Welcome to Version 2.0!
Site News
Last Updated: 7/12/03

Version 2.0 of the Clan L&P website is sorta up and running! Click the headline for details...you know you wanna.

Well, folks, after many weeks of blood, sweat, tears, and bathroom breaks, I've finally done it. The entire process probably took me 50 or so hours, but it was worth it. Or was it? Tell me what you think about the new look with the poll on the main page.

New version 2.0 pages:
Clan War Results and Other Records
Known Bugs (in SoF2 MP Test)
Site History
Website Notes and Navigation (explains the new layout and its relation to new navigation)
Just about every page that existed in Version 1.0 has been updated in some way. From total reorganization to just a few corrections, there are changes all over this site that make it different from version 1.0 content-wise.
You can expect new articles/editorials, new pictures, new screenshots and more within the coming weeks.

New features from the forums:
Clan Secrets ;)
Most Wanted
Warning List
Click here to go to the ver2.0 website suggestions topic.
I suggest you go there to post comments/questions if you don't wanna use email.
Guests are free to post without registration.
All the more reason to hurry and join the forums!
Clan members must sign up, but guests can post without even registering!

If you wanna browse the contents with some nice descriptions of the pages, click on the buttons on the main page (i.e. Clan Info, Game Info, Archives, Contact, Features) for a psuedo table of contents.

I hope you like the new site, please spread the word about this site, and please email me, sign the guestbook, or visit the forums with comments or questions using the contact button above.