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Your first step into the world of "German games"
by Richard Borg & Alan R. Moon
Rating: 7/10 after 1 play
Richard Borg & Alan R. Moon
publish Face 2 Face Games
players: 2-4
duration: 30 mins.
type: light card/dice game; battle theme

PACE: QUICK. Each race can only attack one of two armies, and it is very easy to 'read' the board and decide who to attack. After that, it's a deicefest.
COMPLEXITY: LIGHT. There are decisions to be made, but the rules are quite easy and the decisions likewise. Again, it is primarily a dicegame. Think Risk, but actually some more decisions to be made as far as the abilities available to each player after each die roll.
Your armies may have an advantage over your opponent's, but like Risk, it comes down to the dice. Even the armies are determined by the cards you are dealt, but you do get to pick and choose from hand, mitigating the luck somewhat.
TENSION: MEDIUM. It is a battle game and a game of chance, two ingredients for some tension, and it plays quite quicly too, which keep the game humming.
VICIOUS: HIGH. It's a battle game where picking on weaker armies is of great benefit.
It's a dice game and so about what you'd expect from a dice game.
VISUALS: pending.
The graphics look a lot like Dragon's Gold, depicting warriors of different races, but the graphics looked kind of cloudy. However, I was playing a pre-production version (I hope) and so the graphics should get shinier. Pre-prod = fair graphics.
Like many games, the setting is well chosen, and the extra powers of the types of units make the game fit well  -- even better than Risk -- but the races are all the same, just different 'suits'.
"It's like Risk in half and hour!" Take that how you will.
Maybe not to wives, but certainly to teenage boys and fans of Risk. For that reason, this game should be a hit.
REPLAY: pending

RATING: 7/10 after 1 play
Good with 3-4 players.
Best with 4 players
game pic coming soon
Quick Summary | "Risk in half an hour" is the claim this game could make fairly. Players build armies with cards, then go out attacking forces of the same race (or archenemies). Different units within the armies allow special abilities to the player who has the most units of the type. The very familiar part of the game is the dice rolling: 3 dice for the attacker, 2 for the defender, with casualty resolution identical to Risk. A light game to be sure, but with all the Risk fans out there, this could make an EXCELLENT intro game for them to start broadening their horizons. And the plus is, even when you play it, it's only for 30 minutes! And in 30 minutes, this game fits quite nicely!
This page by Jeremy Avery