your absence runs through me; like thread through a needle

i don't know which one's worse. whatever.


and birds go flying at the speed of sound
To show you how it all began
Birds came flying from the underground
If you could see it then you'd understand
Oh when you see it then you'll understand

i love this song i love this song I LOVE THIS SONG :D


i've got to admit that THAT incident left me a different impression of you. its strange, the whole thing i mean. weird, in an ungood way. but not entirely bad. if you get what i mean. i don't like you much anymore.

sometimes i wished i didn't know so much of you.

and i guess im saying all these out so boldly only because i know you will never get that i'm talking about you.

your actions speak so loudly that i can't hear you anymore


i've never felt so irritated with you before i feel like punching you all over.

whats wrong with me????

blah. english prelims sucked. :( haha guess i have a what they call fatalistic-point-of-view. okay not really la but i really felt as though i knew sth was wrong but i didn't know what. but now i wished i didn't know. booo.

hahah oh ya thanks a lot :D you brightened up my day monster. :D

feel like sleeping and slacking around but I CAN'T. rah. damn prelims. it doesn't even feel like the real thing! more like mock prelims. blah! :( HHH.


3107 sunday

haha is this a mere coincidence or what i just felt like blogging and came in here for the first time in... EONS. haha :D hmm don't know how to explain how i'm feeling right now so much homework so many mock exams and test. TEN BLOODY TESTS NEXT WEEK. wow. how lovely. and friday's such a killer relative velocity, hcl mock exam (from sec1 to 4) and bio test on FIVE CHAPTERS. wow. in addition to that its also choir farewell so what now la i really don't know how im gonna find time to finish everything by friday ugh dreading it like crazy.

and i don't like the theme! i mean punk rock. what are we suppose to do? haha i bet everyone won't take the theme seriously anyway. i mean you gotta have the look to carry it off. haha man i can't wait for farewell! but on the other hand i think i can. its going to be so sad. :( i don't want to leave. i don't want o levels. ugh.

sometimes i feel like im not studying hard enough and it sucks sucks sucks. i wish i could have some photographic memory or something then i could just spend a few minutes memorizing stupid history facts and blah. this is so tiring!

hmm i wish friday wasn't so horrible so i could look forward to it more since its choir farewell and its the weekend after all. ugh. haha okay now i feel better with all these ranting. oh ya i almost forgot that i came online to do the stupid english recount in the first place. and i still don't really know what im planning to write. blah.

hanbin 2330


HAPPY SWEET SIXTEEN RACHEL! (: i can't tell you who's the us yet cos.... ask matong!
anyway FVP just ended ): it wasnt very sad cos we were fooling around most of the time taking pictures and all. chrys and i were playing our one, two, three pose thing again :D the part when we sang songs for veronica was pretty touching. it made her tear a little! but i didnt know the lyrics :/ the part when we bid her goodbye was the saddest though. its my last "xie xie zhang laoshi, zhang laoshi zhai jian." will really miss her as our form teacher. four unity will seem so weird without her and i wont be speaking chinese in school anymore for this whole year. no veronica, no chinese. i'm starting to like chinese. it's cool :D
had prelim oral today too. thankfully its over! mrs pearce was nice. next week's going to be so hectic but there's farewell on friday to look forward to. cool cool punk theme!
hmm. nostalgic day i had today. FVP made me think back of how i treated veron last year in. i was so bad and rude to her. spent chinese lessons talking to toy and eating. and i dropped by aitong today when i was walking to charissa's house. lots of changes there but the structure of the school is still the same. this little p1 boy, came up to talk to me and asked if i was from aitong. so cute! he even wanted me to visit him again at 6pm. ah i feel so old now. sixteen. just a few more months and i'll have to leave sn. :(

yien 11:45pm


oh shit. this is crazy i feel like laughing. why do i always find out things that i'm not suppose to know! grr.



so bennett told me some really bad news! :'( was damn sad when i heard about it. and i so hope its not true but it sounds reliable and believable. told my mom about it and she says it'll be better for us :( have to start studying hard now. right now. they should be announcing it tomorrow :( stupid education system. cheat our feelings. >:(
really regret not studying harder last year. and the chinese Os are nearing. studied at ginza's kfc after church ytd gonna do the same coming sunday too i hope. i learnt applications of differentiation :D ben teaches way better than clement tan and he's good at coming up with lyrics.
the heart that explodes <3 shall use it for rexed (:
wish i was standing in her shoes



oh shit. this is crazy i feel like laughing. why do i always find out things that i'm not suppose to know! grr.



