients for a washing or redemption or in their case, acceptance. That is, the ability to discern between good and evil, and then to intelligently choose either; that’s the whole truth of the washing, thereafter accepted in the commonwealth of heaven. This was brought out and seen that they have such capacity with the question of eggs with Barb. This all other animals and plants lack and hence, here today, gone tomorrow. Also, if they can then repent from evil it should also mean that God can honor it; though God chooses to do as he pleases, yet bound by his word and in the tenets or the inherent bylaws of washing, this seemingly fit or constitute attention. Echoed in this verse, “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any” (Prov 14:34). As most such, they are inherent principles that reap the same benefits for all. For instance, if one thing is applicable to a set of beings but by the virtue of nature of another set of beings it is not applicable, but something strange happened that the thing that made it applicable to the former beings is in effect to the latter beings, wouldn’t the latter beings now exercise the application of the former beings? For example, humans that have income, pay taxes on those incomes, dogs don’t pay taxes as not apart of such a society and earthly vicissitudes. But say tomorrow dogs began to speak, work and get incomes, would they also be taxed? Even if no spaces/provision were yet on the tax forms, when spending those monies they are taxed on it. Likewise, if horsemen can repent, they should eventual reap the benefits of repentances from choosing good over evil; the purpose and inherent tenets of washing. That’s one point, holding many variables constant and far more complex than tomorrow such is plausible immediately, but this is for that mediator to sort out when he comes.

Psalms 144:3, “LORD, what is man [HUMANS], that thou takest knowledge of him! or the son of man [HORSEMAN], that thou makest account of him!” As cited above, that persuasive argument alone can’t make the thing happen now or ever, other things come into play. For instance, to be “washed” or accepted, you must be on the line. The 4 beasts are termed accountants, as they are given to stream the entire creation in their seraphim line, to account for every being, even the number of hairs on your head. So for acceptance to take place or reaping the benefits of repentance, dogs paying taxes, you must be on the line and accounted for. This is another hurdle to be won over in a case, than just the first hurdle won in the previous persuasive argument. However, this son of man encoding seems to point that such is plausible or forthcoming, that is, take knowledge of man and will make account of the son of man or horsemen; which constitute being on the line, which at present they are offline.

Psalms 8:4, “What is man [HUMANS], that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man [HORSEMAN], that thou visitest him?” Being on the line is one thing, but it doesn’t end there, there is another hurdle, for all creation is on the line, but can the four footed animals be saved? Being on the line is having deposits of a soul. So having a soul and being on the line is one thing, but to be accepted and saved, that soul must be filled with God’s spirit; as what happens when a born again Christian is filled with the Holy Ghost. Hence, first “mindful of him” or on the line to give account of him and then after “visitest him” or filled him with God’s spirit, making him apart of the divine and commonwealth of God, accepted. Again, in the encoded pattern of this verse, it seems forthcoming, “the son of man [HORSEMAN], that thou visitest him [FILL HIS SOUL BOTTLE WITH GOD’S SPIRIT].” “Thou visitest him” is the impossible hurdle for horseman, based on Isaiah 45:9, “Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker! Let the potsherd [GOD CREATED] strive with the potsherds of the earth [EARTH CREATED AND NOT LET THIS COME UP OR CAN, IN STRIVING WITH GOD].” That is, they are not created by God or on the line so not accounted for and a time of washing cannot be allotted to them, so when he is here through Christ, God becomes a potsherd of the earth that the potsherd of the earth can strive with the potsherd of the earth and the former God created potsherd of the earth strive with God his maker; but from this they would get a chance to strive with God directly as a potsherd of the earth. That is, in the New Jerusalem, horsemen can petition God whilst he’s on earth overcoming Isaiah 45:9, God becoming a potsherd of the earth through Christ; and I guess why this time is set apart for them.

Psalms 80:17, “Let thy hand be upon the man [HUMANS] of thy right hand, upon the son of man [HORSEMEN] whom thou madest strong for thyself.” This is a reason why I might be allowed to dabble in this. Box is an arm of God, fitted strong, even burnt with Mike’s fire at spirit conception when entering earth for the task ahead. Box is also a core river, so a good reason the purple and grey (that mediator) comes from the offshoot of my infection is that as I am made strong, this latter line of horsemen is made strong with tap into the strong and core “man of thy right hand.” Not suckry or deliberate tapping or making a suit of box, but the nature of the obeast is to grow up the brain and move to the antiquated lying in that person, being that box is an antiquated of days, makes that horseman stronger than most. And the genes of that horseman is passed to the off-springs, and it seems one on me can transmit to the rest telepathically (Songs 8:13), until broken off, than the rest proceed on me to do thus; and even others, as Zophar in the post “Detail Encoding In Job” wanting to by seeking me for “double to that which is!” (Job 11:6). This I didn’t realize, shunned and thought how at first when said to me in an encoding of Barb/Herod them on me, “It [OBEAST ON ME] is like a grain of mustard seed, which, when it is sown in the earth, is less than all the seeds that be in the earth: But when it is sown, it groweth up, and becometh greater than all herbs [OBEASTS], and shooteth out great branches [IT OFFSPRINGS]; so that [SO GREAT TO THE POINT THAT] the fowls of the air [ANGELS ABOUT ME] may lodge under the shadow of it [‘s EXPLOITS]” (Mark 4:31-32). “Madest strong for thyself” is also key, God allowed such temporarily as the 60 blues were out in the latter part of being in Florida, and mostly orange if around; so it was inadvertently made strong for me, but worked out to strength to prepare such for any acceptance.

Psalms 146:3, “Put not your trust in princes [ANGELS], nor in the son of man [HORSEMEN], in whom there is no help.” With the above (Psalms 80:17), not that applying the obeast to humans is again or now legal, or to trust in it. This just happened. Put your trust in God and look to him alone. Even the strength of the creature in me and its exploits is by God and not of its self or my lines, whereby a valley of vision said adversely of Herod after a great victory because he didn’t give God the glory. This is the first time man and son of man not used, but princes and son of man, to offset the encoded expository above in Psalms 80:17, never put your trust in angels or any other creature, look to and trust God always. It is God that shows mercy!

Isaiah 51:12, “I, even I, am he that comforteth you: who art thou, that thou shouldest be afraid of a man [HUMANS] that shall die, and of the son of man [HORSEMEN] which shall be made as grass.” To again offset the encoded expository above in Psalms 80:17, this is given. That is, you should not be afraid of horsemen, no matter how big they become, fear God only and trust him. To juxtapose, without a soul and God’s spirit, they are different from man in that man dies but still is, in the spirit body form, but they perish and cease to exist. Look and fear only God, whereby all existence is in his hands. If and when horsemen receive a soul and God’s spirit, it seems simultaneously this will happen at the end of the 1000 year reign, so only those who have their mind exercise to choose good or evil and choose good will receive such. Saying this to say that with that soul they are made a silver, or can persist beyond death, as humans; which seemingly is not achievable in spices, as that is not their own spirit bottles. Therefore, if at this time, only those that choose good and wont be a terror to others would be made a silver. And with God’s spirit will be ensured not to be made a terror, but manifest godliness forever. It would be terrible to have this persisting if this big and evil. I guess also the same sentiment should be given to some angels that fell, like satan, as seeking to pseudo do in the wheeling decree; a halo blanking all wisdom of angels like satan seems a better thing to desist such, especially those privy to drink from the creation wells and fell, that is, to perish like grass or cease to exists. On the other hand, two things come to mind, one, with a soul and spirit to be made a silver, wasn’t that the case with Adam, he was made with a soul and God’s spirit, but sin cut that off from him and he persisted as merely a silver until Christ reconnected him to God again. This was the beginning point of the planet and washing. Does it then mean when this take place for horseman, would they be given their planet and foster the same history? Not really, if saved from the same lion of the tribe of Judah, Yahoshua, even coming off the old lion, then the tenets of Christ’s salvation is that once joined you cannot be unjoined, perfect forever and walk as thus, being a sort of wheel to Christ (Heb 10:14). This took place through mediation between man and God, whereby when first with God, through Adam and fell, man didn’t have a lawyer to advocate his reconnection until later, which is Christ. Horsemen would have their connection and reconnection at the same time from the line of Christ salvation to all. As such, having a planet isn’t necessary or if attaining one, going through possible millenniums to be washed would be avoided if use this one millennium in the Sabbath 1000 year reign to be somewhat “washed.” Two, advocacy by such a mediator horseman for a planet would only be won by being on the line, and from what was already said, this is won by such an acceptance in the 1000 year reign with a soul and God’s spirit. But such an advocacy for a planet in the first place would have been to separate horsemen from humans and because horsemen are not compatible with this planet’s life cycle being such to horsemen that all other primates are food and ‘hackable,’ even the spirits (spice) and would consume earth (Rev 11:18). Yet I surmise interplanetary travel/relocation is only gained through being washed, whereby you have exercise your mind to discern between good and evil and choose good, so when face with different variables on another planet, the outcome should be the same, choose good (liberty, love, fraternity). Hence, washed beings are really going through the citizenship process of heaven then allowed to roam or be. So relocation to another planet, if argued for, seems unattainable without being washed and the conundrum is, if being washed, then such beings are made compatible with this planet and can stay here (Isaiah 11:8) – won’t eat humans, drink blood, produce and turn babies into host of themselves to be the dominant race, etc; all opposite to co-existing beside another. But foster esteeming others greater than themselves and do unto others as if doing it to yourself and outright reverence, piety and obedience to God, which is loving him. Hence, Christ simplified what the washing is and is to do in his two new commandments, which were the same essence or thing tried under Jewry – love others as self and love God. If one can do this, then one can live and be anywhere in the galaxy, for though things change, these remain the same. For instance, going to a planet where the beings have no eyes, so if in front of their faces mock by pointing on them and saying to the next guy with eyes, “ha, you can smile he can’t see.” Is that still wrong, though he can’t see it or have the capacity to feel that hurt, as if doing it to yourself? Even worst, don’t love God by being the only person on the planet with eyes, so you foster the similar phrase that says, “in the country of the blind, the one eye man is ‘God’.” More complex than meet the eyes, but millions of variable, whereby a washing should have the principles set that is applicable across the board regardless of any variables; some times troubles brings out if those principles are instilled in you and make it instilled. Yet the better of us will fall short, as possibly only 144,000 made it out of million of Jews with the commandments to follow, and why Christ soap made us washed instantly without this rigor and his spirit in us help foster those two commandments across the board with all variables; and why Christians, though in a different situation, sometimes says to the other “this doesn’t feel right;” then desist and seek why, as Christ’s spirit pull on them. So Christ Yahoshua’s salvation is the thing to seek from the offshoot of such a forth coming mediator, for we will fall short; however, before that acceptance is that ‘exercising the mind to discern between good and evil’ of one’s own stride, then the reward with his spirit is to lock that in; and, also, those that don’t, get permanently locked out, as against humans, cease to exist. Another thing is if argue for a new planet, Christ wouldn’t be there or God come as a potsherd of the earth, for you to draw near; so if while he’s near in the 1000 year reign you argue for a planet first and get it, then relocate, you would put yourself away from the potsherd of the earth needed to pardon you. Then stuck on that planet with no God coming there and be eternally lost. If a planet is given without God’s spirit but to be there you need a soul bottle like Adam had after the fall, if reach that far with attaining God given soul bottle, why not go all the way whilst God is near and tarrying; with even possible asking of such much later. If on that planet with a soul only, God becomes mindful of you like man, as being on the line, but it took 4 millenniums to redeem man when intended much shorter. Why risk that for yourself when God is here then? The scripture says, “Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near” (Isaiah 55:6). Man did that for 4 millenniums then rewarded with Christ’s salvation. Horsemen have one millennium to stride, even now, then those who persist get that lock in, “I have written unto you, young men [LAST FOLD], because ye are strong [THAN THE PREVIOUS FOLD TO RESIST SATAN], and [BUT NEED HIS SPIRIT FOR] the word of God [TO] abideth in you [TO REALLY LOCK THAT CHOICE IN], and ye have [AND TO REALLY] overcome the wicked one” (1 John 2:14) Likewise, those 144,000 who made it through Jewry will follow the Lamb wherever he goes to have this locked in, though they didn’t get that lock in with Jewry (Rev 14:1); which could mean literally following him in the resurrection or like us saints, have Christ’s spirit in us wherever we go, than just connect back to God. Rev 14:1 states that they have God’s name (Jesus father) written in their foreheads, not Christ’s, which we Christians have on, so they were connected to God without Christ, to that former state of pre-adamic fall through the washing which Jewry provided; but now need to follow the lamb (Rev 14:4). Could those 144,000 connect back to God be broken again like Adam’s connection at the first, yet in the resurrection and why they have to follow the lamb wherever he goes? I figure as much, and the sentiments for these 144,000 is the sentiment that will apply to horsemen that repent, that is, after such stride and years of piety from birth, one sin or offense can make them broken permanently from God, this is not right; like loosing a life saving with no insurance or government benefits, so following Christ lock in this stride forever. This is what Christ came to do in fulfilling the law, not removing it, that is, to the Jews, continue to stride but it would be foolish not to accept Christ and have that locked in; even worse, because he knows many will be this foolish, he disannulled that religion with the new in Christ, but could follow the traditions of Jewry as a way of life, even being peculiar. If so, acceptance through the Christ’s tenets and salvation stream is the thing to seek for horsemen than just acceptance on the line and connection to God. Nonetheless, why those 144,000 seems sealed with also following the lamb, is that the lamb was crucified from the foundation of the world and would have eventually covered all those washed by another soap for all human kind. Saying that to say, acceptance on the line with a soul and God’s spirit is good but without Christ, it seems to be breakable again like Adam and as such, start on a new planet with millenniums without his spirit and connect again permanently, as in being redeemed. So, for that mediator, do it good once. So in terms of planet, I guess in strict terms, it begins here and sort of ends here, if staying or relocating to another planet. Also, if baptism becomes apart of the bylaws as tenets of Christianity is, it would be good to be baptized in Yahoshua’s (Jesus) name for the security of the lock in, though the mediator’s name is a possible option, as those baptize in the sea through Moses (a soap – 1 Cor 10:2) and connected with God’s name in their fore-heads, but had to be incorporated into Christ soap for permanence of connection forever (Heb 10:14), so to such a mediator, do it all good at once.

Isaiah 56:2, “Blessed is the man [HUMANS] that doeth this, and the son of man [HORSEMEN] that layeth hold on it; that keepeth the sabbath from polluting it, and keepeth his hand from doing any evil.” That is, Blessed is box for making this known and more blessed is the horseman that keep the Sabbath or 1000 year Sabbath millennium from not polluting it with themselves or cease from doing the evil presented all around them and choose good, such will inherit acceptance in the commonwealth of God or the divine; as all other saints, with a soul filled with God’s spirit or in my analogy start paying taxes, that’s a little of the way and journey ahead of such a task to be fulfilled in such a mediator.

Job 25:6, “How much less man [HUMAN] that is a worm? and the son of man [HORSEMAN], which is a worm.” Though I daubed in this paper trail and the one of the worm earlier, it only gives a thesis to run with. If horsemen can now be categories as washable, capacity to discern and choose good or evil, it makes them equal to man in this regard; and even all those in this category. It also makes man equal to them, both a worm and both can be turned into butterflies (i.e. saints). More than fallen angels to be redeemed, this more than would be applied to them if accepted as such, "Saying, These last have wrought but one hour, and thou hast made them equal unto us, which have borne the burden and heat of the day" (Matt 20:12). Heat there is operative, a reason the sun WAS allowed in the washing, to present and stir/manifest the good choice versus evil, because he did real evil with that evil allowance, that heat now comes from Mike fires, “And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun [SATAN]; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire [MIKE]” (Rev 16:8). He shouldn’t be able to rise in this capacity in the 1000 year reign (Rev 20:3) and possibly interpolation in scripture or valley of vision type prophecy, for Mike should still be the regent of destruction, which if satan comes up why have two doing the same thing, when Mike jurisdiction as such lasts in the 1000 year Sabbath or possible horseman ‘washing’, "And another angel came out from the altar, which had power over fire [MIKE]...And the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles [1000 YEARS END] a thousand and six [666, LAST 6 IS ANGEL WASHING WHEN HE GOT THIS POSITION, PREVIOUS WERE JEWS THEN CHRISTIAN; 6 BEING THE NUMBER OF A MAN, SO ALL SAVED THROUGH MANKIND, NONETHELESS, SO WILL A HORSEMAN ACCEPTANCE]" (Rev 14:18-20). Not that Mike is less tolerant to execute judgment, but not deceitfully, like satan jumping on you silver shape you do the evil in/with your body, kill you and charge the evil to your account, as in you manifest the evil brought before you. His real desire is to kill, steal and destroy and not have any saved, while Mike have the same power to execute judgment but the desire is to save and as said, not tolerant to evil, stated here, “The sinners in Zion are afraid; fearfulness hath surprised the hypocrites. Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings?” (Isaiah 33:14). And the following verse to Rev 16:8 did state, “And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not [YOU’LL STILL HAVE THESE THAT WILL BE THROWN INTO EVERLASTING BURNINGS OR CEASE TO EXISTS]” (Rev 16:9). Also, I guess if being fair with the encoded expository above of Isaiah 51:12, if both can be turned into butterflies, and the horseman ‘worm’ ceases to exist if not turn to butterfly, why the human ‘worm’ continue if not turn to butterfly, and persist in their spirit man form? Both should cease to exist? This also is more complex than meets the eye, but many questions often flood with all situations, but one thing is certain and must be respected and upheld regardless of, God does what he pleases, even with no reasons. He gives reasons because he cares and likewise withholds because he cares. In this instance, not necessarily the case, a reason could be man was made with limitations to grow that big (Gen 2:17; 3:22), as an insect with a lung apparatus that doesn’t grown as it grows which makes it stays insect size; and catastrophic if could grow further which would reach heights pass elephants with the same capacity to lift 10 times it weight. Other real reasons of such cause, is the human consciousness was before the creation of the human and the creation of the human is to put that consciousness in a body, with the same playing field of choosing good or evil; as in that consciousness before creation, good and evil streams were present. A good example is box, with stones of good and stones of darkness, fortunately, having been born, chose good and with Christ salvation, locked into good forever and cannot be made unjustified! Horsemen, create their own consciousness from within creation, in a sense, then with their own unique soul bottles, not yet created, that consciousness is uploaded and they given permanence as humans.

Don’t know if I said too much and not necessarily daubing in it, for a greater look reveals a greater or real revelatory encodings of such for such a mediator. And Isaiah 56:2 encoded expository above seems to give grounds for revealing thus. Beyond this book and posts, I’ll attempt ceasing from this subject but only if God alone and any of this fold should not attempt to question me on it; such a ones are/were given in dialogue temporarily and thereafter and presently, pertain to the fold to be birthed now and the one that was birthed 2 millenniums ago.

(10)  Though there is figuring outs and seeking God’s ways, there is a blue print and inherent blues, and following such patterns if optimal. Though getting the job done or achieve as we see fit in our eyes, following the blue print is best. Even Barb/Herod followed the blue print and “goeth on to meet the armed men” in the North in America. Though only those with the spirit or even have a spirit this verse can apply to, they certainly sort of erode that notion, “as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God” (Rom 8:14). On the other side, Samson’s 1000 encoded stretch in slewing a 1000 men with the Jaw bone of an Ass (both obeasts-Barb/Herod) echoed that last statement of possible pardon/acceptance in another time, that is, the 1000 year reign, because also, of her kindness to the King; Barnabas, meaning, “son of consolation” and though Prince Herod is more a defender, “thy rod and thy staff comfort me” (Psalms 23). Which while the 60 were out assumed the position of my angels; as they be considered “one of you” Songs of Solomon refer to them as if eyes of a seraphim to me, “Turn away thine eyes from me, for they have overcome me: thy hair [OBEASTS] is as a flock” (Songs of Solomon 6:5). The box blues or 60 are apples or of the teachers or has their line in the EA Word bull network, so an encoded rendering of this verse shows them returning, even with the Alt 60 beholding such, as in they led me to the armed men, “yet shall not thy teachers be removed into a corner any more, but thine eyes [ALT 60 HORSEMEN] shall see thy teachers [BOX BLUES 60, TEACHERS]” (Isaiah 30:20).  

Note: {1} See “CSI: Horseman” in “CSI: Heaven”. {2} For number 8 under the section “Other tenets of Aaron’s Rod That Budded Before it was removed from the Ark.” I say EA mostly in the spice doings, but harvesting spreads from RA, and the Pig is the gardener that see through the fruitarian or blossom of spices, they probably more than EA in all harvesting. But EA employ such, so they would harvest such great amounts for and with him, for gains; “But there was none like unto Ahab [RA], which did sell himself to work wickedness in the sight of the LORD, whom Jezebel [PIG] his wife stirred up” (1 Kings 21:25). Ra them is the expertise in it and would be considered leader, but EA is the Leader in this regards to utilize and gather such for a heaven attack. He has the coordinates or star gate to heaven and charge of the earth, so he would be the leader of this conspiracy, as you have to follow the leader. But these four Egyptian pillars (the Pig being the spoke person and “Sharon”), Satan, EA and possible his 7 thunders all leaders of this spice attack on heaven; not to mention inconsiderately and brightly in secret disintegrating all beings on earth for their spirits as raw materials for this, even under the guise of help!

Bless Be The “Sons of Joseph” (Heb 11:21)
{“Leaning upon the top of [my] staff [Barb/Herod]”}

The term Sons of Joseph is another paper trail in the bible the encoded ‘Lord of the Sabbath’ might find encodings thereof and From the Post, ‘New Testament Encoding 2’, Hebrews 12:
For horsemen in the Horseman Holocaust, “whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth and [also] scourgeth every [new] son [potential horsemen] whom he receiveth…if ye endure…” (Heb 12:6-7). For horsemen and the Horseman Holocaust, all washable creatures went through it, “if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye s, and not sons” (Heb 12:8). Of course, “no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby” (Heb 12:11). But you have a little understanding of what he’s doing to you, example, removing the fake soul bottles, trust God and remember the prophecy of Armageddon whereby millions of horsemen still run to these evils to receive a spirit and forfeit their blessings, “rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live?” (Heb 12:9). Remember, in and when out of those May Den, “Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord” (Heb 12:14). Man is not an ‘ass colt’ (Job 11:12) for wearing or riding, have respect to where your existence sprang from and respect to those in authority; God hears without having a spirit and though with Isaiah 45:9 he can indirectly answer (2 Sam 23:11), moreover, the eyes go through the earth to reward righteousness of any. This was given concerning the “untimely figs” that marched to Armageddon and was burnt with fire from heaven, while musing in the mind prayerfully what would become of Barb them, “ye are not come unto the mount…and that burned with fire” (Heb 12:18); indirectly, seems they be persisting pass Armageddon and escape the Horseman Holocaust, stay in the May Dens provided, as all rebellious horsemen up and running wild will be gathered and burnt at that time or on the spot; “he for our [your] profit, that we might be partakers of his holiness” (Heb 12:10). While in the May Dens provided, don’t try to pro-create, spirate or seek “ass colt” for any reason, refuse all evils in the den; die if you must, though without a silver (spirit, always existing), if you believe, faith is the principle thing, God is able to bring anything back into existence. Just to help your faith, the spirit is made of light, some angels can burn and melt that light entity, even with fires that burn beyond feeling in the natural realm, as depicted in the burning bush. Likewise, sound can be so loud it cannot be heard by humans. Likewise, all substances, hard, soft, liquid or non-liquid, gases, anything basically, is pure light, made of light like the spirit. So spirit is like ice from water, but also flesh is also another level of ice from water, but the notions before stand true that both are of light; as in the cone (flesh or hard materials) and the ice cream (spirit or light) are the same, edible (made of light). But only God, even with skills of Pillar 1 and 2 or mike flames, only God can manipulate all in existence in light or that level; e.g., travel in light-years, which is simply molecular breakdown of hard materials that reforms as is. Only God can function far far beyond the example of light years, that everything is light and possess-able to him, hence, if you believe and stand firm, even your fleshly existence he can make come back into existence if die or burnt. The principles of Christ and salvation are the same for all, "broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it" (Matt 7:13-14). Choose the narrow path, live righteously, choose right and shun all evil!

The May-Dens: Concerning not coming to the mount that burn with fire, it also said, “nor unto blackness, and darkness and tempest” (Heb 12:18). Hence, it seems not dark, muggy, uncomfortable and evil. “Tempest,” a place where you are tempted to evil, even with often lack. Protected as in defending the Lentiles, “if so much as a beast touch the mountain, it shall be stoned, or thrust through with a dart” (Heb 12:20). Beasts for Ab’s, but more so, beasts (seraphim) seeking spare parts for pseudo wheels of the horsemen there. Hebrews 12:21 is the epitome, it is holy ground; and even seems defended there also by “an innumerable company of angels.” But beware also, as with Armageddon, when you are up, there is the similar battle of “God and Magog” at end of 1000 year Sabbath with satan or another evil again fooling you to receive the spirit, how will you discern between that and the real thing? In waiting, study to show thyself approved, believe, pray and live righteously. Resist evil, all evil, having your mind discerning good and evil, should be able to taste perverse things (Job 6:30). When such a time comes to leave the May-Den your sentiments should be, "Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach. For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come" (Heb 13:13-14).

Conclusion on ‘Methodology of Such A Case 2’

The latter part of this post, Methodology of Such a Case 2, seems to contradict parts of a post before 2007, entitled "Obeast Synopsis," with the sub-section "Horsemen and Salvation." That post reads and rightly conclude or close the bracket on salvation to angels for earth's duration (time, times and half a time) as this time was allotted for the washing of all the intelligent inhabitants of the world he has made, his sons. That section was more so to me than anything else, i.e., ask of salvation or stuff of my sons, humans (already saved) and angels; it's not my place to ask of such for any other created intelligent beings. Because having learnt much, as played out in this section, I would opt to preach to all and look in all things, being anointed as such can figure out and tamper into things before time and release such; as started but these small bits allowable in "Methodology of Such A Case 2." A possible example of release before time are the ancient Babylonians under Nimrod, Sargon or the Acadians, even Osiris of Egypt making and working and actually set in motion as if the old Lion was to come in that time, which represent their angelic salvation; when at the time the young lions (Judaism) weren't even around, much more The Lion (Christ), wherewith only through The Lion the old lion get his prowess to make them free, so it would be putting the horse before the carriage. Notwithstanding, horsemen "redemption" is still only a possibility to be ironed out by another if plausible. So the bracket is close to them for earth's allotted washing, which means there is no more washing of any beings to take place. However, there after God does what he pleases by a potsherd of the earth to any other potsherd from them through grace. So until Christ return only Jews, Gentiles and Angels are in the commonwealth of salvation and anything else are outcasts, s and will be burnt up. They also cannot be saved, as the term salvation means God lost something and is now redeeming it back to himself, humans and angels he created perfect and they cut off themselves and were lost; horsemen are a new creature in the scheme of things and an anomaly to the washing. If anything that should come for them is acceptance in that commonwealth even with God's spirit, which would be the first time being joined to God, hence accepted not redeemed or saved. This seems to come when the washing of earth's inhabitants are done and the redeemed are resting, Sabbath; so it really would be going out of the way and really epitomize grayce! Again, I use the word if, "but that's just the way the father is, he'll be your friend when you're not his."

So the referential to the Time, Times and Half a time is for Jews, Humans and Angels. So angels are the third seed. Dan 12 and Rev 12 mentioned these three dispensational time for the redemption of these three flocks; to be ushered by the liberator bull, eagle and a new mediator-liberator for each dispensation and time, so such might follow if such is plausible for horsemen. But how do I know the time is ended at Armageddon and Christ return? First lets get the old and new testament references of these three times, "And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever that it shall be for a time, times, and an half; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished" (Dan 12:7) and "And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent" (Rev 12:14). Notice Eagle, the Shepherd bull is to usher in these times and he repeated Dan 12:7 and Rev 12:14 when he said, "And sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer" (Rev 10:6). "Time no longer" means he would finish these three times or Shepherd these three folds to redemption, after which time is ended; for the earth was created for thus. After this Christ should return but at such time when these times end there shall be destruction as never seen before," And at that TIME shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book. And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt" (Dan 12:1-2). This took places in Rev 11:19 "And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail;" and Mike did this a little after the two witnesses prophecy, so it was at Christ return or Armageddon ends, especially notice the first resurrection time line in Daniel 12:1-2. This means the three times ended here and if so, the three times clearly meant Jew, Gentiles (humans) and angels. The sabbath is next and though a time, 1000 years, it is to rest; so not intended this way it came out as 6000 years (washing) and rest 1000 (rest/reward) as pattern in 6 days shalt thou work and the 7th to rest, so no washing can take place in the time of resting and would exclude all beings. However, there may be hope, "And the Pharisees said unto him, Behold, why do they on the sabbath day that which is not lawful? And he said unto them, Have ye never read what David did, when he had need, and was an hungred, he, and they that were with him? How he went into the house of God in the days of Abiathar the high priest, and did eat the shewbread, which is not lawful to eat but for the priests, and gave also to them which were with him? And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath" (Mark
2:24-27). That last verse might be an aid to such a horse-man mediator, that is, the Sabbath was made for man to rest and so the door closes for inherent human beings, but are the horsemen on sabbath? I leave it there for that mediator to work out. So though angels are the third seed, out of time and in the confines of earth, if an acceptance for horsemen is plausible, they could be considered a third seed as well, as in Human, Angels and Horsemen. Another thing such a mediator might advocate is a planet, but I would interject being on thrones then with the other saints and opt to leave it now, that is, the previous seed began their washing with a new planet, earth, and ended after 6 millenniums, while if you contend for a planet you might be contending for a drawn-out washing (with a history, trials, etc ) when in less than a 1000 years you can have that completed; which you might even be join to God then broken by an adversary and allowed to grope, desire then connect again (redeemed), when this is in your grasp now. However, if the fleshly conditions to which you exist now persist, why have one race beside another race which is food to them, or highly contagious by choice? Very tempting, I’ll leave it at for another.

Nonetheless, as said at the end of ‘Methodology Of Such A Case 1’, “Christ didn’t necessarily came to save humans, but mankind or even more, any that is lost, he came to save that which was lost’ (Matt 18:11). Angels are lost too, even lost before humans were lost. So would come to save these that are lost too. For if a woman lost two children in the mall, would she put up a missing sign and announcement to find only one, even worse, leave the mall finding one and rejoicing, how much more God.” But guess what, this would disqualify horsemen, “For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10). They weren’t his to begin with, than to be lost, to be saved. However, Luke 19 then gave a parable of what might take place with them, “He said therefore, A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return. And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come. But his citizens hated him, and sent a message after him, saying, We will not have this man to reign over us. For I say unto you, That unto every one which hath shall be given; and from him that hath not, even that he hath shall be taken away from him” (Luke 19:12-26). That is, after coming to seek that which was lost and some reject him, he also added others which were not of those that can be considered lost. As a man inviting his friends, LOST, to a party and they said we are not coming we are going to the night-club; then he went on the street and give the food to the poor to eat in his house. This exact thing of coming to the lost (friends) to save them but also incorporating others not lost (strangers) is seen in the following verses in Luke 14. “Then said he unto him, A certain man made a great supper, and bade many: And sent his servant at supper time to say to them that were bidden [LOST AND TO NOW RETURN], Come; for all things are now ready. And they all with one consent began to make excuse...And the servant said, Lord, it is done as thou hast commanded, and yet there is room [FOR MORE TO BE SAVED, BUT I DID GATHERED ALL THOSE OF THE LOST THAT CHOOSE TO COME]. And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in [WHO MAY, WHICH WERE NOT IN THE CATEGORY OF LOST], that my house may be filled. For I say unto you, That none of those men which were bidden [LOST AND INVITED TO COME BACK IN] shall taste of my supper” (Luke 14:16-18 & 22-24).

Note: {1} Never want to touch it further, but keep opening can of worms. If a planet is plausible, a drawn-out washing might be side stepped in this and a quote: Ancient Aryan cities are complete with Bricks, as the Mayan, as the Aztecs, so "There was never a time any people on the earth was uncivilized, the term is just concocted, in my estimation, by the elite to feel superior to another or even hold in . Example, at one point black men weren't considered men, even 3/5 of a man [holding all things constant], but today that is obviously ridiculous, yet until this time it was correct. The notion then of an uncivilized people is erroneous, societies choose to live how they want. For instance, some Amerindians built great cities, while some dwelt subsistently" (O. M, Author and Minister). I guess thus far the horsemen race dwelt not as a people, as humans and God placing angels here (even in governments, etc), so the history, trials, etc., the horsemen shared was that of the former, not their own, which a planet starting such a race might foster. Being civilized or not is not the issue to short-cut the drawn-out washing but the element of sin, the familiarity thereof, after which having one’s senses exercise to choose between good and evil; this is foster being left alone to exist as is, then have the option to choose a life of sin or not. As of now they have only existed as sublets or sub-entities of human and angel entities, as animals, yet possessing a human body, consciousness and intelligence; hence LACK “being left alone to exist as is, then have the option to choose.” Having gone into Dens then when the “Mad Max” world arise when Christ returns, and they run wild upon the rest of the earth, they would have a little history of their own, being sort of left alone, leading to the Battle of Gog and Magog. That might cut short the drawn out washing of a planet, yet since encoded in scripture (Diana, Jupiter, Barnabas, Acts 14:12, 19:35) a planet might still be plausible. Not only me shouldn’t touch it further, but anyone else and wait on that mediator; for example, EA saying to Barb come on close his eyes, must get the two pillar, for with them (silver and purple) you can get your ready made souls now. Shun all such that fabricate lies to do their own evils. Remember the prophecy. {2} Remember the prophecy, prophecy, prophecy "Abstain from all appearance of evil...I pray God your whole … body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ...Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it" (1 Thess 5:22-24). Remember, it be only a possibility by your actions and desire, God will always opt to prepare and make a way, but with or without sinister angels doing such, the individual being can forfeit by choice; though EA, Pig, etc would erode all this already by setting things off course with spices. So walk or strive like the saints to “walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called” as if it be so already, that is faith and faith is what moves God and unrighteousness and evil does the opposite, so ultimately it is still up to this sect then, horsemen, and nothing set in stones; for “God is no respecter of persons” (Acts 10:34), how much more horsemen (Isa 45:9). Universally, “To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts” (Heb 3:15). The operative word there is “IF.”


Jesus didn't necessarily said he come to save humans only, but that which was lost (Matt 18:11). We don't know how that is comprised. Fallen Angels are lost too. However, if such is solved, "one law shall be to him that is homeborn [HUMANS] and unto the stranger [ANGELS, ETC,] that sojourneth among you" (Exodus 12:49); in essence, same Christendom.  Though being zealous, I have to also remember and caution myself of 2 Chronicles 19:2, "And Jehu the son of Hanani the seer went out to meet him, and said Jehoshaphat, Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the LORD? therefore is wrath upon thee from before the LORD." So if not reachable and God cuts off, reaching out to such is even woe to the person doing the outreach. To myself and others, pray, verify and make sure it be of God!


The following verse was personally giving concerning me for the works done, when faced with suckry/warp chi and if died, "A seed shall serve him; it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation. They shall come, and shall declare his righteousness unto a people that shall be born, that he hath done this" (Psalms 22:30-31). That is, the angels in flesh about me would declare the things done by me and stolen, even stolen through suckry; that it was the hand of the Lord upon box that has done so, not the suckerer or thieves (even warped chi). At this time I hadn't gone in-depth with salvation to angels but having learnt tenets of suckry, intermingling with angel activities and suckerers stealing and pre-publishing works I'm doing and have done. This verse was a console to that; they would come and declare me the author of such works. I had deemed it like Luke 19:40 but later found out they be not just rocks that cry, but done so deliberately being that seed that served box because he had pertain to them, he not knowing until now. However, that verse is overt Christological or merely a Jesus Christ prophecy. So let’s look at it from Isaiah 53:8, "He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken" (Isa 53:8). From Easton Bible Dictionary we find, "Isaiah 53:8, 'Who shall declare his generation?' His manner of life who shall declare? or rather His race, posterity, shall be so numerous that no one shall be able to declare it." Now the encoded break down:

[CAME OUT OF HELL]=> He was taken from prison and from judgment:

=> and who shall declare his generation?

=> for he was cut off out of the land of the living:

=> for the transgression of my people was he stricken

POSITION 1. Christ died and had no descendants.

POSITION 2. Christ died and couldn't further his work.

POSITION 3. Even if it means that others shall come and declare what he Christ did, that was not the case. For they went back fishing and he rose from the dead and began the apostolic age, first showing himself to 500 and preaching to many, which is a prophecy by Daniel that he confirmed the NEW covenant for one week, after he died. Then he arose in the 120 upper room folks through the Holy Spirit and continued the work through them and all believers since then, throughout all generation. So Christ himself declared his message when rose and also through them, his sort of wheels.

Let’s look at it from Psalms 49:19, Now the way in which generation is used here, that is with death, it might have the same meaning. Psalms 49:19 reads, "He shall go to the generation of his fathers." From Easton, “the dwelling of his fathers, i.e., the grave.” But generation here only means that because of the words used with it, "of his fathers." So then, by the context generation is tied to mean the grave. Let's see if that is the case with also Isaiah 53:8. The clause before and after generation deals directly with death, him being taking out of it and that he went to it and that he went to it for his people. So the context surrounds the grave, but in a rhetorical sense. That is, who shall declare his generation seeing that he was taken from prison and from judgment [DEATH]? Who else but him! He was taken from the GRAVE, so unlike other men who died and their message die with them and followers also, Christ rose and continued his message, his followers and his generation. Which is the essence of the rhetoric, that is, he can declare his message because he didn't stay in hell but rose from it, so more profoundly he shall declare his own generation. As taken in POSITION 3. Why? Because he rose from the dead as verified in Psalms 22 itself, verse 29, "none can keep alive his own soul;" so they would die with their message and followings, unlike Christ.

This also showed that the end of psalm 22 didn't necessarily speak of Christ, but directly or indirect or dually speak of box, if die the fold to which he pertains shall continue the work, distribution of literature left, etc.; for unlike Christ, I can't keep alive my own soul, Christ would have to raise me up and even after my time, I couldn't raise up myself or wheel my followers, so they would have to declare my generation. Yet still only if it pertains to me or else it dies with me (Acts 
5:36), even though they be angels and always on the surface. Moreover, with such a Christ salvation to them that should follow, God’s spirit would be with it and as such God would prompt to carry on the work. One love!

Chapter 3


(Extracts from “New Testament Encodings 2”)

These are extracts from the post “New Testament Encodings 2,” which is an encoded expository from the bible book of Phillipians to Jude but the books of 1 John 2 to Jude gives specific details to angels seeking salvation. So here are those encoded expository in those books and do read prayerfully.

1 John 2

Verses 12 to 14 of 1 John 2 has key encoding on the last two flocks the shepherd is to prepare, it reads.

“I write unto you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you for his name's sake. I write unto you, fathers, because ye have known him that is from the beginning. I write unto you, young men, because ye have overcome the wicked one. I write unto you, little children, because ye have known the Father. I have written unto you, fathers, because ye have known him that is from the beginning. I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong, and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one.” (1 John 2:12-14).

There is the preparation (CHILDREN) of some before the mediator. Then there is the mediation (FATHERS) and lastly the reception of strength of salvation (YOUNG MEN). This process is repeated twice in 1 John 2:12-14 and is depicted in the table below, reading across from left to right for each row:




(1)  Starting. Embryonic.

(1)  Grown.

(1)  Reborn.

(2)  The Promise, “your sins are forgiven you.

(2)  Promised realized of Mediator and mediation, “ye have known him that is from the beginning” with tenets of the promise from the forerunner.

(2)  Promised received, “ye have overcome the wicked one.”

(3)  The Forerunner: “ye have known the Father.” By the knowledge he gives towards that end. I guess to the angel fold, the forerunner was the Shepherd Bull (EA) and to the Christian fold it seems John the Baptist. But the Shepherd Bull gives forerunning oversight to all flocks.

(3)  The Mediator: “ye have known him that is from the beginning.” Though you be alive before his coming, that is, the mediator, hence considered Fathers; but as intangible he is before, e.g. “Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (Rev 13:8). So the knowledge given by the forerunner is now set aside for the updates with the update (mediator) if humble like a child again, hence reborn as seen in the next column. The priests awaiting Christ couldn’t humble when he came and they being fathers said to him, “thou art not yet fifty years old” (John 8:57) and want to teach me or be the mediator, I’m elder than you.

(3)  New Flock: “ye are strong, and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one.”

(4)  Before Promise: With Forerunner

(4)  With Promise: With the King or Mediator

(4)  After Promise: With God (Yah)

The angel flock now in the mediation stage and possible horsemen flock next. For the present Shepherd Bull it stops with this flock being changed for delinquency in administration (see the post CSI:Heaven). The above process in 1 John 2:12-14 was mentioned twice at this angel fold, so it means a horseman fold is plausible. Verse 18 seems to verify this and encodly indirectly speak of this to them after the children stage is passed with the angel fold and given after the twice mentioning, so to the horseman fold, “Little children, it is the last time.” That is, this seems the last flock to be dealt with in the Sabbath millennium reign, the marker for that end of the angelic age and beginning of the 1000 year reign was the rise of the anti-Christ with the Mark of the Beast conspiracy; however, that in itself might not be so, and even if so what would be the difference from then and now seeing “ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even NOW are there many antichrists” (1 John 2:18). However, at that end of the angelic time, which would have erupted in Armageddon, this was mentioned to signified another fold yet exist and in the children stage then, “Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time” (1 John 2:18). Horsemen, like others, in their time when tempted, it is same temptation that befall us all, nothing new, even now “For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world” (1 John 2:16). Verse 19 speaks of the person in verse 18, the anti-Christ or Ab, when he would have gone into perdition and manifest evil, this of him would also manifest, “They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us” (1 John 2:19). As of and likewise any other blue or moles. The real marker for the Horseman era is the return of Christ and for the return of Christ to take place the three folds musts be washed. Two went by thus far and the last, Angels, is in the process now; for a generation or so, though intended to last 500 years.

1 John 4

From the above, upon reaching the “Young Men” stage and promised is received, it noted we overcome the wicked one. In the possibly last fold, it gave clues to the reason why they overcome the wicked one, “the word of God abideth in you” (1 John 2:14). Unlike the fold before them, they are strong against satan and his devices (wedge mechanism to satan of Ra standing up). This was said of the fold before them “young men, because ye have overcome the wicked one.” Then this of that fold of possibly horsemen, “young men, because ye are strong, and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one.” That is, you are strong but you would still need God’s spirit which is his word in you to really and ultimately overcome the wicked one; which this fold don’t have or cannot have, not having a soul bottle or of God’s creation to receive a soul or spirit bottle. Satan himself can counterfeit this and with a spirit given or you take, he can overcome you; to know the difference when such is plausible during the 1000 year reign after Christ return I might not know, so refuse all and walk in piety (Heb 12:14) remembering the prophecy and the all knowing God will honor his word. But the truth is, for the previous, for man, and for angels now in the father stage, we overcome by God’s spirit or the Holy Ghost in us, it being “the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” (Eph 6:17); with it we are saved also, “But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any [PERSON] man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his” (Rom 8:9). Hence, the angel fold and horseman fold should follow as the human fold, being born again or born “of the Spirit” (John 3:5), with it we overcome the world. For the last fold it is not necessarily being born again, but born for the first time with God’s spirit; born again means God made you with his spirit and you fall away from it, Adam for man and Satan and the 1/3 for angels. If spices could be separated, then one might say these horsemen are born again if to repent and receive a real soul bottle and God’s spirit; not really, they still weren’t born in the first place, being hooked on used soul bottle without God’s spirit and God didn’t make them, “Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker! Let the potsherd [BEINGS THAT I HAVE CREATED] strive with the potsherds of the earth [BEINGS THOSE BEINGS CREATED]. Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it, What makest thou? or thy work, He hath no hands?” (Isa 45:9). Hence, before promise, as children, the forerunner would give the end of the initial faith to the children and they also hope to run that race expecting the promise at that time; for example, “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because [WHEN YOU RECEIVE GOD’S SPIRIT] greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world” (1 John 4:4), now apart of the commonwealth of heaven and of God.

1 John
4:17, “Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world.” Love (charity) is referential to EA, his position fosters such as really a care giver Bull, after his removal he awaits the second resurrection and judgment, but can escape the lake of fire after burning a 1000 years, having “boldness in the day of judgment” because innumerous works of love. I never publish or preach it but bundled with the new birth then, but in the second resurrection and judgment thence, if one has enough good works over sin works, you can escape the second death (Rev 20:12). By default of EA position he has many good works as a Shepherd Bull, as encoded in his encoded Job profile, “Which doeth great things past finding out; yea, and wonders without number” (Job 9:10). One such work of love is in that same book, a verse above Job 9:10, that is, Job 9:9 “Which maketh Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, and the chambers of the south;” which encodes that he helped build and chartered the sea civilization. But from the post “CSI:Heaven” in the section “CSI:The Sea” or the post “Detail Encodings In Job,” with what spirit of intent; for his own evils. This decipher of good works versus bad works the saints will judge each soul from the second resurrection. For instance, this intent of his good work from the creation of the sea civilization would be nullified as bad works; those saints will have to do that for each and he has many works as his position fosters. Therefore, without this decipher, the EA position would per say have one billion good works to 100 million bad works. Holding all things constant, he would escape but utterly wicked and persist with the saints and angels thereafter. Then for example sake, as Ab held good that he remain until used, one would contend that the Ab position would rend his account in the reverse because he’s a bull that work in evil (100 million good works with one billion bad works), but he’s godly and misunderstood, as no blackhead under satan for possibly millenniums with satan at head; holding all things constant, He would receive an adverse judgment beyond the lake of Fire.

Saints in the first resurrection receive this sort of judgment also of their works, but only the rewards for such are burnt up if adverse, while their soul live in paradise (1 Cor 3:12-15). Why no lake of fire for saints (of all beings) if have insincere works among them? The same 1 John 4:17 said it, that is, “Herein is our love made perfect” with salvation. In other words, our love works account tips to infinity and always outweighs the bad works account no matter what, with faith in Christ and by default with salvation through Christ; making us always perfect, covered in Christ. That is how the love works account is perfected.

For someone as EA who wroth wickedly from the foundation and become as evil and outcast as satan, "There is a sin unto death [
BYPASS SECOND RESURRECTION JUDGMENT AND GO STRAIGHT TO THE LAKE OF FIRE NO MATTER WHAT]: [BUT] I do not say that he shall pray for it. [NONETHELESS] All unrighteousness is sin: and there is a sin not unto death" (1 John 5:16-17). That indefinite sin we don’t know, probably in all the evils I’ve learnt of EA, he probably has committed it, for example, plan and attack on heaven. Or, probably it’s the blaspheme against the Holy Ghost. 1 John 4:20, back to Pat if a wheel than an eye of EA or any of the conspirators with EA. That is, after EA removed, one should love his brother, even so now, reason being he’s also a representative of all the EA wheels, some good but wheeled bad; but more so, with the insincere good works of EA, Pat seems to supply genuine good works and a good report. Strikingly, both does good works but the spirit of God reveals the intent of the heart. Such display can help withhold battle plan 2 for battle plan 3. Loving such is loving God as 1 John 4:21 states, “he who loveth God love his brother also.”

Note: In 2 Peter 3:6-8 we dealt with the 1000 year reign, change of the Abyss bull during then, for various reasons with some cited. Anti-smoking chi could be preparing individual files for persons to be judged in the second resurrection. Now it might seems I’m saying there is another way for men to be saved beside Christ with good works. Not really, no other way to salvation but by Jesus Christ. From 2 Peter 3:6, this seems mostly for them that die during the 1000 year and before the dispensation of salvation, “Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished” (2 Peter 3:6).

1 John 5

This verse is key and flow off the last verse of Pat if not an EA eye or an eye of his thunder or any of the conspirators that launched a preemptive strike on heaven; or he himself not willingly involved in such attacks and backups, even docile. What Pat had done as a magistrate was report to EA of my stands for God, “what carefulness it wrought in you, yea, what clearing of yourselves, yea, what indignation, yea, what fear, yea, what vehement desire, yea, what zeal, yea, what revenge! In all things ye have approved yourselves to be clear in this matter” (2 Cor 7:11). But in this verse, encodly, he seems to report that box is that mediator of angels “is the Christ is born of God” (1 John 5:1).

EA himself, as Samuel, should verify this to the populace for the angel fold, but being satan…well that’s obvious. Other things tie his hands in trying to dissuade this witness of box, knowing Pillar one should be by the box, attempted to obtain both in flesh by the box or the jurisdiction thereof; so how could he then say box is not the mediator, when through the jurisdiction surrounding the mediator tried to attain the pillars for himself. This verse follows on the witness as well, even if not recognized by EA, “every one that loveth him [EA] that begat [WHEELS] loveth him [PAT] also that is begotten of him [EA]” (1 John 5:21). So such recognition by his wheel authenticates the matter from himself. As Satan-EA he would have to put out such a witness forcefully by words and corrupt such with wheeling such into evil (e.g. sitting of kir) to even set a wedge between box later; yet still such wheeling verify such authentication, sitting of Kir, to cut out the two Pillars.

It is kind of good the “Fathers” of this flock are fathers indeed and are angels (far seers) and would see the forerunner corruption; for example the Leave-Behind of Long John Silver, away! Satan-EA would want to also permit all the rest of the angel “religiosity” but omit the witness of the mediator, for it is key to the religiosity as the death on the cross of Christ is key to Christianity. For without the witness there is no redemption, as there is no salvation without the cross. So stamping out Pat witness and any other was needed by him to prevent them from overcoming him. In the ‘Young Men’ stage from 1 John 2, the fold would over come the world, but by the spirit of God in us. This is repeated in this book, “For whatsoever is born of God [BORN OF THE SPIRIT OR RECEIVE HIS SPIRIT] overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith” (1 John 5:4). Notice the clause “even our faith,” that is, you have to believe, but believe what? It is in 1 John 5:5, “Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?” The fold has to believe through their mediator, hence would have to know this or that is their mediator, hence having the witness of such. In that verse, not that box is the “Son of God” as in Jesus Christ or some Lord of the Second Advent, but that God accepts mediation from this person on your behalf, with box, as it pertains to angel. It is kind of like saying, based on Roe versus Wade case results this is or is not so, or in reality, abortion is legal or not legal. So it would be Box versus Satan case on behalf of the 1/3 angels he ostracized from heaven. But then how do you reconcile the mediator Jesus with other mediators with the fact that saints believe on the Lord Jesus Christ (Yahoshua) and by such receive the spirit. This is explained in 1 John 5:6, “it is the Spirit that beareth witness, because the Spirit is truth.” So the spirit bears witness. That is, you don’t receive the spirit, per say from the mediator, but from God but you have to believe the mediator is the mediator, or God accepts his mediation, witnessed by faith, then you receive God’s spirit. So when you receive the spirit it means you have believed the witness, hence the spirit beareth witness that you believe the witness, seeing that you have the spirit by believing in the first place. Similar to the verse that says faith without works is dead, but not that works give faith, but the reverse, faith give the works; and without the works, you wouldn’t have believed. And with the spirit you overcome satan, but you get the spirit from the witness, so it could be said that with the witness you overcome satan (etc); hence, why he seeks to destroy any witness that box is who he is and has done.

Now in Christ case, his spirit came upon the believers because as a man he was exalted to the throne of God Wheelock to God at second position to God in the realm of God and then he himself made a seraphim that God runs through on those that believe.

As in the case of Moses, he mediated and God spirit came to them as he sent every man back to their tents to pray (Due 5:30); only in one case it states the spirit of Moses was on the 70 elders (Num 11:25), which seems an allegory than literal, yet being he has his major stone in that line of dealings, possibly got a taste thereof. Due 5 with Moses gave that set up of Christ becoming the seraphim and the need thereof through him, a lock in. The people heard the commandments from Due 5:1-23, sincerely strived to live it but weakened ever so often as stated in Due 5:24-27, “God doth talk with man, and he liveth…
why should we die… Go thou near, and hear all that the LORD our God shall say: and speak thou unto us all that the LORD our God shall speak unto thee; and we will hear it, and do it.” God also identify this sincere strive and the need for a lock in, as depicted in a seraphim, “they have well said all that they have spoken. O that there were such an heart in them, that they would fear me, and keep all my commandments always, that it might be well with them, and with their children for ever!” (Due 5:28-29). But none yet and later prophesied such of Christ, himself coming into humanity and from thence give that lock in. He then gave that pattern set up to come, with the usage of Moses, Due 5:31 then Due 5:30 and then Due 5:32-33. That is, he gave Moses a command which was an allegory to Christ resurrection and ascension to becoming that seraphim sitting at the throne of God second to God, “But as for thee, stand thou here by me, and I will speak unto thee all the commandments, and the statutes, and the judgments, which thou shalt teach them, that they may do them in the land which I give them to possess it” (Due 5:31). Then from thence in heaven God through Christ spirit will be in the people by a sort of wheeling and so stays one place in heaven and teach and help automate those that believe, “Go say to them, Get you into your tents again” (Due 5:30); this be sort of what and not exactly what the 7 spirits of God do. Then finally as a result of this (as against Due 5:24-27 with them indirectly asking for thus) they receive that lock in of their choice to follow God by a sort of wheeling and helped through pseudo automation to follow God, “ye shall observe to do therefore as the LORD your God hath commanded you: ye shall not turn aside to the right hand or to the left. Ye shall walk in all the ways which the LORD your God hath commanded you, that ye may live, and that it may be well with you” (Due 5:32-33). This is the exact thing of Christ fulfilled in Php 2:13, “For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure” and Rom 9:15-16 “For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy” and Heb 8:10 or 10:16 “For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people,” which was prophesied as early as in Eze 36:27 “I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them;” as such “ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.” (Eph 4:30) and so “Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ” (Php 1:6). Hence, God’s spirit is vital and the essence of salvation to any being.

