Episodes (DBZ) in Canada
Episode And Summary

"1st Episode"
A farmer is working when sddenly he sees a space ship land. He goes to check it out and sees the steel pod. He immerges and says "People are still alive? Kakorott has failed." He checks the power level of the farmer- 5. He senses a higher power level and takes off in search of Kakorott. Next we see a lady (ugly) yelling for Gohan. Then we see a strong man chop down a tree with his hands, his name is Goku. He lifts the huge tree with his bare hands. The lady, ChiChi, tells him to take Flying Nimbus to find Gohan. Meanwhile a green alien thing senses a power, he knows it's not Goku and finally it lands. He asks if he knows where Kakorott is. Power level- 322, the alien says to the green alien. The green alien blasts at the other alien, but it doesn't even scratch him. The alien is about to blast at the green alien when he senses another power level. He says it must be Kakorott. Meanwhile Goku is flying around looking for Gohan. He finds Gohan on a tree limb clinging on for his life. Somewhere else Bulma arrives at the Kame House, and the old man compliments her. A bald headed guy asks Bulma about Yamcha and she says that he is playing por baseball. Bulma asks where Goku is and the bald headed guy says he should be there soon. Goku arrives holding Gohan in his hands. They ask who the kid is and he says that he is his son Gohan. Gohan says he is 5 and a half Bulma asks him what he wants to be and he says an orthopeidist. Bulma notices the tail and they ask if Gohan has ever looked at the full moon. Goku says no and asks why. They just brush it off and they watch Gohan play with the crab. Goku and Gohan are collecting Dragon Balls so Gohan can see the dragon. Goku feels a power coming closer and they see something in the sky. The alien lands and says "We meet again, at last." and they all look confused. He says that Goku's grown up but instead of saying Goku he calls him Kakorott. He tells Kakorott/Goku that he was supposed to take over the world. Krylin gets flung by the alien. Goku notices his tail. The alien asks if Goku has ever gotten a blow to the head. The alien says that Goku has forgot. The old man tells Goku the story of how Goku's grandfather Gohan found Goku in a space pod. The alien tells Goku that he is a Saiyan from Planet Vegita. The alien says his name is Radditz and is his brother. Radditz explains the missions of the Saiyans and how they work. Kakorott was supposed to destroy all Earthlings and they all get pissed off at Radditz. Radditz asks him about his tail and Goku tells him his tail was removed. Then Radditz says he can never transform and he is a weakling. They tell Radditz off. Radditz says that Vegeta was destroyed and only 4 Saiyans are left and now they need his help. Radditz tries to bargain with Goku and Goku denies. Radditz sees Gohan's tail and says he will take Goku's son if Goku doesn't join him. Radditz kicks Goku and sends him flying. Gohan runs towards his father and Radditz grabs Gohan. He says if Goku wants Gohan he has to join him.

"Goku's Unusual Journey"
Goku ConfusedGoku holds onto Radditz as Piccolo shoots the Beam Canon through the two of them. Sending them both to the next dimension. Piccolo explains about the Dragon Balls and how they'll get Goku back. In a year more Saiyans will arrive who are much stronger than Radditz. Bulma, Krylin and Master Roshi arrive and find Piccolo standing beside two corpses. Vegeta, and Nappa, Saiyans who are eating dead bodies of some grashopper aliens think about the Dragon Balls and what a good idea it is. They could be immortal! Goku tells them to take care of Gohan and dies. Krylin screams loudly and they start to cry. His body disappears, Piccolo says the Kami, the guardian of the Earth, has taken him. "Well come" the sign says, and you see Goku standing with Kami in front of King Yamma. Goku says to Yamma that he must be incredibly strong, Goku says that he would rather train with Yamma. Kami says that King Kai is stronger and Yamma gets a little ticked. Goku is sent outside and Yamma tells Goku that if he falls off Snake Way he'll never be able to come back. Bulma and Krylin argue over who has to tell Chi Chi the news about Goku. Bulma tries to fix the scouter. They look around to see Piccolo screaming, but it was just to grow back his arm. Piccolo asks if Goku's son can come with him for training. Piccolo explains, and then says now he's going to train him, he's not asking. Gohan is taken by Piccolo and they will see Gohan in one year. Goku is being driven to King Kai's place in a little car and is talking to the blue devil about what King Kai is like. Master Roshi says that Krylin has to tell ChiChi about her son. The blue devil opens the car and lets Goku out, Goku looks out and asks how long it is. 10,000 miles the devil replies. Gohan begins to cry, and Piccolo asks him if he remembers his power. Piccolo grabs Gohan by the head and flings him towards a rock. Gohan screams and blows the mountain up. Piccolo explains what happened to his dad and who the guy was.

"Gohan's Metamorphosis"
Piccolo takes Gohan to a deserted wasteland to train him to utilize his incredible power. Gohan is left alone to survive for six months, while Piccolo watches over him from afar. On the night of the first full moon, Piccolo witnesses and incredible scene as Gohan becomes a gigantic ape (Oozaru).

"Gohan Makes A Friend"
Gohan gradually gets used to living in the wasteland, even though he misses his parents. One day, he helps an injured dinosaur and the two become friends. Later, Gohan's new friend is attacked by another evil dinosaur! He can't help the poor dinasour and it is eaten by the Tyranasauros-Rex.

"Trouble On Arlia"
The evil Saiyan warriors, Vegeta and Nappa, are getting closer to earth, the two warriors decide to stop by Planet Arlia to have some fun. They easily destroy the guards and are escorted to the king. The king sends ou a huge thing and Nappa easily destroys it and the king. A butterfly-type-creature runs out and tells the two Saiyans that they have saved Arlia from slavery. The two Saiyans leave the planet and the butterfly and the old king are reunited as Vegeta blows up the planet.

"Home For Infinite Losers"
hellGoku hitches a ride on tractor only to fall asleep and fall off of Snake Way. He lands in HFIL (or Hell if you are a lucky Asian) to meet two orges, a red orge and a blue one. The blue one tells him he cannot he King Yamma's special fruit that would drastically increase his power. The blue devil challenges Goku to a race and says that if Goku wins he will help him out of HFIL. Goku wins the race and the red orge shows Goku his invention, a teetortotter type thing, he tells Goku to stand on the end and jumps off an enormous cliff onto the other side. Goku flies up but smashes his head on the bottom of Snake Way. After some time Goku is shown the way out, he grabs one of King Yamma's fruit and speeds away. He ends up in King Yamma's drawer right where he started off! He easily makes it back to where he was before he fell off with his new power!

"Princess Snake's Hospitality"
A selected groups of warriors have gathered at the top of Korin Tower. There they will undergo the special training that will prepare them for the Saiyans. Meanwhile, Goku is on his journey to King Kai. He thinks he has reached the end of Snake Way and enters the house. He then meets Princess Snake who he thinks is King Kai. They begin to dance when Goku gets an idea, maybe this a test to see if he is worthy of training! He flips Princess Snake onto her back and she asks what he thinks he is doing. He explains that he thought she was King Kai. She tells him that she is Princess Snake and that he must stay for a meal. He agrees but says he will leave after the meal. Princess Snake wishes for him to stay forever and gets one of her servents to put sleeping powder in his soup. It doesn't bother him at all and he is about to leave when Princess Snake says he should have something to drink, he reluctantly agrees and the servant puts enough sleeping powder in to knock out an elephant. Goku then falls asleep and dreams of his family he then awakens to see Princess Snake's angry face. He then notices something strange, that the walls are moving. Princess Snake then transforms into the snake that she is and reveales to Goku that he is in her stomach. He zooms out and is almost eaten but luckily is spared. He then continues on his way to reach King Kai.

"Escape From Piccolo"
Gohan misses home very much. One day, he escapes the wilderness, but his handmade boat is wrecked in a storm. Gohan is saved by orphan children on an island and learns of their plans to resist the social workers. He makes some new friends and helps them escape the social workers the first time. He wonders if it is really the right think and talks to their leader and he too thinks that maybe they aren't doing the right thing. The leader lets all the orphans get captured by the social workers and steals one of their cars. He takes Gohan with him and explains what he has done. When Gohan almost reaches home, Piccolo reminds him of his mission: to save earth!

"Showdown in the past"
Krylin, Yamcha, Chaozu, and Tein go back to the past to fight Saiyan Warriors. They are transported to Old Vegeta and find a bunch of Saiyan skeletons. Then they run into two Saiyan wariors and begin to fight. The Saiyans easily defeat them because there total power level is 1510. After they are defeated they are transported back to Kami to find their results.

"The End Of Snake Way."
Goku finnaly reaches the end of Snake Way and finnaly meets King Kai! Meanwhile Goku's ship projects a full moon to get Gohan to destroy the world! "Wake up Kakarott, Destory all life forms." The ship says. And right before Gohan destroys Piccolo he spots the projector and blows it to bits! The Earth is saved!

"The Legend of The Saiyans" Summary:
King Kai tells Goku about the Saiyans past:
"The Saiyans lived on the planet Plant with the Tuffles. The Tuffles were extremely intelligant and lived in heavily populated cities the were similar to Earths'. The Saiyans were a primitive race who lived to fight. There were very few Saiyans so the Tuffles didn't think they would attack. But then war broke out! The Tuffles used their intelligance to hold them off. But them something happened that only happened every 8 years on Plant, a full moon. They transformed into hideous beasts and destroyed the Tuffles and renamed the planet "Old Vegeta" for their king."

"A Dark Day For Planet Earth."
Goku finishes his training with King Kai and masters the Spirit Bomb. He is wished back to Earth but will arrive 1 day after the Saiyans arrive! Krylin, Piccolo, Gohan, Tein, Chaozu and Yamcha must defend the Earth from Nappa and Vegeta! When they arrive Nappa blows up a city that I'm guessing, was pretty heavily populated! And Vegeta scolds him for his stupidity because a Dragon Ball could've been in that city!

"The Battle Begins, Goku Where Are You?"
The battle begins, the six warriors face off against Nappa and Vegeta. Vegeta proposes a little game, the warriors face off against Nappa's Saibamen. Krylin tells them to agree to the game so that they can buy some time for Goku to arrive. They agree and Nappa pulls out a little jar with 6 seeds in them. He puts the seeds along with some green slimey stuff on the ground and they grow into little green/yellow men. The little men all have the power level of Radditz and Vegeta and Nappa think the Z Squad will be whipped!

"The Saibamen Strike"
Tein faces off first. Tein kicks his ass but.. the Saibaman is still alive! He's about to strike Tein when Vegeta kills him. Next off is Yamcha. Yamcha kicks the next Saibaman's @ss and claims he can take on the next four! But then the Saibaman comes back and grabs Yamcha. Yamcha tries to break free but the Saibaman self-destructs! Yamcha is dead! Buoir and Bulma start bawling their eyes out and Buoir faints but looks like he died. Krylin gets SOOO upset and blows up the next 4 Saibamen! One survives by ducking into a cave and attacks Gohan. Piccalo throws him into the air and blows him up. Nappa is surprised but then decides it's his turn to have fun!
"Tien Goes All Out"
Today's Episode was about Tien fighting Nappa and trying to get revenge for Chaozu's death. He gives it his all, but it in the end loses his life. Nappa and Vegeta call a time out against the 3 remaining to wait for Goku. During the 3 hour break Nappa blows up some reporters and then faced off against the Navy. Goku finnaly arives on Earth.

"Time's Up"
When the three hour truce ends Goku has not arrived, so Nappa resumes his devastating attack. Gohan finally stood up for himself a little.. Goku arrived on Earth and is heading to the fight with a power level of 5,000! Nappa and Vegeta are definintly surprised because Goku's powerlevel was only around 150 before! Vegeta orders Nappa to finish off the remaining three warriors before Goku arrives! Piccalo is injured a bit by Nappa since he was hit in the stomach and Gohan landed on his butt after dodging (by this - much) a blast from Nappa.

"The Return of Goku"
While Piccalo, Krylin, and Gohan are waiting for Goku.. Gohan and Nappa face off. Gohan kicks Nappa in the head and Nappa goes flying. Inraged Nappa throws a ball of energy that heads straight for Gohan. "The time has come" Kami says. And Kami plants images of little Gohan in his head. Piccalo is deeply affected by these images and in love for Gohan runs in front of the energy. Piccalo is still standing after the dust settles. "It's okay kid, it's no sweat" Piccalo says, and falls over. "promise me you'll wish me back, ok?" and he fades into nothingness. Meanwhile Kami tells Popo of the Namek Dragon Balls and fades into nothingness too. "Kame-San!!!" Popo screams until Kami disapears. Gohan is enraged! His power level rises.. over 2000 over 3000 and he shoots. But.. He misses!!! Goku arives and gives half the bean to Krylin and half to Gohan. ....

"Goku Strikes Back"
Goku powers up to prepare for battle. His power level: Over 8,000.. over 9,000!!!! Enraged Vegeta breaks the scanner. Nappa is enraged too! Goku's beating Nappa up and dodging everyone of his attacks! "How can this be?" asks Nappa, "I'm a Saiyan Elite and you are just a 3rd class Saiyan!" Vegeta is enraged because Nappa hasn't landed a single punch! Nappa is extremely hurt by Goku and he's lying on the ground and begging for Vegeta's help..... Vegeta's says "sure" and flings him up in the air and fires at him. "Maybe you won't be as weak in the next dimension."

"Goku vs Vegeta: A Saiyan Duel"
Goku and Vegeta face off. Goku tells Krylin and Gohan to hed back home so that Vegeta can't use them against him. They reluctantly leave. Goku and Vegeta power up. It's pretty even in the begining. Once Goku gets to x2 and x3 it's relavent that Vegeta's getting his butt kicked. "This one's for Piccalo" Goku says as he nails Vegeta. Vegeta is stunned. "If I can't destroy you, I will destroy this planet." Vegeta uses his Galat Gun but Goku uses the Kaiokhen attack plus Kamehameiha and over powers Vegeta. Yajirobi comes out from hiding and claims he's been cheering Goku on the whole time. Goku tells Yajirobi that Vegeta'll be back and Yajirobi runs away again. Vegeta appears and tells Goku that his father was a great scientist who invented this.. and he makes a big white ball of power equal to the moon. He begins to transform..

"Vegeta: Saiyan Style"
Goku forming a spirit bombVegeata transforms into the oozaru or 'the monster' in the dubbed version.. Goku rembers hearing from his grandfather (Gohan) about an evil monster who comes out in the full moon. He then remembers a monster destroying the city and stepping on his grandfather. Little does he know that that was him/ He gets very upset for he thinks that Vegeta did it! Vegeta then begins to beat Goku up, proving that he is much stronger and faster in this form. Goku then uses Tein's Solar Beam to blind Vegeta. Goku gets far enough away and forms a spirit bomb. But before Goku throws the bomb Vegeta attacks!!! Goku's energy is almost totally gone! Gohan and Krylin notice the light and then return towards where Goku and Vegeta where batteling. When Gohan And Kryllin arrive then find Yajirobe. They form a plan to distract Vegeta and then chop off his tail. But while they begin their plan Yajirobi opens a capsule and drives away on his car leaving the three alone...

"Stop Vegeta Now"
Kryllin and Gohan cannot distract Vegeta and it seems that they are going to be destroyed, and that Goku would be crushed by Vegeta. Untill Yajirobi appears and cuts off Vegeta's tail! "you fools you don't know what you've done!" He says and changes back into his regular form. You can tell his energy is lowering for he sounds exhausted. Vegeta doesn't quit though. He immediatly goes after Gohan and Krylin tries to stop Vegeta but is only kicked aside. "Well, well, well, Kakarott's son, the little Super Saiyan." and throws Gohan to his father's side. Goku gives Gohan some encouraging words and begs him to try. Before father and son can touch Vegeta smacks Goku in the stomach. Gohan who is now pepped up chalenges Vegeta and gives him a nice shot. Vegeta counterattacks but doesn't pay attention to what's happening on the ground. Goku gives his last energy (from the Spirit Bomb) and tells Kryllin this is Earth's last hope. Gohan tries some attacks on him but is enable to land anything. King Kai helps Krylin understand how to use the spirit bomb through telekenisis. Vegeta starts his attack and almost hits Gohan, finally an attack comes close to Gohan and he is thrust against a rock. Krylin throws the spirit bomb, but.. VEGETA SENSES IT AND JUMPS!!!!!! The Spirit Bomb is now heading for Gohan but Goku tells Gohan that if his heart is without evil he can bounce it back! Gohan sucessfully bounces it back and it hits Vegeta!!!!! Vegeta is thrust into the sky! King Kai and Krylin are the 1st to jump for joy. Gohan and Goku are extremely happy too but cannot move for they are to weakened. Is that the end of Vegeta????

"The Battle Ends"
Bulma offers to take the whole gang to the island where Goku, Gohan and Krylin are. Korin arrives and goes with them. Krylin, Goku and Gohan are talking about the victory when a messed up Vegeta falls in front of them. "Now earth won't have to look at his ugly face any more." "Who's face is ugly!!!??!!" Vegeta says and awakens. He kicks Krylin aside and tells them of his plans for Earth's destruction. Vegeta tells them that he has used up almost all of his energy. Vegeta throws a big blast that blows up the ground around him. Gohan is flung to a far rock. Vegeta walks over to his body and notices something.. HE HAS A TAIL!!!! He then looks up at the ball of energy that he placed in the sky. Before Vegeta can pull out Gohan's tail Yajirobi sneaks up and cuts through Vegeta's armor on his blind side. Vegeta throws Yajirobi to the floor. Gohan has enough time to transform. Goku instructs Gohan to destroy Vegeta. Gohan doesn't do any major dammage to Vegeta and Vegeta manages to cut off Gohan's tail! Gohan manages to land on Vegeta which pretty much takes Vegeta's last energy to signal his space pod to come to his rescue. Krylin is about to destroy Vegeta when Goku tells him not to sink down to his level. Krylin is forced to let Vegeta return back to his home planet. Is that the last of Vegeta??

