And once again I give a disclaimer, This page is by NO MEANS inclusive to all of my family. I've got a huge one, we're talking greatgrandma had 12 kids! These are just some of the better ones I've found right now. ENJOY!
To the left, this is my brothers little girl Haleigh, she is my doll. She 's going to be 11 this year!
To the right, is Allison, this is my stepbother's little girl. She is one of the twins. Isn't she sweet?!
Ah to your left Billy and Jake. Billy has the brown hair, Jake the blond. They are cute but a real handfull. These are my step-sister's boys.They are now 15 and 14, where does the time go....?
I don't know what to say about this one, this is just some hillbilly, no really, it's my daddy. Notice the Tony Stewart hat and overalls and yes, he wears those out to dinner!
Here to your right, sitting on Santa- Bob, is my step-mom Penny. This picture really explains itself.
This is my step-sister Tami.  She died on December 23, 2005.  Here is a memoriam to her.  We miss you Tam.
To your right is my really, tired (i'm guessing) Brother Curtis. We are two years apart. This is from X-mas 1998. I don't think Santa was very good to him:)
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