Then back to this book on the need of the witness for the angels, 1 John
5:10, “He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God hath made him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son.” As with verse 5, he that believes box is sent for such or God accepts such mediation on their behalf overcometh the world, you have to believe this record of such an intangible case that took place on your behalf; like how many utilize a pass case of Roe vs. Wade and has never seen that case live or the details of that case, but know that that case concluded what it did on abortion and made that law. But you overcome the world by God’s spirit but you receive this when you believe the former record of box, that is, “he that believeth on the box mediation hath the witness in himself.” Then with God’s spirit you overcome satan, so with that witness (belief) of the box mediation you overcome satan. You can’t believe the box mediation if you don’t believe the box is who he is. As in the historical American court case name after the subject, “The Dred Scott Decision,” likewise the Box Decision (his actual should later needed) on angels that want to be redeemed after falling from grace. The judge makes the ruling so it is really the judge decision, who is God himself, but often cases are named after the subject/lawyer. So believing who the box is the key to overcoming satan and why as EA, he would stop Pat or any other witness. For with that witness comes God’s spirit, with God’s spirit you defeat satan. Not that box is life or with him defeat satan, but you believe the record that God raised up someone as he has promised or as you angels have prayed for and now accept his mediation. Hence, “this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life” (1 John 5:11), that is, with the presence of the mediator or the lawyer actually showing up to court and since of/with God (the judge), the case is already won. “He that hath [THIS RECORD] … hath life; and he that hath not [THIS RECORD]…hath not life” (1 John 5:12). Not that box is the life giving spirit, but the litigation used to fallen angels access to the throne for that spirit. “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men [NOT ANGELS], the man Christ Jesus” (1 Tim 2:5). So another mediator was needed between angels and God, but that mediator (box) joined and used the “Jesus Crucified Law Firm,” and as such pay out comes from God’s spirit, and as such Jesus Christ becomes the real mediator of the latter. That’s the reason satan wants to destroy this witness in anyone with the witness, “young men [ANGEL FOLD], because ye have overcome the wicked one” (1 John 2:13). By affirmation of the witness present, you know that God hears you, as stated in 1 John 5:15 “if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him;” so the witness is faith based to receive what you have hoped for than it pass you by. Notice 1 John 3:21-23, “Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God. And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight. And this is his commandment, That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment” So without guilt of wrong we have confidence to believe, God hears us regardless of, because he testifies such by the presence of the witness. So altogether it is faith in essence, for we Christian men are justified:


(1) Not that no sin = Answered prayer

(2) But seeing one’s sin (“heart condemn us”) = Doubt, God wont listen to me now; hence no confidence
(3) No confidence
= No faith
(4) No faith
= “Let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord” (James 1:7)


This is how vital the witness is. Therefore, verse 14, this witness or belief in box record “is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us” (1 John 5:14). Hence, faith to receive his spirit and be saved. This results in this analogy, that is, “the table is set (Box Record), dinner must be served (His Spirit), so I’ll (Angels) ask for my share, seeing the table is set.” So verse 15, “And if we know that he hear us [BOX IS HERE], whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him” (1 John 5:15).

I guess to believe on box mediation (as with the name of litigations served, e.g. “Dred Scott Decision”) you would have to know his name. It is Othniel in the Hebrew, but like Yahoshua turned to Jesus, Othniel was turned to Oneil, as my actual name is presently than my Pen name (O.C), but plan to change it to Othniel legally, if God be willing and live pass 2007-2008. However, concerning baptisms, Paul said he baptized none in his own name (1 Cor 
1:15). Likewise I opt not to do and thought a different context if I had done so this would result and violate the “Methodology of Such a Case 1,” “For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect” (1 Cor 1:17). Though those scriptures pertain to men, but being angels in men’s suit can corrupt Christ baptism to others, so I would opt to baptize in the single name of Yahoshua (Jesus) the Messiah, for the remission of sins. After such with his spirit, there are many tenets to faith, for example verses 18, which is a changed life, “We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not; but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not” (1 John 5:18). With such, remember the schoolmaster to this latter but same faith, which is Christianity, so one must learn the tenets thereof. Though angels “infinite” in all the religions and wisdom of this world, to fully grasps this concept, you have to read and understand the true tenets of Christianity, given in many books by many authors, the best and recommended compiled reference is a book called, “The Voice…” by Oneil McQuick (ISBN: 1419617303 and 978-1419617300). Obtain it, read it and apply it and the same tenets of Christianity should be the same for all; saving faith in essence, but that alone can write several books, for “faith without works is dead.” That includes demonstration of power and spirit and his spirit witnessing with our spirits that we are the sons of God, “If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater: for this is the witness of God which he hath testified of his Son” (1 John 5:9).
A plot to spoil the witness is the deranged outlook box is in by persecution from EA and others, as he had done to Christ when he came; the onlookers would “say him, uh-ah,” and hence wont believe. This witness of a mediator is needed, even so to be identifiable by the forerunner (EA) as John the Baptist of Jesus, as if! Reason being, they are many false Christs and persons, idols, that would come as a mediator to the fold in the Little Children stage from 1 John 2. Hence, the ending of this chapter, “Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen” (1 John

Note {1}: Something I didn’t cite elsewhere, EXCEPT IN THE COLOSSIAN 1 ENCODED EXPOSITORY ABOVE, is that this report of magistrate to the head blue is flawed if those magistrate or angels by saints are eyes of the head blue. One, like Trident search and found the sea civilization and declared it (Job 28:27), then EA and satan fish him out, likewise that magistrate can report a budding worldwide Christian ministry from man and EA begin warp chi of that saint. If grounds are brought up of why the saint failed or faltered after such a stance, EA would open that eye of the magistrate and the magistrate speaks contrary to what he had spoken and the saint don’t have a voice on his behalf if his own angel wrote him off later; with no relay from heaven for that good stance and EA walk away with that warp chi. Two, likewise, if that good report proves adverse to EA plans or against him, he simply open the eye standing by that saint and they speak contrary wise. The one reporting should be completely different from the one receiving the report; this is like a mediation of one, where the angel would report in favor of the saint to EA, but both are the same if that angel is his eyes and so control that mediation. God countered that with Christ, fostering a mediation of one, to save us from such and argue our case differently to God, than the shepherd and care givers given. The thing with eyes is that they are considered legitimate persons and separate individuals and “on scripts” is a loose definition; so they really can act in this capacity of reporting by their individual intellectual capacity, but there is a possibility of voiding such when that eye is opened or that eye is retracted. Not saying this is case with Pat, that is, being an eye of EA; and in the interim, if he is an eye, being infected and locked, opening that eye can be impossibly until healed, so the witness and stance remain for what it is worth. If an eye, he is then placed in the stocks to spice the eye, which remove the eye but the materials of that spirit is a new creature wheeled again to that seraphim on a spice network. All such from the beginning with how the magistrate was made up (if an eye) was to destroy the witness. Note {2} Concerning “Pillar one should be by the box…when through the jurisdiction tried to attain the pillars for himself.” That is, standing by box as against a bottled water, whereby the tenets of the water standing up and mediation would be in the written scheme of things from heaven, from that inherent permission with the river box water now standing up, he would pull Pillar one, which sort of violates the blue print; permission is one thing, but waiting for the commandment is the rule of the blue print. Such standing by the box of the two Pillars seems inherently in the jurisdiction as against standing by or interplay with a bottle water ever; but this he may cause to seems indistinguishable form the cases of the bottle waters to cook the books in justifications. However, when the bottle waters come, they are solely with the rings and stay therewith until the rings finish, I guess most often perish there with. This time when the rings are finished, the two would also step in that capacity of care, as against the men of war solely. So also bringing the Pillars before time is to automatically make the rings finished, then he would have his backup plans (dribble and pass) thereafter, with a Pillar in flesh and box. It doesn’t seems the Pillars get involved with the bottled waters ever, except only in the case where the bottle water is not a bottled water but the river box water compositely standing up, as in this case. This is patterned from Jewry in the temple that this washing of this planet would foster such, as in the temple ornament of the mercy seat with the 2 cherubim that cover it. EA as being the forerunner and Shepherd would also know this for sure and manipulated it as stated above. Also, the two Pillars are called the two witnesses, he bringing them before time, which would corrupt such by their frustration and box frustration so never to return if to return was to also spoil their witness brought up with Pat. They should follow box and stand in his stead (Ecc 4:15) as a witness to it and to press the remainder in, even with signs and wonders, but after the frustration and mix-up with the premature coming they would possibly opt-out. This witness is less crucial, as against the witness prior to recognition as such, which is crucial to receiving God’s spirit or being saved. Wherewith the two witnesses witness is really to aid the ones left in limbo of not making a choice, for even after box dies “There is no end of all the people, even of all that have been before them” (Ecc 4:16). The first witness prior to the doors in heaven opening is vital and unlike the one that follows with the pillars, cannot opt-out or side step. Nonetheless, the latter witness is important, for thereafter less than more of all new believers will come in the fold (foolishly speaking), for “they also that come after shall not rejoice in him” (Ecc 4:16). Another win win situation he crafted with Pillar 1 pulling.


2 John 1

“The elect lady” (2 John 1), the elect lady here was encoded Pig, for reasons of verse 2. That is, by right even though overt, the colorful referential shouldn’t be, but she’s a dare and very forward and even bible encodings would seem to give such colorful referential, as in Og (Hog) King of Bashan (those who perpetually and daringly ran into the fence). Many of the truth, Lees, blindly follow her as found out and so she toted the “purple and red,” as if; so for the truth sake or their sake be careful of the colorful words, it is also not comely of you, this verse might say to me. I guess until all know her hidden evils, like now. She too, like EA, cast down should be judged in the second resurrection, being also a partaker in the pillar 1 suckry and attack on heaven. But as an elect lady, gathered such referential because of good works like EA. But look at her good works, 100 million good works for washing the saint’s feet, that is, help with wheels, encoded a feet of a seraphim, of the networks of the world and 99 million bad works. But the good works she did with the wheels is evil, open the wheels spirit bottle caps to spice them and other secret network manipulations to take over the world. From the ancient floods, all her good works seems to be this way. But thank God there is a church in Babylon and with Operation Pig, “I rejoiced greatly that I found of thy children walking in truth” (2 John 1:4). From seemingly God’s perspective, “her children, whom I love in the truth” (2 John 1); for you not to perish with her overt and hidden evils is the reason encoded ASA had to burn his mother with fire, “And also concerning Maachah the mother of Asa [BOX] the king, he removed her from being queen, because she had made an idol [SPICES] in a grove [THE VINE OF OBEASTS ON THEM]: and Asa cut down her idol, and stamped it, and burnt it at the brook [RIVER WATER] Kidron [KID, PILLAR ONE, RUN. BURNT THERE IS KEY, PLOT TO SMOKE CHI THE RIVER PILLAR ONE, AFTER IN THE SCHEME TO PULL HIM FOR A FATTED GOLDEN CALF ALREADY AND POSSIBLY ALSO TO SPICE HIM]” (2 Ch 15:16, 1 King 15:13). The same thing for her other self, Kir, “thy elect sister” (2 John 1:13). They seem to give regard to her too, not realizing they be the same nature and thing, using such for a “cloke of maliciousness” (1 Peter 2:16).

3 John 1

Even though with love for the children of the elect lady and concern for the blues under EA, the sins of them warrantee present judgment. Verse 1, “wellbeloved Gaius [or GAY-US]” (3 John 1:1); prevalent manifested is most often the identifier of a fallen society with many sins not manifested or seen. But such is a time of repentance with great grace given for the end is upon us. We should now turn and can acclaim as in 1 Cor 6:11 “such were some” of us. As for me, fellow saints and preachers “We therefore ought to receive such, that we might be fellowhelpers to the truth” (3 John 1:8), but without compromise. 3 John 1:10 shows what most churches do to s and overt sinners than recognize there is a spiritual problem God wants to heal, “prating against us with malicious words: and not content therewith, neither doth he himself receive the brethren, and forbiddeth them that would, and casteth them out of the church.” But there is a line to be drawn, if not delivered from it; for instance, after scriptures clearly list qualifications of church positions and scriptures overtly make it plain on being a sin and one cannot be saved doing such, why then have clergies or in any church position. If for the reason of accepting such in the church citing 3 John 1:10 above, that would be ludicrous and overthrowing the faith; like saying, to encourage 10-12 year olds to use a condom the principal decided to have two real s strip naked in front of the kids, put on the condoms and have . So such an argument is futile and a line must be drawn. Likewise, what is termed churches is blasphemously wrong! Any church position is a ministry and ministers should know how to “to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour” (1 Thess 4:4). Change from the former lifestyle is evidence you are a believer, which is repentance; and faith without works is dead. Then salvation, God’s spirit, prevents a return to that lifestyle. And only true believers should minister, why preach a doctrine you don’t believe any way, by presumptuously set in way contrary to it. Verse 11 verifies this, “Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God: but he that doeth evil hath not seen God” (3 John 1:11).

Lastly, verse 12, Demetrius is satan, which made silver shrine for Diana, he like the elect lady have a good report among you. Some might say, “huh, satan?!” But he is just like you, fell from heaven, if you are of the church that now can be saved he too, as all of you fell together. Even worse he as chief, so if he professes hope you would not think it strange, for you fell like him and as such give him the pre-eminence among you; as Ra and I grew up I would marvel and would give the benefit of the doubt if truly turn and to be saved, likewise you would have the same sentiments of satan, former rebel buddies. This can even be made to be believed of satan by Bible, as he is the great red dragon in Rev 12:3, as Pig toted “purple and red.” So any such profession by him is a “cloke of maliciousness” to do you evil. As a silversmith, he has many forms, flee him always, “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (James 4:7). He’s always evil and will not be redeemed, rebuke his great swelling words as well.

Jude 1

Concerning the last paragraph above, verses 4-5 solidify this of satan, Pig, Ra, etc and reads “For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. I will therefore put you in remembrance, though ye once knew this, how that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that believed not.” Verse 6 shows the need for the blue print decree, “And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.” The blue print decree for angels leaving their place and/or position for earth or another world, then thinking I’ll get back some how. Concerning the latter statement, those who do so presumptuously are locked in no return, as in reserved. That is, you have persons that sin instinctively and tries, but you have persons that say “I’ll continue sinning and get saved tomorrow or sometime,” those with such an insincere mind set are prevented from repentance, as in “to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished” (2 Peter 2:9). Rather, "To day if ye will hear his voice, Harden not your hearts" (Heb 3:7-8). Verses 8-9 repeats the 2 Peter 2 encoded expository above on the due diligence of the CSI:Heaven and 2007 posts, some might say can be side-stepped in saying “Searching what” (1 Peter 1:11)! Those verses read "likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities. Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee" (Jude 1:8-9).

A frame encoding from previous books/chapters above of Satan and Ra pushing battle plan 1, with sentiment and voices, ending in verse 12; “These are spots in your feasts of charity, when they feast with you, feeding themselves without fear: clouds they are without water, carried about of winds; trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots” (Jude 1:12). With Mike from heaven overseeing the locust/Ab network they are “twice dead [RA AND SATAN REMOVED, TWICE], plucked up by the roots [CLEAVE-HINDS AND OBEAST USAGE BROKEN OFF THE NETWORK].” For these things these two seek to push battle plan 1. Battle Plan 1 with the Ab network (see the post “Box Blues Defense”) is different from removing top seraphim trees from thence, like the rapture. The battle plan is the disruption in the scheme of things they seek. But also, satan lost the bag of spirits to perpetually silver shape with and Ab is out to eat every thing green (Ra inner world) as in, “brute beasts [
AB/LOCUSTS]... [TO THE SATAN/RA] trees [SERAPHIM TREES/BEASTS] whose fruit [WHEELS/WORKS] withereth, without fruit [THE BAG WAS A GOOD SOURCE FOR SATAN TO GET SPARE PARTS TO MAKE WHEELS AND ON THE SURFACE GREENRY BECOMES ILLEGAL WITH LOCUST EATING SO RA CAN'T MAKE MORE WHEELS]” (Jude 1:10-12). These both are categories in verse 13, “Raging waves of the sea [LIKEWISE SUCH SENTIMENTS TO THE ENCODED SEA. IT HAD BEEN A SECOND BAG OF SPIRITS LIKE THE ABYSS], foaming [I GUESS THESE TO TWO TO ME AS WELL] out their own shame; wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever” (Jude 1:13).

Remember the rapture dialogue of going up from the encoded expository above of 1 Thessalonians 4 above, none found worthy to meet with God in the air but Moses met them on Mt. Sinai; then to satan’s shame, the rapture upon Christ return or many found worthy to meet with God. I didn’t remember Enoch met the qualifications and so did Elijah. Still nothing to mention but that popped up when reading verse 14 and saw Enoch’s name. Verse 14 ended a frame encoding on EA removal and the new EA comes shortly with “with ten thousands of his saints” (Jude
1:14). The new EA being of the teachers’ line or head of the word bull in heaven, so a referential paper trail of them are the “ten thousand instructors in Christ” (1 Cor 4:15).

Verse 15, those familiar with the blues, the new arrivals might seems what you call “stuck up,” but they are in a new position, a holy position that they respect and the sentiment fostered is “what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?” (1 Cor 6:14) and are so to keep from the proverbs “birds of a feather flock together” for this is an evil world. They also will be strong against sin, as the former police men grew comfortable and even compromised at times, with the EA and satan spiritual tentacle swaying; every now and then we need a fresh presence to arouse the old values and keep them less we fall. So verse 15 read of them, “To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him” (Jude 1:15).

Verse 24, the visit to heaven, still seems in the schedule from 23, “Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy” (Jude 1:24). Though from 23 and such lock intended evil, God allowed and was doing something from 23, manifest in these post on horsemen and even previous publications on them. Hence, “To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen” (Jude

Chapter 4


(Console To The World)

1)  Console to the Nations (everybody)
2)  Console to the Americans (where I’m at)
3)  Console to the Sea People (a special request)
4)  Tenets after the consoles: Part 1 - For Angels
5)  Tenets after the consoles: Part 2 - Sex and Marriage For Angels
6)  Tenets after the consoles: Part 3 - Persecution in Faith
7)  Tenets after the consoles: Part 4 - Set and Maintain a Standard
Console To The Nations

Cleaning since 2000’s, "The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again. And it shall come to pass in that day, that the LORD shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high, and the kings of the earth upon the earth" (Isaiah 24:20-21). These consoles include all nations hit, directly or indirectly from internal struggles (beast wars); for example, the following might be indirect with simply of the times, Hurricanes of 2005,
Sept 11, 2001, Tsunami in South Asia, Death of the Pope, etc. This is really hard to decipher and really not identifiable with us if the angels sent forth didn’t give a warning and identification with the box blues. However, to those whom it may concern and to the nations in turmoil from the corollaries of this, cuttings without healing can be bad so do be encouraged in the Lord.

Though angels are bigger in power, might, wisdom and dominance, this can be put back into perspective that though humans are weaker, if a human cries to  God, the bigger fallen one can be eroded. A Psalms back this up greatly, “He shall cut off the spirit of princes: he is terrible to the kings of the earth” (Psalms 76:12). The kings of the earth are usually fallen angels. But why is he terrible to them? A previous verse in the said bible chapter gives the reason why, “When God arose to judgment, to save all the meek of the earth” (Psalms 76:9). The meek here are usually humans, normally disenfranchise from God by Adam’s fall and more so can be taken advantage of. In their pain and prangs, they cry out to God and he will hear for they are being taken advantage of by the bigger fallen ones – bullying; without the meaning thereof, this automatically makes them in a position of meekness. God especially knowing their state will always step in, and though you might not see a fleshly change but circumstantially he cut off their spirits. Same flesh but different spirit in it (Beast Wars). Same positions (e.g. bull) but different angels hold them. “He shall cut off the spirit of princes” (Psalms 76:12).

However, when he’s really angry both the flesh and spirit of the fallen one is consumed, as reference in that said bible chapter, “At thy rebuke, O God of Jacob, both the chariot [flesh] and horse [spirit] are cast into a dead sleep” (Psalms 76:6). The chariot represents the body the angel is in or pulling and the horse represent the angel, which is really spirit that cannot be seen. This happens in mass disasters, when he’s really angry and none can stand in his presence. Reference in that said bible chapter, “who may stand in thy sight when once thou art angry?” (Psalms 76:7). To make that plain, if God is for you, who may stand before you? If they trouble you, he also becomes angry, much more if you cry to him; and who can stand in his sight when he is angry.

So though the fallen ones seem to dominate, it’s not as it really seems, God is more in control and involved than we know. That’s why it says he put up kings and he is the one that puts them down; when evil, gather them, destroy them and even set one against another.

To the meek (even some angels bullied) and saved, no wonder we ought to give thanks to God for the many things he has done and is doing for us. Except his hands was in the earth, we would have been consumed utterly. And actually, “let all that be round about him bring presents unto him that ought to be feared” (Psalms 76:11). What is a present to God? In times pass people offered s and other sacrilege. But God doesn’t delight in that, he owns everything. He himself said, “If I were hungry, I would not tell thee: for the world is mine, and the fulness thereof” (Psalms 50:12). What is a sacrifice and a present to God is herald in this verse, “Offer unto God thanksgiving” (Psalms 50:14). In other words, every time you say thanks, you bring a present to God. The same reaction and feeling you get when someone willing, with no strings attach give you a house, car and land and money as  present, is the same reaction and feeling God gets when some gives him thanks. Thanks I’m spared! Thanks I have my spirit when in a time “none can keep alive his own soul” (Psalms 22:29)! Thanks for his mercies to me. Thanks my nation was spared! Thanks salvation has come! Thanks I even have the ability to give thanks! So another thing with the cleaning and present or sacrifice to God from these thanks, is synonymous to repentance after being humbled by the invisible hand of God that dwells every, “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart” (Psalms 51:17).

Now, a reason for the cleaning or judgment from the God is that the godly foundations are removed and eroded and plain hedonism exist – even so, the right of the people to exercise religious freedom is removed. They no longer give thanks a much and show their appreciation in other ways, which also make others give thanks. What then is that you take away when you take away the right of the religious to have piety towards God? You take away God’s presents; even their freedom to be free from pressures to assembly and give him thanks. Imagine you gave some those house, car, land and money and they are enjoying it and suddenly you retract it. They will be ever so mad to the point of murder and would at least retaliate in the courts. You do the same thing to God and he is the court and will retaliate with destruction. What will also assure this is what is mentioned earlier. The religious (meek) will then begin to cry to God, he becomes angry and “who may stand in thy sight when once thou art angry?” (Psalms 76:7).

How then can his anger be appeased and blessedness return? Return the foundations and the Judeo-Christian religious freedom and stop the iniquities. Psalms 76:10, “Surely the wrath of man shall praise thee [when destruction comes]: the remainder of wrath shalt thou restrain [when the foundations are returned].” That’s how Judeo-Christianity and religious piety is to the World. Even to America and why there is a Thanks Giving holiday, which the rest of the nations should pattern; however this is polluted in America today.

With all this said and done, it would be better if a nation don’t attempt to give God “presents” (religious freedom, constitute it, thanks giving holiday, faith base initiatives, etc) if they are going to take it away. The later end of this will be utterly terrible, as prophesized for America; hoping to flourish a blessed nation then Abandon its principles for their underline devilry. To the present fallen ones of these societies abandon such hypocritical ideology of utilize the of light (God presents) or principle of faith to offset judgments and doing underline evils. As RA does to his domain, filled with churches; where I’m from there are more churches per square mile than any other institutions in any other country. This make sure the judgment of God doesn’t fall, as there be light there and not that solely he be the master of the bubble city. This is a reason God said of him “I am weary with repenting” (Jer 15:6); always judgment comes for his evil but escape it with the abundance of Light. This is a principle seen in the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah, when Abraham argue with God if any good there but Lot, none, yet for one man the city wasn’t overthrown that was drench in heinous hedonism. Why? This is seen in the angels that were sent to Lot and the bright light they shown around the house, Lot represent that bright light, which by it kept the city from being destroyed until he was taken out. And Ra has many of these in his domains. It’s a reason someone left the Ken Jennings leave-behind, as a mockery I guess. America in Jeopardy, destruction is forthcoming and pressing down and we want to continue sinning, what to do. Ken (Ra) to the rescue (Isa 31:1). In this case not necessarily bad, but the undertone, he fostered the delivery of the books; I was in his Mat domain or house then. Though hold back gains, even from it, allowed it. Why? Whereby, one scripture says, “of making many books there is no end” (Ecc 12:12). With much light going out in America from books of real divine truth, and the end is come with even the presence of the rings (Eze 1:18), it is halted, and no end (Eze 7:2). The further mockery was the Mad TV rendering of Ken Jennings, as the Terminator breaking apart, as what happens when the author falls apart and Sodom and Gomorrah happens. Not saying that to say such delivery was wrong, because unlike Sodom and Gomorrah then, there is a small church in present Babylon (1 Peter 5:13) as against one man. But you see that this usage of godly principle is heinous, wicked and a worst evil than the former; epitomize in the flourishing of the author’s book but the author in lack and prevented from gains from it. Or, like having a president sworn in on a bible but is a which the bible reproves. The godly principles or light allowed is not sincere but a clear hypocrisy to use it as a cloak to do evil. But this intent of any principality will be uncovered, and gunmen will no longer hide behind a civilian hostage, but openly shot and destroyed from the heavens, if needs be raise up the hostage. RIGHTEOUSNESS EXALTS A NATION AND SIN IS A REPROACH TO ANY PEOPLE (Pro 14:34)! Abandon that nasty ed hypocritical ideology! And strive for a clean society in sincerity, falling sort is probably, but the intent should be to strive for a righteous nation and as such, the heavens should help in difficulty to forward such. It’s either this or outright do your evil, for from now till eternity there will be no more camouflage for evil, and as started in the 2000’s, “none can keep alive his own soul” (Pro 22:29). In other words, “I purpose according to the flesh, that with me there should be yea yea, and nay nay” (2 Cor 1:17), no in between. However, this is a console, and so after much cleaning, space is given for recollection and repentance and space is given for PEACE. “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you” (John 14:27). One love and God bless!