"A New Goal: Namek"
Goku, Gohan and Krylin are taken to the hospital by Bulma, ChiChi, Master Roshi and Corin. On the way there Krylin mentions that Vegita said the Piccolo came from Namek and that their are more Dragon Balls on Namek. They then decide to take Nappa's Space Pod to Namek with the control that Vegeta used. Meanwhile Nappa's Space Pod is being taken to the lab and Goku, Gohan and Krylin are sent to the hospital.
Krylin and Gohan escape with minor injuries and Goku is stuck in some crazy contraption and will have to be there for a while. Bulma then tries to control the pod but ends up blowing it up instead!!!! Mr. Popo then appears at the window and Bulma and some guy in the hospital pass out. Bulma then has to go with Mr. Popo onto his flying magic carpet at least 20 stories above ground. They appear in some cold deserted place- Yunzabit Heights. After climbing some rocks they find a spaceship. Kami tells Mr. Popo the story of his youth as a lonely boy and his spaceship looked like a bug. He said to open it you say a picculiar word "PICCALO". And the door opens. Piccalo means another world in Namek. "BRICKALOV" and they Space Ship blasts off.. to where..? STAY TUNED!!
Namek's Coordedance: 9045XY or SW66
Namek's Population: 100
Light Years to Namek From Earth: 4,319

"Journey To Namek"
Mr.Popo and Bulma arrive at the hospital and inform the gang of their discovery. After the space ship gets fixed up and they are all packed. And Chichi has made a fuss and brought Gohan all of his things and his hair is geled and he's all fancy-shmancy. They take off at about 22 Gs. And Gohan's stuff explodes all over the place. And Krylin with his KAMESAEN KULILIN hat. (So does that mean his name is Kulilin?) Goku keeps trying to work out but the doctor yells @ him. Gohan and Kulilin fight in their little spirit thing way and Gohan wins. Kulilin tells Gohan that if he keeps that up he'll be as good as Piccalo. Vegeta is mean while still heading back to recover. Their ship suddenly is under attack by some space guys and then Bulma blows half of them out of the sky. They then approach a ship that has a mirror covering on it. They then begin exploring the ship and stumble upon a dining room with lots of food in it. Bulma picks up the cutlery and a knife comes flying at her. Luckily it misses but a big dome colapses on her. Then she is threatened by little people with a bunch of guns.
Now for some Namek phrases!!!
Buckla ato: Sleepy Time
Seata belta: Toilet

"Friends or Foes?"
Bulma is being head captive by little men. Kurlilin and Gohan are surronded and about to be shot when the ship is in the middle of an astreiod field. Zeshin, the leader, thinks that they are part of Freeza's army until they stay to help them repair their ship! Risking their lives and batteling fire, Gohan and Kurlilin help out and Gohan saves the life of a little girl in the process. Zeshin is the only one who believes that they are not evil and convinces everyone else that they are good. They then are allowed to leave the ship and remain on their journey. Meanwhile Vegeta's space pod coming towards their planet but they wonder "Where's Nappa?" Then they also wonder why he's not getting up and why he's on the rejuvenator. Back to Bulma, Kulilin and Gohan- land on the planet that they THINK is Namek. There ship falls off the cliff and they are knocked unconcious. When they awake they see two Namekians. They then say hello by grabbing eachothers nose. They then eat lunch, inspect their messed up ship, and then locate 3 dragon balls! One of the Namek's take them to a river and they sucessfully find 1 dragon ball. Meanwhile both Goku and Vegeta are on the road to recovery. Bulma than discoveres another 'dragon ball' in the mouth of a monster's skeleton.

"Hunt For A Dragon Ball"
Zacro, Bulma, Gohan and Krilin continue their search for the dragon balls. Their search takes them to an acid river, where a dinasour who had recently eaten a dragon ball has fallen into. Gohan must where a suit made of uranium (or some suc material) and dive into the acid river.. he has 10 seconds before the suit disentagrates! He dives in and before he can reach the dragon ball the rope that ties Gohan to the ship snaps! He reaches the Dragon Ball and tries to swim for the surface! He uses his KAMEHAMEHA at the last second and blasts his way up to the surface! The next Dragon Ball takes them to a feirce tornado. The tornado is heading towards Bulma and Zacro and almost reaches them when Gohan jumps in, grabs the Dragon Ball and KAMEHAMEHA's his way out! The next dragon ball is located in an open field.. peice of cake right? Not when the field turns out to be several giant birds who are hungry for our heroes! The birds take off with the Z heroes on their backs, they are almost eaten 5x!!! They jump off of the birds' backs and land on a giant castle. Inside is a giant sleeping on his side with his pet snake slithering over him. The Dragonradar begins to beep and they begin to look all over for it. Bulma goes to check beside the giant and he rolls over in his sleep. Bulma notices that on his earring is a DRAGON BALL! Zacro, Gohan and Krilin begin to pull the dragon ball off the earring. But the giant wakes up and chases them, but Bulma rescues them on a toy plane. Meanwhile Vegeta and Goku have both recovered, and are ready to see if they are up to batteling soon....

"Who's Who?!"
Bulma Krulilin and Gohan find another Dragon Ball in some ice and slowly blast it out. The cave that they are in starts caving in and they jump on a peice of ice towards the end of the cave. But, oh no!! A huge boulder starts rolling behind them and is slowly catching up. Meanwhile Vegeta recalls what had happened on Earth and is told by the doctor that he almost died and would have if he wasn't wearing his armor. Goku tries to recover but discovers that he is not ready to battle or leave Earth yet. Back on "NAMEK" our heroes are being chased by the big ice boulder but Gohan and Kurlilin have an idea. They blast the ceiling and some icecicles fall but the boulder keeps going and gets spikey. The heroes then plummet into a deep pit. They survive by landing on an edge. They then go to look for the last Dragon Ball. They walk towards the forest where the last Dragon Ball is located but they notice something strange! It's the same path that took them to the acid swamp. Then Kurlilin picks up a Dragon Ball that they already have and studies it. Then they see a lake but it's not an acid river, it's a nice lake with a building in the middle. The Dragon Ball is in the building and Kurlilin chickens out, but Bulma says she wants to wish her dreamboat Yamcha back and that he'll be so happy to see her. So they continue towards the building, Gohan gets all happy because he wants to wish Piccalo back. But something strange happens! Gohan is being held up in the air by some invisible force and Bulma is being held captive by Zacro and Rayti! Meanwhile on Earth Master Roshi and Chi Chi find Goku sprawled on the ground. Meanwhile Vegeta gets annoyed by some purple dude and the purple dude tells Vegeta that Freeza is indestructible and that Vegeta is on Namek collecting the Dragon Balls. Vegeta is enraged and runs to his space pod and heds off to Namek. Back on "NAMEK" Zacro and Rayti turn back into their real selves. The ugly purple and red things that they are! The ground begins to shake everything on Namek is brought closer and into the field. They tell them that this has all been an illusion and then the Dragon Balls are turned back into the stones that they were. And the invisible thing that was holding Gohan turns out to be meat-eating swamp monsters!!!

"Touchdown on Namek"
Our heroes are trapped except for Bulma and Zacro and Rayti explain that they crashed down on this planet years ago. They thought they'd be stuck there forever but when the Z fighters crashed they peeked into their thoughts and found out how to opperate their ship. They tell Bulma that they have been waiting for the Stellar Winds so that they can escape this planet. Zacro and Rayti arrive at the ship and scream "Pickled covered cheese burgers!" and the door doesn't open! They don't know what the commands are! Meanwhile Kulilin and Gohan are being sucked down by meat eating swamp monsters. Gohan blasts his way over to Kulilin and they use there powers to cause a whirlwind and all the swamp monsters are swept down and they escape. Bulma is forced to open the door for Zacro and Rayti they are about to escape but Kulilin screams "Piccalo" and they come down again. They push them off and Bulma, Kulilin and Gohan escape and travel through space and arrive on Namek. Meanwhile Goku keeps trying to evade ChiChi (hehe) and the doctors so that he can leave the hospital. But he gets caught again and is forced to stay. Back on Namek- Kurlilin and Gohan go outside and start exploring. But they sense a strong power level and see a Saiyan space pod arrive on Namek. They start to panic and say that they need Goku to come and help them. They call Master Roshi and tell them that they need Goku. Kulilin and Gohan start spazing and look up to see another space pod! Bulma starts whining as usual. Meanwhile on the other side of Namek some of Freeza's workers collect another Dragon Ball for him. Vegeta is looking across Namek and saying "Soon Freeza, soon."

"Faceoff on Namek"
Kulilin, Gohan and Bulma are busy worrying about Vegeta. They then are faced by two ugly goons who are easily defeated by Gohan and Kulilin. Meanwhile Vegeta devises a plan to get at least one Dragon Ball so he has a chance against Freeza. Freeza has 4 Dragon Balls now, and while they are locating the next one they sense Vegeta's power level. They check it, over 22,000!!! Then everyone's scouter breaks except one guy's who's scouter senses his power is 24,000!! Vegeta also kills one of Freeza's henchman, and shows off his new tricks that he learnt on earth, like hiding his power level, not running as the henchman remarked. =)

"The Ruthless Freeza"
Gokuh's ShipGohan Kulilin and Bulma notice that Freeza knows exactly where the Dragon Balls are and are on their way to another one. They decide to leave Bulma with the ship and to sneak around by keeping their power level down. Meanwhile Goku asks when he'll be able to start to train again. The doctor says he has to wait a while. Master Roshi tells Goku about the dragon balls and that there is someone stronger than Vegeta there. Yajirobi comes with a bag of senzu beans from Korrin and Goku starts doing flips. He throws off his pjs and changes. He also informs them that they are modifying his space pod so he can get to Namek. Goku calls for Nimbus and flies off. Yajirobi and Roshi are talking about Goku's Saiyan blood and his love for fighting. Back on Namek Kulilin and Gohan finally meet the Nameks. And Freeza's henchman are pushing around a whole village. Kulilin finnaly figures out the Freeza is the head of the Planet Trade. He asks the village where the Dragon Ball is. Goku arrives at Bulma's house and sees Bulma's mom who is dancing around her yard and watering her flowers. She informs Goku that the space ship isn't ready. Dr.Briefs tells Goku that he worked very hard on the pod and did everything Goku asked for. Including a gravity machine, bathroom, kitchen and it can fly. Dr. Briefs tells him it's not ready because he hasn't finished because he hasn't installed a cappachino maker yet! He also says he'll be there in 6 days. Goku blasts off right away causing much commotion in the city. He blasts off is launched into space. He is training in 20x Earth's gravity as King Kai instructed and is on his way to Namek.

"Escape From Dodoria"
At a Namek village Freeza calls Dodoria to get the Dragon Ball from the elder. The elder is killed, and Dodoria spots a little Namek shaking in the corner. Dodoria is about to kill him when Gohan's agression gets the best of him and he attacks. He kicks Dodoria into a wall, Kulilin grabs the Namek and they take off. Freeza sends Dodoria out to pursuit the heroes. Dodoria is catching up to them when Kulilin uses Solar Flare to blind Dodoria. It gives them enough time to hide.. but Dodoria spots them and blows up a huge mass of land where they are hidden. He doesn't notice that the 3 of them have safely dodged the attack and are behind them and Dodoria flys off in satisfaction.

"Secrets Revealed"
Dodoria is on his way back to the Namek Base Camp when Vegeta knocks him out of the sky. Dodoria looks up and sees Vegeta with his scouter. Dodoria says if Vegeta gives him the scouter than Dodoria won't kill him. Vegeta crushes the scouter under his foot and said he learnt a new trick from the earthlings... Dodoria responds "What? How to run away?" Vegeta replies that he's learnt how to sense power levels. Then Vegeta asks if Dodoria remembers what his power level is from before the scouter broke. Dodoria remembers and is starting to become scared. Dodoria makes him a deal, Vegeta won't harm him if he tells him a secret about his home planet. Vegeta agrees. Dodoria tells him the Freeza blew up his home planet because he was afraid they'd overthrow him. He did it when Vegeta was away because he admired Vegeta. Vegeta is a little shocked but then tells Dodoria a little secret, "I don't make promises." Dodoria says something about 2 earhtling runts and Vegeta finds that impossible that they could be here. Vegeta sends Dodoria to the next dimension and goes on to find the Earthlings. He thinks he senses them but then senses Zarbon's powerlevel and goes off insearch of him. We also learn the little Namek's name is Dende.

"A Collision Course"
Gokuh's TrainingGokuh's (Yes the answer to our question, his name is spelt GOKUH it's on his space suit) ship tears from a meteor and Gokuh is forced to fix it. Dr.Briefs informs him that he must use tile and some special glue, go to the outside with his space suit on and repair it before his ship heads for a giant star bigger than the sun. Gokuh repairs the whole but steps in the special glue and is stuck as the ship is getting closer to the star. He uses Kamehameha times 10 and blasts away from the star but he goes right back towards it. He uses Kamehameha times 20 and sucessfully blasts away from it and is freed to go back inside and continue his training. Meanwhile on Namek Dende meets Bulma back in the capsule house on Namek. They find out that Namek's only drink water and grow crops only to make Namek more beautiful. Also learn that there is only one type on Namek no males of females. They also are from one parent- Guru.

"Stay Away From Freeza"
Training With King KaiDende asks them for help so his planet will not die because of Freeza. Dende says that Guru will help him and that he also has a Dragon Ball. Dende and Kulilin fly off towards Guru. Meanwhile on King Kai's planet, Piccalo, Yamcha, Choazu, and Tien arrive for training. Gokuh informs that he found out from Dr.Briefs who found out from Bulma that a force more powerful than Vegeta is on Namek. King Kai takes a look and says it Freeza, the most ruthless warrior in the universe. And begs them all to stay away from them. Piccalo promises but says under his breath that he'll do anything to help his home planet. There 1st mission is to make King Kai laugh, Chozu and Kulilin have no problem but Tien needs some help from Choazu and finally makes King Kai laugh, "You can tune a piano but you can't tune a fish!" Piccalo finds this extremely childish and watches from the shadows. Back on Namek Vegeta recovers a Dragon Ball and defeats a Namek Village before Freeza dicoveres it. He hides the Dragon Ball in a lake by the village so that no one will ever know where it is except for Vegeta.

"The Eldest Namek"
Dende takes Krillin to the eldest Namek where the ancient Namek leader, Guru, uses his special power to increase Krillin's potential. He senses that Krillin has good intentions and gives him the one star Dragon Ball. Now, it will be up to Krillin to prevent the 7th Dragon Ball from falling into the hands of the evil Frieza! Meanwhile one of Frieza's henchman stumbles upon the destroyed city where Vegeta has been and reports back to Frieza that the Dragon Ball is missing!

"Get Vegeta"
Freeza kills the failed henchman and calls for the Ginyu Force. Zarbon asks Freeza to trust him but Freeza thinks that the Saiyans are a threat to him. Zarbon reaches Vegeta who is passed out of the ground and Zarbon brings him back to Freeza's ship. Gohan is training for and Bulma notices that one of the Dragon Balls is moving towards them. They think it's Kulilin so they are fine, but then they notice an isolated Dragon Ball and they think Vegeta never found the Dragon Ball. Gohan goes off in search of that Dragon Ball. Meanwhile on Gokuh's ship Gokuh wakes up from his nap to notice he can't get up! Back on Namek Gohan finds he is headed in the right direction. On Freeza's ship Vegeta is on life support. Kulilin is heading back to the capsule house with his Dragon Ball. On Gokuh's ship Gokuh begins his training again. On King Kai's planet Yamcha is chasing Bubbles but keeps missing, Tien is also failing. Piccalo asks King Kai if he has to do the stupid traing to but King Kai says he must but he is welcome to help him weed his gardening and King Kai is threatening to beat him up. Everyone is eating up King Kai's food and King Kai says he wants to give them healthy food that's all fried. Piccalo doesn't go near the food and watches the others. Piccalo picks up his water and begins to drink and watches Yamcha finally catch Bubbles! Tien and Choazu catch Bubbles and Piccalo just flashes and bam he has bubbles. King Kai then calls for Gregory. King Kai explains the rules and Gregory hands him the hammer which Yamcha thinks that it weighs as much as an anvil. Piccalo says he won't participate in this activity. King Kai says he must find the goodness in his heart. Back in Freeza's Ship the doctor guy says he doesn't know that Vegeta is getting better. Freeza is very upset because he wants to find out where the other Dragon Balls are. Back w/ King Kai Choatzu hits Gregory through the window onto King Kai's lap. They say that they've all hit Gregory but Gregory says they are lying until the lump on his head rises. King Kai says he is going to teach the acient art of Graveling(?). Piccalo says he will take on all 3 of them.

"Vegeta Revived"
Tein, Choatzu, and Yamcha face off against Piccalo and Piccalo is easily beating the pulp out of everybody! They are transported to a safer place by King Kai and the fighting resumes. Piccalo takes bad blows from the 3 of them and they think Piccalo is out of it and Piccalo says he's just getting started, but King Kai interupts the fighting for lunch. King Kai tells another joke and the 4 of them go in for lunch. Piccalo is unimpressed and hangs back. Back @ Freeza's ship the doctor guy is talking about how weak Prince Vegeta is and Vegeta bursts out of the tank and destroys him. Zarbon hears a noise and rushes towards where Vegeta is. But Vegeta is gone! Vegeta speeds around the ship and finds the Dragon Balls and throws a huge burst of power out of the ship. With Zarbin and Freeza distracted he hurls all of the Dragon Balls out the window! Freeza finds that all of the Dragon Balls are gone. Zarbon is very upset and runs after Vegeta. But Vegeta decides not to fly away but to swim away and hops into the nearby pond. Gohan is meanwhile still heading towards where Vegeta has hidden the Dragon Ball. Gohan finds the village and notices how awful the village looks. Gohan is very upset by all this. Vegeta finds all of his Dragon Balls all in one place, now he has 6! Vegeta senses a power and thinks it's Zarbon @ 1st but it's not as strong! Then he sees Krylin with the last Dragon Ball and heads off towards Krylin! Gohan goes back to work, searching for his Dragon Ball and guesses that it's in the lake. Gohan dives in and goes about searching for it until he sees it! But there is a little sqid on it that sprays oil in his face. No matter though, Gohan gets the 4 star Dragon Ball. Back on Gokuh's ship Goku's doing 9,999 sit ups dangling from the ceiling and finally gets 10,000! Vegeta gets closer and closer to Krylin when Zarbon hears something.. and then sees a light in the sky! He notices that it's one of the earthlings with a Dragon Ball. Then Zarbon sees Vegeta and follows him but Vegeta notices that Zarbon is chasing him. Zarbon doesn't know that Saiyans grow stronger every time they are revived!

"A Heavy Burden"
Gokuh is a magnetic storm which is making the gravitron haywire. Making the gravity change from 100 to 7 in a split second. He'll have to last 1 hour until the storm passes. Back on Namek Bulma is reading a magazine when Kulilin shows up with a Dragon Ball. Krylin tells Bulma how he got the Dragon Ball and Bulma tells him the Gohan flew off to find a Dragon Ball. Then Vegeta arrives, and tells him to hand over the Dragon Ball. Then Zarbon arrives, and Bulma and Krylin start to quiver. Bulma thinks that Zarbon is hot and thinks he is there to help them but Krylin tells her otherwise. Bulma is sitting their gushing over Zarbon and Vegeta comments on her stupidness. Zarbon doesn't care about Bulma or Krylin he just wants to beat Vegeta and take the ball. The two of them face off, Vegeta is doing pretty well and plants a nice one on Zarbon. Bulma and Krylin try to escape but they can't. Zarbon recalls Frieza's words and notices that Vegeta is stronger than before. Zarbon transforms and Bulma spazzes! Gohan is heading back with the Dragon Ball and notices trouble. Meanwhile Gokuh is in excruciating pain and blasts a Kamehameha up but it can't withstand the gravity and falls down and Gokuh narrowly dodges it. Gokuh swings to try and reach the Gravitron and does a Kaiohken and busts the equipment out of the ceiling and hits some buttons on the gravitron. But he can't get up! He manages to roll over towards the machine and tries to lift his arms up high enough to reach the control panel. He hits the button with his chin and the gravity goes back to 1. Back on Namek the fight continues, Vegeta punches Zarbon in the stomach and then hits him over the head. Then Vegeta and Zarbon continue to battle, and Vegeta threatens to send him to the next dimension.