hmm was feeling quite upset for some utterly stupid and childish reason today. realise that i was actually worrying about virtually nothing at all cos all the stupid problems were caused by unaccurate interpretions by yours truly. its as though the last incident had left a permanent scar in my life.. i really really really don't think i can stand it if it really happens again. blah! stupid YOU. X(

hmm physics practical sucks! especially when the graph paper is so black and ugly and you can't see anything clearly at all! haha okay this is so freaking trival compared to other bigger things thats happening in the world.

sooooo without further ado i shall quit wasting my precious time online and pull myself away from this half-forgotten blog and move to my beloved dominoes! YAY. :D

and you think you're so cool. i think NOT. i dont like you. you silly self indulgent little thing. X(

hanbin 2030


haha gosh it has been a month since i last blogged? it didn't even feel that long! haha. guess i didn't feel like it. and i'm resorting more and more to the tv when i wanna slack. don't really stay online for hours anymore.

hmm anyway i had a really fun time today poking around j8 with siyun! haha and i got my oh-so-lovely necklace. thanks siyun! :D haha okay. hmm apparantly i have to go off really soon cos i haven't had my dinner and i'm going for this chinese musical thing at the esplanade tonight? haha hope it'll be good.

feeling really hungry now cos i haven't eaten anything since recess except for some coke and some tidbits i ate when i came home. dinner really smells reallyyyyy good. gosh i can't wait. :DD haha.

okay i better go off now. my dad's nagging is really getting to me.. off i go! bye!

hanbin 1820


the bitch song by bowling for soup is suprisingly nice. joanna and my cousin didnt do a good job singing it for me. its kinda addictive too..
havent been doing much visiting for cny this year cause my parents were lazy to do so! spent the whole of ytd morning in botanical gardens. some of the 89s and my cousins came along too. my cousin got a boomberang stuck in a tall palm tree! i tried throwing a netball up to hit it down but the ball got stuck up there instead! we then spent most of the time looking for the boomberang in the tree and i spotted it first! everyone thought i was seeing things >:( there was this group of young boys who got their frisbee stuck into a palm tree too! their tree had sharp thorns, all they could do was jump around it looking like complete idiots. we finally got everything down thanks to my dad, used the scaffolding from the nearby construction site to get the ball and boomberang down.
hmm i feel like going for the uncle ringo uk funfair. haha i miss those rides!

yien 12:05am


okay i'm back here again cos lirong just asked me to blog so haha i'm blogging now see how nice i can be? :D

hmm i'm quite happy with life now actually. except for a certain person who happens to gets on my nerves. along with almost everyone else. blah. someone who reminds me of numbers. haha oops.

oh and i have like piano tomorrow in the morning which means i have to practise the rest of my third aparts and perfect them by today darn it. ): and i don't think its considerate to practise after 10pm so i have less than 30mins to practise. hmm feeling quite worried now.

anyway, the following is for you.

you okay there? i hope so... cos i really don't want to see you so upset. please don't let anything cover up the happier things in life, cos nothing is worth taking all these away. i'm no good with words, so i hope you can get what i mean. remember that there are others who truly care about you.. so think of me and SMILE. :D do take care.

hanbin 2133


is this layout nice or what? :D haha feeling so pleased with it.

thanks jiaming! thanks cc! :DD

hanbin 2109


You and me
We used to be together
Everyday together always
I really feel
That I'm losing my best friend
I can't believe
This could be the end

It looks as though you're letting go
And if it's real
Well I don't want to know

Don't speak
I know just what you're saying
So please stop explaining
Don't tell me cause it hurts
Don't speak
I know what you're thinking
I don't need your reasons
Don't tell me cause it hurts

Our memories
Well, they can be inviting
But some are altogether
Mighty frightening

As we die, both you and I
With my head in my hands
I sit and cry

Don't speak
I know just what you're saying
So please stop explaining
Don't tell me cause it hurts (no, no, no)
Don't speak
I know what you're thinking
I don't need your reasons
Don't tell me cause it hurts
It's all ending
I gotta stop pretending who we are...
You and me I can see us dying...are we?

Don't speak
I know just what you're saying
So please stop explaining
Don't tell me cause it hurts (no, no, no)
Don't speak
I know what you're thinking
I don't need your reasons
Don't tell me cause it hurts
Don't tell me cause it hurts!

