I am, Lisa Andrews, founder and lead investigator of "LOWCOUNTRY PARANORMAL INVESTIGATORS™".
My group is looking forward to GREAT happenings in the near future!!! Please continue to check in at this website or my MySpace site as the times they are a changing and being updated as new outings are scheduled! I am at the MySpace site more and am easily reached via that website.

We are people of all ages who enjoy paranormal investigating. Although I live for ghost hunting, my investigations are not scientific~I take paranormal investigating very seriously but I do not currently use all types of expensive equipment because it is not affordable. I merely use a Mavica digital camera, a Sony digital recorder and a Raytek Raynger ST thermal scanner (which looks to be very similar to what other ghost hunters use).

I am also trying to get away from orb shots as over the years I have learned that orbs can be just about anything but spirits floating around in the air. I am not dismissing ALL orb photos but would rather like to concentrate on ectoplasm or vortex photographs and EVPs instead.

I'm also not into seances as my belief is when it states: Rest in peace that means for eternity - if a spirit wants to contact the living that's different. I just don't believe in the living trying to contact the deceased first - if they've got a point to get across to the living, trust me, they have ways of contacting us!

A quick lesson on paranormal photographs. There are 3 types of photos:

1. ORB - this is what appears to be a droplet(s) on the photo. An orb is characterized as an energy form or "spirit".
2. ECTOPLASM - this is what appears to be a smoky or misty film. When taking photos always make sure there are no smokers near, nor when the weather is cooler that one doesn't exhale at the time the photo is taken.
3. VORTEX - this is what appears to be a streak of light or lightning through a photograph.

There's never a dull moment in paranormal investigating!

CLICK HERE: DUST PARTICLES OR ORBS?? for an explanation between taking actual "ghost"/orb photos and taking a photo of dust particles in the air.
Please understand that I am not saying that all orb photos aren't photos of spirits, it's just that there are a lot of things floating around in the air that one needs to take into consideration first.
I prefer to look at it as Jason Hawes, from TAPS, would - - let's rule out everything that it could be before we state what it is (meaning possibly something paranormal)!

Lowcountry Paranormal Investigators™, I'm happy to announce, is mentioned in "Best Ghost Tales of South Carolina" by Terrance Zepke.

The following is the beginning of many exciting photos to come!

This is the very first orb photo I took. It was taken with a disposable camera at Appomattox back in March of '99.

It is of Appomattox Court House.
These next 6 photos come to me from Joanne Davis of Delaware after her trip to Charleston.
The photos were taken April 28, 2004 around 10:30 PM:

Taken in the Circular Church Cemetery
Second Circular Church photo

These two photos were taken outside of the Dock Street Theatre. Not quite sure what they may be but if you have any ideas, please feel free to clue me in:
Dock Street Theatre
Dock Street Theatre II

This photo was taken of what could be a gentleman ghost

Thanks to Chris D. for the ectoplasm photo from Bonnie Doone Plantation, located between Charleston and Walterboro, S.C.
Bonnie Doone

The Battery - Charleston, S.C.
Dust particles or spirit orbs?? You decide.

These 3 photos were taken as a friend of mine played back the reenactment from earlier that day on his camcorder. The reenactors had stopped right in front of us so he was able to capture vividly the sounds of the officers shouting commands and also the bugle calls. Well, to my surprise as he was watching that I was taking these photos! My theory is these soldiers heard those commands and calls and were actually responding to them!! When he stopped the camcorder the orbs disappeared!! YOU TELL ME?
I asked "my boys" if they wanted to pose for a photo with me and in this pic you will see one near my left arm and another to the right side of my head. If you look closely you can also see 3 small orbs on my skirt. I never seem to have a problem getting them to pose with me.

The following photos were taken at Gettysburg Oct. 26-31 2000

With Ron & Barb Ogburn, of the former Ghosts of Adams County, we ventured out to Iverson's Pits early one evening. Although the others seemed to not be picking anything up at first, I was having great luck!
Later on, as Ron had his night vision camcorder rolling, he stated that it seemed as if "my boys" were following me around because he mentioned that as I strolled about he could see the orbs around me through his camcorder.

The first of October saw the opening of a new outlet mall near Gettysburg (Baltimore Pike & US 15). If one drives to the rear of the mall he will find a fenced in depression (similiar to a sink hole)containing a few goats and a llama. We were informed that this was an Indian burial ground that was discovered as the mall was being constructed. Instead of paving or building over it, it was merely fenced in and left undisturbed. Saturday, Oct. 28th, we decided to check it out and see if we could pick up anything.
This is what we got!

Several of us noticed that the orbs seemed to be centered around or over these animals. Could it be their own animal spirit guide? The animals were not phased by any of this.

The following photos were taken at the back of Reynold's Woods
Gettysburg, PA - July 9, 2001
Reynold's Woods
Nothing, right? This photo was snapped and not 10 seconds later I took the following photo.
I was just roaming around, snapping photos and not paying too much attention to anything. I then said outloud, "I guess no one wants me to take their photo tonight?" I subconsciously started whistling period tunes ("The Campbell's Are Coming", I think it was) and took a photo only to find this. . . .
Reynold's Woods II
My first instinct was to take off running back to my car. Then I thought, "Wait, these are my boys. I enjoy coming up here and being with them. They wouldn't want me to be afraid, besides I did just ask them if they wanted me to take their photo. So I took a deep breath, laughed off the scary feeling and took more photos.
Reynold's Woods III

The following 5 photos were taken in Statesboro, Georgia - November 10, 2001
This is the Holland House.
I've loved this home since I first saw it back in 1999. I'm so glad to see the city decided not to tear this beautiful home down.

These 3 photos do not have any ghostly orbs in them but I thought they were spooky enough to be seen. This is a house (if it is still standing, which I doubt it is) in Cordele, GA. Back in the 1940's or 1950's a young man murdered about 4-5 of his family members in this home. When these photos were taken back in May of 1999 it looked as though some work had been done on the home but had, for some unknown reason, abruptly stopped! Perhaps the individuals working on the home ran out of money or maybe "someone" ran them off???
*** Jan. 2, 2004 - I heard from someone who stated that this has been torn down. ***
I walked up to the back door of the home, which had no stairs going to it but was opened a bit, hoping to maybe step inside for a quick look around. "Something" told me I didn't need to go inside. It wasn't a bad or demonic feeling but rather a feeling that "someone" was looking out for my well-being.


The Original

The Atlantic Paranormal Society catch "Ghost Hunters" Wednesday nights at 9PM on the SciFi Channel!!!

TOUR CHARLESTON - Walking tours of Charleston, SC. Learn about the "other" historic side of Charleston.

Ghost Research Society - THIS SITE IS FANTASTIC!!

Paranormal Investigative Group of New England (PIG-NE)

George Noory's COAST TO COAST

Want to know where someone famous is interred? Looking for a long lost ancestor's final resting place? Want to pay respects to someone who was interred many miles away? Try Find A Grave!


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Ghostly entities since October 23, 2000

"...first my God, second my country, third my mother. Oh my country, how my heart bleeds for your welfare. If this poor life of mine could save you, how willingly would I make the sacrifice."
But the belief of every soldier
- North or South -
May God bless you all and may the living remember you always

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