"Immortatily Denied"
Goku finally is able to get a hold of his senzu beans to regain his strength. He continues his training. Back on Namek Vegeta gains possesion of the 1 star Dragon Ball. Meanwhile Gohan is racing back and encouters Vegeta. Gohan hides the Dragon Ball behind a hill and confronts Vegeta. Vegeta asks him what he has in his hand and Gohan tells him it's just a pocket watch, an antique. Gohan asks Vegeta where he got the Dragon Ball from and Vegeta says from your bald headed friend and that gorgeous girl. (Haha) Vegeta tells Gohan that they are like brothers.. The last of the Saiyan race. Vegeta knees Gohan in the stomach and says "That was from trying to hide something from me, Brother." And blasts off. Gohan is happy because Vegeta has didn't find the Dragon Ball. So Gohan flys back to Bulma and Krylin, and they are exstatic to see him because for now Vegeta's immortality is denied .

"Big Trouble For Bulma"
Vegeta cannot find his Dragon Ball and threatens to kill Gohan and says once gets his wish Gohan will pay! Bulma, Krylin and Gohan are hiding out in between some rocks, and Gohan says that that this is a good hiding place. Bulma says Vegeta can probably smell us though. Krylin then decides to take Gohan to Guru to awaken Gohan's hidden power. They leave Bulma but suddenly Vegeta appears and blows up Bulma's table! Bulma tells Vegeta that the Dragon Ball is behind him and Vegeta is about to kill Bulma when she wakes up! Vegeta hears some noises and a big blast in the sky. A red streak blows by. Frieza continues to shoot blasts at Vegeta and Bulma feels the eathquakes. She tries to stop her Dragon Ball from heading toward the lake but she is terrified by the earthquake! The ball rolls into the shallow water and Bulma who is too wimpy to get alittle wet tries to get the Dragon Ball with a stick. She accedentally knocks it onto a ledge in the water. Bulma thinks she should let it be so it will be safe. Her Dragon Radar begins to beep! The Dragon Ball is moving away! Bulma thinks Vegeta must have it and starts to yell for Krylin and Gohan to come back. Bulma decides to do it herself. She pops out a capsule which transforms into a submarine. She begins to come closer to the Dragon Ball when she spots a big monster, she fires a missle at it but it misses! Then Bulma spots the Dragon Ball and fires another missle. The Dragon Ball falls off the monster onto the floor. Meanwhile Gokuh is training in 100x gravity in his space pod. He throws a Kamemehameha and tries to stop it by yelling. Unfortunantly it doesn't quite work. He eats a senzu bean and his strength is restored. 2 days untill Gokuh reaches Planet Namek. Back on Namek Bulma is trying to pick up the Dragon Ball when she spots a pearl. Instead of the Dragon Ball, Bulm goes for the pearl! A big whirlpool sucks the Dragon Ball down and Bulma follows it, then she sees 1,000s of Dragon Balls, but then she notcies that they are pearls. But they are all on the back of a giant crab! The crab gets anry and tries to destroy the ship. Bulma looks for the escape pod capsule and barely escapes! The crab continues to beat up Bulma.. but then the pearls turn yellow, and hatch! They weren't pearls, they were baby crabs! Then suddenly a big rock falls and Bulma lifts it up right before it hits the crab. Bulma gets the Dragon Ball and is heading back to her cave when 2 of Frieza's henchman arrive and ask Bulma for her Dragon Ball!

"Scramble For The Dragon Balls"
The henchman grabs Bulma and her Dragon Ball. Bulma's life flashes before her eyes, Pilaf, Oozarus, Goku, and she begins to scream for help. The hench,an drops her and she is grabbed moments before she almost fell into the water. They throw her onto the ground and the henchman ask what the Dragon Balls are for. Bulma tells them that if you have all 7 your wish will come true. She tells them that they can be more powerful than Frieza. One of them believes Bulma but the other one thinks she is talking nonsense. The henchman wants Bulma to come with them to find them, Bulma lies about where the rest of them are. And they take off. Meanwhile Goku and his cracked ship are heading towards Namek. He's still in 100Gs and starts to power up. He screams Kaiokhen and forms a white ball, he throws it around the ship and dodges it everytime and he Kamehameha's it and misses making his escape a very close one. He managed to stop it without getting hurt! Back with Bulma the three go underwater, Bulma in a capsule submarine type thing and they continue to walk around the seafloor. Bulma takes them further down and they approach the whirl pool. Bulma hopes that they are stupid enough to fall for it, but they throw Bulma in instead and follow her. Bulma shows them the 'Dragon Balls' which are actually those eggs we saw before. One of them tries to lift one but they can't seem to do it! Suddenly the balls pop and out comes little crabs. Bulma grabs the Dragon Ball and makes a run for it! The two try to make a run for it but the crab crushes them. Bulma manages to escape but the henchman aren't as lucky! The henchman appear but the crab still angry reaches up and sucks them down to their watery grave. The Dragon Ball almosts falls in but Bulma jumps on top of it. Krylin and Gohan continue on to Guru, and Vegeta grabs on of his 6 Dragon Balls and flies off to find the final one. Frieza is still waiting for his precious Ginyu Force to arrive.

"Arrival of the Ginyu Force"
Krylin and Gohan are approaching Guru's house and Krylin starts to have 2nd thoughts about Gohan's inner power. Goku is meanwhile done 10,000 one handed pushups in the air. He changes the gravity back to 1 G, and Goku's power has quadrupeled. He throws a rock and is fast enough to catch it and crushes it with his hand. Goku says "A wise man once said, the stronger you are, the stronger you stink." and hops into a bath. He pulls out a beer and puts in back in place of a sports drink and falls asleep. Back on Namek Krylin and Gohan finally reach Guru! When Krylin senses something- VEGETA! Before Vegeta attacks Gohan flies off to meet Guru and Guru releases his hidden power. Vegeta looks around and asks if the Dragon Ball is hidden in the tower. Vegeta arrives outside Guru's home and a Namek appears and tells Vegeta to "GO HOME" Gohan comes out of the house and Vegeta asks for the Dragon Ball again. Vegeta starts to crack up, and Vegeta asks Gohan if Gohan thinks he is as strong as him. Vegeta says "I eat powers like your's for breakfast." They all sense a power, that Gohan thinks is 'daddy' but Vegeta knows it is the Ginyu Force. Vegeta gets upset and picks Gohan up by the colar and explains about the Ginyu Force, 5 men just as strong as Vegeta. Vegeta begs for the Dragon Ball, if he is immortal he can beat them. Krylin says "Why not Gohan?" Vegeta says he doesn't have the fighting experience. Nail says that you get 3 wishes so after Vegeta gets his wish they have two to use. Krylin says he will get the ball but he isn't making any promises. The three take off and leave Nail to talk to Guru. Guru says that Nail should help the Earthlings and sends him off. The Ginyu force arrives on Namek and Vegeta asks Krylin if he is in. They arrive and take the Dragon Ball from Bulma and Bulma doesn't know what's going on because they are with Vegeta! The hatches open from the Ginyu's ships and we meet the 5 warriors. Recoom, Burter, Jeuce/Jace, Guldo, and Captain Ginyu are there names and they all assume their poses! Frieza is happy that he finally has someone he can rely on.

"Elite Fighters Of The Universe... the Ginyu Force"
The Ginyu Force receives their first mission from Frieza, the mission is to capture Vegeta- alive and bring them the Dragon Balls. Then they sense two other powers with Vegeta who are equal to Vegeta power-wise. Frieza says it's the Earthlings and says to destroy them. Guldo remembers the time he and Frieza were in a fight and Vegeta insluted him. Frieza came to Vegeta's defense and Guldo was sent off. Vegeta meanwhile senses the Ginyu Force closing in and they speed up towards Vegeta's cave. Back in his spaceship, Goku will arrive in 20 min! He gets dressed, brushes his teeth, and suits up in one of his many uniforms. Then he thinks about his friends and waits to arrive on Namek. Back on Namek, Krylin tries to back out of the deal at the last moment, but the Ginyu Force arrives! Vegeta throws the Dragon Ball into the air to avoid it being captured, but Burter catches it before it leaves the area. Vegeta tells Krylin to smash the Dragon Ball, but before his hand can hit it, it's in Guldo's hands! Vegeta says "So it's true." but Krylin doesn't understand. Vegeta explains that Guldo can stop time by holding his breath! Captain Ginyu takes all the Dragon Balls and heads back to Frieza. The remaining four do rock-paper-scissors to decide who gets to fight Vegeta. After a couple minutes, Recoom wins. Recoom tells Guldo he can take the first shot, but Krylin and Gohan power up and the Force begins to look a little startled. The fly up and fire a big blast towards Guldo as the episode ends.

"Time Tricks and Body Binds"
Krylin and Gohan's blasts approach Guldo, but Guldo holds his breath and runs for it. When he let's go the blasts hit the ground. Burter sees that they can change their power levels without changing forms! Krylin and Gohan are feeling better than ever with the help of Guru. Krylin and Gohan approach and are about to attack when Guldo does another time freeza but before he can let a blast go he trips and let's his breath go. Krylin does a Kamehameha and he's hit. Guldo is out of breath, and on the other side of Namek Bulma begins to talk with Master Roshi and asks how she can get home. Master Roshi is too busy finding the prize in his cereal to care before the satelite fades. Krylin and Gohan notice that Guldo is wearing down, they attack again and Guldo uses his time freeze once more. He tries to use his powers but he's run out of energy! He begins to run away and he finds a hiding place so he can regain his strength. He breathes out and Gohan and Krylin can't find him! Gohan says he's behind the ridge and they spot him. They start firing blasts at him and Guldo is hit a couple more times. The 3 other Ginyu Force members tell Guldo that he'll be out of the Ginyu Force if he doesn't win. Guldo uses his Body Bind and Gohan and Krylin can't move! Vegeta notices all this, as Guldo begins to form a whirlwind and begins to taunt Gohan. Guldo begins to punch Gohan and then starts pulling Krylin's ears. Then he begins to beat Krylin, and Guldo looks out of breath. Guldo spots a tree and forms it into a spear and flings it towards Gohan and Krylin. At King Kai's place Piccalo senses Gohan is in trouble. Piccolo's anger forms a wind and King Kai cracks another stupid joke. Back on Namek Krylin and Gohan try their absolute hardest to get out of the Body Bind, and the spear is about to hit them, when suddenly they are free. Vegeta has saved them. He blows Guldo up and sends him to the next dimension. Now Recoom says he will take on Vegeta and Burter and Jeuce begin to rock-papper-scissors over who gets to take on Krylin and Gohan. Vegeta powers up and the Ginyu Force gets kinda spooked. Jeuce says if Recoom loses Burter can have him, being the little coward that Jeuce is.

"No Refuge from Recoome"
Vegeta begins to power up and Recoom looks very surprised. He speeds towards Recom and delivers a punch followed by plenty of other attacks. Vegeta is making a fool out of Recoome. He fires a huge blast towards Recoome and when the smoke settles Vegeta is shaking. Then they spot something, Recoome. His uniform is ripped to shreds but his face is unscratched. Meanwhile Ginyu is heading toward Frieza when he drops a Dragon Ball, he manages to get it without any trouble but speeds towards Frieza in a hurry. Frieza thinks of what he can do with Namek. Blow it up as a fire works display.. Frieza begins to browse other planets for one good enough to conquer. Back at the fight Vegeta gets a swift kick to the face courtesy of Recoome. They begin to fist fight he knocks Vegeta down into the water, finally Vegeta emerges. Vegeta is almost totally done and Recoome picks him up by his feet. Vegeta shoots a beam at him and Recoome is knocked down. He gets up and so does Vegeta, but Vegeta is extremely exhausted. Krylin says to Gohan that they should help Vegeta take out Recoome. Recoome throws a huge blast at Vegeta but Gohan grabs Vegeta before the blast hits him. Vegeta gets upset but Krylin has managed to take out Recoome. But Recoome is still alive! Toothless, but still alive! He kicks Krylin in the face and Krylin looks pretty beat up. Gohan decides it's up to him to defeat Recoome. Gohan begins to power up and runs towards Recoome. But Recoome easily throws Gohan and sends some beams towards him. Gohan gets beat up some more and Recoome doesn't seem to be quitting.

"Enter Goku"
Recoome faces off some more against Gohan. He beats Gohan terribly and is on the verge of winning and killing Gohan when they see something in the sky. Goku has arrived on Namek! Meanwhile Ginyu arrives at Frieza's base and Frieza has 7 Dragon Balls in his posession. Ginyu begins one of his dances and Frieza tries to get the balls to work. Nothing is happening. Then he remembers what one of the Nameks said about bever being able to use the balls. Frieza blasts off in search of the three remaining Nameks. Back at the battle field, Goku cooly walks by Recoome and hands his dying son a senzu bean. Gohan instantly feels better and jumps to his feet.

"Goku... Super Saiyan?"
Captain Ginyu begins to train and select new members. All of them fail and Ginyu is frustrated by their lack of style. Back with Goku, Krylin receives a senzu bean and tries to explain what has happened. Goku says he has a way to see what has happened, he places his hand on Krylin's head and images of what has happened appears. Goku understands Vegeta's sacrifice and throws a senzu bean, Recoome tries to bite it in mid-air but it sails through his missing teeth. Vegeta catches the bean, eats it and is revived. Burter and Jeuce check Goku's power, oviously hidden it's 1,000. Vegeta senses Goku's real powers and thinks that Goku might just be a Super Saiyan. A Super Saiyan comes ever 3,000 years and Vegeta can't believe that this pauper has become a prince. Vegeta is jealous of Goku's feats. Goku faces off against Recoome and is way too fast for Recoome. Burter and Jeuce attack but Goku is just too fast. Goku hits Recoome and he is K-Od. Burter turns to Jeuce, "A pretty boy, a lady's man." he says. Burter and Jeuce face off against Goku. It looks as thought Goku is standing still as they fly through him. Burter and Jeuce blast reclessly at Goku but Goku easily evades them. Vegeta is almost certain that Goku is a Super Saiyan.

These Are Uncut American Episodes I Have Seen
"Ginyu Assault"
Goku holding up Burter Goku stands still as Buerter and Jeuce zip around him. Goku punches him in the face and he starts to cry. Gok easily blocks them and kicks their buts as he sends them flying with out moving his feet! The two Ginyu force members try to get Goku's real power level rating. Freeza mean while is off to get the Dragon Balls and is planning his wishes. Dende is talking with Guru and asks him not to die so soon. Dende is waiting for Nail impatientaly. Beurteur and Jeuce can't tell if he Goku is moving or not and Vegeta watches with awe. Gohan doesn't get it at all... Jeuce and Beurter swing at Goku but some how the punches never land. Goku doesn't even look like he's moving, and Vegeta still doesn't understand how he could get so strong! Beurter and Jeuce combine to make some puple tornado but Goku yells and they are deflected. Bulma meanwhile is pissed that she can't get her soaps till some space ship crashes nearby and send him flying. Beuteur and Jeuce plan their attack on Goku with fire balls. Goku knocks them down without a scratch. Beurteur goes nuts and says he can kill any blasted saiyan. Goku dodges all of Beurteur punches and kicks without and trouble. Jeuce gets enraged and joins the fight but none of them can touch Goku! Eventually Beuteur and Jeuce end up hitting each toher and are about to fight eachother. They both deicde that they won't to get back @ Goku more than hitting eachother. Beurteur is knocked to the ground and is in a heap and Goku allows them the chance to leave the planet and Vegeta disaprooves. Jeuce takes off and leaves Beuteur on the ground. Vegeta than pounces on Beuteur neck and blasts Jeuce out of the sky. Beurteur is dead, but Jeuce escapes. Vegeta explains how evil the Ginyu Force is and tells him there is no room for softies! Vegeta says Freeza is a horrible match and Goku won't be able to beat him and he's probably had the wish. Kulilin says he hasn't for the blackness hasn't set in. At Freeza's base Ginyu has all of the balls and Captain Ginyu is teribly upset and says there is room for 4 more warriors but he only needs 3 if Jeuce can strike a great pose. The warriors bury the Dragon Balls for Ginyu as Jeuce picks some warriors to replace the fallen fighters. The two of them pose but they feel dumb and blast off in search for Gokuh. Bulma is afraid the they left without her and falls back and thinks of Gokuh as a child. Gokuh says he should wish his friends back for help but Vegeta says they won't help them. Then they notice Jeuce and Captain Ginyu in the sky. They notice that the Dragon Balls have been left unattended. Also they notice that Freeza is heading towards Guru and will Freeza will probably destroy Guru so that they won't be able to make any wishes. Jeuce and Captain Ginyu land. Goku tells Kulilin and Gohan to get the Dragon Balls. Ginyu scans Goku's power it's 5,000. They know he's hiding it. Gokuh asks Vegeta if he'll join together with him to fight the Force. Vegeta says yes but takes off right when the fight is about to begin!

"Incredible Force"
GOKUH POWERING UP Ginyu attacks and hits Goku in the face and Goku counter atttacks with some blows to Ginyu's face. Ginyu disappears but reapears and hits Goku! The battle seems to be in favor of Ginyu. Goku is knocked into the water but he just stands on it and blasts right back towards Ginyu and they battle once more. Goku falls down and bounces of a tree to his feet. All of a sudden 2 green dragons appear out of the water that Vegeta is passing over. Vegeta has a plan to get the Dragon Balls! Ginyu and Gokuh continue fighting and the match looks more even. Ginyu poses and Goku copies him and says that poses are a waste of time! Ginyu tells Gokuh that he needs his "butt kicked". Ginyu tells Gokuh that he can raise his power too! Jeuce thinks that Gokuh is afraid of Ginyu but Goku easily dodges one of the first power attacks! Bulma is meanwhile fixing the communicator when her Dragon Radar goes off and she sees that all 7 Dragon Balls are together. Bulma records in her diary "Remind me to kill Gohan and Krylin and kick Goku in the shin". Bulma says why not cash in on someone else's wishes and will ask the Dragon to send her back to Earth! She jumbs on her ski-do and zooms away! Big explosions are raging still as Ginyu blow a huge crator into the ground. They begin their fighting once more and it seems as if Gokuh is doing better the Ginyu! Gokuh dodges Jeuce's attck but Ginyu grabs him! Ginyu lets him go, and Jeuce asks why? Ginyu blasts away @ Jeuce narrowly missing him! Ginyu says shutup or next time he'll kill Jeuce. Ginyu asks Gokuh to show his real power and Gokuh says sure why not? Gokuh asks him why he doesn't try being good, and Ginyu laughs. Gokuh begins to power up and the planet flickers a bit! He powers up and Jeuce begins to shake. Ginyu starts to scream because his scouter is picking up 90,000 and still rising! 100,000 and still rising! 110,000, Ginyu is shaking and it's still rising! Ginyu tells Gokuh to stop but Gokuh continues and Ginyu looks horribly afraid, Jeuce is on the verge of spazzing and Gokuh continues to power up!