I know what you're saying
So please stop explaining
Don't speak,
don't speak,
don't speak,
oh I know what you're thinking
And I don't need your reasons
I know you're good,
I know you're good,
I know you're real good
Oh, la la la la la la La la la la la la
Don't, Don't, uh-huh Hush, hush darlin'
Hush, hush darlin' Hush, hush
don't tell me tell me cause it hurts
Hush, hush darlin' Hush, hush darlin'
Hush, hush don't tell me tell me cause it hurts

hanbin 1107


hmm. watched mtv non stop hits just now haha saw a bunch of cool mtvs. :D feeling quite happy at the moment but haha i still have my three science tests to prepare for next monday and tuesday. oh well. i'll just stay online for a little while more. :DD

hanbin 2031


removed the last two entries cos it already served its purpose. haha hmm decided to stop voice cos its expensive and i dont really need it.. piano later. haven't been practising for days and days.. i think i'm gonna get scolded. gah!

wish me luck!

hanbin 1607


i've suddenly come to realise how distant both me and yien are from the blogging world. :( plus i'm tired of neopets. it took me approximately 3 months man haha. i guess its a good thing so now i have more time to spend on my own blog as well as other people's blog. then perhaps then more people will come visit haha :DD

i'm actually quite scared of year 2005. i can't believe olevels is less than a year away! :( sighh. i'm so gonna miss sleeping and waking up late man. i couldn't even wake up at 1030am today! haha.

i'm SO sick of this blog layout. i want a new blog. haha but yien has not completed the new blog. and i dont exactly know how to use blogspot. and even so, i'm not even sure of the username! :(( gah.

okay. i shall go send michelle some photos i've promised to pass to her for about a year haha. and i shall go gettyimages to look at nice pictures. bye.

hanbin 1551



went to my grandfather's house today to visit my relatives. my one and a half years old little baby cousin is so freaking cute! :D she loves watching barney videotapes and dancing to it. she has two pigtails and her eyes are really big :DD sooo cute! haha.

watched phantom of the opera today! its quite a nice movie. haha christmas is a time for family for us non-church people :D really had fun today :D

hanbin 2138


haha i was out doing with lirong when i saw olinda at j8! haha but we didnt approach her cos she was talking to her sister (i think) at coffee bean. and her blingbling is really huge. haha.

have to go for my dental appt for braces tomorrow at 915 in the morning! like how early is that. haha.

hanbin 2153


uh hello haha. i totally forgot that i was supp to blog here cos hb blogged mine. but hers is all rubbishy poopoo. so mine shall not be some poopoo. :D yay im happy you bought that sth i dunno what for me :D cant wait to get it. hoho you havent gone to m'sia for the third time but come back quick! haha okay its not some silly poopoo its impt and funny and stuff that make sense. merry christmas -7days! :DD

jiaming 1816


hmm haha i havent been blogging for AGES. i haven't been to anyone's blog or even my own for like weeks and im feeling like some ulumalu :( boohoo. hahah and im feeling quite stressed cos holidays are coming to an end and my homework is still almost untouched yet im not doing anything about it. ahh i need self discipline. and guess what i spent 12 hours on the computer on thursday. 10hours straight (not counting toilet breaks) then after resting for two hours i continued till 10 plus at night. haha okay man this is crap. and im almost reaching 5 million on neopets yay. congratulate me. :D

i have the urge to listen to music these days. and thats when i remember that my computer speakers are spoilt. not spoilt la but just that the wire thing is not connected cos the multiplug thing is gone cos someone else used it. haha if you get what i mean.

im feeling weird suddenly. i dont know why.

hanbin 1945


youth camp's starting tomorrow and i'm so excited! (: i wonder how everything we planned will turn out to be like and i'm so fortunate to be not included in those games cos its really yucky and all. hahaha and we're so dead. just got the news that they want us to change tues night games :( when we put in so much effort to think of nice stuff for it. so i think the possibility of us staying up on monday night just to come up with smth to replace it will be really high. but thats quite good. cos i always cant seem to fall asleep on the first night and stupid joanna falls asleep so easily. i'll be so lonely at night. camp will be nice this year too cos we're all gna have one newly furnished, air-conditioned dorm to ourselves! unlike last yr when we had to share with the sec3s. and mag might be staying with us too this time round. pretty cool :D

stayed over in church on thurs night cos my whole family was doing so. i went to sleep with the juniors instead of the youths cos naughty hannah wanted me to sleep beside her. she kept on stealing my cookie monster and pillow! and i kept waking her up to talk to me. she can be quite funny cos she talks and looks just like her brothers! the pri 1 kids slept sooo early and they were snoring away. haha really cute. and my arms are still aching after 2 days cos i kept carrying davina everywhere we went during the camp. haha she made me promise her that i'll carry her 1000 times and each time i do that she'll have to flash her cute hot pink panties cos she was wearing a skirt all the time. i cant wait to see her again next sunday :D i miss carrying her! and i love smelling her hair too! it smells of banana (: so nice.
oh no. i just rmb that i've to memorise the whole of hebrews 11. mel huang and yu jia did it already. stupid smart raffles people. i only memorised till verse 6. lots more to go :\ then i'll go pack my stuff soon so i can sleep early and reach church in time for the camp tomorrow! :D so hope that i'll be able to sleep tonight!

yien 8:00pm


went for singapore idol yesterday! thanks yien! haha. :D took group photo with christopher but i dont really care about him. wanted to take photo with leandra but the camera phone ran out of battery. and we were like standing right next to her? ah damn.


hanbin 1724


i dont know what it is
that makes me feel like this
i dont know who you are
but you must be some kinda superstar

my new favourite song :) haha its weird how i start liking it after everyone got sick of it. but who cares. :D probably gonna go shopping today with my mum cos we got an esprit voucher that expires today. haha! i hope i find something nice to buy. and my sunburnt arms are so horribly red and ugly. oww.

hanbin 1146

131104 again

My Boo (:
There's always that one person
That will always have your heart
You'll never see it coming
Cause you're blinded from the start
Know that you're that one for me
It's clear for everyone to see
Ooh baby ooh you'll always be my boo

i like my boo! toy and cheryl are so weird. they hate it >:( and charissa didn't believe me when i told her such a song exsist. stupid cheryl went to dye her hair black again cos toy called her a golden monkey. and i can't wait to meet toy in school for stupid mep. she's gna lend me i'm not scared, (: elephant and raising victor. i've so many movies to watch this holiday. i'm not even done with white oleander i wanna watch it for the third time. shall watch the reason tmr too. toy says its really profound. she spent one night thinking about it. coolness.
my cousins came back from italy today and they showed us all the picutres they took. i could only recognise a few of them taken in rome! i wanna go back there again! they went to many other places too, austria and all. and my uncle was complaining about the food. something about one mouth of coffee costing him 25 euros which is ard 50 sing! their toilets had no water and my cousins had rashes after swimming there cos the water was just too dirty. they told me about the porn channels too and i didn't dare say that i actually watched quite abit of it :/ hahaha but it was fun.
i don't know why but my dad brought us to little india today for some weird indian dinner. everyone there were using their hands to eat! but that guy was nice to offer us fork and spoons. we were the only chinese around too and i think those indians think that we're tourists. we drove through geylang before that to look for food too but i didn't like it there. it was too sleazy and congested.
gna go to bed soon. i'll need some sleep cos there's church tmr and we're gna have lunch at ming's place and then proceed to the bird park to look at the new bird stuff (: yay. haven't been there since last june.? my mom used to bring me there nearly every week last time cos she wanted to use up her free entry passes before they expire. and i hope tmr will be fun cos there isn't piano lessons only for this week :D

yien 12:36


hahah hello! :D i realised i blog here only after hanbin had blogged mine (cos thats when i remember :D)or when she asks me to. haha. argh i hate the holidays cos it makes me really bored but at the same time i dont have time for anyth! how contradicting haha. oh and i got into my first choice! haha chem phys and hist. :) im glad. VERY. ohwell better go now byebye! take care the both of you and hanbin blog more, yien signmygbk! :D thanks.

jiaming 1021



haha see! i'm so nice i coloured the font pink and wrote in caps for you :) haha can't wait for the 11th and the 12th!! :D hanbin loves lirong! but lirong loves hanbin more.. right? :D take care loads!

hanbin 1031


haha yay i'm finally online!! haven't been on for AGES. went genting from friday to sunday and i celebrated my birthday yesterday!! :D haha thanks everyone for their presents and birthday wishes!!

my 15th birthday is so far one of the best ever. maybe even the best? haha! i'm so gonna make good use of my birthday week. i'm a happy person! :D

and happy belated birthday louisa! real sorry i forgot about your birthday i thought it was on the tenth! oops. and you are most welcome to get me another present. X) take care and see you soon!

hanbin 2109