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Hiya! No, I'm not an angel, just your neighborhood friendly, invincible, super-human, badass gunman...that's all.


This is where the Screenshots Of The Week (SOTWs) will be kept along with any other pics worthy of being held for future reference. An archive of pics, if you will.

Every two months has about 9 screenshots, more or less
(so even 56k-ers should be able to view the pages of screenshots with little trouble).
2004: Jan - Feb | Mar - Apr | May - Jun | Jul - Aug | Sep - Oct | Nov - Dec
2003: Jan - Feb | Mar - Apr | May - Jun | Jul - Aug | Sep - Oct | Nov - Dec
How to take/submit screenshots

Theme Galleries:
Console code pics | Burn Bodies

Hover your cursor over the pics to see a caption...click on the pics to enlarge them...and enjoy!
ME! = Prey...leader of clan L&P

How to take screenshots (in SOF2):
1. Bring up the console
2. Type in the following: bind [key] screenshot (for example: bind v screenshot)
3. Now any time you press the [key] (or v, in the example), a screenshot with high-quality yet low file size will be saved in your SOF2 directory.
4. Go to My Computer -> C:/ (your hard drive) -> Program Files -> Soldier of Fortune II - Double Helix MP TEST -> demo -> MP -> screenshots ...and there they are (as long as you didn't move your SOF2 directory).
They'll probably have weird names like "shot0001.jpg" or whatever, but you can rename them as you like. Using this method, you can take high-quality shots that take up less space on your hard drive (and are easier to upload) and you can take multiple shots at a time without exiting SOF2. The method below works for any program, game, etc...but you can only take one shot at a time and the shots are very big files. Their file size can be shrunk (as explained by the "Submitting screenshots" section below), but then their quality diminishes.

How to take screenshots (in general):
1. Press the "Print Screen" button (located above the "insert" button) to take the shot.
2. Open up a photo/image program. (I use PaintShop Pro, but even MS Paint will work...ya know...the gay little drawing program that comes with ALL Windows PCs)
3. Paste the screenshot by pressing ctrl + v.
4. Adjust the pic however you like.

Submitting screenshots:
1. Save the pic as a JPEG file (so then it will have the little ".jpg" at the end of the file name). This will make the pic look a little crappier, but that is 'cause the file size has been compressed, and some quality has been decreased. It's all in the name of saving space so the file isn't too huge to upload on to this site, and too huge for viewers to download.
2. Go
here to find my e-mail address. E-mail the pic to me as a file attachment. Use "L&P-screenshot submission" as the topic/title of your email so I won't erase it with all my other useless junk mail. Oh yeah...your pic has to be special or at least cool in some sorta way...or else it's a waste, and you're a waste!
3. In less than a week, the screenshot will be up here!