"Frieza Approaches"
Jeuce looks at the scouter 117,000 only 3,000 away from Captain Ginyu's maximum! Gokuh continues to power up! 140,000 and Ginyu has a nervous breakdown! 150,000, the rocks start to crumble off of cliffs! Ginyu throws some fire balls but Gokuh deflects them right back at Ginyu! 180,000 and Ginyu prases Gokuh and Jeuce asks if they can split. Gokuh says appologize and you can walk away! Ginyu says he is not afraid of a guy like him even though he's never faced a guy like him.. Bulma sees dozens of dead Nameks and their cities destroyed! Bulma looks sick to her stomach and sees a dead baby Namek and asks Goku to hurry up. Guru asks Dende what he is looking for, and Dende replies Nail. And Nail arrives! Guru asks Nail why he is not doing what Guru has asked, and Nail says he can't leave Guru's side. Guru replies that Nail is a fine young man. Gohan and Krylin zoom closer and find Bulma's cave, but she's not there!!! They look but they can't find her. Then they notice the tracks from the air ski! They go off in search of her. Frieza approaches Guru's house and Guru asks Dende to come closer and Guru gives him the gift of healing! Dende is scared of the new power and Guru tells him to go. Dende blasts off towards the Z fighters. Ginyu says Gokuh is not a normal Saiyan he's a Super Saiyan! Ginyu asks Gokuh if he will really let them go! Gokuh says he will have to deal with their bad karmas! Ginyu says Super Saiyans are ruthless fighting machine! So Gokuh is tame and must have a weakness! Gokuh is kind of pissed @ the insults Ginyu says to him. Dende and Frieza fly past eachother and Freiza says "Kids are learning to fly earlier and earlier these days." Guru and Nail notice "the evil one" has arrived! Frieza and Nail talk about the password but Nail says only the chamber of commerce has the password. The commerce is dead Frieza says, and he senses two more Namek warriors. They surrond Frieza and Frieza senses there powerlevels and pretends to be suprised. They attack Frieza but Frieza blows the all away! Each one of them are blown in different directions and Frieza asks about the password again. Frieza kills one of the Nameks and asks for the password again! Nail tells Frieza about how the Dragon Balls won't work without Guru. Frieza blows the top of the roof off and Frieza asks why Guru won't talk! Guru tells Frieza that Nail is more powerfull than the other Nameks. They telekenetically say they must by time for the earthling and keep stalling. Back at the battle field Ginyu claims he knows Gokuh's weakness!

"Goku is Ginyu & Ginyu is Goku"
Frieza begins to taunt Nail and threatens Guru once more. Frieza tries to bargain with Guru but Guru doesn't accept. Nail accepts Frieza's battle and they take off towards a place where Guru cannot watch. Back at Goku's battle Ginyu begins to laugh and shoots a beam at Goku and Goku just brushes it away. Ginyu throws some more beams that Goku just brushes off without a care. Ginyu begins to shoot many beams at Goku and Goku just stands there and most of them pass him by. A big explosion where Goku was but when the smoke clears Goku is standing there without a scratch. Ginyu throws Jeuce the scouter and says to Jeuce the stronger Goku is, the better. Back with Nail, Frieza demands they fight now and Nail lands on a plain plateau. Nail begins to powerup and his veins begin to bulge. He screams and the planet shakes. Frieza says he underestimated Nail, but he is still 5,000 times stronger than Nail! Frieza claims he will not use very much of his power and only one hand. Nail tries to chop Frieza in the neck but Frieza isn't phased. Frieza grabs Nail's are and rips it off! Frieza throws him his arm and tells Nail he can use it as a back scratcher. Nail begins to power up, and his arm grows right back! Frieza wasn't aware that he could do that! Back with Bulma who is still being chased by a terodactyl type creature is heading for a cave! She reaches the cave to find a tyransouaraus rex type thing and flies up in the air and on to the tyrodactyl's back. She loses her grip and falls towards the tyranasaur's mouth! She manages to land on his back and she notices that the two dinasaur's have dropped dead. She looks up to see Gohan and Krylin! Gohan pulls out the radar and they fly off and leave Bulma there! Bulma asks if Goku asked about her and Gohan says yes and takes off. Bulma tries to remember what Goku looks like she sees a cloud that resembles a babyish Goku and wonders when she will see him again. Back at Goku's fight Ginyu punches himself in the heart and begins to power up. The ground begins to shake and Goku is still pretty confused. Ginyu's spirit appears behind him and Goku's behind himself. Suddenly they begin to flash and a beam of yellow light is sent from Ginyu to Goku! Ginyu changed bodies with Goku! Ginyu leaves the injured Goku to fend for himself. Goku can't tell Krylin and Gohan what has happened. Goku flies off slowly behind Ginyu and Jeuce.

"Calling The Eternal Dragon"
Vegeta appears over Frieza's ship and kills most of Frieza's henchman easily. All the henchman inside and shaking and one tries to attack Vegeta and Vegeta esaily stops it. Vegeta kills some other guards that get in his way and continue his search. Vegeta screams at the guards and asks them where the Dragon Balls are. None of them respond and are killed with one blast. Vegeta begins to search in harder places. Meanwhile Ginyu and Jeuce are heading back and Goku is flying incredibly slow and falls to the ground. Back with Vegeta, he begins to clean himself up and waits for his clothes to finish being cleaned. Gohan and Krylin are heading towards the ship and Vegeta senses them and says he will wait for them to find the Dragon Bals for him. Gohan says that the Dragon Balls are hidden right under them. They begin to dig and soon they find some Dragon Balls. Vegeta watches from the side. Vegeta continues to be impatient and Krylin and Gohan remember there wishes. "I summon up the Dragon, hear my hounds to make my wish come true!" Krylin yells. Nothing happens, and Vegeta is confused. Gohan suddenly senses that someone is coming. Vegeta begins to get more pissed off. Ginyu in Goku's body and Jeuce arrive, Krylin begins to laugh and walks out to greet him. Ginyu asks them how they found them with the balls and Krylin asks him what the password is. Krylin says Goku's voice is strange and wonders what's wrong. Gohan screams that it isn't his father. Krylin is hit and is smacked to Gohan's side. Krylin wonders why Gohan thinks that. Ginyu begins to laugh, he tells them what he has done. Jeuce begins to howl, for some odd reason and they begin there poses. Ginyu begins to battle the two of them at one time. Vegeta is so totally confused and Jeuce notices something- GOKU IN GINYU'S BODY! He lands, still clutching his heart. Krylin is spazzing and Gohan begins to cry. Gohan imagines life with Ginyu's body as a father. Goku tells Gohan that he can defeat Ginyu. Goku calls Captain Ginyu, Captain Cocky and says he won't be able to reach the body's full ptential. Ginyu begins to power up, as Jeuce looks on.

"Gohan- Defeat Your Dad"
Ginyu continues to power up and Goku looks on in pain. Jeuce says Ginyu's power level is 23,000! Ginyu begins to boast but then he begins to get weaker, Goku tells him that Ginyu will never be as strong as Goku was. Krylin hits Ginyu over the head. Gohan can't hit Goku's body, Ginyu hits Gohan. Gohan and Krylin attack, and Ginyu is thrown into the roof of the ship! Jeuce begins to quiver and Ginyu asks for his help. Vegeta immerges and Ginyu is knocked off, by Krylin. Gohan blocks an attack by Ginyu. Ginyu refuses to surrender and continues to fight, and Vegeta begins to fight Jeuce. Jeuce reads Vegeta's power level and Jeuce is astonished. Vegeta tells Jeuce it's a fight to the finish. Vegeta tells Jeuce that he's a Super Saiyan and Vegeta dodges Jeuce's attack and punches him. King Kai makes a little speach. Back with Nail and Frieza, Nail looks like his ass is being kicked. Guru senses everything that is happening and wonders how much time he has left. He must rely on Dende to heal the earthlings. Dende continues to approach them. Goku notices that Ginyu is figuring out Goku's body. Krylin manages to land some punches before Krylin is hit. Gohan is about to be hit with some power, but Goku steps in. Now it's 3:1. Goku is sure they can beat Ginyu but it'll be strange fighting against his own body. Back with Jeuce and Vegeta, Jeuce begins to lose it and is continually being punched by Vegeta, and is finnally anihilated. Vegeta tells them he is a Super Saiyan and Vegeta faces off against Ginyu. Ginyu is brought to the ground effortlessly. Vegeta continues on his rampage and Ginyu tries to change bodies with Vegeta as the episode ends.

"Captain Ginyu... The Frog"
The beam is heading towards Vegeta but Goku jumps in front of it! Goku's spirit returns to his body and same with Ginyu's. Vegeta isn't sure what's going on.. who's who? Gohan seems to be the only one who can tell which one is Goku. Goku stands up and tries to force out a Kamehameha. When he does it misses Ginyu and Goku falls to the ground. Goku won't let Ginyu change bodies with Vegeta, but Ginyu attempts another body switch when Vegeta attacks! Vegeta makes a fool out of Ginyu and Vegeta looks to be far more powerful than Ginyu or Goku! Vegeta doesn't get that Ginyu is letting him win so that when they switch bodies Ginyu can't defeat him easily. Then Goku spots a frog and throws it into the beam! Right before it hits Vegeta it hits the frog! Ginyu's body begins to ribbit and hop around. Goku is hurt terribly and Krylin and Gohan are holding Goku up. Vegeta begins to chase the frog, but Goku makes a joke that Vegeta can fight someone his own height and Vegeta says he doesn't feel like getting frog guts on his shoes anyways. Vegeta says killing the three of them would be just like shooting fish in a barrel. Vegeta won't harm them he needs their help. Krylin and Gohan don't follow Vegeta but Goku says to trust him. So they bring Goku into the ship, over all the dead bodies of the henchman Vegeta killed. He takes them into the room and Goku sees a needle on the floor and starts to scream, Vegeta says he's not getting a needle! They place him in the issolation chamber, it has synthetic DNA and will make Goku better. Back with Nail, who looks more beat up than ever. Frieza asks for the password again but Nail refuses and is thrown to the ground. Frieza asks again and delivers so more punches. Guru won't let Nail strike back until Dende has reached the ship. The ship is just ahead and Dende blasts forward. Back on the ship Vegeta decides to get them some armour, the gadgets are extremely high tech and Gohan and Krylin are facinated. He gives them the armour and explains how it expands. Krylin complains about the armour and wants some like Vegeta but Vegeta says it's not a fashion show. Vegeta says it'll be an hour before Goku recovers and then Krylin flies off to check on Guru and find out the password.

"Password is Porunga"
Gohan goes outside and begins to test his new armor. 'Super Gohan' he claims and strikes some poses. Vegeta comes out and asks how long it'll take Krylin. Vegeta then decides to take a nap and leaves Gohan to guard the balls. Meanwhile Dende finally is able to sense them but Dende can't locate them. Dende starts to cry and screams Krylin as he sees a corpse on the ground. It's the dead Bruter and Dende wonders what has happened. freeza goes inside and picks up some strange block and starts to look weak. He falls asleep and says in half an hour he'll be better. Back with Nail and Frieza, Nail looks weaker and is breathing heavily. Nail fires a huge blast but Frieza immerges from the smoke unharmed. Frieza disapears and reapears to punch Nail in the face and asks for the password again. Nail who is on the ground begins to laugh and says that his diversion worked perfectly! Dende has given the password to the people of Earth he says and Frieza flies off in a hurry. He tries to contact the Ginyu force but there is no answer! Frieza can't believe that they could have beaten the Ginyu Force! Guru starts to feel guilty about putting Nail through all the pain. He begs Dende to hurry! Dende can't seem to locate Krylin or Gohan. Gohan is sitting on the Dragon Balls but they begin to roll away and Gohan doesn't seem to notice! Krylin stops dead in his tracks and senses he is not alone. Then he spots Dende, Dende thinks it's bad guy but then notices it Krylin. Gohan spots a frog who is trying to push the four star Dragon Ball over a tiny ledge, and Ginyu, the frog, starts to whistle and act normal. But Gohan knows who it is and begins to chase him. But Ginyu frog spots a pink female frog and she starts to chase him. Dende and Krylin begin to fly off and Dende tells Krylin the password in Namek, and Krylin wishes that Guru had told him before and Dende says that Guru didn't think that they could collect all the balls. Gohan senses the power but can't tell who it is, but wait it's Krylin and Dende! Krylin asks where Vegeta is and he replies that Vegeta took a nap an hour ago. Gohan starts to spy on the sleeping Vegeta and says to Krylin that he is still asleep. They transport the balls away from Frieza's ship. They are about to wish when Gohan senses Frieza, than Krylin does too! He says some rrreeeeaaaaallllllyyy strange words and the balls begin to glow. The sky and sea turns black. Frieza stops and wonders what is happening. A bright light appears and shoots up into the air. The huge dragon appears and Krylin says that is a bigger than anything he's seen. The dragon begins to speak and asks for the three wishes.

"Piccolo's Return"
Krylin asks Dende to ask Porunga, the dragon, to bring back their dead friends. Only one friend's life can be restored per wish. King Kai tells the dead warrior's that only 3 can be wished back. Dende asks them to hurry the hell up. They are trying to think about who should be wished back. Piccolo asks if he can talk to Gohan, King Kai accepts and Piccolo tells Gohan to wish him back. If Piccolo is revived then so is Kami and the Dragon Balls of Earth. Piccolo says he needs to be wished to Namek to fight Frieza! Gohan agrees, and King Kai starts to yell at Piccolo and King Kai attacks Piccolo but Yamcha and Tein grab him. Krylin asks Dende to ask Porunga to send Piccolo back! Then Vegeta senses Frieza and Vegeta needs Goku to be up to full strength! Vegeta looks outside and sees that they are making wishes! Dende says some words in Namek and the Dragon grants their wish. Vegeta sees the giant dragon in the sky! Vegeta blasts off to where they are and Frieza senses where they are and approaches. Piccolo's halo is removed! Popo sees a butterfly and then he sees Kame and thinks it is a ghost! Then he senses that he is real! The dragon asks for the next wish, and Gohan tells him to wish Piccolo to Namek. Then Krylin senses that Vegeta is awake and approaching. The dragon grants the wish and Piccolo vanishes and appears on Namek. The dragon asks for the third wish, they turn to see Vegeta. Vegeta says that they are going to die and Gohan said there's one wish left. Frieza approaches and sees the Dragon in the sky. Piccolo appears, Namek his home, Piccolo says that he's yearned for it his whole life. And tries to locate Gohan. Piccolo senses a huge power, a huge DARK power. Piccolo blasts off towards the dark power. Krylin instructs Dende to let Vegeta have his wish. Dende starts to recite the words of Vegeta's wish, but Porunga begins to fade! Porunga's eyes go black and there is a huge explosion! The 7 Dragon Balls have turned to stone! Dende falls to the ground and begins to cry. Guru is dead, Vegeta is not immortal. Frieza begins to spaz and calls them all idiots! Vegeta is about to kill them but stops, they look up to see Freiza.

"The Fusion"
Goku begins to awaken as Krylin, Gohan, Dende, and Vegeta stare at Frieza. Frieza cannot immagine how they could defeat some of the best warriors in the galaxy! Frieza knew that Vegeta would one day oppose him and this is the day. Frieza starts to threaten Vegeta and Vegeta doesn't care about Frieza's ways! Frieza begins to power up as Piccolo zooms closer. Piccolo spots a dying power level, it's Nail! Nail asks Piccolo to wait, Nail tells Piccolo about his original self. And how Kame would make Frieza stronger. Piccolo says he would rather die than unite with Kami, and Nail says they should unite. Piccolo declines and Nail says, "Oh, your ego's too big!" Back with Frieza things start to get worse, an earthquake errupts and Goku senses it and tries to get better faster. Nail is still trying to persuade Piccolo to fuse with him, Piccolo asks if he will still be himself and Nail says "yes, on the most part." and Piccolo finnaly agrees. Piccolo says Nail can stay in Piccolo until they beat Frieza but then he has to leave! Piccolo and Nail unite, Piccolo feels incredible. Piccolo feels great and heads towards the battle. Frieza's power parts the sea and Gohan and Krylin begin to shake. Vegeta is still smiling, and Frieza begins to blast away at them. They manage to escape and Krylin and Gohan try to attack Frieza from behind but Frieza's too strong. Frieza shoots a power blast at Dende, Krylin and Gohan but Vegeta punches it and it flies off in another direction. Vegeta says that their powers are great and Gohan is getting stronger. Vegeta then boasts to Frieza that he is a Super Saiyan. Vegeta attacks but Vegeta stops him. The two begin to fight and the ground starts to give way more and more. Frieza's scouter breaks with all the power. Frieza says Vegeta has improved much, but Frieza says he is not a Super Saiyan yet. Vegeta tells Frieza to transform and show the real self. Vegeta says that Frieza is using a camelflauge to reserve energy. Frieza says fine and begins to transform, and does! The armor comes of his chest and shoulders and a little off of his head!

"Fighting Power One Million?"
Frieza power ups and finishes to transform. The armour off his chest almost peirces Dende. They quiver in fear as they see Frieza smile. Vegeta says "You grew 2 inches and lost your armour, you call that a transformation?" Frieza asks Vegeta why he turned on him. Vegeta says he was just waiting to turn on Frieza. Frieza tells the story of King Vegeta, Veget'sa father. King Vegeta is notified that it will take 3 days untill the full moon so that they can take over the planet. King Vegeta destroys the messanger. Frieza comes in and asks about Vegeta's son, and he replies that Frieza can have his son. One of the soldiers ask Vegeta why he is giving up the prince. Vegeta says not to worry, he'll have his day. A small Prince Vegeta sits quietly in his cell not knowing what his father is up to. The best Saiyan warriors and Vegeta plan their attack on Frieza. Frieza lets the warriors in and they split up inside the ship. King Vegeta detroys a dozen soldiers without much difficulty. Frieza knows what's going on, he wants to see King Vegeta. Frieza tells Vegeta that his army is petrified and ar eblue in the face. King Vegeta tries to hit Frieza but Frieza evades and K-Os Vegeta with one punch. Frieza sends them all to the next dimension easily and then Frieza knows that the rest of the Saiyans will revolt and Frieza destroys them and their planet with one huge blast. Frieza begins to laugh hesterically as the planet explodes into nothingness. Vegeta says that Frieza has made a mistake of not destroying the most powerful saiyan of all- him. Frieza begins to powerup so more and the planet's winds begin to blow extremely hard. Meanwhile Bulma is tired from walking. She can't go on and still wants to get even with those jerks. She hears a distant rumbling and a cloud of smoke appears. It's a huge heard of dinosaurs. Bulma runs for it and spots a cave. She runs inside but the Dinosaurs run right through the cave towards Bulma. She takes off again and falls in a little crevess. She manages to escape the dinosaurs that are still on a rampage. Frieza continues to powerup and his shoulders, arms, legs, feet, and finally head grow about 5 times the size they were before. They are all in shock, Frieza talks and his voice is about 5 octaves lower. Goku who is still recovering senses that something is wrong and at the same time Piccolo senses it too. His pointy tail strikes, narrowly missing. Frieza tells them that his power level in this form is over 1 million! He forms some hurricane and the waves crash over most of the land. The winds are so strong they knock Piccolo into a hill and Bulma is sent flying. Frieza stands their on a tiny island and says it's a good day to die. Frieza then decides who will die 1st. He looks at Gohan, then at Dende and Krylin, and then at Vegeta. Frieza chrages at Krylin and Dende. Krylin throws Dende out of the way and is stabbed in the heart with Frieza's horn. The blood starts to trickle out of Krylin's body and Frieza licks it off his face. Gohan begins to cry.

