Well, this is one of the hardest parts to write about. I'm not really sure what I can tell everyone.
     Let's see,  My name is Carrie and I'm a 121/2  year self-dedicated Pagan.  I follow a very Eclectic Path.  I am if you catergorized me, I used to be Eclectic/Celtic/Faery Wiccan, but the more I work on this page and learn information, the more I lean toward just being a Faery Pagan, I'm not real sure how Wiccan I am anymore.    
         I have chosen "CarrieFaery" as my magickal name... why you ask?  Well I'll tell you. It's mainly because my name is Carrie (duh) and I feel very connected to the Fae so I decided, woulden't it make sense to put them together and create my magickal name? So that is the boring story of that!
     I have a very handsome dog named Caddel and two kitties named Archemedies and Berlioz.  I share my house with my partner and probably a few spiders as well.   
      Yikes I'm seeing how difficult it is going to be to fill up a whole page about myself.  I also have some pics on here so you can all see CarrieFaery in her glory (i'm so sorry...lol).
     I live in Hamilton, Ohio.  I am curently a student at the University of Cincinnati and I'm studying to be an Anthropologist and perhaps one day and Archaeologist.  I hope to someday do some exploring and/or become a college professor.
      Crafting, Painting, and even sculpting out of clay are all also hobbies of mine.  I really enjoy just taking some quiet time and drawing or making something lovely.    I do hope to someday open  A Faery Good Store and it would be a spiritual shop with books and music and such.
      Well thanks for listening to my dribble.  Below are my favorite Musical Artists, Movies and books that I recommend for anyone who like me, loves all things fun.  Have a Blessed Day!
1. The Barenaked Ladies, they are so great, funny, spunky and well they have that edge that you dont' see until you see them live.
2. Guster!! These guys rock if you've not heard of em, check em out!
3. Cake, no the band silly!
4. Sarah Mclachlan, every album
5. Tori Amos, Very Very talented lady dosen't get enough kudos!

Great Books:
Good reference materials
1. The Occult, A sourcebook of Esoteric Wisdom, by Nevil Drury & Gregory Tillet (Great, great resource book)
2. 21st Century Wicca, 1998 Citadel Publishing by Jennifer Hunter (great for newbies).
3. Everyday Wicca, 1997 Citadel Publishing by Gerina Dunwich.
4. The Wicca Book of Days Citadel Publishing also by Gerina Dunwich.
5. Everyday Magick 1998 Llewellyn Publications by Dorothy Morrison.
6. Anything by Scott Cunningham.....lol

I have other books scattered around but those are the ones I use the most and the ones that you will most commonly see me refer to.
Movies I love:
Ok, I know, stretching it a bit, but aren't you curious?......hehe
1. Better off Dead, early 80's w/ John Cusack, very funny.
2. Mallrats, Clerks, Chasing Amy & Dogma, w/Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, Jason Lee, I love Kevin Smith, he's the best director on the planet!
3. Empire Records, 1995 I think.W/ Liv Tyler & Rene Zellweger, really good!
4. Titanic, 1998.....need I say more?
Used to be..Forrest Gump, Now it's Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon..it rocks!!
6. Ever After, 1998 w/ /Drew Barrymore,  I love drew! oh and the moive is good too!
7. Again..
used to be Pretty in Pink but Moulin Rouge! has taken over!
8.  I'ts a TV series, Red Drawrf and Brittish Men Behaving Badly very funny shows, no major stars (well not in the US anyway) it's BBC.