Note: [1] When God “cut off the spirit of Princes” and the flesh remain with another, those spirits or fallen ones most often cannot be found to be reinstated or be in another flesh, for the height of their evil, even though in peace. “they have slept their sleep: and none of the men of might have found their hands” (Psalms 76:5). “Their hands” here is key, it means their eyes, as now, not only the seraphim self that did the evil is cast into hell’s fire, but the entire seraphim tree is, that is, the seraphim and all his eyes or other pseudo selves, however many, and his wheels broken. For, "him [SERAPHIM] that hath an evil eye [SAME SELF], neither desire ...For as he [SERAPHIM] thinketh in his heart, so is he [HIS EYE]" (Pro 23:6-7). [2] The bible said, “A man's gift maketh room for him” (Prov 18:6). Seeing that your gift or present is your thanksgiving, then when wanting to approach God, praise him with thanks giving first and it will make room for you. No wonder the psalmist said, “Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name” (Psalms 100:4).  

Console To The Americans

In reference to being called a spiritual whore (Americans), this should not be a set back, but rather accept the rebuke and move on, change, if there is a change. For instance, Mary Magdalene was a whore, but did she stay a whore or was she changed. Of course she did, by not being offended by the remark (her position). Hence, we have the two Mary’s typifying today’s two encoded Mary’s. One overtly sinful and one simply born in sin. This is typified of the two fallen creatures – fallen man and fallen angels. Or,

Fallen Angels    - Mary Magdalene

Fallen Man        - Mary, Mother of Christ



1) Fallen

1) Fallen

2) Brought God (Christ) in Earth Through Human Seed

2) Before Man and Before the Human Seed

3) Inherited Sin

3) Was Before Human Sin and a Cause of it

4) Glorified Through Christ

4) Glorified Through Christ, hopefully

Concerning America the whore literally, you should rejoice that “where sin abounded [INCREASE], grace did much more abound [INCREASE]” (Rom
5:20). But don’t be fooled to increase more sins that more grace may increase, as this verse literally states, “What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound [INCREASE]. God forbid” (Rom 6:1-2). Absolutely not, but repent! “For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth…If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not” (Heb 12:6-7). “As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent” (Rev 3:19). And again, REPENT! Moreover, to whom much is forgiven, loves much and so the mere fact the continent exist you should love God all the more. This is typified in the said Mary Magdalene, “Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little” (Luke 7:47). And the more you love God is the more he loves you, or rather vice versa. She love God with works, she took the alabaster box and poured it on Christ, a most expensive box of oil. Just to divert, if you love God quit sucking on the box and leave him to Christ. You can’t be said to love God and repentant and continue as thus; as Pig/K doing the opposite of the woman with the alabaster by break box and taking him as oil for suckry as well as sale thereof and even breakage of his spirit bottle cap to spice him – both his lines in suckry and his spice is a great price to forsake as the real woman with the alabaster box to Christ with his disciples exclaimed that this could be sold for so much. Repentance is an immediate change from the form things, not gradually, but a sharp change in mind and the body follows, as exampled in this verse, "And many that believed came, and confessed, and shewed their deeds. Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver" (Acts 19:18-19).

In the encoding, of Man represent Mary mother of Christ and Angels represent Mary Magdalene, their sins are many, before earth creation and so having them forgiven, hopefully, don’t be alarm if “they” praise God more than you humans, minus suckry.

Note: {1} Prophetically, which is the context of Rev 17-18, the great whore called Babylon is America, however, in the personal encoding, the Pig was referred to the great whore also, separate from America the great whore called Babylon. The pig also a mother harlot and unfortunately most hopefuls her children, most warped in with the crowd and others by virtue of her position given by EA to sit on America’s blue/red network that embeds the world. Even with her known perverseness, most are unable to loose from her strong influence and friends, with cleaning since 2000 such can be fostered and hence “Operation: Pig” was later started to remove those still having alliances to her, piglets, hence the personal encoding of her, “I will kill her children with death” (Rev  2:23). Since recent, most the kings and reds have realized what she has done with EA to harvest and network their spirits and network as raw materials for spices and hence sought to attack Babylon “many kings shall be raise up from the coast…like a man to battle against thee, o daughter of Babylon” (Jer 50:41:42). This currently seems averted; see the encodings in Jeremiah 50-51 post entitled, “New Testament Encodings 2.” So America the whore intertwined with the pig the whore in that the Pig sits on America seraphim network and most the seraphim networks of the world, the 7 mountains be the 7 continents (Rev 17:9). The red ones here had seem to recognize the self-proclaimed “purple and red” (Rev 17:4) she totes, as if! All such piglets of hers remaining and those still having ties with her, be warned of Isaiah 50:1-2, "Thus saith the LORD, Where is the bill of your mother's divorcement, whom I have put away? or which of my creditors is it to whom I have sold you? Behold, for your iniquities have ye sold yourselves, and for your transgressions is your mother put away. Wherefore, when I came, was there no man? when I called, was there none to answer? Is my hand shortened at all, that it cannot redeem? or have I no power to deliver? behold, at my rebuke I dry up the sea, I make the rivers a wilderness: their fish stinketh, because there is no water, and dieth for thirst." {2} Though several judgment was dumped on America since the 2000’s, the gulf coast and Sept 11, 2001 some of the epitomes, the Lord still says, “Remember, O LORD, the children of Edom in the day of Jerusalem” (Psalms 137:37). Jerusalem is encoded the sea civilization and Zion (red hopefuls there) is the wall created by Ar in the sea civilization, which saved it. Edom means red. So as Zion is to Jerusalem, so there is a Edom to America or Babylon. So as with the sea cleaning, spare the red ones and the others must go, even with present and forth coming destructions, yet not as if the bruit had done it. That is, though it looks hopeless, as America referential to “Nicopolis” (Titus 3:12), Nick being satan, so satan-metropolis being a haven of his cleave-hinds, they are still some true red ones here; though they can’t get to you, “The church [of hopefuls] that is at Babylon, elected together with you, saluteth you” (1 Peter 5:13). {3} Much has already been covered, including standards and judgments, in the book called, “The Student Manifesto.” If you read this post you should read the Manifesto, search by title on www.Amazon.com, www.LuLu.com or www.cafepress.com. It should be able to be downloaded free from www.TruthSeries.org, www.ThreeQ.com or www.LuLu.com/godshop. It be a standard for all countries of the world too, though directed to and America be the example/model.

Console To The Sea People

Cleaning Since 2000: "[19] The earth is utterly broken down, the earth is clean dissolved, the earth is moved exceedingly. [20] The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again. [21] And it shall come to pass in that day, that the LORD shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high, and the kings of the earth upon the earth. [22] And they shall be gathered together, as prisoners are gathered in the pit, and shall be shut up in the prison, and after many days shall they be visited. [23] Then the moon shall be confounded, and the sun ashamed, when the LORD of hosts shall reign in mount Zion, and in Jerusalem, and before his ancients gloriously" (Isa 24:19-23).

The last verse gives several clues. One, it really seem to end when fall down or Lazarus (box), Jesus friend, dies for the Ar and sea disciples visit. The clause “moon shall be confounded” suggests a falling down. The clause “Lord of host shall reign in Mount Zion [Arpad] and in Jerusalem [entire sea civilization]” suggests a sea visit to the sea people, Ar and the daughters of Zion.  Concerning the moon being confounded, this bible paper trail is possibly where world paper trail is really derived from, i.e., honeymoon; that is, if a bride groom happens, so after the cleaning, a honeymoon. So a moon referential is not a clichéd heretic, the scenario around it is just known by the far seers and played out and/or attempted suckry thereof; mostly by evil to dissuade it. The clause “before the ancients” seems to suggest their long ago reservation to seek, hope, wait and study the times and word in isolation there. Hence the name of man who had the 12 year old girl that Jesus raised up, Jairus. She, as explained in the post “Kir/Ar compare and contrast finale,” was encoded as Ar, personally to highlight that she be of the 12 bulls; then Kir/Pig, as the woman with the issue of blood for 12 years, to highlight she was also of the 12 bulls. Jairus, saying in breakdown, Yah-hear-us. ‘Ja’ is really Yah, God’s name, ‘ir’ we pronounced hear and ‘us’ as us. Of course, Ar father is Trident. Verse 22 show also a releasing of some of them from the grave who fell in the cleaning or by the box’s fence (see 2007 index); this consequently broke their satan Wheelock.

This flock of hopefuls is encoded as Zion, but you have to know the encoding, than pick every occurrence of Zion or in some cases Jerusalem and say it pertains to sea hopefuls. However, here are a few that pertains to the sea hopefuls:

Isaiah 61:3-11:- Comfort for your mourning; rebuilding of the temples, etc.; help to feed your flock even from strangers without yellow compromise; your priests will be acknowledged among the hopeful priests, as astute as the Egyptians; for your shame double; for confusion, clearness and understanding by portion.

Isaiah 61:8:- This cleaning happened, “For I the LORD love judgment, I hate robbery for burnt offering; and [NOW] I will direct their work in truth [clean], and I will make an everlasting covenant with them.” Verse 9 of Isaiah 61 seems to suggest their seed, as in hopefuls as humans on earth, acknowledge and accepted as heirs of God, than fought against. But it could also suggest, even dually, if a Mer-people exist, they’ll be made known to the world and accepted; than a documentary 80 years later on discovery channel that the mer-people were hunted to extinction for their skin. Verse 10 of Isaiah 61 suggest the possibility of an Ar wedding with Box; I guess with this, they also receive the “oil of joy” (Isa 61:3), as in, “see thou hurt not the oil [box] and wine [Ar or a real red bride]” (Rev 6:6).

Isaiah 62:- This repeats the above, but verse 1 resonate something I constantly hear of the Lord, he loves and favors this flock, even their stand of old; as could be a favorite among the 4 (South-Egyptians, North-Babylonians, Sea, Abyss). In that chapter, using strong terms like, “For Zion’s sake I will not hold my peace and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest” (Isa 62:1). Elsewhere, “If I forget thee, O Jerusalem” (Psalms 137:5), suggest never will he forget you, for they that wait on the Lord shall never be ashamed. And finally, “If I do not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth; if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy” (Psalms 137:6).  Always mentioning they are afflicted than all the hopefuls and do please “guide Arcturus [Ar] with his sons” (Job 38:32).

Synopsis: "[3] And it shall come to pass, that he that is left in Zion, and he that remaineth in Jerusalem, shall be called holy, even every one that is written among the living in Jerusalem: [4] When the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion, and shall have purged the blood of Jerusalem from the midst thereof by the spirit of judgment, and by the spirit of burning. [5] And the LORD will create upon every dwelling place of mount Zion, and upon her assemblies, a cloud and smoke by day, and the shining of a flaming fire by night: for upon all the glory shall be a defence" (Isaiah 4:3-5).

Verse 6 of Isaiah 4, not written above, ironically suggest also a May-den but only with Trident passage, but who can bring to him the double bridle, for after experiencing Jurassic Park 1, why risk Jurassic Park 2? Verse 5 possible suggest, now a presence of fire everywhere to defend it. As in the case with the lentils and ground defended by the mighty men of David, he defended the ground (without that sword) not necessarily the lentile. The lentile (fearful horsemen) might be legal if mer-people and other strange creatures exit there, isolated, now left to be. The fire might not be mikes but since an assembly mentioned, the shakinah glory of God dwelling in his reverence. All in all, "The LORD loveth the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob [ALL THE OTHER DOMAINS AND SECTS OF THE THIRD SEED, OF HOPEFULS]" (Psalms 87:2).

EndNote{1} Wine is for Ar, hard to see if you don’t know the paper trail from the posts, “Travel Box Table” and the table in the post “Diabolics, A Place To Fear” on the 777 judgments in Revelations. I say “or a real red bride” because if it comes to a point of proposals, the answer can be no, nothing wrong with that. Scripture gave the first option of the next in line, if not her, should be of hers (Job 41:5) and Ar in encoding did mention, “We have a little sister, and she hath no breasts: what shall we do for our sister in the day when she shall be spoken for?” (Songs 8:8). On another note, it seems from the circles it’s either Ar or utter destruction, as Kir like an harlot, is eternally refused. This comes from the word Harlot, never Kir or of such, but either Ar (Har) or Lot; either Ar be box bride or if none acceptance of this and forcing of K persist, then Lot, as in take out encoded Lot and put him in his lot in paradise then destroy the domain, as with Sodom and Gomorrah. This issue that tip this circle is the Kir forcing, even defiling the holy lasciviously and not only Ar as a better bride. So Ar be a better choice singled-out from the heavens, but still a choice and another rendering of that circles in Harlot is seen in Songs 8:8 with her little sister, 8 be the number for new, as in new from Kir espousal, but 8:8, so if new again from Ar espousal, her little sister of her is good “If she be a wall” (Song 8:9); hence, Harlot, or “Ar have lots” of young girls who strive greatly to live for the Lord. However, my contention is that EA, Pig, etc., could know this prophecy and plant an eye of theirs under her leadership/Seraphim line and so this danger also lurks and that said verse seems to hint this encodly, “If … palace of silver [spirits]…and if” (Song 8:9). That is, in this verse Ar mentions “if” twice for any other under her, for she oversees a palace of young hopeful girls, but knowing how seraphim are that can have eyes, as in the post “The Theory of EA triple Treat,” an evil could script one of their eyes to be good, shamefaced and following all the time hoping that, if anything, they can get by the river box again; and if down, like EA or Pig, then start again. However, though Ar not forceful though absorbedly desirous and mentions someone else, it seems box choice would eventually be her, “then was I in his eyes as one that found favour” (Songs 8:10); as if can attain the source of the light and godliness there, why settle for other lights, her beneficiaries.   {2} Oil is also hard to see, one might think suckry, but it was given in that fashion though. That is, the pig/k with the oil left him marred, can’t stand, depleted, having nothing, etc. Red be the color derived from box lines in the times, she even took it and toted “purple and red” (Rev 17:4) as if; stole everything and even merchandise it, as the nasty low life it be. The contrast was given of Ar, wine and oil can’t mix in this way, as a reason for it in the amber sent; that is, some evil got the formulae to make the spirated horseman with spirits is because she sucked out the box and merchandise it. The sand (obeast) cannot mix with the wind or water (spirit), but a line in the river found a way and it is known because of her pillage of the box, and the several Sharon selves in the share-a-ton. Therefore, this nature of the pig/k is not in Ar, hence Ar’s nature don’t mesh with the oil philosophy.  Hence, Ar be a good fit, even further, if overtly tempted by satan, one encoding says “she shall be saved in childbearing,” or a pillar in the midst as in “if one prevail against him, two [pillars] shall withstand him; and a threefold [box and 2 pillars] cord is not quickly broken” (Ecc 4:12); and from CSI:Conclusion, she in the midst to help as how she help trident with her heat to prevent cleaving, “if two [Ar and Box] lie together, then they have heat” (Ecc 4:11). Oil also comes from another encoding in the woman with the pitchers miraculously filled with oil as said to do so by the prophet. The undertone was given that the woman here is Ma (Pig/k), the boy (box) is the oil and the prophet Satan-EA. Satan caused the dearth, EA encouraged the thievery as plotting with satan, then she sucked on the box and all the little pieces of the box gone; and as said of her concerning me, “he [box] is not” (Jer 49:10) because of this. She doing such to all and going further with the cold cut trio (LongJohnSilver-Pig/EA/Satan) to get/deceive pillar 1 to come in flesh, “his [BOX] seed is spoiled” (Jer 49:10). They three doing this to pillar one to suck on him, for his line, as a river, is considered the ‘silver and purple’ (Songs 3:10). The pillar one line is the similar line satan and Pig uses to ‘cleave-hind’ persons, or silver (spirit) shape them, a great evil.   {3} Not sure! The possible presents of Mikes in the sea place after the cleaning and drying, which correlates to the purpose of the 7, Mike assumingly one of the 7 spirits of God. That purpose is, “For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him” (1 Chron 16:9). This also correlates to the post “Detail Encodings In Job” chapter 31 of Trident’s encoded speech, “I saw my help in the gate” (Job 31:21). That is, the head police warranted some angel flock stay in the sea place, then later withheld his hands. When dearth came, the head police man didn’t help. The head police man represent heaven, so heaven made a breach on Trident and sea civilization, foolishly speaking.  Also that because none of the 7 came to aid which is their purpose, as in stand strong for anyone that stand for God and overtly facing great hardship for that stance. So to make up for the breach of heaven, mike flames or wheel are present; a.k.a Phoenix or ‘for Nic’s’, instead of cleaving to satan or the presence of Nicks or sons of Belial. Circles here also, as phoenix with Phoenicians, they are also intelligent spirits with directive aid to angels and with Mighty Mouse in all the world, the world is now “hooked on Phonics’.” It’s not the heavens fault directly but the head police man is a representative of heaven who sold out, and so they also should take responsibility; but I guess, in the line of aid it halted at the head police man (e.g. local courts, circuit courts and supreme courts) and possible tied up in jurisdiction, but the sentiment could be fostered from them that he “got this one covered,” as his job is. The 7 spirits of God might say that at the sea place no “fowl of heaven” or angel from heaven is present there, hence out of their jurisdiction. Nevertheless, this be a by gone and the future to look to, and Mike fires would be a seal of such breach of the 7’s, and help presently from Babylon seal that of the police man and both these seal that of heaven; foolishly speaking. One encoded listening of the bible at end of 2006 said, “ahhh, ‘I was musing the fire burned’ (Ps 39:3). I didn’t really see it until later studies and in that Mike, fire, seeing the overwhelming work he’s doing. For example, (A) Re-networking the Ab wheels and putting a hand on the bag in the  Abyss, the wheels are twice plucked up from satan’s Sons of Belial and Ra’s control through obeast, etc; (B) holding down the forth in America and help with breaking the cleave-hinds here and simultaneously and later all must pass through the fire, to break the spice harvesting of them, whereby an obeast is cleaved to their spirits that reshaped it like a cleave-hind; (C) in the sea civil strife after the wall came down, creating a stability and breaking the Sons of Belial there also, see “Detail Encodings In Job;” (D) some wheels about the box; (E) he studying also to break  that greatly evolved and spirated on pillar one and me, and many more works. A true model of an eye and 7 spirit of God that go throughout the earth to show God strong on behalf of the afflicted and righteous. They are exceptions to this scenario, like Job, rare and all would know, as God is doing something.   {4} The only problem with a cited May-Den in the sea, is that it can be used as a harvesting site for frog spirits, though the presence of fire should dissuade this, so only thus and given from heaven.   {5} Zechariah 1-2 has more encodings noteworthy to mention of encouragement. Zech 1:19, encoded Jerusalem, it was hit utterly as against Judah (South, Ra them) and Israel (North, Babylon). Zech 2:1, the sea place was closed away from heaven, even offline from heaven, even the head police man warrantee it as such. As such it is open to attacks and compromise of the world, that an outer wall cannot prevent. So after the cleaning, it will be re-lined, as connected as a sphere in God on him, through the 4 accounts (4 beast - washers) and 4 horns (some of box blues - dryers) on the 4 beast seraphim line, which is the line of all in existence they manage, I suppose. Zech 2:2, this is why it also tarries long to return, they are lining it to heaven to keep it and that God can be in it. Zech 2:4, as a result of this lining states, “Jerusalem [sea place] shall be inhabited as towns without walls.” Zech 2:5, the presents of fire seem to be repeated, his glory and/or Mikes there to keep it. Zech 2:6, after it’s done, this verse gives a call to return to it, as scattered worldwide but chiefly refuge in America or Babylon. Zech 2:7 sights your refugee in Babylon, but key here is “daughter of Babylon,” which is pig, so while Zion you are here in Babylon you’ll be afflicted after being afflicted in being ousted; afflicted here because she, Kir/Pig, is refused and the daughter of Zion, Ar, is the supreme choice of box bride. Zech 2:8, encouragement to you of special comfort, “apple of his eyes.” They that do such afflictions to you not only toucheth you but he knowing of Ar would also liken her to such, and in anger/measure shoot out at such evil; if known, for a sensitive time occurs, as a shoot out can bring the unintended, the end. Stay around the Apples, apples of Gold or box blues/blue Jays and eyes, eyes of God or Mikes here. Zech 2:9, box is an arm of God, so even if he doesn’t see I can stir him to do such, “mine hand upon them;” e.g., operation pig started thence. Zech 2:10, encouragement to Ar amidst these trials, “O daughter of Zion.” Finally, sing and rejoice ye all for “the Lord…shall choose Jerusalem [sea place] again” (Zech 2:12).   {6} From previous encodings in Lamentations, the bad thing of such cleaning is that the good most often suffers with the bad. In this case the reds there apart of the overall rumble, as lamentation encode, “they that were brought up in scarlet [red] embrace dunghills” (Lam 4:5). So my consolation especially to these and no further agitation to them, but I must mention this valley of vision, of a garrison of men awaiting my possible arrival, to do evil. In Damascus [Damascus here paper trail is encoded the sea visit, as Paul falling down on the road to Damascus, also Isaiah 17:1-2, ‘The burden of Damascus...The cities of Aroer <AR>...] the governor under Aretas [AR sea referential] the king kept the city of the Damascenes [for Damascus previously, but this word gave a reason for this valley of vision, i.e., Dam-scenes, after the battle there the place is relatively disfigured. So some have a grudge and seek revenge than appreciation with a garrison of men awaiting my arrival] with a garrison, desirous to apprehend me (2 Cor 11:32). These might be few and Ar not of them, neither Trident and consort, “Aquilla and Priscilla salute you much” (1 Cor 16:19). The sea visit seems a must for the hopefuls there regardless of these Jebusites (You-boo-sites, J is really Y). These might be a residue of hinds and spices but gave rebuttal than automation, this scenario encoded in 11 Sam 5:6-8. Verse 6, they in essence said, you clean your men and your place, “Except thou [box] take away the blind and the lame [from yours], thou shalt not come in hither: thinking, David cannot come in hither.” Then further, though the war there is over, these residue were cleaned, “And David said on that day, Whosoever getteth up to the gutter, and smiteth the Jebusites, and the lame and the blind, that are hated of David's soul” (2 Sam 5:8). And, “nevertheless David took the strong hold of Zion [for the true sea hopefuls to have it]” (2 Sam 5:7). It’s not necessarily the booing of these Jebusites, but they honor not the “operation of his hands” (Ps 28:5) or something God is doing.   {7} In the CSI:Heaven and 2007 posts bible encodings, Trident’s character the Lord often mention as angry, especially seen in the book of Job Leviathan referential, “shall not one be cast down even at the sight of him” (Job 41:9). The last 3 to hit were summed up as follows, and the line was drawn in the sand or halted at the sea battle. These last three battles or their leaders were characterized encodly in PROVERB 27 below:




“Stone” (Prov 27:3)

“Sand” (Prov 27:3)

“Fool” but his “wrath is heavier than them both” (Prov 27:3)

“Wrath” (Prov 27:4)

“Anger” (Prov 27:4)

“Envy” But “who is able to stand before envy” (Prov 27:4)

Friend of Ab: “Thine own friend” (Prov 27:10). That is K, which is Ma, has a close familiarity with Ab, a good reason is, she is a silversmith like satan, and Ab’s place is full of silvers she re-melts and use, mostly for spices or join to horsemen. When she did that to me on my head and obeast (locks), encoded in Songs of Solomon 3:11, to make me marred to divert the sea girls and destroy me, it noted of her that “jealousy is cruel as the grave” (Songs 8:6). The grave is Ab, the killer, and someone seems to know of this and encoded the hair style Jerry Curls; as from the cartoon Tom (EA) and Jerry (AB). I guess the same one effected the term Salon for hair dressers, Sal from Salmon for Ar, her on with box, than this evil to think and do this to the box, a sort of Emmanuel.

Friend of Trident: “thy father’s friend forsake not” (Prov 27:10). I guess because as a seer, Ra knew of the possible May-Den, as leave-behind in the literal country Denmark with the infamous mermaid figure. Saying, the den is mark, as Ra’s place was the last Lion’s den. Also, around the sea wall was green, so Trident traded with him, though Ra is evil.

Friend of EA: “Thy brother” (Prov 27:10). More than a friend, his wheel and though in Babylon he may provide a house but, “neither go into thy brother's house in the day of thy calamity” (Prov 27:10), because basically that is EA, as a wheel thereof, who is trying to destroy me. “for better is a neighbour that is near [AWAY FROM THAT HOUSE, EVEN HOUSE-LESS & NONE FAMILIARITY]  than a brother far off [BEING IN THAT HOUSE WOULD MAKE HIM AFAR OFF, EA STREAM DOWN AND TAKE OVER THAT WHEEL AS A HAND IN A GLOVE OR WORSE, IF AN EYE, OPEN THAT EYE; AND THE BROTHER CEASES TO BE, FAR OFF, AND HE PROCEED TO DO EVIL TO ME LOCKED IN THAT HOUSE]” (Prov 27:10)

Their Fall: “He that rolleth a stone it will return upon him” (Pro 26:27). As in roll away the stone of the grave. Or he roll away the stone from the grave, he fostered dipping in the bag and even allowed others. At the outset, subjected to doing thus by virtue of being under satan; now cleaned. At the last, if it had come to that, concerning the Ab seraphim tree, rolled or let out the cord of his seraphim garment (making eyes) and it will return upon him or retract it (opening of that eye). See the post “Possible EA Triple Threat Theory.”

Their Fall: “Whoso diggeth a pit shall therein” (Pro 26:27). He created a heaven for hopefuls, etc, under the sea/earth and it budded to a cesspool. By it he fell.

Their Fall: “There are seven abominations in his heart. Whose hatred is covered by deceit, his wickedness shall be shown before the whole congregation” (Pro 26:25-26). Too much to list here, most covered in CSI: 2007 and the publications/posts of 2007. Sadly, he shouldn’t fall or succumb being a direct heaven representative or sort of policeman, diplomat of Justice. But by envy, pride and deceit is evil as satan and then him. A fool to think allegiance to satan as a policeman and worse crazy to think storming heaven or jeopardizing the stairs of heaven.