"Gohan Attacks"
Gohan goes blue in the face, staring at his friend who will die. Vegeta says the Krylin is an idiot for standing up for Dende. Frieza pushes his horn further into Krylin's body. He pushhes deeper and more blood seeps out. Krylin goes to kick Frieza but Frieza stops. Gohan attacks Frieza but he easily kicks Gohan to the ground. Frieza lifts his head and begins to rock his head. Krylin bleeds more and more, closer to death every time Frieza moves his head. The blood splashes onto Gohan's and Vegeta's face. Krylin is facing his death as he loses more and more blood. Goku tells Krylin to be strong and hold out until he's healed. It doesn't look good at all. Krylin's dying body is flung into the sea and he begins to sink from sight. Frieza stops Gohan from reaching Krylin's body. Gohan's anger begins to rise. Frieza asks who is next and looks to the remaining three. Gohan screams "YOU ANIMAL" and kicks Frieza in the face and starts giving him a beating, he kicks him again and again, Gohan blasts Frieza in the face and starts to throw fire balls recklessly towards Frieza. Vegeta can sense Gohan's power is enormous. Gohan continues to throw fireballs and Masenko at Frieza. The island where Frieza was lying is blown up in a red blast. Gohan's anger fades a bit as he and Vegeta look down at Frieza's body. Gohan is out of breath, and Vegeta is stunned. Vegeta doesn't know where all this power is from, he doesn't know how Gohan could reduce Frieza to a heap on the ground. Then the sadness and realization of Krlin's death sinks in. He sees Dende and Krylin immerge from the sea. Frieza gets up, bruised and battered but not any major harm. Frieza is suprised by Gohan but tells him he is not even close to Frieza's power. Frieza powers up some more and Gohan goes blue in the face. Frieza is getting stronger and he says he will give Gohan 10x the amount of pain that Gohan has caused him. Frieza smacks Gohan and he coughs blood. Frieza punches Gohan again and sends him to the ground. Vegeta shoots a big explosion at Frieza and says "Never turn your back when you are up against Vegeta." He fires some more and it errupts, but when the smoke clears Frieza is unharmed. Gohan attempts to rise to his feet and finally does. He tries to kick Frieza in the face but Frieza evades and Grabs Gohan's hair and rips it out. Gohan is in immense pain, lying on the ground and out of breath. He takes off and notices that Frieza is behind him and Frieza smacks Gohan with his tail. Once again Gohan hair is pulled out and Frieza steps on Gohan's next, cracking it more and more. Vegeta stares on in horror. Piccolo comes closer and closer and begs Gohan not to give up.

"Piccolo The Super-Namek"
Frieza continues to step on Gohan's neck and Gohan cries out in pain. Vegeta is too scared to help Gohan, he can't do anything to help. Goku can't help his son and notices that his muscles still aren't in shape. He tires desperately but there's nothing he can do. Piccolo comes closer to the battle field. He remembers when he began to train Gohan, and how he cared for Gohan. After an extremely emotional death of Piccolo re-enactment he flies as fast as he can to save Gohan again. Vegeta can't stomach it but it seems strange to him because he's seen worse. Frieza is about to kill Gohan when Krylin destruco-discs off Frieza's tail. Krylin tries again to hit Frieza with a destructo-disc and Frieza manages to elude him. Krylin taunts Frieza, smacks his ass and sticks out his tongue and speeds away to destract Frieza from Gohan. Krylin goes into a huge rock with different ways to get through, when he reaches the end, Frieza is there, Krylin turns around and they repeat this again and again. Krylin is finally out of breath and Frieza decides to smoke him out. Krylin gets out and flies off and Frieza follows him back to where Gohan and Vegeta are. But Frieza flies out in front of him so Krylin goes under water, Frieza blasts away at the water and Krylin must go back to the surface. Krylin immerges from behind and does a solar-flare and Frieza is blinded. Krylin zooms away knowing that it won't be long until Frieza recovers. Vegeta watches as Dende heals Gohan back to perfect health and finally understands how Krylin was revived. When Frieza is finally able to see he sees that Krylin has ran away. Vegeta asks why they didn't use Dende to heal Goku but they didn't know he could do it until the time came. Frieza wonders how they all are in perfect health. Vegeta knows that Saiyan's power levels increase after they are healed from a fight. Now they have a fighting chance. They all attack Frieza at the same time. Frieza immerges unharmed. They don't know what to do. They can't beat him. Gohan zooms towards Frieza but a bright light stops them- It's Piccolo! Gohan gets extremely happy to see his hero. Vegeta asks Piccolo who he is and then Vegeta remembers Piccolo from Earth and remembers how easy Piccolo was killed. Piccolo tells him to shut up and the two plan a duel after they defeat Frieza. Frieza gives Piccolo a chance to leave but Piccolo doesn't leave. Piccolo tells them to stay out of it and that he will fight Frieza 1 on 1. Piccolo tells Dende to take cover and Dende doesn't know how Piccolo knows his name!

"Deja Vu"
Gohan still thinks it's a bad idea, Krylin agrees. Vegeta just wants to watch the show. King Kai senses that Piccolo's power has increased. King Kai says he's no match for Frieza. If Piccolo dies Yamcha, Tien and Chaozu won't be able to live. Gohan senses something different about Piccolo, Vegeta tells him that nothing is different. Dende says that Piccolo reminds him of Nail.. The two face off, and it's suprinsingly equal! Piccolo nails Frieza a couple times and Frieza seems to be losing. The two continue to fight and Frieza receives an upercut. Frieza manages to throw Piccolo up against a rock and then pummels him with power. It looks as though Piccolo has lost. But the dust settles to reveal an unharmed Piccolo. Frieza is once more suprised. Vegeta tries to run away but Frieza stops him dead in his tracks. Frieza asks Vegeta where he thinks he is going and Vegeta tries to run again, and is once more stopped. Freiza says he'll spare Vegeta till he is finished with Piccolo. Frieza punches Vegeta in the stomach and sends him flying. Piccolo and Frieza face off again, and look equal. Dende finally figures out that it's Nail and Piccolo merged. The battle continues, the two still equal Freiza holds Piccolo underwater by his throat and none of them surface. Finally a wet Frieza appears, but no Piccolo! Frieza blasts the air above the water and hits Piccolo. Frieza blasts the area where Piccolo was and the area is rected, no sign of Piccolo, until he blasts out of the rocks- unharmed! Krylin and Gohan want to help but Piccolo won't let. They face off again, Piccolo tells Frieza that he and Nail merged and he knows every move. Goku, King Kai, Yamcha and Tien all know that Piccolo has the upperhand! Frieza remembers fighting Nail and all the pain he caused to him. Piccolo recalls when he merged with Nail and the truth of what he said. Piccolo powers up and Frieza begins to shake. Vegeta can't believe the power! Piccolo punches Frieza again and again. Piccolo is finally hit and Frieza forms a ball and sends it towards Piccolo, Piccolo just stands there and lets the power hit him and he sends it back at Frieza, it looks as though Frieza has been blown up by Piccolo, but the dust clears to reveal Frieza, hiding behind his hands. Frieza begins to get terribly frustrated and it seems as though Piccolo can't defeat Frieza!

"Frieza's Second Transformation"
Gohan and Krylin think that Piccolo has finished Frieza but Vegeta knows that they are wrong. Goku senses that Frieza's power level is way down. Frieza punches Piccolo in the face and gives him a beating. Piccolo knows that he isn't as fast as Frieza but now Frieza's too strong! Vegeta wants to sneak out of there before it's too late. Piccolo immerges from under some rocks, banged and bruised. Piccolo removes his weighted clothing and is ready to fight. Piccolo powers up, and Goku can feel Piccolo's amazing strength. Piccolo knocks Frieza in the head and Piccolo is now faster than Frieza. Frieza is sent towards the ground by Piccolo and Piccolo makes sure he hits the ground hard. Everyone seems to think Frieza is done for... Piccolo begins to blast fire balls where Fireza had fell. But there he his, unharmed, Frieza. Frieza tells Piccolo about his power to transform and heads for a rock to transform. Frieza says he has two more transformations left and begins to transform. He begins, and huge spikes grow out of his back. Than his shoulder armor expands and his head begins to change and Frieza roars and his head grows longer and fatter and now he looks like a huge beatle. Vegeta says that Frieza is pratically indestructable in this form. Frieza attacks but misses, Piccolo speeds away but Frieza is way too fast!!! Vegeta recalls that Gohan was stronger after he was revived by Dende and a plan begins to hatch in his mind. Piccolo can't lay a hand on him but Frieza manages to counter attack and whip Piccolo. Frieza hits Piccolo in the knee, both arms, and head, over and over. Frieza continues and Piccolo can't take much more. Gohan shakes, he owes one to Piccolo. Gohan powers up and flies towards Frieza. Then Krylin tries to chase him, but Vegeta tells Krylin to beat Vegeta up so that he can get revived and be a Super Saiyan.

"Another Transformation?"
Piccolo is almost dead when Gohan arrives. Gohan does a masenko and blasts it at Frieza. Frieza manages to hold it, but he can't stop it, it's too strong. Gohan sends more and more power towards the huge ball that's holding Frieza down to the ground. Frieza doesn't look like he can take much more. Gohan continues to send more power, and Frieza's almost at the ground. His body is a couple of inches away when he uses his tail and shoots the blast right back towards Gohan. Piccolo sends a ball to stop the Masenko from hitting Gohan. It works and balls of fire are scattered around the planet. Frieza isn't sure where Gohan gets all his power, he's stronger than any Saiyan he's ever fought. Frieza doesn't know who his father is because all the Saiyans where killed except for Nappa, Vegeta and Radditz. Gohan has no power left and Vegeta is wondering the same things as Frieza. Then Vegeta asks Krylin to beat him to near death. Krylin can't do it. Frieza says he's going to transform again. He begins to power up, they can all feel the power. Meanwhile Bulma is hilucinating, and she seems to think that she is in some sort of volcano. Pirple bubbles swirl and hot sand blasts up from in front of her. Goku can feel the power and tries to get out. Krylin blasts Vegeta but Vegeta blocks it and tells him to try harder. Then Krylin sends a blast through Vegeta and he bleeds all the way to the ground. Piccolo grabs Gohan and they try to run away. Then Gohan thinks of Dende and he wants Piccolo healed. Dende is being confronted by Vegeta, who is bleeding all over the ground. Dende says he can't heal Vegeta because he killed his people. Vegeta tells him they are all going to die if he doesn't. Dende flies away leaving Vegeta to bleed to death. Krylin explains everything to Gohan and they find Dende. Dende heals Piccolo. In the meantime all of Frieza's armor is cracking and he is roaring loudly. Piccolo feels better and Krylin tells Dende he must heal Vegeta. Dende tells them why he can't. Nail tells Dende he has to or they'll all die. Fireza's face continues to crack and a bright light comes from where he was. Finally Dende agrees and heads off towards Vegeta. They look towards Frieza who is covered by the smoke. Vegeta gets up and feels better, he kicks Dende to the ground because he wouldn't heal him faster. They look Frieza over, his body is smooth and armored. He looks much better than before, also less frightening.

"Dende's Demise"
Krylin is the only one who isn't scared when they all see Frieza. Krylin thinks that Frieza isn't scary at all. Piccolo says they are all too weak. King Kai senses the power and begins to spaz. Goku all senses the power, but he can't get out yet. "Bang" he says and a blast kills Dende. Gohan and Nail get very upset by this. Nail begins to take control of Piccolo's body. Krylin is shaking as he looks at the dead body. Frieza disapears abd reapears behind them. Gohan powers up and heads at Frieza, Frieza dodges his, Krylin's and Piccolo's attacks effortlessly. They all attack together but nothing phases him. Piccolo blasts a Masenko at Frieza but Frieza disappears, Krylin does a Kamehameha but it misses and so does Gohan's attack. Frieza blasts a blast right at Gohan, it comes closer and closer Vegeta smacks Gohan out of the way. The blast goes and blows up a huge island. Vegeta tells them of his new powers and of the fct that he is now a Super Saiyan. Vegeta begins to power up but Frieza doesn't look worried. Everyone else can sense his power building and is shocked. Piccolo, Gohan and Krylin head a little further away from the battle. Vegeta continues to power up and they all cheer him on. Frieza still doesn't look scared and they have more and more confidence in him. Frieza taunts Vegeta and Vegeta throws a rock at him. Frieza deflects it. And Vegeta begins to attack, but he can't lay a hand on Frieza. Piccolo says that Vegeta can't win, Frieza vanishes and Vegeta can't locate him. Finally Frieza appears on the ground and says the Vegeta isn't a Super Saiyan. Goku knows what's going on and slowly opens his eyes.

"The Renewed Goku"
Vegeta has used all his best moves but decides to try some more. He flies after Frieza but loses him. He sees him on the ground, Frieza is just too fast! Frieza has psyced Vegeta out and he Vegeta powers up and attacks. Vegeta blows up an island but has missed Frieza. He conyinues his attck and blow up the area. Frieza appears in front of Gohan but Piccolo grabs Gohan and Krylin and blasts off.Vegeta can't lay one on him! Frieza taunts him and Vegeta blasts off, and then blasts a blast towards Frieza but Frieza just kicks it away and it misses Vegeta by the tinniest bit. It blows up outside of the planet but a harsh storm and earthquake begin. When all settles Vegeta is shaking and Frieza is still unharmed. Vegeta comes down to the ground and Vegeta begins to cry as he faces his death. Frieza glows and flies up towards him, Frieza blasts off and Vegeta sits there, tears dripping down his face. Frieza throws him in the air, and he bleeds out of his mouth, he is kicked and is thrown into the water. Vegeta's body sinks towards the bottom of the pond. Goku and King Kai sense what's going on. Frieza blasts the water and lifts Vegeta's head up. Vegeta gets punched in the back twice and lands head first into a rock. He is kicked again, Frieza gives him one last chance to turn to Frieza's side. Frieza throws Vegeta into the air and punches him continuosly in the stomach until his body hits the ground and lands in heap. Frieza appears in front of the three remaining fighters and then looks back at Vegeta and strangles him with his tail. Vegeta's neck begins to crack and Frieza punches him in the back untill he spews blood. Goku senses that Vegeta is almost dead and finally his recovery has finished. He blasts his way out and immerges, a little wet but as good as ever. He blasts out of the ship and lands outside, now dry. He feels much stronger and he can't believe how strong he is. Vegeta is still alive but is taking a beating.

"The End Of Vegeta"
Frieza continues to punch Vegeta's body. Vegeta pukes blood on Frieza but Frieza only licks it off. Piccolo stops Gohan from rescuing Vegeta because he knows the Gohan is no match. Goku stands a top Frieza's ship and finds where they are. He blasts off towards them. The 3 warriors watch Vegeta take the beating, Frieza continues to punch him and his body goes limp. Frieza lets him down slowly and then throws him into a rock. Vegeta lies there, not moving. Frieza presses the rock further and further into Vegeta's wounds. Vegeta's eyes are brimming with tears and blood is all over his face. Goku arrives, and everyone is happy to see him, except for Frieza of course. Goku tells them he can do it alone but nobody believes he can do it.. except for Gohan. Frieza drops Vegeta and sees Goku walking towards him. Goku looks down at Vegeta and Frieza remembers Goku from somewhere. Vegeta says "Hey, Kakorott you made it." Frieza says that that's a Saiyan name. Frieza sees a man who's face is bloody and scared. This man is the only one who is brave as Frieza is set to destroy thm. The man fires a blast at Frieza but it is stopped a long with the blast that kills him and his planet. "My son lives on" the man says as he dies. Frieza tells Goku that the man was his father. Vegeta says that Goku is the Super Saiyan. Goku kicks Frieza and Frieza can't counter attack. It seems Goku is faster than Frieza. Frieza's face is purple where Goku hit him and Frieza blasts one at Goku but he easily deflects it. Frieza tries some more but Goku deflects everything. Nothing hits Goku, he's just too fast. Frieza thinks that he's done Goku in but is wrong because Goku is unharmed. Vegeta laughs from the ground that Kakorott is a Super Saiyan. Vegeta tells him that and Frieza's eyes shrink. Frieza blasts Vegeta through the heart and he pukes blood and presumably dies. Vegeta's last words are you must lose your soft heartedness. Vegeta's life flashes before him, Vegeta says that their fathers died and all of their men.. their home world. Vegeta tells him his life story, and Vegeta's eyes are filled with tears. "Whatever it takes, stop him please." are Vegeta;s last words. Vegeta has passed on. He is the only one left, the last pure Saiyan. Goku buries Vegeta, Goku pays his last respects. Goku tells Frieza that he will finish him.

"The Ultimate Battle"
Goku is fed up with what Frieza has done and says he will give him what he deserves. King Kai tells the dead soldiers what has come of Vegeta, and then about Goku. Piccolo is amazed by Goku's power, and tells Gohan and Krylin to come with them. Goku heads off against Frieza abs it seems to be pretty equally matched. You can't even see what's happening because they are so fast. Frieza launches a huge blast at Goku but Goku manages to blast away. Blasts come from all sides but miss, he can't sense where Goku is. A blast narrowly misses Gohan and Krylin even though there are miles from the battle. The two continue to fight and Frieza finally hits Goku, but he can't seem to find him. Frieza thinks that Goku is dead but Goku appears behind him. They sense eachother, and when the dust settles they are on one skinny, 100 mile up mountain. The mountain crumbles and the two jump off. Goku can't seem to find Frieza because he is over anxious. King Kai thinks Goku's chances of winning are very high. Meanwhile Bulma finally gets a drink and cools off. She's so hungry that she refuses to move. A frog lands on her face and she looks around to see hundreds of them. She goes blue in the face and runs off. Back at the fight Frieza comes out of the water. Frieza throws a blast at Goku but Goku manages to stop it and is flung through a whole mountain. Frieza continues to blast at Goku and Frieza starts an earthquake with one small blast the earth begins to crumble and lava spews up towards Goku. Frieza appears and continues to blast at the ground. Lava erupts around Goku and misses by a tiny bit. The lava runs over Goku but Goku flings it away. Frieza smacks Goku with his tail and Goku is flung down into the firey whole. Piccolo asks Frieza where Goku is and Frieza replies that Goku is down in the firery pit and wonders if Piccolo would like to join him. Goku luckily managed to hang onto the side but it seems as though his grip is loosining. Goku flies out screaming "MY BUTT'S ON FIRE!!" Goku blasts at the lava and finally the lava is pushed down and heads into the lakes. THe lava cools and Frieza attacks, but misses. Frieza says he's never met a sentimental Saiyan before and Goku smiles and the battle continues.

