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Your first step into the world of "German games"
Reiner Knizia
art John Howe
publish Fantasy Flight Games/Hasbro Germany
players: 2-5
duration: 30-75 mins.
type: co-operative

PACE: Quick. The game tends to be an ongoing conversation as players help decide who should use what when.
LUCK: Medium. And in a very good way, since the books themselves tell the story of a group beset by unforseen difficulties. It's what makes the game so good.
TENSION: High. Every tile drawn is cause for joy or misery! Gambling that a bad event won't overtake you so that you can grab some more cards is not an easy one, and no hobbit wants to die, adding more tension into the conversation.
VICIOUS: None / Very High. It's a co-op game, so there is no viciousness, yet the game system that the players play against is extremely vicious. The odds are definitely stacked against the Fellowship!
SOCIAL: Very High. The game is a conversation of protest, unselfish courage, groupthink.
VISUALS: Excellent. John Howe is the foremost Tolkein artist in the world. There is no game that looks better than this game. Everything from the board art, to the cards, to the wooden pieces is excellent.
THEME: High. At first the "events" seem abstract and the entire game is dull. Plodding along "tracks" doesn't evoke the feeling of storming through the mines of Moria, but the "game" is really the conversation taking place as players try and win - without dying. Nobody wants to die, but unselfishness is required to win the game. Plodding along the track is themeless, but arguments over who should be the one to roll the die and face dire consequences is extremely thematic!
GAMER APPEAL: Maybe. It's cooperative -- not to everyone's tastes.
NON-GAMER APPEAL: Probably. The "conversation" has made this game a hit with non-gamers, even women, and even people who didn't like the movies!
2 PLAYERS: Good. Better with more, but certainly challenging with 2.
REPLAY: Very good. I used to think it wasn't, but if you vary who plays, and what roles they take, the game becomes quite replayable (especially with expansions.)

I've played 30+ times.
Good with 2-5 players.
Best with 3-5 players.
Lord of the Rings
by Reiner Knizia
other games by
Reiner Knizia
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This page by Yirmeyahu Avery