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Introduction :

There had been no traditional instructions in the basic tenets of Vaishnavism as such, later to the Acharyas like Sri Ramanuja, Sri Parasara Bhattar and others. Possibly these Acharyas gave lectures to their disciples and large audience of common people. They propagated Vaishnavism through precept and practice. They initiated their disciples to write commentaries for the works of Azhwars in Tamil and in some cases their lectures were noted down by their disciples and passed on to those interested in posterity. A proper study of these works reveals the basic tenets of the philosophy and religion of Vaishanavism. But the style of language used by them in these literatures makes it not comprehensible to all. It is even more so, to the readers knowing only English. It is our endeavour to provide material for a systematic study of this literature bearing universal message comprehensive to all those interested in its contents. This is an uphill task. In this direction the present website is an attempt to create a hill through collecting particles.

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