"Clash of The Super Powers"
ChiChi packs a lot of stuff, and Master Roshi (with a Texan accent!) tells her to go easy. Yajirobi arrives and says that Korin told him that Piccolo has arrived. Dr.Briefs appears and tells them all that the ship is fixed. All of them go nuts except for ChiChi. Yajirobi tries to run away but Master Roshi grabs him. Back on Namek, Frieza figures out that Goku defeated the Ginyu Force, not Vegeta. Goku hurls Frieza towards the water but springs right back up. Frieza knocks Goku into the water and Goku is slowly losing his breath and finally realizes something. He knows that Frieza can't sense where he is. Goku makes 2 Kamehamehas and swims away slowly. He flings the first one into the air and then the 2nd. Frieza doesn't expect Goku's attack and Frieza is kicked in the face. Fireza appears again, a little scratched up but nothing serious. Goku's impressed. Frieza recalls the feeling of pain that he hasn't felt in a while. Frieza throws a whole bunch of rocks at Goku, one by one and then all at once. Goku dodges all of them. Goku smacks all of the rocks into little peices and then destroys them. Frieza starts an earth quake and lifts a huge chunk of land into the air. He throws it at Goku and Goku's stops it with his bare hands but it backs him up into a mountain wall. He slices his way through it and then Frieza throws an energy ball that binds him into place. Frieza throws it around, and then says if the ball touches naything but Frieza it will explode. Frieza sends it flying towards the water and there is a huge explosion that rocks the whole planet. Gohan is flung into the air but luckily is caught by Piccolo. Frieza is still warming up, he could easily blow the planet up. Gohan thinks his dd is dead but then he sees Goku a little hurt but nothing else. THe two come face to face, and Frieza says they should both show their real power. Goku agrees and the battle begins.

"Frieza's Boast"
The battle for the universe is about to begin. The battle is to take place on the ground and Frieza leads the way. Goku takes off his weighted top, Frieza says he'll fight without using his hands and Goku doesn't care. Goku stretches a bit, and then cracks his knuckles, they are ready to fight. Goku blasts off and it switches towards ChiChi and Dr. Briefs. Chichi trips on a wire and then she spazzes at Dr. Briefs. Master Roshi tackles her and ChiChi elbows him in the nose and he falls and bleeds. Yajirobi tries to sneak out again but Oolong stops him. Frieza and Goku continue to fight. Goku gets smacked with Frieza's tail reptitively and is flung into a mountain but manages to get a hold of himself before he hits the mountain. Goku is enjoying this challenge even though the odds are against him. Frieza grabs Gok with his tail and flings him to the ground. Goku grabs his tail and pulls him down. Goku insults Frieza by saying he smells. Goku flings Frieza byt the tail around but Frieza counters by smacking him with his tail. Bulma is meanwhile on her motorcycle and speeds away. The frog still on her motorcycle though is listening to Bulma talking about herself. Bulma thinks that there is something special about this frog. The frog was hungry so Bulma gave it some food. The frog is amazingly happy to get some choclate. Bulma puts a translator around his neck and it screams "CHANGE O". Ginyu was the frog, and now he is Bulma and Bulma is the frog. Frieza and Goku continue to fight evenly but the both of them finally land some attacks. Frieza begins to strangle Goku with his tail but Goku manages to pull away a bit and Goku bites his tail and is fred. Goku launches an all out attack. Frieza punches him in the face, breaking his promise. The two chuckle for a second, and Frieza calls the deal off.

"Bold and Fearless"
Frieza tells Goku that he has been holding back his power. Frieza asks Goku to join him because he is strong and could be a powerful henchman. Frieza tells him he could be treated like a god. Frieza tells Goku that only 1% of his power has been used. Frieza tells Goku that he should be flattered. Frieza powers up to 50%. Ginyu is heading towards the battle field and Bulma's hanging on the edge. Bulma manages to land on Ginyu's face and force them to crash. Ginyu strikes a pose and Krylin asks her not to be mad. Ginyu tries to act like Bulma and tries to change his voice. Bulma (the frog) tries to yell at Gohan and Gohan thinks it's Captain Ginyu. Frieza hits Goku and his nose begins to bleed. Frieza smacks Goku with his tail and tries to choke him again. Goku falls to his knees. Ginyu punshes Krylin in the nose and Krylin guesses everything is normal. No matter what Goku does he can't hit Frieza! Meanwhile Master Roshi, Yajirobi, ChiChi, Oolong and *yamcha's cat* head into space. Yajirobi tries to escape and throws off his seat belt. But the ship stops! Goku is taking a beating from Frieza and doesn't have much luck. Goku's nose begins to bleed, and he wipes it away. King Kai says it's not looking to good. King Kai says that Goku's been using the Kaiokhen Attack the whole time. Piccolo threatens Bulma and says either shut up or leave. Krylin finally comes to the realisation that Bulma is Ginyu!!!

"Embodiment of Fire"
Frieza hits Goku and his face is red with blood. Ginyu starts to cackle. Frieza continues to beat Goku. Gohan finally gets that Bulma is the frog! Ginyu wants to change bodies with Piccolo and so he tries. Gohan runs out in front and Gohan managed to keep everybody in their right bodies. Bulma is back in her body. Frieza continues to beat Goku, he just can't fight back. Frieza throws a beam of light towards him but Goku manages to block it. The whole mountain is split in two right where it would've hit him. Not only the whole mountain is cut in half but everything for miles! Frieza is just way too strong, King Kai himself has given up all hope. Frieza smacks Goku and he falls to the ground. Frieza continues to beat him. Goku has no chance. Goku passes out on Frieza but Frieza flings him into the air with his tail. He lands in the water and is unable to breathe. Goku narrowly ducks a fire ball and is forced to stay underwater. He swims away and gets one breath before Frieza holds him underwater with his foot. Goku lays lifeless as Frieza holds him under the water. Goku starts to imagine what will happen to Earth if he dies. Goku is enraged and blasts out of the water, and powers up. Goku attacks and finally lands an a punch. He throws a Kamehameha and Frieza manages to hold it off. Frieza is enraged.

"Trump Card"
Goku didn't even scratch him, and now Goku has come to the realisation that he doesn't stand a chance. Bulma gets up and she finds Ginyu the frog stuck under a rock. Piccolo comes to the realisation that King Kai was right. Frieza knows he must destroy Goku now. Frieza charges and smacks Goku in the head. Gohan wants to go to his rescue but Piccolo won't let him. Freiza continues to beat Goku, King Kai says there's nothing that they can do. Frieza continues to beat him, and Goku can't seem to do anything. Goku hears Vegeta's voice in his head, Vegeta asks where his Saiyan pride is. A naked Vegeta appears and tells him it's up to him to avenge their deaths. Bardock, King Vegeta, Prince Vegeta and the dead Vegeta flash before his eyes. Vegeta explains everything, and it zooms out so you can see Vegeta's ass (hehehe). After some inspirational words Frieza brings him back to reality. Frieza launches an attack but Goku blocks. Goku gets up again after Frieza has hit him enough. Frieza shoots some power towards him and Goku cries out in pain. He is flung down the cavern and and climbs out. Back on King Kai's planet, Bublles and Gregory don't look so good. Somebody's in King Kai's house. They look in and it's the GINYU FORCE!!! The warriors look on in confusion as they strike poses. Back on Namek Goku throws his hands up in the air and starts to form a spirit bomb. The 3 on the sidelines wonder if it's enough especially considering there's not that many living things on the planet. Water shoots up, and Goku tries to draw in energy from the planets and stars around Namek. The energy starts to collect above Goku, and he's wondering if he's doing the right thing. The Spirit Bomb begins to form, high above his head.

"Keep The Chance Alive"
Goku continues to gather energy for his Spirit Bomb. It continues for another 2 mins. Bulma looks at Ginyu the frog and then begins to talk to it. Bulma remembers how Goku was as a kid, never losing a battle... Ginyu tries to take off but Bulma catches him. The energy continues to help with the spirit bomb. The ball is 50 metres in diameter according to Krylin. But Goku continues to build the ball, and he calls up help from the heavens. The Ginyu Force is posing and then says that they will conquer this planet and use it as a fighting headquarters. Guldo laughs as Yamcha stands up to him. Recome says they should test there ability to fight so they each do sucessfully. Guldo smashes a tree through King Kai's house and Recoome blasts a blast across the planet. King Kai tells them to leave and Recoome challenges King Kai to a fight, he accepts. Goku is still gathering energy and Frieza is getting impatient. Frieza kicks Goku in the face and and Goku raises his hands again. He begins to laugh and Frieza beats him up and sends him flying. Frieza jumps on Goku and attacks. Piccolo tells them they all must surender their power to Goku. They grab Piccolo's hands and Goku starts to laugh again. Frieza blasts Goku into the water and Goku immerges out of breath. Frieza is about to blast Goku when Frieza notices a giant ball of energy! Goku tries to hit Frieza but Frieza catches Goku's hand. Piccolo attacks and smacks Frieza in the face and then into the water. Frieza appears and is now very enraged.

"Power Of The Spirit"
Goku continues to collect energy for his Spirit Bomb which glowing brightly in the sky. Frieza thought that he had killed Piccolo and had no idea where he came from. The ball grows bigger and more energy is given from the plants, fish, bugs and dead Dende. Piccolo stands up to Frieza once more, and Krylin thinks that Piccolo will die from the fight. Gohan tries to rescue him but Krylin won't let im go. Piccolo powers up and blasts at Frieza, Frieza doesn't move and the blasts continue to hit him. Frieza tolerates it all because this doesn't injure him the slightest. There are a couple of scratches on him and Frieza counter attacks with some blows to the back and shoulder. Piccolo can't defeat Frieza and begs Goku to hurry up. Meanwhile at King Kai's they all face off, Recoome delivers a blow to Yamcha's face and Chozu is running from Guldo. Tien is taking on Jeuce and Burter and they are all losing. King Kai is surprised because the Ginyu Force isn't that tough. Jeuce is sent into the wall by Tien. And Yamcha throws Recoome across the grass. Chaozu chrages Guldo and Guldo goes flying. Recoome charges at Yamcha's and delivers a blow and Yamcha counter attacks. Guldo and Jeuce start the Hurricaine Attack but Tien uses his "tri-form" attack. Chaozu gets cornered by Guldo but Chaozu attacks and escapes. Back on Namek the Spirit Bomb continues to grow. Piccolo is taking a major beating from Frieza and is almost of power. Piccolo colapses behind Goku who says he's almost done. Frieza lands beside Piccolo and before anything can be achieved. Two powers shoot at both sides of Frieza. Frieza is scratched up a bit and Piccolo wonders why he isn't dead yet. Gohan and Krylin appear a top of a mountain just in time to save his life. Frieza forms a black ball with red electricity surronding it and flies into the air. The Spirit Bomb grows larger and Goku says it's complete. Frieza continues up towards the ball but Goku uses it. The huge thing smothers Frieza's black power ball and heads towards Frieza. The thing is hundreds of times bigger than Frieza and is pushing Frieza further down towards the ground. The 4 warriors lie on the ground wondering if the plan will work. Frieza can't control the bomb and cries out in pain. It edges him closer and closer towards the ground and begins to crush him. It blosw up with a huge bang and throws them all into the air. King Kai exclaims the Goku has defeated Frieza!!! A huge holde lies where Frieza and the Spirit Bomb once was. Krylin and Gohan surface and wait on a small island. They look out to find Piccolo, Goku or Bulma. They wonder about Frieza and if he's still alive.

"Transformed At Last"
Gohan wonders if his father has perished, because he can't feel his presence. Krylin says it's because Gohan's not concentrating hard enough. They spot something, a green arm reaches up and pulls Goku onto the shore. Goku and Piccolo are alive! They fly towards the two, slowly because of their lack of power. When they finally arrive, Goku looks pretty dazed amd confused. He's okay, Gohan runs up to Piccolo and the two share a small laugh. They all begin to laugh and back on King Kai's planet the Ginyu Force is in denial. They begin to fight again and the good guys seem to have the upper hand. Tien defeats Burter and Jeuce and then land in the Bloody Pond in Hell. Yamcha blasts Recoome and he lands in the pond as well. The 3 cannot swim and Guldo is fetting freaked out. Chaozu blasts him off the planet, Recoome tries to escape but he hits his head. Jeuce and Burter try to push him up but Guldo lands on them and they all fall down. King Kai tells them that he invited the Ginyu Force up here for training but then tries to denie it. King Kai jokes about inviting Frieza there. (not funny..) Back on Namek, or what's left of it, the 4 warriors stand proudly. They look up and then they remember Bulma! Where's she? Krylin says that Bulma is almost worse than Frieza and they all begin to laugh. Piccolo says that he hopes Guru and the other Nameks can rest in peace. Krylin starts to shake and cannot speak. They look up too see FRIEZA!!!! Frieza stands a top a hill, one eye closed (probably blind) and scratched up. He shoots some power directly at Goku but Piccolo jumps in front and is hit! He falls to the ground and Gohan begins to scream. King Kai senses this and begins to shake and stutter. He says "Poor Piccolo, poor poor Piccolo." and then he tells them that Frieza is still alive and more horrible than he can imagine. Goku tells Krylin and Gohan to go find the ship and Bulma and get away from here. Gohan refuses to leave but Goku yells at him. Frieza says he won't let them escape and Krylin is flund into the air. He blows up from the inside, this time no way out of death. Gohan begins to shake, and Goku is enraged with anger. Goku begins to scream and lightening crashes behind him. The seas and earth begin to shake, and he powers up. His eyes go white and his hair flashes yellow for a moment, his eyes green then black. He screams loudly and his hair turns a golden yellow. His body glows and his eyes green. Goku screams at Gohan to take Piccolo and run. Frieza is shocked!

"Explosion of Anger"
Frieza looks down at Goku and has no idea what it means. Gohan is confused and Goku yells at him once more. Goku yells again at Gohan and he picks up Piccolo. Gohan begins to fly off with Piccolo on his shoulders. Gohan says "I love you dad." and now he understands, his father is a Super Saiyan. Frieza pints at Gohan but Goku appears in front of him. Goku grips Frieza's hand and begins to break it. Frieza is trying to escape and Goku has no mercy because he knows Frieza isn't sorry. Goku lets go and Frieza understands that Goku is a Super Saiyan. Back on Earth Dr. Briefs and his cat, Scratch are trying to work. ChiChi begins to sreech at Dr.Briefs and Yajirobi and Master Roshi just sit camly. Master Roshi knows something is different about Goku, Goku is much stronger. On Namek, Goku is getting frustrated with Frieza and powers up. Frieza is shaking and Goku wips Frieza across Namek and snaps his back. He throws Frieza into the ground and hasn't even lost his breath! Frieza blasts out and is all scratched up. Frieza tells Goku that the Saiyans are as bad as him. Goku says they've all paid for what they've done. Frieza asks Goku if he is just like Frieza and Goku smirks. Frieza blasts at Goku recklessly and Gohan turns around to look and sees the light in the sky. He continues to head towards the ship. Frieza is out of breath and looks at the black smoke clear. Goku is there, unharmed. Frieza begins to power up, electricity shooting out of him and he throws fire blasts at Goku who just stands there to take it easily. The smoke clears and, very predictably Goku is standing there unharmed (it's getting old!)! Goku flings Frieza across the sky and stares. Goku elbows Frieza and then delivers another, and another blow. Frieza attacks but Goku blocks everything. Frieza is out of breath and Goku hasn't even broken a sweat. Frieza shoots some power at Goku but he dodges it. Frieza continues to blast at him and he dodges them all. Frieza continues but none of them hit him. Blasts are blowing up the remaing islands on the planet. The smoke begins to clear and ohmygod there's Goku- AGAIN! (geez) Frieza stares at Goku and asks why he can't hit him. Goku says you have to say please. Frieza throws another beam and screams please! Goku bends his neck and it misses. Goku gives another beautiful speech on goodness and powers up. Frieza trembles in the wake of Goku.

"Namek's Destruction?"
Frieza insults the saiyan race again. Then makes fun of Vegeta because he believed he was a Super Saiyan. Gohan preceeds holding Piccolo's body above his head and thinks about Krylin. Frieza regrets not killing Goku when he first saw him. Back on Frieza's bace they talk about how Frieza is doing. One blue guy is killed for double crossing Frieza. Some men check the power levels and one is bigger than Frieza's. The machine blows because it's too much power and then the whole top of the building goes with it. Back on Namek Frieza powerups and Goku starts to use his Kamehameha. Two balls of power form around them and rub edges. The ground and water begin to explode. The power is too much. Gohan and the injured Piccolo arrive at Goku's ship. It's not too bad. The screen on Earth detects the fact that Goku's ship has someone aboard. Chichi screams and finally sees her son grown up a bit. Gohan informs them of Krylin's death and then walks towards the door. He leaves Piccolo on the floor and then zooms off. Frieza then says he has a plan to kill Goku. He shoots some power towards the planet's surface and a big erruption happens the whole ground begins to explode. Chichi, Kame, and Dr. Briefs see the light as Bulma falls down into the ground. Gohan is thrown around a bit and Frieza's ship falls into the planet's crust. King Kai senses all this from his small planet. King Kai tells them what is happening and they all begin to get saddened. Kami begins to speak to King Kai. Kami says that Popo has found 5 Dragon Balls. Then it occurres to King Kai that if Kami is alive than Piccolo is! King Kai knows that Namek is still there. Bulma is on the side of a cliff holding on for dear life. She manages to pull herself up and wonders where everyone is. Gohan continues to fly towards the fight. Goku tells Frieza that he can't win.. Frieza just wanted to destroy the planet and Goku. Frieza doesn't need air. Just 5 minutes left until the planet blows, Frieza claims. Goku says that he can defeat Frieza and get off the planet in less than 5 minutes. Frieza begins to powerup to 100%. Goku refuses to give him enough time to powerup and the too blast towards eachother.

"A final Attack"
The two begin to fight and Goku punches Frieza and then gives him a couple of blows to the stomach. Goku kicks him a couple more times and is still going strong but then Frieza blasts at him and sends him flying towards the planet's core. Frieza is out of breath, and watches the smoke, as usual Goku appears. Frieza expects him to come back and says he has gathered more and more power. Frieza thinks that this time he will win. The planet continues to cave in. Gohan keeps searching for Bulma, he doesn't want to leave them. Bulma falls off another cliff but manages to hold on. Frieza continues to powerup and his body gets more muscular. King Kai tries to speak to Goku but the message doesn't seem to hear him. King Kai threatens to tell jokes unless he doesn;t answer. Goku answers and says he wants to fight Frieza. The ground begins to rise and rocks fly up. King Kai begs Goku to attack but he refuses. Bulma is almost killed a couple of times as bulders crash down around her. Gohan finally arrives and flies Bulma back to the ship. The ground gives way under the ship, Chichi pleads for her son to answer and then the transmission fails. Dr. Briefs tells them that the planet is going to blow and the 2 get scared. Frieza continues to powerup. Frieza delivers 30 blows to Goku and then finally Goku tries to counterattack but is hit another 30 times. The core continues to explode and the two are moving so fast that King Kai can't sense it. Goku tries to escape and then notices that Frieza is too fast and that he can't even sense him. Goku is hit again and again, and then they start to fight. The continue to power up and the planet explodes around them. Goku is hit again, and Frieza begins to laugh. But Goku is not dead yet.

"Approaching Destruction"

Goku and Frieza both think that they are going to win and neither one is going to give in. The two fly around and Goku is too fast for Frieza. Kami wishes to speak to King Kai again and says that he has all 7 Dragon Balls. Chaotzu can't be brought back to life.. Yamcha and Tein can though. Now they don't want to be wished back. Then Tein reminds Yamcha that Bulma is waiting for him. King Kai asks more and more questions and asks if a mother was killed by her sons death would she be wished back to life because inadvertadly he killed her too.. and Kami thinks so. So King Kai wants the wish to be "For all those people killed by Frieza to be wished back to life". Gohan and Bulma reach the ship. And it's still in one peice then the ship falls into a cavern. Frieza says Goku is out of time soon he will perish. Frieza attacks and punches Goku. Goku counteracts and hen takes Frieza and spins him around in circles and throws hum into the planet's core. But Frieza shoots some power downwards and is flung back up. Kami asks about the wish and King Kai explains. The wish is made so that Guru will be brought back to life so that the Namek Dragon still has 1 wish left so they all can get home safely. It means that Tein and Yamcha will have to wait another year to get home. Bulma and Gohan arrive in the ship which is slanted and Bulma gets the ship online. She sees Piccolo on the ground and starts spazzing. Gohan conivnces Bulma to stay and to let Piccolo stay. The ship begins to fall a little more. Bulma is flung beside Piccolo. Bulma wants to leave because they are going to die. Gohan begs her to wait for Goku so they do as the spaceship sinks. 2 minutes, Bulma says. Kami begs for Piccolo to hang on. Mr. Popo brings them all together and makes the wish as the Dragon appears. Frieza charges @ Goku. The dragon isn't sure it will work, but he will try. Goku shoots a blast towards Frieza as the episode ends.

"Gohan Returns"
The planet continues to errupt. And Goku blast reaches Frieza, and Frieza struggles to hold it. King Kai is knocked to the ground with the electric shock. Bulma finds out the planet is going to blow up in 3 minutes. Frieza strauggles to get out of the blast and Goku blasts some more power at him. Frieza manages to escape and Goku gos flying. The planet begins to errupt. Gohan says that he can't sense his father's power signal and that Goku is dead. Gohan is staying, he tells Bulma and Piccolo to leave. Gohan opens the door and flies off. All the Nameks wake up, they see the planet falling apart. They don't know what's happening. Frieza is about to leave when Gohan shows up, and Frieza begins to laugh. Frieza offers to see if he wants to fight. But now Gohan is in trouble, Frieza is just too strong. Gohan says he must hold out for 2 minutes. Guru lives, the dragon has granted their wish. Vegeta's hand reaches up from out of the ground. He can't believe it but he is. Porunga then appears, waiting for the last wish. Gohan is holding out.. but Frieza is just toying with him. Frieza tells Gohan that Goku begged and cried as Frieza killed him. Gohan watches as Frieza follows him but Frieza is just too fast. Gohan manages to hit Frieza a couple of times and lays a Masenko on him but Frieza isn't hurt. Frieza tells Gohan that Gohan is to be killed because he is of Saiyan blood. Something strange happens, a bright light appears from under the water. It's Goku! He rises up above the water, a little out of breath. Goku tells Gohan to leave already, so Gohan blasts off. Frieza can't understand why Goku is still alive..

"The last Wish"
Frieza makes some more rude comments about Saiyans. Frieza makes a remark about killing Krylin which pisses Goku off enough too power up. Frieza shoots at him and Goku just brushes it away. They fight some more and it seems pretty even. The planet is about 1/4 blown up. Goku lands a punch on Frieza finally. King Kai and Guru talk a bit about sending everyone, excluding Frieza to Earth. Goku seems to be able to hear they convedrsation and wishes that King Kai change his wish so that it excludes Goku and Frieza. King Kai doesn't want to do it, he doesn't want Goku dead. Finally King Kai tells Guru to change the wish. Guru begins to talk to Dende, they talk about death and then get to buisness. Guru tells Dende that the lives of all Namekians are in his hands. Dende flies off towards Porunga. Guru tells Dende the wish and Goku thanks King Kai. The scene switches to Bulma who can't take it much longer. She would do anything for Gohan, except die. So she switches the power on. But then her concious kicks in, what to do? Gohan continues to search the planet, and Vegeta looks around the planet. Vegeta thinks he's in hell, except his wound is healed. Vegeta blows up a mountain and then punches himself in the gut. He begins to laugh and then he realises he is alive. Vegeta watches Goku and Frieza's fight. King Kai tells another joke about how many Saiyans it takes to beatg Frieza, one! Frieza looks over and finally sees the dragon. Frieza takes off towards the dragon, and Goku flies after him. Goku's too fast and stops Frieza and they begin to fight again. Dende finally lands beside the dragon. Porunga says for him to make the wish. Dende forgets the wish! (dumbass) After a couple of seconds he remembers. But Frieza screams "Dragon I wish for eternal life. Grant me eternity." But Dende screams his wish in Namekian. Frieza is astonished and before he can kill Dende, he is taken to Earth. Vegeta arrives and looks at Goku and notices he is a Super Saiyan. Frieza says Vegeta must be a ghost. Vegeta goes "Can I ghost do this?" and disappears. All the Nameks, Porunga, and the 7 balls disappear. Leaving just Goku and Frieza. Goku tells Frieza of the wishes and Frieza is deeply enraged and powers up. King Kai tells the 3 warriors of the wish. The scene changes to Bulma in a forest and then sees Gohan in a tree. Gohan appoliges, and the two think they are dead. Some nameks are gathered around Piccolo's body which is being healed by Dende. Piccolo asks where he is and Dende replies, on Earth. Then they see Guru, and some Nameks asking where they are. Everyone is confused, no one getting why they are there. Guru explains a bit and then Vegeta looks around, confused still. Back on Namek, about 1/3 of the Planet is gone, Frieza gives it 2 minutes. Frieza says that Goku will die anyways.

"Duel On A Vanishing Planet"
Frieza strikes and Goku blocks it. A huge light flashes and then the scene changes. King Kai says that Goku is going to die, and Yamcha & Tien get really angry. Back on Namek the two push eachother and the ground around them begins to give way. Back on Earth, Gohan asks Guru if Krylin is alive. Guru says no. Bulma asks why Goku isn't there. Guru says he is still fighting Frieza. Guru says that Namek is about to explode, the Namekians get sad and Piccolo, Bulma and Gohan get sad and a little angry. The flashbacks of Piccolo begin. He remembers how much he hated Goku and wanted him dead. He remembers seeing Goku's awesome powers, and remembers the sacrifices he made. Gohan starts to cry, and Vegeta finally makes an appearance. Bulma calls him a filthy jerk and then sees the Namek Frog, you guessed it, Captain Ginyu and kicks him into the sky. Vegeta sas the because of Goku' saiyan blood Goku can't turn down a fight. With Frieza and Goku dead Vegeta would be the strongest in the unvierse. Meanwhile the fight continues and it seems to be fair. Vegeta chalenges Gohan to a fight. Gohan says he doesn't want to hear Vegeta's voice. They continue to fight and it now seems in Frieza's favor. Kami and Popo talk about the events and then it goes back to Goku, getting hit by Frieza. Piccolo tells Vegeta that the Dragon Balls are stones right now. Meanwhile the planet Namek begins to detereorate. Thw two dissapear and then reapear and begin to fight again. They fight some more and Frieza hits Goku in the head. Frieza makes a huge blast and sends it underwater. Goku tries to hold it off,and finally deflects it up into the sky. The ball flies into the atmosphere and blows up a nearby planet. This causes a meteor storm, and the islands on Namek are begining to sink. The two are thrown into the lava but Goku is unharmed and punches Frieza in the face. On Earth Gohan asks what's happening. Guru can no longer tell. He tells them not to worry because Goku will be okay. Guru says he knows. So they just agree. On Namek Freiza says he's glad he has seen a Super Saiyan, because it was an overrated legend. Bulma Piccolo and Gohan begin to get remorseful as they look up at the sky. Frieza screams "Only one of us is leaving here alive."

"Pathos of Frieza"
1 minute left. The planet is covered in lava, and has the ocassional peice of ground. The two continue to fight and Frieza calls Goku an over grown monkey. The two fight some more as King Kai gets more nervous and says it's an even battle. None of it will matter in a minute. No one has ever challenged Frieza before. When Frieza knew he could not win he blew up the planet, now Goku can't win. Freiza reminds Goku that he doesn't need Oxygene. Goku still doesn't seem worried. The two fight again, Frieza gets a good one on Goku and Goku retaliates. Goku kicks him into a building and then gives him a blow to the back of the head. Frieza kicks Goku to the ground. Bulma says she knows this thing where you put three leaves in the middle of a circle and light them on fire. If all the leaves burn Goku will come back safely. But the wind blows and 2 of the leaves remain. Gohan says it's all nonsense and that Goku will return. Goku elbows Frieza in the stomach 7 times and then sends him flying into the wall. Goku is punched twice and then flung to the ground. Goku punches Frieza in the stomach so hard that blood spurts out of his mouth. Frieza lays gaping on the ground, but gets up and kicks Goku. Goku kicks Frieza in the temple and sends him to the ground. Goku kicks him, 2x and then punches him to the ground again. The planet erupts a bit more but Frieza gets up, he tries to run away from Goku but Goku is just too fast. Frieza punches some stone and then the 2 fight again. Goku nails Frieza again and again and again. And again. The planet looks worse by the second. Goku says "it's done." King Kai isn't sure what he means. Goku just stands there as Frieza is crouched on the ground. Goku says Frieza isn't even a challenge any more. Goku has won, just a monkey, right? Frieza is so angry that he is shaking. Goku's hair color turns back to black. Frieza stumbles towards Goku. But Goku takes off, Frieza sends a blast beside Goku which cuts his face. Goku goes Super Saiyan again. The core of the planet explodes onto the ground. Freiza makes a spinny chainsaw like disc and throws it woards Goku. It misses but continues to follow as Goku runs away. Goku zooms towards Frieza but Frieza understands what he is doing.

"Frieza Defeated!!"
The planet begins to cave in and lava rises. The planet is now burned and scortched. Frieza laughs as he undestands Goku's strategy. And sends out another disc. Goku disapears and Frieza watches in awe. Frieza holds a disc and Goku says that Frieza is a wuss. The earth splits and lava shoots up into the air. King Kai says that Frieza is going to lose, but Goku will die. He takes the two energy discs and throws them towards Goku. Goku zooms towards Frieza. Vegeta now thinks he is the strongest in the universe, he remembers doing things for Frieza, killing millions of people just to expand his empire. He remembers the planet Shick in 3 days and remembers Frieza's henchman saying they could do it in one day! He remembers Zarbon calling him a monkey and how it got under his skin. Nappa tells Radditz and Vegeta that Frieza blew up the planet. Vegeta says he already knew. He doesn't care about anything but strength. Vegeta has finished his story and begins to laugh hysterically. Gohan screams at him and says Goku is coming back alive. Vegeta lays down on the grass and laughs at Gohan, Gohan says it's true. On Namek Frieza watches as Goku runs from the 2 discs. Goku runs towards Freiza and zaps at him. His discs miss himself and Goku kicks Frieza in the face. Goku begins to slap Frieza and King Kai cheers him on. Goku kicks, slams and punches Frieza until he hits the ground, which caves in. More lava blasts up. Goku warns Frieza of the discs but it's too late. They cut him in half and King Kai stands in awe. Goku watches the corps, split cleanly into two. Frieza tries to cough but cannot. Frieza says "Please help me, you can't leave me here." and Goku stops. King Kai tells him not to lisen. "Don't let me die." He says. "How many times have you had people beg for mercy at your feet? How about my best friend Krylin?" Goku asks. "Please forgive me." Frieza says. Goku gives Frieza some energy and says "You are on your own now." The planet is almost totally exploded as Vegeta lays laughing on the grass. Goku looks at Frieza's severed body.

"Mighty Blast of Rage"

"Namek's Explosion.. Goku's End?"
Namek continues to explode and Goku turns his back. Freiza uses his last bit of energy to fire a beam at Goku, but Goku has had enough and blasts Frieza. King Kai states that Frieza is dead but if Goku doesn't leave now he will die. Yamcha, Tein and Choatzu are happy and think about Goku's return. Goku continues to fly around the planet and reaches Frieza's ship. Goku reaches the inside of the ship and searches for the bridge. Goku activates the computer and presses a button, the ship begins to shake violently and then stops. The ship is dead. Then it begins to cake in to the core. The ship falls into the core but Goku blasts out right in the nick of time. Goku doesn't know what to do. King Kai senses what is happening. All on his planet begin to mourn. Goku is determined to get home. The planet is about to explode (supposedly) and -ohmygod- the planet explodes! Space is empty where Namek once was.. They are talking about how to break this to Gohan. Yamcha decides to tell Bulma, she hears Yamcha, and thinks she's insane. Yamcha says that Goku won, that Goku beat Frieza. Yamcha continues, he tells her that the spaceship broke and that Goku didn't make it off of planet Namek. Bulma states that plainly and Yamcha is flipping out because she just said it plainly! Bulma says Namek Dragon Balls can send them all back. King Kai says that if they (Krylin and Goku) are brought back they would be brought back they would be brought back to Namek, but Namek doesn't exist. So they would just die again. Bulma begins to cry and says everything to Gohan. Everyone is sad but Vegeta starts laughing. He comes in the middle of them all and says he's #1 and they should all listen to him now. Gohan calls him a jerk and Vegeta wonders if he should kill Gohan. Vegeta says he won't kill Gohan because they are special. Gohan says his dad WILL be back, and the two begin to fight. Gohan smacks him in the face, nails him in the stomach, the jaw, and makes Vegeta bleed. Vegeta is royally pissed and the two zoom up into the air. Gohan is kneed in the stomach and flung to the ground. Vegeta lands and looks at Gohan on the ground. He then makes a beam and Piccolo tells him to stop. Gohan still thinks Goku is alive. Vegeta blasts off. Dende runs to Gohan's side while Bulma looks at the sky. She starts to cry and screams GOKU!!!

"Goku's Alive!!"
Bulma still can't get over the loss. Gohan is more optimistic, he thinks there's a way to get him back. Gohan and Bulma discuss possibilities and then Vegeta barges in. There's a portal to the spirit world, Vegeta says. Bulma and Gohan get happy but Vegeta has darker plans. The Namekians ask where they can stay, and Bulma offers her house. They accept and Bulma then offers Vegeta a place to stay too. Bulma says Vegeta is "kinda cute" and tells him to lighten up. Gohan asks if he can stay with Bulma so that he can finish his homework. Meanwhile, the other 5 (Chichi, Oolong, Master Roshi, etc..) are ready to blast off when Dr. Briefs receives a phone call. Bulma says they are back with Gohan. So Dr. Briefs flies over to go get them. ChiChi runs over to Gohan and they all go back to Bulma's house. Vegeta meets Dr. Briefs and Mrs. Briefs and Vegeta goes exploring. The Namekians learned how to plays cards and golf. 130 days passed and they summon the Eternal Dragon. The balls glow and flash. A big explosion and Porunga appears. The authorities see this giant green thing and send in the police and some others. Bulma asks if the dragon can bring Goku and Krylin to the check in station by Earth. Krylin is sucessful, but Goku is alive! Everyone is exstatic but wonders where he is. They than bring Krylin back to life with their 2nd wish. For the 3rd wish they ask for Goku to be brought back to Earth. It cannot be done. Goku refuses to return and says he will come back later. Master Roshi says Goku must be afraid- of his wife! (hehe, go roshi!) Vegeta is pissed, he wants to be the strongest, the ground begins to shake. The spaceship blasts off, Vegeta inside. They than decide to wish Yamcha back and it's done (he falls into a lake). Except everyone on Earth isn't informed where Yamcha fell. They than spot him with a frog on his head. Buoir gets really happy and jumps on him. Than he sees Bulma and says that he missed her. 130 days later they wish back Tien, and Choatzu. For the third wish (they all say their goodbyes before it's made) all the Namekians disspear. Off to their new world..

"The Heavens Tremble"
We are introduced to the new enemy- Garlic Jr. It tells the story of Garlic Jr. who has been bittered by his past. He wants revenge on Earth for his suffering. The scene changes to Gohan being chased by a sabertooth tiger. Gohan jumps onto a tree and down a cliff and into the water. He watches some fish and goes throw a narrow cave. He immerges and looks up to Krylin dressed up in a suit. Gohan has a bunch of huge fish on a string that he will be eating for dinner. Gohan than sees Krylin's car- a nice red one. Then a girl immerges from the car and the two get introduced. Maren is Krylin's girlfriend. Maren fusses over Gohan and kisses him on the forehead. Krylin gets jealous but then receives a kiss on the cheek. Krylin informs Gohan of a party at Master Roshi's house. The sceen changes to Piccolo back at the Heights. He splits into three and they begin to duel. Piccolo beats himself, and then Kami approaches him. Kami asks Piccolo if he would like to be guardian of the Earth. Piccolo declines, and says he's been seeing some bad images of the future. Then it changes to Popo- who looks up to see 3 monsters who begin destroying the outside garden. Then Garlic Jr. immerges from the castle. Popo remembers last time Garlic Jr. was there, he had wished for immortality with the dragon balls. Garlic Jr. had overpowered Kami but had to transform to stop Goku and Piccolo. Gohan had saved the day with his tremendous powers and sent Garlic Jr. to another dimension. Garlic Jr. asks if he could be the guardian of the earth. Popo tries to escape but he's trapped in a paralysis net. Garlic Jr. asks where Kami is, and Mr. Popo does not know. Popo is trapped in an energy ball that fits in Garlic Jr.'s hand. Yamcha and Maren flirt a bit but Bulma steps in. Bulma asks Maren why she likes Krylin and Maren replies because he's bald. Back at Gohan's, Gohan asks ChiChi if he can go to Roshi's. ChiChi says if he goes he won't make it to college. The discussion is over. Kami returns to his palace to see it ruined, Garlic Jr. immerges. Garlic Jr. shows Kami Mr. Popo, they talk about the events of ther past. Garlic Jr. shoots some beams and then nails Kami in the back. They fight but Garlic Jr.'s helpers step in and catch him in the web. Garlic Jr. puts him in a ball too and Garlic Jr. plans to find the Dragon Balls. Gohan is riding his blue dinosaur without the knowledge of ChiChi. Garlic Jr. finds the black potion of his father, and opens it. Black Water Mist flows towards the Earth as Gohan continues towards Master Roshi's house.