Now, the reason I started on Trident, then the above table was to highlight his anger, mentioned several times. The reason I want to highlight his anger was in relation to endnote 3, the breach of heaven, dearth, no help and betrayed again by his own sea civilians in the civil strife. In other words, some people flawed character was shaped by their circumstances, which doesn’t justify certain actions. That is, him and EA saw eye to eye when sea civilization begun, EA betrayed him with no help or follow up, the heavens seem to betray him and consequentially the 7 spirit of God seem to betray him, when in his estimation, he stood for godliness at the outset. This bred anger, he found relief in satan, unfortunately, then satan betrayed him with attempts at blackhead (cleave-hind) and capturing his wheels, which he fought back (Job 29:17-18), but… Fortunate was the light of Ar to prevent black head. Then the refugees he helped betrayed him, “…they spare not to spit in my face…they have let loose the bridle [obeast] before me” (Job 30:1-11). That same bridle they used on him in this manner that he said, “it bindeth me about as the collar of my coat” (Job 30:18). After this, with May-Den, “who can come to him with his double bridle” (Job 41:13)? So everyone seems to betray him, break trusts, break alliances, take advantage and no aid from the heavens. This bred anger and who wouldn’t be? Most would have shot themselves or gone mad; a recipe of satan to kill hope or any thing godly beyond resuscitation. Out of this anger he acts, unfortunately, but being bruised so often one tend to become callous, which is normal ‘just’ tendencies and why the eyes of the Lord run to and fro to stand for anybody that is overtly afflicted. In the washing analogy and allowance of evil in the earth, heat upon glass can shape it, but too long or too much will ruin the glass, hence the balance of relief. One such set up by the heavens to aid is EA, he sold out and become that heat too, so even the shade is hot. Next up was the 7 spirits of God, which should pluck such from overt pressures of this life. Saying this to say, one might be startled at his character flaw of anger and pre-judge to disassociation and to me, though they are bigger, angels/seraphim, the rudiments of humanity is the said ones they struggle in; and reaching to the heart or hurt is Christ intent. Each case is different, especially that of EA! Coincidentally, besides Prov 22:24-25, he’s one of the only bulls/dignities the Lord encourage dialogue with (covenant, May-Den, daughters). If beside Prov 22:24-25, then it means this might not be his real character but circumstances shaped this anger. Hopefully, with the reshaping of his spirit that was locked to satan, Christ can reshape the heart. Even with this Ar stood mutual to him, I guess such an understanding I be seeking with a wife also.

Tenets After The Console: Part 1 – For Angels

This note on is for angels, after much cleaning and this was directed to the Lees in America at first, but now to all angels worldwide. Reason being, angels are at the forefront of the rotten core and moral break down of our society, the overt identification of this break down and moral blasphemy is . It would continue amongst them and hence humanity for in there eyes it seems harmless, since they can be male or female, even sometimes in the same day. “So if we as angels are lovers before being in flesh, it doesn’t matter if we are same sexed, we change sex and flesh like humans changes clothes, but we two spirits are in love!” an angel might say. There is two stances on that, one for non-hopefuls and one for hopefuls. Just want to mention the one for hopefuls first, then give reasons for the non-hopefuls, its relative appeal and all points applicable to all. The biblical pattern of saints coined in this verse applies the notion of why for hopefuls is wrong and discouraged, "judge this rather, that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in his brother's way...if thy brother be grieved with thy meat, now walkest thou not charitably. Destroy not him with thy meat, for whom Christ died..." (Rom 14:13-17). Or, "take heed lest by any means this liberty of yours become a stumblingblock to them that are weak. For if any man see thee which hast knowledge sit at meat in the idol's temple, shall not the conscience of him which is weak be emboldened to eat those things which are offered to idols; And through thy knowledge shall the weak brother perish, for whom Christ died? But when ye sin so against the brethren, and wound their weak conscience, ye sin against Christ. Wherefore, if meat make my brother to offend, I will eat no flesh while the world standeth, lest I make my brother to offend" (1 Cor 8:9-13). That is, this display by virtue of your nature, angels, would be an offence, stumbling block and cause of weakness to the lesser humans, in so doing, you sin against Christ and hate your fellow brothers, humans. You offend them and violate the Judeo-Christian-Angelic faith. Notice the stands of a man, “I will eat no flesh while the world standeth, lest I make my brother to offend;” you as an angel have more control and can also say, “I will never with the same sex while humans exists, lest I make them offended.” This principle is coined in this verse, "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself" (Gal 5:14, James 2:8, Rom 13:9, Luke 10:27, Mr 12:31, Matt 22:39, Matt 19:19, Lev 19:18). Causing this weakness or offence to the brethren is hating them and eroding faith and even “stand in the way of sinners” by your actions, that is, prevent others from getting saved. Moreover, you can’t be saved or want to be and display such. With loving the Lord out rightly and loving thy neighbor and this, “there is none other commandment greater than these” (Mark 12:31), it means the whole essence of giving commandments from day one until now is to foster this, love God, love others and love yourself. I figure it is the whole essence of the washing, and so godly commandments, even if long-winded (nearly a 1000 in the Old Testament), is meant to really benefit you; also, if everyone love the other as such, everyone is loving themselves. This is the essence of the washing, a person maturing to the level of not only discerning between good and evil in all cases with any variables, but choosing always to apply the good, that makes them fit anywhere in the galaxies and in the commonwealth of God; also, not being a danger to themselves and to others.

Then the parts for non-hopefuls, and though for non-hopefuls, a hopeful might say, “Ahh, then in the privacy of my bedroom my wife who is an angel can turn into man for sex and it’s seen only by ourselves and offends no one!” Though some reasons for never warranting acts will be given, the foremost reason is “God said!” Once God said it, there is no argument to it or nullifying it, that settles it. You respect what God says regardless of! You obey what God said regardless of! You don’t murmur and complain you follow what God said, regardless of! “Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female” (Matt 19:4, Gen 1:27). Here are some verses disqualifying by God:

- Leviticus 18:22-23

“Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion.”

- Romans 1:27-32

"And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet...Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death."

In not obeying God’s word, “every transgression and disobedience received a just recompence of reward” (Heb 2:2), so your actions cause the punishment received. However, God is love and he desires understanding and that one turn, they ignorantly “oppose themselves” (2 Tim 2:25). Moreover, them that truly are saved make a sharp turn of repentance from such a lifestyle and with God’s spirit cannot return to such, it becomes distasteful. What cause is not two angels in love, but the flesh that angels are in. Some call it the earth suit, here, like a uniform of the force. You can’t take your uniform and do certain things in it, e.g., a policeman in his uniform in his patrol car pull up a hooker friend of his and pay for sex, which is done in the police car. That is done right disrespectful to the force. He would loose his badge (spirit) and uniform (flesh) if caught though we temporarily retain our flesh after violating God’s uniform, the earth suit? Because when Adam first sin he died spiritually then fleshly. Why not take it off and in spirit both of you, as if such exercise of ecstasy is possible in the spirit! So if you are given a uniform (posses a flesh) respect it and follow the guidelines for usage. It belongs to the Lord and acts are a violation of the sanctity of the flesh. Do it not. Also refraining from such shows respect and fear to God; as “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin [ ] is a reproach to any people” (Pro 14:34) and release a destruction and/or the destroyer (Ab/Locusts).

God put laws in place for our good, especially to fight against things we can’t see, should not see or upon seeing can’t function again, and I’m speaking to angels. For instance, one sex partner, one marriage for a life time was put in place to guard humans, as against several partners throughout life or sex any time. This mystery was cited in the book “The Series,” but it was after dealing with the wheelock of satan on bulls and the world I really grasp the mystery. Paul said that sex is a great mystery he couldn’t explain at the moment, and that through the flesh two spirit beings can become one. Satan has tapped into this and through lewd frequent sex of persons has locked them to him in one-fleshness; much like a wheelock. Sex or consummation is what binds the marriage or persons together, so each person that with someone in that line of partners is locked in with them and satan the manipulator of that . Hence, like a Wheelock or bullock, this is called wedlock. He legally, as with deceit to the bulls in partnership, not necessarily direct force, have access to the network of humans through sex. That’s how he mostly does iniquity, the legal lines, as in the term “cook the books,” embezzlement as against robbery, or typified in EA warp chi of saints’ purposes and reward. Imagine if with this access he can cleave-hind humans, as he did with many seraphim network wheels and the seraphim themselves. The least I surmise he can do with this is pull on these sex partner’s flesh, for in marriage, the flesh of the husband is the flesh of the wife. As wheelock is broken with death, so is a wedlock. This is too much information of how stuff works that can distract from living, so God did us a favor and made some guidelines for following, knowing we might opt not to follow them to our detriment, he made it a law with just punishments. They are beings like satan, he know who are wise and would find out how stuff works and manipulate the masses. Another example, it seems hard of God to make a law concerning bright colors not to wear, we don’t know if reflections from the sun off it does something to the eye that by 30 we have 10% visibility; or a commandment not to mix certain cloths (wool, linen, polyester, etc), we don’t know if it will cause serious irritations in the skin unseen or other complications. A more explained example in BT Magazine Volume 4 is the circumcision and Sabbath fasting that would protect the Jews from obeast infection/take over, they would never realize that there is a creature that can live on their flesh like a cloak an even take it over. Even with modern science today, humans can’t grasp that, for instance, “are you saying to me, this mucus I spit up is apart of a whole of a living creature in me that can be me the next day!?” This has to be believed by faith. Likewise, we don’t know the entirety of why God outlawed between same sexes, we have to trust him and obey. God loves us and do stuff for our care. Reasons I surmise away from moral psychology or mental adverse effects seeing our bodies are design for such. Likewise, our bodies aren’t designed for outer space exploration, we have to put on a space suit. So if it is not design for such why risk walking on the moon without a space suit and hence, why do in the earth suit, flesh. On the moon the space suit looks and functions like the earth suit, 2 hands, 2 feet, breathing apparatus like lungs, etc. So if a space suit can walk on the moon, so does my earth suit, one might compute by seeing. Actually, you can but what would happen. Likewise the hole, as sumptuous as it is, seems the same thing as the , a hole. So I stick my penis in it as with a . You can but…you can even stick your penis in a dog but….even in a Pepsi bottle hole for small dick men like me, but…. They are reasons, laws, culture and imminent dangers for reasons. Respecting the boundaries is respecting yourself.

The Lord know I would encounter this with the fallen ones, as their angelic nature would justify their actions in their own sight. The said justification horsemen might use in their camp if to be accepted and can transplant, but they are different case with different treatments, if, to be done by that mediator. But the Lord left a landmark encoding and teaching for the hopeful angels, who from the start of the blog and even in bible from American history are referred to as Lees. As said, from before time, to decode to the present, the encoder would know this name, even if not originated directly from him, but sees its latter usage and encode it in encryption to be revealed after its actual usage, to even aid the decoder in understanding. Notice the map below:


It is the map of Israel with a woman on her back in the missionary position imprinted over it. It shows her at the “Sea of Galilee” and the at the “Dead Sea.” No offense intended, but stern, you galy Lees ( ), the right hole is the and the hole is the death hole, as in Dead Sea. Death hole for two reasons, {1} Do such and the consequences of sin is death (Rom 6:23); and {2} Putting your penis in the ship pit, similar to where dead things, as well as waste, exit. As such this is very unhealthy even with a condom. One might say the is dirty too, as a deposit of liquid waste, urine. The has three holes and in sexual arousing, the urine hole is not used. Likewise, the penis tube is sectioned, in sexual arousing the urinal tract is diverted and the sperm tract is connected to the penis tube; yet while idle and the scrotum (balls) is full it might spill very small deposits over in the urinal tract, which is flushed with ing. However, the is one hole, the shit pit. This diagram is holding all things constant, because one might say there is the doggy style; only animals were innate with the doggy style and the humans from the start innate with the missionary position. Humans later imitated the doggy style. Nonetheless, in the doggy style the is penetrated not the , and as not the , the teaching on partially applies to hetero couples not to take part in , “And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman” (Rom 1:27). Even if you turn the map around, the dead sea is at the top then the sea of Galilee downwards, as in the doggy style, so the is at top away from the rear entry of the being pierced; illustrated in the same diagram turned around, below.


The Red hole imprinted over the is for all red angels,
all angels and all humankind, at whatever position or angles.

See the first upright diagram but not labeled on it with lines drawn, and the three holes of the is represented by the three bodies of water there, ‘Dead Sea’ (Anus), ‘Sea of Galilee’ ( ) and ‘Lake Malta or Hula’ (Urinary Tract in the ), all three circled in red. So the urinary track in the is a “dead sea” like the , which is not used when sexually aroused. Hence, also, what is called “ s” or pissing on the sex partner is nasty, wrong and forbidden. Sex is different for human flesh than any other animal and to a lesser extent; this is presented in the doggy style versus the missionary position. The doggy style was initiated for animals, just drop the seed and leave, reproduction. For humans, it is self-gratifying. The missionary position shows mutual desire of ecstasy, as in “love making.” Nearness, skin-to-skin, hugs, kisses, word in the ear, etc, with soft cushion breasts between that lock, ahhhhh! And Amen!

This is made clear because you have some that will just not stop or cease from sinning and find every excuse to do so. It is “My right,” “choice,” etc. Or, as in the above to angels, “Oh! The part that is the problem is breasts, so seeing we can morph, I’ll appear breasts as a man while doing to another man lying down, ahhhhh! You Orlando Constantine!” Persons like these will burn in the lake of fire forever and unfit for the kingdom, “the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable [disgusting s], and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death” (Rev 21:8). Any sex with the same sex, oral, , penetration or even is an abomination to God, wrong and forbidden. Abomination means disgusting, hence such acts are disgusting to God, the one who holds your existence in his hands, fear God for Christ sake! Especially by striving not to be disgusting to him. To love God with your whole heart and mind constitute this, doing what is pleasing to him, which means forsaking . If an angel, especially hopeful, wants to , be incarnated as the ou want to be, get penetrated or penetrate and stay that way for the life of the flesh. Find another angel in flesh, preferably, get married for the life of those fleshes and as often as possible and do enjoy! Thanks for entering the earth’s atmosphere, departure is with salvation.

If in marriage and doing such, switch sex to have same sex penetration, you violate one the most sacred institutions of God, marriage and will not escape; even though out of the eyes of others, in the all seeing eyes of God. Live righteously! Finally, other areas of will pop-up for angels, seemingly openness and acceptation awaits angels as is, read the next section, “Tenets After The Console: Part 2 - Sex and Marriage For Angels.” And it would be good to read the “ series,” the basics, though for humans, the angels have their in humanity, not as angels, as if. “The Series” can be found by searching on www.Amazon.com, www.lulu.com or www.cafepress.com. It can be downloaded free and printed from www.truthseries.org, www.threeq.com or www.lulu.com/godshop.

“Every one of you should know how to possess his vessel [uniform or flesh] in sanctification and honour” (1 Thess. 4:4)!

Tenets After The Console: Part 2 - Sex and Marriage For Angels

As mentioned, writing sexual laws for fallen angels, they seem applicable to horsemen who like angels, are tent people. With that, it seems the mobile state of the being is what causes the complexity of the of angels, yet the uniform (flesh) rules are universal. For example 1, male and female in union or sex regardless of two spirits in love, who change incarnated flesh (male/female) over generations and both are now men. The bible said, “every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour” (1 Thess. 4:4). You don’t wash colored clothes with whites, you don’t mix soup spoon with cooking spoon and for you fashion-a-holics, you don’t mix Nike with Fubu; so why in God’s name you can’t understand that verse, 1 Thessalonians 4:4. It’s not a matter of you, the spirits in love, but the vessels you are in, you must keep it clean before God, you do it to a testament of your faith, honor to God and “works of faith.” In other words, two spirits in love, the clothes (flesh) have to coincide with the union, you can’t have male to male and claim hope or salvation before God. Possess the vessels, the clothes or tent in sanctification. You wouldn’t have a tent with holes all over it because that would defeat the purpose of the tent, rain and other ill effect would harm inside, so outside must be taken care of. You would possess that tent in good condition, likewise, God identifies the mobility of angels in tents (human flesh), but it came with a manufacturer care instruction and the basic is, don’t mix the same tent together ( ). Different than humans, but still vessels before God, as a temple of God, wherewith the literal Jewish temple must be clean and in it must not be the pig. For example 2, a seraphim married to a person in the church, then create another self and marry another person in the church can be considered adultery. Judge ye in yourselves, by the example of the uniform and that when in marriage (consummation) two spirits become one, so fabricating sublets of your spirits in another flesh joined to another in marriage is joining three spirits in marriage, why not take it further and swing! So it is easy to discern after knowing the basics of the uniform and tenets of marriage, “yourselves judge ye not what is right” (Luke
12:57). My outright confession is that seraphim working in earth shouldn’t marry, except constrain to single entity existence; and if in a position of the system to foster such, that is, pairing up with your own eyes could appease the temptations of the flesh until the tenure of such position is expired. Then my curious mind would question, is not this then ion? Not really, as heaven operatives on earth, you are somewhat like in a state of undercover, so you put on an overall (clothes-eye) over your police suit (clothes-seraphim self) in a sting operation (the temptations of earth stings very hot!); only in this case you can sort of marry yourself. For example 3, a seraphim with the person knowing they are a seraphim, come in the bedroom with 2 or more of themselves in an orgy is still liken to adultery or not possessing your vessel in honor, though only two persons (spirit entities) is in the bed room. For example 4, two seraphim married, then do the above, or worse 12 females and 12 males in a small town but all the females is one seraphim, the one that chooses to be a wife and the males are the other seraphim, chooses to be the husband; if this persist after the wheeling decree. This might seems innocent, as only two spirits is enjoined in holy matrimony, but several flesh, this still seems a violation of the uniform, apart from overt necessity in operation as a system file; even if not taking it to the next level of outright violation or sin of swinging all 24 human flesh involved than couples to themselves and justify it by saying it is still only two persons (spirits) involved as the requirement to marriage. For example 5, two normal ladder angels married, seeing the flesh or uniform is where mostly the violation lies, we probably can wife swap in each other. That is, if this is even possible, “my wife put on my flesh and I put on her flesh and we , as I’m tired of penetrating and want to get penetrated.” This be a tough one, and as incarnated, I doubt this is possible, more like appearances in flesh. However, this might seems okay but as with the next, it fosters thoughts and open door ways to greater sins, even doing the same thing with other couples. “Hey Jane and John, my wife and I like your earth suits, and we have never in an afro-American suit before and I hear the penis are bigger, can we borrow your earth suit tonight only?” The flesh and spirit becomes one with the other marriage partner flesh and spirit, though most corollaries/violations is in the “one-fleshness,” so the latter is wrong and should be avoided. The former open doors to such and should be avoided also, “Abstain from all appearance of evil” (1 Thess 5:22), even in God’s eyes. This really typifies being carnally minded and wax in vanity, than one should really look to heaven and be heavenly minded and the things of this world are really just an off shoot of being here and at best only a necessity. For example 6, one might say, “seeing we are angels and can manipulate the flesh, rather than ask my wife to instant shrink her for a tighter penetration, ask her to fully appear as an 6 year old girl in the privacy of the bedroom, not known to others. Is that wrong or am I still a ?” Remember, the violation is not the spirit really, but the sanctity of the human flesh, if violation of such in that manner is wrong with humans, it is wrong with you, even though; as with two spirits in love, yet express that with both incarnate in the same sex then . Wrong, respect the body before the all seeing eye of God. Moreover, such acts can lead to real and rape of children; with either partners doing thus or even both partners simultaneously. What you can ask her is instant shrink a little fat around the hole, tight up breasts to mouth full, plat hair, wear a pladded mini-skirt and sucking a lollipop like a 17 year old virgin; ahhhh! Things like these to look into that would constitute not possessing your vessel in honor, though a Christ type salvation is the intent of no sin-blame ever one can grieve the Holy Spirit (Eph 4:30). It seems simple but…

If angels can be redeemed, the principle that applies to men for marriage applies also to them. For seeing that they can morph and shape-shift, it means they can easily have several partners and justify it by saying the flesh or personage is different; amongst many other reasons that can be given based on their abilities. However, when God instituted marriage for humans, he said they become one. Paul further elaborated that they become one literally, that even if you join yourself to a harlot you become one with the harlot, so much so that the unbelieving can be sanctified by the believing spouse
* (1Cor 7:14). Now, if two flesh are involve in marriage and one can be in America and another in Europe, it means what is one is something spiritual and thus marriage would have even a greater impact on beings that are spiritually based, yet in flesh. The one-fleshness through sex constitute wedlock and angels that were free from the plague of satan’s cleave-hinds on the networks they were on, now at risk again on the sex network. And therefore marriage to angels is even more mandatory to only one partner, whether to another angel until the end or as seemingly frequently existing, human after human after human upon their deaths each generation. Similar to Matthew 22:24-30 where the woman was married 7 times because the husbands kept dying; in the angel case, if two angels married until old age and one dies, then can incarnate and marry that same angel again or if one dies and is bound in hell, then can marry another. If death means departure in hell, as in death do us part, then angels marrying angels that don’t go to hell means you can be stuck to another angel for all times. If marry a human, you are stuck to him or her when him or her dies and goes to the grave; though marrying human beings is not encouraged, like-kind to like-kind, though such an exception would have been fostered with box for God’s purposes. Violation of this (one marriage partner for “life”) is adultery and sin, which cannot be named among the redeemed. You can’t have a married hopeful (redeemed even), especially if married to a human, then morphing into another person or worst another sex to go having arbitrary sex on south beach. Redeemed means set apart and the mongoose loose fallen life lived cannot be lived any more. Again, I’m saying this as if I’m persuaded myself that they are hopefuls. To those that are humans and can understand, for peace of mind choose a human to marry still; as this encoded expository might seems new age and not necessarily intended for human audience or reading. For those humans who cannot understand, you won’t realize anything in the first place, as even many are already joined to angels unaware – a known fact witnessed hundreds of time personally; myself simply dated a church girl but later found out she be an angel unawares. If you are an hopeful, marrying only humans might seem enticing to have several lovers over lifetimes with death of spouses each generation, legally, but try to choose another hopeful. If J.R.R Tolken, writer of Lord of Rings is a fallen one he/she would have inadvertently expressed things experience by that sect in terms of loving a human who is going to die and the impact it has – as seen in the king (mortal) and lady Owen (immortal). To which lady Owen opt to turn mortal for the human; normally such media is illegally demonic, but sometimes the display of fallen angels is demonic, which is their nature and lifestyle in a sense. This example though, gives the case of a immortal (angel) marrying a mortal (human) and that love and the referential called “affairs of the heart” is a strong thing that supersede all barriers; that can have lasting negative consequences. Something we don’t need in this short time left to fulfill the great commission. Not enticing Lord of Rings or another example, the original “Highlander,” for you fallen ones know things like this existed, even exactly as in the movies. The opposite can be seen in the bible -  that is, instead of wizards they are bible prophets with great power and instead of spirit armies of dead men or fallen ones, they are literal spirit armies from heaven beautifully arrayed with drawn sword (Psalms 68:17).

Again, this is all based on two assumptions (1) Fallen angels can be redeemed and (2) after redemption, they are still bound or allowed to still stay on earth; unlike men, who can die then got to paradise to await further glory or hell’s fire. (3) Also, this is for those angels who are incarnated. Those who are not, how are they redeemed and would they be allowed to freely go to paradise than remain on earth? Could it be also that all fallen ones has incarnated themselves at some point and thus rely on being human with the ability to turn spirit at any time? The ones that didn’t do this incarnation corruption are the watchers and resides in the earth’s atmosphere where God kicked them to, if they are redeemed it would be by the spirit personally; in the heavenliest. But salvation would be through the human flesh, not the spirit in the outer atmosphere; this conundrum I had pondered to be taken care of in the methodology of such a case prayer, for their sin is of heaven not earth, but what would save is of the earth, salvation streaming down from Christ. Of such, the ones to which salvation alludes to are those who are followers of them from Gen 6:4 and are in flesh; which could be in the majority of all them that fell. Also, Christ coming to earth and being risen typifies angels falling to earth then redeemed and raised up, hopefully. But Christ was without sin when he came and the sin he inherited was that of humanity and free himself and humanity from it, then went back up. Fallen angels came with their own sins, so satan might contend, “human flesh or salvation from Christ finished work cannot save or redeem them; for anything of earth would take care of that which is in the earth and hence their sins would still remain it being of heaven and hence cannot and will not be redeemed.” Then I would contend, when Christ finished his work he did a marvelous thing, he not only sat Lord over all the earth but sat second to God in heaven, making his jurisdiction over heaven and earth, pardoning whomever he will in the realm of God, “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Heb 12:2). This work made him gain a position even over the 7 spirits of God (Rev 5:6), in essence, being second to God, whereby the 24 elders, 4 beasts and all angels bow down and worshipped him (Rev 5:13-14). As such, he can pardon any in heaven and earth and especially those confined to earth; we being “joint-heirs with Christ” (Rom 8:17) can seemingly do the same thing, if led to do so and graced to do so.

Back to and angels. The scripture said that the married “bed undefiled” (Heb 13:4). Meaning, between two married persons anything goes sexually. And even sensitive matters that the church ostracizes, like , can be seen in bible and justified with this scripture. What the bible never did and “countless” time refutes is . This clearly doesn’t fall under the banner of bed of the married being undefiled. You might say it couldn’t because real redeemed Christian humans wouldn’t marry the same sex, neither is God apart of it and both are condemned to hell’s fire. However, when two hopefuls marry they can morph and thus an evil thought might be, “honey let us change into male only tonight for .” Being that they are spirit bound, but redeemed, is this correct to do? No, as explained earlier; but Heb 13:4 could be used to justify it seeing when married legally they were male and female and doing thus in the bed temporarily. The crime against the flesh is committed and a godly institution violated even with abilities that seems to warrant justification. Strive to live pure and pleasing to the spirit of God that is everywhere.



Having kids might be permissible as only the flesh is reproduced, if can, and not the spirit and given you grow the child in the fear of the Lord. But having children for bodies to steal, eat, sell, for self or other spirit friends, is an abomination!!! If children are produced from the union of two hopefuls in flesh it is there responsibility to raise the child in the fear of God, with greater success given hopeful’s angel abilities. Failure to have the human child redeemed, hypothetically because God saves, would be failure indeed and it would be better that the child weren’t born. Again, given the ability to basically condition the child effortlessly, failure should be non-existent. Especially because the bible promises that if you rear the child in this fashion, when he or she is old they’ll not depart from it (Prov 22:6). Another thing hopefuls would be responsible for is maintaining the innocence of the child to the great evil of all this and might have to conceal identity; given how the world matriculates to this revealing of how stuff works. I’m pretty young writing these, 23-26, and if God didn’t hold my mind I would go crazy knowing these stuff. Since ancient days the societies has changed and the awareness of fallen angels amongst us is non-existent; people don’t even know the Presidents and rulers of nations are angels as they were back then and even known (Eze 28:19). This deliberate knowledge gap between generation/millenniums was cited in the post “Possibly EA Triple Threat Theory” and done by EA and the seraphim tree he belongs to, to the point Jesus life seems to encode a pattern of this deliberation of not having the world at an optimal level for each washing. That is, at 12 years old he was indirectly teaching the Priests and scribes with questions, saying, the earth hasn’t even reach the knowledge of the 12 Bulls as yet and there’s far more to grasp. Many things were to have been grasped for him to come as Christ too, but didn’t, but he inadvertently had to come after numerous several delays. To the point that upon leaving they still have not reach thus far intended, with even Christ among them with much teaching of how stuff works; saying then and encoded of now, “I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now…or hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able” (John 16:12, 1 Cor 3:2). Plus started over since then, knowledge-wise.

