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Hiya! No, I'm not an angel, just your neighborhood friendly, invincible, super-human, badass gunman...that's all.

About Clan

About the clan | Clan rules | About recruiting

Mission Statement: All members play fair, act fair, and spread the love, baby!

A clan led by Prey.
My screen name always contains "[L&P]" and "prey/pray" (yes, I realize there are 2 different meanings).

Heya! This is a clan for the SOF2 MP Test. Therefore, the site's content is based on the MP Test map and gameplay. You can download the SOF2 MP Test by searching using a search engine. I myself used www.filemirrors.com after finding out the file name of the demo (it's something like "sof2mp.exe" or something). Any clan members with the full version and the MP Test are allowed to use the "[L&P]" tag as long as they follow the L&P rules.

With that out of the way...
The Love and Peace clan is not just any other clan…

Let’s start with the name. I realize a lotta people think it's a gay name and if you're one of those people, then please read this entire paragraph before you judge and act like a fool =P. Well...perhaps it is different but that's exactly what I wanted. I didn't want another clan with a name like "guys who kick ass", "blood sucking killers", etc...it's all so boring. I've seen too many names that just imply "we're better than you, we like to kill"...how about a name that shows sportsmanship, fair game, a sense of humor, etc? How about something a little out-of-the-ordinary? How about for once, in a game, despite the killing that goes on, a clan is known for their genuine fair play and not for their trash-talking? The clan name incorporates this "philosophy" with a tribute to anime...which sends a nice message (the next paragraph explains the anime in more detail). If you still think the name is gay, then you're probably one of the people aforementioned. If you're the type that only talks about frags and death on SoF2 and never just chat or chill-out, then you should go screw yourself right now, 'cause you got no sense of humor nor sense of playing the game for the fun of frags AND the people you talk to and meet online.

Now for the origin of the name: “Love and Peace” is a chant by Vash the Stampede. He’s the main character from an anime called Trigun. The silly gunman got into hilarious and dangerous situations, and managed to get outa them without actually killing anyone. He was anti-kill …lol. So after this one really crazy stand off with some jacked up badass, his friend is amazed. How can this man stand his life of trouble…what makes him tick? Vash looks at his pal while holding a lil kid in one arm and says, “Love and Peace!!!” over and over…in English too…despite that the toon is mainly in Japanese.

Man...I rockYikes!Mess with the best = screwed like the rest
He's damn sexy...
but sorry ladies, he's taken.
He gets into some trouble...
ok...a LOT of trouble.
He's a friggn' badass mofo...
'nuff said.

What makes this clan so special besides the original name? What’s the point of the having such a group? Well, I’m hoping to make this clan one of good pals that can really watch each other’s backs in-game (a social clan among other things). Upon recognizing that a player is of [L&P], I wanna hear others say “[L&P] is here…look out!” Hehe. Ok, maybe not that extreme, but you get the idea. I also wanna have people see the “[L&P]” tag and think something along the lines of, “Oh boy. A good player is here.” What do I mean by “good?” I don’t necessarily mean a kickass bastard that’s gonna PWN J00’…nah…I’m talkn’ about a good player that doesn’t cheat, follows the rules, and plays a fair and good game.

Now you’re wondern’ if [L&P] is full of noobs. No. A clan would go no where if its leader was the only above average player. However, everyone’s gotta start somewhere…meaning that a clan needs members, and a noob needs help. Therefore, there will be noobs in this clan. Ones seeking help, tips, an “online affiliation,” and one that won’t be shittn’ up the game with nothing but USAS rape and camping.

Note: You can be a member of L&P and a member of another clan, just be sure to put the [L&P] tag somewhere either at the begining or end of your sn.

1. No spamming/flooding, reconnecting, cheating, hacking, or barrel camping.
2. Don’t whine like crazy.
3. Don’t flame like crazy unless you’ve been provoked. Taunting is fine, but don’t go and say “You suck, you crazy whore” for no reason.
4. Don’t bad mouth this clan, or any other unless you have good reason (like if it's a hacking clan or something rediculous like that).
5. Don’t call votes to kick someone unless they lag, are cheating, hacking, barrel camping, spamming/flooding, reconnecting, or being a general ASS to everyone. (Basically, if your vote doesn’t pass, it probably wasn’t an appropriate one.) This means no trying to kick a player just because they're n00b or just because they suck...everyone needs a chance to play to get better, no?
6. Don’t abuse the custom voting. (Vote for a map called “red guy on helipad” etc…that’s gay)
7. Don’t be a team killer (on purpose) on friendly fire servers! (Damn that’s gay!)
8. If you are caught breaking one of these rules, than you will get a 1 or 2 strikes depending on what it was. 3 strikes and I don’t wanna see [L&P] in front of your name unless you prove yourself honorable again.
9. I, [L&P]-Prey-{LDR} (leader of Clan Love and Peace), have the final say in issuing/removing strikes, and the final say in accepting/removing clan members and new recruits.
10. I, [L&P]-Prey-{LDR} (leader of Clan Love and Peace), have the power to do all that is necessary to enforce the previous rules and uphold the purpose of this clan. (I can break any of these rules, but I have reasons for creating a clan, and I'm going to stick by those reasons. i.e. About Clan part of this page)

-Wanna break these rules? Do it on another screen name that doesn’t have [L&P] in it, ya bum!

Any member may recruit. However, there are some restrictions.
-You can recruit newbies, as long as you think they have the potential to get better. I know a few noobs that just tell me to shut up when I offer help. I know another that won't ever stray from using the m60 despite his/her lack-luster ratio and score.
-Don’t recruit anyone you think might break the rules.
-No one is officially a member until I have their email address and contact the individual. Putting them up on the members page of this site is also part of the recruiting process.
-Tell them to go to www.ClanLoveAndPeace.vze.com seeing how this site explains a lot about this clan (such as the clan RULES!) and...well...the game too. Yay!
-Tell them about the L&P forums at http://loveandpeace.proboards18.com (no www) so they join up.
-You must be a registered member of the L&P forums before you can recruit players.
-biggest thing: I MUST BE NOTIFIED IF YOU RECRUIT SOMEONE! (...for cryn' out loud...)

Despite our reference to Trigun, we can't exactly match the fire power and strength of Vash: