
Welcome to HTMLn00b. (n00b is a term meaning newbie - new person around the net. It's not always nice. But here it is, 'cos you know you're new otherwise you wouldn't be here)
You're here because you want to see some examples of HTML. Well, there's nine here. Enjoy.
Remember, click "View", then "Source" to see the code of the page.
1: Some basic tags
2: Web page structure
3: Links
4: Fonts and colours
5: Images
6: Lists & Special characters
7: Tables
8: Frames ("View" then "Source" will only get you the frameset page code... to get the individual frames you'll have to right-click on them and click "View Source")
9: Music!
0: HTML tags and design tips (Microsoft Word .doc format)
0: Getting a site online (Microsoft Word .doc format)

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