So keeping the child oblivious to the identity of the parents (being angels) might have repercussions, if by a miracle God graces such a child when grown to understand these things. For instance, having found out a mother was a fallen one all along, would be deemed by the child as a liar, traitor and hypocrite. The Child not knowing that keeping him naive to these things is helpful and innocence isn’t lost. In today’s society, knowing these things without God can land you in the asylum, and defeat the purpose of having a purposeful happy life. With God’s help, you be the judge concerning your child and this in the latter stages; but especially keep from the thin line that borders the demonic ( , etc). On the other hand, that fallen angel parent would be a liar, hypocrite and despicable person if through her/his ability make the child their own or shared personal sex slave, or even a spouse, a breeder, beating stick and basically destroying their life, hopes and dreams without them knowing a thing. Being enraged at the thought, I hope such rot in the lake of fire. But reminded of mercy to those who stop and knowing that even in present societies this is not necessarily an angel evil for humans do that to their children too. Some children of theirs have high quality genes to which they sell to other fallen ones to incarnate and become for example, sports stars, actors and other ‘stars’; or rear human puppets from it. Personally I would say hopefuls should avoid children and adopt, given circumstances that can arise, but as of now I’m given no commandment to forbid such; except for the case of exploitation mentioned and not mentioned. You most of all know the misery of this life, why bring another into it, I wouldn’t opt to, being a human with this knowledge. The wisest man ever lived, God given wisdom, herald and back this when he said that it is better to die than to be born (Ecc 7:1). Plus Christ himself said of these days, “woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck” (Luke 
21:23; Matt 24:19). Give suck is also key, you can’t appear a woman, that is, angels, to have babies; as angels can morph to look like women with breasts. So an angel have to become a real woman incarnate, with real breast that activate the milk glands when pregnant, to even have children.


I often say angels are incarnated, so you might say they are equal to Christ in that regard and what Christ did was no big thing, that is, incarnate in Mary. However, what Christ did was an immaculate conception, without the seed of a man robed himself in flesh in the womb of Mary. When angels incarnate the seed of a man combine with the egg of a woman meets then the spirit of that new human is the angel, hence, incarnated; incarnate because the spirit is not new, as with a new spirit with each birth. They do this over and over, and in a sense can be said to re-incarnate, if not using the said flesh to appear young and old and young and old again. Nonetheless, Christ's birth is also immaculate in that the spirit that indwelt the flesh is Holy, the actual living God. Immaculate also for the meaning of egg and sperm is not really clearly. That is, the real egg is the sperm and what the egg is, is a sack for that sperm to feed off and grow; like a caterpillar cocoon when to turn to a butterfly. Hence, the sperm is like a tadpole. The egg is not alive or living then as to grow into a being, but living when the person, sperm, gets into it to turn a butterfly. The egg is a needed sack with all the nutriments for the sperm to mature into a human being with arms, legs, etc. This follows true for all mammals and animals that mate before conception. Other organisms can reproduce without an external egg sack for the real egg (sperm), they are called asexual; mostly insects. If and when animals reproduce asexually, even though not known, someone [human or angel] must have tampered with them, for this would be impossible; a Christ-like immaculate conception. God created the animals male ("egg") and female (egg sack) so conception cannot take place without both egg and egg sack meeting; whether through sex or artificial insemination or test tube, etc.. So Christ's a reproduction in Mary was an impossible task that he alone could do. I had pondered why men have nipples, as when I was a teen and read in teen books that at puberty the nipples of males often squirt a drop of water. Then it hit me what God did. He first made men asexual and after Adam finished his work, he looked on him and said this is not good. He needed a help "meet." One, to foster social interaction, but two, to help with the rearing of the child as that is more work after he finished his work; after finishing his work he then had to reproduce asexually and take care of kids, which would eventually share in the work load and at present foster social interaction, so two, eve was to help with the work of raring the child. So the original design of the nipples on man was that he was to reproduce asexually and hence it was to breast feed. However, male and female made he them (Gen 1); the sense of was given to reproduce and thereafter to foster closeness to his mate for both to enjoy. A point of detraction, then is like breast feeding a baby on a man today with no milk, the baby would die, it is awkward, unnatural, sickening and wrong. Like a baby wouldn't breast feed on a man, so shouldn't a man with a man, not design that way; like wise the penis is meant to point to egg sack not the rectum which is unnatural, sickening, wrong and those persons would die. To help prevent the backlash of these abnormalities laws were given in how to govern the uniform (human flesh), as we can't know or learn all this at once. Also, a disrespect of the uniform is a disrespect of God and none can disrespect God and live. The abnormalities of use of the uniforms ( ity, , , etc) were spawn by devils because it is not normal or built in the uniform. They do such in utter disrespect for God and The Devil arouse you such that he may get you out of the uniform, away for God and possible take that uniform for himself. For instance, a man (satan) seeing a (humanity) at the laundry mat (earth), spills coffee (sin- ) on her work uniform clothes (flesh) for her to get undress there, so he may look on her nakedness (become abominable to God). So when feeling such urges, this is usually the cause and unfortunately, he set this on automate in the society through the media so people automatically feel such urges in curiosity. And the result is the same, disrespect the uniform you disrespect God and the consequences is eternal death, "But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death" (
Rev 21:18).

Another point of note on this is that abortion issues might resurface, but can be quickly dissipated because abortion can only take place when life begins or the egg (egg sack) begins to blossom. Otherwise that egg sack in woman is passed out in the menstrual cycle, its own "abortion." The real egg (sperm) if builds up is released in the urine, after secreted in the urinal tract mostly at night and is void as such. So abortion really takes place when egg and egg sack meets. That is, after . The redesign of the asexual man to male and female can be seen in the male reproductive organs. Two testicles, one could have stored the eggs and the other the egg sacks. But both testicles when first created, after re-scratching the pre-design, now store the egg (sperm) and still two of them then a penis; male and female represented by the two testicles and one penis (that now shoot the egg after the scratched pre-design) represent the “onefleshness” of the union of the marriage of both male and female, the ultimate design of God; that is, two (testicles) become one (Penis).

A last point, Barb was released from cannibalism in eating the eggs in another piece. But further release might be in this. But first, I don't know if obeast can reproduce as not real creatures made of God with such capabilities and so only can be made by them that created them. For it is not an hybrid snake or another animal but a completely new creature. So it's like saying I made a shoe out of snake skin, then the shoe reproduced another shoe, which is impossible. However, microscopic organism can reproduce thus by tearing themselves, as in a loose example of satan's cleave hind; loose for the cleave hind is not a new being of the same kind but satan stretching himself. Then we come to the case of Barb and "eggs", if she produces "eggs" and eat them she is not eating another creature of her kind, but the egg is really the egg sack with all the nutriments for growth to that creature. So basically eating baby food, with potency of blood as it is needed to survive by the baby. However, if she produces after her kind, it means she also produces the real egg or sperm and they two collide (egg and egg sack) to produce asexually or the snake shoe created another snake shoe. UNLIKELY. Then again, the horseleech has two daughters and the rod is male, so three females and a male, so Barb could get the egg or sperm from Herod and that goes into her egg sack, which produces are new obeast with E-water or of stronger proportion. This might clear up the paper trail of why it said Aaron's rod budded and not Aaron's staff (Barb the female), for if the rod be the male, the male is the one that carry the real eggs (sperms). This union, as with the two testicles and one penis could be dually encoded in Moses' rod (Herod) turn to a snake (Barb) and eating up Pharaoh’s two snakes (horseleech two daughters). This collision of obeasts in one body is unlikely the cause for its reproduction, for a rod producing eggs (sperms) seems also impossible. So either way, this is a divine occurrence like that of the immaculate conception of Christ; even more so, the egg sacks of Barb them for its own sustenance from spoiling the temple of God (box) with blood.


Basically, as said before, most of the surrounding humans are the same for angels, though angels add more variables by virtue of nature; which can warrantee justification for such stretch of the governing mandate on derived from the bible. Reason being, those mandates are not based on the human spirit, the real me, but on the human flesh (God’s uniform). So if a human spirit is not in a human flesh but an angel spirit, the same mandate apply across the board. For instance, you have 5’ 3” Mugsy Bogues and 7’ 1” Shaquille O’Neal, one would think the difference in height or statue would give a lee way to either, but both have to shoot in a 10 feet basket, both have 3 seconds in the lane, both can foul out at 5 fouls and both have to dunk in the same hole even if one is shorter than the other. So, for angels too it would be good to read “The Series” found at www.Amazon.com, www.lulu.com or www.cafepress.com. A free copy should be able to be downloaded at www.truthseries.org, www.threeQ.com or www.lulu.com/godshop.

NOTE: (1) With angels incarnating, I don't know how it is done, but one thing is certain and shouldn't be done and will be violently fought against and outlawed is if at conception, egg in egg sack, a spirit is given as in the natural occurrences, then an angel would push out that spirit and replace it with themselves. As abortion is wrong at the conception of life, it's obvious this is and liken to abortion; with all the bad corollaries of this like, suckry or that spirit in hell for spice or smoked chi. As said I don't know how angels incarnate than appear to have flesh, but only fostered somewhat legally if the spirit that first meets the conception (egg in egg sack) is that angel and not the natural process of giving a human spirit automatically at every conception.   (2) Asterisk (*) Denotes: This statement I had mentioned elsewhere, even in other publications and it still holds true, “The unbelieving can be sanctified by the believing spouse (1 Cor 7:14).” Meaning, a saved person marries an unsaved person sanctifies them, which mean justifies them which is literally causing that person to be saved. I didn’t preach it because of how loose it is though holding it true, so that everyman strive for themselves. But I mentioned it and as holding it true, one can use thus to validate their salvation without conversion because their spouse is saved. However, after learning of the eyes of God in the post “Possible EA Triple Threat Theory,” I realized what the verses really is. The 7 eyes of God seraphim tree has many wheels and selves in the worlds, called feet. For them to stay an eye of God, God must wash their feet, his unlimited presence on them over against any other being. The analogy was given in the New Testament that they should wash one another’s feet, as saints literally do. For God seems to do so from the head of them in heaven and it stream to the feet in the worlds. It seems the feet can perish if not having thus and hamper that seraphim. The feet also can get weary and temporarily cut off from the divine and possibly cease functioning, but God gives timely washing to off set such or timing they should appear before him for such (Job 1:6). So one eye of God tree in an area seeing another eye of God tree with a feet that needs a light (feet to be washed) and they have a light (feet washed) should give it for the sustenance of that feet that needs a washing. But ultimately that eye of God has to have that presence stream from his head being lit, down to this feet. Likewise, the saved spouse that sanctifies the unsaved spouse works in this fashion, they are washed with their spouse, because when married, the two spirits become one and function as one; like submerging a shoe (husband) in a bucket of water to wash it, but cannot avoid submerging the tongue (wife) of that shoe as well. So the unsaved spouse becomes saved as such or justified. However, a clause in marriage that is biblical states, “till death do us part” (as seen in Mt 22:24-30), which erodes this pseudo salvation or justification. That is, if any spouse dies, this fabric of justification breaks apart and the unsaved husband is no longer justified and would have to be saved in the manner the saved wife was saved (Acts 2:38). Even worse, if the unsaved spouse dies, he ends up in hell’s fire because his sanctification came from the union and the union is broken in death. So while living he only enjoys the benefits of salvation. So then, why risk hell’s fire and not get saved yourself. So I guess this might be a reason not to stress it, though 1 Corinthians 7:14 stated it. Normally the unsaved spouse usually gets save. A reason for knowing this is to inform the unsaved spouse that they are now joined to Christ and their evil actions in the marriage union can grieve the spirit of God, whereby the other spouse is sealed; a good cause not to be “unequally yoked together with unbelievers” (2 Cor 6:14) in marriage. So I guess in knowing also is once unsaved, in respecting Christ, not to join in marriage to unbelievers. Though I don’t think any angel this uncouth or evil or that God would allow such of his saints (though given choice), an angel might blasphemously think to join in union with a save person to share in the benefits of Christ (a good example is no black head), then in secret live an ungodly lifestyle to the grievance of God’s spirit; especially if a seraphim. Flee the very thought of this and harming a saint (Luke 17:1-2) with its destructive judgment with such intent of blasphemy. Moreover, I wouldn’t even encourage union to unsaved humans by angels, even if and when fallen angels are saved, much more union with the saved; but it happened, in the latter case, unaware to most. This encoding of the 7 eye of God tree EA belongs to, which Pig belongs to, uses the marriage analogy as well, "Thus saith the LORD, Where is the bill of your mother's [PIG] divorcement, whom I have put away? or which of my creditors [THE 7 EYES OF GOD ARE LIKE ON CREDIT WITH GOD’S UNLIMIT SPIRIT] is it to whom I have sold you? Behold, for your iniquities have ye sold yourselves, and for your transgressions is your mother put away [WHEREFORE WHEN STREAM DOWN TO REFRESH THE FOOT OF THIS 7 EYE OF GOD TREE, HE PUT AWAY PIG INHERENTLY BUT IT IS STILL THERE THEORETICALLY. WHY?]. Wherefore, when I came, was there no man? when I called, was there none to answer [HE FOUND A WAY TO CUT OFF GOD’S STREAM FROM HIS FOOT WHEN GOD EVERSO OFTEN GIVE A CHECK OF WHAT THEY ARE DOING; AND POSSIBLE KEPT IT ALIVE WITH PSUEDO LIGHTS FROM OTHER 7 EYES OF GOD TREE]? Is my hand shortened at all, that it cannot redeem? or have I no power to deliver [DOESN’T GOD KNOW THAT HE IS HIDING HIS FEET, AS IF GOD CANNOT SEE. AS ALLUDED TO IN THIS VERSE, “JESUS SAITH TO HIM, HE THAT IS WASHED NEEDETH NOT SAVE TO WASH HIS FEET, BUT IS CLEAN EVERY WHIT: AND YE ARE CLEAN, BUT NOT ALL” (JOHN 13:10), BECAUSE SOMEONE IS HIDING HIS FEET]? behold, at my rebuke I dry up the sea [THE TIME HAS COME, THAT IS, I HAVE SEEN THIS AND GIVEN SPACE, NOW THE DRYING UP OF THIS ENTIRE SERAPHIM TREE WHEREVER IT LIES IN EXISTENCE; LIKE LITERALLY DRYING UP ALL THE OCEANS AND BODIES OF WATER IN THE WORLD], I make the rivers a wilderness: their fish stinketh, because there is no water, and dieth for thirst" (Isaiah 50:1-2). The benefits of a union in marriage occurs on the body, likewise adverse effects, for instance, this eye of God tree drying up because of the Pig feet that belongs to it; though the entire tree is bad. Similarly, you reds are joined to her like a marriage though not in that tree, but will perish like that tree if not un-joined from her and those like her. Therefore, “Where is the bill of your mother's divorcement?”

Tenets After The Console: Part 3 - Persecution in Faith

If there are angels that are hopefuls, then it might compute, even with satan, that the non-hopeful fallen angels will persecute the hopefuls. Again, if they can be redeemed. If none hopeful fallen angel is bigger than the hopeful, he would opt to persecute the hopeful, those interested and other fallen angels. Though jotted down elsewhere, it would also compute that being redeemed meant they are glorified again to the position of angels, and even greater than the fallen ones. But it would seem that a greater stature (e.g. seraphim) would still opt to afflict a lesser in stature though posses greater power in salvation; even those fallen angels who are either thinking of becoming redeemed or helping the redeemed. This satan and his angels would persecute them as not to have them redeemed or desist from doing something good (helped the redeemed); contrary to their regime – “evil.” Such angels that help the redeemed angels are like ardent Muslims, al-quida, while active in the regime begin to help Jews or Americans; and even pondering to join. But remember encoded Demetrius, satan the silver shaper, under the guise of good in another silver form, among you destroying the flock from within.

Bigger spirits can take over the body of a smaller fallen one, however, he came by the body; even so, forcing the former to roam or be an aeon. The circumstance that I’ve experience seems to be fabricated but others (3%) seems real. Another thing is morphing as they can shape shift to look like anyone. Thus a person might have a relative who on the outside looks like their relative but actually a fallen one. They can either do this until their purpose of doing it is up and either replace the inner man with the former fallen angel, one whom they bullied for that body and everything that came with it. Or, even kill that body or find another host as a place holder to make sure their purpose remain. Again, so much of it has been fabricated that I can’t give examples that this is true. Nonetheless, I kind of see why some who I personally see are timid to either reach out or reveal their identity. Given what I see God doing or revealing to me, it would seem that I had lost a lot of friends this way. And if this is done to their fellow angel counterparts, be sure it is done to humans; only thing is, the human die!!! I’ve since prayed for all my friends.

Another thing, I’d jotted the thought that they might have to stay in that flesh or flesh to survive on earth, if their earth suit was of incarnation, as against possession; which would make them fall under the jurisdiction of the flesh. That is, Death = Spirit of Body goes to Hades or the netherworld (Heb 9:27), whether a human or fallen one incarnate. The only thing we know is that once dead, human spirits can’t go back to the earth; except in one case when Christ died.

If and I do often use the ‘if’ because this is beyond me (written 2003), they can be redeemed, even the thought of redemption would immediately attract persecution; especially in the case of fallen angels. If redemption is near for fallen one and if were to happen on the large scale, it means a rise of a new ruling class of beings that are joint-heirs with Christ and with their background, be very powerful, fortunately they would be good and a wheel of Christ. I thought of it, so couldn’t they rebel again and especially knowing the gift are without repentance, but reminded of the verse that applies to all redeemed “Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling” (Jude 1:24); and do know those who God saves, he keeps, even from persecution (2 Cor 4:8-10). If all this be so, then all I have to say is, to the only wise God be majesty dominion, honor and power, both now and forever more. Amen.

Tenets After The Console: Part 4 - Set and Maintain A Standard

One of the reason for the cleaning and waking up, “none can keep alive his own soul” (Psalms 22:29) is that willingly ignorant or not, there hasn’t been a line drawn, no standard set, hence sin is relative than definitive and a cesspool of sin abounds concurrently with a seemingly smooth economy. That is, “they have put no difference between the holy and profane, neither have they shewed difference between the unclean and the clean…I am profane among them” (Eze
22:26). A line has to be drawn, for if there is no line, how can you know you have crossed it. So with cleaning comes word. I find that the publications from L.I.M suffice for the human populace and this blog, “DEW (due) FROM HEAVEN:Light 2 U Blog” (with its book, “Angels, Lets Talk”) is sufficient for the angel populace now. As such, “set ye up a standard in the land, blow the trumpet among the nations” (Jer 51:27). One of the foremost publications that crosses both and should be read by all nations, is the “Student Manifesto.” The following are excerpts from it for starters:

One famous scripture noted, “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do” (Psalms 11:3)? Meaning, if godly foundations are gone, then comes God wrath. That’s why they have to be a great falling away before Christ returns (2 Thess. 2:3). The great falling away will be the removal of the foundations. The righteous can keep back the wrath of God if the foundations remain; even in a hedonistic nation. If that freedom and exercise thereof is taken away, not only can they not please their God, but the ungodly or ungodliness increases. Both undoubtedly make God step in. Hence verse 4-6 of psalms 11, which reads, “The LORD is in his Holy Temple, the LORD’s throne is in heaven: his eyes behold, his eyelids try, the children of men…upon the wicked he shall rain snares, fire and brimstone.” This can take the form of many things now; for instance, columbine, ‘mad cow disease,’ or even Sept 11, 2001. To prevent these and more terrible things from happening to your nation, the foundation must stand and flourish... Hence, the verse, “righteousness exalts a nation” (Prov 14:34). Godly foundational principles exalt a nation and it must stand.


US Constitutional Amendment, Article 1: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

It simply means the government cannot stop persons from having church service, distribution of Christian Literature, bible reading and doing any thing “religious;” even in public and governmental places. Thus, neither can anyone else prevent them. Religion there only meant Judeo-Christian faith, that was the religion of America and every other religion was ism; “even to the punishment of s.” Also, notice the presidential faith lists in Part 2, section 3, clause 1. Under religion it would seems that they were many religions but these were only denominations under the Christian faith. When you asked a man his religion then, he wouldn’t say Christian, but Baptist, Episcopalian and so on. That was the diverse religion congress should make no law on, or interfere in. Christianity was so involved then that certain governmental building in Washington had church service being held in them, with even attendance of Presidents.

Therefore, what the law states, unaware to many and ignored by the “unbiblical elite,” is that `Christians have the freedom to do anything in the name of their religion, in the confines of their religion. That is, pray in school, have devotions in school, read the bible in schools, freely distribute Christian literature in schools, have true religious education and bible classes in school, erect `Christian monuments and anything within the confines of Christianity. Therefore, what has taken place in the pass decades by the humanists, mainly ACLU, is unconstitutional. Most Americans and `lawyers aren’t even aware of this. Most think Christianity and government (as in public) shouldn’t mix, but what the constitution did was to encourage this and even release itself from imposing on it by` Amendment one of the US constitution. For instance, removal of the Ten Commandments by any judge from a public place is unconstitutional. For if you’re not to make any legislation against Christian exploits and then by law remove a Christian monument you’ve clearly made a law pertaining to Christian religion and violated Amendment 1. The same goes for bible reading, devotional service and anything that is outlawed today in public schools, under the misguided notion of “separation of Church and state.” As seen in Part 2, Section 3, Clause 3, Phase 1, “separation of church and state” isn’t what most think it is. What is called “separation of church and state” today is utterly unconstitutional. One of the chief essences of Amendment 1 is to prevent a repeat of King Henry or Emperor Constantine, whereby the state can assume authority in the church and change it as they feel and enact what they change. So when Jefferson refers to a “wall of separation” this is what he meant and not what the ACLU suppose. For he couldn’t have meant what the ACLU suppose it means if he overtly did the opposite of what the ACLU suppose it to mean; detailed in Part 2, Section 3, Clause 3, Phase 1 at the end. That alone is clear common sense to debunk this wrong non-theist notion of “separation of church and state.” But at last, who are these non-theists eroding our nation? “Mainly” fallen ones who far-see that this true meaning would surface and prevent their aims and thus for the pass 50+ years have cede this wrong notion fully well knowing that it is wrong; another ability of theirs we are subject to live with. That’s the reason for this conclusion, “in the first 150 years of our nation, ‘separation of church and state’ was mentioned [far] less than a dozen times by the federal Courts…during the last 50 years, it’s been mentioned over 6,000 times.”

Even further, let me show you that the entire Amendment 1 is misunderstood. Many people and journalists use Amendment 1, the part that says, “abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press;” they use it to bash political leaders, promote immorality, humanism and everything imaginable – when it was not given to them. In other words, there is no such thing as freedom of speech for the public, or freedom of the press under Amendment 1. That entire phrase was being addressed to “That God might manifest them” (Ecc
3:18) STUDENT MANIFESTO By a student, for the students religious adherent or more specifically, Christians. It states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion….” Then after that, it listed the other things congress shouldn’t do in respect of religious adherents (Judeo-Christians). Commas (,), Semi-colon (;) and the word “or” were used to separate the things listed that were attributed to Christians only; it was one sentence with one subject – the church. The first time I realized this in July-2004, I was shocked that I thought to hide it; seeing that I write a lot of stuff with the pretext of freedom of speech. But later realized that all I write is religiously oriented. Then another sad thing dawned on me, if the “house”, judiciary and courts realizes this and let it be heard, then the “unbiblical minority” will try to evade it by forming pseudo-Christianity; like Christian science, Mormonism, today’s Unitarians and even churches. And if my knowledge of fallenangelogy and their involvement is correct, then they would have known I would write this and begin this pseudo-church process as well. That’s the reason I wrote that the law said “they have the freedom to do anything in the name of their religion WITHIN THE CONFINES OF THEIR RELIGION.” In other words, the constitutional Amendment 1 didn’t give the Christian rights just to do anything. That would mean a Christian can walk in the white house undetained, shoot the president in the name of their religion, walk out and even the vice-president shaking his hand and saying, “thank God you obeyed your religion.” No. The only reason congress gave Christians that power was because they themselves were Christians and knew the bible inside out. In fact, Jefferson studied it in four languages daily. So they all knew what it teaches - the inherent laws of all nations. Not onlly would it bring a prosperous mighty nation, but an obedient people. So enticing are its principles that even a “ ” leader in a democracy would opt to use it.

Therefore, not anybody or group under the banner of Christianity can exercise this freedom either – only those who are true bible adherents. This is not determined by denominational differences, which some call different biblical “interpretation.” This is determined by the sameness that all denomination has – the inherent dogmas that make one cling to the Judeo-Christian faith: Example, a belief in the 10 commandments, Leviticus 18 and all the doctrines of the apostles. In other words, one cannot claim to be a Christian church if it promotes as biblical or even adultery ( ). Or, a Muslim saying he’s a Christian when he “deifies” another God or exemplifies the life of Muhammad. Sporting the “label” Christian would only be a ploy to enjoy the benefit Christians have: In this case, that would be freedom of speech and press. The above are easy inherent biblical characteristics of Christendom, some are not that easy to decipher. It therefore means that the federal Judges, Congress, “house,” President and all governmental officials have to get back to the foundation of studying God’s word – just like how Washington and Jefferson did daily. Or even the recent promising news I saw of 2004 Presidential Candidate John Kerry, they say he carries his bible with him everywhere. For this to occur, “Religious Christian Education” has to be mandated in our schools and even colleges. It simply means we have to put God in America again!

There is no various interpretations to the constitution, there is only what is meant. You don't have a strict constructionist view and a liberal view of the constitution, there is no various views, it's black or white. It has one meaning. Loosely speaking, if it didn't you wouldn't have the ability to make amendments to what is already set*. Various interpretations is like saying to the judge after having force with a young boy, "he said no, but I interpreted it as yes, for sometimes no means yes and vice versa." Judge, "but the boy said he kicked you and was running away, when you apprehended him while he was halfway through the window crying." "Yes, your honor, but he kept saying no, which I interpreted as yes, because sometimes...." (Not to mention that this is sodomy, rape, statutory rape and a disgraceful sinful act worthy of death). This is how these who see this true explanation of the constitution sound by saying it can be interpreted this way or that way. The framers had one literal meaning when they made it and it must be upheld for the life of the Union (nation). The constitution was guided by Christian men and the values they instill were Judeo-Christianity, best of all values, used by most nations. Hence, to totally be intolerable to God, Christian values and Christian Chief Justices would be considered paradoxical and any with this mind set can only spawn unconstitutional legislatures and claims - Plan Parenthood, People "for" the American Way, ACLU, "irreligious" judges and chief justices, Pro-Abortion groups, so called "Separation of Church and State" groups and many others. Even further, they know this and are purposely doing so as stated in the preamble of the Student Manifesto, please re-read it.

Notice, "The English constitution was not a written document or a fixed set of unchangeable rules...and most people were willing to accept changes in it. Americans, by contrast, drew from their experience with colonial charters, in which the shape and powers of government were permanently inscribed on paper" (Unfinished Nation, Alan Brinkley). Overtly making my point plain that the constitution is set and there is no interpretation or change to it. Amendments didn't change the constitution, but added more “unchangeables” as time went by. Example, no Internet laws until the Internet came. Hence, what was unconstitutional then is unconstitutional now and the "same" ideological form of government should exist today.

Note: * Asterisk denotes A type of various “interpretation” might be seen only in clauses like Article 1, section 8; whereby legislature can be deemed based on what is currently necessary and lawful to that Article or clause, now enlightened to it. And that type of “interpretation” is stated and plainly spelt out.

It would be good if all nations implement such in their constitution with the corner-stone of Judeo-Christianity. God bless you all.

Note: (1) If the Lord be willing, I had started to compile a “State of The World Address” but encouraged then by the Lord not to release it. If God be willing, you might get that. It has two parts, a) “State of the Union” and b) “State of the Nations.” The former to America and the latter to the world. (2) L.I.M stands for Liberation International Ministries, that ministry and its resources are found at www.LiberationIM.org. Resources from it are on CD-ROM’s in a few CD’s that can be found at www.LuLu.com/godshop2 or http://www.cafepress.com/cp/about_me.aspx?s=voicebook2  (3) “The Student Manifesto” can be found at www.Amazon.com by searching by title, author or ISBN. The ISBN is 141964226X and ISBN-13 is 978-1419642265.  It can also be bought at www.lulu.com/godshop and www.cafepress.com/cp/about_me.aspx?s=voicebook2. It should be able to be downloaded free at www.truthseries.org, www.threeq.com or www.lulu.com/godshop. (4) We are not responsible for web addresses re-directed to or show rude or malicious content. The ICI is real and not a theoretical essay.

Chapter 5


(Extracts from “Possible EA Triple Threat Theory”)
(Note 5: More Reasons To Put Out Word Bull Eye)

It seems we were cornered by the Ab Eye in the seraphim tree EA belongs, but the greater Eye seem the word bull from this scripture and famous quote, that is, man shall not live by bread alone (Provider or Shepherd Bull-EA) but by every word that proceed from the mouth of God (Word Provider – Word Bull). The word is more necessary than our necessary food and he controlled both. The following was spawned after reading Matthew 24 encodly and given above in 'C' in the End Note "Note 4: MORE REASONS TO PUT OUT THE AB EYE"; which shows how he has purposely muddled up the word with the EA position to suit his plans and forfeit salvation for all.

This verse on Mount Olives is key also and possibly could show that interim of man's time of washing is 1000, but such God set time scheme was forfeited and what was intended 1000 years of Christianity lasted 2000 and the intended 500 years for angels last less than a generation or 40 years. A thousand years being 1 day to God. This comes from 'C' in the End Note "Note 4: MORE REASONS TO PUT OUT THE AB EYE" in the post "Possible EA Triple Threat" and this verse Act 
1:12, "Then returned they unto Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet, which is from Jerusalem a sabbath day's journey." From the 666 saga and 6666 giant of the four races to be washed from mankind, it seems that each washing was put in 1000 year periods or half that the least. As seen in the 1000 year reign but near the end trouble (satan 'MUST' be loosed, as if there is a thing as 'MUST'); so give and take it is 1000 but approximately 1000, so about 900+. This seems encoded in the following Genesis births:

Genesis 5:5

And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died.


Genesis 5:8

And all the days of Seth were nine hundred and twelve years: and he died.


Genesis 5:11

And all the days of Enos were nine hundred and five years: and he died.


Genesis 5:14

And all the days of Cainan were nine hundred and ten years: and he died.


Genesis 5:20

And all the days of Jared were nine hundred sixty and two years: and he died.


Genesis 5:27

And all the days of Methuselah were nine hundred sixty and nine years: and he died.


Genesis 9:29

And all the days of Noah were nine hundred and fifty years: and he died.


This is mix up which would lead to the planned book "D.A:The Fallen Race." Then remember Dan 12:7, "time, times, and an half," so if "time" is 1000, then when are these three times mentioned to Daniel; which are for Jews (Time), Christians (Times) and Angels (Half). Leading to the  Sabbath millennium. From the last prophet to Christ is 400 years and from that prophecy of Daniel to Christ is roughly 500 years for the sake of this equation. Then from Christ to present is 2000, making Time, Times and Half time (Times there is time and not plural, the same Hebrew word mo-ade used for time and times, no plural, possibly foreseeing the 1000 years deficiency of Christians expository on him, pluralize it in English, etc.). So that would account for 2500 at the year 2000 yet angels weren't saved then, neither was the new advent rung in. So that couldn't be it or account for Time, Times and half or 2500 years of tree begins saved. However, this is still loose and mix up. For that 2500 from Daniel to present doesn't account for Jewry either, which begun at Moses, many years extra more than 1000 allotted. Plus we say approximately 4000 years was before Christ, so that with 2500 making it roughly 6000 years to the 7th millennium rest that is placarded. So this 1000 year for Jewry involved seems incorrect. Suppose those time, time and half were Man, Angels and Horsemen. Man finishes when angels start, supposedly at year 2000 from that false assumption above, then another 1000 would begin then 500 for horsemen. That would be incorrect, for from the details below on 1 hour at about Ab mark of the beast saga, 40 years or so from now, the end would come. Whereby the horseman possibility was in the 1000 year reign; or could simply be a 1000 years had the earth reach that level.


Now 1000 years is a day and we had cited from that endnote letter C that the Ab back up is like 1 hour in the same day of heaven being hit daily with that same spice attack, to get to the throne. Then from 1000 years equal a day I calculated how many years is an hour, 1/24 X 1000 = 42 years, which is end time of my allotted 45 ready to go down and Ab coming up for the Mark of The Beast saga.


In the barrage of this purposeful time mix up, we would have to rely on his markers, hence dictating his real evil within the scheme of things. From the outline of Gen 5:5 to Gen 9:29, the pattern was outlaid, a thousand a piece to any being within man. But those verses outlined what he did as well from the first Man Adam to Noah, at each interval or would be interval, fix a backup attack to make it must come to pass or else God's word fail. It seems his purposeful time mix up was by foresight as well, seeing each time someone finds out then he fore-twist (or thereafter) something else, resulting in more mix up. This, then, that, then this, then that. But Gen 5:5 to Gen 9:29 outlines what was set down, this 1000, then that 1000, then this 1000, then that 1000, etc; really 900+, then time to prepare for the next or finish that one. And if and when God allows, one was half a time.


Act 1:12 "Then returned they unto Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet, which is from Jerusalem a sabbath day's journey." Jerusalem is encoded Sea civilization, could possibly be the May-Den so this could encoded that Sabbath day or 1000 year Sabbath millennium. Arising from the May-Den into the Sabbath millennium for their wash. Or could it foster further mix up, as when a sea cleaning take place and the hopefuls there ascend then their half a time begins, which would end about year 2502 eroding bible prophecy of the 45 and 42 with Ab Mark of the Beast saga then. So it seems pointing to the horsemen, but with the time mix up in Bible who knows. From that endnote in C, which was an expository of Matthew 24, which spawn this, that verse did mention untimely figs; figs used from the beginning posts of 2006 for horsemen. So untimely would mean that their time and washing was corrupted or forfeited with time, like man's washing was attempted with Christ crucifixion and tarry longer than allotted which seemingly would forfeit the half a time for angels ending within a generation but should be 500 years to maturity and a full coming in, even after death. Then the spice, which was to be a new phenomenon but genuine at that time, corrupted and forfeited the horsemen, making them untimely as well. So even if this is straightened out now, lots of things have gone wrong and messed up in the word already.


It seems if Jewry was a prime soap for man and then Christ was the soap to replace all soaps, then leading up to the final 'time, time and half a time' would be many soaps for man (e.g. Melchizedek) then Jewry grafted in most persons worldwide and thereafter Christ grafted in all for man and with that, a lock-in in the resurrection for mankind. Then angels washing and then the washing is completed. Then in the new millennium a pseudo wash of horseman, say pseudo for they are not necessarily redeemed as the washing does, for they would have to first be God created then fallen, then redeemed.


Christ resurrection and from the 6666 giant, with 6 being the number for man, whereby 666 had the three groups washed by then or the allege time of the Mark of The Beast and another 6 would be another  group through man, now washed, that being horsemen. Through man because 6 is number of man and through humanity they appear and through humanity, via tenets of Christ, they can only be saved. This make four:- Jews, Christian, Angels and Horseman, all would be locked into Christ at the resurrections and Christians and possibly angels from present. This was depicted from the 6666 giant in the post "Pattern of Government of Heaven and Earth;" that is, the giant with 6 fingers on each hand and 6 toes on each foot. But the Christ lock in or intended salvation for all was seen in the resurrection, each hand and feet pierced, resonating the 6666 Giant.


This seems another book, what comes to mind is the title "The Journey of 1000 Years," Dedicated to Barb/Herod and theirs, for the 1000 year reign of Christ was dedicated to their looking to; not knowing the salvation processes seems to be in increments of 1000. Didn't think to write any other book on the subject after the Demonology Series, other than the two intended optional follow up books "The Horseman Rebellion" and "The Horseman Holocaust." But those are others books only to be bridged in this one, "Angels, Let's Talk" and if God's willing I shall go talk and stay with him. I guess being who I am and circumstances press beyond living here to foster the above, but enough given.




Another thing with his schemes is that if found out it back fires into something else, for instance, the angel time is half a time or 500 years which he would set to begin 2000 being off time, then end 45 years later for Christ second return, probably got an ultimatum. So if found out or the long time, with even set on by the angels, would push for 440 more years and as such extend the time for Christ over due second coming. He would have more time for more attacks, bigger attacks in a less rigid earth and would think success. If the short time (45), he would have lesser pressed into the kingdom, though with extensive preaching can reach all by God's spirit (Rom 10:15); plus no looking to those already butterflies in the abyss. This seems encoded in bible itself, that is, at 45 when dying it was encoded to ask for 15 more years making me 80 at death like Moses than 65. So 15 for 1500, that is 1000 was for man and 500 for angels, but it lasted a generation and man’s time over extended at 2000 years since Christ, purposely; even to prevent the refreshing to most the angels, they needed for the spice network to mount up to heaven. If pluck away his mark of Beast time scheme, then this can back fire. If this backfires, then Christ ultimatum and second coming time cannot be passed and can forfeit the whole thing and hence none be saved, as said encodly in the chapter where this started from "except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened" (Matt 24:22). So this time for Christ return seems stuck and meddling with parts can cause an explosion, yet the underline Mark of Beast threat can be plucked away with the removal of the Ab eye and Abyss clean up; and drying up of all the trees involved, even if parts are “good.” This is how he does most the evils, stick them in jurisdiction through the word handlings. If that time is stuck, then the angel redemption is stuck within a generation or the 40 years left; actually, 2000 to 2005 = 5 years of the 45 years and today is 2007 or 2 more years so, 5 + 2 = 7. Then 45 -7 = 38 years left. That 38 sounds familiar, that is, this quote from the first post in this last post of 2007:


“After Christ resurrection satan lost his seat in the heavenly Sanhedrin. War broke out and he and his were kicked to earth. Immediately after he was caught up, Israel fled into the wilderness or was dispersed - Rev 12:5-6. Then in verse 14 they were gathered again in 1948,"into her place," in Jerusalem. According to verse 6, between the dispersing and gathering is 1260 days. If divided by 365 it would be 3 years, so that is wrong. But fall under the encoding that 1 day = 1 year, not the other of 1000=1. Hence, since the resurrection to 1948 is 1260 years. Hence, since the resurrection to present (2006) is 1318 years (+ 58 years). The number 13 shown is eminent, which was the unlucky number but really represent 1/3, as in the 1/3 angels that fell with satan and why it had that stigma of bad. But 13 isn't the only number presented, an 18 is there, which would throw off this notion of the synopsis on 13. Then when I look at it again, if I add up 1 + 3 + 1 + 8 you get 13. This might be the year of the DAWNING of a new ERA. That is, the former dispensation saw the resurrection of Christ salvation released to mankind. This dispensation might see the release of them of the 1/3 that desire it.”


So his intent in bounding things in time and jurisdictions was that if they do get to press in the angel redemption it would be a little time as not to get all the 1/3 angels that fell. For as seen in End Note 2 of the post “Ready To Play: Red, White, Blue,” the EA tree needs the fallen angels as spices to make the thicker fabric of the spice network and body he would mount up to heaven to attack there. We had also cited that this was the cause for their fall in the first place, plenty corner stones outcast in the worlds, then make the other stones with the corner stones to a huge spice/cleave-hind body and army of one; which the head of the EA tree would use for universal control and heaven take over. That body brought up to heaven by cornerstones of his own tree or his feet in the worlds, even ‘fallen parts’, then like the transformers robots affix himself as the head of that body when it reaches heaven, from its previous transformation in the earth (Body = Pig/Wind and Head = Satan-EA. Or if that Fails. Head = Ab and Body = False Prophet or Pig/Chief Locust). In that quote the 38 years left came up in this, 1318, remove the ones and you get 38, 8 is the number of new and 3 for the three positions of the triple threat. Then the ones come back when you add 3+8=11. So I guess EA was forcing Pillar 1 to come before time at the Shoot stage which would end the rings onslaught and supposedly calm, then have the back up of Dribble and Pass to continue the attack. Now these 3 positions are dealt with or being dealt with, after real peace with all these seraphim trees and angels involved in the conspiracy dried up, then if box is staying here, he would need the two ones or Pillars and/by a wife of choice.




It seems the intended duration for the earth was 3000 years, Jewry, Christ and Angels; and horseman a 4, making 4000 years. Yet based on the 7 day making the earth it would dictate 7000 years to pattern that; but it seems as time passes and EA reports back that this flock at 950 has gone bad and to start again plus from the beginning it is so bad, as with End-Land (England) in his deceit, wherewith End-land by a meteoroid can end world with the waves of that hit. This intended 3000 years or 3 days seems encoded in Lazarus (Jesus Friend) dead for 4 days; wherewith upon 3 years he crafted the Christ the lamb to bring the box where he is at Christ throne next to God being 3rd in service as the core-all river. From that intended 3000 years, a fourth would come, likewise the Moses River became a major river from the River box making the 4 major rivers. This imprinted in the real scenario with the Father, Son and Holy Ghost though not related to box not being in that line up. This seems also encoded in Jonah's 3 days in the fish belly and the fish spit him out. So from the last of the intended three days, another came or spit out, horsemen. Christ was in the ground 3 days for man as he came to save mankind (man and angels who he created), but arose with 4 holes (two hands and two feet), so they be space for a fourth if reach thus far, for even that seems muddled up (untimely figs). As with the Samson's riddle "out of the eater comes an eater." Quite possible Melchizedek was the priesthood intended coming off others and not Jewry, but another binding in Jurisdiction cause another start over. This might be seen in the verse that states, "This Melchisedec, king of Salem, priest of the most high God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings" (Heb 7:1). This could encode also EA slaughter all the mediator kings with starting over (as seen in Christ), then met Abraham whose line would bring Moses, first King of Israel; to bring in the first world wide religion of God. From that Christ is to come and from that a Mediator to angels; and it didn't take forever for a horseman acceptance for though intended evilly, the staff or obeast was inflicted on the human race from the garden of Eden "I will break also the bar of Damascus [THIS IS KEY TO IT, BECAUSE AFTER ALL THE EARTH WAS SWAMP INTO OBEAST AND ALL PERSON'S BORN ARE USUALLY BORNED OBEAST, DAMASCUS, ENCODED SEA CIVILIZATION, WAS THE NEXT BIRTHING STATION OF REAL HUMAN BEINGS IN SECRET, AS WITH THE STORK LEAVE-BEHIND; AND IT SEEMS WHERE I WAS BORN THEN PUT ON EARTH. THIS PLACE, WITH THE PRINCIPAL WHEAT, HE ALSO SEEMS TO INFECT TOO TO MAKE ALL FLESH GRASS TO MAKE ALL SPIRIT OF FLESH FLOWERS, AS SEEN IN THE FOLLOWING CLAUSE AND JOSHUA 13:31], and cut off the inhabitant from the plain of Aven, and him that holdeth the sceptre [STAFF, BUT MORESO A SCEPTER, BLINGED OUT OR INTELLIGENCE FROM THEN] from the house of Eden" (Amos 1:5).



The following encoding is taken from Mark 9 and the encoded revelation is given in the brackets.



Mark 9:39

But Jesus said, Forbid him [IT SEEMS BARB/HEROD THEM] not: for there is no man which shall do a miracle in my name, that can lightly speak evil of me.


Mark 9:40

For he that is not against us is on our part.


Mark 9:41

For whosoever shall give you a cup of water [THIS POINTS TO AR, THE SALT RIVER STAND UP; TO BE BY BOX TO FOSTER MORE SALTINESS TO BOX, AS SEEN IN SODOM AND GOMMARRAH, SHE BEING THE PILLAR OF SALT AND LOT THE PEN THAT WOULD DESTROY SODOM AND GOMMARRAH, WITH THE SALT LESS OF SUCH MIGHT TAKE PLACE] to drink in my name, because ye belong to Christ, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward.


Mark 9:42

And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck [THEY COULD HAVE KILLED ME BEING WRAPPED ABOUT MY NECK], and he were cast into the sea.


Mark 9:43

And if thy hand offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched:


Mark 9:44



Mark 9:45

And if thy foot offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter halt into life, than having two feet to be cast into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched:


Mark 9:46

Where their worm dieth not [TWO FEET WOULD BE ANGELS AND THE WORMS TOO], and the fire is not quenched.


Mark 9:47

And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out: it is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire:


Mark 9:48



Mark 9:49



Mark 9:50



"Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it" (1 Thess 5:24).




Revelation 9:15 reads,


"And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour [42 YEARS - ARMAGEDDON - USING THE 1 DAY=1000 EQUATION], and a day [1000 YEARS - BATTLE OF GOG AND MAGOG - USING THE 1 DAY=1000 EQUATION], and a month [ ?  SOMETIME AFTER DO IT AGAIN], and a year [ ?  SOMETIME AFTER DO IT AGAIN], for to slay the third part of men" (Rev 9:15).


So the spice army now (200,000,000) is for this attack and the next and so on. Hour/DAY = 1/24 and Month/Year = 1/12.


With the equation that 1 day = 1000 years,

Then 1 hour = 42 years, calculated thus,

1 Hour/24 Hours (a day) x 1000 = 42, or

1/24 X 1000 = 42


After the 1000 years there is no time as in no day or night, so how they will tell the time I don't know. But the month and year seems to suggest, in a frame, a time scheme after the 1000 year reign still. There will be no sun to tell the time or watches, as the watch itself evolve from the ancient sun dial. But it seems if the EA tree wasn't dried up, in this new time he would continue that same pattern of attack, back ups and attack again. It seems this new time would be almost like heaven, shortened to at least half the present time. That is,


1 Hour/Day = 1/24 = PRESENT

1 Month/Month = 1/12 = THEN


If half the present time, then 1000 year would be 500 and from the previous we can then calculate the length of an actual day though there is no day.


12 Hours = 1 Day


From this also we can calculate the next preparation and next attack,


With the equation that 1 day = 500 years,

Then 1 hour = 42 years, calculated thus,

1 Hour/12 Hours (a day) x 500 = 42, or

1/12 X 500 = 42


Exactly 42 years again, so it seems he takes a generation to prepare the attack within jurisdictions but the spices have been from old, like residues of these 200 thousand thousand for that attack way then. So in the new time leading after the Battle of Gog and Magog, he waits 500 years then leading to the end of that 500 years at about 42 years to its end, begin again; if haven't done so already within that 500 years. So it seems he is bent on heaven take over and will never stop with attacks every day in heaven and so the best thing is to dry up this seraphim tree with that EA Judgment and all the trees involved and persons. Also, with this 500 years being a 1000 year in the new time when Christ return and given the angel washing or salvation was half a time or 500 years, one wonders if it was during this time angels were to be washed, which bible patterns dictates before but this goes to show how mixed-up he purposely made the word by handling it; over against given encodings, scriptures and patterns. And this is how mixed up he has muddled up the times by the word with his planned attacks and universal takeover. So even in this new time in the resurrection with no day or night literally or no time scheme being in blissful paradise, he plans to continue his attacks; with even men of high jurisdiction in the earth then, his eyes with warp chi around Christ and God's table in the new Jerusalem. These eyes, as the saints are to do, would rule the nations with Christ with an iron rod. I can’t help but to reiterate to God and the heavens that this tree and all trees involved be immediately dried up with that EA Judgment!



It seems with this time mix up the False Prophet was his aid to mix it up and also aid in the Ab backup. This verse on the loose of the False Prophet (third rider) suggested he helped mix up these times with the Word Bull, "I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny" (Rev 6:5-6). Wheat is the prime harvest crop used in analogy of washing, as in harvest of souls and a penny is a singular unit like our penny today. So one wheat was for one penny, or one washing was for 1 millennium, but he messed up the times greatly and now Christ second coming awaits within the Christian intended millennium now at 2 millenniums and two more folds or wheat to go to come in; with the last wheat to come stirred up in the last wheat itself (or Christian saint mediator of the angel fold/wheat), the last wheat to come is really for the 1000 year reign and not in these three times, so Judaism is not in the encoded three measures of barley. All this with only a generation left. Hence, three wheat which was for three pennies or 3 separate times now has to be stuffed in one generation before Christ second coming or else no flesh saved. Judaism seemingly had its time, then we are still in the Christian time (one wheat), to press into the Angel time (another wheat), which at the same time such awareness of horsemen (another wheat, barley wheat) should have been known and stirred in this time or generation for their time in the new millennium of Christ second coming.  Wheat is turned to Barley for Barb on me, using that Bar paper trail, her presence stirs and starts the last wheat or washing for the millennium reign. Hence, those three wheat in this generation left refers to Man, angels and Horseman. This time and generation is really for Angels, but also had to unravel the muddled up Christian doctrines, then touch on horsemen by experience. Experience is key, for by this time of Earth's existence man should be familiar with his surroundings, awareness of angels and knowledge of horsemen which has been in prominent existent since Egypt. Though not leaning to New Ageism and flushing millenniums of knowledge, wisdom and revelation of what is on a baby world might not be desirable; would be like a 4 year old going to college. This was done purposely to make sure no wheat come in and if any, short lived or none to full blossom. Such ignorance was also needed to foster his plots, with excuses to start again after he laden the populace with sins of heavenly ring involved proportioned to bring it to destruction; further muddling up the times. Ignorance was especially needed for the angel fold, so as to not have them saved, for they make up the thicker fabric of the spice body need to forward to heaven; like the yeast to the dough and so having them saved would remove the yeast from the bread to swell heaven. But if such dispensation is inevitable affix it to a lesser time than allotted, specifically the often generation (42) preparing for the attack itself so such overt harvesting concurrently occurs with their saving. Also, such position nearing Christ return because after Christ then angel saving is over and with preparing the 200,000,000 for this attack, the next and so on, he would have a great amount of yeasts (angels) locked out eternally to use in his intended repeats.


To help this ignorance and cooking the books of the three times for mankind was the False Prophet with the EA tree (word, shepherd, Ab), as seen encoded in Rev 6:5-6. So through the false prophet as well, to the earth and heavens, the three times would be bypassed, justified and flow with the attacks. And like satan or how the cooking of the books work, he would get away with it as doing his job, for his bull administration is likened to doing stuff like this - muddling up situations more. For as seen in the contextual meaning of Rev 6:5-6, his admin or presence works like a scale or balance to the washing. Some choices are evil but there is nothing to balance it with to make it appear evil or that such is evil, he would work the scale up or down so an individual see and make the right choices. Hence, the purpose of the washing, "those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil" (Heb 5:14). Therefore, like the Word Bull purposely muddling up the times to cover the plots, if caught, it wouldn't be seen for it looks exactly like he's doing his job; as with the others, with evil charters choose to do real evil and as such it is impossible to tell your stink from the garbage stink around you, you are cleaning. So the Word Bull seems to give grounds to justifications and tools to work with (screenplay), but the real application of the muddling up is carried out by someone that muddles up – the False Prophet. The following further gave more paper trail on pennies to back up this section from Rev 6:5-6 of the false prophet:


Matthew 20:2

And when he had agreed with the labourers [EA WITH THE CHARTER] for a penny a day [ONE PENNY IS ONE DAY OR ONE GROUP WASHED IN 1000 YEARS INCRIMENTS], he sent them into his vineyard [EARTH WHICH IS ON LINES OR THE 4 BEASTS LEDGER].

Matthew 20:3

And he went out about the third hour [WHEN THE THREE GROUPS WERE WASHED-JEWS, MAN, ANGELS], and saw others standing idle [HORSEMEN] in the marketplace,

Matthew 20:4

And said unto them; Go ye also into the vineyard [TO BE WASHED ALSO, MAKING 4OOO YEARS THAN 3000 AND SUCH ACCEPTANCE WOULD INCLUDE BEING ON THE LINE LIKE WHAT IS FORFEITED IN SPICES], and whatsoever is right I will give you. And they went their way [NONE OF THIS MATRICULATED IN THEIR TIMES].

Matthew 20:5



Matthew 20:6



Matthew 20:7

They say unto him, Because no man hath hired us [THE ONES THAT ARE IDLE BY ARE THE HORSEMEN BUT THIS GIVE THE ECHO OF WHY THE ANGELS SEEM TO GIVE UP HOPE, NO ONE SAVED US, AFTER SO MANY YEARS]. He saith unto them, Go ye also into the vineyard; and whatsoever is right, that shall ye receive.


Matthew 20:8

So when even was come, the lord of the vineyard saith unto his steward, Call the labourers, and give them their hire, beginning from the last unto the first.


Matthew 20:9

And when they came that were hired about the eleventh hour, they received every man [EVERY WASHING OF MANKIND IS] a penny [OR 1000 YEARS].


