My goal is to help microtonal and touchstyle players find the perfect instrument they have been looking for and dreaming about.

When I first found microtonal music, I was a little astounded. I wanted a 19tet guitar. When I started looking, I really couldn't find anything affordable. I thought about it for a while but couldn't bring myself to buy one. I eventually built my own.

I didn't see a site that says, "Here are a bunch of microtonal guitars to look at." I eventually built my own.

When I read about touchstyle,
I was just looking for something different. I sure found it. Touchstyle is awesome, you can do so many different things at same time. Once again I was dissapointed because of poor selection. I eventually built my own.

So what am I saying? I am willing to build a guitar for you if you are willing to play it. Are you?

             Tracy Walsh