"Black Fog of Terror"
A beautiful day is ruined by black smog setting in. A small girl fetching water turns into an evil slave. Garlic Jr. looks at his father's incassing and tells him of his plans. He is looking for a kid with a fancy mirror- the one who locked him up before. Goku and his little brat Gohan.. Chichi meanwhile is going nutso because she can't find her son. Gohan and Ikkerus are on their way there when they see hundreds of animals running amuck and then they see the black smog. They turn around but the smog is still following them. Ikkerus shoves Gohan into a hole and blocks the entrance with his body. When they emmerge all the animals in the forest attack. Ikerus saves the day and the two fly off. The monster slaves have located the kid- Gohan and Garlic Jr. instructs them to retrieve him. Back at Kame's house Krylin tries to catch fish but doesn't seem to be having much luck. Then he sees Maren in a swim suit- which gets him a little horny. But then a plane crashes on the little island. Chichi immerges and asks where Gohan is, not there they reply. Maren tells Chichi to lighten up and calls her an old lady. Chichi looks as if she's powering up, almost Kaiokhenish.. The others hold down ChiChi and Buoir is sent flying. Krylin tells Maren that Chichi is one of the strongest women in the world. Krylin pulls Maren under the water and the black smog sets in. They immerge and Gohan flies in. Maren and Krylin are unaffected because they were under water. Maren continues to say how cute Gohan is, and then Maren says that Krylin thinks she's dumb. She asks Krylin why he doesn't except the blame.. Krylin's a wuss. The 4 then see Chichi- she looks really pissed. Krylin says it was his fault, and Gohan appologizes. Chichi smacks Gohan to the ground, and the two begin to fight. Master Roshi, Bulma, and Yamcha immerge and they look really pissed. Gohan is afraid of his mom (who wouldn't be) and narrowly misses a kick from her. Gohan asks what's wrong and Bulma and Yamcha corner Krylin. Yamcha tries to kick Krylin but misses. Gohan flips his mom off the roof and on to her back. Gohan thinks he's killed her or something. Then Krylin is thrown through the wall. The 3 corner Gohan and Krylin. Master Roshi then attacks Maren but Krylin saves the day. Then 4 of Garlic Jr.'s henchman arrive. All the others bow to the henchman. Gohan says he's not scared, and the henchman say only pure water from Kami's home can save them. Gohan gets upset as he says they are Garlic Jr.'s henchman. Piccolo rushes in and saves Gohan, and then is informed of Garlic Jr.'s return.

"Battle in Kami's Lookout"
*Garlic Jr.'s henchman are called the Spice Boys (so orriginal).* One of the henchman asks Piccolo if he'd like to join the dark side since Garlic Jr. is going to take over the world. Garlic Jr. asked the henchman to bring them all in alive. Piccolo wants to know how Garlic Jr came free. The Makio Star one of the henchman replies and explains how it works. 24 hours after the black mist sets in all the people will be kept evil forever- not even the sacred water can help them. They offer Piccolo another chance but he only laughs at the proposition. Piccolo attacks but they are too fast, and then he is hit behind from Yamcha. Piccolo and Yamcha start to fight, along with roshi and Krylin. Then Bulma and ChiChi gang up on Maren. Ikerus zooms in right in time to save her and flies her off to safety. Then Piccolo is attacked by Buoir, and Yamcha. Piccolo tells Gohan to leave and get the sacred water. Piccolo and Yamcha continue to fight but all the others gang up on him. Piccolo is about to kill them all whenhe is grabbed from under ground. Yamcha seizes the moment and bites Piccolo. Piccolo smacks him off but then all the others join, draining him of his blood. Gohan is about to help but Piccolo says no, and then blasts them off of his body. Piccolo is on the verge of fainting and screams for Gohan to leave, and finally does. Piccolo watches Gohan leave and the others jump on him again. Piccolo finally falls to the ground as Gohan brushes the tears out of his eyes. Maren on Ikerus follows Krylin and Gohan- the boys can't argue. Garlic Jr. watches all the action from above. Vinegar wants to kill Piccolo, but one of the others stop him saying that Piccolo is evil now too. He looks up and his eyes glow just as others. Somewhere else in the galaxy Vegeta kills Frieza's army one by one. Vegeta asks one of the majors where Gokou is and he says he doesn't know. Vegeta tells the major that a Saiyan named Gokou is the strongest in the universe and that he has beaten Frieza. Vegeta continues his search- desperately trying to find out how to become a super Saiyan. Back at Koren's Lookout Gohan, Krylin and Maren arrive. Maren almost blows there over and the two move in with Maren close behind. Maren continues to whine and speak really loud. The Gohan spots something, some stairs, and then sees Koren and Yajirobi. Maren thinks Koren is so cute and starts to pet him. Gohan tells Koren that Maren is Krylin's girlfriend. Yajirobi asks how Krylin could score a chick like that. Koren proceeds to read their thoughts so that he can better understand what's going on down there. Koren says the feat will not be easy, and that's time is of the essence. Maren is left with Koren, as she continues to pet him. Krylin and Gohan arrive on Kami's Lookout, and Garlic Jr. is waiting for them. Piccolo is there, and Krylin says that Piccolo has been affected. The Spice Boys then arrive, it's 6 on 2..

"Fight With Piccolo"
One of the Henchman explains that Piccolo is evil. Garlic Jr. then immerges and asks Gohan where his father is. Garlic Jr. wants revenge on Goku. Garlic Jr. doesn't get where Goku is because Gohan says "Where he is, he doesn't even know you exist!" Gohan powers up, slashes Garlic Jr. a bit and then Garlic Jr. remembers Gohans amazing abilities. Gohan continues to power up and begins his attack. Garlic Jr. slowly lifts up Kami- who is in his bottle. Gohan can't hit Garlic Jr if he's holding Kami. One of the henchman attacks and knocks Gohan towards the edge of the lookout. Another henchman punches Krylin in the stomach. Garlic Jr. does something very odd and a green throne appears and he is seated. Gohan is hit twice and Krylin rushes towards him but is hit about 5 times in the process. Gohan continues to recieve a beating from one of the henchmen. Krylin gets hit again as Gohan gets up. He is hit again and is almost killed with a beam but Krylin jumps in front of it. Then Krylin takes several other blasts for Gohan who is helpless to defend himself. Meanwhile at Koren's, Maren does streches in front of a mirror. She says the Yajirobi and Koren should lose some weight. Maren asks for some food, and the two cannot resist- although they've never cooked before. The two are trying to win her over with good food. Back at Kami's Lookout Krylin continues to take the pain, but falls to the ground after the blasts stop. Gohan becomes enraged by what has happened and powers up. Meanwhile... Vegeta is blowing up planets in a desperate attempt to become a Super Saiyan. Vegeta thinks he has finally found Goku on a distant planet/moon. Vegeta blows up a huge astroid and proceeds towards the surface of the planet/moon. Out of no where Vegeta thinks he knows the secret to becoming a Super Saiyan. Back at K.L Gohan powers up and receives a huge blast from 2 of the henchman. He blocks it pretty effortlessly. He does a Masenko and one of the henchman are destroyed. Another charges at him, and is eluded. Then they release Piccolo, who attacks Gohan.

"Call for Restoration"
Piccolo has Gohan held up by the throat. He throws him down and Gohan wonders what's wrong. The henchmen think Piccolo's pretty awesome fighter. They fight a bit and Krylin tries to sneak up on G JR. G JR isnt easily fooled and catches him. Piccolo attacks Krylin- almost biting him. Piccolo throws him away and Gohan rushes to his side. At Koren's the 3 are playing strip poker, Yajirobi and Koren are losing. Maren has won 22 games in a row. Koren was supposed to read her thoughts, but Maren has no thoughts- she's brainless. Gohan remains at Krylin's side, waiting for him to wake. The others watch and sniker, and Piccolo shoots fire balls at Gohan. Gohan blocks it and tries to hold it back. It's too much and sends Gohan through the air and almost into a wall but Gohan redirects it. Gohan sees an outline running towards him but it disappears and Gohan receives a swif punch to the face. The two begin to fist fight. But Gohan is sent flying. He looks up to see Krylin, but he too has become an evil slave. It's Gohan vs. everyone! G JR let's two of his henchman lose at Gohan but then Krylin and Piccolo join in. Gohan has almost had it and drops to the ground and receives a kick to the head. Piccolo is about to hit him but G JR steps in. But Piccolo then grabs Kami and Popo and throws them to Krylin. It was all a sherade. Piccolo heels his wounds and looks the angry Garlic Jr. in the eyes. Krylin copliments Piccolo on his plan. But Gohan is pretty beat up. Now it's 5 vs. them all!!

"Suicidal Course"
Gohan finally comes to. He sees Kami and Popo and wonders what's going on. Piccolo explains the plan and Gohan finally figures it out. Kami and Popo thank Piccolo, but Piccolo says he did it for his own selfish reasons. One of the henchman attacks Piccolo but he just kicks him away. Garlic Jr. says it is too late, it's almost dawn. There is no way they could spread the water fast enough. G JR laughs hysterically. Cities are burned and ruined, all except for two humans are evil. A green haired guy and his girl friend hide in the alleys, they are then attacked by a bunch of wild street animals. G JR continues to laugh, and the 2 remaining henchman join in. Kami and Popo talk about how they can do this, Popo says he has to put it in the exact right place. To get there, Kami may die, because he has to pass through the spirit world. The two take off on Popo's magic carpet. G JR tries to stop them but Gohan interveens. G JR sends another blast but Piccolo stops it. Piccolo then charges G JR and smacks him around a bit. G JR decides to fight back and punches Piccolo in the face. Vegeta blasts at some one, and says "That is for anyone who doesn't pledge themselves to Vegeta". A bunch of blue guys attack him but Vegeta burns them all. One of them begs for him to forgive them but he says it's too late. Vegeta says he is still looking for Kakorott. G JR and Piccolo continue to fight and blast eachother a couple of times. Krylin and a henchman battle, but it seems Krylin is losing and receives a knee to the stomach. Gohan blasts one of the guys away and punches the other. G JR wonders how Piccolo could put so much trust in Kami, he would be nothing without Kami. Piccolo tacles G JR. Kami and Popo continue there journey over many places. Popo says they will be there soon. Piccolo tells G JR it's over, he stands up with a cut lip and says he wants to show him something. He points up to his star, which fills him with so much strength. The Makio Star is closer to Earth than ever which will make G JR super strong. Piccolo watches G Jr as he changes and tells Gohan and Krylin to get out of there. Piccolo watches in awe as G JR begins to grow. Popo says that they have arrived at the 7th air door, there destination. The new garlic jr immerges from the smoke, the 3 heroes where trapped under stone but quickly rise to their feet. Piccolo is thrown through the air and Popo sees a spirit.

"Extreme Mesures"
Garlic Jr. is defeated finally and Garlic Jr. is locked inside the Deadzone. Kami returned to his Lookout and continues his earth-watching.

"Krillin's Proposal"
Krillin and Maren are shopping, and Krillin is holding 7 boxes. A guy in a red convertable with a blond haired guy watches Krillin and Maren. Master Roshi calls Bulma, Yamcha, Ox King & Chichi, and Krillin. He gets Krillin's answering machine because he is shopping at a wedding store with Maren. Maren looks at a beatufil lavish wedding gown and Krillin imagines his wedding. And then Maren sees some cars she likes and then a beautiful house. Back at Roshi's Bulma spazzes at him. They all gang up on him, Master Roshi says that his turtle's 1000th birthday is today. The turtle walks in and they throw him a party and make him a cake with 1000 candles on it. Maren and Krillin walk in and Maren waves to Yamcha who blushes back. Maren comments on how perfect the cake is and Krillin comments about how he MIGHT propose to Maren. Maren sits with the turtle as he blows out his cake. Krillin is outside looking out at the ocean and he wonders if he deserves Maren. The turtle walks out and says that he is, and that he should get a giant pearl for her called the Mermaid's Tear. Krillin says he will get it for her and dives into the water with Gohan. Gohan pauses to look at the fish but Krillin keeps on swimming. Maren talks to Yamcha because she can't find Krillin. Bulma walks up to Yamcha who blushes and then Maren makes a comment on how Bulma and ChiChi are old. The two get in a fight because they think eachother is older. Krillin and Gohan continue towards the pearl and they think they spot it. It's really a fish though with a shinning light on his head. They continue on towards a dark cave and they see something shinning within. They swim in and they see a bright light, at that moment hundreds of fish swim at them. They look down and see the giant pearl. Krillin touches it and an ugly snake attacks them. Krillin is flung to the ceiling and is knocked unconcious for a moment. The rocks are about to fall on the pearl. The snake and all the fish rush in and stop the rock from falling on the pearl. They manage to move the rocks away from the pearl and the sea creatures defend the pearl. Gohan thinks that the pearl belongs to the creatures because they want the light. They decide not to take it and Gohan looks puzzled, Krillin wanted that pearl a lot. The two swim out of the cave and the pearl is left with the snake. The two immerge and Krillin walks up to Maren and they walk along the beach. Krillin breaks up with Maren and walks away. Maren says "You know, I would have said yes." and then Krillin stops where he is. He screams for her to wait and he sees her with some guy with brown hair in a red convertable. They drive off, him promising her ice cream. Krillin walks into Roshi's and tells them that he broke up with her and Oolong says that Maren probably dumped him! Krillin starts laughing and then starts crying.

"Frieza's Counterattack"

"The Mysterious Youth"
The Z Fighters sense a large source of power approaching Earth. It's Freiza, says Krylin. Someone is talking to Frieza who's much large than him. He calls Frieza "son" and Frieza calls him "father". It's King Cold! Yamcha is not as fast as Vegeta and Krylin is not as fast as Gohan, proving that Saiyans are stronger. The Z Fighters (minus Goku) wait for the pod to land. Bulma flies in with Yamcha's cat Buoir. Tein and Choatzu arrive and they don't understand how they can side with Vegeta. Yamcha calms them down and they realize that Piccolo is also there. They all want Goku to arrive but no such luck. And then, Frieza arrives and flies off to land. Yamcha, Tien and Choatzu are all VERY nervous because they are not strong enough at all. Piccolo tells them to be strong otherwise Earth'll perish. Freiza and King Cold arrive and Frieza swears he sees Goku, but it was just a mirage. A flashback of how Freiza survived in space appears. Frieza's men search for Frieza and King Cold is enraged. The men find Frieza, or parts of him and bring him inside immediately. The doctors work around the clock to rebuild Freiza's body and he is made with mostly metal. His first words are to go to Earth. With his rage and shame he searches out Goku. Freiza sends out his henchman to find the Z Warriors but the Warriors have found them. Actually it's not a Warrior we have seen! It's a boy with purple hair and a sword!

"Welcome Back Goku"
The boy with the purple hair brings his sword down on King Cold. King Cold is MAD, and he didn't have to put an effort into killing Frieza. The Z Fighters fly up into the air and Yamcha is forced to bring Bulma with him. Buoir flies behind them. King Cold invites the boy to become his apprentice, to rule the worlds with him. King Cold asks to see his sword, so the boy takes it out and throws it to him. King Cold says it's the sword that defeated Frieza. King Cold attacks the boy with the sword but the boy grabs it in his hands and powers up. King Cold is blown into a cliffside. King Cold begs for mercy but the boy blows him away along with his ship. The Z Warriors wonder if he's on their side or not and goes back to normal. He glances at them and says he's going to meet Goku. The boy says Goku'll be there in a couple of hours. Vegeta says that it is impossible for the boy to be a saiyan. There are only three! The boy asks them to follow and flies off. Everyone asks if they should go and they decide to follow. The boy's tracking device picks up a spot and they land. The boy throws a capsule and something appears, a fridge! He starts to drink and the others follow. Bulma asks if she knows him from somewhere but he says no. Vegeta and Gohan question him, and Vegeta is still skeptical. His jacket says "Capsule Corp." and Bulma says that's her company and asks him his name. He says he can't answer these questions. Bulma sticks up for him and he blushes. The Ox King comes in and see ChiChi trying out new machines for learning math in his sleep. The boy looks at Vegeta and Vegeta asks him what he's staring at. Gohan asks Piccolo why he didn't go with his Namek People. Piccolo says his duties are here now. Bulma thinks that the boy and Vegeta look alike. Vegeta asks why he's looking at him and asks if he likes the shirt. The rest of them watch the skies, they still have an hour left. The boy says two hours have past and Goku should be there any second. They all feel something and look up into the sky. A small ball approaches earth at high speeds and lands near them. They all fly towards the capsule and wait for Goku to appear. The pod opens and, it's Goku! Wearing a REALLY strange outfit. Goku asks how they all knew he was coming!

"Mystery Revealed"
Goku looks at the boy and goes "But how?" Goku says they haven't met and wonders how they met. Piccolo says that the boy killed Fireza. He wonders how the boy can go Super Saiyan. The boy asks if he can talk to Goku alone for a moment. Goku thanks the boy for killing Frieza. The boy asks how Goku planned to get here in less than 2 hours. Goku has teleportation powers, and the boy didn't know it. The boy asks if he can go Super Saiyan and Goku says that he can. Goku goes Super Saiyan in an instant and everyone's wondering what's going on. The boy is satisfied. The boy goes Super Saiyan without moving. The boy lashes out and places the sword by his head and Goku just stands there, he could sense his hesitation. The boy attacks but Goku stops it with his index finger. The boy says that he's great and didn't know he would be as good as he was told. The boy wants to tell Goku something in secrecy, and tells him that his name is Trunks. He is from the future, 20 years, Vegeta is his father! Goku flips! He sees it though, two years from now Trunks will be born. But that's not all he has to say. In three years in May, monsters will attack, unstoppable! Trunks needs his help, they are androids. Created by Dr. Gero. Trunks is upset that Goku has let Dr. Gero escape, now it will come back to haunt him. The robots have minds of their owns, the hate man, kill their creator and insist on causes pain. Trunks says all will die except from his master Gohan. And than Gohan dies 13 years later, 4 years his time. Trunks breaks down and Goku asks what happens to him. Goku dies of a new virus that attacks the heart. Trunks gives Goku a pill, a pill for Goku to take when he gets sick. Trunks has to change history before it gets too bad, Goku has to change the future. Goku asks who the mother is, and he knows him. Trunks says she is standing right there, BULMA! Goku laughs so hard and falls on the ground. Bulma and Vegeta?? LOL! Yamcha finds someone else, and Vegeta falls in love with Bulma. They are both fiesty, but fate will come together. Goku won't tell them otherwise Trunks may not be born. Trunks has to go back now and Goku tells Trunks to tell his mom he says hi. Trunks says Goku has inspired him to be better. Trunks flies off to his time machine. And Goku doesn't know what to do, he has three years. Goku tells them the boy didn't tell him anything important. Piccolo heard the WHOLE story, and Piccolo tells them all they need to know. Not about Vegeta and Bulma though. Trunks says goodbye to his father from above and tells him that he loves him, he finally gets to see him. He waves good bye and disappears. Everyone decides to go train for the next three years, and now Vegeta wants to be a Super Saiyan too.

"Goku's Special Technique"
Christopher Sabat Stephanie Nadoliny Monice Antonelli Dale D. Kelly Sean Schemmel Chris Cason Linda Chambers Sonny Strait Tiffany Vollemer Mark Britten Cevil Delgadillo

Don Brown