Matthew 20:10

But when the first came [ANGELS FIRST CAME TO EARTH], they supposed that they should have received more [A GREATER TIME THAN THE 500 OR HALF A TIME, BY HONEST INQUIRY. YET SHORT CHANGED THAT BY EA]; and they [HORSEMEN, MORE A KIND TO MEN] likewise received every man a penny [1000 YEARS].


Matthew 20:11

And when they had received it, they murmured against the goodman of the house,


Matthew 20:12



Matthew 20:13

But he [GOD] answered one of them, and said, Friend, I do thee no wrong: didst not thou agree with me for a penny [DIDN’T YOU AGREE WITH ME BEFORE LEAVING HEAVEN WITH THE CHARTER TO HAVE THIS DONE IN SUCH AND SUCH A TIME IN 1000 YEARS INCRIMENT]?


Matthew 20:14

Take that thine is, and go thy way: I will give unto this last, even as unto thee.


Like the Above the following in Mark 12 gives several encodings on the penny paper trail inserted in brackets that speaks for itself, and also repeat what I was told that it is the leaders with their own agendas that cause the people to err.


Mark 12:14

And when they were come, they say unto him, Master, we know that thou art true, and carest for no man [THAT IS YOU DON’T CARE FOR NO MAN OR THE FALLEN ANGELS, ESPECIALLY THAT CONDITIONS WOULD NOW CAUSE THE END]: for thou regardest not the person of men, but teachest the way of God in truth: Is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar, or not?

Mark 12:15



Mark 12:16



Mark 12:17

And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's. And they marvelled at him.


Mark 12:18



Mark 12:19

Master, Moses wrote unto us, If a man's brother die, and leave his wife behind him, and leave no children, that his brother should take his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother [HE WAS GIVEN INHERENT AND SPOKEN BYLAWS TO THE WASHING AND THE FOLLOWING DECODES HOW WE CAME TO THE 6 MILLENIUM WHEN IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN 3 GOING TO 4].


Mark 12:20

Now there were seven brethren: and the first took a wife, and dying left no seed.


Mark 12:21

And the second took her, and died, neither left he any seed: and the third likewise.


Mark 12:22



Mark 12:23

In the resurrection therefore, when they shall rise, whose wife shall she be of them? for the seven had her to wife.


Mark 12:24

And Jesus answering said unto them, Do ye not therefore err, because ye know not the scriptures, neither the power of God?


Mark 12:25

For when they shall rise from the dead, they neither marry, nor are given in marriage; but are as the angels which are in heaven.


Mark 12:26



Other encodings suggest the False Prophet is more involved than paper works. That is, this part mentioned above of the spice attack and gathering from the earth being brought up.


That body brought up to heaven by cornerstones of his own tree or his feet in the worlds, even ‘fallen parts’, then like the transformers robots affix himself as the head of that body when it reaches heaven, from its previous transformation in the earth (Body = Pig/Wind and Head = -EA. Or if that Fails. Head = Ab and Body = False Prophet or Pig/Chief Locust).


The first plot is foiled, so the second would take place, which is the Ab head and False Prophet body of the one army of spices and cleave-hinds. Then we had said this on head,


Then it hit me as how the spice attack is, “as seen in that satan has 7 heads and 10 horns (Rev 12:3&9), then The Beast has the same or took thus (Rev 13:1)”. The head in heaven is to receive that one body of spice/cleave-hind with one head, so when Ab gets the power or to carry up that body than EA, the other horns in the conspiracy are smoked or warped in the body itself or the lower head coming up; like the folding of parts of a transformers auto-bot parts. Coming with several heads at the top of heaven might delay or make the plot fail, one head so the real head can attach to it easily in heaven...So to foster less difficulty of such and a better flight with immediate attachment in heaven, one head is best; but the other parts being comely would fit as 7 seven heads and sitting on that would be like sitting on seven mountains or pins. So he would allow the Ab head to bring up the body and smoke the rest with the second Beast relatively quite with most the satan chi if the Ab head gets cut off.


What the False Prophet or body served as is the immediate head if the first head gets cut off in the march up to God's throne. So whoever carries the body seems an automatic back up head, as Pig was. This verse on the False Prophet repeats him being a back up head in case that spice body reach the 4th or 5th Heaven and head is cut off, per say. That second head especially strong with the satan chi:


"And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns [SUGGESTING ONE IS HEAD AND THE SECOND A BACK UP HEAD, AS THE BODY HAS TO HAVE ONE HEAD WHEN MAKE IT TO HEAVEN FOR THE SERAPHIM IN HEAVEN AWAITING IT TO SIT ON AS HEAD; WITH MANY HEADS IT WOULD BE LIKE SITTING ON SPIKES] like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon [THIS SECOND HEAD IS VERY STRONG, AS INTENDED WITH SATAN-EA BECAUSE HE HAS THE DRAGON OR SATAN CHI]. And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast [BECOME APART OF THAT SPICE BODY], whose deadly wound was healed [AUTOMATICALLY PATCHING THE BODY AS THE HEAD FALLS FOR A SEEMINGLY LESS FOLLOW THROUGH WITH A HEAD IN THE ATTACK TOWARDS HEAVEN]. And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven [THIS IS AUTOMATIC, WHEN PROCEED TO HEAVEN IN ATTACK THE TRUMPET IS SOUND SO THE FIRE FLUSH TAKES PLACE, THEN THEREAFTER PROCEED WITH THE SECOND HEAD] on the earth in the sight of men, And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles [MIRACLE COAT RE-RELEASE] which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast [INSTANT SALVAGE OF THE BODY THAT IS LEFT WITH REINFORCING IT AND HE AS HEAD], which had the wound by a sword, and did live [SO THAT THE SPICE BODY SURVIVES AFTER THE FIRE FLUSH AND PROCEED UP TOWARDS THE THRONE]. And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak [HE BECOMING THAT NEW HEAD AWAKEN THE BEAST WITHIN THOSE ARE PARTS THEREOF AND INSTANT JOIN THEM], and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed [AND THOSE WITHOUT THE BEAST WITHIN ARE KILLED BY A MIRACLE COAT TO HAVE THE BEAST WITHIN OR BECOME PARTS OF THE SPICE BODY]. And he causeth all, both small [HUMAN SPIRITS] and great [ANGEL SPIRITS], rich [MANY HUMANS] and poor [LITTLE ANGELS BUT THICKER FABRIC TO HOLD THEM], free [HUMANS SPECIFICALLY NETWORKED] and bond [ANGELS NETWORK READY AND WHY HE NEEDED ALL THOSE 1/3 ANGELS], to receive a mark in their right hand [WHEELS OF SERAPHIM], or in their foreheads [SERAPHIM THEMSELVES, THIS LAST TWO EPITOMIZES THE BACK UP HEAD. THAT IS, PUT THE CONTROL ON THE SERAPHIM WHICH THAT ALONE IS SUFFICIENT TO MOTION OR CAPTURE THAT SERAPHIM WHEELS, BUT IN CASE THAT DOESN'T WORK PUT THE CONTROL ON THE WHEELS THEMSELVES]" (Rev 13:11-16)


This back up head strategy is also seen in Eze 37:1-9 which spoke of the bones in the valley suddenly coming alive with skin, flesh and breath. That story is infamous and encodly fit for an immediate reinforcement in a smitten body and head, but this part says:


"So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived, and stood up upon their feet, an exceeding great army [MILLIONS TO BILLIONS OF THEM]. Then he said unto me, Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel: behold, they say, Our bones are dried, and our hope is lost: we are cut off for our parts [THE PEOPLE SAYING THIS CAN'T HAPPEN TO THEM FOR THEY REMOVED THE OBEAST, THE BONES DRY OR THE MARROW GONE WITHING LEAVING ONLY THE SHELL SO NO DNA OR FLESHLY SUBSTANCE LEFT TO BE SPICED OR BECOME PARTS. BUT..]. Therefore prophesy and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, O my people, I will open your graves [THEY WERE ALREADY SPICE, FOR THE CREATURE SEEPED INTO THEIR SPIRIT VIA A DELIBERATE CUT SPIRIT BOTTLE CAP. THEN REMAINED PRESERVED IN THEIR SPIRITS UNTIL BURSTED TO USE AGAIN. FOR INSTANCE, THE GRAVE HERE, SPICES ARE THERE UNNOTICEABLY PRESERVE OR LOCKED INTO THE SPIRITS AND AS SUCH NOT BURNT AS THE SPIRIT CAN WITHSTAND THE HEAT THERE AND IT BE IN. LIKEWISE THESE ON THE EARTH SURFACE BE LIKE GRAVES, WAITING FOR THE SUCH A TIME THAT THEY ARE BROKEN INTO A SPICE AND NETWORKED TO BODY IN A FOILED ATTEMPT BY THE SECOND HEAD], and cause you to come up out of your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel" (Eze 37:10-12).


Bones here is key, it suggests the second head with the immediate reinforced body, that is, dead bones or flush spices to more bodies of spices to replete that. It was also "valley which was full of bones" (Eze 37:1). A valley is between two mountains, for these two heads, so after some of the spices are flushed, immediately it falls in the valley where the second head bring up more spices and be the head.


The first head acts like a ram, to press through as far as possible, like the battle rams in ancient times, then the second head proceed to a further height and possible God's throne. This is encoded in this verse and not the contextual prophetic of it,


"Then I lifted up mine eyes, and saw, and, behold, there stood before the river a ram [FIRST HEAD = BATTLE RAM] which had two horns [THE SECOND HEAD IS THE BACK UP HEAD]: and the two horns were high; but one was higher than the other, and the higher came up last [THAT'S THE INTENT OF THE DOCILE SECOND HEAD AS SUBMERGED IN THE BODY, THAT THE BODY PROCEED HIGHER AFTER THE RAM OR INITIAL ATTACK AND FIRE FLUSH]" (Dan 8:3). Even further, "it waxed great, even to the host of heaven; and it cast down some of the host and of the stars to the ground [AFTER THE RAM], and stamped upon them. Yea, he magnified himself even to [THE BACK UP HEAD NOW PROCEED TO GOD'S THRONE] the prince of the host [LEADER OF THE ENTIRE REALM OF HEAVEN, SO GOD'S THRONE], and by him the daily [EACH MILLENIUM HE DOES THIS IS LIKE AN ATTACK EVERY DAY IN HEAVEN; HOPING TO PRESS BY THE RAM STAGE TO GOD'S THRONE ITSELF]..." (Dan 8:10-11).


The scripture on the second beast arising from the waters or sea with two horns was possibly changed to earth (Rev 13:11), which was to tie in with the sea civilization back up bag in a foiled attempt, though water also often encoded peoples or everywhere, but this would have specifically spoken of the second head coming up with the second bag, with ‘seemingless’ integration and automation after the ram thrust, so that the body stands and stands with a head to proceed up, with the back up head and back up bag. Nonetheless, this scripture speaks thus but also of the earth resources though would has been utilized,


"And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea [SEA CIVILIZATION INTEND SECOND BAG OF SPIRIT LIKE THE ABYSS TO GET QUICK SPICES TO FILL THE UP GOING ONE BODY OF SPICES], having seven heads [ARE THE 7 MOUNTAINS OR 7 CONTINENTS OF PEOPLES BUT ALSO, AS PIG STATES IN QUCKRY “MOUNTAINS OF SPICES” – SONGS 8:14]...And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death [THOUGH 7 HERE, SPEAKS OF THE ONE HEAD WITH THE BACK UP HEAD THAT]...gave power unto the beast" (Rev 13:1-4).


The back up spices would be seeminglessly because the attack is like spider man than super man, with reeds (Jer 51:32) or vines of them going up, then the head move up on that network synonymously. So with the head flushed, the vines or pathway of the vines remain to flush more up and the back up head move up and proceed further, supposedly. It’s like removing water from a container without drying it with a cloth, so droplets of waters remain on the sides so that when more water is poured in it the waters on the sides immediately connect with the incoming water, which swells to more water.


They have been several heads throughout the millenniums and many conspirators knowing and intently doing such than fooled, etc; like this found out of the False Prophet. All these must perish with that EA judgment. The following verse gives that idea encodly:


Daniel 7:12



Daniel  7:24

“And the ten horns [10 COULD SUGGEST OR SEEMS TO STATE RA DIRECTLY INVOLVE WITH THE OUTRIGHT INTENT; FROM HIS ENCODING OF 10] out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them [AB EYE, KNOWN INVOLVED]; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings [SHALL SMOKE CHI THE COLD CUT TRIO IN THE BODY WHO ARE OUTRIGHTLY INVOLVED WITH THE INTENT – SATAN/EA/PIG].”

Trust in God, the promises of him are yea and amen or final beyond muddling or eroding.

Chapter 6


(From The Tract “Angels, Choosing Satan or That Way? Why?”)

Those who are aligned to satan are themselves in deception for they sought “freedom” through rebellion led by satan himself. Not knowing that what he seeks is not the welfare of the fallen ones but what he thought God has. He doesn’t want to set you free but rule over you, for after rebelling from heaven, why submit again, think about it, whether to him or such or by your evil works (2 Peter 2:19-12, Rom 12:21)? Rebellion is rebellion as seen in human pirates; one speaks upfront but none submits to none. What satan has done is trick you to become his servant, wanting to be like God. Clearly seen in this statement, “I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north” (Isa 14:13). Not in his glory but ruling over you. Since then other such fallen ones has sought this ruler-ship also, and unfortunately humans bear the burden of this tyrannical attitude. This is his ultimate ideology, tricking you to rebel against God with his attitude brushing off on you.


The same one who led the rebellion, upfront or starter, did so to capture you and rule over you, whilst you’re thinking he’s for you or “represent,” as someone from the “hood” would say. However, God is wise and saw this before it came into being and your casting to earth rather turns out to your saving and a more glorious position if you receive it; especially that most of you were “wagonists,” in the earthly idiom. A similitude can be struck with Israel where God saw their fall and prophesied it to Moses. Then Apostle Paul said that if their casting away is the saving of the world, how much more their redemption; which is fulfilled in Christ. Fallen Angels casting out is also the redemption of the world, for it is by them the world fell through one tempting the first man in the Garden of Eden; whereby humans were innocent “ignorant” beings. Then Christ had to come to not only redeem man but make them more glorious creatures like the angels (Matt 12:25). If Christ was crucified before the foundations of the world (Rev 13:8), it means all that transpired was ordained by God; holding all things constant. Therefore, such a similar pattern should follow for fallen angels, if being fair and in my estimation, giving everyone a chance. That is, like Israel was cast out but more gloriously is and to be grafted in, such a glory might away those who were once glorious in heaven – the sect of 1/3 angels that fell – such a sect would compromise the third seed and final redemptive attempt of this age and before Christ second coming. If and when such is given, this truly categories unmerited favor or mercy to its highest, I could say, the epitome of the story of the prodigal son. Such a time has come for such a set and this is an invitation to believe. Take this excerpt from the book “Angels, Let’s Talk:”


I had noted and rightly so, that the mere fact that God didn’t kill Adam and stifle Eve showed that he had compassion on humanity; with multitudes of examples throughout history (Noah, Lot, etc). The quintessential of this human compassion is Jesus Christ, who redeemed us all. Now, could the same rhetoric be applied to fallen angels? When they had rebelled at first, why didn’t he bound them in utter torment as what will be done to “all” at the last? Could it be there was a hope, as in there was a hope for man when he rebelled. Hence, God, all knowing, could have planned their redemption before their rebellion, as he did with humans (Adam & Eve) before they rebelled. For he could have destroyed Adam and Eve and start over, and he could have destroyed the 1/3 and start over. He saw man’s fall and let man live to redeem him and incorporate it in his making of man. Could this also apply, in a sense, to the 1/3? And also, seeing that all men wont be ultimately save at the last, so all of the 1/3 wont be redeemed, but a remnant, “the proud he [GOD] knoweth afar off” (Psalms 138:6). Even that verse makes it plain that he knew their state afar off (before they rebelled), and if he wanted to destroy them, he would have done it already. Like humans, the mere fact they remain could be a sign of God’s grace to redeem as many as would turn to him. One might say God allowed them to be exiled from heaven on earth to be an example to the holy ones. But couldn’t that be said of the Lake of Fire to come, for both angels and human – destruction to all rebellious. And if man being redeemed to God is also an example or great show of his mercy to men, wouldn’t fallen angels redemption be an even greater example of God’s grace to men and an example of his grace to angels. If in one case a thing is applicable to humans only and not applicable to another being under the same jurisdiction, method and similitude, then in a sense there might be “bias,” but is there bias with God? Can he not do as he pleases? He will work and who will let it (Isa. 43:13)? I laud him for this greatly. But given the outline above, there might be grounds for clemency to be granted to the fallen ones that want to be redeemed. He can choose not to and still be just, for he is God. But to those in piety, “Like as a father pitieth his children, so the LORD pitieth them that fear him” (Psalms 103:13).

“To day if ye will hear his voice, Harden not your heart” (Psalms 95:7-8). It is such a time to repent now, believe (the witness) call on God (even with water baptisms) and receive his spirit. A simple step for an eternal solution (Heb 10:14) for millenniums of being tricked in mutiny.


Far stands for Fallen Angels Redeems and given in the post “A Bullock and Wheeling Decree” because a corollary to it might be a patch to the wheeling decree to those seraphim among the fallen angels to be saved and with this should retain being a seraphim and the structure of such gained. Though a repented fallen one shouldn’t be overtly concern with such but rather comes what may, even if I loose all, all I want is Christ and him crucified. So I included this in this chapter to show forth that such a decree is already gone forth on your behalf, even if not said presently or manipulated by time, it is bound in the capacity of wisdom to have been said when it is to be said (this generation or so), and is (this generation or so) and always will be (you locked-in for all generations), dead or alive, as it is today.

SUCH A PRAYER WOULD BE AS SUCH: As the doors in heaven are opening or opened to a new fold upon Christ’s doing and acceptance over against box (Oneil/Othniel) mediation but through him, I further authorize the freedom and salvation to all fallen angels who accepts and believes it but more so inducted by the predetermined God himself counsel who knoweth all beings a far off and work upon the desires and inherent choices of the their hearts. I authorize such in the name of Yahoshua the savior, commonly called Jesus Christ. I further transfer all the benefits, freedoms, bylaws and tenets of the Judeo-Christian faith to fallen Angels who are redeemed, commensurated across the board to such as human saints receive and enjoy. So the benefits and tenets of Christian salvation is commensurated according to the nature of the being, hence all have the same effect and intended output; which includes being born of the spirit and joined to Christ, as wheeling implies or is of such; already fallen seraphim redeem willing pluck out their dirty eyes and let loose their real evil wheels, in repentance but also work thereof in receiving this salvation from above (see Note 2 for a good reason why in the post “Console To The World” under the section “Tenets After The Console: Part 2 - Sex and Marriage For Angels”). Also applicable to this decree are fallen angels in times pass who exerted godly piety and hope and as such or for such was taken out of the way now being locked in hell’s fire, even further locked/disintegrated there as spices or cleave-hinds or such; or lock as such with the same or similar mechanisms on the earth’s surface or sea or any parts of the world. So, in other words, I authorize the release of such, the breakage of such “locks” and they themselves by the predetermined God himself council receive this angelic salvation and lock into Christ, which is eternal! I authorize this decree with the intended essence known and handled by the predetermined God himself council in the name of Yahoshua the Messiah, commonly called Jesus Christ, who died upon a tree/cross for the saving of all mankind. Amen!


Chapter 7


Orlando Constantine (On. Or. Co. Mc.), a licensed minister and founder of a worldwide ministry with several certifications, has spent several years and study in the paranormal and has written extensive literature on the subject of angels, with several first hand accounts. Nonetheless, the anointing received is the deciding factor of the truth on this subject, which is unparallel in content as being current, biblical and to the point. Why are you angels here, where are you coming from and do you give a “damn” where you are going!? This book intend to bring a resolution to these questions and if eternal damnation is obvious, redemption is also plausible; as one extremity has a equal opposite, except in the case of God. The tenets also brought forward is capsule in much teaching on the dealings of angels, which I perceive not all angels grasp the full extent thereof and so, as said, they too, being excellent in knowledge and wisdom far beyond humanity will learn what was not told them. As such, the true author is God and not the human pen, hence not only divine, but the clear fact that not the human blogger but God saying, "Angels, Let's Talk!" Such a time has come for dialogue, such a time has come to repent, such a time has come to look to God, such a time has come to receive what you have been waiting for and such a time has come to "work out your own salvation with fear and trembling" (Php 2:12).

"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool" (Isaiah 1:18).

After this book, blogging should continue if I persist beyond death, at any rate, for your benefit, the BOOK (“Angels, Let’s Talk” – which has this book in it) and BLOG can be found online at www.Amazon.com or any of the links below:


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I came across this verse “Man that is in honour, and understandeth not, is like the beasts that perish” (Psalms 49:20); I guess some folly intended out of the will of God by the scripter. And I wondered if as whom I be in the times and have given myself wholeheartedly if I was in honor. Then I remember the tenets of faith, that is, faith without works is dead. If I have to wonder if I was in honor, then I wasn’t in it as honor is manifested and not a theory. This also proved an illusion to me. For if I was in honor, those who bestowed such honor and the manifestation of such honor wouldn’t be perpetual lack, perpetual delusions, perpetual despair, perpetual lies, perpetual thef, perpetual suckry, perpetual manipulation, perpetual scraping everything from me, perpetual vacuums of friends and associates and left to convene with the figment of my imagination (holding all things constant) amongst other things that constitute the opposite of honor. So if I was in honor and being who I be in the times, I would know what honor is and understand that I have gained it. Nonetheless, if not of the earth or heavens or present fold sent to, I have gained such honor from God like all the saints before me and that to me is enough. If I didn’t understand that, even God would be an illusion to me, as he has made all his saints “kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen” (Rev 1:6). And I strive to have this boast even if not having the honor among peers, onlookers, the earth, the heavens or any other creature, “let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the LORD” (Jer 9:24). When I can understand and know that superbly, like the apostle Paul, then I would understand real honor. So far I’ve lived an illusion and everyday is a fantasy, never the better, never the worst yet progressing spiritually, yet not to the account of being so “heavenly minded I’m no earthly good,” for I have strived in this world more than any man, but and as such, reveal the truth of this world, an abused illusion on the inhabitants. Thank God that “If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable” (1 Cor 15:19). So I continue until my days end (however long, however short – decades, century, etc) and to receive honor in glory, as I have hoped.


This quote is also note worthy, “Reality becomes absurdity when exposed as not reality before it becomes reality. This satan has done in all things, hence, ‘turning of things upside down’ – Isa 29:16. An opposition to this phenomenon is the thesis of suckry, as things that are to come to pass, is now and yet is. Hence what is deemed reality is out of time and still a fraction of absurdity. Holding all things constant, in very loose terms, the life we live is an abused reality based in illusions. What the is truth? Many answers are given, but based on the above, one thing is certain, there is no truth without faith; i.e., believing a reality pass the illusion! That most sure basis of faith in this deluge of illusion is Jesus Christ (Yahoshua). This has been a voice crying in the wilderness of illusions. Mucho Grassias! And thank you bury much! ” Oneil McQuick (original words started in a chat room)

: : this book was created for angels and contents might not be fit for "humans" or children : :


The blog and consequentially its book is solely for angels; but to a lesser extent, optionally read only by the very aged Christians that can understand (or even grays that can). The blog disclaimer is the same as the book disclaimer so I’ll copy it in its entirety below, also abridged from other sources;


For the most part, this is highly sensitive material never to be republish or transmitted in any other format or means via any outlets whatsoever; it begun with a man's private thoughts, questions and “guesstimations” with relation to God through the bible, not necessarily releasing to the public, but if so only those who read my blog and it remain with them only. Don't quote me, publicly ask me questions on it, or reference it with me either, nor use my name in relation to it. It is only for my blog guests who alone can understand it, being who they be; so especially don't quote me or broadcast less people think I'm a wacko or something. Of such, I would opt to use copyright breach. I have special wishes for the most posts, like none extraction, saving or linking to some contents; also those contents might be so open as to attract secret agents and others of such. Hence, this warning for them and probably all posts. However, in addition for this book, the author grants permission to non-commercially and commercially distribute the book if you feel led to, to the target audiences; and you can do so by hard copies, soft copies, downloads, prints, photocopy prints, e-books and any format or method you wish, in any language, without my further permission. The only condition is that it is not altered in anyway, including the cover, titles and this copyright note. This is not for profit! This book is © copyrighted to Orlando Constantine (On. Or. Co. Mc.) and also in accordance with international regulations on Intellectual Property and Author's Rights. All rights reserved.


1. FREE: This material is “Not For Sale” or a sole commercial output, where it maybe offered for sale, if at all, is done so you may get a paper back copy if you please, otherwise it can be freely downloaded and printed or reproduced unaltered. Any proceeds received are mainly to cover the cost of doing so, to the third party publishers, promoter, admin. and designer (cost of production, no profits); the writers owner takes/receives no money as an author – it is mainly from a web circulation, or blog, its purpose, not professional print.


2. COPYRIGHT: Any copyright materials used were done so under the standard allowable, for instance, short exerts or extracts were used with credits to the source and not their entire work; mainly for expository/reference reasons. Moreover, any copyright infringement would only take effect on commercial outputs, which this is not.


3. PICTURES: Some pictures were obtained from the W3. The pictures were not copyrighted as far as seen on the websites it was obtained from, neither were there any disclaimers. Other photos were from a royalty free stock photography. However, if any artist have noticed their work and would like it removed, we will definitely attempt to do so. But bear in mind that this is a non-profit Christian venture. The writers or ministry seeks no profit from any proceeds, if any is even obtained. In fact, it is offered free online or printed by someone, so as to get it distributed rather than seek gain. Having said that, your generous contribution of any artwork or material is appreciated. Concerning BK Mascot: The Bk logo and mascot is trademark of Burger King and we are not carrying out indenture in the aforementioned name; neither using it for gains or our own promotions. Simply an example to strike a simile to a sentiment intended to the blog readers online. The blog posts were later formatted in a book, which includes this. So we own no right to the picture, if the aforementioned organization want the picture retracted we will attempt to do so, in respecting rights. In that respect, thanks to the aforementioned for such allowances, seeing this is a non-profit religious organization simply making materials available to the intended readers. Thank you.


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5. NOT LIABLE: This book is "as is" by using/reading this book you agree to indemnify the author, Orlando Constantine, or anyone affiliated with the production or distribution, including websites, hosting and any other third parties, from any liability that might arise from it's use. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH THIS STATEMENT DO NOT USE, PRODUCE OR READ THIS BOOK.


Note: Pen name Orlando Constantine, yet the middle of the real, at the time.